Jesus, Jewpedia is really trying to keep us from growing a userbase

Jesus, Jewpedia is really trying to keep us from growing a userbase. Forums

Actually its 100% correct, and thats what makes the thing so tragic

The truth is out there

I love you guys

"an internet-based movement associated with white nationalism"
i'm black, wtf

And I just wanted to share anime pictures with anons

The truth is whatever they make up unfortunately.

what are you, some kinda moralfag?

They aren't wrong about the white nationalist angle though. The Trump thing is dubious, but the rest is pretty accurate. Most boards are teeming with nordic natsoc vikings.

Its a shame the two got mixed.

Seems fine to me. I don't know what the hell we'd put on wikipedia. Our top board is Holla Forums so it's easy for someone whose never been here (or ever used a chan) to assume we're a stormfag site (even some Holla Forumsacks pretend they own it).

We have leftist faggots,too. But jewpedia isn't going to call them out for obvious reasons.

yeah ,true, I don't mind nordic nat-soc pagans, but trump fags are despicable.

Wow I thought it would be higher. We need to shill this site on Facebook and reddit

Dubs confirm the lies that the truth has not been told

The only blatant lie is "The site allows any content to be posted, so long as it adheres to United States law".

Paranoid conspiracies.


Alt right has an undeniably racist, white nationalist element. You know that, even if you personally don't buy into that part of it.its not like your presence undos all of Holla Forums, nigger.

Who cares about our image to normies?

I'm impressed you took the time, but both of these things are consistent.

Don't you understand that the edgier we look the more inviting to newfags we are?

What do you think happened to 4chan.

4chan let down its guard by deleting CP and animal abuse. No normalfag would have dared be associated with 4chan back when we had threads full of that even if it was only on Holla Forums and even with chanology the anonymoose XD thing would never have happened. Holla Forums would get rid of a lot of them by allowing crush fetish (which is globally banned, by the way).
The only thing really standing in the way of us becoming 4chan right now is that the Jews are playing up the white nationalist angle. As more normalfags show up, there is more anti-Holla Forums sentiment, though. It's a slow invasion. Don't let them disarm us from the inside, people who complain about the existence of Holla Forums need to have their threads destroyed and be run off.

Kill yourself you stupid shill.

You say that as if its a bad thing.

This. Gore threads don't do shit anymore to deter normalfags. We need the pedo threads back.


nigga we made it.


Nigga there are even a few pedo boards left on Holla Forums that didn't get nuked. They just don't post risque content usally.
I ain't a snitch

yea the ads up the ass. bad dragon and the rest of it. Jews
nice site besides that

Oh no no, its e621, not e261. But, yeah, I do agree. Nice site.

oh yeah lol just noticed. well I didn't make this…saw it on Holla Forums. guess i was thinking of e2064net or some shit

Hey, its no worries. I'm not complaining, I just noticed it was all.

freespeech has its cost, hopefully we maintain it and dont squander it just to maintain face… oh wait we already have kek

This liberal was pretty surprised to learn that I'm a right wing racist. It's Gamergate all over again.

no allegiances

i'm with the nazis for now because no freedom loving people will close the damn border, they are fucking commie niggers
Hillary will create chaos though, which would be nice
Maybe since I'm hispanic when Trump gets elected I could claim i'm oppressed and move to Sweden or Germany to get gibs

Kill yourself Nazi scum.
