Alcoholica Thread

What's everybody drinking tonight?

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P.B.R. after the first three you won't mind the taste.

p.b.r. is shit tier, i won't lie, but for poorfags, there is no equal…30 cans for the price of 24 cans of any other shit-tier beer. it's an economic no-brainer

protip: go mexican and add a few shakes of salt and a squeeze of lemon juice (the kind in the 99 cent plastic lemon bottle). makes it much more palatable

one of each beer from pic related, and ~1.5 shots of Tito's in a gatorade. Shit's delicious and tastes like normal gatorade, plus it helps from getting dehydrated while drunk.

pardon me for being a pleb, but why does everyone suddenly have a hard-on for tito's? is it really the shit or is it just an artifact of marketing hype?

i'm low on cash so I am drinking nigger beer (mawlt liqqa). It has a high APV for the price, so what the hell…

2x 24 oz Heineken and 2x 32oz Miller high life. Also have some shatter

non pleb, here. above the shit-tier and slight shit-tier, vodka is vodka. It's literally ethanol and water. Patrician liquor. 100% of the sales of a particular brand is due to the marketing. Notice no celebrities release a gin or scotch - that would take effort. I could play chinese fire drill with all the vodkas in a bar and nobody would even notice.

Aristocrat vodka with some cherry Coke and oxy.

I'm one lonely tripfag :(

God PBR is so fucking gross.

For an alcoholic one drink is too many and a thousand is not enough!

Filtered water

good man

Man I'm tired of the brutal hangovers/increasing risk of cirrhosis.

switching to weed

i agree that vodka is slav-tier gut rot, but there are circles of hell and some vodkas clearly taste better than others. in the end, whiskey is just grain and water, but the processing makes all the differences


I hope you are using Infowars™ approved filters

ktf fam. Unfortunately I can't smoke weed because of the anxiety it gives me. When I took LSD a few days ago I did manage to scrounge up a bit I had laying around and smoke it. Pretty atypical of me though. Usually I only smoke when I see my brother.


Hahaha faggots I got trips

Given the chance I might micro dose LSD or mushrooms. But I have heard if you have a phobia of any kind, acid is not a good idea

OGD 100 and Evan Williams were my go to, fuck that flavorless grain alcohol

grow your own, user

you don't even want to know what cartel weed goes through before it hits your bloodstream

wow, impressive trips. please have sex with me!


quite the contrary. acid forces you to confront your demons. granted, it's not a fun ride, but when you finally come down and you will you will praise the gods of olympus for having made the journey

I've always had anxiety. Still can't eat anything I haven't prepared myself. As you can imagine I don't have the healthiest way of handling things that stress me out. But surprisingly whenever I trip I don't really get anxious. I used to go out in public a lot when I was really young. God I was a dumb kid. But psychedelics don't cause nearly as much anxiety for me as weed, unless it's DMT.

I'm flattered but not interested

Honestly I am of the opinion that vodka is vodka irregardless of price. No point in getting a bottle of Grey Goose if you can get three or four bottles of rail vodka for the same price. Vodka is my alcohol of choice tbh fam

People say that and there's some truth to it. But I kind of hate the way people of have of praising psychedelics like they're some kind of VIP pass to enlightenment. They do have the potential to make you view things from a new perspective, but more often than not they're just chemicals that make things more colorful and humorous. Work on your personal baggage yourself

wow, impressive south park reaction image. please have sex with me!

Popcorn Sutton was the moonshiner right? I always wanted to try some moonshine.

This is accurate, but no matter how shit faced you are miller lite tastes like ass.

yeah, the problem with that is that your conscious, sober mind has all kinds of self-serving tricks to avoid doing exactly that. the advantage of psychedelics is the loss of conscious control. that's the whole point of a trip. you just go along for the ride good or bad

confirmed slav. cheapest vodkas are so shit that congeners are still present in significant quantities.

As a bartender, vodka is a complete waste of space. Good grain alcohol - pure 95% abv - will always make a better cocktail if used properly. Good grain is top tier vodka with no water. I'd never water down a cocktail, and that's over half of what vodka is. Try a moscow mule or vodka tonic with a half or third pour of 95% abv and you'll see what I mean.

yeah, ps is pretty smooth for high proof moonshine. gives you a nice, warm glow. better buzz per sip too. no nasty hangover either

Ill have to look for that locally, only reason I drink vodka is to avoid a god awful hangover.

