>The City of Brian Bendis

So now you know this guy was that kid on the playground who you would pretend fight with and could never be beaten because he would just pull random powers out of his ass that perfectly counteracted whatever you came up with.

This is an Eisner Award-winning author here folks

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She and Brody are probably gonna come back due to some bullshit Thanos pulled later.

user, by now you should now most awards mean jackshit and are given to friends and cronies

So Bendis killed off one of Marvel's legitamatly well liked female characters for… what exactly did this accomplish?

Well, he saved her the humiliation of appearing in more issues of Hellcat.

who even gives a shit
it's just wordspew from a guy we all know is garbage

people who like her will be annoyed that she's dead for a couple of years, then buy sort-of-decent numbers of whatever comic she comes back in

or some shit like that idk



so he can replace her with a new transgender black muslim character as the new She-Hulk

she was standing in the way of the character they want to push. marvel really want their wonder woman

No, just fucking no.

Maybe she would have lived if SHIELD didn't have a bunch of diversity hires as doctors.



>>>Holla Forums



Considering they're afraid she'll just start shitting gamma radiation when she dies, you may have a point there. I mean… unless she does shit radiation upon death, I don't know. Hulks don't tend to die for no reason like that.

Where in the universe do you get something that strong?

Although Thanos in recent years has been nerfed from his position of universal significance (Infinty Gauntlet, The Thanos Imperative) to upsized lackey (under Hickman working for Ultimate Reed) and now he's Nitro.

Fuck comics. Why should we respect them if they can't be assed to respect themselves?

uh oh…


If that was his ulterior motive then I apploud his decision.

But odds are its just cheap shock value and going to be retconned in a few months. Just like every other hero death out there.

wait so it means that in marvelverse army not only has god kiling missiles, it DOESNT need them (since they are selling them like like old useless jeeps after cold war), probably because they have EVEN BETTER god kiling missiles now.

It just means Bendis is a bad writer. The first main issue of the event says that Rhodey was just nearby when Carol got the call about Thanos, so he went with, he didn't go load up on special missiles, because if he had time for that they had time to call in way stronger heroes. Ya know, because it's THANOS.


They just had to put a currynigger and coon there, didn't they?

And this is why I've always championed a "power level bible" that stats every character in the universe, what can and cannot defeat them (in a straight up fight, creative writing excluded) so shit writers don't get a chance to fling feces around.


I blame the Diveristy Hire Medic Squad.

Proper racial quotas are more important than skill and effectiveness. Who cares if the patient dies so long as nobody gets called a racist?



Best guess is that the fight ir conclusion of fight will be in The Ultimates number 8 or 9. I wanna torrent it and see the mess.

It's like pottery.

Death is better than being dragged around for those awful comics written by whatshername with that awful art.

She'll probably still show up since those comics get to exist outside of canon.

I'd just like to point out that this demonstrates that Tony is looking more and more right because it's becoming clear that Inhumans and Carol are inept and incompetent to the point of endangering others.

You mean Medusa, because Black Bolt would never let this happen.

If there is one thing I learned from Civil War 2 is that women shouldn't be in positions of leadership.

Five star post right there.

Yes, I know.
Black Bolt actually knew how to rule, Medusa is the self-insert Inhuman now for the writers.

Isn't it ironic that the with this whole bunch of propaganda Marvel is puching down our throat, all this stuff about women in power, in the end they managed to send the exact opposite message?

I don't think Marvel readers ever hated women as much as they do now.

The patriarchy shoved her down a flight of stairs off-panel.

This only reinforce that Bendis and Marvel are shitty

Fuck you, Bendis.


I'd say Bendis should have the sense to not make the Retarded Squirrel Girl be an integral part of a super serious event, but I'd be giving him way too much credit.

I mean there was a reason why the first go-around she fucked off to the Great Lakes Avengers.

Remember when comics were fun?

When is Squirrel Girl going to be killed off?

Ok let me put this into perspective of how bawked this is.
War Machines tech is stated by Iron Man to out dated.
Iron Man and Banner's intelligence are super close and both incredibly smart.

