CMFYS 5: Still Alive

Previously on CMFYS
>onion posting not working oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/ TORpedos BTFO

What should Codemonkey, Jim, Josh & Moderators do?

Season 1:
Season 2:

OP of last thread was a faggot so you're lucky Season 2 has archives.

"Fuck your windshield"

Other urls found in this thread:

n o i c e



Seems to be functioning well for me, missing a few features but also has more features than Holla Forums does.
Maybe missing hotwheels shit oekaki and dice rolling.
Meanwhile, on 16chan, a random user shows up and shows everyone a superior oekaki that hotdud will never be able to touch.


No one got what they paid for because of a problem stemming from Hotwheels captcha, not to mention Hotwheels and Codemonkey changing the fucking stack that they'd be deploying to twice, and then failing to deliver the hardware promised to even test it.
Then Jim and his son took total control of the site.

These threads really never will go away will they?

There's no reason for them to be here, no technical discussion takes place whatsoever

The only reason why its here is because Holla Forums is the only board in the top25 that would tolerate this sheer level of meta shitposting

We'll have CMFYS threads daily 10 years from now, its like a joke from modern Holla Forums, where its spammed to death because whoever keeps posting it thinks they're being genuinely funny when everyone around them just wishes they'd die in real life so there's one less retard on the internet, like /n/s obsession with designated shitting streets or our Holla Forumss obsession with Kennedi Cortarelo (I don't even fucking care if I spelled that wrong) That's what those are as these threads are to Holla Forums its a forced meme for only the lowest common denomination of posters


Are you peeved?

What about the technical discussion detailing why Next wasn't deployed and $12k was wasted?

Considering they pay him $100/hr to get a worse oekaki than even wPaint, yes. It sucks dick. He's Jim's pet tho so I understand why he'd want to support him.

Sorry, I meant Tegaki.
wPaint is what Hotwheels based his shit oekaki off of.

Next was developed m8, and its not relevant to Holla Forums anymore

Can you recall a donation drive, of any website, that donated $12k and got nothing out of it?
Even further, a donation drive that large from a website that was actively sabotaged by the admin of a site?


That wouldn't be correct though, more like passively sabotaged.
He wrote the shit captcha and then sat around playing videogames for 6 months.

Not like Josh was (stupidly) hired to do the entire site rewrite or anything, no, Freddit was supposed to do half the work for free!

Fred didn't even bother to write a good captcha, and the tasks that were assigned weren't even half the work.
For example, static pages. Josh finished those in a few hours this week.
Secure tripcodes. A few others I'm missing but they're hardly a burden, especially on an admin that's supposed to be expected to maintain and extend the codebase to his specifications.


Josh was hired to create an imageboard, and last time I checked he fulfilled almost all the obligations of the crowdfunding, including the import script.
Hotwheels was expected to finish the meager tasks assigned to him, he didn't, and the one task he did finish (the captcha) made it undeployable with the options he wrote and the options he enforced.


Yes. Now you're getting it.
And the parts he did finish sabotaged the project.

I thought you faggots fixed this.

That's enough out of you, Josh.

Because if they ban the links they'll just start putting the links in images. It doesn't make any difference, you either have to OCR every image or not.
They can't even moderate this shit effectively because the schema is fucked. Again, Codemonkey chose to patch FreeBSD when the schema became a real problem instead of helping Fred and the community work on a big table solution. Oh wait, the solution was supposed to be Next but Fred fucked that up too.
We'll probably never see it fixed, considering their insistence on implementing the overboard a certain way.

Nice meme, and great rebuttal.

Every board except the porn boards :^)

Automoderation too stronk

And somehow Josh is the bad guy?

You're referring to ring's script?
CP spam is fundamentally a global problem, they lost a bunch of globals and the staff is literally so incompetent that they can't even use Ring's script to hack around their broken piece of shit.
Hell, they'd have the ability to do it even better as a global, the spam comes from same IP address, right, to cut down on captcha solves.
Don't they have tools to browse posts by IP address, OCR all the images made by that IP address, and start building a list based on the reports they recieve?

It's really fucking retarded. Meanwhile Fred is too busy implementing a new captcha, the same one Next used minus the specific code that fucked Next and the ease of use features.
Instead of, ya know, trying to set up some sort of automoderation.

There's CP up on /a/ that's been there for almost an hour, when I've done a global report.
Probably because all their vols quit, and everyone cheered that on because THEY WERE DEFINITELY JUST PEDOS.

The retardation of most of the userbase for sucking this shit down is almost 4chan-tier.

global vollys ignore those, it says specifically to do a non-global report on CP spam

It's breaking the law.

When's the last time a real dox dump or socials were posted on Holla Forums?
Not even since /baphomet/, I'd assume.

What Hotwheels is referring to, in the October update, is bui's bot spam flooding Holla Forums and them flooding global reports.

I doubt they ignore them, considering before a few gvols left they were responsive to my reports most hours of the day. That, again, was before a few, or most, left.

And if they did ignore them originally, or right now, then what the fuck is the point of a global report? To jerk me off?

u wot

pic related is from the Global Report box

I like how CP hasn't stopped even with Tor effectively unusable.



honestly I can imagine hw himself drawing this with his tiny crippled hands. "teehee ill use my oekaki to meme them"


that makes me laugh
thinking about it


see pics

Au contraire, that money bought a chan free of the cancerous meta-fetishists that have metastasized on this one.

You aren't fooling anyone.


Your OP was shit and you're a faggot. Deal with it.

