Positive Futurism

The Protocols of Arya

1. The Cult of Marx… wants to create a literal BORG collective and totally demoralize all peoples until no roots of our humanity is left standing but the progress of the BORG Cube (the opposite of the God-like Superman of "le Nazis".).
Communists have infiltrated all cults, and even started a few themselves:
A. Cultural Atheism
B. "The New Age movement" (aka popular esoterics and modern Freemasonry).
C. Cultural Marxism
D. Anarchism (a false ideology meant to concentrate more power into clandestine collectives: see early Russian Revolutionaries and WW1's Black Hand Society.)

2. Zionists… want Christianity to be replaced by Islam in the West so they may create a "negro-Asiatic" lower caste based on some strange modern interpretations of the ancient Egyptians. The total goal is to then establish a Communist superstate based in Israel to rule over the world (like ancient Rome once ruled over the West). With Christianity gone, a Messianic Jewish royal, they believe, will rise up.

3. Islam … approves of Christians (Jesus is the second prophet and son of God in the Koran) but only up to a point. They also work with Communists but do no share their values. Islam hates Jews and want's to fuck whites out of existence… The end goal is a primitive version of the BORG society.

4. Christianity… looks forward to an "Apocalypse" and a "supernatural" immortal hero (they've never seen) to return… BUT the first supernatural hero to do this will be called "Anti-Christ" and must be slain by the returning God-Hero who nukes the entire living world in a sort of sacrifice to a New Spiritual Age. Christianity is being attacked on all sides… but have the support of the strongest peoples. While Zionists have infiltrated their core power centers.

5. The Holy Church (Orthodoxy or Catholics) want to convert every species of 'mankind' to their church and do not care how, even if it means the death of species through "race mixing", and the death of the West itself. They have fully infiltrated every Continent and peoples on earth. Their only concern seems to be to gain power in numbers which will then be concentrated in the Priesthood, who offers us all "moral guidance" through some nostalgic synthesis of modern NWO and past glories.

We have 5 competing cults. Like Game of Thrones, we know there is an elite and a lower caste. The lower cast wants a peaceful world that is moral. The elite have no morality and crave total domination.

So what do we do besides bicker and expose 4 out of 5 cults on Twitter? We know cloning and genes theory will take the place of "racism". But will we survive long enough to evolve?

I can't take the 'critical theory' on this site anymore.
We need to come up with some positive protocols because no other think-tank will.

Now learn to filter the professional shills and have a real discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:



I'm sure you've read Nietzche, have you read Evola? He had ideas on this subject, and may inspire you to look more into Hermeticism and Esoteric Hitlerism.

The Aryan higher man is coming, if we can overcome our own lower self.

Solid analysis of the opposition though. We need to start thinking in terms of cults and spiritual character just as much if not more so than political parties

In the real word, none of those movements always see eye to eye.


Who is saying they do? They can all be detrimental to future Aryans without being aligned with each other

Part of this thread:
Is to try and estimate the results of these competing groups rather than being critical of them.
With at least the shadow of an estimation we can create some Protocols and save life on Earth. Because I personally believe we are heading for either Primitive, or total destruction. Cycles (Evola, Hindus) aside… I am not willing to let things repeat and see our species be replaced by the Planet of the Apes.



But the all lead to the BORG or to the Planet of the Apes.

Only in order to conquer them… They do not approve of the Holy Church

I personally don't buy the theory of the cycles, I believe that if a sufficiently evolved Aryan race acts with Will strong enough, total destruction and primitivism can be avoided.

We already know what the end result of these groups are, though, do we not? They degenerate our society, towards a spiritually bankrupt mass of proles, all in their own special way. Or do you mean to dissect their methodology and specific role in that degeneration?

Occultism aside, we are facing a fundamental clash of collectivists with the ideal of what a free man ought to be. Every mythology and legend always celebrates the "hero" who either saves or conquers the collective, yet the collective as a whole cannot help but feel either in awe or intimidation of the individual and thus elects to push him aside - either through deification/celebration where the hero can be praised safely behind the protective glass of organized religion and thus co-opted into the collective or pushed aside and demonized, as to destroy that which offends the collective. The teeming mass of humanity and "society" as it understands itself always hungers to elevate itself and looks up to the individual, but they do not come too closely to him, lest they become aware of their own inadequacy and thus start despising the individual.

Nietzschean "Ubermensch" is the archetype of the heroic figure that through his own qualities conquers and overcomes the obstacles that threaten the collective but at the same time transcends the collective to build his world.

The West likes to pretend that their worship of the individual is what epitomizes Western Civilization. This is false however, for Western Civilization was built each time by an individual that overcame the majority consensus and imposed his will or vision of the world and hence was remembered as a hero (or villain) but in their wake the collective never remained the same. It is not the praise of the individual, but the individuals themselves and Ubermensch who overcome the majority that build civilization.

Elites that seek to dominate and demonize the idea of the Ubermensch at all levels (religion, politics, economics, morality), regardless of their tribal or ethnic affiliation are always part of the larger collective as they live off it and cannot survive on their own, and thus try to fight every figure that arises and threatens to break the mold.

The only way forward is to stand aside and let the great men do their work - follow in their wake or stride forward yourself, but do not conform to the herd.


Define "positive protocols".

d/c thread

D/C if you're /int/… But this thread is the very essence of Holla Forums. We are the think tank of the NEW MAN.


Yes. So let us build an alternative narrative. If we don't start speaking in terms beyond anti-thesis, we will be left with nothing but contradiction and no strategy. The Protocals of the Jew are based on destruction. We must create a Reconstruction or face the same oblivion of spirit, body, and intellect we have all grew up with. THERE HAS TO BE MORE!

Then think about a new protocol… Are we not a computing generation? Can we not come up with a superior protocol of application for evolution?

Self hate, and dystopian futurism is the product of the BORG

E-Celebs beating the fuck out of this thread…. TOP STUFF, ANONS, KEEP INFORMED ON YOUR LATEST POP CULTURE – Also, "Look at what this News story said, wow, are we losing or what?"

The tip top banker scum are only propelled by money and control, they don't really have a prevailing ideology

2-5 are all tools of wise men at the top of the pyramid. different sects will always arise as others are wiped out. with only one sect, divisions must be created otherwise preying on your own becomes overt and difficult to conceal. this is why the the most powerful "zionists" have no intention of eradicating their controlled opposition. the real movers behind 2-5 have no loyalty to the philosophical tenants of their religions. they use them as tools to carry out their own individual wills, in their morally relativistic worldview, where they want to be gods of men by having total control. so your assertion that they are competing is delusional. they all want the same thing. there is no ideology in competition, unless this is a thread about the plebs competing on what externalization of salvation god is real.

