Dynamite Entertainment learned their lesson?

So I checked on their website after it was pointed out that the Dejah Thoris might have been silently cancelled and I found out that both the Red Sonja and the Vampirella books were not scheduled to be updated either.


The impression is that the sales have been so low they decided to cancel them within 6 issues.

Honestly I dont give a shit.
They already infected their comics with stupid retards like Kate Leth, and thats something you can come back from.
Great that those comics sold like shit but when you see publisher falling for this stupidity they lose my interest instantly.

Not sure what we are talking about but judging by the art it's fanservicy enough to worth its survival just for the purpose of triggering legbeards.

Holy shit, this is the best invented word ever.

OP here and I suck cocks for not explaining.
Dynamite used to publish lewd artwork like this in the comics, but started to hire SJWs to write for them. Last year or so they announced they would have Kath Leth and Margueritte Bennet (UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL) write for them and completely redesigned the characters and make them covered. The books had sold like shit since Dynamite told their audience to piss off.

Then nothing of value was lost.

Why the duck did they think that was a good idea in the first place?

Because Islam is the true face of Marxism.

Because, like everyone else, they want the hypothetical "geek girl" crowd. Why else would they neuter Vampi and Sonya's sex appeal and assign them writers that they think will tap into that market?

Why would cunts be interested in Vampirella and Sonya?

So they can ruin them, duh.

Will they buy them to ruin them though?…

No, they just have to ruin the writing and move on to the next character they wish to "liberate from men".

I'm talking about the writers of course, the key to getting female fans is easy as shit. Get artists with a more manga style, add some romantic bad boys and flatten out characters so they can be easier self inserts. Maybe get a little Buffy style quipping in, you don't even have to be that good at it. Oh, and if you can work in a character's cute sibling, and establish that they love eachother as family members, the fangirls will EAT THAT SHIT UP FOR WINCEST SHIPPING.

Fangirls are easy to figure out, I don't know why anyone has a damn problem cornering this market.

Don't forget the crucial love triangle (square, or whatever the fuck), endless relationship drama that overshadows any other narrative elements, her "destined to be" stud treating her like shit and/or emotionally/sexually abusing her (because that's what women think is love) while the heroine passively lets herself get (almost) raped.

Oh, and if all else fails have her get into a polyamorous relationship with all the men.

Moral of the story is that women should not be allowed to write.

Meh, I'm fine with women who actually write what women want. No harm, different people, different desires. But the SJW types are specifically writing against what women actually want. A Poly relationship actually isn't as appealing to girls as the drama of having to DECIDE on a boy, and bad boys are so appealing because they are shockingly masculine (at least compared to guys they know in life). And girls love sexy female leads, they don't want to self insert with ugos all the time. SJWs would just make every comic Squirrel Girl, and most girls want Sailor Moon or Twilight. If Marvel and DC just published girl comics (and probably for the best kept them in a separate universe) it wouldn't be a problem. Hell, the last time I saw a girl comic from one of the big two was Spiderman Loves Mary Jane, so I don't know if they actually do stuff that's properly aimed at girls anymore.

But we see the harm of it all the time. It's fine when they create their filth for themselves, but we all know they're never satisfied with that, their attention whoring instincts compel them to seek out the next "male holdout" and ruin it.

Another theory is that women are naturally drawn to the "dark triad" of personality traits. It's why serial killers get so many "fangirls".

They don't. Female writers are careful to be roundabout when it comes to how attractive the female lead is. Meanwhile, the men are always from the same mold, the so called "male power fantasy".

I am so thoroughly disgusted with women intruding into male hobbies that I don't even give a fuck anymore. I want them all out.

No they haven't. Unless if they reverse the decision to cover them, they still haven't learned their lesson.

Seriously, I know we've been fighting the SJW threat for a long time, but you're confusing SJW writers with women. They're not the same thing. Fuck, a lot of the worst SJW writers are guys, so don't just edgelord out over half the human race because of one small, very vocal, political group. If you get distracted from the enemy, you can't fight them properly.

