Electricity from seawater: New method efficiently produces hydrogen peroxide for fuel cells

Since we don't have these threads anymore, why not have one for old times sake?

Other urls found in this thread:


Woops, forgot the link


I am sure this method was invented by Muslim scientists which is why we need to keep on importing them all into our nations.

In mice, a long course of antibiotics that wiped out gut bacteria slowed the birth of new brain cells and impaired memory, scientists write May 19 in Cell Reports. The results reinforce evidence for a powerful connection between bacteria in the gut and the brain (SN: 4/2/16, p. 23).


How long before BP and Shell try and silence these scientists

Oy vey! You don't want more h1b visa students?

I dunno if H2O2 fuel cells are ready for cars.
That sounds like a safety hazard.

Feels good man

Also, why the fuck does it take a scientific study to work out that destroying the bacteria which produce most of the neurotransmitters your body uses is bad for your brain?

Shell and BP have invested research money into alternative energy for quite a while now. Thing is they have a vested interest in milking fossil fuels until it runs dry completely. Sustainability = ensured shekels.

However we need a physicist and a biologist to verify this.

Scientists need to churn out bulshit studies otherwise they are out of a job. It's a retarded bureaucracy thing. If you don't spend all of your budged you can't get a new one next year.


The big companies invest so they can control the findings. I believe Gillette owns the rights to a razor blade that never dulls or at least lasts for years and years. Will never see the light of day because it would hurt the almighty shekel.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some clean and renewable fuel/energy that works very efficiently that is just locked away because it would kill fossil fuels overnight.


Modern razor blades are nothing but a scam, there was a thread a few months ago which derailed into a discussion about shaving methods that ended up being highly informative since it introduced me to the old style razors which take the cheap blades while still giving a great shave.

Patents only last for 20 years though, they aren't the same as copyright (which basically lasts forever at this stage).

Apparently we don't have these threads anymore because the original Space Elevator became disillusioned with technology's ability to be the sole advancement, preservation, and saviour of mankind.

Diversity is strong enough to fuel all cars on earth

You know OP, you could just pull stuff from futuretimeline.net/

However, that site is also predicting we're going to have 30 hour work weeks by 2030 and people born in the late 1900's will be the first humans to live to be 200 through cyborg and nanotech so who knows.

I want the thread to be like the old Space Elevator and Space Escalator threads.


Reported. it's not politics.

Newfag detected.

Atleast the Cleric of Technology isn't here

Oh no, you found out that I lurk on this forum for only 1 hour. :^(

There are quite a few reports of people inventing water-fueled vehicles and then having 'unfortunate accidents.'

This is a science thread newfag. Fuck off

All you newfags are reported and saged. Enjoy your permanent bans, newfags.

Nope, still no efficient method. Its all just promises of how they will develop an efficient method in the future, promises they have been making for decades

apparantly Shell and BP have an interned defense force. But 8ch is unlisted from google search engine. How did they find this place ?

Scraping ED maybe.

In a paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the scientists describe a new ‘quantum tunneling state’ of water molecules confined in hexagonal ultra-small channels – 5 angstrom across – of the mineral beryl, characterized by extended proton and electron delocalization.




Fueling anything except rockets with H2O2 is a terrible idea. That stuff is a nightmare to handle because it reacts violently with basically anything metallic or organic. It also tends to explode when subjected to light. The pure stuff anyways. If you dilute it it gets horribly inefficient

when will we get antimatter water?

reminds me of this

Looks like sea-water can finally be used in more productive matters


Inb4 bump locked/ deleted/ imkamphy'd for being a halfway decent thread.



Hope you like being unemployed

I don't see the surgery bot going anywhere. Yes it serves well in a controlled environment, but humans are very varied in their internal structures. It could go in expecting a kidney and find the organ an inch lower than average.
Automated truck convoys tho, this is either really cool or going to end in one big pile-up.

Could we build zeppelins covered in solar panels that fuel themselves using a condenser and electrolysis? Or does the math not work out?

