Gay Is Okay. :]

Gay Is Okay. :]
Hi, I’m Tyler. Im 15, and I’m gay.

Because I’m gay, I’m told I’m a lot of… interesting things. I’m going to take you through this post, and you’re going to not be ignorant and argue what I say, because if you’re trying to argue it, it clearly means you’re not gay, and you have no idea what it’s like to be gay.

• “Its unnatural.” – I think I would know if I made a choice or not. I’m gay. You’re not. You don’t know. I never made a choice. I was literally born this way. I find this offensive because you have no idea what it took for me to come out to my brother in the car, or talk to my sister at home, or how much harder it was to tell my parents at 12 in the morning on December 9th, 2011. I had a hard time coming out of the closet, because i tried too hard to change myself. I thought it was normal to be straight and be attracted to boys. Then I came out to my best friends when I realized theres no stopping it. I can’t even change myself. What makes you think you can change me, if i can’t? You can ask just about every gay, and I know for a fact they’ll answer that it’s not a choice. Why would you argue against the ones that would actually know? Thats like asking a dog what barking means, then saying they’re wrong. Fun fact: Homosexuality is found in over 1,500 species and homophobia is found in one. Who’s unnatural now?

• “God hates gays.” – No. He doesn’t. God loves everyone. I’m not so wrapped into thinking that everything the Bible says is life, so I’m smart enough to stand back and realize that God never wrote the Bible. Do I believe in God? Absolutely. Anyone could’ve put whats in there. The Bible says not to be gay? That’s awesome. The Bible also says not to judge, since you’re so into following the Bible. I don’t understand why you waste your time trying to change my life when you should be making yours perfect. When you judge someone, you’re doing wrong.

• “It’s disgusting” – Well, I think naked girls are kind of disgusting. But I don’t run around complaining about it, and trying to make straight men like other men, do I? No. I don’t. We don’t. And, if you think its so gross, don’t have gay sex. But don’t worry about what other people do either. Your argument is invalid. :3

• “If we let gays marry, its only a matter of time before we let animals marry.” – Um. Excuse me, but it just so happens that I’m a HUMAN BEING. Not some animal. Differences between gays and animals? A lot. But the ones that are relevant in this post, gays are human. Gays are citizens. Gays can ask someone to marry them. Gays can choose to be marrie-oh wait, not all of us can, because so many people actually think it’s a problem. But what I mean is that I doubt some cow is going to be like, “HAY. MOO MOO MOO MARRY ME.” No. Thats not gonna happen. So that statement is pretty ignorant and not very well thought out.

• “Gay people have AIDS.” – Crying for humanity at this. Being gay doesn’t mean AIDS. Gay sex doesn’t mean AIDS. You can only get AIDS from an infected person. Two men can have sex without getting AIDS.

Other urls found in this thread:

• Ruin the sanctity of marriage – Really? Lets name some examples, shall we?

-Kelsey Grammer ends his 15 year marriage over the phone.

-Larry King has had 8 divorces.

-Kim Kardashians marriage cost $10Million & lasted 72 days.

-Newt Gingrich had affairs while his 1st & 2nd wives were sick. “In sickness and in health”?

-Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage.

-Jesse James & Tiger Woods had sex with many other people while married.

-43%-50% of traditional marriages end.

And what about divorce? I mean, the point of a marriage is to unite two people together forever, correct? Yes I am correct. So if gays can’t marry, then straights can’t divorce.

And you’re going to say two people with a penis marrying each other is going to ruin the sanctity of marriage?

Then, you want to say that I should just go back in the closet and act straight, cause God doesn’t want me to be gay? Really? Isn’t it against the Bible to lie? That would be lying. And also, I’m just not a liar. I won’t lie about who I am, just to make other people happy. I should be happy, with what I do in my life.

The whole point of this, is that I’m gay. I don’t want to be judged for it. I don’t choose to be judged. I really see no point why you even need to worry about what I like, and NO. Its NOT a choice. ‘Born This Way’ was written for a reason. If you really are so ignorant, judgmental and stubborn that reading this didn’t help you understand gays at all, you might as well go re-think your existence, because I’m sure the space your body takes up on earth could be taken by someone who’s actually worth the space. Someone who isn’t going to hate on people. This is just simply who I am. No gays ever change when you tell them to, because they can’t. You’re not gay, you don’t know what it’s like, how it feels, what we go through or any of that.

Here, lets try a simple exercise. Name a food that you hate. Then ask yourself why you don’t like that food. You don’t choose to hate it, do you? Its the way your taste buds react to it, not your choice. Go eat it, try and make yourself like that food. It won’t work. Because you were born that way. Well, sexuality is the same way. I’m not in any way, attracted to women. I can’t make myself like them. It’s the way my brain reacts to them. I am sexually attracted to men, and nothing can change it.