It took years for Banner to come up with cures/weapons for the hulk and from what I can gather he only recently depowered a bunch of Hulks.
Which is a gargantuan feat upon itself.
Killing a hulk is also a monumentous task.

It's probably as hard to kill a Hulk as it is Thanos, maybe even more so factoring in anger.
If anything those missiles if capable of killing a Hulk should have wiped Thanos the fuck out.
But that would have had to have been a massive fucking payload, after all Hulk survived a nuke sized explosion and became STRONGER.

So here we arrive at another problem, it had to be a payload designed to counter regeneration.
Ok fair enough that shit exists but it's extremely fucking rare (zombie virus, the odd blade, power nulifiers)
This a two step problem however.
As stated before you have to use specialized equipment to hurt a Hulk let alone shut off regen.
Apparently this missile not only skipped the need to be a specialized missile, it was a catch all fucking anti regen massive fucking damage weapon that could bypass any special restrictions on regen.
Doen't matter if you're Hulk, Thanos, Wolverine, Deadpool or whatever.
You'd fucking die.

Gentlemen War Machine's missile is now one of the single most powerful artifacts in the Marvel universe.

What use are Quantum Bands, repulsor rays and fucking Cosmic Cubes.
We have a guaranteed death missile.

This like when you played 40k as a kid.
You'd send in your infantry and some rich dickhole kid was playing all Eldar anti tank units (fire dragons).
Doesn't matter what you rolled, you were dead.

Somewhere, in a galaxy far far away, these cosmic dopes are wondering why they didn't think of this.

imagine how quick Annihilation/conquest, war of kings, thanos imperative would have been over with one of the missiles.

Or fucking Infinity.

see I didn't mind that much.
He had his underlings, Maximus, a Reed with no limitations, Terrax and a Black Swan.
All heavy hitters.
And he was accomplishing his life goal.
Over and over.
Killing and maiming planets, specifically earth to his hearts content.
He was probably blissful

I have no trouble with the fact Stark would invent Hulk killing missiles. He's seen what Bruce, Jenn & Cho are capable of. He knows that he might have put one of them down like Old Yeller.

My big problem is will he use them on Carol, Blue Marvel or America Chavez?

I don't care about capeshit

What really bothers me about this pic is how the Doctors are wearing caps to keep their hair up and out of the way, but the currynig has his beard right there with no mask.

Great going India Medical School

I want to fuck Koto right in the ass.

Koto is not for sex

Koto is specifically for ass sexings. And I am not talking about bunny koto either.

If you don't want to fuck God in the ass something is wrong with you.

I know Tony is always making better armor for himself but, come on at least upgrade the man's armor every half year.

Jean being a mind-reading bitch.

Tony does have a pretty solid point.

Spidey was eating chips through the whole thing.

Manly tears of anger and sadness.





i don't mind this classic version of squirrel girl because the joke was that she's pretty passive, benign, and an altogether normal person. new squirrel girl is an annoying cunt

on top of a hideous redesign

Because she used to be a character, not a fucking meme writer/fan avatar for the Marvel Universe.

LOL :^)

Why would anyone assume regular ol warmachine had any specialized equipment capable of killing a hulk when Tony himself needs a specialized suit just to fight on par with one? They didn't even bother making the smoke trail a Kirby crackle or some other bullshit to signify it wasn't a standard everyday missile. The fuckers could have wrote "quantum missle" on the side with a sharpie and still got the point across.


I can see that you newfags have never seen that panel before. It's not the new squirrel girl.

the point is though is that he's managed to do it at all.
Not only can the missile kill thanos but a hulk of all things too
and then combine this with Stark saying Rhodey's tech is out of date.

fuck off

Of course he has a solid point. They just changed the future, meaning that the future that faggot is predicting isn't the future but a future. It's a like a game of roulette. You may get 21 or you may get another number. It's just a possible outcome.

Everyone in that room is fucking retarded save Tony.

user. I'm confused how a Thanos killing missile was fired and anyone within the radius of 30 miles or so didn't expect to kiss their ass good bye or hug a close companion tenderly while they notice their own garaunteed death incoming.

