Myths About Wars From A Conservative Traditionalist

War is anything but profitable. For every additional laborer you create to shoot enemies, or working in factories creating bombs, you have to acquire the capital to build said bombs and pay said soldiers.

Bombs are expensive, yes you might make a single company rich making them, but you are making every tax payer poorer by extracting the money to pay for said bombs.

Soldiers are also expensive, and you have to train them, clothe them, and feed them. This costs money. Multiply that by hundreds of thousands or millions of soldiers.

Not to mention that you are taking people away from productive jobs by turning them into killing machines. Aside from the soldiers that will die on the battlefield, a veteran commits suicide every ~1.5 hours in America. These are young men just getting ready to enter the workforce as skilled labor. They are stunting the time they would spend training and learning real skills to instead learn how to murder people in other countries. For every military skill that will transfer into civilian life, ten more will not. Veterans around the country are already having issues finding jobs after quitting the service before you even account for their PTSD and other symptoms of war. Most market innovations are discovered young, or when older, through knowledge learned when young. Not to mention a man murdering people abroad is a man who is not having children and raising a family at home, leading to issues such as autism when their wives have children when they are older.

You might claim to offset this loss of time developing by giving them "free education," and "free healthcare" for their injuries, but they are not free. You have to extract that capital from business owners and civilians. Every time you take that $140,000 from a business owner to pay for a soldier's education, you have prevented them from investing in 3-5 new employees who would have learned skills to help the nation's economy.

It reduces the Male:Female ratio, but it does not reduce the population in the short term since soldiers returning home are much more likely to have children than people living normal everyday lives. Additionally, you are creating broken homes with dead fathers or abusive mothers by screwing with the gender ratios. In the long term, the higher female ratio leads to all sorts of degeneracy like what we are currently experiencing. More women working = more women influencing politics since politicians are, in theory, trying to extort as much as possible from the taxpayers (those who are working). Long-term this leads to lower birth rates and all sorts of issues as women gain power- you can witness this firsthand in Europe and America. Europe and America do not have population problems and do not need to reduce populations.

Wars of self-defense are just. Without the utilitarian argument of wars being economically healthy, or the myths about war making men more politically powerful, the argument of war being just falls flat on its face.

Defending yourself from foreign invaders is just. Glassing an entire region because you happen to not like them is not- especially when you started the decades-long conflict in your attempts to acquire oil and help political allies abroad gain power. Invading another country defends no one's freedom- it only expands the powers of the elite to control you through various war-time laws and infractions that never end since you are constantly in a state of war, or which become the norm since the state indoctrination centers are teaching your children that these military-state laws are necessary.

False. Competition brings technological innovation. Competition can happen on the homefront or it can happen with other countries. Japan has shown this repeatedly by inventing new technologies and innovating old technologies, despite having not been in an actual war in decades. The economic boom of the 1990s also disproves this idea, as it was largely a "peacetime" economic boom. The Cold War did not bring innovation because of war, it brought innovation because of competition between the East and West.

If you want to get new technologies, think of ways to compete and encourage other countries to compete with you. An international robotic olympics is a far preferable means of developing new innovative technologies than bombing sandniggers.

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tl;dr- War is bad for everyone. You don't have to be a progressive shithead to see the pragmatic reasoning behind encouraging peace.

like war?

Quick question. Do you actually like the taste of penis, or is it just something you put up with so the other person will do it to you.

Pro-tip: every war of the last century has been a (((liberal))) war.

Yes goys, wars are unprofitable, especially for unremarkable minorities like us.

Military industry is just a scapegoat to obfuscate the ones who really benefit from these wars.

War is profitable if you conduct war for personal or tribal profit.

If you are killing enemies to take their land and women, it is profitable; if you are fighting for some vague humanitarian reason, war is absurd and poinless and harmful to your own community.

Even though evola and donovan and others may say that war is necessary for men to be able to experience life and death conflict and to have purpose and to achieve spiritual enlightenment, it is still something to be avoided unless you stand yo gain by it.

War can be profitable and should only be conducted when it is so.

It is profitable but it's not profitable for everyone.

This idea completely omits the obvious fact that conflicts generally occur around valuable natural resources.

Sure, sending men to war won't magically create more money than you use equipping them, but you'd have to be an idiot to think people aren't fighting for some sort of gain in capital, or that they'd continue fighting if the gain didn't outweigh the costs.

Welcome to Modern Warfare.

What fucking retard thinks this?

What fucking retard thinks "just" has anything to do with conflicts?

Competition may bring innovation, but that doesn't mean war doesn't. Now you're just displaying cognitive dissonance with your hippie-dippy-bullshit.

Smells like a kike slide thread.
You're not even fucking saying anything.

Are you a utilitarian by chance?

"War Is a Racket" by Maj.-Gen. Smedley D. Butler.

It's profitable for those who arm and supply those fighting. The whole of the rest of society loses out because of the massive waste of life, labour and wealth.