Because of course, glovols had literally TWO things they ever had to do, and they're too lazy to actually do it so you have to drop half their minor workload.

THEN OCR THE IMAGES YOU STUPID FUCK. Stop making excuses for doing literally zero to stop cp spam.


Thanks I almost missed this

I feel bad for ol' Captain Fred, he had to sell his imageboard software just so he can have a steady income and Filipino healthcare, and only because it was a better alternative than working for Jews in New York like he was doing before.

I remember during the exodus days he considered himself this sort-of savior of free speech and was ready to take on 4chan and we'd all be this one big happy infinitely expanding imageboard

Overall though I think he became disillusioned with this place as technical problems began piling up and Holla Forums, needless to say, was not the 4chan-killer savior of free speech he had hoped it would be by now

I remember him saying on /meta/ back in late 2014 that his next step would be making a decentralized imageboard. This was before he signed control over to Jim, I'm still not completely sure why he did, I think it had to do with Holla Forums flooding every board and Jim not liking that because he was afraid it would scare normies away

Can you imagine though if Fred didn't sign control to Jim and went on to decentralizing Holla Forums? Maybe things would be different now...maybe..

The cripple lives in a world of opiates and white noise and still crawls out of his hole to defend his pride. What a terrible life.

The dude gets to pop pills, playing naked GTA and goes out boating and shit, I'd hardly call that a terrible life, he just stopped giving a shit about us

Gossip Goblin is probably the best name I've seen for the cripple.


What's funny is that he basically admits his implementation was fucking retarded while trying to banter Josh.
He basically admits that he's a sociopath and doesn't care that it was his shitty code that sunk the project.

What Josh can actually do to fix the problem, since imageick is bundled with HHVM, is just use imagick and the wave filter (check if the imageick class exists), then fall back to Hotwheels shitty implementation, and optimize that shitty codepath later at his leisure when he actually gets serious about packaging it for others.

Josh, go away.



i like how he ignored the fact that next could hit ~200 r/s on 8 cores easily without the captcha or whatever, and without varnish
pretending he hasn't heard of load balancing
he's really trying to damage control

Given his response to Josh saying he didn't want Jim to use Next, I don't think he even knew. He even stopped responding publicly so that his 6000 followers wouldn't see.

I can't believe this shit. It wasn't that long ago that this drama-mongering cock sucking faggot Josh was crying bitter salty tears that people called him names and was actually doxing people because the big bad internet hurt his feels.

Now it's as if none of that happened and everyone is begging at this turd's feet to let them into his seekret club and licking his boots just as hard as they can.

What the fuck is wrong with chans anymore?

No, people are just pissed off that Hotdud is a fucking sociopath who has no remorse that he wasted $12k because of his shitty captcha, and tried to make people his personal army in an attempt to strip an author of copyrights.

See, hotwheels doesn't really care about you. All you are to him is the ability to continue to stay in Flipland, recieve opiates, get his ass wiped by a nice brown lady and get paid money to write shit code. There was a time where he was all about decentralizing imageboards but that time is gone.

What's wrong with this "chan" is that Gossip Goblin was just mini moot all along. He made the transformation faster than what happened before. And at least moot didn't sabotage donation drives with his own incompetence.

Are you fucking kidding me?

So you'll trust Josh then, huh? Josh?

If you're so pissed at Fred use literally any of the other many imageboards not owned by either of these faggots. But I'll say one thing. I'll take a faggot who doesn't care over a dox-happy cock sucker any day of the fucking week.

What are you talking about? The only person that got namedropped was Josh. As far as I know, no one knew his full name until Hotwheels posted this. He only knew the name because Josh had given him his passport in real life at some point.

Not to mention the actual meat of the message is completely wrong. There was no contract and the agreement was never that the code would belong to him. I know this because the Little Liar renegged on these claims of ownership after a day or two. He admitted he was full of shit and was just trying to get rid of that darn AGPL license that he had suggested himself.

So you have this meat puppet of a man who's more oxycodone than bones trying to gain control of $12,000's worth and hundreds of hours a single man's work by lying. This is called stealing to most people. Lying, stealing, and abandonment are traits of a person that most people do not appreciate. That may explain why Holla Forums is so hostile towards him.

As for Josh, all he did was act like a dick in public. Now he's finishing his project at What's the problem?



No, dumbass, that's the point.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" means you have no real argument. Are you asking me to sit here and suck Josh's dick? Your only reason for not using his site is that you're afraid of being doxed or something, but

1) Show me one person he's doxed. Yes, even on his forum about the lol cows. Find a single person.
2) Use Tor! Even if he wanted to dox you, using Tor means he can't unless you dox yourself.

Well that's clearly what you're doing so.

The great IP dump of the start of his beta site. Yes, that counts. A dox doesn't need to include an address or even a name if it can personally identify you. PS: an IP can identify you.

Wow, that's great. Actually, no, because being "doxed" isn't really my issue with Josh. I am insulated from both Josh and Fred in this way so that's not the issue.

The issue is he's a horrible faggot but here you are defending him. He cries like a baby, kicks up a huge drama storm. Shuts down the site and fucking fails importing shit because he is terrible, and is simply all around a horrible person.

But, hey, don't let reality get in the way of you gargling Josh's balls, sycophant.

Meanwhile, you 5 minutes earlier:

An accidental presentation of access logs that Hotwheels has done more times on purpose.

zero objective value

zero objective value

zero objective value

"tried to do his job and fumbled but never gave up, fuck him"

zero objective value

I can render down all of your posts in this thread to two sentences.