When you religion conflicts with your duty as a medic, you should step down.

It is like a doctor denying to do a blood trasfusion because he is a mormon.

This is another point if Bendis really expects us to follow him down this #ThanosMissile rabbit hole.

Why wouldn't War Machine just take point and shoot Thanos in the back when he isn't looking since this is a surprise ambush after all?

It is like if you had a sniper posted able to make a kill shot, but first you elect to send a SWAT team in to alert the target, create a bunch distractions for the sniper, have a bunch of allies potentially cross into the line of fire, etc.

There is just to much stupid at every conceivable level of this thing.

Warmachine probably needed time to set up the missile. For the ambush. That they knew Thanos was coming. So everyone was buying Warmachine time. For the ambush….

I went over the comic again then I noticed something. How the fuck are the rest of them so banged up! Thanos didn't even hit most of you. That fight was over after Rhodey went down and you all jumped him.

What kind of military person uses the acronym "FUBAR" to describe major causalities? And in front of grieving people no less?

Does Marvel even know what FUBAR means?

It means things went bad, right?
t. marvel

What does FUBAR mean?

…remember how Mar-Vell was never a physical match for Thanos so he had to use his wits and Cosmic Awareness to outwit him?

If they're trying to make a statement well, basically anyone not Monica being able to hurt Thanos - WHY IS HE REELING FROM DAZZLER - is a little out there.

So Carol called it in, fucked up, and Medusa didn't obey orders and also fucked up, killing one good character and one okay character.

How can anyone not be on Tony's side after this?

Fucked Up Beyond All Repair

I think Bendis was thinking SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fucked Up - but neither work.


Why using some internet speech shit to describe an actual problem?

Warmachine is a soldier, for fuck's sake. He isn't spiderman fighting any Z listing villain.

FUBAR is a military acronym.

Well, that make things less bad.

I'm curious why military have an acronym that means "We Fucked Up".

Where were you when Thanos was considered too OP by Marvel so they reconed his everything so he loses a fight to 6-ish heroes of B class.

Because shit gets fucked up when people are shooting at you.

I stopped reading comics when Thanos killed a universe and Shuma Gorath's extended family for sweet deathly poon.

Every time I come to this board I realize that was a good decision.

This still makes more sense than "Hurr we defeated Thanos and put him in a cell, mishon acompleshd :)"

It had a fucking anti-Thanos missile, how is that outdated

Everything is fucked up in the military. That's just the nature of it.

She-Hulk was the intended target. Warmachine is a deep cover Hydra agent and has been the entire time. Getting killed was sloppy since he could have fragged a few more of the big hitters and then let Thanos mop up, but he still took down a hulk and ensured his cover couldn't be blown so…

Hail Hydra!

Not only that, War Machine goes in all guns blazing against Thanos. Then there's a panel where he stops firing entirely. Then he suffers his misfire. This timing is all off.

Also, I don't really know anything about the Inhumans, so forgive me if I'm wrong here, but is Medusa's only power her hair? (Hair that should have some reasonable upper bound on its strength, which if I were to design, I'd place somewhere around Spider-Man's webbing, not so good it can restrain fucking Thanos) She doesn't have, like, Hulk-level invincibility, right? Yet, she puts herself within arm's reach of Thanos. She gets fucking punched by Thanos and it's War Machine in his super high-tech armour that gets killed? What a load of shit.

Also also, what the fuck happened to Thanos? Last I saw, he was literally torn to shreds by God Doom.

I think Thanos threw her ass so hard that the hair ripped off rather than punching her.

And while she's stronger than you'd think - she beat the shit out of Mac Gargan Venom for free - she's also weaker than Bendis is conveying.

To be honest Thanos was broke as shit, like super incredibly broken. There were at least eleven if not more. Also what is the definition of B list? I'm not trying to antagonize, just trying to give more reason so it's not as shit as it was portrayed.

Hell if you just cut out the "Thanos missile" bullshit and not hospitalize She-hulk then it would be more credible.