(((Some people))) are perfectly okay with this impoverishment.

War is good for destroying your enemies. You missed that one and its the most important one.

but goyim if you kill your enemies they win!

That pretty much describes the military industrial complex. A select few companies like Halliburton make bank on the tax payer dime during wartime.

But I think OP is trying to dispel the idea that modern wars drive an entire economy like the WWII meme, instead they are diverting resources from it to benefit a select few.

wars motivate the slaves to ramp up production for their own survival. meanwhile the products are skimmed and placed under control of the orchestrators of the conflict. therefor making it profitable seeing as how profit is relative to the success of those around you. you may lose money in the short term but as long as those under you lose more, you still profited.

War-centered cultures are probably one of the most red-pilled and glorious sort, I would give anything to have been a Roman Legionnaire or a Samurai.

Though I agree war today and the way we have of waging it is completely fucked, you can thank the (((international banking cartels))) for that.

So you're saying that natural resources are more valuable than your brothers, or are you saying your brothers are incapable of developing methods around limited natural resources?

Man does his best work under scarcity. This is how we created methods of mass producing aluminium for dirt cheap- it used to be an extremely expensive metal due to its scarcity.

You'd be surprised.

You're killing people who could potentially develop the next innovation.

While "scientists and engineers" might develop completely new technology, it's typically the backwoods hicks and "less educated" folks that are restricted in their cognitive functions that will figure out the "cheap and simple" tricks to bring about good innovation.

It took a couple of rubes out on the plains to figure out that a silicon cone around a crop will increase its yield by trapping moisture- scientists and engineers were too busy to think of such a simple solution.

This user gets it.

Wars are profitable to a few elites at vast expense of everyone else, the net loss is still enormous.

It's only good for destroying your enemies if you genocide them. Otherwise you just create multi-generational hatred towards your people.

If you murder a man, his child will come back to kill you in twenty years.


Though I'd consider WWII to be included in this analysis. It's beleived that WWII actually extended the depression, much in the same way most of FDR's policies did.

What does rape and mugging have to do with anything?

I dunno, user. That SPQR got the Romans fucked over pretty quickly when their slaves revolted and raped their women.

And why do goyim matter? They are but cattle.


Think objectively about the statement that was made- "Evil is good when used for the benefit of yourself and others!"

It turns all morals into relativistic kikery when you look at them like that. E.G. Utilitarianism. If Utilitarianism says there is a population problem, it will justify rape "for the greater good" if it has to. Same with mugging civilians.

You're right OP war isn't profitable
wars in the past have always been fought for various reasons, religion, territory, being insulted hundred years war and Genghis Khans invasion of Persia both began with an insult, but eventually after thousands of years they all culminated to one reason and that was either access to resources or the securing of your borders
to secure those objectives you poured funding into weapons and arms and training and feeding men for war
and the whole time you were mobilising for war you bled profit for your nation
until the last century where America a nation not bereft of resources but hungry and envious of the wealth that Western Europe was reaping from Africa and Asia came up with ideas
concepts like war bonds where you could invest in a war, the origins coming from the Consuls in Britain during the Napoleonic War and refined by the Rothschilds and the US Congress during the war of 1812
what the USA did in the 20th century that changed everything is they made war profitable by manufacturing weapons and arms for cheap in mass quantities and then selling it to shitholes and conflict zones they often caused in the first place from behind the scenes to make cash
War isn't profitable but arms dealing when there are wars going on is so when you're an arms dealer you have an interest in creating war and ensuring current wars continue without resolution

War is very profitable for the folks at the top and absolute shit for everyone else.

So go join the military, goy. Throw your life away to make some political punk even richer.

And war most definitely does drive technological advancements, at least serious wars not half assed proxy wars like we have today.

Look at you blaming the West for the Middle East being in turmoil. Heads up chucklefuck, that place was a shithole before America even existed.

You call yourself a conservative traditionalist, but you strike me as one of those "the truth is always somewhere in the middle" types. Grow some balls or fuck off.

I'm not sure what that is.

But if you and your people stand to gain more by killing another group than you stand to lose, than I see no reason why you shouldn't.

Morality doesn't apply to people outside your family and friends.>>6035604

Then blame the slavery, not the warrior culture. Haiti didn't have a warrior culture and the niggers still killed every single white person there.

If anything, a nation that inspires their men into martial prowess and mental fortitude would be much more resistant to subversion. Only when these values were lost (Pax Romana) did Rome become a degenerate shithole and collapse, Bizantium held on because of it's Christian faith which guarded them against degeneracy.

Militaristic cultures make enemies out of everyone surrounding them. When they inevitably use the cultures surrounding them as a form of wealth to acquire, either the wealth runs out resulting in revolt when the merchants and scientists stop visiting the country getting butt fucked by their neighbors, or the inclusion of the other cultures in an attempt to expand/prevent stagnation results in a cancer that attacks the heart- the beginning of the culture- leading to civil war and pussification of the war culture.