Noted, user. is god-tier and is the future for chan culture, the infinity next migration WILL HAPPEN!

Well I'm sure he did a lot of things but I thought Josh was supposed to be better.

And don't even give me that accidental shit because he said he didn't give a shit and just left the logs available.

Oh, so I should totally take your "Josh is cool guys come use his site!" because, what, you said so?

More like loves the attention. He quit for how long and just came back one day. Wonder why.

Likewise to

Similarly noted, user.

Are you talking about after Hotwheels killed the project? Because if you're saying he quit development while it was going for Holla Forums, then you're just talking out of your ass.

Yeah, I imagine he did his own thing for a few months because he needed money and stability before starting It also wasn't as apparent that a replacement was needed until Jim straight took over.

His other site causes him tons of shit and he's never stopped supporting it either. Infinity Next works nicely, he's an active developer, his engagement on is impeccable, he's genuinely nice to people who treat him like a person and he seems more interested in helping censored countries than anything else. I trust the project to remain active and the site up. You may not, that's your opinion.

You wanted me to suck his dick, there you go. That's how I see it and that's why I help shill to get things going on

Riiight. That's how it's being used right now. Because Hotwheels stole it. Terrific mental gymnastics but I'll have to give you a D.

It's somehow better if he runs off with 12K if he did it after there was a lot of drama? Most of which he himself caused? and no, i'm not defending Fred

How does that even make sense? Like, are you saying he needed it because he needed to live? Well I'll grant you that but if he wasn't the horrible faggot I know he is he would have continued with the project at the same time. Or left a note. Anything. But he just bailed ASAP.

Surely his mental fortitude is strong, user. Thanks for pointing that out.

A replacement has been needed for at least a year. Longer depending on who you ask. That you even use this as a reason for him bailing on this so-called great project and not him crying in a corner because DA INTERNET CALL ME NAMES... Well, then you're seriously delusional.

So you admit you're a fucking SHILL. The worst kind of cancer to ever have infected the fucking internet. Let this be a reminder to anyone thinking of using his site. It's literally filled with shills.

TL;DR this thread

You're blind with hate. It's like arguing to a fanboy.

Check it yourself. He didn't stop until he had to change countries.

People who do not live with their mothers have to spend money on goods and services, like food and housing. $12,000 for more than half a year's worth of work is nothing and you should understand this if you are an adult.

He moved 10,000 into a different country after the project died.

jfc dude you're insane.

But that's enough. If you don't want to move don't even worry about it. Just stay here. I think that's for the best.

No, I'm not defending Holla Forums. It really needs to go. It's Josh I have a problem with. He's been my problem since my first post.

10,000 miles*

Roughly the distance from the Philippines to the East Coast of the US.

At least I'm not actually arguing with a fanboy.

Check what out? The fact he bailed when shit it the fan? I said that didn't I?

People who live with their mothers buy things too. But the obvious bad insult notwithstanding he did run off with it, and he just waited until no one gave a fuck about him anymore to start it back up, like any good drama-whore would.

That is a note, how? Or was that some kind of tongue-in-cheek joke?

Seems clear as day.

Ohh, big internet tough guy. This will be your way to win le interwebs xDDD am I right? #JOSHISALWAYSRIGHT

You need some Ritalin and therapy.

Whatever you say bruv.

Oh, and before you pull a "I'll just say one liners what a troll am I" I just want to inb4 that that's lame and makes you a defacto faggot.

Actually that was Hotwheels fault.
Hotwheels changed the stack twice, originally they were going to deploy to HHVM/MySQL and then it turned into FreeBSD/PHP 7 on eight cores than then it turned into an old as fuck i5 that definitely didn't have eight physical cores.
The reason that mattered is because the framework Josh chose didn't have greate support for PGSQL. If Josh were told from the beginning that this is what his dev environment would be, that wouldn't have happened.

I don't see Josh dumping logs of IP addresses from his site in return for personal gain or coverage on a website to circlejerk with a furfag spammer because they enjoy seeing their names on some shitty third-rate "news" blog.

Well but he --
Ah, got me with the qualifier. No, he did it for some unknown reason massive butthurt, I'm sure and then just continued to let it happen.

So if doing it for money is worse then doing it because your e-go was hurt then I guess you got me user.

He did this on and not on the beta site where the software was in development?


You suffering from brain damage or something? My original post said the beta site.

But frankly if you believe he stopped and/or wouldn't do it again then you're pretty naive. The precedent has been set.

He didn't dump anything. That was an incorrectly configured debug bar, on a development website.

Oh my bad, I just assumed you were smart enough to tell the two apart.

The fact it was large, site-wide, and could be accessed by anyone at any time means it was a dump. The fact it didn't come in a zip or that Josh served it directly to people means nothing.

I know you're trying it insult me honey, and you get an A for effort don't worry, but you have to make sense before an insult is effective.

oh no debugging information on a development site

probably one of the pedos browsing /cutegirls/ at the time lol

It could only be accessed when the debug bar was turned on.
He should've used a closure to restrict IP addresses, but that's not the same thing as making the actual site's privacy policy null and void because you wanted some coverage on a SJW tech blog.

You're skirting the point.
The point is that Hotwheels fucked the project, tried to steal copyright from him, tried to make us his personal army with lies, damage controlled, and it turned out to be his shitty code that was the bottleneck.


The fact you think so little of your own privacy is rather telling honestly.


Many dumps can be accessed by downloading them with p2p, does that not make them dumps?