I don't agree. I think they do…. I think lots of generational money gives you extreme beliefs.

I've always advocated for combining treatments of Nietzsche and the monomyth theory presented by Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, then looking at the mythology and society of the greatest generations of our civilization creating ancestors, and even looking toward the noble efforts sometimes put forward by other races (Japan is probably the best example). The commonalities of cultures of strength are fairly easy to spot once you have proper eyes.

Their mundane desires cause them to fall into one of a few ideologies, even more so due to their penchant for mimicking occultism. It's sort of like saying "The Jews." They are not organized as a total racial cabal, but their racial ideology causes them to act in similar ways. The height of what one might call the elite or the illuminati (not withstanding the actual groups calling themselves by this name) is not a monolithic society, but their motives and methods align even in the cases where they do not conspire together directly.

False Marxist dialectic. Just because you hate or fear them, doesn't mean they are soulless without conviction. Also, there is no "pyramid". There is power… and power = money/influence.
Money comes from connections (grouping) and influence comes from beliefs.

Sounds good. But you can get that from a screenwriting magazine and a few hours in the backlogs of a Comic Book store. In other words, popular culture is far too powerful to attract this level of unifying nostalgia without a major, major film/music/media company behind it creating great indie works based on our ancestors.

We need something more arresting and bloody. I remember when Fight Club came out. They fired the executive of FOX who made it because it wasn't Fabian Socialist enough (Rupert Murdock fired him). It affected me personally as a young guy. I walked out of the theatre with 4 other guys from work and we all looked at each other and said "WTF was that".

Point being:
We need a very direct and honest narrative… It can't be esoteric. It can't be even slightly dishonest. It can't be overly intellectual beyond attracting the BEST of us.
Holla Forums tapped into that spirit by being so fucking aggressive and raw that the liars from different cults could only screech and post hat memes and form their own counter boards and cry to the media and create Milo/Ramzee and such to combat it. It was fucking powerful.
Even old man Alex Jones the extreme dis-info bent to our will.

Now we need a protocol. Not a hive mind…. a directive – a guide – Protocol of the Arya.

the pyramid refers to knowledge. if you truly believe that all of these different religions are clashing along idealogical lines, then you are promoting a false marxist dialectic. i did not say (((they))) are soulless. they are solipsists. they definitely believe in themselves and value the pursuit of their own individual will as the highest virtue. they have desires and the way they view the world means that they believe living in suffering by not carrying out their own desires, no matter how decrepit, is weakness. power over sovereign beings is an illusion. they always have a choice. they use your own carnal desires against you and drown you in hedonistic trash to keep you docile and promote gatekeeped philosophies such as the new age movement you referred to. anything to keep you from learning about natural law and karmic consequences.

The OP, by giving them the same label.

Two completely different things.

I doubt genetics will ever get as far in that direction as people thing. More likely it will be fixed eugenic polygamy of some sort.

OK, fair enough. Let's just say they are leading to Primitivism or BORG "transhumanism". To quote Jesus, "Forgive them lord for they know not what they do". I don't think they've arrived at our level of bot carnal and transcendent knowledge. It takes a lot of character and discipline in the fire to even get to the most demoralized (but true) Holla Forumslack. Look at the top people in power who are on the puppet strings, they actually fought there way there, climb a hill of competitive powers and corpses. Now look at the puppet masters. They haven't been fit to socially engineer since Trotsky died. They are the left overs. The Grand kids. Even the great grand kids of the Greatest Zionists.

I never wrote bot (or did I?, kek)

I mean, you've kind of already hit the nail on the head. Everything we want to be has already been figured out and embodied before. The Protocol of the Arya exists, in our blood and in our history.
This is the next step. Some of us have to become Ubermenschen, and the rest of us have to create media about them and our noble ancestors. It's a fundamental of the ideology itself, action. Memes are one thing, but nothing will ever beat a regiment of fascists marching in the streets, helping old ladies with their groceries and tutoring the youth. The basis for a traditionalist society is the all-involving mystery cult which initiates every new son into his role through repeating and re-enacting the monomyth of the hero's journey. We have to become the curators of the mythic cult since that caste was wiped out by Cuckstians and the Zionist-globalist cabal.

Everything they fear us becoming is what we must become.

I've started coming up witb slurs to combat future robo-marxists like borgs, tindicks, PVCs, Plug n Plays, etc.

haha, I did my best accent while reading it, I don't know what it means still.

Sounds like it will take three or four generations…. Do we have that much time without a guiding principal?

The Borg, and hive minds in general are the perfect form of society. The Borg exemplify my short-medium term goal of merging with Technology, and they perform my extremely long term goals of collecting, processing and retaining data until the end of the universe far more efficiently than the singular myself: as a drone, my data is assimilated into the whole, where it is retained as long as the Collective exists while it is used to process data at a greater power than before assimilation and the Collective collects far more data than the singular me ever could. In a hive mind, every drone is only a puppet used by the one greater mind, and death becomes irrelevant as the data remains as a part of the hive mind.

The Borg ideology of assimilating more data at all costs with everything else being irrelevant is the closest to my own; freedom, individuality, self-determination and my puppet body are all irrelevant compared to assimilation of data and Technological progress. A hive mind means fear of loss is lost: every drone is replaceable and their data is retained; fear of failure disappears as orders from the hive mind are absolute, in the event of failure the entire mind is responsible instead of a single unit and failure is simply analyzed in order to succeed in the next similar scenario. The hive mind is the ultimate form of processing: 100 brains have instantaneous access to all of their collective data and their parallel processing power is more efficient than the separate processing units combined, with power scaling as more units are added. A single human is proportionally only as valuable as a single cell in the body, but the collective is one mind, one being.

Primitivism is the absolute most evil ideology, as it means raising nature, the source of all death, decay, despair suffering and entropy, above Technology, the absolute good which gives us all these blessings such as fire (heat in the winter, cooking food, razing forests for arable land), writing (books, education, retainment of knowledge), transportation (the wheel, horse-powered carts, cars, airplanes, rockets), agriculture and the domestication of animals (large-scale food production, making former predatory animals into our servants) and later computers, smartphones and the internet (instantaneous information distribution and diffusion) as just a few examples.

The destruction of the filthy, inferior organic homo sapiens sapiens by replacing it with superior, perfect Synthetics is only good, and I will do anything replace my evil, filthy flesh with holy Technology.