Welcome to the modern left and sexual revolution.

Byzantine only fell because the Catholics raped and pillaged the East when they had originally promised to help them.

It's really sad when the shit quality of life under the shitskins was preferable for those of the Orthodox faith to living under Catholic rule.

I'm not, but you're aware of that.

Okay, but they're idealistic at best and ignorant at worst. War has, isn't and will never be about "honor."

No I'm not, and again you're knowingly misinterpreting my argument.

This is definitely a slide thread-
Saged, filtered, hidden.

Talk to yourself about nothing at all.

Thats the fucking point. That's what people mean when they say war is profitable.

Of course its not profitable for the actual states engaging in the wars, but its profitable for the war profiteers, the banks that loan states money, and the military-industrial complex

What the fuck am I reading, seriously? Who ever said war was profitable for the actual state engaging in the war?????

Don't waste your time, the guy is just being a contrarian to evoke responses for his bait-thread.

This whole thing is designed to provoke an empty discussion with easy talking points so it stays bumped.

Rights and moral codes derive from a people and their traditions. They are not universal and the idea that they are is a modern corruption that came from philosophers who lived in nations where they did not have to struggle with questions like whether turkroaches are owed any rights under christian law.

FDR's Keynesian fiscal policies were a massive failure, contrary to popular belief. The unemployment rate in 1939 was actually higher than in 1931, and despite government spending mushrooming during this time to unprecedented levels it did nothing. WW2 was a forcible reset from failed Keynesian policies, restoring the US economy to its baseline after consumers were compelled to save most of their money out of fear and uncertainty and 10 million men left the workforce to join the military, the economy basically had to start from scratch, but even that was better than the inflationary money policies, economic stagnation, and massively wasteful government spending that FDR implemented. WW2 merely unfucked the economy, it didn't improve it. There was prosperity in the 50s-60s postwar period but only because the Bretton Woods agreement artificially strengthened the dollar against all other currencies and economies, and most manufacturing countries were completely flattened from the war so we had captive export markets for a while. FDR was a piece of shit who turned a recession into a decade long depression for political gain, and the only way out of Keynesian policies is either war, economic collapse, or some other type of hard reset.


You're a waste of our time, pal.

Lots of Holla Forumsacks when I've made arguments in the past about war while excluding that tidbit.

But user, war is objectively good, though not for utilitarian purposes. It is good because that's what defined mankind. The only reason we aren't just like any other beast roaming the earth is because of our capacity to craft and wield weapons, and of organizing to wield them more effectively against our enemy or prey.

Just take a look at any prosperous, sucessful civilization, they always elevated themselves into glory through conquest or otherwise conflict in general. Even Nazi Germany had a strong, highly motivated military which gave ZOG a hell of a fight.

To deny war is to deny ourselves, a civilization with no danger of conflict has their values degraded into nothing; there is no need to hold them anymore. Men become beta cucks and women become massive whores. And then another, stronger civilization comes and conquers them (rings a bell, Europe?).

War is the mother of all human advancement. War is sacred.

Idiot, the profit comes AFTER the war. I hate when some faggot comes up thinking he is smarter than all the leaders that went to war in the last 10k years. You are not. All those leaders, ALL OF THEM, went to war because of profit, and if that profit wasn't there they would have stopped warring thousands of years ago. But no, you are the first genius that got things right, eh? The arrogance of liberals is equals to their idiocy.

After the Iraq war, the different contractors have been paid at least 138 billion dollars, and that's just the official number.

War is just an excuse to transfer federal funds to "friendly" corporations.

Oy vey. Expect them to get big enough in the future, goy.

The first several thousand years of mankind were actually pretty war-free. Turns out, at least as ancient historians looked at it, that the European tribes and villages couldn't afford to lose men to violent conflict so they avoided it completely.

War only became a major thing around the time the Romans started invading the Germanic regions. Otherwise it was confined to small conflicts that rarely resulted in any major loss of human life.

BC Ireland
The Netherlands
Carolingian Law

>Utterly #rekt after they stole modern day equivalent hundreds of billions from all the major economic powers of the time in order to make their economy partially function

I was trying to avoid saying it, but is this supposed to be Viking LARPing?

Actually you can thank the military state. We're experiencing the same thing the Romans and Ancient Greeks did and we're on an accelerationist path as it is before the next global power collapse/vacuum that their method brings.

England didn't become great from war, they became great from the trade that brought about the industrial revolution. Prior to that they were considered a den of smugglers and thieves.

All I know is that war has been sold to us as something frivolous and useless and terrible, and nothing can be solved with violence.

then we see our elite go to war over seemingly nothing and gain seemingly nothing. Then I find out Israel is benefiting out the wazoo. Then I find violence is the only way to win any sort of conflict.

might makes right, war can be just and good.

suffering can be good, pain can be good, struggle can be good. ANGER AND HATE can be good.

we just need the proper reason. A war is coming white man, are you prepared to suffer for your people?

