Since github went full SJW, where does Holla Forums host it's code?

Since github went full SJW, where does Holla Forums host it's code?

Sorry for being late.

Other urls found in this thread:

I use for imageboard-related code.

But I don't want to use something with a Gamergate mascot on every page as a general purpose repository host, so there's for that.

VPS + cgit

I had something long to post here and then a 502 completely destroyed my train of thought.

there are hosting services and free server software.
some hosting services are implemented using free server software.
if you don't host your own shit you are vulnerable to the whims of the service.

free software includes:

code hosting services include:

I self-host. Been doing it since the CVS days and see no reason to hand someone control over my code and much more difficult data to migrate like bugtracking.

I have a gogs instance for projects that don't need any contributions. Don't know what to do yet about projects I want to be public, might set up yet another gogs instance for that.

The so called network effect on github is pretty worthless any way.

EE's 100% open source. The license even gives you full permission to modify it and distribute patches. Not even in the same universe of cancer as github.

Does the license give you permission to publish the full thing publicly?



Sounds like a job for cucks.


I wonder if they'd accept contributions to meme software, because I've got plenty of those.

Why do you need to do that when the full source code's on their own site?


I'm just asking if you can. Can you?

I use a combination of self hosting and also github when I want to share code out for the world to see. I'm going to continue using the github free services until one of their idiotic policies infringes upon what I wish to do.

Here is a question for all of you who self-host: Where do you host your code? Do you have a server you are paying for or do you just have an extra computer running locally in your basement that's not connected to the internet? The former costs money and the latter is unsafe if something happens to your home (burglary, fire, flood, ...)

Just mirror your repositories on GitHub before uploading. Bonus points if you write a shell script to automate the process and then mirror that as well on GitHub.

I think you might have misread that.

GitLab seems like the only Holla Forums worthy centralization point since

Host my shit on a hard drive, back anything important up to GitLab

In my VPS. It's as simple as `git init --bare` on the server and `git remote add origin git@server:folder` on the client. There is absolutely no need for a web interface for version control, it only adds clutter. Even for public projects. Mailing lists are better for discussion, git handles the rest. A lot of (large) projects do it this way, as basically every project did until a few years ago. GitHub is more a social network than anything else.

4chan's /g/ started up

But I haven't used it myself yet.

was using , pretty comfy, but my ssh keys were expiring every once in a while, so I moved to

I was expecting a site with logo only


Did they change the css again?
Where are my highlighted GETs?
Checked, manually.

The license is right there in their source repo. Go read it yourself.

I think you can't. In any case, it's not open source because it doesn't allow everyone to use it. I do agree that it's "not even in the same universe of cancer as github".

Thoughts on ?

I think the approval process is pretty bureaucratic, so fine for large projects, but not for casual use.


For how long can they run this service going back with so much?

What did Github do?
They also increased their prices recently.

I'll probably keep hosting it there as long as it's free.

But if I was forced for some reason, like someone managed to connect my TRS account to my github or something and they overreacted, I'd probably switch to bitbucket. Bitbucket actually offers a better free service - I just use github because you get more exposure there.

i use github because im not an autistic faggot


Get pissed, Holla Forums.

You're not much of anything, just like the other 48 million paki spam accounts on that site.


Gitbucket was flying the degenerate flag, they are pozzed as well.

this, i use github, because that's where the community is.

they got rid of all of their personal plans, except for the basic one, that has unlimited repos now

Github's UI beats Bitbucket by a mile

I'm especially happy that they show contributions to private repos anonymized on the graph now, that's something I wanted forever and wasn't expecting them to ever implement.

Muh e-peen