He should have done any number of things, but whatever.
Is there a gas leak in Holla Forums or something?

No, because my point is Josh is a faggot and anyone who uses his site is summarily open to his faggotry.

Mainly it's Josh being a faggot tho.


No, that's just the smell of damage control coming from you.
The two are not equivalent. One is worse than the other, one is a debug site and the other is the admin basically admitting that he didn't give a fuck about the privacy policy, posting more information than was even necessary to identify himself, information that belonged to his users.

No one cares. We're talking about the former admin of this site, and how he "doesn't give a fuck" that it was his fault that people wasted their money on Holla Forums, due to his captcha, while he played videogames for six months.


Well, it's because of a lot more than that. Many of those reasons have actually been posted in this thread.

However enumerating all the ways Josh is a faggot would take way too long and frankly you're too much of a faggot for me to bother.

Whatever you say. When Josh gets assblasted again it will happen, I guarantee it Or just decides to give up on the site which will also happen; faggots invariably do faggoty things then don't come crying to me.

And beside, let's assume one is worse than the other for the sake of argument. Aren't both still bad? the answer is yes no need to actually let the shit fly from your mouth

Well clearly I care inb4 you're a nobody xD, but even if I was the only one that would still be a pretty sad statement about people. That they'll let a guy who is not only a gigantic faggot but an IP leaking bitch rule over there data.

I figure I'll just let everyone know that I am getting off the internet now so I am not silent because you won deh argooment.

Then anyone can take it and finish it, or improve upon it.
Anyone can finish it or improve upon it now.

It's better than Pig Farm Inc. where the owner is a mentally ill nutjob who tried to kike donors out of the guarantees that were made at the beginning of the project not once, by trying to bribe Josh with a generous salary, but twice.

Great, now fuck off. Go suck cripple dick somewhere else, this is about the fact that he's a sociopath.

Josh and HW have both acted like dicks and made awful mistakes.

The difference is that Josh is still trying and interacting with people.


The words that always start before tyranny. In this case, it'll be the words before everyone finds out Josh has been selling and/or hoarding their data because attention whores can't help themselves and all slip up eventually.

Yes, turn it all around on me because I'm totally the one shilling for a website actually no that's you :^)

Anyway I think it's clear at this point that you're more than happy to let anyone and everyone at your data, so clearly trying to tell you that you're letting it happen won't stop you from doing it or even give you second thoughts.

I'm not sure you know what that word means tbh fam.

Aint that some shit.

from what I remember 4/tv/ had a notorious amount of people talking about nickelodeon live shows.

why are you shilling for a chan on another chan?

I swear to god its like the Kimmo anontalk event from years back.

It perfectly describes someone who acted that way after Josh had been on a death march to find out what turned out to be hotwheels shitty captcha, and had a misunderstanding with codemonkey, and "doesn't give a fuck" that he burned thousands of dollars because of his shitty bottleneck, and willingly ignores the fact that without his shitty captcha it could easily hit 200 requests/second on eight physical cores, before response times started getting out of control at ~300, all without document caching.

Holla Forums's Crab Mentality: The Thread: Episode 50fuckingwhatever

snibbedy snab.

I'm here to make you mad.





Josh killed the project by quitting and leaving after Jim talked to him calmly in a cafe and Josh's mentally ill mind translated that as "HE'S GOING TO FEED ME TO HIS PIGS"

But you know that's not true, right?

Josh kept working until the day he was told to fuck off by Hotwheels. Even after he was told off, he made tweets about continuing to work with Codemonkey on it. Hotwheels said that "wasn't allowed" because of Jim.

Why tell lies on the Internet user?

josh kept buying legal meth.

why would anyone need drugs to finish their job?

Its a mark of weakness.

you must be new to IT

Not even, Josh asked the Wheels to buy him Modafinil in January because Hotwheels had experience in buying off the counter drugs.

And Hotwheels fucked that up too.

IT professionals aren't drugged up niggers, nigger.


Jim doesn't have enough computers for this.

It never left.

Because codemonkey doesn't know how.





top comfy.



Holla Forums is 4chan 2.0 now. Good job.


Holla Forums is the new 4chan because of Jim the masonic kike, he is the new hirojewki.
He has stopped TOR support and will soon ban all the VPNs, which means a new exodus shall take place to

16chan does not allow pedokikes

you can stay there

just what the fuck happened...

Imageboards are dead. Unless you can deal with ghost towns.

Even IRC is better than imageboards at this point and most IRCs are filled to the brim with faggots.

16chan is comfy because all the boards are streamed together. It's small but manageable.



Who is this semen demon?

16chan is hosted and maintained by Josh, making it suck ass.


remove cp spam nao



MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS there is cp spam on /cuteboys/

delete it!

Holla Forums is hosted by Jim and maintained by no one, making it suck ass.

See how this works?

It's run by one.

Hello, hotwheels.

>>>Holla Forums

I want the JIDF to leave.


I want /cow/tists to leave.





1) Why doesn't the filter work?
2) What is being done about the CP spam?

cp spam on Holla Forums
mods fucking delete it

This was supposed to be fixed.

Oh look, codemonkey is truly replacing Freddit now. Disappeared, no communication with the users, doing nothing to fix the site, and everything's falling apart again.

there is CP spam on Holla Forums and other boards, fucking delete it.

Holla Forums is dying and 16chan is the future.

Holla Forums crashes so frequently that "Website is offline: 502 bad gateway" is how my browser captions the thumbnail in my top sites list.