Nobody is ever too young to know their sexual preferences. If your young son/daughter tells you they’re gay, they just might be gay. If they tell you they’re straight, would you ask them if they were sure? No. Because you think being gay is bad/unnatural. But it is natural. Fact, I recently found out about a 9 year old boy who admits to being gay. And thank God, his mother is actually proud and supportive of him. That’s something a huge portion of gays wish for. And that little boy has something most of us don’t. Strength.

And well. That’s about the end of that. If you ever want help with anything, I’m always there to talk to and I’m not judging you.

take it to your tumblr faggot

stop spreading hate speech


Cool blogshitpost.

Well, there's a thread up about how nothing's new.

This is sure original after the Evalion spam, the cuck porn spam, etc.

Read first few lines/10, OP is a sexual tyrannosaurus and straight as a board.

because it's hateful and offensive

The fuck is this low tier shitposting?

As long as you're pro-Trump and don't overtly worship the Jews, Holla Forums will accept you…

Now this is Shitposting.

Nice touch with the name, Tyler is the tell-all name of faggotry.

So is this a practice run or what?

A Holla Forumsock going undercover in tumblr? An Holla Forums shill? An old school /ShitPoster/? Or are you a hired gun?




off ya go lad


fags get out

Fags doom nations.

Fuck off faggot and don't come back

Get out


Being gay is unnatural in that it's antinatalist by proxy.
Noons cares about your specific skydaddies belief but you.
Soddomy is disgusting and degenerate. I could care less if you were a man or a women in that case.
There is logic to the slippery slope "fallicy", don't just dismiss it.
They do have aids.

We don't care, faggot.

Well thats great tyler, now do as faggots do and killyourself

Hell is forever!

Is that really only a kilo of feathers?

You stick ur willy in a place not made for ur willy, infection is rife because of this


100% hollow conjecture and empty arguments.

No one cares about you, fag. You might as well just kill yourself.


i'm a trap so what i say trumps what you say and you're not a trap so you can't argue.

i chose to be a trap and i say you chose to be gay. so there.

no you need to obey gender roles. being gay is defying them. being a trap isn't btw.

well you're wrong. why would so many traps want to be girls if they were gross?

gays can marry someone of the opposite gender just like everybody else. don't like it? do what everybody else who doesn't want to marry someone of the opposite gender does: don't get married.

except statistically. now stop trying to kill people by forcing your poison blood down our veins.

so marriage isn't perfect. you don't mix shit in your soup when there's a fly in it.

faggot btfo.


Nice blogpost faggot.

I'm going to give you a handy piece of advice Tyler, no one (significant) gives a shit what fetish you practice as long as you keep it to yourself. Practice privately and live a moral life and no one would even know. Practice publicly, parade around and have "pride" will at best make everyone around you hate you, and at worst will result in a beheading.

Keep it to yourself queer

Thoughts of a pervert sodomite, no surprise.
So is rational thinking.

And the basis of rational thought is discrimination :^)

And further, do not be surprised when at the end of your degenerate life you find yourself alone. Most homosexuals will not maintain a monogamous relationship. Most homosexuals will abandon you for a fresh piece of younger ass. You were meant to reproduce and if you deny your biological purpose your body will make you feel miserable.

you know your pic is an internet trap, right?

tbh not reproducing is fine. hormones have probably killed my sperm by now but i'll feel happier being a girl than a father.

I think the real topic we should discuss here is how the fuck does a 15 year old find this place and how can we stop it

Oh I'm sure, most women on the internet are anyways

Love can not be built on the foundation of hedonism. Even adopted children will not fill the void. To become homosexual is to be mentally damaged, and thus susceptible to harming other people.

Holla Forums is having round 2 of saltout right now, and somebody exposed us on the Steam forums.

I have yet to find any sauce that this is a trap, and it seems to be inconclusive elsewhere

reported for being an underage faggot

i really like that pic. wish i looked like that.

not against the rules, cuckchanner.

Listen baby faggot. There are a lot of good faggots out there. But the thing is, you are going to be used for the Jew World Order…. Marxism… Catholics will embrace you and fuck you…. You will be used.

Don't walk around screeching you're a faggot and prancing. Then straight men wont hate you. And fags will be more attracted to you if you life and act like a man instead of a brainwashed beta faggot.

We had no problems with gays. Christian leadership are all gay. Like ALL of them, unless they are pedos. BEcause those are the kind of politicians and preachers that can be bought off, so they are given the biggest resources. It's been that way since the Jesus destroyed European faiths.

Point being, fags are not anti-natural, they're just people who nature has deemed shouldn't breed. OR, you were molested. OR you have a pathogene that infected you as a child in the womb. There is NO reason why an animal would be unattractive to breeding unless there is something wrong.

So there is something wrong with you. There is something wrong with all of us. You don't see me trying to fucking destroy society over it…. So don't go out and be a Marxist cunt.


But that doesn't give you a fucking excuse to try and destroy your race or country!

Interesting pasta, but these goys really should stop trying to use the appeal to nature bit.

doesn't make that any more fact that OP is an underage faggot

also this thread isn't politics, and should be on >>>Holla Forums


*un-attracted… not attracted to opposite sex

behold my singular trinity dubs!