Nothing about the comic MEDIUM is male oriented. Girls already have comics that don't give you any problems, that aren't written by SJWs. They're called MANGA. And manga works because it keeps genres for different people separate. Why I'd say superheroes do have universal appeal, in many ways they are geared towards men, that's fine. The problem with SJWs in cape comics is that they are working on comics that, by the nature of the shared universe and characters, means any huge genre shift they bring to the table drags down the entire universe they work in. This ties into another active thread about shared universes, but the thing about them is high potential, and variable risk. The risk is low if writers are keeping the general feel, and turning in mediocre work. No one gets hurt, someone can refine what came before. The risk gets very high when someone, for example, introduces a female Thor with outrageously stupid feminist beliefs, who will hit a surrendering enemy just because she's a violent cunt. That drags down the entire line, and reminds readers the editors thought that was a good idea everytime she shows up.

And as for female leads, most women describe them as "average" because most girls feel average. Then they get glam'd up as a princess or vampire and they're mega hot as fuck. That's the FEMALE POWER FANTASY, with male characters that appeal to FEMALE GAZE. Both things feminists and SJWs want to pretend don't exist, but both of which are just as healthy as male power fantasies and 'male gaze'.

Can you imagine comic books once islam takes over? Every single female character will be decked out in full burka.

Actually let me amend that, imagery will be considered idolatry, so comics will be text-only under ISIL rule.

Manga does sex better.

I certainly hope so.

What hasn't been mentioned yet in this thread is another factor tying all these comics together.

Gail Simone.

And here's some quotes about it from Newsarama.

Gail Simone, whose critically acclaimed work on Red Sonja for the past two years inspired the massive company-wide celebration of female characters entitled Swords of Sorrow (featuring contributions by her hand-picked team of all-female writers), has created a road map for Red Sonja, Vampirella, and Dejah Thoris that will serve as the basis for all-new series with radically different settings and situations, fresh yet true to the traditional motivations of these comic book icons.

"We're doing a monster makeover with these characters, and it's a joy to be part of this. Make no mistake, these are characters we love, badasses all; the She-Devil with a Sword, the queen of all vampire hunters, and the warlord princess. Characters do not get any better than that," says Simone. "Our mission here is to spruce up their look and remind people that these were the original female ass-kickers that inspired Xena, Buffy, and Leia Organa. They are the map others followed, and we get to bring them each a hot, new look from brilliant artist/designer Nicola Scott, as well as thrilling new mission statements for each of them."

Artist Nicola Scott (Birds of Prey, Superman) designed the new look for these iconic characters, blending classic costume elements with the functional, action-ready designs that modern and diverse audiences long to see. "It's an honor to reimagine these amazing, iconic women and be part of their ongoing legacy," Scott says.

I'm also tried to see if there's any evidence that these series were supposed to just last 6 issues. So far I have found nothing.

They tried to redesign these characters/series and they all failed in 6 issues . . . Wow.

On a more positive note, I kinda liked Vampirella's new outfit only because I like the short shorts look. But I don't think that it really fits the campy horror style of Vampirella. It'd be a better costume if someone else was wearing it. Also, I don't like the boots.

Here, these are the images OP should have opened with.

In summary, Gail Simone got Dynamite to redesign three characters whose biggest draw is cheesecake in skimpy outfits to have smaller breasts and more concealing outfits, and the comics were all miserable failures as a result.

SJWs don't learn they believe. The only solution to their poisoned minds is death.

I knew there was a good reason my hatred towards that woman.

Who has a mindset like that? The characters are popular for a very specific reason, and she goes and has that reason removed entirely.


And even despite this humiliating failure that ought to have destroyed their worldview a hundred times over, they'll still go on about "fixing" comics for "modern audiences".

SJWs never give inch, they just double down. I find extremely unlikely they will revert it back to the state it was.

They'll probably just stop publishing books on those characters altogether.

Indeed, that is the most realistic scenario. They can't profit from these characters anymore and they have bled more money than Kath Leth's Hellcat, by contrast if they revert the characters (which would have preferable), they wouldn't have the balls for it because they would't handle the online scrutiny from SJWs who didn't even buy their shitty books. Dynamite will go under the bus like Avatar and Chaos comics before them.