Codemonkey is on /sudo/

>codemonkey got btfo to the site's fourth meta board where he can #safespace moderator just like the fucking cripple
it's like this place is doomed to by ran by idiots forever.

by idiots, for assholes

Codemonkey hires nunu to filter out problematic posts and create a true safe space when?

Nobody has it. It hasn't been released by it's creator yet.

When/if he does release it, there's no reason it couldn't be integrated into any imageboard.

he's never coming back. infinity never


is this some dank anime meme i dont know

Nah he's been posting in the thread there.

Meguca is built for the express purpose of daily /jp/ & /a/ circlejerks as well as jerking off to how you could shoehorn websockets.
Live reply text is stupid.

It won't be integrated here because that's one of the things they pay Hotwheels good money for, to shit out a garbage oekaki for 2ch.

I wouldn't mind the option on slow boards. Instead of visiting a page that probably hasn't changed, I'd just keep the window open.

To that end there was talk of a boardwatcher feature long ago. Imagine if your favorites list had a handy notification on new posts -- like /coolboard (1)/ -- so you knew when someone posted. With slow boards you might actually have a live conversation.


What a cuck.

This is a fucking imageboard, why is everyone involved in running it a tumblrfag that needs to hide from evil mean criticism and expectations of doing your fucking job?

codemonkey is using le ebin josh boogeyman on his new meta board to silence discussion already


Is there any more doubt that this site is run by the worst of the worst at this point?


Yeah, it's really fun to post on 4chan 2.0
A site slower than 4chan, with errors every several minutes, owned by a pig farmer who globally banned a bunch of people who were making fun of him, and deleted a fetish board just because he thought it was a pedo discussion board.

Everyone on this website is a fucking retard, and you didn't listen to what Hotwheels said before he got cucked, that you should burn the place to the ground when he backs away, because he'd consider it compromised.

Yet everyone is still here. And you'll stay here, because you have no backbone anymore.

Fuck off nigger.

man I remember what this place was like before it sucked dick and everyone had paranoid schizophrenia, encouraged by the admins, because they know how fucking retarded most of you are. I bet Jim laughs his ass off in slack everytime he made a shill comment, or codemonkey kept accusing Josh of "shilling" software that the userbase paid for, both on Holla Forums and now on /sudo/.

except, none of the people who were banned were pedos, nor did the board I was talking about have anything to do with pedophilia.

and even for the boards that were, the use of the copypaste account to overtake boards that had nothing explicitly to do with deliberately violating DOST, and were just troublesome communities because they hurt Jim's bottom line, has already set the precedent.

they're mentally ill pedophiles, but that was Fred's vision. and he doesn't give a fuck about you anymore, after he blew $12k of the userbase's money just because pig fucker is allergic to AGPL.

I wanna fuck her.

I can't even tell who's butthurt at who in these shit-flinging threads any more

How hard is it to buy modafinil? I had the shit to my door in 7 days from literally across the planet

this cuckmonkey only posts in his /sudo/ hugbox.

hey guys


hi, there is fucking cp on the front page of Holla Forums.
do your fucking job and delete it and ban them cuckmonkey.



there is cp on /operate/, fucking delete the whole board

in b4 le understanding le frustration

Holla Forums is truly dead, 16chan is the future.

So who runs Endchan? I think that's the best one so far. would be better too, I trust czaks more than jewsh and pigfucker


there is cp again on Holla Forums,Holla Forums & Holla Forums, fucking delete it!

Fu fu fu, keep it up fam it gets funnier with each passing day.

Oh great the furfag is back

How do you think this works? Global mods closely follow this thread, but not the report queue?

Please stop spamming.

Sorry, got the capcode wrong.

Their own board is such a nazi regime they have to let out their repressed crapflooding tendencies on this one

5 threads in Holla Forums. Jesus christ, fix your shit.

They're being globally reported alright, but they aren't acting on it in a timely manner.

Plus this thread is about fixing this site, which includes admins actually doing something to stop this spam.

the spam threads are all being globally reported m8.

I know. My point is, if they're not looking at the report queue, they're certainly not looking at this thread.

And we can already tell they're not looking at the queue. CP stays visible on /d/ for well over 4 hours at a time.

Holla Forums hotpockets are too busy circlejerking in their sticky to generate post counts. This place is done for good.

Most people cheered on the resignation of the gvols that actually did anything, because they're fucking retards and love to suck Jim and Codemonkey's dick.
I remember that pretty much anytime of day I saw CP spam and reported it it was taken care of.
Now you're lucky for it to be taken care of within the hour.

Yeah. I see how that works. Did you even read my original post?

>Imageboards are dead.

Yeah, your original post relied on a boogeyman made by Hotwheels, because you believed every word he told you, and it turned out that Next wasn't deployable because of Hotwheels shit captcha.
So in a way, with his original license choice, and his shitty captcha, Fred burned $12k while sitting on his ass playing videogames for six months.
All I saw was Josh slaving away day in and day out.
See how this works?


What did he do?

Decided that fucking about with shitposters calling him names on Holla Forums was a better use of time instead of doing the job he was hired for. And in the end the end product of Next was a pile of shit. Everyone involved with that travesty was an autist, and defending anyone of them is a fucking stupid thing to do. Even more retarded still is to call for an exodus and calling doom's bells like a bunch of end times cultists on fucking meta threads.

