Chimpire's Raid of Holla Forums Must End

It pains me to have to do this, but since our board's health is on the line due to the current Chimpire spam-raid, I want Holla Forums to know that your female population DOES NOT stand by mongrel whores like Kikelegon.

At first, I thought she was great, falling for the "redpilling normies" meme. After a while, though, I noticed that her facial features were off; living in Canada, I recognized her as French and Amerindian mix (they call this Metís there), but I still didn't think it was entirely bad as long as she was doing some redpilling. Once others started exposing me to the drama she had with Constantine, especially his dox of her on Voat (, I started to question what was really going on. Considering he charged her with possible kike blood, and her resemblance to Ayn Rand, I thought this should be taken somewhat seriously.

Well, last night, an user posted a link to the #Chimpire IRC (// where they spoke of her in her true colors, as a scripted publicity stunt and a camwhore:

18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking

These faggots have been spamming about Elegon/Veronica across all social media fronts for weeks, trying to gain her notoriety and fame in order to eventually follow through with their own publicity and profit agenda. They're on our board D&C'ing like mad, or at least trying to make it look like we are divided, by posing as both pro and anti Elegon and fighting out a false e-drama that has no root in us. They want us to become the personal army of this mongrel whore and aid them in earning their shekels. Once an user pointed this out, the Chimpire army was frantically spamming more than ever in their compromised threads, trying very hard to deflect attention from the information revealed (calling it a false flag, blaming Holla Forums, etc).

I implore you to go deeper and figure out the true root of all this raiding/shilling, as I know nothing about Suspook or the other members of Chimpire. I suspect that kikes are behind the rise of this "Nazi waifu" because she herself isn't even white. They want to tarnish our public image like they did in the past with Frank Collins (Cohen), who turned out to be a "self-hating Jew" and a paedophile. We don't want this mongrel whore to represent National Socialism, or the same downfall will surely occur and damage the "normie" opinion of us (that Chimpire claims Elegon will make positive in all their spam threads).

One more thing: this archived version of a pulled interview from Firestarter Media with Constantine is really damning, as it demonstrates her sociopathic tendencies, her odd sexual deviancy (she literally fetishizes Hitler and sold her body on cam for $5-10), her propensity for crazy behavior, her desire for easy money, and her lack of true loyalty.

This is all I have. I won’t be making any more posts in the thread, so please, do what you can with the information provided. I believe in you guys, you always manage to dig up the truth.

Other urls found in this thread: &cd=39&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

This is what they call a raid?

I barely noticed.

what if OP is the evalion girl?


Ok, cool. Whatever. I don't care, I just want to get back to good discussions and not have to post jewdogs all day.

Chimpire is controlled opposition. They claim to be WN, but harbor anti-white Muslims.


also this

I'm glad you made another thread faggots; I was sad that I didn't have anything to spam. Such a boring Sunday. fucking 6 more months until football

Sinead is just jealous that she is no longer the natsoc girl who gets white knighted.

I want to twist your head around until you stop breathing.

You're just jealous that nobody gives a shit about anything Evalion related anymore.

Poisoned well, nigger. It's time for her to get a sex-change and start over. But I would not recommend it, because:

Fifty-Six Shades Of Gender Insanity

As a former transgender, I am concerned with the attempts underway to change the words we use for gender:

Facebook expanded its possible designation of gender to 56 choices last year, with the explicit help of LGBT organizations.
Public and private universities are teaching a similar LGBT version of gender in human sexuality and public health courses. Professors and administrators are telling students that gender is more than male and female—in fact, those designations are simple and passé.
The new term for those who live life in their birth gender is “cisgender,” or “cis” for short, to distinguish them from “transgender.”

The list reads like something out of a comedy routine, except it isn’t funny when people who need psychological treatment don’t seek it because they see their condition in a list of “normal” genders. They will miss out on hope—the hope that they aren’t stuck in confusion. My concern is that they won’t get treatment, which can help prevent anti-social behaviors and regrettable suicides.

Is OP TransGrace?