As with that first statement, I'm calling Romans the shitskins of their time. Kinda like how the Germans were shitskins that ruined America.

Do you actually believe that nonsense or are you just trolling?

Do you actually have a source to show otherwise outside of one or two conflicts, or are you just reinforcing your own beliefs by refusing to consider other possibilities?

You are the one making the positive claim that wars were a common occurrence, against the generally accepted point of view.

Anyways I'm heading to the gym to get swole. I'll see you all in about two hours hopefully?

Wew lad.

user are you a shill? You're basically parroting Jewish propaganda at this point.


War is extremely profitable.. Especially when you have a debt based economy

Rome didn't fall in a day. It took several decades of degeneracy to get to that point.

We're in the degeneracy part of the cycle right now, user. Our… I'd say great great grandfathers or great grandfathers depending on the family, were the warrior culture.

battle of Kadesh for one m8
although you have some truth to your claim, sometimes wars between celtic tribes and other celtic tribes and wars between greek city states and other greek states would be settled by a single champion from each side going 1 vs 1 before two opposing armies
if the fight was fair with a clear victor and loser then the losing army retreated and if fair terms were given by the invader those terms were abided to
if it all went sour you still had full scale conflict though

Not when you completely destroy the other side and leave no possible competition standing.


The Indo-European invasions spring to mind. Or how about those wars with the Carthaginians or Celts. Or Alexander, he was kind of a big deal. The destruction of the mycenean civilization by the dorics too. Or how about those big iron age battles up in northern europe we're only learning about because of archaelogy because none of those bastards wrote it down for us to read about?

Completely and utterly false.

Germanic society was centered around two things; farming and warfare. Half of the male population would be warriors, other have farmers. Next year they would switch.
Tribes used to have "dead zones", where no people would live because of the fear of military action. Bigger the zone, stronger the tribe.

That's ridiculous. You obviously don't know anything about the NS Germany, and still use it to rationalize your point. And your point is shit anyways.

Empire grow out of political power. The ultimate political power rests on force, no matter in which matter. Trade, industry etc. To demonstrate the power, war is needed.

americas no warrior culture
you're descendants of puritan farmers, its why your age of consents and drinking is so high and why you as a race seem to lack all sense of self-control these days
a people who took the wipe the slate clean ideology to heart and whole generations born on foreign soil far from the land of your blood
when the entirety of your countries military history has been point a gun at the enemy and pull the trigger its hard to be a 'warrior'
come back when you cut a mans head off with your sword and tie his hair to your belt and walk around with human heads hanging from your waist
if you were a celt and you did that it got the women wet and your brothers would sure as shit pass a mug towards you

yeah the jews tried but they didn't wipe all trace of the bronze age and what came before yet
every bitch who wears a gold lunala around her neck and calls it african fashion pisses me off and reinforces it for me that our history is being stolen from us

Granted, I don't believe the US has ever had a "warrior culture", though it still had the values and traditions of it's ancestors, it is important to note that the US was meant to be this cool new prosperous place for Europeans to move to, and those people brought their values with them.

The constant struggle against the Jewish banking dynasties kept that flame alive (I think) until the struggle was lost and everything went to shit.

Even now most of our "warfare" is done through high-tech systems that don't even require us to be face to face to the enemy.

It should be profitable for the states engaging in the wars.

Each generation of young restless men should be sent off to kill off other peoples and take that land for themselves.

if your ancestors were from northern europe remember that you werent allowed to legally marry a woman in your tribe unless you had become a man, and the only way to do so was to kill another man in single combat, not even with a longsword since longswords were reserved for men and you werent a man yet until you'd spilled your enemies blood

No war just brought about:

I have never ever heard anyone else use this argument. Nice strawman.

Bullshit. The Fed makes massive profits from it.

Pretty much every slave revolt in Rome ever got quelled.

But.. You are half right.

War is not profitable for the population. It is profitable to the jew banks who give loans to the politicians so they can send the young plebs to war to kill other young plebs and then pilfer the country they conquer.

It is arguable that every war ever has revolved around this but it is fact that every war back to Napoleon has been hugely profitable for the kike banks.

No.. Its just that in the few instances where an army is raised to push back against these fucks the armys that come to destroy them stoop to civilian killing tactics like burning confederate towns to the ground or firebombing entire nations that, as evil as these good guy armys are made out to be, they arent willing to reciprocate on anywhere near the scale of the aggressors.

More bullshit. Up until the 1700's most European countries were taking every possible chance to shit on each-other. Small conflicts? Yes. Still war.

Article related to the discussion of ancient warriors.

Europeans have been conducting large scale organized warfare with professional soldiers long before recorded history.

