You all could be normies, and you don't even realize it

Prove to me that you're not a normie.

I welded a claw to my arm instead of having a regular hand. And you know what? I like life better this way.

herp derp nigger burp

I post here more then anyone else, but very rarely contribute to discussion..

Too that..

t. spammer

*top that

Kennedi check em

I have millions in the bank
I am constantly surrounded by many women willing to service me
I drive a Bugatti
I constantly travel the world
I piloted a blimp once and am a skilled horse rider
I am not a normal




This nigga knows what's up


Dat nigga is full of shit..


Kindly kill yourself


Why? Because I didn't use the formal term "Equestrian" ?

Where I come from horse riders are called horsemen


You faggot.


It's kys


fucking tripfags

Sorry family, I'm not some southern hick who goes to gay rodeos


Fucking normie's


Too right. Sage is about as far from a normalfag
as one can get.

This! Moar sabredildo!


Let me guess, you ride English style you fairy fuck lol.

She's feeling the force





Fuck that Mr. Soon to be b& and have your posts all deleted. We all want moar first.

This thread fucking sucks. Fuck you tripfag.

Why the fuck is she using a lightsaber as a dildo? That is unsanitary as fuck.

I'm having amazing sex three times a day, four times a week with the cutest girl I have ever seen who told me she "just wants to be friends" two months ago. We're still friends. How fucking NORMAL is that.


Have you decided how you're going to kill yourself yet or are you waiting for your parents to die first?

But I kind of enjoy life.

مؤسس دين الإسلام،
ويعتبر المسلمون ل
يكون رسولا ونبيا من الله. ويعتقد المسلمون انه كان
آخر الأنبياء الإسلامية، والتي تضمنت نوح، إبراهيم،
موسى وعيسى.
ولد عام 570 في مدينة عربية من مكة المكرمة، تيتمت انه
في سن مبكرة وترعرعت عمه أبو طالب. في وقت لاحق
يعمل معظمهم كتاجر، فضلا عن الراعي، وكان
تزوج في سن 25. كما عمل لمساعدة الناس في حياته
المجتمع، وكان خطيبا والقائد العسكري.
لم يكن سعيدا في حياته في مكة المكرمة، لكنه لم يستطع
نفهم لماذا. "عملي يسير على ما يرام. عائلتي على ما يرام.
الناس مثلي. لذلك لماذا أنا حزين جدا؟ يعتقد محمد مرة أخرى
حول مكة المكرمة، المدينة حيث كان لى
فيد. وكانت مدينة مزدحمة للغاية،
كاملة من الناس الذين كانوا الجشع وغير شريفة. لا أحد يهتم
عن الفقراء والمحتاجين. الناس يعتقد في الأرواح الشريرة و
يعبد السحر وكثير من الآلهة المختلفة.
تساءل محمد إذا كان هناك أي شيء من شأنه أن تظهر
هؤلاء الناس كيف يعيشون حياة أفضل والتخلي سيئة لهم
طرق. قرر مغادرة مكة وقضاء بعض الوقت في كهف
خارج المدينة، والتفكير حول عشر
أشياء جنوب شرقي. وكان هادئ، بارد
المكان الذي يمكن أن يفكر ويصلي
قبل كل شيء بنفسه. بالنسبة الى
المعتقدات الإسلامية كانت هنا، في آغ
ه 40، في شهر رمضان،
انه تلقى أول رسالة له من الله.
يوم واحد، وكان محمد شعور غريب انه لم
تعد وحدها. "لا تخافوا"، وقال صوت. يفرك محمد
عينيه ويحدق - كان ملاكا. كان الملاك جبرائيل.
أظهرت جبريل محمد بعض الكلمات. 'اقرأ!' الملاك
أمر. ولكن محمد لم يذهب قط إلى المدرسة. وقال انه
لم يتعلم القراءة والكتابة. وكرر الملاك أمره،
قبل عصر محمد بجد انه يعتقد انه
سوف خافت.
الافراج عن ملاك محمد وبدأ بتلاوة
كلمات جميلة. عرف محمد على الفور أن هذه الكلمات
جاء من عند الله. واستمع بعناية، وكان قادرا على تذكر
كل ما قاله الملاك.
عرف محمد أن المؤسسة العامة
اوبل حاجة لسماع هذا
رسالة، هكذا بدأ التبشير ما قال له الله، أن
الله هو إله واحد صحيح، وجيفي
نانوغرام نفسك له هو فقط
طريقة لنسجد له. هو قال ذلك
رسالة موسى عند

What is this? writing for goatfuckers?