Not only that but reverting the characters altogether would be forcing them to admit they were wrong and, rather than admit wrongdoing, SJWs prefer instead to burn it all down. See: The Hugos

best design of the bunch is Vamprella, but don't fuck with the classic, she has been that way for a long time and has always been an underground cheesecake book, if you don't like it don't read it. Big red… OK more armor, you can make that call, but ditch the cowl, I can't tell who I'm looking at. D.T. is the biggest abomination of the bunch… EVERYONE ON MARS IS NAKED YOU STUPID CUNT!

that looks alot like claire redfield


Its funny cause women have been dressing up as Red Sonya and Vampirella for years, but apparently they needed to be UPDATED for current year.

And to the shock of nobody, they sold like shit.

True sing of a comic book cuck, you fold on the armor argument.

True sign of a comic book cuck, you fold on the armor argument.

Call me when they shitcan the people entirely and the assholes cry on twitter that dynamite blamed them for shit sales. Then I will gladly by a cheesecake issue.

That's the 12-year-old girl audience. Who knows if they'll even buy comics.
Look, all they gotta do to get these comics to appeal to everyone is just pull some Bayo shit. Chicks dig powerful, sexy women. Vampirella's V2 comics did this pretty well personality-wise,, though her costume would make any woman want to rip her eyes out. Not for the sex appeal, though- The fashion sense. That collar is hideous. And the hair and earrings… It's so dated. Find an equally sexy but more fashionable look. Girls will flock to it.

Nah, there are young yet adult girls who actually like that kind of stuff. Perhaps women in their thirties or forties would rather look for something else, but now that's a niche market.

Look at fujoshis who play otomes. The otome formula involves a normal girl that has to choose between three to five boys, the most common archetypes being the bad boy (some authors overdo the bad aspect and turn them into outright edgy assholes, which throws away some girls); the chill guy, which sometimes also happens to be the refinate/smart guy (think Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney); the shy/nerdy guy, who is sometimes depicted as an outright straight shota; and the mischievous/energetic guy, which is sort of like the bad boy but without a dark past and without being a cunt. Most girls tend to love the bad boy the most if he isn't too much of a cunt, because otherwise they tend to be kinda masochistic fetishy, but it isn't that clear cut.

There is a huge potential market of girls wanting to read stories about a girl and her harem of hot feminine slender fuccbois, but trying to adapt any existing work to pander to this demographic is dumb. These stories are more often than not exclusively character-driven, whereas capeshit is more plot-driven. You would need new comics with heroines where everything that's not character development is secondary at best for maximum female market capabilities.

The real question is, what's the actual female market share for strong independent heroines who need no man? All I have seen is feminists complaining about unrealistic cleavage in female hero outfits, unrealistic bodies and unrealistic poses. I doubt these people buy the books, so who's left?

M8, you're mixing up concepts. Fujoshis are yaoi-obsessed, no women involved. They tend to hate female characters because they get in the way of their ships.

I'm just saying what someone should do if they want a story to be accessible to everyone. There's yaoi and really bad triangle romances that teenage girls eat up, sure, but to get something popular and classic, you just need a strong, sexy woman who's dressed to impress.
That's why Bayonetta is so successful. To a lesser extent, characters like Sailor Moon. It makes it so a girl will never outgrow the series like she would otherwise, and make it accessible to men as well (though this doesn't exactly apply to Sailor Moon because it's still overly girly). It's far better than expecting women to enjoy either cheesecake (female power fantasies don't typically include women with incredibly broad shoulders and nipple pasties like Dejah's pics in OP) or making them too feminist-y(believe it or not, women enjoy good writing as much as men, and 'IT'S ABOUT ETHICS IN HAMMER WIELDING' Whor is not good writing).