So… he was SERIOUSLY just on Earth for a pathetic Cosmic Cube? Fucking Thanos? He just wanted a cube, and then all the heroes had to do to beat him was GET PISSED OFF enough to actually do it?

This is why comic writing is so shit now. It's not just the agenda pushing, or even the event pushing. Nothing is clever at all, a fight is just a hamfisted temper tantrum. There was no plan, there was no outwitting the Mad Titan, they just poured on the juice until he dropped. Protip: Shoot Thanos until he submits!

There's no respect for the characters, Marvel doesn't have a heart and soul anymore. They need a Gruenwald, someone who not only remembers everything that came before but remembers WHY all those things came before. Writers see canon as a restraint stopping them from telling stories they want, but it has always been a SAFETY NET to prevent bad writers from fucking the stories up too much. Canon is the internal consistency that comics need to keep going, and it can be bent and molded, but you can't just throw the logic of it out the window anytime an event comes along. The reason Squirrel Girl can beat Thanos off panel is because it's a JOKE. Which is why you don't have this team do it on panel, because it feels like a badly told JOKE. And if Thanos isn't going to be important to this event, they could have done the same thing with ANY other tough villain!

I'm reading Powers.
I like it for the most part.
I think every story has a great beginning and middle, but the conclusion shits the bed in each and every instance.
It is somewhat of a jokey critique of cape comics with your run of the mill jokes about what if capes were more realistic and flawed.
As the comic goes on it devolves in that very special way all image comics devolve which is to say ham fisted social critique and being edgy just to be edgy.

Thing is I don't think Bendis knows that a big mainline marvel book isn't supposed to have the same sort of writing quality as a jokey image comic.

My memory may be shody. But I think maybe 3-ish of them actually have experience fighting Thanos directly instead of Thanos armies.

The reason writing is so shit now is the constant HOUSE OF IDEAS bullshit. They're just making literally the worst possible decisions. The Holla Forumstards that come to our board to complain about SJWs don't realize that Marvel and DC are far worse enemies to comics than feminists are. Sure, SJWs will push some kind of stupid political agenda, but the big 2? They've been responsible for shit like Identity Crisis, The New 52, Civil War, every character dying and coming back at least once, SHOCKING REVEAL becoming the norm for the end of every book, etc.

Powers? By Brian Michael Bendis?

Brian Michael Bendis? What is he, like… a comic book writer?


He writes comics? Bendis?

So what you are telling me this guy, Bendis? He writes them funny books?

Yeah, Bendis.

Melting down Thanos wouldn't be impossible if half the marvel hero-verse did gang up on him. Reason this never happens is that Thanos divides the heros attention through distractions. This was a small fucking handful compared to what we expect the man power needed for the mad titan. This is a writer not knowing what the fuck history any of these characters have and just used their current fotm hero group to take down a super villain who is normally at the center of universe changing events. It's just fucking disrespect to canon other writers have done, and better.

People still write comics?

I know, right?


You guys talking about comics? Have you heard about this Bendis guy?

Guys, guys, you're giving much too much of a shit about this. I'm not just saying that because I think She-Hulk has been written terribly for over 15 years, either. Look, my absolute favorite character in all of Marvel comics? Cyclops. He was unceremoniously killed with a neck snap from Doctor Doom in one of their last events. Six years ago I would have sperged my heart out about it. I probably would have written a physical letter to Marvel's offices. Now? "Oh. I knew that was coming. Well, one less reason to read Marvel I guess."

For the moment, we have to look at these things as these characters ESCAPING the shithole that Marvel has become. When I stopped reading the New-52 I told myself all the characters I loved that were erased were existing in happiness in some other universe, no longer having to deal with reboots and raceswaps and an endless stream of legacy characters making the originals less special.