Again, another myth.
He load balanced Holla Forums for a grand total of five minutes in response to goading on the beta board.
Nah, it works pretty well, and it can scale pretty well if the document caching was done right.
See, here's your problem. You've grown soft. Even after Jim globally banned a bunch of people making fun of him, and the CP spam isn't fixed yet overtaking boards that aren't EXPLICITLY dedicated to violating the law, but only because they hurt Jim's bottom line, the precedent has been set.

Holla Forumsirgins like you are why we came here, but now it's you faggots who are complacent.

Jesus fucking Christ. I shouldn't have expected any better from a 16chan shitposting shill.

I shouldn't have expected any better from the type of people who shit up /cow/ with non-stop threads about someone who's not really a "lolcow."

There's absolutely no content whatsoever in those threads. Nothing funny or hilarious, just spergs and gossip about a forum.


Which is why Holla Forums was down for hours on end and had no place to go, right? no loss considering it's Holla Forumseddit but come on

Fuck off pedo.

The irony.

Nah, I was in the beta thread, it wasn't load balanced for even thirty minutes.
Why are you trying to revise history? Are you incapable of even remembering what happened a few months ago or were you told this story from some fucking retard?

There you go again, sucking Jim's dick and believing that he only deleted pedo boards and only banned pedos.

Lynx is fucking stupid, because he's serving static content with the gridfs abstraction instead of just using bson documents, which you can also stream from.
Regardless, it's flawed, and his deduplication system is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen, and is fundamentally limited by md5 hashes.
No one even knows if his queue will scale, or come tumbling down when it's actually active. He implemented the queue to pave over the retarded architecture choice he made.

Let me reiterate: he chose the way to store threads, something that will be constantly modified, with a part of MongoDB that has documented contention issues.
Media, that's fine. I can see the benefit of that, and you'd be fundamentally limited to the 16MiB limit if he didn't use gridfs for that.
Instead, he made a huge mistake and the only way to correct it is to fucking rewrite the whole engine.

All you need for Next is to consider parts like the captcha behind varnish, and figure out a way to not abuse edge side includes for the post actions menu. That's about it.


You say nazi regime as if it was a bad thing.

furfag in denial*
they believe because it's not western shit then it's not furry

What an edgelord

Let me make my posts simpler for your relatively simple mind:
You're retarded.

Nah, you're the retarded one.
The cripple did his boogeyman shit everytime someone didn't do something he liked.
You could say it was the only real power he had, was to manipulate you.

The way people react to Jim disinfecting this site you'd think it was.

But that isn't what he's doing. That isn't what he's doing at all.

You can't remove a cancer without killing a few healthy cells too, user.

The surest way to kill cancer is offing the host.

it's in their FAQs

Holla Forums was right

They really don't see the irony in the fact that they're just like 4chan, don't bother.
Same exact responses to faggotry that 4channers made. 4chan, except slower, more error-prone and a shitty community filled with retards that keep rambling about their paranoiac delusions, "shills" and "cucks."


right-wing, more like

Trump is the only candidate that is brownpilled so I guess you could call Holla Forums right wing


Might as well be.
Jim doesn't have a "bad engrish" act like Hiroyuki though, so his deflection of questions is even more hilarious.


Was crashing the plan with no survivors part of Josh's plan?


I am getting 'server took too long' every time I try to post and I thought this shit was fixed.

whats happening?

What's happening is that vichan cannot be fixed, and you're stuck with it until codemonkey decides to spend 6 months jerking off to haskell/yesod in order to reimplement all the shitty features exactly.
Enjoy it.

nah m8 I'm going to 16chan where there is no errors.

>No exodus whatsoever to any other alternative even.

/egy/, /mu/ has already

You mean the same /egy/ and /mu/ which are still here?

are you mods, Jim, Ron or Nicole?

Hotwheels was lurking and restored /egy/ for them, or something, out of spite. This is hilarious because apparently the board was compromised because he leaked the DB and the application key in the first place.
/mu/ is just dead as fuck as usual, doubly so because of the CP spam.

officially cuckchan 2.0

16chan is growing just fine and is pretty cozy right now

No cancer from Holla Forums please and thanks

Remember, you are a shill if you don't cup the balls of based Jim and Codemonkey.

What's happened to 8ch in the last year is the weirdest shit I've seen happen to an imageboard. We had Holla Forums shitting up all the top boards and trying to drive a wedge between Hotwheels and his users for months non stop. It was all really obvious, and most people called them out as being full of shit.

Fast-forward to today, where there is legitimate reason to question the leadership, showing any concern whatsoever will get people calling you a shill seemingly out of reflex. Even if you try to make the case that Hotwheels was on the right track and that JimMonkey shouldn't have deviated from that, you just get written off as a shill.

Basically, Holla Forums won. They made it impossible to criticize the current regime, and made sure that JimMonkey can do whatever the fuck they want and nobody would leave - purely out of spite and wanting to "stick it to the shills". They succeeded in hurting the site in the opposite way they intended - not by causing another exodus like they originally wanted, but by giving the administration the power to abuse their users without raising any eyebrows. I hope they're happy.

Maybe moot should've tried the same tactics.

Jewsh, no one will go to your shitty website.

Yes! This. Josh is a shill. Everytime you see "double plus good" chan even mentioned, that is Josh. All of this is about his sick, twisted power struggle to wretch consensus away from Based Jim, who has sacrificed so much time and money and risked his entire company to save us. He even tried to save us from Josh himself by buying AGPL, but the greedy and evil kike refused.

Do NOT trust the Double Plus Good Chan shills, because they are all Josh.

Agreed, comrade.
Long live the Secretary General.

Jewsh, I think you should try and finish your high school education before trying to code again.