No, we should be redpilling faggots not to destroy society and act like this


lel faggots admitting they're the anti-Christian shit-stirrers on this board

I fucking knew it

Deal with it, cristcucks.

kill yourself faggot

Don't type so much and maybe I'll read next time. Fucking teens, learn your god damn place…

faggot you don't know what its like to have responsibility or kinship or to be an adult or a man.

You don't know what its like being a straight White male who actually wants his people and society to be great and work towards a brighter better future and have faggots like you being degenerate faggots and spreading your AIDS and raping children with niggers and kikes and feminists and kike worshiping christ cucks destroying our society.

OP kill yourself

a newfag as well as a cuck.

and a retard.

btw Holla Forums hate gays too. or they don't like traps at least.

do as tells you and try to redpill me, fag.

homophilia is pure hedonism
Serves no purpose other than twisted pleasure which is also attributed to the rapid spread of disease.

Just another mental disorder and anyone with common sense knows this

You're a faggot, kill yourself.

this isn't your blog and you're too young to be here

if you want to be rude, just use the word "fag", because that one really doesn't work.

i'm a heterophile: i love women. am i saying i'm straight? nope! i'm a trap! i want to be a woman! i'm only straight if you could traps being into guys as straight!

the only pill you need weighs 124gr and travels at about 1100fps

Go visit a non-kike Jungian psychologist, he had some interesting theories about why faggots and trannies are the way they are

no the only pill i need is the one that makes me grow tits and makes my balls shrivel up.


Thread theme

Daily reminder that fags and trannies will burn on the day of the rope


Faggotry is not natural and it's not a CONSCIOUS choice. It's fetishism. Fetishists don't choose to be attracted to feet, or bicycles or whatever the fuck they're attracted to. And it's not natural bicycles and post boxes have only existed for a few hundred years.

The Mujahadeen in Afghanistan actually dress boys up like girls and bugger them. Then those boys grow up and do the same thing. See those Mujahadeen are experts in brain washing, and that's exactly what they do. They take a pure normal child and then they convince them to do the unnatural, and to enjoy it To blow themselves up, or to blow a room full of dudes.

The faggot population could never exist biologically. They'd die out in one generation, any child can figure that out. Faggots are conditioned and groomed by a society that accepts fetishist degeneracy. Since you can never fully eliminate fetishism it will always be around, like a cancer and the more it is accepted the bigger the tumor becomes. Like all cancers, it must be destroyed before it kills the host.

Enjoy it while it lasts faggot.

I don't think many people here say that being gay is unnatural or even denies that people are born gay, save for a few.

But the general consensus seems to be that being gay is some sort of disorder. It is natural, but it is not the way things should be, and it should not be openly encouraged out loud n proud. A good fraction of people here also begrudgingly admit that various things are okay between two consenting non-retarded adults, and there is a significant boundary between personal hedonism and societal degeneracy.

get out shill.

I almost responded

Assuming you're not just being sarcastic, did you read the whole post?

I should have clarified that gayism is probably a disease or genetic defect.

"born that way" in medicine reads: "while I was a fetus I received the wrong amount and types of hormones".

Yes you have a birth defect.
No it's not normal, and it's curable with hormone and mental therapy.
So you have no business telling others you have no control over it.

You consciously.decided to remain gay, you embraced a birth defect, refused cures and you have to take responsibility for that choice. You don't get to be normal if you refuse to.



no but tbh i didn't need to.

that's wrong and also it's retarded.



well you sure convinced me

alright let me carefully explain why each piece of evidence and logic you presented for your view is wrong:

The bad part isn't that you're a dumbass faggot. The bad part is that you are an underage dumbass faggot. Fuck off to tumblr till you grow up.

thanks fam


Approximately 1/4th of homosexuals are also pedophiles.

You came out crying with a lisp and trying to suck the doctor's dick? Fuck off with this shit, its an attempt that gays make to sexualize babies. Babies do not have a sexual preference. You became gay because of hormonal imbalance as a child because you were unhealthy and because of societal influences.

what's that? you had no evidence or logic on your side?

well you sure convinced me ;)



My point is no, indeed you can't help it. But shut the fuck up about it. Not everyone has to hear about what sexual fetishes you have (being gay is essentially a man fetish). What if I had a foot fetish and went around telling everybody about it and trying to have it taught in schools to children? First and foremost, leave kids out of it you sick fuck.




Sage isn't a downvote fellow Redditor.

foot fetish pride!

teach foot fetishes in sex ed!

foot marriage when!

seriously though being straight is a woman fetish too so it gos both ways.

Everybody ITT who's a faggot sympathizer or themselves a full blown faggot needs to be referred to this thread:

You will thank me later.


Don't get butthurt, look into Toxoplasma Gondii. Homosexuality is probably a disease. It's been discussed here loads already.



but autogynephilia is totally different from gayness.

