BSD Thread

Lets have a BSD thread.

GNU friends are welcome.
SystemD Refugees are welcome.


Introducing the BCHS Stack = BSD, C, httpd, SQLite

It's a hipster-free, open source software stack run on Openbsd.

Wayland / Weston with XWayland works on DragonflyBSD:

Other urls found in this thread:

BCHS has two problems. B and H


We already have a thread on how overrated the BSDs are. Nobody ever answered my question about BSD's shit USB support. I assume it hasn't been fixed and kernel panics and corrupted filesystems are still the norm.

The BSD USB Driver thing is a meme. It should have been fixed a long time ago.

Hows bhyve going? Is it still vaporware?

Nah. It's pretty full feature now. I use it to emulate Illumos, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and SmartOS (Just playing around with it.)

Iocage allows for easy management of jails.


You have no idea how refreshing that is to see. Of course, add in Scheme to the mix and I'm in heaven.

BSD is still mediocre crap. Go with Linux and Lighttpd if you have half a brain.

I respectfully disagree. BSD is an excellent alternative to linux for those types of applications, the shortcomings would be on laptops. That said, OSX chose Darwin BSD at its core, and they produce one of the greatest laptop experiences out there.




thanks for bumping the thread

i tried pc-bsd on laptop, it's okay except it cant read my ext4 externals, is there a way around that? i'm so lazy to switch it all to zfs.

Nope. Just switch your "this drive should work on multiple OS" to more obsecure filesystem like zFS

GhostBSD is way better than PC-BSD. PC-BSD is poorly optimized and uses way too much RAM. I do wish NetBSD and OpenBSD had GhostBSD/PC-BSD like offerings. I'd like to be able to try them without having to go through a while bunch of initial setup to see if I like them.

freebsd = shit
openbsd = bliss

your posts are essentially worthless
even if you said windows was better because it plays games you'd have said something. you'd still be wrong but at least you'd have contributed to the conversation

BCHS is only open source? Damn, if only it were libre :^)

Does not compute.

In one hand, you have C, which is useful to make blazing fast page generation scripts that require a lot of requests per second. It sounds like a good solution for massive websites that will require scalability, but then you have H and motherfucking S that are pretty much the opposite of that.

The only thing all these tools seem to have in common is that they are light, but they are very different in every other aspect. In specific, SQLite won't scale very well and it is more often than not only recommended for client applications because it is light, simple to use and more specifically, simple to set up since it can be embedded.

The website says it is hipster free, but this seems like the epitome of hipsterism. "I'm going to use inferior tools because some of them look more intellectual in my curriculum" is hipster mentality; they are not doing BCHS because it is a good idea, but because nobody will use it other than for embedded devices with a few kilobytes of RAM.

Furthermore, I'd rather kill myself than do complicated text processing in C. If I was guaranteed it would work much better I would probably do it, but I am not going to waste the performance gain with motherfucking SQLite of all things.

at least it's better than xml.

H is fine for most workloads
S is perfectly acceptable for anything not write heavy.

It's dead simple to replace H.

Reasonably easy to replace S.

It's suckless elitism, not hipsterism, but close enough in a lot of ways.

You can't beat it for file storage.
It also works great for VM hosting.

i'd probably chuck in a little bit of lua script to ease development a bit. it's pretty fast for a scripting language

If someone makes another IB with BCHS stack...

bitcheschan when?

When will Net/OpenBSD get a modern filesystem? Is NetBSD's LFS even usable?


OpenBSD has an active HAMMER2 port in progress.

No idea for NetBSD but it has FUSE so you have a lot of userland options.

Why should I choose BSD over Mint, SUSE, Debian...or Ubuntu?
Not trolling, genuinely seeking input for my next OS install

As someone who's tried both, BSD is definitely something worth trying. It's the UNIX-like paradigm in a whole separate perspective from GNU-based OSs. GNU went ahead and reverse engineered most UNIX programs and has been maintaining their separate versions for 30 years now. BSD, on the other hand, uses versions of these programs that are directly derived from the original UNIX versions. 30 years of schism has led to a few really noticeable differences, and those differences are worth knowing as many companies opt to use BSD-derivatives in favor of GNU/Linux because the more permissive license allows them to do more with it.

Another OS family worth trying for the above reasons is Illumos, which is derived from Solaris, which is a form of SystemV UNIX, which is another standard of UNIX-like that's separate from both the GNU standard and the BSD standard. It's good to know SystemV because some companies still use Solaris or HP-UX.

Also, I found it fun learning to work with BSD. It's kind of like learning GNU/Linux all over again, except this time you have some idea of what you're doing so it's somewhat less frustrating now.

Gee, thanks user. I'm thinking I'll try Debian next, I'll give BSD a go after that. The bitches stack intrigues me.

They chose a BSD because of the cuck license.

You completely missed the topic of my post.

No, I know what you said. BSD is crap with a crap license it's as simple as that. Because of their crap license, they will always be behind Linux.

Crapple was somewhat able to polish the turd that is BSD, but they chose BSD because its license allows it to be exploited.

Don't get me wrong, I want to like BSD, but it's just so shitty.

Prepare your anus.

More like:
SQLite has some issues too. They even admit it. "SQLite does not compete with client/server databases. SQLite competes with fopen()."