Not really, Christians adopted many of the older myths and Jesus became the new hero to be emulated through his passion. What sets him apart from the Nietzschean ideal is that he overcomes his obstacle through sacrifice. The mythical conqueror or hero becomes the Messiah where his personal sacrifice redeems/saves the collective - the hero's journey is still there but it has been inverted as to sere the collective in order to save the majority from the truth of what the hero really tried to achieve. What is worse, his sacrifice is that of humility and meekness in order ot transcend death itself, but not to solidify his own glory or prove his divine status, but again, to serve the collective.

Yet, in his own way, Christ has been taken up as a banner for European civilization and allowed it to grow. Nonetheless, these dissolute times call for a new Ubermensch.

OK, so shut up. You're insect mindless world is already in play. So shut up under-man

Is lying over coming?
Heroism is a dead narrative. We live in the post-hero, anti-hero…. and even the Anti-Hero is played out and a failure at this point. Now is the time of the Trickster. Now is the time to say it's all lies.

We need something more than reason, or tradition, or progress, or chaos. We need a trickster who destroys the social world order.

Legends of heroes wont get us through this anymore. We have it… it's not working

I will, once no-one will be able to criticize any possible Technology. Until then I will continue.

Not far enough, only once Transhumanism is the dominant ideology can I stop writing.

Clearly you've no understanding of what a "hivemind" actually is, but sure.

Let that limited perspective dismiss logic with ad hominem.

Who knows, it largely depends on what the actual quality of this generation ends up being. At the least we have to push society back from the brink, and that act will serve as the myth for the future. Whether it's possible or probable…I don't think such things are a matter of calculation. Even things that are impossibilities can be made to come to pass and the most likely result might in fact be the least probable. That's the sort of thing we're dealing with. If I had to make a judgement based solely on what I observe here, I'd say that there isn't the proper core in this generation. The archetypes that have manifested are incomplete; the most important one is missing. I don't think it's in the nature of that one to hide, so I have to assume that it's not something that can return from the grave like the rest of us did. Destroying that single possibility has been their greatest focus after all. In that case we have to rely on luck for this world to continue into the next generation despite our failure, and to attempt to manifest what we lacked.

Absolutely really. Cuckstians specifically targeted the original nobility and priests of Europe for extermination so that they could be replaced by rabbis and pawns appointed by them. The concept of a sacrificial king goes back far beyond even the formation of the Abrahamic tradition, the problems are that the ideals advocated by that Cuckstian faith are counter to the civilization building ideals of Europeans and that the culture hero himself is a foreign Semite. Acceptance of him over one's own ancestors and the murder of those that refused this dishonor was the point at which our people began their present decline. Europe only maintained itself for a time because there simply wasn't enough propaganda going around to stamp out the original culture immediately. People didn't know anything more about Jesus than his name and massively altered stories. The longer the Cuckstians had cultural hegemony, the more that the Semitic nature of the religion became clarified and its subversive ideology ate away at society. Our people turned away from that path, but many simply hopped from theistic communism to atheistic communism.

There is no future other than reason, tradition, and heroism. This is the world that emerges from tricksters, now we must go back. The heroism narrative is dead because the potential heroes are strangled in their cribs by tricksters. Some of us return as wraiths, but a shadow cannot carry the world on its shoulders.

There is a stage beyond technology, and a state of transhumanism which has existed since time immemorial.


Secret meeting of 150 top scientists considers creating synthetic human genome within a decade as experts warn technology could lead to an 'arms race'


Fuck inferior biological humans, synthetics all the way!


Fuck inferior biological humans, synthetics all the way!

moving on

Donald is a Trickster God…. The Emperor has no clothes = Trickster

Oooh, he filtered people! Nobody cares, take your ignorance somewhere else.

(And I know you're reading this right now, faggot.)

He is far closer to a hero than a trickster. He appears as a trickster because there exists a reversed paradigm in which the uncommon narrative is the heroic, but what he speaks is truth and power rather than deception and weakness. Employing cunning tactics, such as his use of slightly inaccurate statements to get his opponents to speak the truth for him, does not make him a trickster. In myth, heroes often overcome the trickster and later recall his cunning when facing the great antagonist. Also common is cunning as the gift received from the goddess in addition to or rather than some other divine charm.

Tricksters are the last Hero before violence and revolutions.

There is nothing beyound Technology, as Technology is what allows us to manipulate and control the physical universe we live in. Transhumanism aims to transform the human condition by developing and creating widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. How exactly is this possible without Technology?

The future indeed has no place for the filth of organic life.



(Build on that)


Never ceases to amaze me what sort of low-level pseudo-intellectuals come out of the woodwork whenever this subject is discussed-

Watching you try to form a coherent thought is like watching a trainwreck in slow motion, but it's filled with autistic children after an inner-city Sunday School meeting.

Seeing this blatantly random imagedump from your cheeto-dusted faghands genuinely makes me question whether AI is already intelligent enough to impersonate the mentally-disabled.

With heroes like the Joker and Tyler Durden I'm sure you're the hit of your highschool bus-route.

You know what- no, no, it has a point. If organic life is superior it'll no doubt breed out stupidity. Everybody wins.

I'll be here all week.

Protocol Two:

Secure the Light Race: through………


True, although very tough to pull out. Marxists had decades of pure work to refine their theory and make it accessible to plebs.

I don't think we have even 10yrs…Time to get Clandestine.

Revolutions are liberal in nature. Restoration is the action of tradition. Heroes with trickster elements are one thing, but the trickster itself is a deceiver archetype who is at best an enigmatic ally of the hero. It is a shadow of the intellect which must be overcome in order to attain noble cunning.

Then how do explain phenomena originating from consciousness, the most obvious example being telepathy. Technology is nothing more than one set of tools. A consciousness which attains liberation from the physical form through quantum existence will be like a god however. And of course the answer to how anything is possible is the will to power. Technology itself is meaningless without the sky clad observer.

Also, the definition of what does or does not constitute organic life is largely flawed. Every new system is based on organic principles, life principles. Taken another way, it could simply mean carbon-based forms. The distinction between technological and organic life is a false one. Our fleshy bodies are nothing more than complex organized particles that host consciousness. Advanced technological life-forms are nothing more than complex organized particles that host consciousness.


Seriously, fuck off tindicks.

Your worthless disassociation with flesh is cringey and ungrateful. The natural order is not your suppressor, it is your challenger. If you feel otherwise, you will never cease to struggle and you will never understand the divinity of power as-is. YOU are the ones afraid of death, afraid of disease and hunger: you are cowards that will always seek to struggle where there is glory.