I'm almost 100% certain this shit is just shills trying to slowly slip Holla Forums into accepting degeneracy.

kek. Another "successful" outcome of the beautiful (assuming) American upbringing.

Even if God doesn't hate gays, that doesn't mean he accepts their lifestyle. "Go and sin no more." Pray, ask God for forgiveness, and live your life in a way that lifts him up.

It means you're almost 4X more likely to get AIDS than anyone else.

Then sage.

Yeah, but I think it's an insightful beginning to red-pills about sexuality and environmental conditioning.

Good point. That's my mistake.

it doesn't say what to do about it either. so it's the left's/feminism's fault i want to be a girl. now what? it doesn't help me get over it.

Fuck’s sake.

You're illiterate and clearly haven't read the entire thread:

If you're this ignorant you might as well consider killing yourself.

Kill yourself immediately.

Gay is an evolutionary cul-de-sac, it is pointless, you're a dead end.

i've done nofap for like a month and when i fapped again it was still to the thought of being a girl.

Tyler is a calling card of faggotry, clearly a case of environmental faggotry.

This isn't your blog, fuck off.

Are you retarded? They will hang.



Goddamn faggot it's like you don't even into executions.

ROPE not wire, ROPE.

Use rope then, shithead.

It's in the name faggot.

traps will be allowed though right, like in iran?

I'll give you this. There is indeed much scientific evidence to support this claim but also enough to prove men or women become gay through childhood emotional trauma. Some of it's natural, but a good chunk of it is not, it's simply another symptom of our dying society.

However, regardless of whether or not it is natural doesn't matter. Just because something is natural doesn't make it healthy. Mercury is natural, though I doubt you'd like to shovel that shit anywhere on your skin or mouth.

Fuck off no one cares. I'm agnostic, really I don't give a shit what religion or deity you choose to believe in so long as it isn't advocating violence like Islam

The Bible does, however, look down upon homosexuality and since it's the word of God it's safe to assume God does indeed not like gays.

It is. There's nothing remotely attractive about masturbating with the shit of another man.

The slippery slope is not a fallacy. The Jews want destruction of Western Civilization's foundations those being nationalism, family, and morality. Allowing gay marriage destroys traditional families.

Also your last part of the statement, "durr animals will marry xdddd" is fucking retarded. You really didn't think this one through did you?

Yeah they fucking do. They are a small minority of the majority of AIDS carriers. This isn't some conservative conspiracy to make gays look bad, it's a fucking well documented fact.

The reason you idiots get AIDS is because you don't use condoms, and because jacking off with the shit of another man typically leads to disease, what a revelation.

Fuck off. You're mentally ill and another symptom of a dying society.

Ok, so what's your fucking problem then you dumb faggot cunt?!

You hang them from the rope and then you burn them!

Are you fucking retarded?!

Do we need to demonstrate the technique on you?

Hey teen-fag. I'll bite.

You see those fuckers who parade through the street in their underwear and rainbow makeup and dildos attached to their bodies? You see those fuckers parading 8 year olds in their underwear, and the gay community being receptive to it?

That's why people hate you.

Grammar error, let me fix it.

They are a small minority of the population yet make up the majority of AIDS carriers.

lovin this b8

Without getting too deep into it, it relates to his concept/archetype of the "anima", more specifically various degrees of "possession" thereof.

I've been reading his basic works and it came up implicitly in several passages and explicitly in Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype sub-section "3. - I. The Mother-Complex of the Son".

Don't worry, he's not nearly as crass in his developmental psychology as Freud.

but masturbating with the cunt of a woman is fine.

yeah but what about two dads. obviously fewer men and more women will mean things go downhill.

It's because their daddy (or anyone really) touched their no-no place when they were growing up


They're too ugly (and lazy) to get a girl

which one are you Tyler?


women have a liquid anima or form instead of anima or something?

no that's freud, the first one.

i wonder if i'd still have wanted to be a girl if i'd got a gf earlier.

Missed the point did you buddy? The difference here is that a woman's vagina isn't typically filled with literal shit.

Finally! A thread for my /b tier "OP is a faggot" pics! Thanks, OP!

Learn to fucking sage

like this nigger

I actually prefer to bump alt-right content on an alt-right board.

I hope you change your gay ways. You'll only bring difficulties upon yourself if you don't.


I was agreeing and accepting/not giving a fuck until you brought this up.

If you believe in "hate speech" and that it – or anything else – should be censored, fuck you and the cock you rode in on.


The more you feed it the bigger it gets.

Being gay serves no purpose

did someone say


also OP is a literal faggot

uh, in case you haven't noticed, a sizable majority of this board are alt-right homosexuals.







Tyler (durden),
There is hope for you.
However if you as most do at your age and believe in your "personal fable" (the belief adolescents have were they understand greater than anyone and loved deeper and etc etc. Purely a product of neurochemical growth at that age. Childe)
You will refuse to sit and be a good boi and learn.

I think your huffy puffy tude is cute, but despite yourself you are no top, and deep down you know it.