It looks like an a-rab shaved his pubic hair onto a piece of paper.

It's the navy-seals copypasta in Arabic.

Wikipedia page for muhammad

Yet you should end yourself for the greater good.

Proof, pics related.



I. Am. Normal. Yay!

I was caught by my landlord hosting a gay meth orgy once

I fucked my 42 year old manager because she came onto me and I was to awkward to say no

I'm no normalfag like op

Most of you have probably never even truly acknowledged the fact that there is an ego here, an "I" that you automatically consider part of the universe external. You probably see the universe minus your ego as equal to the universe with your ego. You probably imagine the grass is grass. You probably imagine the grass looks green without the ego, that just because there's no ego to observe it and render it green doesn't mean it's not green. You probably imagine space (as in the dimensions; width, depth, length, whatever you want to call the facets of your perception of three-dimensional space) being how you see it. No, user. The dimensions are different mathematical ways in which you can change omnipresent values. Three dimensions don't look like three dimensions without you, user. It's all information. Every concept that constitutes your reality is a shape in your brain. There is no visual distance without brains, user. There is only a vague nothingness with infernos of qualia (the components of experience, which occurs in every quantum, including every square Planck of every star, the singularity being the strongest qualia of all, everything else being a subtractive synthesis of that) that do not perceive visual distance or the "left to right" of your visual periphery.

Living in the reality I live in makes you extraordinarily indifferent about people, the planet, the race, politics, the law, what clothes you wear, etc. Because I choose to simply go along with this phenomenon, I still focus on earning money, making the right decisions for my own life, which never involves other people; I only hang out with my two friends because one of them acknowledges that we are the same person, he understands it just as well as I do, and hanging out with yourself in a different personality is entertaining, and the other guy is trying to see it the way we do. Since I spoke to him the first time, he's been like an eager student. I know I can trust him because I can see the devotion in his eyes. Everyone else is completely mad to me, and it makes me sad to think how pathetically ape-like I am in the brain and body of all of you, let alone the average human being (the difference is minuscule, you are all regular old normies).

So here are the possibilities from your point of view: I am a huge, schizophrenic dick, possibly autistic, or you're a normie like everyone else. I know which option you're going to pick. God forbid you were a normie.




I'm a kissless virgin and over 25.

LOL how did that human turn into that big monkey! Wtf!


sage is not a downvote tbh fam

Holla Forums, am I a sociopath?

I think she found some trans GUY/GIRL to bang and left me since they actually experience emotions beyond: elation-exasperation


user, I AM a normie
I came to halfchan in the first cancer migration of 2007
I am the one who ruined it
I came to Holla Forums in the first exodus, not because I care about GG or hotpockets, but because I was tired of bananas in YLYL threads
I am the reason that Holla Forums sucks dick


i had a job for three years and didn't say a word to any colleagues unless it was work related

I"m sure this is pasta but, If you were truly enlightened you'd realise all this effort to seemingly "rise to the top, you are but sheep to me" is nonsense. I don't wanna give away the "LE GREAT TRUTH" or anything, but you've already been the best, and the worst. You've already sailed the stars, and groveled in mud as an autistic monkey. You're literally bragging to other you's that you've got "more clay"(I.Q.) than your other incarnations this time around. I guess as far as I can see TRUE enlightenment is to see nothing matters, just like how nothing matters when you've done everything in a game. You've been recycled ad infinitum, so its safe to assume you, or we, have experienced literally everything(or maybe not) So why brag, we're all just one man's roll of the dice.

Only girlfriends ive had were over the internet, all suicidal.
Pretty hot though.