But honestly I think the reason you don't get more women reading Capeshit and the like is not because of the Cheesecake. It's why comics are dying overall. You go to a comic store, and they sell 99% of the comics in tiny, $3 issues. Your average person, female or otherwise, doesn't want to pay $3 for a 20-page booklet halfway through the series that's just doing to get destroyed. Think of the most famous Western comics- Preacher, Walking Dead, Fables, etc. What do they all have in common?
They're sold in volumes. You can read it from start to end rather than picking up issues in random orders. This is what the average person prefers. This is also why manga is so popular. If comic companies were smart, they'd follow in the footsteps of manga- Have magazines that show new issues like a western version of Shonen Jump for both fans that want to keep up with each new issue and to give advertisement to new series that might have been otherwise overlooked, and have ALL series be printed in volumes. ALL.
Do that, and I promise comics will become more popular, just like manga. Female fans will come with it, even without the yaoi and love triangles.

Ah, I should also say, character development is not always the 100% thing to attract women. You're very wrong on that. Plot isn't something women hate. Vampire Knight, Black Butler, NANA, Sailor Moon, Paradise Kiss, etc… A good plot is just as important to keep a female audience as it is for men.
This is also why feminist crap is failing. Because it's by retarded artists that don't know how to write, and the plot falls to the wayside, making the story incredibly boring.

It's too bad that real women writers are over shadowed by feminsts because of virtue signaling. If the real talented ones wrote, than the comic would be half softcore porn and be worth reading.

From time to time I read non fotm romance novels. It's impossible to not fab


flavor of the month?

Dynamite is beyond fucked.

To a lesser extent, some also enjoy yuri. Anyway, I was talking about "female otakus" in general, who often enjoy romantic stories and shipping like they were UPS.

Bayonetta is a relatively niche game. Problem I see with Bayonetta is that I fail to see how is it considered successful amongst the female public; you can see at most one or two girls dressed as Bayonetta in any videogames/manga convention, which is much, much less than many other videogames that get a lot of cosplays every year. The most successful game amongst the female public, at least going by cosplay stats, is League of Legends although they all tend to dress as Jinx, Ahri or Sona so I guess it attracts some very specific type of female, which tells us that yes, women can enjoy cute or sexy female characters as well.

I never said women don't enjoy good writing, though, but they tend to enjoy lower-end works in a different way men do. In B series writing, men tend to enjoy mindless explosions, sex and violence; whereas women tend to prefer cliched romance stories. To put it some way, it would be equally "easy" to market The Sandman to both men and women, but you are going to have a hard time getting a woman or anyone to voluntarily stay watching a Michael Bay movie just like you would have a hard time marketing Fifty Shades of Grey or Twilight to men. The solution would be to write S-tier stories, but sometimes people prefer to just have some mindless fun, not to mention it's not as easy to make good art.

Moving on the problem of marketing, I think you are right but for the wrong reasons. It's not just price/length, it's that people assume you have to be some sort of nerd to just get into comics, and it would be hard to become a nerd after all this time. This is the problem that arises from marketing a series by its character and not by its plotline: there are a fucking thousand Superman books, so where do I start? Do I need to know about issue #367 where Superman defeated a giant robot from space to understand the rest of the story like those nerds on TV shows like Bazingers Z always mention? Where would I get those issues anyway, considering most are no longer printed? For example, a friend told me some months ago that the second book of the Judge Dredd & Batman crossover released on my country recently. I went to the comic store expecting to find the first issue, but apparently it stopped being printed and I had to fuck myself. Something similar happened to me with Injustice. I guess living in a shit country plays a role in this, but with long running series it's pretty much inevitable that this could happen even in the USA.

Compared to manga, which sells/is pirated slightly better, you can simply go to a comic store and grab, I dunno, all Bleach comics, and you are guaranteed to read a story from the start without any references to past events outside the series itself.

The idea of a western Shonen Jump is good, tho. I bet it would boost the popularity of more comics.

Man, you really don't know your stuff, do you? Lollipop Chainsaw is niche, Bayonetta is pretty well-known in the gaming industry. I know girls who have never played it and are interested in it. It won the SSBs poll, m8.

Also, I beg to differ about the comics thing being only for nerds. Think of nerd culture as it is currently. People hopping on the bandwagon and obsessing over games, movies, etc. I'm sure they'd latch onto comics too like people do for manga if it wasn't so hard to get into it. Though I do agree with the rest you said. The huge amounts of issues make it doubly hard. I found that out the hard way when trying to get into western comics recently.