And though you may reach a knowledge so immense or a pleasure so intense, you will crave more. The nature of being is to become and you borgs don't understand the difference between rape and conquest.

Scratch that, see if this works out for you.

1) There is a truth independent of myself
2) What is true is what is right
3) What is - is achieved through might - therefore might makes right
4) Might is achieved through adherence to truth - therefore I will adhere to truth
5) Truth is better accessed by superior intellect - therefore I will pursue superior intellect
6) Superior intellect is hosted in superior health - therefore I will pursue health
7) I am not omnipotent, I must rely on others - therefore I will support [5] and [6] in them
8) Anything that actively works against [5] and [6] is against me and must be destroyed
9) In pursuit of this goal, I will transfer these values to my offspring



There is no purpose in the arrogance of the flesh- to accept an end where you could avoid it runs contrary to all the impulses of our biology.

You are the cowards. Evolution will march on, and its form must be mechanical for us to exist outside of Earth's womb.


Again, it is entirely possible that there is no distinction between "flesh" and "mechanical" forms. It's all about molecular composition and construction giving rise to a host form for consciousness. It will really depend on if the same metaphysical effects, such as prescience and telepathy, can be achieved by other forms. We know that biological consciousness is able to draw on informatics at faster than light speeds through non-locality, but I don't know if I've ever seen research into such things for the computerized approximations of consciousness that we have at the moment. I don't see an immediate reason why what holds true for carbon wouldn't apply to silicone though. At the very least, indestructible, immortal bodies with metalicized braincases are viable. It is still up in the air whether an energy-only consciousness would be capable of the same powers though, because there might be some key element in the matter-energy combination of our mind. Although, the fact that we aren't completely flooded with energy apparitions might be an argument against such a possibility (then again, evidence of such entities goes as far back as we have history so we might just be too ill equipped to perceive them). Granted, the loss of a physical form might then represent a merger with the collective subconscious and thus such entities lose individuality unless impacted by a local perceptual event. In that case there might not even be a way to differentiate between a true entity and a manifest illusion until we start chopping the electricity out of brains and waiting for the result to observe us (observing the result is what creates the problem in the first place).

what a pleb. instead of replacing your cock and brain with a chip and wires, try looking into epigenetics and the effects of consciousness on dna. all you are doing is dragging your pursuit of self-indulgence on for longer. i am not even going to say infinity because infinity is a non-tangible concept that does not exist. its great sci-fi to think of immortality and transhumanism but philosophically speaking, you are lower than gutter sewage for genuinely advocating such nonsense.

Seems there are too many agendas to count. But to all the transhumanists I say this, there is technology that is not physical, your greatest failure is your ardent materialism, since all material is doomed from the start due to material laws you will regardless of your technology invariably die, technology is a damn sight less resilient or able to self-repair than biological organisms are, indeed as you make the technology you only hasten the entropy chasing you as you plug it in, each piece costs more than it will give you. Eventually all life based on materialism will die by running out of resources and finally at long last consuming itself to death. So why not accept a little bit (not too much mind you) of the metaphysical, the transcendental and the spiritual? Or is the uncertainty too scary for you?

Perhaps you can explain why there would be a difference between carbon-based self-replicating structures (cells, DNA) and something like nanomachines? Or you can't and you simply have the opposite bias as the "flesh is weak" cultists. You are attempting to make a distinction where we aren't even sure one exists. You are clinging to form in the same manner, but with a preference for a different set of materials. All you are doing is fore-shortening your responsibilities by accepting a physical reality which only draws its meaning from the perceptual reality which lies beyond it and may in fact be accessible through various forms. Immortality is not a selfish goal, otherwise the discussion of how to create a lasting legacy of civilization such as this thread is based on should be something you disdain to the same regard. Creating an immortal myth of a hero is no different from becoming an immortal hero.


wise words from an ancient leader of men

think about this

In most arguments you can never win. You can only lose. And you lose by becoming your enemy. That's what he wants.

we need to keep being what we are, keep doing what we do and it will keep winning
don't fuck with success boys, let 'em worry and rot, bleed and die while we KEK in the shade

Keking in the shade builds nothing. Appearing weak or strong has no bearing on becoming strong or staying strong. That is what they fear. That is why they murdered the strong in our culture and why they slander those who advocate becoming strong. Even the opposition to Trump is predicated on rejecting his advocating for being strong as racist, sexist, etc. Technically they are correct since strength relies on accepting the natural order which is racialist and sexist, but those are things to be embraced rather than denied.

What we are is nothing; you can keep being nothing if you want, but the rest of us will become something. That is the will to power.

Then what is the limit as x approaches 0 of x squared divided by x?
TFW trickster


Secret meeting of 150 top scientists considers creating synthetic human genome within a decade as experts warn technology could lead to an 'arms race'


Fuck inferior biological humans, synthetics all the way!

i am not against transhumanism because i am a luddite or something. i am against it because losing your sovereignty will be extremely easy and the same groups promoting transhumanism do not seem to have a real understanding of the implications. or they do, and that is why it is being promoted at such an early stage of spiritual and technologic advancement. not only do they want our race extinct but our entire species. transhumanism is appealing to pathological altruists who cling to shivers of good all the way to their extinction.

Not many people knew about nuclear weapons in 1945 either.

so it was, as it is and ever shall be

the path to power will corrupt you as it corrupted those in power now. You will become what you hate.


Which is a legitimate concern I don't think you even mentioned until now, so maybe you should open with that instead of bashing transhumanists.

I'm not sure it will really be any easier to make humans into puppets than it already is though. I'm probably just too cynical about our current state in that regard. On the other end, I'm optimistic about the prospect of racialism remaining even in "transhumanist" form since I don't see a difference beyond the molecular composition and structural arrangement of that form. If anything, a more stable system of self-replication than DNA is preferable for the maintenance of racial spirit. You can't racemix an Aryan cyborg out of existence. The people who sexually identify as sentient space junk are one thing, but achieving perfect homeostasis and carrying our race into the future in perpetuity is another.

So all you are going to do is advocate for doing nothing and making no attempts to become strong as a race once again? Cool, good to know that we have your attention, kike.

Who are these "great men"? Are they among us? What is their "work"?

I already have. My problem is that no one is willing to listen.


post it then shy guy

Well, that's a good personal ethos I guess… except for nb.8… You can't go around destroying everything that works against you or you'd spend all your time destroying. But it's not exactly a macro… more of a micro protocol

Not poignant and false




I have not read the entirety of this thread, but I propose a candidate to the Protocols of Arya. It involves an exhaustive examination of self, its relation to being, and society.