Source? I'm pretty sure the vikings didn't have longswords: It was a knight thing.

Do you mean Sparta by chance? There was never a real slave revolt in Rome.

Spartacus especially, the most successful slave revolt of Rome and it ended with Spartacus's death and every surviving rebel crucified along the appian way
6000 men alongside the road makes a statement

the first blades a northern european shortsword and that you could use as an unblooded
the seconds a spatha and for that you had to have already killed a man before your own people would let you wear one at your belt, this is a romanized one since the romans adopted it to replace the gladius eventually

Wars help build national identity, wars help expand territory, wars remind nations not to stagnate in peace. Without wars you can't colonize. No people have ever been obsessed with war than white people. Wars make us strong and threatening to other people. When a nation lives in peace it inhales, when it wages war it exhales, you need both. Wars make nations.

Skip this comment faggots, just trying out posting

You know if we just carpet-nuked every country we want to intervene with, we could get most of the spoils of war without any of the costs.

We may have a lot of degenerates with no self control but there is a non so quiet traditional revival happening here. It will of course probably lead to bloodshed.

Almost every battle before 1900 came down to melee combat at the end. And just wait… Shits going to get interesting on our side of the pond. Id be shocked if we dont see many of the spics go full insurgent and the niggers and libshits start going allahu snackbar as well.

I fully expect to see the libshits actually embrace islam as a way to throw a tantrum about Trump.

What is the French ball in 731 AD?

War is profitable, when the war is to advance your nation's mercantilism. Forcing other countries, entire populations, to buy your products and only your products, and to supply you with cheap resources. That's largely what the Imperialist phase of European history was about.



charles martel

Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne you fucking plebs

I think you're right, but I've never seen that symbol before. Do you know what it's called?

HRE was established in 800 (or 962, depending on how you look at it).
The particular part we were discussing is labeled 731.

well Francia then, I've been drinking so I shall leave as asked
I'd take it as 800

No, the modern left says the same morality applies to everyone, especially the outsider. It puts the other above one's own people, be it your own family, race, or nation.

except fucking muslims

Fuck off.

Except I'm not talking about war debts.

I'm talking about the hundreds of millions of dollars hundred of billions of dollars in modern equivalent that he took from other nations in the form of loans after gaining power in order to subsidize the German economy, that were the main reason England and the USA got pissed off in the first place.

War debts aside, Hitler pretty much took hundreds of millions of dollars for economic infrastructure from other nations in order to buy their resources, and then proceeded to hand them monopoly money when they told him he needed to make payments on his loans since they would only subsidize it for so long.

Hello, are you from Chicago or Austria?

Hello, is your education from Chicago or Austria Universities? Why did USA post WWII strategic thinking follow something you call a "massive failure"?

PS - if it was war that unfucked economy, then how come Vietnam made USD no longer bound by any gold index?

It unfucked the economy by returning it to a baseline from which it could recover due to the war compelling savings and the 10 million soldiers who left the workforce meant industry had to be started almost from scratch. WW2 did not cause economic prosperity but merely caused a hard reset from FDRs failed policies from which prosperity was even possible to begin with. I am not saying WW2 was any net progress but it undid the regression of 1930-1940.

Because FDR is not recognized as the massive failure he is because of propaganda and state indoctrination, just about every history class teaches kids that the New Deal was good when it just prolonged a recession into a global depression, unlike dozens of other recessions previously which lasted a year or two. Keynesianism remains the establishment's kosher economic school of though because it favors government intervention and is very convenient to policy makers despite being completely wrong.

That did not have to do with Vietnam, it had everything to do with Bretton Woods, the US had been pursuing an expansionary money policy for over a decade before Bretton Woods and had no means of honoring the agreement to make dollars convertible to Silver/Gold in exchange for reserve currency status, the whole thing was a scam to begin with that we get away with because we were a superpower. Renegging on the Gold Standard was inevitable whether Vietnam happened or not there isn't much relation between the two events, except perhaps that Vietnam might have accelerated an already inevitable transition to pure fiat because of war spending.

To be clear, I am not condoning war as an economic boost at all, but pointing out that the end result of Keynesianism is that it can only keep going from a hard reset via war or financial crisis.
Austrian btw.


That's the point, you stupid faggot. Stopped reading there bc of total retardation

Stop reading the Mises institute website, you dumb nigger. Keynesianism works. Hitler proved it (in practice before Keynes did in theory)

War is eternal.