Use to drink Jameson and gingerale a lot but would feel like death in the morning.

good advice

thanks user

even though the irish arguably invented whisky, modern post-prohibition irish whisky is shit-tier. same for canadian whisky. absolute garbage. generally, stick with either scotch or bourbon, depending on your tastes. hangover-free every time!

pic taken just now. doing shots of absolut mandrin and the powerade is actually a 20-oz redbull with a shit-ton of jager, so a super jager bomb if you will

The other reason I stick to vodka is because its easy to judge how good it is. I cant tell a good bourbon or scotch to save my life, I tried Johnny walker blue label dont know if it is a proper scotch and it tasted like gasoline.

Its shit

I also agree that Canadian whiskey is shit tier, its Crown Royal is the official sponsor of spooks.

oh there's a hangover alright

Forgot to add, Bootlegger 21 is the best vodka I have ever had. And for mainstream vodka Absolut is my prefered when I want to spend the money. Bought Stoli the other day because I stood in front of the vodka section looked down and saw the 10$ stuff and looked up and saw Stoli and said fuck it, grabbed it and went to check out before I could change my mind.

if you drink any alcohol without water, you'll get a hangover. either pace yourself or drink a glass of water for every double of whisky. yeah, you'll piss a lot, but you'll avoid the dehydration hangover

lol you fucking pleb. If you didn't know I lived in four of the twenty most alcoholic cities in the United States:

La Crosse, WI
Madison, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Eau Claire, WI

Not in that order for purposes of anonymity of course.

It's fucking amateur hour in here

or just not go on benders and save money

If you drink too much of any alcohol, you are going to get a hangover. Rehydrating and taking an anti inflammatory med like advil always helps but it wont cure the hangover immediately.

In darker liquors theres shit called congeners, while they are found in all liquors, darker liquors that have been aged have a ton more in them and they are also responsible for the hangover.

It was probably the dehydration.

No one will force me through that AA shit, got enough of that in a few stays in a mental ward

Only true alcoholics know that high protein foods cure hangovers. Just eat a shitload of protein and your hangover will be done 500% quicker

Yeah they were a bunch of faggits tbh fam. I was willing to quit drinking but not give up opiates. My sponsor took issue with this and now I still drink on weekends.

It's a cult

That's also why I won't go. They chain smoke but "everything is bad mmkay?"

bitch, you're the one whining about having a hangover from drinking a fifth of whisky over two days, not me. personally, i never chase, because i'm not a feeble cheese head bitch who gets hangovers from a fucking fifth

wrong person

lol I didn't say shit about hangovers but it's all good you seem confused on the issue.

That's actually an honor I don't think anyone here would ever consider me one

Im gonna have to try that. I do remember eating some ostrich beef jerky stick at one point that had a shit load of protein one morning and i felt better quicker.

Does it matter if you eat high protein food when you wake up? Or does it help to eat it on the tail end say before you sleep? Or does it not matter.

It doesn't. This is what I do:

Nope. Just eat high protein foods when you are hungover, and make sure to hydrate as often as you can. I used to just munch on peanuts and chug water when I was hungover and i'd generally feel great 20 minutes later. If you want to bring it to the next level, buy some protein powder and chug it when you are hungover.

I drink a shitload of water (about 3 cups every few hours). I

fucking pleb…that's some god-tier shit, nigga. can't even afford it because i'm a poorfag

Ya I got the hydration on point with pic related 2 before I sleep and one in the morning, lots of potassium and other shit with no sugar. I use to eat bananas then next day to and it helps a bit. Will have to give the peanuts or eggs the next day a go.

I can buy gasoline, mouth wash and rubbing alcohol by the barrel for cheaper, and they would taste the same.


Johnnie Walker wouldn't send you to the ER immediately

And Johnny Walker has no other purpose other than to be consumed.

muh precious bodily fluids

Nothing really I hate alcohol, opiatefag.


Poppy is king!

why not just create a dope general thread?



Thanks for the offer but I would rather hijack this one.
now post sexy poppies…

well if you're going to hijack a thread, make it worthwhile. so far, your game is weak and boring. step it up, faggot


mmmmm tasty alcohol.

stfu alcohol fag.
your shit is legal.

poppy gore




look at this beauty,And what is your shit made of again?




how are you going to claim your hipster edge when people are 3d printing molecules that make your precious poppies seem like bayer aspirin, faggot?

enjoy your synthetic cancer bro.



yeah, that shut your bitch ass up, quick

at least I am not drinking rotten shit.


great comeback, playa. it's clear u invented da game. play on








run out of juice so soon, playa?



good boy





alcohol is for pussies.

don't quit now, edgelord


are u ok? u seem a bit upset

why would I be , thread is ded.

well u are just acting so emotional and feminine…exactly as we would expect from a junkie

says the faggot posting shirley temple pics.


What if he is shirley temple though?It feels like you're not ready for the truth.

Don't you have an AA meeting to attend?

that's it? that's all u got to throw at me, bitch?

wew relax, u mad,it's not good for your blood pressure.