There's a reason why this is the artist's most popular work, and not the straight-up R-rated yaoi manga she'd written years back under a pen name.


There's a meme I haven't heard for a very long time

So a deliberate design choice or just mere coincidence? It's just kind of eerie how similar they look.


What the fuck does cheesecake mean? None of those women even remotely resemble cheesecake, or any cake for that matter. Boobs, regardless of size don't resemble cheesecake and neither do butts.
Fuck your slang and fuck you

Okay, I'm gonna put it in simple terms, so a moron like you can understand.
If you put your dick in a piece of cheescake, it is soft and moist like a woman's ass or well oiled tits.
Of course a fucking redditor like you would not know. You probably think that fucking food is gross.

On the left

On the right

Hate to disappoint you, user. But the comics on the left were written by SJWs and its filled with grill powah, they just happened to keep their outfits. I am planning to storytime it some time.

I'm confused

My memory is sketchy since I've read the comic a few weeks and I've been trying to wash away the memories. The story is about an evil demon prince threatening the multiverse with a prophecy stating that Red Sonja, Dejah Thoris and Vampirella are fated to kill him together. This demon prince is a neckbeard that was spurned by the woman he loves or some shit I really can't remember.

user, I'm not seeing any SJW shit other than you using the word neckbeard (and I doubt it was in bad taste like comics now. Let me guess: it was just a male version of the concept of 'a woman scorned'?).
Looking up the series, it seems to just be a Girl Power kind of thing with a bunch of different stories.

However, Kate Leth DID do a variant of it that was only sold in comic stores that had employees that were members of some retarded club of hers. Pics related are variants- it's hilarious how much Kate's sticks out.

Have you not noticed that it was written by Gail Simone? Or are you just ignoring it?

One of the first panels of SoS had a girl telling a boy they can do stuff as well as boys can. I think comixology offers an issue of this for free, so you can check it out yourself. The irritating shit is that the cover is drawn by J Scott Campbell, yet the first thing you read is that patronizing bullshit. It's almost as if they don't realize people bought those comics for the smut.

I always wondered, what's the follow up to that page?

I didn't know that was Gail Simone's work till now. But even then, I dunno. Is it right to call her an SJW? She doesn't seem to have the constant cringeworthy crap that real SJWs do, and she's been in the industry since before this was a thing. Maybe she's become more of an SJW since then, but… From what I see, her work more reminds me of that Xena: Warrior Princess-esc kind of feminism rather than pure SJW crap. She does plenty of stuff SJWs would hate. She didn't change Red Sonja's outfit, she gave her a crossover with the icon of the male power fantasy (Conan), and actually doesn't mind women having faults.
Even if she does cringeworthy and embarrassing shit, I don't think you can put her on the same level as actual SJWs like Kate Leth.

I remember the Red Sonja one pissed me off the most.
I was just
This was after Gail retconned her origin so she wasn't raped.
Great job Gail, you dumb fat fucking cunt.

Mate look at this

Yes, she does
She's been an SJW since before they were a 'thing'
The costume changes were her idea
Yes, you can

Maybe she wasn't always all terrible, her first Birds of Prey run, her Deadpool (mostly known for being the Udon run) and Secret Six were decent. But her work is definitely to be avoided post Secret Six

Gail Simone got her start by creating a blog called "Women in Refrigerators" that was all about pointing out all the times women are abused or die in comics.
It was named after the time Kyle Rayner went to his fridge and found it had a lot more girlfriend in it than before.
I want you to a read a New52 comic called "The Movement" or don't because it is the worst comic I have ever read.
It was a comic spawned by occupy wall-street.
It was an original creation of hers.
The cast includes:
Again, This is an original creation by her.
Doesn't take batman to figure out how she feels about things.
She made it a point to point out practically every character's sexuality.
The villain is a white guy serial killer who is borderline just Sylar from the TV show Heroes.
He was being protected by his rich dad who hated the ghettos and everyone who lived in them.
There is an allusion to Anonymous at one point when a cop tries to rape a girl I believe that doesn't really go anywhere or is explained.
The police force beat the crap out of the asian girl at one point, just work a teenage girl over with sticks.
The teens knock-out Batgirl and give her a "not-rape" flashback in a pointless god damn crossover because Gail was also fucking up Batgirl at the time.