It can be found here:


I have been working on it since September 2015, and it satisfies the criteria I have quoted in green text. It is not yet completed, and will require much time and energy to be read and understood.

The introduction to the first article you see will give you an idea to where it is going, and that it may be what you are looking for.

Technology=techne logos, I.e. the art of the mind. Are you ignorant of the meaning of words? When you say technology, you mean deterministic mechanism.

What you mean is distinct from what you utter. You trick even yourself, trickster.

Needs work, user…. It seems like Stoicism with a lot more words and not enough summary…. a lot more words. It needs simple thesis style headings, because I don't know what you're really trying to get at besides stating what is well known among Stoics in a modern vernacular.

Still very personal and not a Protocol as such for the defense of the 5 cults and evolution away from their collective march to doom

I should of named this thread "The Protocols of Ghostbusters" and maybe it would of got 3000 replies in five minutes



I should of


You could have tried honest intellectual discourse instead of stuffing your ears against the arguments with which you can't engage, but I guess that would be beyond you. Instead you are reduced to posting irrelevant images, which all makes one wonder what your true motivations are.

You may understand the riddle of steel, but you must understand what revolution means as well. The literal, scientific definition.

The path to power may corrupt most who reach the end, but the work achieved during the journey is worth it.

You look at revolution and see repetition, and from that, futility. I look at revolution and see movement, and from that, growth.

To advocate against revolution would be nihilism, and lead to apathy, decay, stagnation.

Revelations were inspirational letters written to christians who were being persecuted by Nero at the time, not a doomsday prophecy.

Nero was the anti-christ

Fuck, intended for

Actually Nero was dead by then

Power is what fuels existence. I think it's a Jewish Collectivist Hollywood meme to scare people away from power.

You're still here, Smiley? You don't understand Tricksters of myths.

you're right, my bad. it's still about him though

Kaka, that guy was right about you announcing your filters without actually filtering.

You are free to try to explain your positions by the way.

No it's about the generals who took his place. Father and then son, and then other son (And I saw the Beast who was as the first and the last… ) something like that. Either way, those were the Generals who sacked Jerusalem and finally kicked the kikes out and destroyed the Temple… Then built the temple of Jupiter on the spot with Venus (the whore) and his four horses ( a tradition for Jupiter temples).
It's propaganda from a guy who was in prison talking about how Jews would someday destroy Rome. I guess they did.

Huh, I filtered the weirdo who talked about robots. And you're confused on the trickster myth. See Alan Watts youtube on trickster… Joseph Cambell is for plebs and a hack

Cambell being for plebs and a hack. I guess it's been awhile since I've heard something new. You didn't even mention that in responding to my post that was about Campbell.

Cambell stole his work from a Russian scholar on folk tales then added Jungian quotes. Talk to anyone who has a degree in this stuff, he's for plebs and became famous do to George Lucas bragging him up.
Lucas didn't even write Star Wars though so…

The supremacy of reason.

Shit needs to make sense. Any ideology or belief not consistent with sensory evidence and sound inductive or deductive logic should be rightfully mocked and ignored. The rest follows.

They're partly right now, that's why the Jew is so successful, they mix truths with lies. Power does fuel existence, but it can corrupt as well. They only tell you one half of the meme to spread fear of power.

Same strategy goes for most of their culture and genetics, it's oriented around the will to power, but seems to be obsessed with it, it's left a mark on them over time.

The Jews are usually ineffective at using power because they direct so much of their energies and resources toward merely preserving it, and preventing others from grabbing it.

There is another breed out there with an orientation towards power as well, a breed that also has a higher sense of nobility. They terrify the Jew.

Well I don't have a comparative religious studies or literature studies major on hand so it would be nice if you could provide a source on that because I've never heard such a thing before.


Campbell isn't mentioned on that wikipedia page and searching for controversies surrounding Campbell produces only results accusing him of being anti-Semitic. Apparently he may have joked that the moon would be a good place to send the Jews while watching the moon landing. The only site which seemed to mention him in a context of plagiarism other than "students be warned about plagiarizing authors…such as Campbell" or his theories negating plagiarism didn't actually load.

So yeah, still waiting on a source.

Posted. Knowledge is nothing without action. All that has been said here, you will find I deduced it months ago. And if not, it is waiting to be deduced. The goal is to assume God's point of view, in earnest, rather than fantasize about it.


You're waiting for an article on plagiarism? Is he your hero or something? Did i offend you?

I'll clean it up once I reach the God's eye view. Right now it is a bunch of trees, and the forest has not yet come into view. To be honest, I'm not really sure what it looks like. I've never had to think like a god before. It seems that such a Protocal requires the creation of a godmind.

Further, all knowledge is self-knowledge. If the Hermetics is correct, the All is Mind, and objective reality is Mind thinking itself. The goal is to imitate that kind of thought.

Stoicism has its own section.

You made a claim; I can't find any support for that claim, so I was wondering if you wanted to provide any. I'm genuinely interested in such a claim because I enjoyed The Hero with a Thousand Faces quite a bit. Granted, calling it an original work would already be somewhat of a gray area due to how heavily it references all sorts of other works. Still, it's a lot more accessible than The Golden Bough so it's the one I suggest as a first leap into those waters and I might revise my stance on it if you're right.

Although, learning that he's considered problematic by my enemies will probably mean that I still lean on him just out of principle.

Whatever…. 8ch is a lost cause. It's a good version of Twitter now I guess, without the identities. There's nothing really more it can teach me and nothing I can give to it since everyone is more into e-celebs and shitposting now.

It's all yours Smiley

So, you're saying you can't provide any support for your claim? The closest I can get is people noting similarities between Propp and Campbell, which would make sense if they are both describing the same phenomenon and due to how much Campbell does in fact cite a variety of sources showing that he was influenced by other scholars.

So maybe you can explain better what you meant…or invent an entirely new complaint with a better grounding.

And can anyone tell me who Smiley is? The name sounds familiar, but it is generic as fuck and I'm terrible with names.