Nothing that efficient yet, and it would be difficult to keep them out of every storm's path.

We don't have decent solar panels for that. If we manage to make a solar panel with at least half of the performance of photosynthesis of plants we're gonna be set for life.

Today's solar panels require direct sunlight to function properly. Plants don't need direct sunlight. Yeah it better but all they need is light.

I saw that at first as

I've been awake too long.

Someone tell me if dinosaurs were avians or reptiles please?


They were avian reptiles from outer space

I think the sheer variety and exotic nature of skeletons suggests they were actually demons populating a primordial hell on earth.

I see thanks.


There isn't, though. Fossil fuels are pretty goddamn impressive as far as energy density is concerned.

This peroxide fuel crap, while interesting, will probably never take off. Hydrogen peroxide, while it does not require a seperare oxidizer or fuel, is difficult to store and can rather easily be fucked up into exploding for this exact reason - as one very unlucky Russian submarine found out in 2000. I'm also somewhat unsure what its energy density is like for a decomposition reaction, since you're breaking single O bonds and creating O-H bonds in the fuel over a catalyst, while in hydrocarbons there are tons of C-H bonds being broken by an external oxidizer (which doesn't have to be stored). Since carbon is lighter than oxygen, and with hydrocarbons you take a significant portion of the reaction mass from the atmosphere, I suspect you'll have to cart at least twice as much H2O2 with you as you would gasoline, for the same energy output. The second problem with it is simply the lack of efficiency, and the tiny amounts produced. You'd have to create gigantic sea-peroxide farms with all the corresponding difficulties in extraxtion and storage.

Might as well just grow corn and get methane, which is a way better fuel for fuel cells to begin with. And you can also burn methane, which doesn't require platinum membranes and shit. At which point it is actually easier to just make methanol/ethanol to burn.

why not have one for the future? the whole point of those threads was education, edification and conversation about technology's impact on humanity's future.



The robo surgeon is just news of this autonomous system reaching a milestone. The next thing they throw at it will probably be a more relevant procedure since this task is already accomplished well by staplers as I understand.

As far as your point about its limitations do you think you're bringing up concerns these men who do this for a living, who created this, aren't aware of? There are plenty of obstacles to be overcome before we've got a hospital bed that can perform major surgery but this technology could reasonably mature into just that. Sure it might have only put veterinary surgeons that perform obsolete procedures on pork out of business today, but in five years time it could put your local dentist, surgeon, etc. out of business.

Same with the platooning article. Trucking is a fair sight less complicated than major abdominal surgery. We essentially already have the technology to roll out driverless roadways. The article even mentioned that the truckers were essentially ballast legally required to be there "just in case".

As autonomous systems take over this task or that the field gains experience that's relevant to all tasks. Eventually you don't need anyone but a robot guy to start it run a business. Eventually the robot guy could be a robot.

We live in an Industrial Society. The Future is now.

So basically like the communist parable of the rope maker capitalist who sold all the rope to hang the other capitalists being hung last by the rope he produced, the human who builds all the robots is replaced by a robot when all the other humans have been replaced.

Check your privilege silicon scum.

Solar cells are much more efficient than photosynthesis, 10x to 100x as much energy recovered from the same exposure of light. Compare a field of solar cells generating stored energy through electrolysis, and a field of some energy crop like Miscanthus, and solar cells come out on top.

Problem is, they are fucking expensive, require a lot of expensive supporting tech, get dust on which needs cleaning, get broken when stuff falls on them etc.

If I wanted to capture solar energy, even in Canada, I would still just plant a few trees though. Too much risk and expense in solar so far.

I'm going to make a new board.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out

There are boards for science, tfwnogf, aryan womyns, and everything else.

This is a board for politics. You cannot possibly tell me packing this board with bullshit is a good thing.

and they said the Luddites were crazy

do it faggot! make a board, fill it with stuff you like and find out real fast just how many others like exactly the same shit you do. ∞Holla Forums is not about to censor every thread just to your specifications. If you don't like the thread
and lurk somewhere else instead of whining like a baby about it.