Fostering Confusion Exacerbates Suffering

It used to be that the men with behaviors such as cross-dressing, sexual fetish, transvestite or drag queen dress-up, female impersonation, and taking cross-gender hormones were considered to have psychological disorders. Some were homosexual; some not. Now, the pressure is on to insist that our society accepts and tolerates all oddities as mainstream.
The pressure is on to insist that our society accepts and tolerates all oddities as mainstream.

It used to be that those who suffered from gender confusion and distress were considered to have a mental disorder. That’s all changed now with the politicizing of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association. Gender confusion is not a disorder anymore, it’s a dysphoria, and as such, it shouldn’t be treated as something to overcome.

Gender distress is now something to embrace and enhance. “You’re born that way,” they say. Take a new gender name from the list of 56 possibilities, take hormones, and perhaps even have surgery to change your body to match your mental image. Get a new birth certificate and be granted equal status with those born in your adopted gender.

bitch is on central time.

what time is evalion on? I always assumed she was east coast. but, if she's central canada, then OP might actually be her

I been skeptical of Evalion since day.

Seeing the quality of TRAPS these days, I cannot readily believe that you're a girl.
There are some things that are questionable here:

Now, you may argue whatever you want against or pro Elegon, but it is a fact that she only made "redpilled" videos and gained popularity beyond what we have ever managed to get (althought we're making a constant, slow progress every day).

So, as far as I see, she was an shutted down ally, just judging by facts, and nothing else.

What if this thread was actually started by Evalion as damage control? She realized that her spambots were pissing everyone off, so she's now decided to blame it on these chimpire faggots?

Might as well be. OP has a brown haired, is flat as a board, and underage girl shoulders. If OP was an actual Holla Forumsack, why would she feel the need to post a "not all women" thread in reply to Evalion thread spam, when the average leftard/tumblr/women voter's related thread has more muh soggy knee type replies than 8 days of this shit ever had?

This is shit is as obvious as all the other threads they make.

Most of the spam was either by a single GamerGoy or by shills who were trying to turn people against her.

but she didn't, really. Not to denigrate her work, but she only had

Gender Confusion Is Not Biological, It’s Psychological

But what does the research say? Has any biological basis been found that indicates who will develop into a transgender? Is there a genetic marker in transgenders? The answer is no. Researchers have looked for evidence to prove that transgenders are different biologically but they haven’t found any.

One study published in 2014 looked at certain suspected areas of the brain for an association with male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism and found none.
Another study, published in 2009, looked for “evidence that genetic variants of sex hormone-related genes confer individual susceptibility to MtF or FtM transsexualism” and didn’t find any.
Yet another study, published in 2013, found that “gender disorder does not seem to be associated with any molecular mutations of some of the main genes involved in sexual differentiation.”

Not a smidgeon of abnormality can be found in the genetic makeup of transgenders so, no, transgenders are not born that way. They are normal males and females.

What researchers have found is that transgenders attempt suicide at an alarming rate.

What researchers have found is that a majority of transgenders have at least one psychiatric co-existing (co-morbid) disorder, the most prevalent being major depressive disorder, specific phobia and adjustment disorder.
What researchers have found is that transgenders attempt suicide at an alarming rate.

What researchers have found is that 30 percent of gender dysphoria patients have a lifetime diagnosis of dissociative disorder (formerly called multiple personality disorder). Dissociative disorder and gender dysphoria appear very similar, and clinicians often cannot distinguish between the two in the transgender patient.

I think psychologists quickly default to the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and don’t consider the possibility of other disorders. I know: this is what happened with me. The most highly regarded gender specialist in the nation diagnosed me with gender dysphoria. He told me that I was a transgender and recommended that I undergo surgery to transition from male to female. All my discomfort would go away after surgery, he said. He was wrong.

I agree, it's very weird and I thought OP's pic also looks a lot like the cunt shill.

Squirrel in Cream

2 small squirrels; cut up

1 onion; finely chopped

1/2 tsp. leaf thyme

4 oz mushrooms; sliced & drained

1 cup beef bouillon

1 cup sour cream

2 tbsp. lemon juice

3 tbsp. flour

parsley; minced

Marinate squirrl overnight in refrigerator in salted water. Before cooking, remove squirrel pieces; drain and pat dry.