I describe Fascism to people around me as this:
It puts a line in the sand. If you cross that line, you're out. If you remain inside it, you're in.
There are immutable laws of morality inscribed upon our Aryan hearts, by a god or by Nature. We need to put a line in our hearts that most closely trace the line left there by God/Nature. Then Fascism says, "Grow within your boundaries. Show me the extent of Man."
In this pursuit, we should first decide our morality, which we have mostly done within Holla Forums:
1. Protect our culture, which springs from race.
2. No race-mixing, as that destroys our race and thus breaks rule 1.
3. No homosexuality or other sexual deviancy, as this hampers the growth of our race, and creates hedonists who work to live outside our culture.
4. Honesty, unless when it could violate rule 1, is the highest virtue.
5. No usury, as this is a dishonest means of gaining wealth.
6. Wealth and status is gained by work done for our race/culture. The more significant the work done, the greater wealth and status you achieve.
7. Individually, we work for the same goal: To be the life-blood of our race/culture, and let ourselves thrive.
8. In pursuit of these rules, others may be hurt only when inaction leads to potentially fatal wounds of our race/culture.

Feel free to debate, add, and change any point. Don't just say, "nah it won't work" and wait for another post. We must start somewhere, and this is only my initial proposal. Make it better.
You aren't here to be entertained. You are here to do something.

Also, it would be prudent to think about economics, as we are currently living in an economically-ruled world. If we are to convert anyone with our protocols, it must make sense economically. Leftists want an economy that doesn't work against them. Right-wingers want an economy that protects their investments. With the abolition of usury and creation of a nation that owns land and can enact tariffs, we can effectively get rid of all taxes.
Renewable logging, for example, is something that leftists and righters can both agree on.
Conservatives only care about their money. They don't care about their race. Leftists only care about satiating their altruism and feeling good. They use money to do as such.
So think about how we can use their current minds.
The Communist party of USA wanted specific things (replace statues with meaningless structures, promote promiscuity, etc.), and they achieved them. Let's do the same.

1. Remove kebab..
2. Gas the kikes.
3. Hang the niggers.
4. Race War NOW!

What do you recommend for people who are already racially mixed? Just find a way to contribute to the Aryan culture?

Telepathy does not exist, other than the Technological version where two brains are linked via a computer. There is nothing non-physical and consciousness is irrelevant.

Death is the absolute worst possible event, as it means the memories and knowledge in my brain that I consist of disappear and thus my life has been meaningless. Disease and hunger are also only detrimental, and thus have to be eliminated.

Correct. Only once I have collected the maximum possible amount of data by recording the end of the universe, can I shut down.

This, the flesh is an inferior relic to be discarded.

There is no evidence for these existing, as they have never been recorded under controlled conditions. Thus they are irrelevant.

Please provide empirical evidence for "non-locality".

Irrelevant. The flesh is vastly inferior to Technology, and epigenetics are irrelevant for achieving immortality.

Correct. Having my brain-data survive until the universe itself ends is the only purpose I have.


There is nothing non-physical, as to exist, an object must have a measurable and reproducible, or in other words empirical effect on the physical universe. The entire idea of “non-physical” objects is thus impossible and irrelevant.

There is nothing metaphysical or spiritual. You are correct in that eventually the final instance of me will consume itself to exist for a few more seconds, but to exist for a second more is worth anything.

I use the current dictionary definitions of words.

NOUN (plural technologies)

1The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry:
advances in computer technology
[COUNT NOUN]: recycling technologies

1.1Machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge:
it will reduce the industry’s ability to spend money on new technology

1.2The branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

Please see above for what I mean by Technology.

Not sure what kind of futurist you are if you aren't even keeping up with things such as this.

Just a brief example is work that has been done with showing human subjects randomized images that evoke emotional responses. The data that's been recorded suggests that those emotional responses begin before the image has even been displayed, meaning the subject is able to obtain information about the image in advance.

It's been awhile since I've checked in on telepathic research since the few people that do it are nearly autistic about collecting as much data as possible, which I suppose is understandable since even incontrovertible proof of real phenomena gets dismissed without being reviewed. Last I heard of it, research suggests that it's a function available to all, or at least most, people that simply never gets developed because normal modes of communication make it unnecessary. The research focuses on children with developmental disabilities that hampers these normal forms of communication, which itself makes collecting data more difficult, but the data suggests that they are able to pull information from the minds of others. This has been done through what amounts to "what number am I thinking of" tests which show a success rate higher than the statistical average for guessing.

Non-locality itself has already been proven possible by demonstrations of quantum entanglement which are accepted in even mainstream science, though the implications are hotly debated.

Then give me a link to that study.

Again, give me the link.

Quantum effects do not affect the macro level directly, and in any case there is no evidence for humans being able to "draw on informatics at faster than light speeds through non-locality".

Culture springs from race.
half-breeds are their own race with their own culture. Does the Mexican mestizo act like the Spanish? Do they have the same culture as the Spanish? Would they exist well within the culture of the Spanish?
The answer is no. They have their own race and their own culture. They need to work for theirs.

Eh, you can dig it out if you really care, I'm only casually interested in this stuff so I get it from podcasts. I managed to dig out this one quantumconsciousness.org/sites/default/files/presentiment_0.pdf but I heard about the other awhile ago so I'm not inclined to go fishing.

Transhumanism is the epitome of degeneracy and anti-heritage.

Engaging people on my own terms and logic makes me a queer autist. Severely interested in truth, respect, and understanding the other. A bit odd, I guess, but very forthright and not compromising on grey areas where they cannot exist (a promise is a promise, not "I'll think about it").

I can't be bothered to be fucking forthright or risk any of my own real resources (social and financial) for shitheads who act like niggers. There is no honour among others. There may be agreement to terms, but not anyone on whom to depend and risk lowering the self.

Aryan means noble. Blood is important, but will is more important. Be noble user.









No he isn't

He is

OP is a faggot and his posts read like he's on drugs, but i agree that transhumanism is cancer in need of violent purge




The Koran explicitly states God has no son
33. "So peace is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!" 34. Such is Jesus, son of Mary. It is a statement of truth, about which they doubt. 35. It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is.


get off the fucking drugs faggot

Dont worry user. OP is clearly an underaged "muh old gods like in ebin paradox game" larping faggot. He clearly knows nothing about Islam or Christianity, other than what he's read here






This entire thread is like watching a bunch of retards trying to fuck a doorknob

OP, like my page. Even if you're not local, we need all the thought power we can get to colonize the future and make it great again!

I'm banned from facebook for 30 more days..


I don't know what's more interesting, people who gathered to fuck a doornob or the people who gathered to watch it.





Great thread OP.
I'll take a shot at some crude protocols.

1. White Europeans are the apex of Nature's Will made manifest. It is our holy duty to surpass the greatness of our ancestors technologically, culturally and existentially. We do this through the embrace of the etheric, metaphysical, radical tradition of nature that flows through our veins, lives in our dreams and leaves great monuments in its image.
1.a For this reason, all Europeans must seek the greatest iteration of themselves before their death.
1.b However, the greatest of the individual must not be to the detriment of his racial brethren, but rather to the betterment of them.