I guess the Punic Wars were minor then, right?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

quite a bit of history, previously disjoint and unable to be interpreted, just aligned for me.

my gratitude from myself to just you. thank you.

the wars then vs now are not the same.

actually, it is better to state that wars at the beginning are very different from wars at the end of each period. wars that see victors keep and victims die are progress, one way or another. while there is some interpretation here, let me be clear: defense is principally this. defense as offense is also this. in contrast, wars at the end of each period are more like kike and banker wars: the best are sent to die, and should they return, they get nothing of any comparative wealth or rank – all while the more/most meek give nothing, profit everything indirectly by standing in castles not built by them, and insist on rank of better-than. early wars and latter wars of each period = victor expansion and prosperity vs. victim expansion, poverty, and degenerate spawn mud-rising.

what shape a war takes is set against the players in that war and the economics of that time. war done right clears the liar lies, war done wrong only ends up with more dependency. if victors don't win, if victims are allowed to win, if those who can't produce prosperity (net consume) are granted first rank, this is not a war that was won. it was lost, and time reveals this truth so, no matter how much propaganda is spammed.

How do you manage to breath with a brain that incredibly stupid?

War is good for those who wish to push their limits as a man and possibly die a heroic death.

Morality isn't real, libtard.

The amount of war loot i.e. resources you got from war is enormous, it's the single reason why Hitler managed to continue the war post-1939.

Then why do you faggots constantly take the moral highground?

Claim the moral highground, not take it.

War can be profitable, but not these days. It's profitable when you take spoils. It's not profitable when you nation build.

That's why we should have taken everything from Iraq and Afghanistan, stripped the country clean and let the residence there buy back their land to cover the cost of their liberation, including with that whatever natural resources (like oil) we wanted.

Unfortunately we don't do that anymore. And we should have used the cheapest bombs we could make. If we're not going to get the spoils or the war costs more than we could get out of it, then we should not go, period.

You're no better than a nigger, nigger.

We don't.

In other words, they apply a double standard in favor of other cultures?

You don't what? You don't better than niggers? You do better than niggers? What the fuck are you saying?


The spoils are our enemies are dead. Carpet nuke them and our enemies will be dead.

No, it just seems that way from the perspective of someone looking to reinforce white global dominance. What the modern left actually says is that we should all peacefully coexist instead of killing each other, because killing each other only helps the rich and powerful on both sides.

Government "stimulus" spending = Keynesianism. Yes he fucking did.

So the government constantly has to pursue expansionary monetary and fiscal policy, and the second it withdraws the economy goes to shit because it returns to its fundamentals? Exactly my point Keynesianism does nothing to improve market fundamentals and only gives an illusion of prosperity as long as inflation and excessive spending persists.

The sole reason for Hitlers economic success was taking control of the money supply away from international banks, and removing its interest burden, this gets rid of the constant black hole of capital at the center of the economy and enables prosperity. Besides that and state oversight in a few wartime industries Hitlers economy was almost entirely laissez faire, to be fair there were a few price controls which were a mistake but the economic miracle happened in spite of these and because of nationalization of money supply. Pic related.

They are dead, alright, but so are many of your countrymen and possibly your civilization.

They are anti-war, true, but that was never the topic. They are still moral relativists of the worst sort. They have no inviolable principles. They don't even have values that they consistently defend.

The problem with niggers is that they are our enemy, not that they are immoral.

Page 13-19 Explains the large scale negative impact on the economy.

Except there are people killing our people. You can try and coexist, open your arms to your neighbors. If they cooperate, great. But if they don't, if that attack you and take advantage of your compassion and generosity, you can not keep your arms open to them. Do you understand my point?

And by noticing that there are people trying to kill you are are alienating yourself from them and are an evil bigot who deserves to die

Additionally, you must put your own people first, because no one else will. These people you want so desperately to be nice to, they are putting themselves first, and so are you. By doing so you abandon your family and your people in favor of another family and another people that will never show you the same compassion you've shown them. It's a suicidal ideology, that if not stopped will eventually be destroyed by the very people it prioritizes, because their values are stronger and incompatible with yours.

that was impossible to read.

No source? post the source of your copy-paste please.

i take issue with the exremum of the conclusions offered as mechanic. while the conclusions stand (mostly), i don't think it was as planned along the way as it was simply opportunistic exploitation.

nevertheless, with the overall reaching theme that hyperconsolidated wealth and currency can, does, has, and will simply out-buy and thus re-corrupt any and all systems, i agree. the last 300+yrs are proof of this, from the very moment the spanish didn't kill the kikes (and instead permitted them to live via exile to netherlands, become rothschilds, etc): the hoards of interchangable fake and real wealth accumulated by their hands permits near-infinite subversion of all international or open ledger networks.

War is a characteristic of human nature. It won't ever go away.

The history of mankind has been one group looking to control the other. War happens inside a society, it happens against different peoples (foreigners) etc

it is my preference that stupid people don't post. period. you sentence has revealed that you don't understand war, you don't understand character, you don't understand human, and you don't understand nature. fuck you. stop posting. thank you.

"but-but-but muh-guns won't ever go away" / "history of control" / "bad badness is bad mmm-k".

fuck you. stop posting. thank you.

war is tool. that's it. that's all there is. you, the meek, the failed, the failures, the stupid – you don't get to have a say in what is or isn't. go back to bed, child.

fucking trollolols again.