Place squirrel, ham, onion, thyme and mushrooms in Crock-Pot. Pour in bouillon, moistening well. Cover and cook on Low for 8 to 10 hours.

Before serving, turn to High. Combine sour cream, lemon juice and flour. Remove squirrel to a warm platter. Stir sour cream mixture into Crock-Pot. Cook until thickened. Spoon sauce over squirrel and sprinkle with parsley.

Yield: 6 Servings

Elephant Stew
1 large elephant

brown gravy

Salt; to taste

pepper; to taste

2 whole rabbits; optional

Cut elephant into bite-size pieces (allow about 2 months to do this). Hold aside trunk, you can use it to store the pieces.

Put elephant in large (very large) pot; add enough gravy to cover.

Cook over kerosene fire at 450 degrees for about 4 weeks, or until golden brown.

If more guest are expected, 2 rabbits may be added. However, this should be done only if absolutely necessary (most people do not like to find hare in their stew).

Yield: 3,800 Servings

please sage

Surgery Can’t Define Who I Am

I lived eight years successfully as a transgender female, but after the initial euphoria wore off, I was still confused and even more depressed. Having surgery and living fully as a woman didn’t alleviate the distress. Later, when I received the proper diagnosis and treatment of my dissociative disorder, I no longer needed to play the role of a woman and I regretted that I had been duped by the redefinition madness. The surgery can’t define who I am. The idea of 56 different genders is repugnant to this former transgender. I am a man, not some nonsense name contrived by the LGBT.
The idea of 56 different genders is repugnant to this former transgender. I am a man, not some nonsense name contrived by the LGBT.

I report stories of regret at the website because today’s social-political correctness would have us believe that no one regrets sex change. But for some transgenders, regret is real. People contact me with their painful stories and tell me they feel all alone. Some are contemplating suicide because they are so despondent over having had needless surgery. Most had difficult childhood experiences that haven’t yet been resolved. Many want to return to their birth gender. All of them tell me that, for them, being a transgender is crazy-making.

My concern is that providing 56 different gender identities deters people who are in gender confusion or distress from seeking proper treatment, which needlessly places them at risk for unhealthy behaviors and possibly suicide. The organizations that propose this apparently are willing to spend time devising new designations and recommending irreversible surgery, but hostile to uncovering the psychological or psychiatric disorders that often accompany gender distress and lead to the high rate of suicide and suicide attempts.

Parrot Pie

12 parakeets*

6 slices lean beef; thinly sliced

4 rashers bacon

3 hardboiled eggs

1/2 tsp. parsley; finely chopped

1/4 tsp. parsley; dried

lemon peel; finely chopped



puff paste


* Parakeets are a small, long-tailed tropical parrot.

Prepare the birds, and truss them like a quail or any other small bird.

Line a pie-dish with the beef, over it place 6 of the paraquets, intersperse slices of egg, parsley and lemon-rind, dredge lightly with flour, and season with salt and pepper. Cover with the bacon cut into strips, lay the rest of the birds on the top, intersperse slices of egg, season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with parsley and lemon-rind as before; three-quarter fill the dish with cold water, cover with puff-paste, and bake in a quick oven.

Time: About 2-1/2 hours.

Yield: 12 Servings

I bet this e-celeb girl is probably going to become a coal-burner (if not already) and possibly even have a porn leak. Nothing would be more derailing and demoralizing for what ever you want to call this movement and the people who love these e-celebs. Do no idolize these people, pol - they will just become another security problem that you will eventually have to face. The only thing someone should take from other people is their ideas and contributions. Anything else taken from them is idolatry and degeneracy.

Idolators and degenerates should be spat at and cursed.

sorry forgot to

Beer Roasted Cat

1 cat cut into roast

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 cube beef bouillon

1 clove garlic

1 fine irish stout; like guinness

Cover and soak cat roast in salt water for 24 hours. Drain water and then cover and soak in beer for 6 hours. Drain and place in crock pot with your cans of soup. Add a clove of garlic, and a cube of beef bouillon. If you start to slow cook your cat in the morning with your George Foreman Cooker (or it’s ilk), you’ll have finely cooked feline in time for supper.