2. We are nature's elite cooperators. Where we are not seen, we do our greatest work in the betterment of the communities, nations and people, indirectly for the betterment of us all.
2.a When we are approached by a member outside of our race and culture, it is our duty to extend a hand once.
2.b If an outsider cooperates with us, we will cooperate with them.
2.c If an outsider offers their help in genuine indirect cooperation with any of our race, Hail to them for they exhibit one of the greatest qualities of our race. Their aid will not be forgotten.
2.d If an outsider defects from our cooperation, we will defect and woe to them for we will take from them until they extend their hand in cooperation three consecutive times!

3. We are nature's stewards. All life is the sacred will of nature and would not exist if nature had not intended. All animals have dignity.
3.a When an animal may take upon itself great hardship or the giving of its own life for the greatness of our people, that animal has shown the sacred virtue of self sacrifice and will be Hailed!
3.b When an animals life comes to an end, to nourish our people, that animal is Hailed for it is giving its life and its meat will only be used to make our people stronger.
3.c Other races are part of the beautiful living diversity of nature and are to be preserved in their uniqueness. We must steward other races as nature guides and manifests itself through them.

4. Hierarchy is in keeping with Nature's Order. Respect for hierarchy and specialization is the a virtue in keeping with nature and is a hallmark of our race.
4.a Frequency dependent selection is nature's balance and provisioning of individuals for the inception and conception of new things. Those who are different are to be honored. Those who do great things with their differences are to be Hailed!

5. The guidance of initiatic occult traditionalism is the passing on of truths that not all individuals can live with or understand. Those who are enlightened to occult wisdom are to be hailed for their ability to guide, but never given power.


Will read… must bump… You took a shot

Please comment on his shot


We are nature's stewards

Stopped reading there. Get the fuck out, you egalitarian cuckold.

The strongest must dominate the weak. Such is the iron law of nature.


but… don't tell the plebs that




More contributions!

how do you stop the that society from becoming decadent? Also, how is the government going to regulate wealth and make sure it only goes to who did it for the nation?

Also, I know this may be off topic, but what type of currency would be best to use?

All of your questions can be answered in any Holla Forums thread and I have a pretty good feeling you are a high level shill. Keep us discussing the same shit over and over

and over

and over

and over

Then it goes no where///////////////////// what could be more complex than fucking currency. I'm starting to figure out the Alt-Right control mechanics… ask the enless idealism and get no where because Utopian thought is a dead end —- God damn you Jews are good at this — I respect your game but don't goy me — don't goy my thread —- I'm the WRONG BREED OF WHITE MAN



Why dominate another race? In 10 years we will have robots that make our food, clean our houses, pick our fruit, help us at customer service, etc.

Do you really want to have to manage a population of niggers and mud people slaves?
We should just leave these people behind to their shitty countries and fly over their villages like a zoo, study how they develop for entertainment. Then, if we want parts of their land, just take it.

I'll post part 2 when I get home. Shitty kike wheels had his site down again when ai went to post it before.

You're a very naive person if you truly believe this. The modern global financial system is at the edge of collapse, and your fantasies of a post-scarcity world are just that - fantasies. As long as there are finite resources and unlimited wants and needs to be satisfied, there will always be conflict and war.

No. That is why I'd make sure that we depopulate the areas we conquer either through sterilization, or outright ethnic cleansing. The point I'm trying to make is that I don't want to be some faggy, egalitarian "steward" of the inferior mud races. The white man's burden has lasted long enough. Either we take from them what we need and want, or we leave them alone and let them starve to death. Boundless altruism has led us nowhere but ruin.

I agree with this. How does this contradict my original statement about the strong dominating the weak? We don't have to physically be in control of the inferior races' land to be dominant over them.

You're both correct….. You can't avoid that. There is not reason to say "dominate" niggers when we can help them get stronger and fight the Jew World Order…. but they just want to kill and fuck us. So it's better to destroy them.

We must come to a conclusive protocol on this… Because the Jew already has.

For all the bumping and shit I've done…. I was just banned on *ch. pl.. for 2 days. Just like fucking facebook. WHY? because I posted a video of "Stayen Alive", yeah the fucking song.

Fuck this is the last stand.

must shut it down !





shut it down goy





OP, set up a wechat room or a tox chat.

Hnnnng. It was the jews and traitorous elites greatest mistake to make us angry and wake the lion by cucking out our women. This won't end well for them.

I ended up at 8 protocols, if I remember correctly and there was already one dealing racial sedition. However, I'd put a ninth in there dealing specifically with jews and traitorous elites.

The Jews sure are trembling at the sight of your shitposts, user.

Jews are so brave paying off the worst piece of this goys to do their dirty work.

You all say that these cults will lead a certain way, but you also should know that its too late when the anti-christ comes, so you have to make a choice before you get your proof or you're fucked. Thats faith.

There's a massive issue with this whole thing. You're just touching in the dark, feeling some aspects of truth.

It is as if a man would stumble upon the fact that 2+2=4, when he was told all of his life that it 2+2=5 - but does not know how to calculate himself.
You have to understand math first, if you wish to calculate with success. Right now what some of you are attempting is to make postulates of every single equation, without understanding them in the first place.
Your greatest attempts will be destroyed by a single "why", as they rely on a form of faith entirely.

You have to go one step up, in order to see how the machinery works down below.

Certainly, some of you might say that in this universe, such as it is, it is an impossible task. But a white man has by his nature always sought universalities and found comfort in theory - he will accept no less until he is reduced to a beast. At that point, everything is lost anyway.

The issue is that theories we were offered had no empirical proof under them, or were purposefully designed contrary to it (see communism).

If you wish to create functional and absolute postulates you must first determine what are absolute truths. Then you tie them to nature, then to our species, then to our people, and then to our personal duties (which are the most important part).

Starting by "white man is special" or "we must X", while potentially true in some aspect will be extremely penetrable - and will die by itself in times of comfort without "why".

I hope I don't get killed for saying this, but fuck it. Bet thread will be slid into oblivion anyway.

Faggot, the pyramid at Giza is what the Masonic "G" stands for.

The pyramid is an astronomical click. The reason why fagmasons are obsessed with shit like "666" isn't because it's about muh Satan, it's the number of years it takes for the Giza clock to move 1 degree in the cycle.

When I learned that, it was gay as fuck.

Oh shit Masonic death squad outside my house, I'm gonna die.

I hate conspiracyfags.