Yes, I know your kind well - as well as I know myself. But I also know it is often a result of mental trauma but in extremely rare instance a mutation.
If you truly are "gay" you may still be of use to us. Consider joining us as an agent provocateur.

Read. Lurk moar. Stop seeking validation from degenerate faggots. You'd be surprised how many of you support our causes.

You're young, and feisty, but you needn't flounce about and act Nelly. Recognize how duped the gay community is. Recognize that you would not survive an Islamic caliphate. Recognize that Jews are manipulating you!

Most Holla Forumsacks understand there will always be a few of you and don't really care. Shoving it in people's face for shock is tasteless and crass. Think your bad try itbin Saudi or any Islamic nation. Hell flounce down the street in Luton kissing your bf and see if you survive.

Best if luck Mr Durden, you special snowflake.*

(*fight club was a gay book about a gay man coming to terms with his sexuality. Sorry Bros, it's true the author is gay and said exactly that.)

That's the most fucked up and perfectly logically correct thing I've read all month. That legitimately blew my fucking mind.

Like… Holy shit what a bizarre epiphany. Traps aren't degenerate nor harmful to traditional social conservatism because they preserve solid gender roles. Traps are no more degenerate than barren women or men.



Fuck it, they're not going to change, rope is the cure


Was meant as a reply to


mods bumplock this

Didn't read my post well?

I am gay.

I am in the very very right wing.


Sorry my mistake


This faggit won't give up

Welcome brother, you belong here.

We welcome all genders and sexual orientations.

The new right is a big tent.

And we're all in this together.


Good for fucking them faggot, it still makes them faggots and they should be sterilized.

Post your funnys


From one fag to another… kill yourself and take me with you.



I am politically connected and do what I can.


doing gods work


Fags often reproduce with straight females in a society where gay marriage is outlawed and they don't where it's legal.

Thing is I don't want gays or gay marriage. So the obvious solution is sterilization.

Wow, fucking 2deep4me man shit!!!!!



You should post here on Holla Forums more often, we need more based gays steering these 1488 larpers in the right direction.




enjoy your ban




for what?


posting a copypasta as a thread? that counts as spam you know


Being a fag

*replying to (without sage)

Have a nice vacation faggot

I'm not the OP you fucking retard.



see literal faggot. enjoy your fucking ban.

Haha, that's as far as I had to go. Enjoy the cocks while you can.


is that GRIDS under a microscope?

I'm not even gay, but I welcome gays into the movement, they are more comitted towards making the alt-right great than any of these 1488 larpers that do nothing but sit on the internet all day and shitpost.

Gays are actually out there fighting feminists and SJWs.

For what?

check em

Kill yourself, I have bisexual urges and do my best to repress that shit because I realize how destructive they are to our race and culture. Why the fuck should I support such a weak willed bitch that can't even muster enough self control to control their fetish.


being a fucking FAGGOT you aids producing kike enabling retard. go back to tumblreddit.

Just embrace your gayness, no one on the actual alt-right will judge you for it.




Uh, last I checked homos were welcome on Holla Forums

dubs confirm

Thanks. Gays have always been around but for some it's trauma that should be worked through. I look from my vantage point and see such wasted potential.

Gays needn't be ridiculous to signal others and -surprising as this may be - many do Not prance and speak in a falsetto.

I like what I like but I would attack on site a literal faggot for some of the displays I've seen in clips of parades and whatnot.

I'm quiet and respectful. I love my race and recognize I'm a mutant of sorts but am in a uniquely advantageous position to help the cause. I'd like to teach others the same.




Kill yourself you goddamned degenerate

check em digits

Don't worry about it.

These 1488 larpers try to control this board but the mods are gay friendly and support the actual alt-right.

Stick around, it's getting better.



And contribute to the continued errosion of western culture no thanks I rather up hold my principles instead of giving them up because of muh dick.



dubs check em

Faggots if you are going to talk about your muh I'm gay and right wing, can you at least not bump because people don't really care.

you really have no idea what people do its almost proof that faggots are defective and have a loose grip on perceiving what is real.


How does homosexuality degrade western values, very many of the most important people in western world were/are gay.

Gay Is Not Okay. >:]

Hi, I’m Jack. Im 15, and I’m straight.

Because I’m straight, I’m told I’m a lot of… interesting things.

I’m going to take you through this post, and you’re going to not be ignorant and argue what I say, because if you’re trying to argue it, it clearly means you’re a fag, and you have no idea what it’s like to not be a faggot.