LOL! Owned!

That's pretty funny considering Hotwheels captcha was the reason Next couldn't be deployed.
Without the captcha it serves at 200 requests/second on comparable hardware to what Josh was promised, with response times below 100ms.
Without a document cache.

You can thank pig shit remnants and his captcha for burning $12k.

Next still looked awful, Jewsh is still a smug, unlikable son of a bitch, and he still nuked /sp/, forcing them to go to 76chan.

Do you mean after the first failed migration before Hotwheel's vacation, when the software had broken and the site didn't work at all? They had migrated to a development site. That happens. I'm pretty sure Josh apologized and they rejected it.

I'm talking about that forced migration to IN where they were the only board fully in the beta IN Holla Forums thing. When Jewsh tried to forcibly migrate Holla Forums, it wiped out /sp/. Better yet, go to /sp/ and ask what Mr. Pigfood did to their board.

Forced migration? They left on their own.

The "forcible migration" of Holla Forums was trying to move the site over. You know, to deploy it? Like, what he was paid to do?

All it took was 30ish lines of css to make it look exactly the same. In fact, there's a burichan theme on 16chan, but it's not maintained atm since it's still heavily in development. Mainly the bottom of the index, to change pages, is fucked up.
Looks exactly the same.

I guess I kind of explained things wrong. /sp/ was the only board fully in the beta. When Null tried to migrate Holla Forums to Shitfinity OS/2, it wiped /sp/. /sp/, fed up, left for 76chan. There, understand better?

Yes, but I don't understand how that's something malicious. I don't think Josh would have wiped the development boards if he didn't think the import would have worked. He wasn't doing it to be a jerk, right?

/sp/ left because they had nowhere to shitpost over the holidays.
It had nothing to do with wiping the board.
Infinity Next was simply in maintenance mode over the holidays, and Holla Forums shitting itself wasn't usable.

remember this? :^)

Yes. Are they still problems?

What's better, accidental leaks or intentional leaks?

Purpose of said "leaks" right in the link there. Even then, that's tiny compared to just coding a website gaping wide open with vulnerabilities.

That's not a "gaping wide" vulnerability, though. That's a debugging prompt. If the system isn't in debugging mode, it won't show up. I think it was explained that the only reason they threw the production server into debugging mode was so that everyone from Jim's company could access it without a IP whitelist.

Yeah, it's also a deliberate violation of the privacy policy on a production website, and contains IP address from non bot spam, all in return for some news coverage, and he thinks it wouldn't have been a big deal if he had simply deleted it.

So are we still all pretending based Jim isn't a shady motherfucker who was definitely involved in the 2ch shenanigans? Based basedwheels wouldn't sell based Holla Forums to someone who wasn't based, right?

Not to mention hotwheels leaked the db and application key at different times

He gave Josh a full copy of the database in January of 2015. I wonder if Josh still has it.

How could Jim be involved with the 2ch data mining?

He doesn't even have enough computer

Holla Forums was controlled opposition from the very beginning. The moment #/2hu/ hijacked /int/ on April fools day the entire thing was set up to create some sort of bumbling anti-regime troll squad that called the powers that be out constantly, but always failed and were such bumbling obnoxious idiots that people began to become blind to legitimate concerns.

Isn't hyperbole. How was it that some random IRC channel with only the most tenuous connection to Holla Forums was filled with all the global mods, the admin, and the site host 24/7 from almost the second it was created? How was it that Soma and Linear, the head mod and board owner of /int/ were in that channel from the very beginning, and yet claim they had no connection to Holla Forums or knowledge of all the meta fuckery that was occurring?

This isn't some tinfoil conspiracy. That is the biggest joke of all. They have been sprinkling the truth mixed in with their lies since day one just so people would dismiss it along with the rest and wouldn't ask question?

Holla Forums mod, ask me anything

uuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these fucking textwalls about internet meme warfare make me want to kill myself

here's my question: why haven't you taken the Cyanide Pill yet like Dear Leader?

Only the brownpill for me, matey.

>"im going to kill all hebephile boards, becuase im the paragon of net morality, i will cleanse the board of filthy degenerates and shield your fragile feefees from the dangers of dissenting opinions. don't worry my fellow users, i wont sell your post content and memes to the NSA; the FBI, or share them with my part- i mean ex-partner hiroyuki. Now i will permanently seal off access to TOR, range ban VPNs, force captchas and cookies up everyones asses, this will definitely let me track and store your every pos- i mean, stop the CP spam. Freedom of speech and thought is bad and firetires morals are outdated, its current year and we need to shut down boards and posts that don't conform to facebooks and googles ToS because thats where im selling the site sometime soo- i mean, we need to appeal to a wider audience"
t. Jim

t. Codemonkey

t. Jim

The 502's are back.
Thanks codemonkey.

Like clockwork.
Maybe they should've gotten better computer. Or better software.

You better not be therealmoonman or the faggot that autosaged that thread about the user that had a script to autoban and remove the cp spam.

Pick one, Holla Forums.

That was therealmoonman too, if I remember correctly. The logs are disabled now so I can't check again.

Jim nuked the Holla Forums BO, and nuked a board that had nothing to do with pedophilia.

Also yeah, realmoonman in particular is a huge faggot. I remember the Vincent Cockli 'goon' threads. As a matter of fact most of the people involved in moderation or crossboarding 'newsbringing' (such as the /irc/ retards) on this website are severely fucked in the head. Probably worse than 4chan ever was, but what can you expect from Holla Forums after they got the 4chan dregs that couldn't handle being fucked with by an admin for a few days.

