Dylan Roof list of favorite films

from his prison journal

was he /ourguy/?

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People need to stop praising this over glorified insurance fraud.

this is the hero you chose. own it

Dylann 'Full Moonman' Roof did nothing wrong


was he possibly pedo?


dylan roof confirmed closet homosexual. thank fuck they're killing him so i don't have to be reminded that he ever existed.

he stated he liked it for cinematograpy

fair enough, but it doesn't excuse the other two

What pleb. Ladykillers and Hidden Fortress are the only good movies on that list, and even those are far from masterpieces.

so he basically rubbed one out to a century old and dead actress and he makes that the criteria for judging a good flick

what a fucking loser Kino is better off without him

the book was more sexual than both of the movies combined, yet it's still a best seller. I guess everyone is a pedo.

He has shit taste for murderer.

Horseshit. I refuse to believe he actually wrote that. This is a list a girl who browses leftypol would write based on what they *think* someone from pol would like. It's all chick flicks, old movies, bonnet movies and Asian cinema. Cold Fish doesn't make any sense either, it's modern Asian cinema, how do you go from old samurai movies like Zatoichi and Hidden Fortress to a modern movie about a guy who owns an exotic fish store and finds himself entangled with serial killers? I'd expect Seven Samurai in it's place, or something like I Saw the Devil if he likes modern stuff.

It's the sort of list a female tumblr user would come up with. This shit doesn't match hi psychological profile at all.

What was your plan here? Did you think there were people who idolized this guy who would read it and go "Huh, well I guess I'll go watch 12 years a slave since he said it's good despite the anti-white message"? Dylan went after the most indefensible of targets. He didn't shoot up a crack house or a gang, he went into a fucking church.

Nice try, freech.

If you think that's unbelievable, just read the manifesto. This entire church shooting was staged.

Honorary sick cunt


Not even surprised

You have a small mind.

You have no balls.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

They belong there, they were born in the darkness of the gutter.

I meant Titanic

:Let's stop being gay and do our own list top 10:

10) The Rock
9) Escape From Alcatraz
8) Digimon the Movie (no irony)
7) Kung Fu Hustle
6) Les Miserables
5) Camelot
4) Cube
3) Hot Fuzz
2) Zulu
1) Kung Pow: Enter The Fist
0 (A shit film you enjoy) Definitely Maybe though I've not watched it in 6.5 years.

10)Man of Steel
9)Kung Pow: Enter the First
8)Heavy Metal
7)Project A-Ko
6)The Big Lebowski
5)The Toxic Avenger
3)Conan the Barbarian
1)Army of Darkness

Huh, this is actually pretty good, above Reddit tier really–
Thank god he got the death penalty.


10) Nausica and the Valley of the Wind
9) The Great Locomotive Chase
8) Reign of Fire
7) Edge of Tomorrow
6) Temple of Doom
5) Back to The Future III
4) The Goonies
3) Star Wars
2) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
1) Monty Python and the Holy Grail

nice dubs, but shit taste

Roof has better taste than all you fucking plebs put together.

he is clearly faggot

He broke the conditioning.

Liking that movie can be forgiven seeing how he gunned down a bunch of niggers.

Shit bro you sound memecucked
Who is doing your thinking for you?

Fuck off, nigshit.

You're right, I should believe what some random asshole on the internet makes up instead.

i didn't know he was a slav

Choose your husbando.

He's sitting on a folding chair, not squatting.

Society really punishes the just.

In an unjust society, the good will always be viewed as bad, the just will be squashed by the unjust. Such is the world we live in.

Listen, faggots, if you think he's so cool, why haven't you done what he did? Either you are pussies or you think what he did is wrong.

Found the cuck.

Being a white nationalist doesn't mean I am okay with a murderer loser.

even tho he's out there namefagging irl he gives zero fucks what people think

meanwhile you assholes are trying to seek approval from one another even though you're anonymous

he's the hero we need

Found the cuck.

Okay, then why haven't you started murdering them, pussy?

Because I don't want to go to prison and get executed over a couple of nogs. I respect Dylan Roof and think what he did was good, but that doesn't change the fact that it wasn't very smart.

Pussy, I guess you don't really believe in white nationalism.

You talkin' bout me fam?

Lol, fuck off cuck. Dylan Roof was based.

You're still not answering the question. Why, if you believe that violence is not only necessary for the survival of whites but also good do you not do it? It's because you're a pussy. If I believed that niggers need to die now for the survival of whites, I'd do it. I don't because I don't believe that is the case. You, on the other hand, do believe this and you still do not do it. It's because you're a pussy. You want others to do the things you know must be done, but you never want to get your hands dirty, and here you are accusing me of being a cuck when I'm acting according to my beliefs and you refuse to act for yours. You're nothing but an impotent beta cuck that worships a loser like Roof.

Pretty easy to explain mate:
Risk vs Reward
what message does it send?
Who benefits?

If I went on a killing spree what's the reward: I get to namefag, Risk? Damaging "White" relations and making them demonized further

What message does it send?
It reaffirms to celebrities that since Trump was elected the DEATHSQUADS IZ COMIN and that means lockdown on Trump/Alt Right

Who benefits?
With just an AR15 and a pussy whistle? Jews. aka you. With a nuke or an organised group? All of us.

Every dead nigger is a good thing, and when the time comes I will be happy kill some myself, but I'm not throwing my life away for a little bit of fame. You're the pussy for being unable to admire people like Dylan Roof, you're still trapped in the "muh PR" mindset.