• “Its unnatural.” – You'd think a fag would know if they made a choice or not, but that's not how it works. I'm straight. Fags are not. They don’t know. Some never made a choice - but most did. I was literally born this way, straight, but they were not - in most cases, at least. I find this offensive because fags have no idea what it took for them to come out psychologically damaged, or that they are so damaged, or how much easier it would be to tell their parents at 12 in the morning on December 9th, The Current Year, and get some counciling. I have a hard time putting up with fags, because they pretend they tried so hard to change themselves, but this is usually not the case at all. It is normal to be straight, and to be attracted to boys. Then I met my first fag, one of my best friends, and I realized we must aim at stopping it. These people didn't even change themselves, not consciously anyway. But I am 100% certain that we can change them, even if they can’t change - 'fix' - themselves. You can ask just about every fag, and I know for a fact they’ll answer that it’s not a choice - but that's because they're broken, either physiologically (extremely rare aberrations, given statistical data) or psychically (the vast majority of faggots, especially in a fag-normalized world in which we exist at present). Why wouldn't you argue against the fags that think they actually know? Thats like asking a dog what barking means, then saying they’re wrong - its retarded, because dogs can't speak, just as fags don't know why they're faggots. Fun fact: Homosexuality is found in over 1,500 species and so is cannibalism, while homophobia and stigma of cannibalism is found in one. Who’s unnatural now? Clearly: Faggots.

• “God hates gays.” – Yes, he does. God hates fags. The notion that 'God loves everyone' is newspeak nonsense, designed to justify all manner of degeneracy, and a product of Judeo-Christianity. I’m not so wrapped into thinking that everything the Bible says is historical fact, so I’m smart enough to stand back and realize that God likely wrote the Bible, but very-possibly influenced humanity as to the end of its creation. Do I believe in God? Sort of - I'm an agnostic deist: I believe a God probably exists, I just don't know, and don't pretend I do. Anyone could’ve put whats in there, but it doesn't matter. The Bible says not to be gay? That’s awesome. The Bible doesn't say anything about not judging, since that'd be retarded. I don’t understand why fags waste their time trying to argue in the context of the Bible when they can't even argue effectively in the context of not-being-natural-or-cultural-aberrants. If they would, and we could try to fix them, that'd be a step towards making my life - all life - just a little bit more perfect. When you judge someone, you’re doing right - judgement is entirely justified in a great many cases, and the absence of judgement breeds degeneracy, like the normalization of faggotry.




• “It’s disgusting” – Well, yes, I think men fucking each other in the ass is pretty gross. Fags might think they think naked women are gross. But that's, again, because they are psychologically damaged, and so its easier to ignore them running around complaining about people finding fags gross. There is a duty in trying to fix fags, to make fags like women, isn't there? Yes. I know such duty. We such duty. And, if you think its so gross, you understand why faggotry must be purged. We worry about what other people do too, else our society and civilization is doomed to degeneration. Any response that suggests otherwise deserves only this smug quip: Your argument is invalid. :3

• “If we let gays marry, its only a matter of time before we let animals marry.” – Um. Excuse me, but it just so happens that humans are animals. Differences between humans and animals? Very little - slight cognitive developement allowing more visibly divergent cultural develoment. Fags are human. Fags are citizens. And, like all animals, we produce aberrants, and the normalization of such aberrancy creates cultural context for others - especially the women and the young - to pursue a 'synthetic' form of such aberrance, by choice. Now, thanks to the degeneracy which has already transpired, fags can ask someone to marry them. Fags can choose to be marrie-oh wait, not all of them can, because so many people actually understand that it is a serious problem, the normalization of faggotry and resultant emergence of synthetic espousal (monkey see, monkey do, after all). But what I mean is that I doubt some cow is going to be like, “HAY. MOO MOO MOO MARRY ME.” No. Thats not gonna happen. But, if we're going to allow some delusional faggots to walk into a Church of God and pretend that they can engage in a ritual of pair-bonding without corrupting and tainting it as to be an insult unto the divine, its rather obvious there is little further to go before some delusional beast-fucker tries to drag a cow or something into a church. So that statement is pretty justified and quite well thought out.

• “Gay people have AIDS.” – Crying for humanity at this, because its true: Fags are the primary vector for the spread of HIV/AIDS. Being gay doesn’t mean AIDS, it just means a drastically-increased probability of having/getting/spreading such vile diseases. Gay sex doesn’t mean AIDS either, but again, probability tells us all we need to know. You can only get AIDS from an infected person, and most of them are gay men (in the Western world) or Africans (in Africa). Two men can have sex without getting AIDS, but either of the two men who would want to have sex with another man - the broken aberrants that they are - is more-likely to have/get/spread AIDS than just about any man who doesn't have any desire to have sex with men… Well, besides Africans, of course.


tbh i want to harm gender roles a bit but in principle traps don't have to.


Why yes, yes it is.

Fuck off encouraging whiyes to not breed is bad enough but furthering the cancerous culture around faggots is even worse

nice double entendre. think about it.


Gay people can still have children user, and raise them redpilled.

No, they can't.




Uh, yes they can.

I know a gay couple who had a child with a surrogate mother and they're raising their son to be redpilled on left wing cancer. It IS possible.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would I want to give any child deep seated issues that will turn them into some tumblr faggot

Not if you raise them redpilled.


That's nice some nice fiction you worked up. Too had the kid has no mother and will grow up confused and possibly degenerate.