Oh if only the smaller boards would have more activity…

You mean fill it with politics?

My specifications? The board is called politically incorrect. This IS a specification. It has nothing to do with science.


You're on OUR board.


Space Elevator threads were once a staple of Holla Forums.

Yes that comparison seems apt. Except the final link in the chain, the ((owner of capital)) would be the last one left. Because he served no purpose to begin with he cannot be replaced by a more efficient system.

I can't think of a good analogy for the current trajectory of technology because it's more like we're creating a paradise piece by piece but our wages and the ultimate end of our works are hell for us.

I wonder if communities like the Amish will be left alone. I doubt it, if their current treatment is any indication.

Technology is both the enemy and the only ally. New technologies like 3D metal printing/ solar cell fabricating machines, energy storage developments, etc. shift the scale in the favor of the obsolete man, the individual, because they lower the barrier of entry to property ownership. They encourage decentralization and so enable alternatives to Jew owned robot hives. Similarly old technologies like water catchment, dry land farming, landrace gardening, etc. will undoubtedly be essential to anyone trying to get away from the brave new world.

Actually this is a whole new field of study: the Biogenome.

Simply put, you're a walking zoo, and your health is intimately tied to the ratios of good and "bad" (because while some cause illness, the same are necessary in low population levels to maintain health).

In fact, 90% of the cells in your body are not mammalian cells! Although this totals to only be about the weight of your brain (prokaryotes are very small), most of which are in your gut, new research is focusing on treating illness by keeping your zoo healthy as well.

This is why traditional antibiotics have so many symptoms and more often than not cause secondary infection. You not only wipe out pathogen, but you kill healthy bacteria which keep other oppertinists resident to you in check.

The latest thing in this field are fecal transplants for sick individuals from a healthy person's stool. Sounds gross, but we're finding that it cures up to 70% of C. difficile cases, with little to no side effects.

More important however, is the impact on your development, particularly your immune system. It's why kids should be filthy, play in the dirt, place their toys in their mouths, etc., because your immune system needs to know what bacteria are healthy vs. which ones to go REEEEEEE about. Diet is intimately tied to this as well.

Growing up in oversantized/improperly fed environments can cause everything from IBS, chrons disease, allergies, even links to autism, depression and psychosis.


Bullshit. We don't need your stupid invisible sky wizard voodoo nonsense ITT.

This is great news, OP. Even though it's not yet as efficient as actual solar cells, this is really worth investing in. Bump for science.

When you get sick, the damage your body takes is usually friendly fire from your immune system producing highly reactive radical species. Peroxide is one of them, if not the major one

Neither, avians, mammals, reptiles all originated from dinosaurs although birds and reptiles seem to be closer related.

Raptors turns out had feathers allover their bodies despite what Spielberg shows

Neither, really, but as far as cold or warm blooded, both sort of maybe.


Toyota and kia is banking on hydrogen/electric vehicles, check out mirai.

I guess they don't like tesla's monopoly on lithium batteries.

This sounds like a gold mine of medical data.
I can't wait to see what it brings us.

Damn, that's not too bad at all.


You’re a goddamn retard who needs to go back to Reddit if you think a single fucking thing on that site is real.

Yup. To further my point. Alcoholism causes neurological damage long term because it dries the surface of membranes along your GI tract, which fucks your gut flora and causes malabsorption of nutrients, thiamine (b1?) in particular. It actually used to be called aneurin, because without this vitamin, nerve cells die, and results in the neurological impairment alcoholism causes (not ethanol itself, but rather, you're starving your nerves and effects are particularly pronounced along facial nerves).