If a slow cooker is not available, a cat can be baked at 350 degrees for 2-3 hours in a conventional oven and still come out pretty good. Beer Roasted Cat is fantastic served with mashed potatoes, collard greens, and fresh, homemade egg rolls.

When planning a full meal just remember, cat is a course best served hot!

Never said it was, but some sperg was trying to create "Evaligate" or some other similar autism.

Spamming threads to turn people against someone or something isn't a new tactic. I can't remember what it was, but after GG was banned on 4/pol/, a bunch of GamerGoyim were trying to get another topic banned using that strategy so people would migrate here.

What Parents Should Know About Giving Hormones To Trans Kids

The United States Endocrine Society says that cross-gender hormones should not be used on kids under the age of 16. The standards in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Australia agree. The reason is simple: Cross-sex hormones have irreversible effects on fertility. Cross-gender hormone treatments can sterilize kids—not even Dr. Frankenstein would do that.

So I was shocked to learn that physicians administer cross-gender hormones to kids under the recommended age of 16 and many gender specialists believe “it is best to slowly initiate cross-gender hormones at the same time that the patient’s peers are entering puberty, typically around age 12-14.”

Johanna Olson, medical director of the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital Center for Trans Youth Health and Development, in a message directed to medical students, said that she has been “skipping the blockers” and placing children twelve years old and even younger directly on cross-gender hormones.

The blockers she references are hormone blockers, which suspend the natural development of puberty. The idea is to give trans kids more time before the natural course of puberty occurs, with its gender-specific alterations to the body. Blockers are routinely considered to be the first course of treatment for trans-kids of puberty age because if you stop the blockers, puberty resumes.

apparently constantine has vids of her doing something porny. eventually he'll release them, it always happens this way.

Corn Bread Coated Cat

1 lb road kill cat filets

2 tbsp. buttermilk

1 tbsp. margarine

1/2 cup corn bread stuffing mix; crushed

1/8 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. ground red pepper

Turn under any thin edges of cat. In a 12 x 7 1/2 x 2″ baking dish arrange thicker portions of cat fillets toward the outer edges of the dish. Brush cat with buttermilk.

In a small mixing bowl cook margarine on high about 30 seconds. Stir in stuffing mix, salt, and red pepper.

Spoon stuffing mixture over cat fillets. Cook cat, uncovered, on high for 4 to 7 minutes or till cat flakes easily when tested with a fork.

Yield: 4 servings

Hormones Have Irreversible Effects

But cross-gender hormones are another matter. Taking cross-gender hormones is the first step in medical transitioning. As a transgender adult who was a trans kid, I know transitioning has consequences. I know that adults can’t fully anticipate the long-term effects, much less little kids. It’s a case of short-term gain with long-term pain. That’s reality.

Lisa Brinkmann, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender issues in Dublin, Ireland, says about cross-gender hormones, “We are talking about changes that impact the kids’ reproductive systems for a lifetime. We have to be sure it’s the right thing to do. Cross-sex hormones have irreversible effects on fertility. There’s no going back.”

Most Kids Will Grow Out of Gender Dysphoria

A September 2014 report from the Hastings Center by Jack Drescher and Jack Pula says a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in childhood “does not inevitably continue into adulthood” the majority of the time. The majority of trans kids will not choose to transition as adults.
No one can objectively provide proof that the kids they are treating with hormones are really transgender.

The same physicians who suggest administering cross-gender hormones to kids at age 12 to 14 also say that they have no sure way to identify which kids will become transgender adults. No one can objectively provide proof that the kids they are treating with hormones are really transgender. The entire basis for treatment is what the kids say.

Gender dysphoria has been theorized to be a consequence of differences in the brain, but studies don’t find any. A recent study at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, says; “The present data do not support the notion that brains of male to female transgenders are feminized.” The study could not find a difference in the brains between heterosexual men and that of male to female transsexuals. The brains in trans boys are no different than non-trans boys.

Baked Camel

1 large camel

2 large sheep

4 large turkeys

20 large carps

200 medium sea-gull eggs

400 large dates


Cook eggs, peel them.