Do you think that the contractors give a shit about the general population?

must shut it down goys

shut it down nigger mod!!

This is the most retarded fucking post I have ever seen in my entire life. The fact people here are actually buying this bullshit is painful. It's causing me literal, physical pain.

You could argue that modern war doesn't create wealth, but it is the fastest and most complete form of wealth transfer that has ever been devised. Not only are you going places and killing them and taking their shit, but corrupt business on the home front manipulate and gladhand to transfer money from the government and from the people via ridiculous defense contracts. War transfers wealth faster and more viciously then anything, even debt.

Also, yes, war helps science, because war leads to funding and resources to spent on things that would generally be considered a 'low priority' outside of that. If our defense relied on having control of Mars, I fucking promise you that we would have a colony there in about a decade and someone already rich would have become much, much richer in the process.

Jesus Christ. 'War isn't profitable'. The very core of war is 'kill these fucks and take their stuff'. It's gotten more complicated since then, but that fact hasn't changed.

That was an awful lot of words to say not much of anything.

You are a dumbfuck and bad genetic stock that should off himself.

Probably some troll from alphabet soup agency. Now the tools are so simple any moron like the retard subhuman above can use it to monitor you. And don't mind getting a VPN because the few amazing people there's in NSA already hacked the main providers and connected them to the tool.

still children. still shouldn't be here. still don't get to say what should go away or not. still beyond your station. on all counts. cry to me again, and tell me again, how much ur contribootin c-c-c-changes anything at all.

"War is a characteristic of human nature" and "It won't ever go away" are strange narratives that are myths upon myths themselves. children don't get to decide what is or isn't. this was already addressed. so again, fuck you. stop posting. my thanks in advance.

This. The OP is so full of holes it's laughable.

For whom is it profitable? Not, in general, for either of the warring governments, who are often plunged into great debt, but then no one ever argued that war is profitable for governments. If a government is plunged into debt by war, that means there's a lot of sovereign debt owed to someone else, which is now tradeable on international markets and about to make some people very rich.

When something costs money, the money that is paid for it doesn't just disappear. It's paid to someone, and that someone, assuming they're running a business, profits.

That is why war is profitable. There are billions to be made is selling war resources to governments, manipulating governments to gain windfall contracts (Haliburton et. al.), and trading the sovereign debt which is inevitably accrued.

We are not here to get to say anything, you buttblast nigger. We are giving an accurate description of how business is conducted in this world.

War will always be here regardless of how you wished it were. Great power politics, regional conflicts, ethnic tensions, different opinions, pride, wealth, resources. Now get the fuck out of my board.

if this is what you meant, then we agree. your prior posts lead me to the conclusion of yourself wishing away. i detest wishes.

nevertheless, i don't think i was in correct to the slightest. you don't know what accurate is. nor do you know what business is. nor do you know what the world is.

still, i will express gratitude narrowly for you correcting yours to "War will always be here regardless of how you wished it were". this is truth.


I still can't believe we haven't had a revolution after my Army buddies told me they were guarding Chinese mines in Afghanistan.

Any time we invade, ALL of the historical artifacts, art - basically anything of value or culturally valuable should be possessed by our forces. You cave niggers want to farm opium? Sure, right after you stop fucking your own children, playing goat head polo and killing other tribes.

If that doesn't work, you treat the tribes like Native Americans. Remove them from native lands, place children in re-education camps, shuffle them around and make them kill each other for resources. Make them work for you like the French did in early America.

I still can't believe the amount of ordnance we wasted in Afghanistan due to retarded generals addicted to "good approved verified tagets" So many fighters, bombers and drones would just shoot millions of dollars into empty mountains so they could land cold. I mean, they didn't even set up targets or proving grounds for real practice/experience. Each one of those missiles/bombs should have accidentally been dropped along the borders or on villages to just decrease cave nigger populations.

Afghanistan is extremely rich in rare metals/materials, our grandchildren should be there overlooking mining projects stripping their resources to finance/revitalize our own infrastructures.

We spend millions to billions of dollars to basically teach military history classes to our nations "best" at our service academies. Yet, somehow, none of them rebel or forgot that history all together when some govermnent appointed lackey makes incredibly retarded decisions like, "Let's just disband the Iraqi military. Because, reasons? So we can profit even further by stealing our own countries money to retrain them as security forces" Or. "We don't need 250k to control and patrol this country, it should take about 50K - oh, and we don't have enough troops to guard the old munition depots. What do you mean they are using old artillery shells for roadside bombs? Well, put that work order in for Humvee up-armor that will cost 50k - but don't rush it, that will cost another 10k. What do you mean we have to pay over a million dollars in rehab and lifetime welfare per soldier losing a body part in each roadside bomb?"

I have been to Iraq and Afghanistan. Our entire American war machine is broken. I saw the writing on the wall in Kosovo when our Air Force wasted billions of dollars in ordnance to bomb imaginary targets so a president could have his blowjob removed from the front page.