Another dietary tidbit. The keto diet fags are onto something too. While their whole premise is that carbs are borderline unnecessary, what isn't focused on but an interesting point is that grains in particular are very harsh on our GI. They cause malabsorption as well, actually kinda like booze, except instead of being a sanitation solvent, the grain contains antimicrobials to prevent microorganisms from attacking it before germination, because it's a calorically dense source of energy (meant for the sprouts, not you non-photosynthetic scum) so while bread and other grains sparked the rise of civilization, it also caused a rise in digestive disorders due to widespread use. It doesn't outright kill you, which is probably why its not as bad as alcohol, but do understand that it does inhibit your proper function to a certain extent.

Your diet should ideally consist of nothing but meat, seafood, tubers, fruit, and leafy greens. Everything else is poison, especially processed meat/grain. Especially grain


I'm familiar with the thiamine thing.
I lost a friend to it once.
He's alive, but his mind is just gone. Completely gone.

At least he's alive. My father unfortunately died last year cuz of alcoholism. The hospital actually killed him directly but he wouldn't have ended up there unless it was for the decade long vodka binge.

I always consume b-complex day before and after drinking because of this, although I should probably drop it entirely.

Sorry to hear it.
It got my grandad back in the 90's.
Yea, I've started using supplements too, just to be sure.



Science has a lot to do with politics you neanderkike shitstain

They won't, because it is not very viable as an energy source/storage medium. (((They)))'ll just keep funding greencucks and msm to go after nuclear at every opportunity.

That Galaxy is probably dead by now.

I always thought it was so cool that we're literally looking back in time.

Trump said alcohol is kewl in moderation

Also fuck you THC n /psy/ for the once in a while mental vacation

You can only look back in time. astronomical scales only highlight this fact.

Yea, but femtoseconds don't have the same psychological impact as billions of years.

Yeah Trump said he can't expect kids to not drink any alcohol. He said to "take it easy on the alcohol", meaning don't drink until you pass out.

Nigga sell the story, don't just dump a link.

I have a genetic/familial predisposition to alcoholism
So I don't touch it at all

That one is actually kinda neat.

tl;dr, starve micro organisms and blast them with ionizing radiation, and some of them do better because of it or something.

I wonder how Chernobyl black shrooms taste like.

I've wondered that sort of thing myself.

Probably like death.

Yea, I'd want to see a full toxicology study on them first, but still, It'd be worth at least looking into.
If they did actually turn out to be edible, well fuck, you just found the most expensive hipster mushroom for high end hipster restaurants ever.


Long ago on a mongolian manga board in another domain I was happy to read my first thread by the esteemed Space Elevator. He did his time and was followed by the slightly less capable Space Escalator and again Holla Forums had a reminder that science and technology do have an impact on politics and the general state of the world.

They have withstood the test of time so far and I think they have a great chance of hanging on til the end. I'm kinda surprised so many Holla Forumsacks are ignorant or anti- Amish.

since the dawn of technology with the taming of fire it has been a two-edged thing, as likely to injure as to improve humanities lot.

are capable of altering our behavior; (b) viral DNA that was incorporated into our DNA
millions of years ago is implicated in mental disorders; (c) many of us carry the cells of
another human in our brains; and (d) under the regulation of virus-like elements, the
paternally-inherited and maternally-inherited copies of some genes compete for domination
in the offspring, on whom they have opposite physical and behavioral effects. This paper
provides a broad overview, aimed at a wide readership, of the consequences of our
coexistence with these selfish entities. The overarching message is that we are not unitary
individuals but superorganisms, built out of both human and non-human elements; it is their
interaction that determines who we are.

you don't know the half of it

I feel that I am less capable than either of those two real human beans, hence the plain stair, but I really miss these threads; and another user and I discussed bringing them back along with the fat shaming fridays.
Friday guy didn't delivar to the best of my knowledge, but we can have the science thread anyhow. Hopefully I'll level up after a few weeks of doing it. /blog


It's pretty good so far, if a little lacking in presentation.

Yea, I spent all night last night getting drunk and trying to unfuck some stuff I fucked instead of grabbing the awe inspiring images, and preparing a better format.
I'll try harder next week.

