8ch killed my brother

I'm not sure where to post this,so I chose a few places.

My younger brother killed himself 3 days ago.

He was only 16.

He had been talking to me about it for the last month,but I thought that he wasn't serious.

I checked his laptop browser history,and I found that he had been visiting a site called 8ch.net/suicide/.

I believe he found the means and encouragement to kill himself from this website.

I haven't told my parents yet,because they're still in shock.

If you assholes here contributed to my little brother's death in any way…well, fuck you and your actions will be brought to justice.

This is a good pasta, way better than the catalogue, bump for not jim spam.

bump because this seems to be a nice thread

I need something to fap to. Post pics of your brother. You know, in… Memorium.

inb4 lurk more newfag, this is pasta

Want to hear more of the story, OP
But still:
>He had been talking to me about it for the last month,but I thought that he wasn't serious.

Also give the details of which method did he used

This is him the last time I remember him happy son.

dick pics, before and after?

Why wouldn't you post this in /suicide/?

Because you're a faggot?

His will was weak, his spirit, fragile.
One who cannot stand the erosion of our kind is bound to become little more than dust in the wind.
Perhaps if he has more closely monitored, or properly raised, this wouldn't have happened.
Sincere condolences, fellow Holla Forums poster.

Yep looks like the average Holla Forums user. He's just missing his fedora.

He was only 16, so what if he dressed like a loser you fuck?

Take this to heart and mind
When someone talks about suicide don't assumed that it's a joke, because these person can be very serious

It's also all up to your brother. May he rest in piece but I feel it's more about self esteem

At least he has the self esteem to finish something

I've seen a lot of emos on the internet saying to people "should I kill myself".
That is a personal question and will remain a personal question until you can decide

Good luck and I wish your family luck

Woops major typo, sorry for bad language

When i said Peace my auto corrector changed it to piece…. No harsh fellings

Who is that?

Why there are some many underage in here?
Not even 4chan has this amount of kids

Was that sarcasm or serious??? I can't tell

What's those poster in the background


That's Josh when he was 14

4chan = Underage reddit users and normalfags of all ages

Holla Forums = Fedora tier adult neckbeards from reddit and underage autists

nice pasta. you should join your hypothetical brother

nope, 4chan is worse.


I guess you've never heard of the cyber police


Now that can't be. Everyone knows that >>>/suicide/ is a dead board

This is good b8



Yes, since people never killed themselves over anything before the internet the connection is clear: your brother would visit a board called /suicide/ and become influenced into killing himself, he wouldn't have found the place due to an underlying desire and he must have been thinking of nothing but living to see another day before the board immediately drove him into doing it. He also wouldn't have found the information or necessary appliances from anywhere else, so it's obvious that we killed him.

nice bait,
I like it!

*arrives in thread*

I am gay

4chan has a lot of normie kids.
Holla Forums gets a lot of damaged goods.
In the old days, not being a normie meant being a quirky cool interesting person.
In Holla Forums lingo not being a normie means some edgy suicidal retard who loves gore and would hero any day now.

I only wish the mods had killed him for being an underageb&

When are you fucks going to go back to edgy?
I swear, that word is the most cancerous thing to come out of 2010.