No one died in the charleston church shooting, you fucking mongoloid.

Interacting with niggers is likely what broke his programming.

No human died, yes.

If that doesn't scream "hoax", I don't know what does. No one died, no humans or niggers. It's literally Sandy Hoax 2.0.

Hmm, I'd be interested in some sources, friendo. Perhaps I've been rused by some Government memeing.

Look it up yourself, the info is all out there. I don't come to Holla Forums to dig for people.

lol, fuck off then

Kind of makes the hoax less believable when he lists The Notebook as one of his favorite movies. This list was obviously thrown together by someone who has never watched most of the movies on this list and has no idea what The Notebook is about.
The saddest part is that you faggots should know better, but of course some of you are purposefully trying to perpetuate the hoax as being "real".

You forgot to mention that the drill the FBI and SWAT were conducting was for a simulated mass shooting, which makes it even more of a smoking gun.

So are you now saying that Roof is a fucking loser, or do you still somehow maintain that his actions were correct? Because it seems like you're just backpeddaling now.

It's not about PR. Murder is murder, and Roof is just a common criminal. I may want a separate nation for my people, but that doesn't mean I want to murder non-whites. I just don't want to live with them.


i'm a girl, don't hit on me silly boys ;)

nothing new here tbh fam

That's not gonna happen without killing a few niggers though, even balkanization won't happen peacefully. DyRo just blew his wad way too early.

wtf is that a flying Jew?

He was a talented guy

This is what makes me most suspicious. You just know they'd love to have those photos on news and in the media 24/7.

nice try fbi

lol no one thinks Holla Forums neets will do anything that requires them to leave the house. he is just rubbing your nose in it tbh.

He's redpilled, for sure.

got eem


every neo nazi has watched that movie
fake bullshit list

The whole movie is racism and ignorance is bad hmmkay

Definitely our guy


Real eyes realize real lies :^)



/r9k/ here
I don't give a shit about the niggers but its tradition that the shooter takes his own life after the fact is done

he'll be long forgotten before they fry him, much like the other sandnigger who blew up Boston

He also wrote in his manifest that consider jews as whites

What's wrong with the term neo-nazi?

Neo-nazi losers hate the fact that they're just parroting an old ideology, hence the term "neo". They think it's derogatory and would rather be called just "Nazi", even though the Nazi's, despite their atrocities, were men who got shit done whereas modern Neo-"Nazis" are just a bunch of losers whose biggest contribution to the salvation of the white race is shooting a church full of old grandmas in a black neighborhood.


the "big bad" Nazis accomplished nothing but fucking up their own nation, losing, making everyone hate them, and giving the tyranny of capital more power + longevity. it's repeating itself in the US right now. remember, learning things like history + philosophy are for godless commie libruls,

voted most cucked post on Holla Forums

Putting "neo" on anything is hipster bullshit. Using the term Nazi is using Marxist lingo. You're either a National Socialist or not.

Except saving their nation from ruin in under a decade, turning a leftist-ruined shit hole into an empire of economic, military, and moral superiority which was able to keep Marxism from conquering Europe that much quicker.
Except it's not. Trump is a nationalist but also a businessman who has a thing for Jews. If anything, he shares similarities to Mussolini, but then you lefties always fail to realize or care that Nationalism, Fascism, and National Socialism aren't the same thing. Always funny how it's the ebil racists who actually take time to learn history and it's the good goy lefties who learn everything from their Facebook feeds. Sad, really.

This is like the first post from every kid fresh from reddit who thinks "heh I just refreshed Holla Forums a few times I'm such a violent revolutionary".

Yes, they indeed destroyed the nation Bismarck worked so hard to create, HOWEVER you're deliberately ignoring all the good things the Nazi's created, such as rocket technology, incredible progress in science and medicine in general, architecture (thanks to Speer), engineering, arts and sports.

What have Neo-"Nazis" done other than making themselves look like resident idiots whenever they're around? Nothing. They're a bunch of wannabe hillbillies with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

eh, 1/10

Well done.

Hey retard, Bismarck didn't create the Weimer Republic. That shit was caused by a Marxist coup in a civil war that cost Germany its WWI win. Seriously, how hard is it for you people to have some actual integrity? Making things up isn't an argument.

Drumpfcuck completely BTFO, as usual.

I have no words.


For how chapped your ass is?

There's only one way to settle this dispute boys.
It's time to oil up and rub our dicks together.
Last one to cum is the only real communist.

10)Poor Little White Boy 9
9)The Cuckold
8)Poor Little White Boy 2
7)Poor Little White Boy 1
6)Poor Little White Boy 6
5)Poor Little White Boy 7
4)Poor Little White Boy 8
3)Poor Little White Boy 4
2)Poor Little White Boy 3: Director's Cut
1)Poor Little White Boy 5

Gomienism failed in every place tried, always bring a large famine and death camps and still has retards like you and tr00fcicker larping it.

I'm suprised, Harris and Klebold supposedly liked it. It's not even a bad movie either.


You faggots are pathetic.

excuse me while i hwat a bit

objectively, the best films are

10) seven samurai
9) dredd
8) star wars
7) alien
6) problem child 2
5) bronson
4) the thing
3) fellowship of the ring
2) raiders of the lost ark
1) the room

Griffith was right tbh

What a staged photo.

I'm kinda indecisive on what to think. I don't know whether the shooting happened and Roof was under mind-control. Or if the whole thing is a hoax and Roof, the rest were crisis actors.

Bretty gay genres in all honesty