We age of mechs nao.


Since we’re reaching the physical limit on the size of transistors and since Intel and AMD are just fucking around with their dicks in their mouths, how fucking long will it take for a graphene ANYTHING to make it into consumer production?

I’m so fucking sick of hearing of this shit and never having it realized. We finally discovered a pure lithium anode about a year ago. Any plans for consumer batteries? NOPE.

I know it sucks waiting on this stupid power storage bottleneck, but there's LOTS of research getting poured into this.
It's coming, it's just going to take some time to figure out the PURE BLACK MAGIC OF THE VOID that makes it tick.


They have to absorb sunlight in a very a exact angle in order to be efficient

Long live space stairs. You've stuck around posting really interesting articles longer than either of your predecessors typically did.

Cool thread, bro


sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

I would report you but you're probably a mod or one of their IRC boyfriends.

What is wrong with having 1 thread about scientific advancements?

Because we are under a fulls scale attack right now. It's a demoralization tactic NOW

Literally, shamelessly retarded.

Thankfully this is what filters are for.

You are the reason Holla Forums has gone to shit

I wish I could hate you out of existence.

I'm glad someone enjoyed it.
I'm about out for today, but I'll be back come dawn next saturday.
I have no life, so I'll if I can't find some more stuff.

You know you could express your disapproval civilly instead of being a massive faggot.

You're probably a goon.

Bump for non shit thread. Shills go home.
How long until this Nipponese researcher is found dead in a rice paddy?

take your cult of science circlejerk elsewhere, sciencecuck.

Every goddamn time there is a science thread. Be it biological , chemical or technological. There are always these kinds of fucking retards and then other anons wonder why those who are scientifically literate(or actual scientists) treat most Holla Forumsacks as retarded luddites.

There's 2 things that will come from this sadly

1. Its pure bullshit and dose not work
2. It works, and is going to be shutdown and bought by energy companies so no one will ever use it

I swear, this culture of pseudo-intellectualism and "irony" is the single worst thing to happen to humans in the last twenty years. Sure, people were always ignorant, but ignorance has never been a god damned sport before.

Every single day you're forced to read dozens of morons write incredibly stupid shit, misinterpret and slander, pile garbage upon garbage until the lies are indistinguishable from genuine brain damage.

The worst part being; they're perfectly capable of understanding. Perfectly capable of learning.

For all this whining about clandestine overlords, some people are certainly willing to participate in the "cool-ification" of being an absolute fucking illiterate bellend as a "joke."

Wow someone is mad that I just pointed out the energy infrastructure of the future.

Reminds me of pic related

we wuz tyronesawrus kangz n shieeet

did that kike do anything useful in his life?

More than some anonymous faggot on the internet

Go back to being dead Asimov you nepotistic kike fuck

Filtered, you fucking faggot.

It's not like there's fucking anything better to talk about.

they are big shoes to fill
if ∞Holla Forums can see so far it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants

I concur

the great majority of people I interact with are working on a basic 1st grade level. All an user can do is slog on and know that in the distant past those same 1st grade level people would have been considered very wise.
you are in the presence of it now.
the electronic incarnation of the human group consciousness

didn't Monty Python have the twit olymics ?


Your thinking 5, but in reality it wouldn't be as simple as that, its takes years to train a doctor, it takes MANY years to train a robot, and even more time for the legal shit, and even MORE time for the RND.

You are probably going to see robots diagnosing you first, and in 20-40 years see robots capable of advanced surgery.

Until then you will get robot "helpers" most likely that will hand surgeons scalpels and other items, hold parts of the skin directed to by hand giving a steady foundation to work from and other complex but human guided actions.

Nice try shill, most of Holla Forums from my experience are, or at least were highly interested in new scientific discoveries.

There will always be a clique that's against it, this board is full of oddjobs from everywhere, I mean what do you us for, robots?

Take us for*

Fucking tablets suck dick I need to fix my PC.