Scale carps. Fill carps with dates and eggs.

Fill turkeys with Carps. Fill sheep with turkeys. Fill camel with sheep. Dig a large mold, give in about 500 kilos of charcoal and light them. Wrap camel in banana-leafs and give into mold.

Cover with earth and bake for two days.

Serve with rice.

Jesus christ, I knew it was coming. Now the normies will make us a mockery… "ahha dude your waifu love teh bbc, haha." The ride never ends.

Whole Stuffed Camel

1 medium camel; whole

1 large lamb; whole

20 medium chickens; whole

60 eggs

12 kg rice

2 kg pine nuts

2 kg almonds

1 kg pistachio nuts

110 gallons water

5 lb black pepper


Skin, trim and clean camel (once you get over the hump), lamb and chicken. Boil until tender.

Cook rice until fluffy. Fry nuts until brown and mix with rice. Hard boil eggs and peel.

Stuff cooked chickens with hard boiled eggs and rice.

Stuff the cooked lamb with stuffed chickens.

Add more rice.

Stuff the camel with the stuffed lamb and add rest of rice. Broil over large charcoal pit until brown. Spread any remaining rice on large tray and place camel on top of rice.

Decorate with boiled eggs and nuts.

Yield: 80-100 Servings


Fred’s Muskrat Recipe

4 muskrats; (fat and glands removed)

1/2 lb bacon

1/2 bunch celery; chopped

4 onions; chopped

1/2 lb oleo

1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper



21 oz tomato soup

Saute bacon, celery, onions, oleo and cayenne pepper together for 10 minutes.

Put rats in bottom of a pan, cover tightly. Pour sauteed mixture over the rats, cover with unwatered tomato soup.

Bake, covered, for 2 1/2 hours at 350 F or until done.

Yield: 4 Servings

whelp i guess this is a spam thread now


Texas Roadhouse Roadkill Copycat


1 lb

roadkill any kind

1 tsp

seasoning salt

3 Tbsp

a-1 steak sauce

3 Tbsp

worcestershire sauce

1 large


1/2 tsp


1 medium


4 oz

button mushrooms

3 slice

monterey jack cheese

salt and pepper

garlic powder

Boil for 3 hours until thick and creamy

how do a i shot spam?

Spam thread? I thought this was your average Evalion thread!

Normal Kids Are At Risk

With no test to tell which kids will become transgender adults, but knowing that a majority will not, it is highly likely that doctors are administering powerful hormones with irreversible effects to normal boys and girls.
Treating the psychological or psychiatric disorder is the answer, not changing genders.

My concern for trans kids is forged from my own life as a child transgender. I was told that because my strong feelings of being a girl on the inside had persisted for so long that I needed to alter my external appearance to match, from man to woman. Because I was desperate for relief, I followed all the recommendations for someone with gender dysphoria and underwent the transition. I successfully lived and worked as a female for eight years. But after eight years, the male came back.

My biological sex had never changed, no matter how many procedures I underwent or how many hormones I took. My life was never the same and my body was forever mutilated. People say to me now, “Too bad. It was your choice. You should have made a more informed decision.”

Through my website,, I hear from people with similar experiences as mine, and in every case, the gender dysphoria is a result of childhood developmental issues. Treating the psychological or psychiatric disorder is the answer, not changing genders.

It is crazy to routinely experiment on kids at any age when it carries the risk of irreversible changes and could lead to regrettable outcomes as an adult.



speak up, son


4 lb. road kill (raccoon or opossum, squirrel is too meager) Preferably 2 to 3 days old. Should marinate in road oil and other highway grease at least 1 day

1 lb. whole garlic cloves

3 c. Jalapeno peppers with seeds

1 bucket of green onions

1 gal. flat beer (Pabst is GOOD)

5 c. toadstools

3 tbsp. cumin

3 c. wild weeds

Any deserving vegetables you can think of

Put it all in a pot of boiling water and cook on a rolling boil for 5 hours.


I Was a Transgender Woman

It was a pivotal scene. A mom was brushing a boy’s long hair, the boy slowly turned his head to look at her. In a tentative voice, he asked, “Would you love me if I were a boy?” The mom was raising her boy to become a trans-girl.

