Can anyone recommend some good romantic dramas?

Can anyone recommend some good romantic dramas?

This made me crey


made me fall asleep after about 20 minutes

Dr Zhivago
The English Patient
Waking the Dead
if these don't make you cry you're dead inside

No homo

romance is made up bullshit to delude yourself into thinking the relationship between the two sexes isn't just pure competition

Blue is the warmest color
Blue valentine
Blue velvet
Blue lagoon

This is a great one. The numerous tender acts of love that are depicted are handled tastefully and respectably. There's even some good comic relief.


Is Shakespeare gay? Was Burt Lancaster in from here to eternity gay? John Wayne in the quiet man?
Checkmate atheists.


Frozen, if only for the massive amount of incest romance it has.


This one isn't too bad.

kissless virgin detected




Tits or GTFO

Nice Hitler dubs

La Notte

Elaborate, faggot.

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans is really good if you can handle watching silent films.

I think user meant since Winslet has blue hair it's tumblr. Nevermind that it stars Jim "dig my gold and you'll get rolled" Carrey.



If you weren't gay then why did you want to see Broke Back Mountain?


Been a yuge ang lee fan since crouching tiger. Couldn't get anyone to go with me either so went by myself, almost said something to the girl at the ticket window about not being gay. Thoroughly enjoyed it and rewatched at least three times since, the main characters being homo is completely incidental.