Sage btw

Oedipus complex, in psychoanalytic theory, a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a concomitant sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex; a crucial stage in the normal developmental process. Sigmund Freud introduced the concept in his Interpretation of Dreams (1899). The term derives from the Theban hero Oedipus of Greek legend, who unknowingly slew his father and married his mother; its female analogue, the Electra complex, is named for another mythological figure, who helped slay her mother.

Freud, Sigmund [Credit: Mary Evans/Sigmund Freud Copyrights (courtesy of W.E. Freud)]Freud attributed the Oedipus complex to children of about the ages three to five. He said the stage usually ended when the child identified with the parent of the same sex and repressed its sexual instincts. If previous relationships with the parents were relatively loving and nontraumatic, and if parental attitudes were neither excessively prohibitive nor excessively stimulating, the stage is passed through harmoniously. In the presence of trauma, however, there occurs an “infantile neurosis” that is an important forerunner of similar reactions during the child’s adult life. The superego, the moral factor that dominates the conscious adult mind, also has its origin in the process of overcoming the Oedipus complex. Freud considered the reactions against the Oedipus complex the most important social achievements of the human mind.



Yes because not having a traditional family structure leads to developmental problems statistics back this up. Why does it bother you so much that I choose to not be a degenrate anyways, does the fact I hold myself to a standard make you feel inadequate or something?

It's like you're completely bluepilled on the JQ and false psychoanalysis that he just fucking made up.

Gays are redpilled and naturally healthy.

Which includes breeding and raising a child in the union of a man and a woman, not two dudes boning each other in the ass with a surrogate mother that has no control on his upbringing.


I'm Tyler, I'm 18. And this is bait

I don't believe you're even bi, I think you're just pretending otherwise you'd know being gay aint no thing.

Get in here guys, I triggered the faggot.

Look at him and laugh.

Men make better parents, they can raise a boy much better as two redpilled fathers.

Go away spiderman, post dead shitskins

Sounds like a 15 year old.

I am but as I said I choose to be a human and control my base desires rather then let them control me. It is possible to be something you have no desire to be


Actually, fuck it.

This thread is cancer and its time to make it rock.

Let's do this Spiderman.

A mother and father is the best working parental unit, dick sucker.

Refute the evidence that's in this thread that proves fag parentage is destructive.

A made up aids couple you know isn't evidence.

Only good post on the entire thread, there's no point in putting the effort to debate these retarded highschool fucks when they'll simply laugh at you and keep being walking turds "cuz it's the current year you outdated bigots ;^)", or in the worst case "muh freedums don't step on me i got guns and beards and i'm right wing, why do you care I'm an unhealthy son of a bitch spreading subversion and disease? ;^D "


You would know, you're 15.
and now I won't ever see posts from you ever again, goodbye









Tyler, i want you to think of your father, he raised and loved you and now you are refusing to give him Grandchildren. Just think about it.

Whose going to stop me? this is not how you stop people from arguing, putting it like that makes me want to argue more.

What about all those anti gay reverends who have turned out to be gay over the years? Plenty of gay people have argued against the gay agenda, you're statement is factually incorrect.

If i was sexually into kidnapping little girls off the street and cutting them up and eating them and shit, would that make it beyond my control? You're not an animal you have self control, so yes you made a choice to act on you're faggotry.

Cry me a fucking river faggot.

Why is everyone such a fucking train wreck? why do you need to make a big dramatic thing out of it? you wanna get pounded in the ass, why is that anyone's business? Why are you so weak that you constantly need people patting you on the back telling you how brave you are?
so you came out of the closet when you were 10 or 11? i feel like this is bait. never mind tho I'm enjoying writing this so I'll keep going.

yeah gave up at 11, you tried real hard to fight it.

You can change yourself, everyone can idiot.

How would you know if you were talking to a gay person who never "came out"?

Let me ask you this, would a heroin addict know how to be responsible when arguing how big of a problem his addiction is? Gays are by a long fucking margin the most delusional assholes out there, they argue like children.

A dog wouldn't answer the question, so i would ask a dog expert or something, just like how i wouldn't ask a queer i would ask a degeneracy expert.

yeah that's all we are, a bunch of fucking animals. that's some good thinking there.
Is this the same species that went to the moon? yeah clearly were very unnatural, and that's a bad thing retard.
you are, in my opinion, but not in a "went to the moon" good way.

But he doesn't love your sins


That's such a weird position to take. "Oh i believe in god even tho I'm gay, no its okay, anybody coulda written that old thing."

Whose judging? what are you talking about, I'm not allowed to counter your points? fuck you kid. your allowed to come in here and call anyone who doesn't agree with you wrong and were being judgy if we respond?

You're to young to give your life to this bull shit, think about your future. You know a lot of gay people kill themselves when they get older? it seems fine now why you're young, but if you continue down this path you will regret it. there is nothing for the old gay men in gay culture.

i don't find naked men disgusting, i find the act of gay sex disgusting, do you actually think naked women are disgusting, or did you write that with out thinking?

you spend plenty of time complaining about other things tho. I can tell with this unbearable blog post.

