Why Interracial People Are Healthier & More Attractive

((Alon Ziv))) is on the David Pakman show explaining why every people BESIDES Jews should racemix


Why is Holla Forums ALWAYS right? This is ridiculous

Other urls found in this thread:

humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Rushton, J. Phillipe. "Inclusive fitness in human relationships." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96 (2009).pdf

Fucking Heidi Klum. Seal is such an ugly UGLY nigger. I can't belelive there would be any amount of money that would make someone stoop that low, especially someone who was already rich. There had to be some blackmail or MKultra type shit going on.

At least she had one human baby before partaking in the genocide of her people.


In other news, Scientists and other experts explain why the polar ice will have completely melted by 2012.

A few days ago I made a thread where I posted a reddit thread where he gets completely rekt and called out on his judaism.

That thread and the leddit thread were top tier. People on leddit were actually calling out the jew.

Does Pakman call him out in the op. I made it 4 minutes and couldn't bother continuing.

I don't know, I won't watch it, I have low tolerance for bullshit. I'm at the point where I just want blood.

How is Tel Aviv doing today goyim?

That's bullshit. If racemixed people were healthier and smarter Brazil would not be such a shitty place that can't realize anything.

Mulattos are dumbass lazy faggots. But "muh 0.0000001% PhD smrrrrrt"… I don't give a shit, the bulk of the population is garbage. I live in Brazil and we know upfront.

This is such fucking bullshit, the 'diversity' required is as little as finding a girl from next door, the next town or valley for there massive genetic diversity of the ancestor of two people say in an all white British village.

Threadly Reminder

humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Rushton, J. Phillipe. "Inclusive fitness in human relationships." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96 (2009).pdf

This review shows: (1) spouses and close friends assort on blood groups and that similarity predicts fertility; (2) twin and adoption studies find genes rather than upbringing cause people to positively assort; (3) phenotype matching is more pronounced on more heritable items within sets
of homogeneous traits; (4) bereavement studies find grief is greater following the death of a more similar co-twin or child; (5) studies of face perception find people prefer and trust those who look like them; and (6) DNA variance within and between ethnic groups is equivalent to that within and between families

Can you expand on the abstract if you know a bit about the subject?

How easy is it for Jews to control mongrels?


Right, there's no way a girl like that would fall for a black guy. She must have been mind-controlled.

Very easy. A mongrel population will be cattle whose only aspiration is their own self-indulgence.

Jews are racemixers themselves though. They mix with whites/Asians without problem. But see how they react to one of them mixing with niggers… If anything jews push so much the BLACKED thing to contain any form of white/ethnic nationalism.

As if we didn't need more proof that the bot is outright copying and pasting posts from their 4chan slides.

Why do you niggers care what some ugly broad does with her pussy?
She is old and no one wanted to mate with her. She picked a nigger.
Happens all the time. If you want it to stop go marry that whore you shot your load in last week.

previous thread on Alon Ziv:


Makes sense. A good example is our mixed race Holla Forums admin who drives a BMW and uses a Mac!

I hate that Packman kike. Does she specifically say that Jews shouldn't? I figured this was just more self-indulgent kike garbage, considering they're all race-mixed, but everyone knows they're fucking ugly.


I don't understand this 'logic.'

The Holla Forums line on so-called "race-mixing" is kind of tiresome. Why are you being so prissy? Can't we just admit that white semen makes a prettier baby, no matter what color the mother is? It's not "mixed genetics" vs "pure genetics", it's "superior genetics" vs "inferior genetics"

Half niglets are disgusting, but I couldn't give a shit about how attractive white people are anyway, humans are attracted to those that look similar to them, how else would some of those mongolian fucks get a shag.

The 'healthier' part is the worst part and complete bullshit plucked out of almost thin air.

Sure thing, pal.

you forgot how hot she was in her prime
she could have had anybody
she chose the ugliest chimp

im sure those 2 siblings will have no jealousy at all,
imagine being the right subhuman and having a sister that much more beautiful

i heard that south africans say, that the "coloured" are actually more dangerous than pure chimps
because they self identify as chimp and have a slightly higher IQ
plus the aggression of the original subhuman chimps

Sister is gettin raped sadly.

this seems to be true for brazil as well
all videos i saw the half chimps do the brutal killings

what the fuck?

Wasted those dubs

You got it totally wrong. The problem is that despite possibility of breeding between races, mixed offspring will never match up with either race and are always despised. Not to mention, in a population dynamic where whites are not breeding and the other races are threatening to overwhelm us, it is plain suicidal to waste your time and DNA on breeding with blacks and Asians, not to mention the competition for resources that arises with those mixed characters added to the total society.

On top of that, mixed race people usually are more likely to sufer from identity problems and are less attached to their roots due to mixed heritage. Jews are keeping together precisely because they are afraid of diluting themselves out among the general populace, yet they advocate the opposite for everyone else to weaken them. Its' a classic domination trick that they've been able to implement in popular culture.

It's just some sandnigger rapper from instagram that the /politics/ faggot claim is the BO.

i cant watch all of this, it burns my eyes. where exactly in the video do they say "besides jews"?

And full niglets are twice as disgusting, that's my point

But my whole point is that, while white babies are better than half-white babies, that is only relevant if the mother is white (those are the two kinds of babies she can have). If she isn't white, the choices are half-white or non-white. And in that case the half-white baby is better, both intrinsically and in terms of making sure whites are not overwhelmed in their own countries.

I'm pretty sure I once read on Kevin MacDonald's blog that women prefer men of their own race during ovulation. I'm going to try to find it the article.

Race Bias and Conception Risk: Implicit and Explicit Whiteness in Action


"A recent article in a top psychology journal (“Race Bias Tracks Conception Risk Across the Menstrual Cycle” shows that women have more race bias when they are most at risk for conception. Further, it shows that race bias is even stronger if the woman feels more vulnerable to sexual coercion.

The study once again shows a difference between implicit and explicit race bias. Implicit bias is unconscious. Implicit bias was shown by subjects taking longer to associate negative words like ‘horrible’ or ‘evil’ with photos of Whites than with photos of Blacks. (You can take a similar test here to see if you have implicit biases toward Blacks; around 80% of Whites do) The study is saying that White women are more likely to have unconscious negative thoughts about Blacks when they are ovulating and this is especially the case if they think they are vulnerable to being raped.

Explicit bias, on the other hand, is assessed by rating how strongly subjects endorse negative racial stereotypes of Blacks (e.g., ‘‘Generally, Blacks are not as smart as Whites’’; ‘‘It is likely that Blacks will bring violence to neighborhoods when they move in’’). People tend to give more socially acceptable answers on race bias items compared to their unconscious, implicit attitudes.

Usually the differences between conscious and unconscious race bias are very large — especially for liberals. Liberals are supreme hypocrites when it comes to race. My favorite is the White affirmative action officer at a university who was horrified to find that she had strong unconscious biases toward Blacks. Unconscious biases have been shown to have subtle effects on behavior.

What was surprising here was that these White women were also more likely to explicitly endorse negative stereotypes of Blacks when they were ovulating. The effect was weaker than for unconscious attitudes, but it was in the same direction and nearly as strong as for unconscious attitudes — what statisticians call a trend.

In other words, the hormones that make them ovulate are also making them less politically correct. Their unconscious negative attitudes about Blacks are more likely to leak out in their conscious opinions. The primitive brain wins out over the politically correct censor in the higher part of the brain, so that they become more conscious of their negative attitudes toward Blacks. They would therefore be better able to consciously plan ways to avoid them. " (…)

lies lies lies cumskin