Commiefags are massive butthurts about Serbian nationalists

Commies are petrified that it will be successful. I hope the hearing court rehabilitate Milan Nedić and prove him to be superior to commiefags. The Hey Serbian Nationalists keep your head up high in the air and shout proudly!слава-милану-недићу/

Other urls found in this thread:

Ukloni Ćevap

I hope you die one day you fucking unterslav

Pardon me, why are you so hostile to me? I am from Australia mate and your attitude is not acceptable among the nationalistic white communities.

noice, I hope Ustace get their way again. SIEG HEIL!


May our European races rise and become glorious. This is what we are waiting for!


serbs are not white

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Are you on high? Oh geez, please read the rest of the posts on my thread before you post.

Cetnik leave please

kek, wtf are you talking about chaim?

Slavs are untermenschen. What do you not understand?

I'm really liking how well people here have been reacting to divide and conquer lately.

It's like everyone is really waking up on a global scale.

Keep up the good work.



What is your motive for this?

Gets him tasty shekels? He really really hates the white race? Both?


Jews have honour that filthy serbs cannot even imagine in their dreams

He failed at d&c execution so let's reward him by giving him a crown that are make out of melting golds. :^)

Oh stop it. You are embarrassing your self.

Should he bomb the shit out of you, Dragan Bastardovic?

Oh a jew want to bomb on the white people. Very well, I am grateful for your jewy hatred and in return I will do this same thing. He used to work in world bank, didn't he? :^)

Slobo, listen, you are not white, you are just shitty version of an already shitty mongoloic influenced slav """culture"""

I am Anglo-Celtic Australian but thank you for letting me know that you are jealous of the white people.

jew genocide is a hoax.

600000000 000000000000

How does it feel to be children of criminals, filthy aussie cunt

Same thing as being the children of Jews, tbh fam.

I don't know if I descended from the criminals or not as there are a lot of freepeople settled in Australia but I am proud for being children's criminal and free people so what's your problem kike?

Fucking gentile, just fuck off, and bang some kangaroos

If I attempt to bang a kangaroo then I will be killed instantly. Poor kike, I am genuinely worried that you may be suffering from intelligent impairment so I strongly recommend you to contact the doctor.

Climb in dodger

The rehabilitation proces is about historical facts. If they prove that he wasn't a nazi helper he's name will be cleared, if they don't then he'll stay branded as a traitor. The people protesting outside on both are fucking idiots thinking with muh feelings

Come now, at least Australians are human.

that is true

Except ABO


Piss off Shiptard


speaking of Serbia:

Another Triumph of Clintonism: Kosovo’s ISIS Pipeline


If the chetniks were Serbian patriots, they wouldn't have killed Serbian children in their cribs, and they wouldn't have served the hitlerite occupants like the dogs they were, but would have fought along the NOR to push the occupators out.

But what other can be expected of these traitors of the nation, these cuckolds to the germans? Only historic and political revisionism.

oj ustase neka neka, siroka vas jama ceka…dva metra duboka, kilometar siroka…

necete ponovo klati srpsku decu, izdajnici srba, izdajnici slovena.





The commies aren't the SJW nationalist, these commies are full on shoot you or put you in the camp type of commies.
You shan't be seeing colored hair and fat SJW fucks there.

They ARE tools of the Jew, but they're such a small minority, and every other party ready to shoot back, so it doesn't even matter.
1. Centrists
2. Nationalists
3. Communists

Vidimo se na sledecem protestu deckici, mnogo ste zajebani kada vas cetvoro se okomi na coveka od 80 godina, koji se borio za vasu slobodu dok vam je caca jos dudlao babinu sisu.


This is why I love Serbs.

Yugoslavia was a mistake.

It was just serbs trying to rule everyone.

Get your ideological cataracts removed with a rusty machete, geriatric nostalgics

Only after did it come to this, before that the party was mostly made up of croats, bosnians and serbs. Macedons, slovenians and Monteniggers were a minority but then again the macedons were 'given' a nationality anyway, because they spoke a dialect of serb and bugarin.
Tito's only mistake was straying from the eastern bloc in 1948, and making Yugoslavia a NATO member state.

