I believe in my right over my own body.
I believe in my right to defend my body and the means to live.
I believe in my unrestricted freedom to life.
I will fight and overcome every obstacle to my freedom.



























All of these futuristic cities look like extreme capitalist cities.

Libertarian cities would be extremely diverse and based on what the local governing principles were based on. It wouldn't be some set Bladerunner-esque city.

is there a lack of variety?
show us what you would like? remember something the form of cities has to exist to manufacture many of modern goods (dense settlements with resources extracted from elsewhere)


pretty much

I don't really have a picture of the sort of infrastructure that I'd prefer. All I'd want is liberty and no central banking systems. As long as the technology was up to date, I don't really care what the architecture would look likeā€¦

then the only lack of variety here is primitivist structures, you are free to post them
you are right that there would be no real standard without a parasitic banking and government system