What I think will most probably happen is a devision between robots/cybernetic aurmentation and genetic enhancement.

Eat a sack of baby dicks

Yeah until someone brings up the king of the luddites and his menifest and then the flood happens.

this "clique" , save for a few threads , is all i've seen.

oy gevalt you're such a luddite! Anyone else find it weird there are people on Holla Forums who think the luddites did anything wrong when they were literally rebelling against jews fucking them out of jobs?


Those 'people' are kikes.

You two idiots do realize that said industrial revolution is what raised the IQ of the population since it selected those with higher IQs right? Meaning a generation or two after they needed people with the skills to maintain the machines.

You do realize the industrial revolution ended in the 1930's and the ultimate decay and destruction of western civilization and the white race using jewish subverted technology and 'science' began right goy?

You are tremendously overestimating the chosen people here.

industrial revolution was incredibly dysgenic, even if it was a good outlet for intelligent people

more and more couples could scrape by while having 6+ children

Like gypsies and niggers then

Russians (well all east euros) mushroom hunt as a hobby but those around chernobyl aren't something that you wanna eat. Mushrooms in particular absorb the radiation like a sponge. So do many berries

The wildlife around chernobyl is thriving actually. No mutations or sickliness of any sort. I have my doubts about chernobyl being a legit nuclear incident.

It was a legit nuclear incident. However there is a led dome on top of it which is got eroded by the radiation and I think there is a new one even bigger there now

That's why eye injuries are serious. Your blood isn't supposed to come in contact with eye cells and if you get bleeding to the eye, your immune system treats it like a pathogen and subsequent exposure can lead to blindness

nigga pls

Then the effects of radiation are incredibly overestimated

Actually they are largely unknown since
human experimentation is viewed as unethical. It either gives you tumors or it longevity. A high enough dose will fry you on the spot since radiation is transfered as heat.

radiation is supposed to fuck up anything from living/growing properly yet after hiroshima the plants grew back incredibly fast and now chernobyl has a thriving wildlife. Either it's bullshit altogether or greatly exaggerated.

Natural selection is doing its job.
Unhealthy individuals with fucked up genes have a hard time producing offspring, they'll die out and make room for more healthy specimens.
Neither chernobyl or hiroshima are kept in a jar which allows for the introduction of diverse foreign elements.

Very convenient how chernobyl was too dangerous to even visit and collect data yet we're supposed to take for granted that all the 3 eye monstrosities got pushed out in favor of the healthy animals currently there ( which are impervious to radiation ). I thought radiation is supposed to last a long ass time?

There are people living there too.

inb4 they commit suicide with their hands tied behind their back.

read the article nigga
it isn't about damage from foreign sources it's talking about the body's own immune system destroying eye cells that are normally sequestered from the immune system. Bacteria in the gut are the cause.

Yup, mostly because wildlife doesn't live long enough to experience cancer. It's seen as an illness of the old

Actually there's a documentary about that actual topic of wildlife in chernobyl. A lot of it has to do with humans abandoning the area. They follow a litter of kittens throughout the doc. I forget its name but it was good

You can take a tour around chernobyl. I did last time i visited kiev

My bad, that's interesting

I know one patent of Gillette (a razor re-sharpener) and another patent of Phillips (long term light bulbs) were gotten via threats to the people who made them: both from Peru if I'm not mistaken.

no worries m8
I've often wondered what might happen if a human was infected with the benign e-coli strain that is used to produce humulin. Would the immune system start attacking the pancreatic beta cells that are the heart of insulin production? it was human pancreatic beta cell genes that were spliced into e-coli after all

what modern medicine calls auto-immune disease is very often triggered by bacteria in the gut or lining of the gut.

Where do you side on the relativity vs ether debate?

That wasn't very == TOLERANT == of you, fellow Democrat :(!!!

You've now been banned from Sweden for your hatecrimes >:(!!!

Oh for fucks sake


Rocket fuel.