In that split second, I was transported back to my childhood. I remembered my grandmother standing over me, guiding me, dressing me in a purple chiffon dress. The boy in that glowing documentary about parents raising transgender kids dared to voice a question I always wanted to ask. Why didn’t she love me the way I was?

I am haunted by that boy and his question. What will the trans-kids of 2015 be like sixty years from now? Documentaries and news stories only give us a snapshot in time. They are edited to romanticize and normalize the notion of changing genders and to convince us that enlightened parents should help their children realize their dreams of being the opposite gender.

I want to tell you my story. I want you to have the opportunity to see the life of a trans-kid, not in a polished television special, but across more than seven decades of life, with all of its confusion, pain, and redemption.

The Trans-Kid

It wasn’t my mother but my grandmother who clothed me in a purple chiffon dress she made for me. That dress set in motion a life filled with gender dysphoria, sexual abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, and finally, an unnecessary gender reassignment surgery. My life was ripped apart by a trusted adult who enjoyed dressing me as a girl.

My mom and dad didn’t have any idea that when they dropped their son off for a weekend at Grandma’s that she was dressing their boy in girls’ clothes. Grandma told me it was our little secret. My grandmother withheld affirmations of me as a boy, but she lavished delighted praise upon me when I was dressed as a girl. Feelings of euphoria swept over me with her praise, followed later by depression and insecurity about being a boy. Her actions planted the idea in me that I was born in the wrong body. She nourished and encouraged the idea, and over time it took on a life of its own.

I became so accustomed to wearing the purple dress at Grandma’s house that, without telling her, I took it home so I could secretly wear it there too. I hid it in the back of a drawer in my dresser. When my mom found it, an explosion of yelling and screaming erupted between my mom and dad. My father was terrified his boy was not developing into a man, so he ramped up his discipline. I felt singled out because, in my view, my older brother didn’t receive the same heavy-handed punishment as I did. The unfairness hurt more than anything else.

Thankfully, my parents decided I would never be allowed to go to Grandma’s house again without them. They couldn’t know I was scared of seeing Grandma because I had exposed her secret.

Passover Gefilte Fish

Total Time:

3 hr 20 min


50 min


2 hr


30 min


12 servings




1 head (about 2 1/2 pounds) green cabbage

1/2 cup matzoh meal

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 medium (5 ounces) onion, minced

2 pounds whitefish fillets, such as pike, carp, or whitefish, cut into chunks

3 eggs, separated

1/2 cup chopped Italian parsley

2 tablespoons (6 or 7 sprigs) chopped fresh tarragon leaves

2 to 3 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground white pepper

Cayenne pepper, to taste

1 quart fish stock

1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into julienne

1 medium leek, white part only, cut into julienne

Homemade Horseradish, recipe follows


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Blanch the head of cabbage in boiling salted water, about 5 minutes, then place in a basin of cold water. Remove the whole leaves and cut away the tough core. As you peel off the outer leaves, you may have to return the head of cabbage to the boiling water to soften the inner leaves. Dry on a clean towel and reserve.

Place the matzoh meal in a small bowl. Cover with 1 cup of stock and let soak until needed.

In a small skillet, heat the olive oil. Over medium heat, saute the onion until wilted, 4 to 5 minutes. Do not brown. Cool.

In a wooden bowl or on a chopping board, chop the fish fine with a chopper or large knife. Add the matzoh meal with the stock, the cooled onions, 3 egg yolks, the chopped parsley and tarragon, 2 teaspoons of salt, white pepper, and cayenne, and continue to chop until well combined. In a clean, medium bowl, whisk the egg white until firm but not stiff. Stir a little into the fish mixture, then, quickly but gently, and fold in the remaining whites. To test for flavor, bring a little fish stock to a simmer, add a small ball of the fish mixture and cook for about 5 minutes. Taste and correct seasoning.