The eastern bloc has no future.

So that wasn't a mistake.

Stalin himself wouldn't share his authority with Tito anyhow, two lions cannot have one jungle.

vi nacionalisti, vi fasisti, vi ste kontrolisana opozicija. pravite sranja po utakmicama pa vas policija navata i salje ko kerove na nas da vas ne bi slala u zatvor. Nigde vas nema, nikako da se bunite protiv necega da uzmete neku akciju sve sto umete je da se derete vucicu pederu, a kad dodju NATO fasisti da napoje nase politicare kurcem, i da nasi politicari ih docekaju kao bogovi, kao da pricaju u ime svih nas, vas nigde.

why do you like the 3rd reich, Holla Forums?
The 4th reich is so much stronger :^)

holy shit this thread went to shit fast

Pravi fašisti jedva postoje na balkanu, ovi wannabe fašisti su glupani i seljačine retardrirane koji bi te uboli nožem kad bi dobili priliku.

At this stage it feels like most threads derail too quickly these days.

The EU isnt not a reich, moron.

And remenber that the Third reich still exist and is still occupied ny the USA

Banning Western shit was one of the only good things about them.

A country of millions people, scared of by 30K americans, most of them being logistics personnel.

Ha ha.

Right. But many people say, still today, that Yugo was the good communism because it wasn't as stuck up about degenerate culture.
My dad saw the Exorcist and Bruce Lee movies as a young man in said commie country.
Still says it was centralised, artificially multinational, inefficient shit.

Worst of both worlds tbqh fam

ideologija se menja sa materijalnim okolnostima na mestu. moras da shvatis da su fasisti bili organizovani ranije kako jesu zato sto su sluzili kao blokada protiv komunista, u tridesetim i cetrdesetim godinama. Krupni kapital je finansirao Hitlera i Musolinija tridesetih godina, mozes da nadjes dokaze kako je jevrejska Bush porodica finansirala hitlera, i cak da su rotschildi indirektno ga finansirali.

Italijanski fasizam je rodjen da bi potesnuo sindikalizam u Italiji. Monarhija tog vremena je dopustila i cak finansirala musolinijev puc, zato sto su zadrzali svu svoju imovinu i vrednost posle Fasistickog uspostavljanja vlasti. Cak je i bivsi kralj, ako se dobro secam, bio visoki clan partije i pitao se o vladi.

fasizam su stvorili liberali kako bi se borili protiv komunizma. Fasisti nisu protivnici trzista, oni su zadnji stadium kapitalizma. Mozes videti to sa hitlerovim privatizacijama na masivnoj bazi koje su se odvijale.

da skratim, ceo razlog zasto fasizam postoji, je zato sto su liberalni bankari finansirali fasisticke pokrete, kako bi potisnuli komuniste. Pre Hitlera i Musolinija imao si krupno komunisticko prisustvo u obe drzave, i imao si cak i otvorene pobune.

Ovo je isti razlog zasto su Falangisti bili podrzavani u Spanskoj.

Kada je Hitler stekao dovoljno veliku silu i politicku moc, ujeo je ruku koja ga je hranila kao ker. Nije vise morao da prima finansije krupnog kapitala zato sto je imao nacin da sam razvije krupni kapital, i tek onda je zapad zapravo zaratio sa Hitlerom, i ne pricam samo o americi. Jos pre je sjedinjeno kraljevstvo 'flertovalo' sa trecim rajhom. Znaci ne samo da su strane liberalne vlade finansirale hitlera, vec i individualni kapitalisti i proizvodjaci van nemacke, a i u nemackoj.

Posto se fasizam dokazao kao pretnja liberalizmu (ali ne kapitalizmu) liberali danas su mnogo pazljiviji oko fasistickih sila, a i sa padom socijalizma nemaju vise potrebu da podrzavaju fasizam na tako krupnom planu. Danas se ovi kerovi, skinhedi i ostalo koriste da bi potiskivali opoziciju unutar drzave, i nemaju potrebu da finansiraju ove pokrete zato sto im nisu potrebni jaki.

