What the fuck

What the fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


holy shit

fuck off ultraniggersatan

its perfect

Furry got botspammed up a spot, bui, doing gods work again.

The mega-autist Bui spammed them.
CodeMonkey will probably figure out how he did it and prevent it from happening again.


If we could nuke Germany and the UK we could cure the world of the furry plague

Aren't most furries in the US?

Wouldnt you sacrifice yourself to kill millions of furries?

Yes, but you didn't answer my question.
I also don't live in the UK or Germany.

Was it really Buy again?

Also, there are far more effective ways of cutting somebody's head off than with a fucking hack saw.
I mean, look at how far apart the ridges are on that thing. You'd be putting serious elbow-grease in to get through the cervical vertebrae.
A good hacksaw should have the ridges so close together you shouldn't even be able to spot them unless you're close to it.

I sure hope bui never spams Holla Forums.

Its like you have EVEN killed someone.

I do not know the answer to that question, nor am I the same person.

He spammed Holla Forums before I think and most of the users don't even remember.


have not*

You clearly don't know how to remove degenerate.
Removing degenerates has to be a fast process. Get sloppy and you'll be caught. Even assuming you won't be caught, you're still wasting time you could spend hunting down more degenerates.
When the Chinese execute people they just shoot them in the head. No games or funny business

The fuck? Is the way the government handles these people which causes them to be furries?
I also doubt there are that many furries in Siberia, that's probably just attention whores claiming they live there so more people click their little messages.

astLay imetay Iyay alkedtay otay imhay ehay aidsay ehay asway oinggay otay oday isthay otay allyay ethay otheryay ipfagstray exceptyay imselfhay. eHay aidsay omethingsay aboutyay antingway otay ebay onyay optay oryay omethingsay.

I went around and counted up all the furries in the R.O.I. and N. Ireland.
The ratio of furry-to-notfurry is two and a half times higher in N. Ireland than it is in ROI.
Something's not right here. Is there something about the UK that makes its people more likely to be furries?

I noticed I missed one.
Regardless, it's still basically the same result.

Because cuckoldry, transsexuals and multiculturalism is prevalent in the UK. They are literally cucks.

the cUcKs are just naturally fucking gay, lad


Bi-polar is a huge problem among our youth as approach to this kind of shit is approved by their surroundings.
They eventually kill themselves though so its a self fullfilling prophecy.





DAYUM BOI!!!!!!!!! That is like, SOOO, funny and kewl! Ebic image tbh! Upvote! +1 :DDD

How to get rid of degenerates 101:
1. Kill yourself

What's the difference between your average furfag and your average Holla Forums user? You average furfag has a life, even if it's a techno/spoiled one.

A plague on both your houses!

We surrender.