Stop pushing the shit in schools and in entertainment, do you realize that you are a result of people pushing homosexuality and trying to normalize it? that's why you think its normal, its not, every single culture throughout human history has treated it like the plague so shut up. kids need to talk less and listen more. It is constantly on TV, all the celebrities go on and on about how great it is, and your camp is not trying to convince anyone? that's a fucking lie.

I don't, if you wanna have gay sex go ahead, but if you're going to come and make an argument then I'm gonna come back at you.

I know yours is, but what of mine?

no people are worried that people are worried about Pedophilia being normalized

so what are the differences between gays and animals?
That's a bunch of legal statements, what makes a human idiot? child rapists can be those things, are they also Human? or are they animals with no self control?

Gays can get married you condescending little turd, find a girl and marry her, there is nothing stopping you from getting married. a man and a man is not marriage by definition.


Gay people do have a lot of AIDS, if you hang with that crowd at the age you are, then one day you are going to get too drunk and pass out and get raped by an opportunistic faggot, then you are going to need to take pills for the rest of your life so you don't die of a flu. shit like that happens every fucking day and I'm tired of hearing about it. do you think its a myth that Aids exists?

DLR is an untalented kike you fucking faggot.

Play some real metal.

Rock is Rock baby




Finding gays disgusting is natural too

Lol. Small thread not even that Jimmie rustling - a couple kids go ape shit and can't cope .

You realize this makes me and others think you are young & closeted; but you'll probably go butcher tranny hookers after getting well plowed.

Wew lad.

Protip: conservative gays when sexuality comes up and It rarely should; shouldn't vex you so much; unless you have deep issues with your own sexuality.


Stop posting Gay Los Angeles Metal.

show me any evidence that two dads is worse than a mom and a dad. I bet you're going to prove that two dads is better.


Back to Reddit. I feel bad for you in that you have made a lifestyle decision for yourself while being so young. On top of that you think you know anything about anything. You are honestly delusional. You are a degenerate child.

Make me faggot

Then learn how to embed.

You are so terribly lost.

Oh, the horror is too great to bear. Just turn on forced anonymity and quit bitching.


Nah, I'm apparently the only redpilled member of the alt-right in this thread you 1488 larping retard.

And David Lee Roth is a shitty singer.

Go look up footage from the 1984 US festival and he's so plastered he forgets lyrics. Even in VH's prime he couldn't sing for shit.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Like I said: You are completely lost.

Oh lord, no wonder you don't think anyone can act outside your strawman of them or that their's nothing wrong about homosexuality





I'm done with you two stupid idiot 1488er retards.

Gay isn't a choice and it's not degenerate. The greatest socieities on earth have all be gay friendly or promoted homosexuality.

You all can just die for all I care, you're not going to hold back the rise of the new right.



Fuck off cancer

The urges are natural but you make the choice to act that's been my point if the fact that you have no self control makes you mad do something about it don't just make excuses for it. Also we are the the new right you idiot your the one here who's a cuckservative.

marriage is fucked because women have too much power in court. of course there is massive trends of divorce in this evil age.

no you're saying that, but i believe it will further normalize faggots and make our society as a whole worse.

you should try and resist it, never forget that you're gay and work around it, it wont be easy but you will be far more satisfied in your old age. gay is just a word, you have a fetish, or do you find all men attractive? or do you find the idea of being used desirable? either way these are things to ask yourself and work around.

Just imagine yourself as a pedophile making this argument, just because Hollywood puts a nice word to your fetish doesn't mean anything, you have a personal problem to deal with.

I'm gonna get high and watch some documentary so I'll summarize early

If you wanna have sex with guys
Then go ahead its none of my business, you gotta do what you gotta do man.

If you wanna tell everyone about it then act as if their hateful bogeymen for not supporting your unhealthy life choices
Then I'm sorry but you're an asshole and need to shut the hell up, mind your own business and stop pushing your filth.

The alt-right is already dead.

Because of people like you.

…You could say that the aultistic-right has been pozzed, and is now slowly coming to terms with its (drastically shortened) HIV-positive lifestyle.

Something I'm sure you're familiar with.

Oh, also: Faggotry is most-often representative of a choice, of synthetic psychological aberrancy brought about by cultural normalization/exposure, though a very small cadre of faggots are likely physiological aberrants, thus acting as the seed for cultural exposure and subsequent normalization.

None of the gay-friendly civilizations of which you speak exist today, and their downfalls often correlate quite-nicely with increased normalization of homosexuality.

Faggotry is a disease, either of the body, or the mind, and its infection upon this society is anything but beneficial.

You should get checked for HIV.
You might be better off with AIDS, ya know?




They hate it so much because it's
inside them



so this is the next stop for the raiding fags since the evalion threads got shit on hey

very low energy

you don't belong here
this picture should tell you everything you need to know




Nice proxy, sport.

