The natural religion of the nigger is worshiping ghosts and spirits, what the rest of us call black magic.

They are so low and degraded a race of people, without the civilizing influence of slavery by a more advanced people, their religion is to call ghosts into their bodies and become possessed.

That is how low niggers are.

In other more advanced cultures, their are small cults which perform such activities, but they are considered very low class and socially reprehensible.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nigger child kills puppy with his teeth at 2:44

Like some of you ive done a bit of autistic research into memes and the old gods. From what ive seen the religions of the northern hemisphere all have memetics, the notion that good and truthful ideas have a way of perpetuating themselves in a manner that seems to affect reality, as the root principle of their religion. Whereas the religions of the southern hemisphere revolve around dark animalistic voodoo and curses.

I havent looked much into american indians but from what I understand while much of their stuff seems voodoo tier it does have many aspects of memetics in it. So it seems to me that the north/south meme/voodoo rift is a universal constant.

The only thing ive yet to come to a conclusion on is why have the north as a whole veered away from memes over the last 2000 years. Is it that memes and the spirituality of northern people have an ebb and flow or that the advent of advanced tech resulted in people abandoning their spirituality.


Actually they do its just absolutely buried in dogma. In fact there are large portions of the bible devoted to "think good thoughts and good life will follow" which is memes.

Video very much related.

where's the politics though

Really it is only Western Europe that has lost it's religion.

Christianity has fallen under 300 years of gradual secularization. The root cause is a confluence of many factors.

The Renaissance created a split within Christianity, with its Greco Roman philosophical elements dividing from and being freed from the dogmatic elements of oriental faith. This led to a culture of reason within the educated intellectual class, which was centered around reestablishing Christianity upon reason as a natural law of God, rather than adherence to scriptural and ecclesiastical orthodoxy.

Christianity shattered into many many peaces.

The 30 years war and other religious wars and persecutions broke the Western faith in Christianity and Monarchy, leaving the intellectual culture of reason to gradually divide completely and reject religion. The first expressions of this manifesting as Deism, the preferred interpretation of our US forefathers.
This "Age of Enlightenment" led to full secularization and revolution from monarchy.

Simultaneously, the culture of reason gave birth to wave after wave of agricultural, industrial and technological advancement, while losing its core spiritual values and cohesive identity.

We are now in a state of decline into total disintegration, loss of identity, social cohesion, family, sanity, morality as we plunge into desperate hedonism.

This hedonism is spreading to India and attacking the traditional religious culture there.

Is it welcomed with open arms in China and Japan.

The middle east aristocracy is fully surrendered, but the fundamentalists are fighting tooth and nail against their eventual consumption by materialism.

Meanwhile the Southern Hemisphere is invading the North.

The Enlightenment and Age of Reason caused an explosion of creativity and thought, but unfortunately became totally detached from the spiritual roots of Western Civilization. Now our people are dying, like a branch broken from a tree.

Nicely written.

I would contest your final though, however. Not that it is wrong but dont be so pessimistic. We were well on our way to disintegration but we are witnessing before our very eyes a complete reversal. We new before this year started that 2016 had great memetic importance with many religions, from china to egypt, aligning together.

Theres a fight ahead of us but we are witnessing our army begin to form right in front of us. Do not lose faith fellow thule grouper.


I've an idea: can't we meme a new religion for the nigs? WE WUZ spread like wildfire. I'm talking about something that will make them show their true monkey genes.

It IS voodoo, holy shit!


Yup, that guy at 0:40 is definitely possessed. Everybody knows niggers can't swim.

Some niggers can drown more slowly than the rest but none of them can swim

-t. guy who tried going to bud/s
even with world class swim instruction and a year of practice the niggers were doing nothing more than fighting drowning

Some niggers can drown more slowly than the rest but none of them can swim

-t. guy who tried going to bud/s
even with world class swim instruction and a year of practice the niggers were doing nothing more than fighting drowning

also thats crawling in mud

so chimping out is their holy ritual?

It's called Nation of Islam

Thats what the kikes gave them

Lets give them something even more retarded. Weve already proven it can be done with kangz.

Here ill start:

>the devil took the most vicious of the wolves, which he named adam, and gave it the form of a white man and gave it an evil brain they already believe this shit about wolves being white men google it

>the only way to defeat the white devil is if every black person does flakka and performs voodoo rituals for 2 weeks straight give them their own niggified version of kike messiah to strive for

Holy shit.

Dogs and whites have similar looking feet.
Morton’s toe is common among whites.

Many dogs and all whites have stringy hair that clumps up when it gets dirty.
Dogs and whites are both fearful of anything different from themselves.

This is what niggers actually believe.


Thought I was joking?

Its fucking babby mode for us to feed them some new ridiculous religion

If we could mix furries into this it could spark a shitstorm.