If your website gets too popular and/or complex, SQLite will start shitting itself. There are ways around some of the issues, but at some point you are just making things hard for yourself with no real payoff.

BCHS is really just an excuse to shill BSD. To make things easier, you would use Linux instead of BSD, and Lighttpd or nginx instead of httpd.

As much as I love C, that too is really a pain in the ass and unnecessary unless you're running something big that you really need the speed for. Perl is still one of the best languages for server side scripting, and python is pretty great, too. Python is easier than perl imho, and can still be pretty damn fast.

Really this stack should be LPNS (Linux, Python(or Perl), Nginx, SQLite) or LPLS (Linus, Python(or Perl), Lighttpd, SQLite) for small/medium websites.

Big websites should replace SQLite with PostgreSQL or MySQL.

When is Virtualization coming to OpenBSD?
Can it run Linux programs with a WINE-like application layer?

There's Erlang for the big. And Java (+ other JVM languages) for the rest.
Using unsafe languages (I mean, undefined behavior, arbitrary code execution, etc) for the public servers would be a brain dead decision.

It can, but not with a WINE-like application layer. It can run 32-bit x86 Linux binaries by translating system calls at the kernel level, like most other BSDs.
Who are you quoting?

Not only is he a BSD shill, he's THAT GUY.
Please, if you aren't going to kill yourself, at least go back to /jp/ and never come back.

That was my first post in the thread. I don't even use BSD, I just know that it can run Linux binaries.

BSD sucks.

That's good news for me. How about Wayland on OpenBSD?
Also, I know that Dragonfly has the hammer file system, but, other than that what are other features that set it apart from others? I mean, the fact it is a micro kernel really has some impact in the overall performance and development?

That's relative. If you don't know anything about Unix and Posix, you'll have a frustrating time learning BSD tools and then it'll be easy to learn GNU.
They're different, but saying that's learning all over again is too much.

One of BSD's strengths is that those who use it are much more likely to demonstrate the competency to improve things that suck, than you'll find on linux, where the babies are treating it like a 'hipster windows', which they consume and never contribute back towards.

When I see someone saying "BSD Sucks" I know that person probably isn't going to be a loss to the eco system anyways.

For those that do want to learn how it works, this book looks pretty awesome, which I hope to read over the coming weeks.

No. Aside from that, the difference with FreeBSD is supposed to be the threading model, giving better performances under load.

This is why the Linux kernel and userspace development is much slower than on say FreeBSD... oh wait. No matter how hard FreeBSD try, their train is gone long ago and not just because ATT lawsuit.

So stick with Linux then if it suits you better.

Does any BSD (net, free, dragonfly especially) user can tell me about the state of Linux emulation?
The problem is that my gaymes (mainly ppsspp, mgba, gzdoom, ioquake3 and iortcw) are either available on Linux or FreeBSD (except for some).

Dude, it's POSIX. If it runs on FreeBSD, it will run on the other BSDs without too much work.

There's also starting to become interesting, withotu any freebsd port (for the moment, it's not really capable of working correctly).

m8, free/netBSD wouldn't have developped a compatibility layer if you just had to recompile the shit. Your logive is good for programs not relying in Linux/BSD exclusive syscalls (epoll/kqueue situation for example)

Is there a BSD with the same amount of customizability as Gentoo? inb4 Gentoo/FreeBSD
I fear I won't be able to go dbus/polkit/freedesktopshit free anymore if I use FreeBSD. Well, I'll test it in kvm when 11 is coming out.

Just for fun, is there any stack that could be named FLCL and still be sane/a considerable option?

Well, you got it: "FastCGI Lighttpd C Linux". Could be worse.

Or replace fcgi with Firebird

I fucked up and didn't add any database software to the post. You will have to use either Couchbase or CouchDB for your C or else you will end with something half functional.

I guess FastCGI - Linux - CouchDB - lighthttpd could be a somewhat sane option, but FreeBSD - Lighthttpd - Lisp - CouchDB could be pretty fine.

I guess that could work (C implies some sort of CGI, after all), but I am unsure about how good Firebird is. Is it a solid DB?

I guess you could also consider sqLite, but that would be a stretch.

Fortran, Linux, Cassandra and Lighthttpd. Enjoy the madness.

Linux has a much larger userbase, BSDs have userbases that are more dedicated on average. Linux wins in development speed, but I can see why someone would prefer a community where the average user is less likely to be clueless.

Lua (fast scripting language)
Caddy (HTTP/2-enabled web server written in Go)
LMDB (key value store but it's faster than SQLite)

All pretty suited to an embedded system and no GPL requirements if you're not into that


Linux licensing completely kills the majority of development enterprise would want to invest in it. BSD you can do what you want with.

Do you live on Earth? We have Samsung, Red Hat, Google and others from industry. BSD have only downstream leechers. Even Linux Foundation support their hipster shit. Pity.

Android is not desktop linux
who primarily provides services associated with linux
Again, Android is not desktop linux

F2FS is useful for more than just Android. Google uses Linux for a ton of things, not just Android.

They still "invest in it". As much as I like BSD, Linux won the popularity (for entreprises and people alike) race some time ago.
And the only BSD that tries to compete performance wise is FreeBSD (and Dragonfly).

Is IceCat available for any BSD flavor?

So which one of those systems gather more corporate jewgold?