The effects of radiation vary by its type. The important ones are gamma radiation (which is basically just a high energy wave that penetrates deep into tissue), alpha radiation (which is a heavy particle that doesn't penetrate very well), and beta radiation (which I almost completely forgot about that penetrates reasonably well and is heavier than gamma but massively lighter than alpha).

Alpha radiation you do not need to worry about at all. It won't penetrate through paper, let alone your clothes, let alone enough of your skin to reach replicating cells or their DNA. Beta radiation can be stopped by aluminium foil and gamma needs lead/thick concrete to stop.

All radiation does is applies energy and sometimes a bunch of shit to the nucleus or electrons (or positrons) which can cause the atoms they hit to change or have enough energy to bind or separate from something nearby. In the case of your DNA, this can cause single base changes called a point mutation (eg: changing a gene that reads "gataca" to "gattca"). Even though a point mutation can wreck havoc on your genes and fuck everything up, there are no mystical properties to radiation that will make you sprout arms or have green glowing children. There is nothing radiation can do that regular life (without radiation) cannot.

As for the wildlife around Chernobyl, deer and shit like that only live for a handful of decades at best and reach sexual maturity within two years. As long as you're having healthy offspring before they die, natural selection says whatever the fuck you're doing is a-okay.

Same with stockings that don't ladder.

It won't. Insulin (the protein) requires some kind of modification after it is synthesized from the gene and bacteria don't have the functionality to do that. What the bacteria produces won't look like the insulin secreted by your body. If it did look like it, your body still wouldn't attack it for two reasons. First and foremost is because your immune cells go to the thymus and get exposed to (I'm pretty sure) every antigen your body produces. If they react to them too strongly, they get killed and don't enter the blood stream. Second is because your gut has a specialized cell structure that "tastes" your food and tells your immune system not to attack it. Food is, after all, a foreign body and would normally be attacked by your immune system. Large oral doses of some antigen builds up resistance to reacting against it. Fatasses that don't eat vegetables can attest to this because they get stomach cramps and diarrhea when they do finally eat veges for the first time in years when the effect has worn off. It's far from a perfect system so there's a little bit of crossover with these systems (antigens that look like a different one to your immune system) which is both the cause of not reacting to food you've never had before and auto-immune diseases.

Man this post was way longer than I thought it would be.

forgot my pic


From what I understand, radioactive cesium and strontium? completely bypasses your skin and gets deposited in your bones/tissue and deal direct damage to your internal mechanisms

It's why I find iodine rations fucking comical. If anything, they should ration metal chealators in the event of nuclear disaster

Alpha radiation external to your body isn't a problem.

If an alpha emitter gets inside your body, however, it will fuck your shit up worse than any other form of radiation.

An alpha particle causes about twenty times as much damage as a beta or gamma if it gets inside your body.

rip >>>/sci/

it might be a good thread, but saging in interest of keeping frontpage for habbenings

He was suffering from severe depression. Unfortunately, he burned the papers before performing fellatio on his shotgun.
-Police investigation

It doesn't actually work, nothing to see here everyone go home.
-popular scientist #83

Literally a hoax, it's fake, none of it is real.
-newspaper / front page youtube / msn headlines

Patent #68103EJ
-Royal Dutch Shell / NASA / Google

confirmed for good goy scientist

WTF? Humulin is human insulin produced by GE e-coli bacteria and it is indistinguishable from human produced insulin because the production is done via human genes that were spliced into the e-coli bacteria.
As for WHY the immune system targets pathogens, please go on to explain auto-immune disease. or maybe read the article on Uveitis I posted earlier

Relativity comes from and continues to be pushed by kikes/shabbos goyim ( I guess technically Einstein plagiarized it from a goy but that's beside the point ). Speed of light as a limit is probably bullshit as is the common conception of how gravity works.

These people browse Holla Forums now

Plasteel when?

And transparent ceramite. Almost forgot that

Right after we find the natural titanium alloy known as adamantium.

Bump for edutainment



OMG would you just fucking die already?