Yiffing as the way whites channel/empower ancestral spirit animals and oppress voodoo majiks.

Throw in human puppy play and we can get the niggers to attack the white faggot leather crowd.

Hell we can probably meme Jyan Delamotte's pack of dog faggots ( youtube.com/watch?v=73zUm1J-Zos ) or Jack Donovan's Wolves of Vinland
( youtube.com/watch?v=hZ9q7X7LsL0 ) as part of a secret cult aimed at oppressing black magic.

So only Jews :^)

dumping santeria photos and such

I am sorry, but Nation of Islam beats that mythology easily.
You will have a hard time to beat Yakub's 720 Tricknology or how Yashmal found out the secrets of the universe by studying magnets.



Home » Caribbean Project » Caribbean Project: Haiti: The Usual Explanations
Caribbean Project: Haiti: The Usual Explanations
Posted on January 19, 2014 by Hunter Wallace in Caribbean Project, Haiti, History, Negroes, Race Relations // 51 Comments
Why is Haiti a failed state?
Why is Haiti a failed state?

Editor’s Note: I’m compiling a list of the usual explanations for Haiti’s failure along with an explanation why each doesn’t make sense.

The blows of fate which the independent empire of Haiti has suffered haven’t been much different from the experiences of other nations which have proven much more resilient.

Haiti was the victim of a cruel war of independence – Haiti wasn’t the only country that fought a costly war of independence from France.

Approximately 350,000 Algerians died in the Algerian War of Independence. Anywhere from 175,000 to 500,000 Vietnamese died in the First Indochina War – where Vietnam fought to expel the French – and 950,000 more Viet Cong died in the Vietnam War before the French and Americans gave up on trying to rule Vietnam.

While it is true that King George III officially recognized the independence of the “United States” in 1783, it is also true that Great Britain and the United States fought again in the War of 1812 and remained enemies through most of the 19th century while Haiti and France never again exchanged blows.

Haiti was the victim of slavery, white supremacy, and colonialism – Maybe so.

There’s no denying that the French brought in around 1 million slaves to Haiti, or that there was a racial caste system in colonial Saint-Domingue, or that this system thrived in Haiti for almost a century from 1697 to 1791.

At the same time, a clear majority of the slaves who revolted in the Haitian Revolution – somewhere around 333,000 – were recent arrivals who had been born in Africa. Unlike American blacks, Haitians were unaccustomed to slavery and were the first country in the Western hemisphere to succeed in shaking it off in 1791.

Slavery lasted much longer everywhere else in the Caribbean: it wasn’t abolished in the rest of the French Caribbean (Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana until 1848), the British Caribbean (1834 to 1838), the Spanish Caribbean (Cuba and Puerto Rico in 1886 and 1873), or the Dutch Caribbean (1863) for several more generations.

European colonialism and white supremacy were much more enduring everywhere else in the Caribbean: the Dominican Republic, for example, solicited several nations including Spain and the United States to be recolonized; Cuba didn’t even become a quasi-independent country until 1902; Guadeloupe and Martinique remained a part of the French Empire and were later incorporated into France itself.

If anything is true, the imprint of slavery, white supremacy, and colonialism is weaker in Haiti than anywhere else in the Caribbean, while the legacy of freedom and independence is much stronger.


Haiti has been the victim of natural disasters – In 2004, 230,000 people in Southeast Asia were killed by the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, which was a 9.1 earthquake on the Richter Scale.

Only a nig/sandnig would consider similarities to wolves/dogs as negative…..

One thing I wonder, I know at one point white did sort of the same types of ritual. Were we that stupid and barbaric ? I know we were superstitious and some still are but I'm seriously wondering if we were that retarded.

We could add to this with faggot BDSM imagery.

We did, but it was filled with more understanding of the universe and respect for life than any nigger ever had. We love nature in all her cruel beauty and respect her, niggers view nature as a an endless gaggle of minor demons that need to be appeased with blood and thus fear her.

Don't forget niggers. Hard to recover from that one.

Is this a bastardization of Jamiroquai? His bass licks are incredibly fun to play


They don't worship ghosts.
They call on demons.

Ancestral worship is as European as you can get.

Niggers just do drugs and pretend it is magic.

That explains why nigs hate dogs, and why dogs are a white man's best friend.


We should press upon dindus the meme that science is made from the white man and atheism is anti-black (I know it already is, but bare with me).
The only way to defeat science is to do black magic dances and piss all over each other. They'll believe it too.


Nice idea Satan!
Why not add in that the best way to gain some of whitey's power is to melt a weapon he uses down forge body rings out of it and quench it in his dead blood.

Nah, because dindus are violent and stupid and will probably go out on a murder spree if they were told it would give them super powers.

Instead, we should take advantage of the fact that they're the biggest joke on earth.

This niggers are doing shit that Whites only do when we're like blackout drunk.

Yeah, these are totally our equals man.