Heat the remaining fish stock and spoon a little into an 11 by 17-inch baking pan. Divide the fish mixture into 12 portions, about 4 ounces each, and enclose each portion in 1 or 2 cabbage leaves. You will find that when the leaves get smaller, you will have to use 2 leaves to wrap the fish. As each package is formed, place in the prepared baking pan, seam-side down. This size pan holds the 12 packages comfortably. Pour the remaining stock over the fish and top with the julienned carrots and leeks. Cover the pan with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Let cool in the stock and refrigerate until needed.

Presentation: Place 1 package of fish on each of 12 plates, garnishing with some of the julienned carrots and leeks. Serve with homemade horseradish, white or red.*

*To make white horseradish, finely grate peeled fresh horseradish into a small bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until needed.

*To make red horseradish, boil 1/2 pound red beets until tender. Peel and then finely grate into a medium bowl. Add about 1/2 cup grated horseradish, or to taste, and combine thoroughly. Refrigerate, covered, until needed.

Note: If you are concerned if the oils or other ingredients in these recipes are suitable for Passover, seek non-dairy substitutes or ingredients that are certified kosher for Passover.


Who is that German guy?


there's another thread. don't forget to spam it

dunno, maybe suspook from op's chat?
link to chat archive: &cd=39&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

OK, OK, I know; your bubbie made the perfect matzo balls. But they are finicky little rascals that are made a 1000 different ways and everyones bubbies always made them best. What I want to share here is the simplest, no nonsence methode of the creation of soft and/or firm matzo balls; for just like white and dark meat people, there are soft and firm matzo ball people.

For soft matzo balls

1 cup matzo meal

4 large eggs

1 teaspoon kosher salt

4 tablespoons oil or 4 tablespoons melted schmaltz (fat)

2 teaspoons baking powder

For firm matzo balls the above plus

4 tablespoons water or 4 tablespoons broth

baking powder (delete for firm matzo balls)

Optional Ingredients — all some or none

1 teaspoon onion powder (optional)

1 teaspoon garlic powder (optional)

1 tablespoon dried parsley (optional)

1 teaspoon dill weed (optional)

1⁄2 teaspoon pepper (optional)


Follow these instructions carefully.

Measure and mix dry ingredients into a bowl.

Individually break the eggs into a clear glass, discarding any with blood spots, and then pour into a second bowl.

Add oil or schmaltz (and water or broth for firm matzo balls) to the eggs and stir gently with a fork until the yolks are broken and the oil just mixed.

Pour egg mixture into the dry mixture and gently mix with the fork.


Treat it like a muffin mixture; if you over mix they will be tough.

Place in the fridge for 1 hour.

Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil on the stove.

After matzo ball mix has set, gently remove teaspoon fulls of the batter and roll into 1-2" balls and drop into the water.

When all the balls are in the water leave it to boil until all the balls float to the top, then lower the temperature to a rolling simmer for 40 minutes and your matzo balls will be ready.


The matzo balls may be removed from the water with a slotted spoon and served in soup, with a stew, as a side dish with gravy or placed on a cookie sheet and frozen covered for a later use.

Succulent Squirrel

4 squirrels

16 oz italian dressing

8 small potatoes; sliced

4 carrots; sliced

2 medium onions; sliced

4 tbsp. barbeque sauce

1/4 cup Salt

black pepper

1 pinch celery seed

1 pinch paprika

1 pinch sage

2 tbsp. bacon bits

Soak squirrels overnight in refrigerator in large bowl of fresh water to which the salt has been added.

Next day, rinse squirrels off and place on there backs in cake pan. Pour italian dressing over them and put back in refrigerator to marinate for 4 to 6 hours.

In center of a sheet of aluminum foil large enough to wrap one squirrel, place layer of sliced onion and potatoe. Put one dressing doused squirrel on its back on veggies. Sprinkle with pepper, Paprika, celery seed, and sage (takes very little spice). Sprinkle bacon bits inside body cavity. Stuff cavity with carrots sliced long and thin. Pour on BBQ sauce to taste. Put a layer of onions and thinly sliced potatoes on top.

Wrap each squirrel thus dressed with two wraps of foil, Sealing well-do not puncture foil. Place the four servings on a double-burner gas grill with lid closed. Set on low temperature, and grill for 45 minutes, turning every 10 to 15 minutes.

Yield: 4 Servings

Yield: 6 Servings