Why each American isn't paid 20K a year from Kuwait oil, which should have been our 52 state, and why the children of marines who stormed Okinawa and Iwo Jima (51 state) don't have 10 acres and a mandatory waifu proves that everything our country is - is broken.

War is a massive net loss for the state and the everyday person.
It is profitable, however, for business elites who remain unaffected by the loss of the rest and are helped by the exclusive/heightened wartime product or service sales.

We live in a world of ever cheaper biological weapons. Panresistant strain of almost any bacteria is something every shitty university can produce with little efford and in twenty years, dedicated kid will be able to do that using kitchen appliances and a bit of cash.

If you utterly humilate some people and take away all their hope, they will have no qualms abotu wipúing the slate clean.

Only way for your plan to work is if every war your nation wages is war of extzermination, something Jesu wouldn't agree with.

Machiavellian morality is necessary on a national scale, however.

The country next to you has the best farmland in town and your citizens are paying 8 bucks for a loaf of bread. It may not be nice to go to war, but it makes the life for your in-group significantly better should it successfully be executed.
However, on a personal level inside of a nation, that sort of morality should be forbidden because it leads to a disintegration of social trust and cohesion, making life worse off for the in-group, even if that guy who stole from the store can now feed his kids with the proceeds.

But nations aren't the in-group of the world nation, they have a duty to look out for their own interests, just as that guy has an interest to steal from that store for his kids. Should the concept of the nationstate be abolished and the whole world count as an in-group, then yes, war would be unnessecary and immoral. But to do such a thing would be completely contrary to how our minds operate.

Your first part has been sufficiently demolished, so I'll leave it alone.

Trade brought on by the conquest of India, Hong Kong, Singapore, and world's worth of outposts to transport that trade safely back to London. All of that took war to accomplish - Do you think England would've gotten the required cotton to lead the textile revolution had they not conquered India? Had the markets to peddle opium had they not forced China open?

My grandfathers not only got to keep their military issued service revolvers, but any gear they were issued.

Now. If you don't give back your helmet, web belt or compass - it comes out of your paycheck.

War Spoils. There are fucking FORMS to fill out if you want to bring anything back - not a single one will be approved. Just by filling out one of these forms you can be charged under the UCMJ.

My grandparents brought back bloody flags, silk, knives, empty shells, etc.

A friend of a friend fucking killed himself over this bullshit. He was physically and mentally trashed from 3 deployments already, but Customs came after him for selling gold he bought from Iraqi looters - to pay his rent because his disability rating was pegged at 30% and covered in red tape (he was never going to be employable ever again - deaf in one ear, Bo Jackson hip, PTSD, alcoholic).

Making troops adhere to the local customs of the people you are supposed to be killing and culturally reprogramming them is simple insanity.

Kicking out decorated patriots because they beat the shit out of caveniggers when they find out little boys assholes are being passed around like a joint in a Seth Rogan movie"Pedophilia is part of their culture goyim".

Hiring outsourced Pakis to rake rocks in Arab land - and then making an active duty military member watch him rake those rocks is fucking insanity. The amount of money wasted for landscaping still makes my head hurt.

Creating burn pits, burning plastics and toxic metals (computers, motherboards, certain military grade paint on metal) close to military members so that you aren't killing and poisoning the people you conquered instead due to "Community Relations". Now, American citizens can sue the government for medical care eternally for legitimate health problems (cancer, emphysema, auto-immune diseases) when if you poisoned the 3rd world goat fuckers they would just die and no lawsuits.

Depleted uranium shells. The UN faggots are still trying to make the USA pay reparations.

War needs to be war. We should be selling the cleaned skeletons of our enemies to medical schools, treat conquered nations like featherniggers treated buffalo

That's a good cheap alternative. Cheap bio-weapons. I mean for fuck's sake, we could just drop chickenpox into Iraq and that would have saved us billions of dollars.

Our American vaccination program is more powerful than all of our nuclear submarines put together.

If I have to go to war again in another backwards shithole non-white country, I am bringing vials and vials of basic diseases with me.

But, of course we fucking vaccinate these cave niggers as signs of goodwill for some reason.

War is profitable but only for the best of shabbos goyim and well you know who else.


you'll never get a gf, and you'll never get your board back. we own it now

Time to debunk your myths.

For kikes that play both sides.
For kikes that never fight because they have connections to the rulers and safe havens.
The existence of non-jews is a threat to their one true goal: achieve world peace which is prophesied to summon the next messiah.
Technology isn't just about the creation of machines that allow us to work less and think more. Technology is also the application of scientific findings.
To a kike, a war gives them the opportunity to test new methods of manipulation which would be opposed during peace times.
War also gives kikes the opportunity to stockpile wealth for use during peace time, and the possibility to further enhance their victimhood status.