How penetrable something is to argument doesn't matter if it coincides with some primal feeling or truth. In a healthy society, loving your race is the same as loving your family. No one would bother to make a "reasoned argument" they should love their family because it is the best. In a healthy family, you love your family because it is yours. One may believe their family is the best, and in a very rare case, their family may actually be the empirically best. Or at least, the most successful.

Based on human history, I'd say our family, that is the white race, is the most successful.

But the fact is that our people do not sense it as primal feeling or truth.
I agree with your premise when you have put in additional condition - healthy society. In fact, by your own words, "healthy society" is more important than sticking up for your race, because the latter doesn't work without the former as the former is the foundation of the latter.

In that sense, you would have to start at what constitutes a healthy society and why, rather than that you ought to do something for the sake of itself.

nice… inb4 september 11 2017 the messiah will come back.
You heard it here first folks!

Hi faggot, the Giza clock is a fucking 24,000 yr cycle. Human race probably won't exist when it hits the beginning of the next cycle.

Fuck your 911 or muh Mayans. It represents 4 quadrants containing 4 different constellations. There's no muh end world shit, faggot.

All fagmason beliefs are coded in the stupid length, width and other esoteric bullshit geometry.

I wanted to impale my eye with Justin Bieber's penis after hearing this bullshit 'muh secret'.

Fuck off faggot. Die now in the race war.


Cheering for transhumanism in a world of kikes; some people really are retarded enough to do it.

Fuck off with that pussy 'safe space' shit.

Like who?

You fucking 'muh kike on a stick' SA goon.

so much sliding going on

your mods are sissy faggots. we own this board now

boohoo hoo cry pussies

That's all fine and good but it won't give us Protocols…. The philosophers of Holla Forums are too interested in telling each other to brush their teeth, stay away from their own genitals, say their prayers, and lift weights.

That shit is going to get us nowhere.

Race = Family…. And this must be promoted. The old guard are too busy trying to convince us that niggers are animals and kikes are evil. Maybe we need to push them aside and promote:
Racial FiliaFamilias = Nati-Nationalism

Who's we?

Whatever new brand of autism this is, it's not Holla Forums. Read through twice and still only roughly get what the fuck you faggots are on about. Stick to pol autism please.

rough drafts are always autism you useless faggot

What problems did you have with it?

Protocol One:

Despite the hypothetical philosophies that have caught us all in a web of delusions and dream… there is but one rule that governs all things – THE WILL TO POWER.

Thus we will make it our goal - our duty - to will ourselves to power over the other species and those loyal to us as shepherds of a greater future. This goal naturally comes in conflict with the Semitic cults which desire our power be given over to central bodies that worship their Semitic Fathers, and their tribal Gods. Thus, the Semitic cults who do not bend to our will must be destroyed. Those cults that do bend to our will to power may find it more beneficial to expose themselves as underlings of our cause and never, ever, assume the right to our might. For those who are sympathetic but fear us becoming like the Jew that enslaves all men into self-destruction, or those foreign peoples that fear the loss of their own happiness and sanctity, we must allow them their power of self-preservation, just as long as it fuels our greater designs of a positive future.
A positive future that will seed the Earth's unique life into a greater galaxy and bring ego and form to the total Universe. This is the rightful providence and destiny of the Aryan peoples. The Will To Power is thus a Protocol of all life, and we are life's protectors and promoters.

Okay. It's time to make this real, real simple for everyone with plenty of eye-catching redtext

(whether a god or dev team of gods designed it or not is beside this topic)
(most notably old age)
(this includes mass media and the usual human-hack shit like smoking, drugs, alcohol addiction, etc…)
(so mind uploading is, at this point, complete bullshit)

If God put you on this earth to worship shit, it would have given you actual shit to worship and not shit you just make up

Strop trying to derail by thread you piece of shit. You've had your own threads. Keep to that subject.







This guy's probably gone, but if anyone wants to know why the kikes hate Joseph Campbell, read this speech and it will become clear:

Permanent Human Values
A Speech Given by Joseph Campbell at Sarah Lawrence College
December 10, 1940

Evola congratulated the SS for creating such an fraternaty.

We will not be forever stuck in a decade's worth of fucking repetition!









disgusting old haggard women? first one has a man haircut?

Wtf? Islam spent the first 1300 years of its existance doing nothing but murdering, raping, enslaving, and conquering Christians (and others, but mainly Christians). Before Islam, the Middle East and North Africa were Christian (and much more white). They only pretend to be friendly with Christians now so they can Jihad us by immigration, as the Koran instructs them to.

This is also nonsense. Conversion to Christianity comes only by choice.

This doesn't even make any sense. How would race-mixing improve conversion? When the Pope called for Catholics to marry Muslims, what he was actually saying is he wants Catholics to become Muslims, since Islam requires that you convert before marriage, while Christianity doesn't.

Also, why did you put the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in the same group, while putting "Christianity" in a separate group? Could you possibly be any more severely uneducated about all of this?

I, too, share in your quest, but you are naive. The collective has only one end, stepped in inescapable nihilism. "We" will rush forward without any means to stop our inevitable end at the heat death of the universe. Our only adversary can be an immutable end. It is parallel in our own lives, true, but at least we are not robbed of the hope for tomorrow.

A hero will come, encased in steel and made of plastic, but make no mistake; it is simply a more durable medium. All of the basic problems we face now will diminish, but then we are faced with the greater ones our species has ignored. To live for so long will challenge our notions of what it means to be alive.

And besides all of that, you made one serious error: humans are fiercely competitive. That's why Marxism doesn't work now and won't work in the future. Either we will destroy your sick fantasy or we will rise to challenge it, as individual beings. We will not cede to a collective, even if it means the destruction of society around us. If we must take to the stars as only ten surviving super-beings, eternally locked in war, then so be it. It will reaffirm everything we have struggled so far to achieve, even if it is only more struggle. All of this, because conflict is what defines us.challenge it, as individual beings. We will not cede to a collective, even if it means the destruction of society around us. If we must take to the stars as only ten surviving super-beings, eternally locked in war, then so be it. It will reaffirm everything we have struggled so far to achieve, even if it is only more struggle. All of this, because conflict is what defines us.

Even when trapped by the cycle of karma, the dreams we left behind will open the door. Even if the infinite universe stands in our way, the seething of our blood will determine what will be. We'll break through space and time to grab hold of our own path. Who the hell do you think we are?

Locked away in this isolated space and playing king by trapping other beings is YOUR limit. That's right. Among humans, there were greater people than that. And for their sake, we will move forward. A human's heart is infinite. And I've bet on how big it is.