Ali svuda gde se pojavila socijalisticka i komunisticka opozicija, i danas, se digla fasisticka vlada. Gledaj Ukrajnu, Azovci marsiraju tamo ko da imaju metlu u guzici, a pojavili su se tek posto su komunisti postali veca pretnja. Da ne pricamo to sto se nalazila NATO municija i nauruzanje medju njihovim redovima, i mnostvo dokaza saradnje NATOvca i ukrainskih fasista.

Kao sto je musolini sam rekao, Fasizam ti je brak korporacije i drzave. Mozes to videti u mnostvo mesta danas i po evropi a posebno po SAD-u, a NATO je vojska koja odrzava to.

Jesam ja Jugosloven, ali ne ocekuj me da cu podrzavati Tita. Tito ti je levo skretanje, ja podrzavam nasledje SSSR-a.


Those people need to kill themselves.

Everyone, point and laugh at this silly mofo, 100% doctrinaire Marxist.

I wish every Holla Forumsack could understand this post because it would receive 100s of deserved "fuck off Holla Forums" replies.

It reeks of pure historic materialism.
100% commie orthodoxy.

We need Stalinism to save us from the FASCISTIC EU! Look at this photoshop of Merkel with a Hitler mustache, it's a totally accurate representation of what's going on! Lol.

Izvadi Stalinove brkove iz dupeta, bre

Jedino nasleđe koje možeš očekivati od toga su ti beskonačni redovi za hleb i mleko, Gole Otoke izvan svakog većeg grada i sveopštu jad i bedu. Ako smatraš sebe Jugoslovenom, propitaj se ko je zapravo finansirao komunističke pokrete u SSSR-u (novac, oružje, mašinerija potrebna za Drugi svetski, itd.). Takođe se informiši u "tehnološka i naučna čuda" ideologije. Evo par za početak:

The word 'Neo-Lysenkoism' has occasionally been used by hereditarian researchers as a pejorative term in the debates over race and intelligence and sociobiology to describe scientists minimizing the role of genes in shaping human behavior, such as Leon (((Kamin))), Richard (((Lewontin))), Stephen Jay (((Gould))) and Barry (((Mehler))).


Pazi samo da te Komisar Vlado ne dijagnostikuje sa progresivnom šizofrenijom, jer bi bilo šteta da oštećene osobe služe državi, posebno ako ima (((kvalifikovanijih))) ljudi.

3) Sprečavanje razvoja u fizici, tačnije kvantnoj mehanici (

In the late 1940s, some areas of physics, especially quantum mechanics but also special and general relativity, were also criticized on grounds of "idealism". Soviet physicists, such as K. V. Nikolskij and D. Blokhintzev, developed a version of the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics, which was seen as more adhering to the principles of dialectical materialism.

Imaš izvore na svakom od ovih linkova, pa čitaj.

PD;NČ: Odjebi, "druže".

keksimus maksimus

Nije bilo redova za hleb pre Hruscheva. Privatizacija nacina proizvodnje je napravila probleme u ekonomiji koja je bila 100% nacionalizovana u vreme Staljina, i bila osnovana na centralno planiranje. Kada si odjednom imao ljude koji prodaju svoja sranja na trzistu umesto da proizvode po potrebi stvorio se manjak. Tako da kao i uvek trziste i privatna svojina se dokazala kao stetna.