Are you that one retard that goes off about the /cow/tist?

I know that there's a few aspies from /irc/, or that basically shitpost in meta threads around the site, especially the one whose handle escapes me, associated with /jp/ that keeps rambling about 'warosu teenbros,' but I've never 'gone on' about a '/cow/tist'.

What I posted is all true.

Watch out for the goons though. They'll getcha. And the shills, as well.

The target of /irc/ is 4chan. There is nothing on the board about the moderation or administration of Holla Forums. I'm not denying that they're autistic, you'd have to be to go through two years worth of #janiteam logs.

I think you mean warosushitter. Again, I have never seen him get involved in Holla Forums meta. I see him on the archives and /qa/, causing problems for the 4chan moderation staff.

Nah, they have a bunch of IRC logs on Holla Forums, particularly an autist went through the development logs and now he has a 'super-informed' opinion on what went wrong.
Dunno who it is.
Doesn't matter.
It's the same several autists, a few of them ramble about goons and one rambles about teenbros.
Through their paranoid schizophrenic rantings they made most of the big boards believe that there's a vast 'goon' conspiracy, whatever that means.

Don't forget repeating based hotwheels implication about `QUADRATIC COMPLEXITY` when it came to Next, when it was simply hotwheels shitty captcha using too many resources, due to an influx of new users to the beta, when Next serves at 100r/s without the captcha quite easily, even on four cores.

I started the Vincent Cockli goon threads as a joke and even contacted Vince in game to tell him about it.

Holla Forums is a swarm of idiots and the other mods are the worst examples of it.

Yeah, no shit.
I didn't say the faggot who trolled them was fucked in the head, I said the userbase as a whole was.

t. Jim Kong Un


That's almost a multiple of 8.

Sure, a "joke". That's why it got shilled so hard like all threads that uncover something (((they))) don't want you to know.

8/pol/ got the autistic, mentally ill dregs after the second major 4chan exodus, it's indisputable.

Why aren't you still on 4chan then, schlmo?

5+0+2 = 7
5+0+4 = 9
7+9 = 16

Coincidence? I think not.

I didn't leave because my board was wordfiltered and styled as a joke, I left because the mods were deleting content.
The users that came here didn't care about any of that, they cared about the fact that a funny joke got played on Holla Forums.
Hell, moot probably did so intentionally, knowing he'd offload the most insufferable autists onto us.

And christ, threads are like islands right now.
Site is completely fucking unusable.


Nigger this is a completely different board.

hey look the site's working again and every fucking board has cp spam on it
great job idiot
fucking shitwheels jimshit shitmonkey

The site is working again because everyone went to bed.
Errors will be far more frequent during prime time from now on until they fix it.
In addition to CP spam shitting up the site.
Maybe they should get more computers to OCR it automatically.
Since they don't want to fix the DB schema.


But Jim doesn't even have enough computer

There is an exit. Don't be afraid to use it.

Nah, I'd rather spend my time here complaining about this place.

Those fucking /hebe/ fags keep advertising their shitty pedo site running on vichan/infinity everywhere. They don't even know who's running it and on what hardware, and which country's laws apply. It's probably running on "vanilla" infinity without any community fixes, too.

its hosted in the netherlands

whatever did we do to you?





Maybe you didn't notice, but these last fifteen threads and every other thread on Holla Forums are in fact all about criticizing the current regime. Maybe it's because you spam the same "concerns" in meme form with falsified details most of the time? I mean that demonstrates you're either intentionally shilling, just came here, or don't lurk enough to know any of the stuff about the site firsthand. Why would anyone be receptive to that when they've heard it a thousand times before?

That reminds me of certain other imageboard I know of.

what is going on every single time i try to post i get this

vpn block error

I wish the disabled all captchas for day so newfags can finally shut up about it.


Commit ritualistic suicide you degenerate pedokike scum.

Nigger, please.

If you are using a proxy it is because the proxy doesn't support https and Holla Forums forces all posts through https via completely breaking posting for anyone using a proxy that doesn't support https

which details are falsified?

That already quietly happened while these short bus pissing contest were busy reaching beyond 15000 fucking posts.

All the above-nigger-IQ discussion has moved off this site, save for a few people coming back to pick up anyone worth keeping; haven't you noticed yet how the top boards are overrun by dipshits, circlejerkers, stupid foreigners, pedophiles, and edgy kids who stole their parents' credit card to post on a dead vbulletin site full of their peers? That's not going to change.

great is this ever going to get fixed, too much t o hope for since jimmy boy thinks vpn users are theives and faggots

man, you antis are such children... except you're not sexy

It's obviously running czaks's fork of Holla Forums's code.

Suicide. Now.

Maybe if you complain to codemonkey on >>>/sudo/

It took months just to get tor fixed though. VPNs should still work(mine does), but it's getting harder and harder to find working proxies that support https and can post here.

At bump limit, new thread

You're fucking wrong jewsh fuck off

/sp/ left because Holla Forums was completely broken for months on end.
Our home page took weeks to update
Fuck you you stupid fat fuck get lost

wew laddies

Actually it was both. Front page of the board wasn't updating, /sp/ migrated to went down, /sp/ migrated to infinity next beta. Josh left to trip to japan, set the beta site to maintenance mode, and /sp/ had nowhere else to go so they went to 76chan.

I see you have just comes from >>>Holla Forums faggot, I know 300 is the bump limit there. The bump limit here is 400.