Yeah, she is kind of a huge tallentless cuntbag SJW who by the way, had her contract at DC run out leading to her complaining on twitter until the outrage caused them to rehire her.

Alright, so she's an SJW since about the end of 2014. That makes sense, that's when all these comic artists started being fucking SJW bundles of shit.
Some sick part of me finds it interesting to read about shit like this, though. See how far even good comic writers and artists have fallen. I mean, the cartoon industry is bombing because the previously talented animators and writers and whatnot were treated like shit circa 2005 and the networks burned their bridges with them so they had to hire uncreative, untalented SJWs who will work like dogs for little pay now that they've switched back from live action to cartoons again. The comic industry is fucked because comic artists and writers that have been in the industry for decades are becoming SJWs and fucking up the industry themselves.

…That said, I might still try out Swords of Sorrow (pirated, obviously) just to see how I like it. And while we're at it, I'm curious about Red Sonja. I had been thinking of picking up Simone's version, but if she had retconned her origin story, where should I start with her? She sounds familiar to Janissa the Widowmaker from Conan.

Ha, is that what happened? I was trying to learn more about her and found some mention of her getting fired from Batgirl and getting rehired over controversy. It sounded suspicious, and this makes sense as the real story.
I was wrong, then. It's iconic for SJWs to piss their pants over losing a job, even if it's fair and square. Like that cunty Treehouse PR girl with the cuck husband (what was her name again?) that flipped out and aired Nintendo's dirty laundry all over twitter because they fired her for doing porn (and uploading the less racy pictures to her PR twitter).
Thank you all for informing me.

You forgot the part where they childishly solve all internal conflicts with doughnuts and ice cream. One of these conflicts involved the Asian chick trying to murder the Indian girl for wanting to leave the group.

Also, the faggot literally becomes a demon to fight the Amish.

Uh… is this a serious comic? Because up until that verrrrry last sentence, I was taking it seriously.

Why even take it seriously from the start? What kind of cunt saves her own skin by giving up her entire family for a dude to bind up and flay alive? If you get the opportunity to call someone, can't you just call the cops and just pretend like you're talking to your family?

I know Gail is a progressive libcuck but how does one become so deluded into twisting the narrative from "police brutality against blacks" to "police are racist, sexists who attack stronk asian womyn!"

She doesn't give a shit if it makes sense, as long as it fits her narrative that "cops are all evil assholes".

I remember someone storytimed it a long while ago, couple months.I think so at least, I remember that there was another story about teenagers with superpowers and a pet dinosaur that was right around the same time. Both managed to find a way to find the bottom of the barrel and keep on going


1) What dirty laundry?
2) They fired her for moonlighting as a prostitute

You don't remember when she tried to accuse Nintendo of being against her SJW crap from the start as if they were a bunch of 'misogynists'?
And technically we don't know what she was doing and why they fired her. They claimed moonlighting but she bitched about how they let others do it, and the only evidence we have is her nude photoshoots that she uploaded to her twitter. So, likely porn and camwork rather than pure prostitution.

I understand wanting a varied and interesting cast, but there's a point where it goes too fucking far. Gail passed that point at 80mph and never looked back.

Why are most of her characters not straight and not white? It's like Gail looked at demographics for the US and chose to do the exact opposite.

No wonder her original works bomb.

pic unrelated, but nice to look at.

Why do people hate Harley Quinn again?

Because some feel that she's turning into DC's Deadpool.




Why do you faggots like how she is now?
She's trashy and LOL RANDUMB XD SO CRAY-CRAY unlike she originally was- funny, classy, and sexy, while still being tragic. She was crazy, but it wasn't over-the-top. And she was undeniably a villain, even if she was pitiful.

>that modern and diverse audiences long to see


Ideology clouding her ability to understand.