Jok! Da citiram druga
It's worth noting a few things about Lysenko.
In the first place, he was never a member of the CPSU. His appeals were initially couched in patriotic terminology and his knowledge of Marxism was scant.
Second, he was actually associated with Khrushchev (which isn't surprising as both were from the Ukraine.) It wasn't until after Khrushchev's ouster that Lysenko was deprived of all influence.
As for Stalin's opinion of Lysenko, as one source notes:
Lysenko had many flawed theories and was not a good scientist. He posed as the underdog and complained that his colleagues were all jealous of his scientific findings and trying to suppress them. His efforts were also conducted at a time when DNA wasn't really known all that well yet; the double-helix was discovered a month before Stalin died

Protivnike naroda i treba tretirati kao ludake, treba vas ismevati i pokazati za ono sto jeste. Pa ti nauci da ne seres po onome sto su radnici sagradili. Sta bi radije? Da se vratimo u kraljevinu kada je prosecan radnik, a o seljacima da ne pricam, radio po 14 do 16 sati?

ovo za fiziku cu morati da procitam ali je vrv proseravanje, isto kao to da je Lisenka podrzavao staljin…koj istorijski reformizam.

nego da te pitam nesto ovako, jel ti podrzavas trziste?

Also fuck it, if trolling, this guy is a 10/10, because I'm gonna translate the brain aneurism that is his post.

Ideology changes with the material circuimstances of the era. You have to understand that before, the fascists were organized in the way they were to serve as a blockade against communists in the `30s and `40s. Big money financed Hitler and Mussolini in the thirties, as you can find evidence of how the Jewish Bush family financed Hitler, and even the Rothchilds indirectly.

Italian fascism was made to suppress syndicalism in Italy. The Monarchy of the time even allowed and financed Mussolini's coup, because it allowed them to keep all of their money and property after the Fascists came to power. Even the former king, if I recall correctly, was a high-ranking member of the Party and had influence in the government.

Fascism was created by liberals to ward off communism. They are not opponents to the market, but the last stage of capitalism. This can be sen with Hitler's massive privatizations.

In short, the whole reason why fascism exists is because the liberal bankers financed fascist movements to suppress communism. Before Hitler and Mussolini there was a large communist presence in both countries, and even open rebellions.

This is the same reason why the Falangistas were supported in Spain.

When Hitler gained enough military and political power, he bit the hand that fed him like a dog. He had no more needs to take in big capital because he had ways of developing it by himself. It was then when the West went to war with Hitler, and I'm not talking just about the US. Even earlier the UK "flirted" with the Third Reich. So, not only did the foreign liberal governments finance Hitler, but also individual capitalists and manufacturers both inside and outside the country.

After Fascism proved itself to be a threat to liberalism (but not capitalism), liberals today are much more wary of the Fascist forces, and with the fall of socialism (>implying it's not stronger that ever) they have no more need to support fascism on a grand scale. Today these mongrels, skinheads and others are used to fight opposition inside the state, and there is no need to give bigger funding to them because the state doesn't need them to be strong.

But everywhere there is socialist and communist opposition, even today, there is a Fascist government. Look at Ukraine, where Azov's people march with a broom up their asses, and they appeared only after the communists became a bigger threat. Let's not even mention the fact that there was NATO ordinance and arms in their ranks, and lots of evidence between the cooperation of NATO and the Ukrainian Fascists.

As Mussolini has said himself, "Fascism is the marriage between corporation and state." It can be seen in many places in Europe, and especially in the US, where NATO is the army enabling this.

I am a Yugoslovenian, but don't expect me to support Tito. Tito was a diversion to the left, I support the heritage of the USSR,

Evo, sad svi mogu da mu se smeju.

10/10, spasio te Bog, bre

OK, seems you have a good enough grasp of English, so I would prefer we continue in this language, as it might interest more people who find the thread.

Well yeah, it's hard to form a bread line at all if there is no bread to give at all.
Okay, this is fact, but
>It was only when you had people selling their shit on the market instead of producing according to the needs of the people that there was a deficit. And so as always, the free market and private property proved to be harmful.

Do you not understand basic economic theory? Competition breeds success and progress. The right to private property, the need to defend it and the willingness to acquire more is what drove humans out of the caves. If there is one monopoly at the top, whether state-run or private, things stagnate due to nepotism and the desire to uphold the status quo. The only monopoly a state is granted is the monopoly on force (which I heavily disagree with, as the people ought to swing the Sword of Damascus over every state official in a healthy society).

2) Did you even read about Lysenko?
Support from Joseph Stalin gave Lysenko even more momentum and popularity. In 1935, Lysenko compared his opponents in biology to the peasants who still resisted the Soviet government's collectivization strategy, saying that by opposing his theories the traditional geneticists were setting themselves against Marxism. Stalin was in the audience when this speech was made, and he was the first one to stand and applaud, calling out "Bravo, Comrade Lysenko. Bravo." This event emboldened Lysenko and gave him and his ally Prezent free rein to slander the geneticists who still spoke out against him. Many of Lysenkoism's opponents, such as his former mentor Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, were imprisoned or even executed because of Lysenko's and Prezent's denunciations.

3)Final question: Do you support the market?

Of course I do, but if you're trying to goad me into thinking about our current economic state (talking about Serbia here), we absolutely have no free market, but a bastard hybrid of old Communist line of thought mixed with some form of semi-regulated market. What I mean by the first part is that nepotism reigns supreme, just look at our government contracts. Every fucking week when I go home over Fruška Gora, I have to watch at the abomination of a patch of road that was fixed 2 or 3 years ago. The length of the patch up? 100 meters. The cost? 140 million dinars, which when adjusted for inflation, comes out at around 1000-1500 dollars PER FUCKING METER OF ROAD. Are you telling me that the free market would somehow increase these prices even more? Or maybe, just maybe the desire of businesses to acquire the contract would actually drive the cost down until the equilibrium market value is reached.

We'll see each other on the next protest boys, you're big fuckers when there's four of you shitting on an 80 year old man, who was fighting for your freedom when your daddy was still slurping your grannys tits.

I am going with my wife to the city, but if you keep this thread alive for 5 more hours I promise to come debate you. At least you offer a debate, not just "niggers lol"


The kebab remover Serbs meme needs to die. They are backstabbers and literally the most cucked nation on the Balkans.

They've never backstabbed anyone, and they are only "cucked" because NATO will genocide them if they aren't. Even with this threat they still manage to bash gays erryday.

Their history is literally nothing but joining the bad guys for the sake of fucking with their neighbors. And eventually failing. Seriously, if you aren't a Serb you should look it up.
In addition, they've recently started trying to present themselves as the lost brothers of the Russian people, probably an attempt to whore out some money and weapons.
The Serbian nation is the living definition of hypocrisy. I don't have the time to write a wall of facts here, but they are available.

You are welcome to provide citations for your arguments. Which bad guys are you referring to?

How recently have they claimed to be "lost brothers of the Russian people"?
There is plentiful evidence that relations between Russians and Serbs go back to the 16th or 17th century, as it is when the first great migrations of the Serbs occured, It was also when the Russians started financing Orthodox churches for Serbs in Austro-Hungaria.

Uh what?

This has been going on since the 1800s and is an attempt by Russia to get a colony behind the Caspian mountains. Are you fucking serious, pick up a book, goddamn.

*carpathian fuck

Actually earlier, the first great Migration was in 1690 if I remember correctly

Ok, how's the weather in Tuzla, Senad?

leftypol fuck off

Yes it was. Although the NDH was a bigger mistake.

False ad hominem attacks, nothing more.

tep jej, m8
polite sage for no actual discussion.

Being stalinist is not the only requirement for a shit heap.



Holy shit. This is the most repulsive, "white nigger" part of that disgusting post.

mirin the serb 0:29 no homo

model genetics



Why do Albanians not like being called "Shiptar" what does it mean? I say it without even knowing what it means because it pisses them off and thats great, but I'd like to know more.

hej balkanski CIA,
najs mim

I guess ukrs got downgraded from relatives to food. :^)

so who are the niggers of europe now? Albanians or Serbians? or more

We need a new banner:


Looks like the times are a changing, no more divide and conquer with the "Huur Durr slave not white".

The shills and jews are uniting us.

I love where this is going

Straight to the ovens