Because what's the alternative? What would they be doing now if they were alive? Suddenly aged to an old man? Replaced with a female clone? Officiating gay weddings? Scott Summers is in a better place now, Jennifer Walters has escaped as well, along with Logan and everyone else who dies. Shulkie won't have to suffer the humiliation of plots about how she's fucked every male model and all her clients anymore and needs counseling for it, no more appearances in some SJW comic that looks like it was drawn by a five year old, and was written by an *autistic* five year old. These characters are all stuck on a giant space ship that's ripped a gateway to hell, and these are the characters that found a fucking escape pod. Cyclops, (Richard Ryder) Nova, Night Thrasher, She-Hulk, War Machine, Logan, every character currently dead is in a better place.

The big two have ever since the Ultimate line worked sworn up and down that angering the fans translates into sales, and if we're unhappy they're doing a good job.

Meanwhile the sales have dropped dramatically for both companies while they've gone up or remained stable for Image, Dark Horse, various indies, and manga. And why? Because they're like any attention-whoring bully. The longer they're ignored, the less power they have. People don't have the energy to give a shit about this garbage anymore.

The right response is to make fun of how awful these comics are, pick apart all the ways they're terribly written, but do it quickly, quietly and apathetically. They told us as long as we're mad they're getting what they want, so starve the assholes of the emotions they feed on.

Nothing at Marvel is worth caring about anymore.

Besides, we all know this is just a prelude to re-introduce a new version of her. Either a younger, flatter more feminist She-Hulk or this one with a radical physical redesign. Pray she remains dead.

not to sound like a "why doesn't every have an iron man suit" normalfag but
Why didn't everyone have OP thanos killing missiles?
Why not load them onto a quinjet?
Why not open with a salvo of them?
Why not use a fucking kree battleship or some shit?

I mean look at this, he's firing repulsors/machine guns at thanos first then fires the missile. Which somehow doesn't seek out Thanos.
It apparently does massive damage, the explosion is big yet Thanos and Rhodes are relatively unharmed as well as the rest of the team.
The fuck is this bullshit

I miss the old cosmic Marvel, the fuck happened?

Hickman wasted Phoenix Cyclops.
He could have brought him back as a valid plot point.
He was a Phoenix from before the universes destruction, he represents death and rebirth in all forms. He could have used him along with Franklin and Molecule Man as a vehicle of the Multiverses rebirth.

I have not bought a Marvel comic for 2 years. I still look at scan of their current offerings & despair.

What was once a source of happiness & a positive childhood memory is now ashes.

Wait we where talking about comics?

Really, why don't they?

Yeah, pictures and words. You ever read any?


I read some. There's this guy, Bendis, I hear he writes em.

People actually write comics?

Wasn't there a news article released a few months where the reporter got to sit in on a brainstorming session for Civil War 2, and it was literally all the writing staff at Marvel renting out a conference room and taking turns blurting out whatever ideas came to mind?

I remember that the article was posted here, and… Ah, found it.


If they had some of their good writers left, this wouldn't have happened. They really need a more balanced crew of good writers.

So I heard. People like bendis.

Mostly due to Tony's disdain for plebs.

And this while they're trying to introduce new strong independent progressive female characters. Horribly killing off the old ones because tumblr doesn't like them enough!

I mean damn, She-Hulk is almost literally an avatar of a woman being in control of and comfortable with her sexuality, emotions and body who can perform a difficult job as a lawyer while also smashing things. Apparently that isn't progressive enough nowadays.

None of the sex positive feminists are around, just a bunch of wannabe Anitas who want to turn America into Saudi Arabia. It doesn't matter how much She-Hulk has been a strong character for decades, she "has no agency" because men write her that way.

Can anyone post the "Box full of toys" caption for extra rage?

And there is something I don't understand. If canon is a problem, why don't they make a fucking new character and make a pause about big heroes and villains fighting?

Cyclops was killed?

Should I ask?

He is always a fish out of the sea when in a big hero place. I've never actually saw any big change on his character when in big stories

Not a swat team. You send a bunch of forest guard

This is just laughable, glad I'm done with cape comics years ago.
They wanted shehulk dead but I guess they didn't want a man to do it…so an inanimate object will do, but have no problem with male on male murder.

Tony Stark is undergoing what Cyclops underwent years back.

Cyclops was a really cool character, but all of a sudden they decided to make him a stupid asshole. He kept making stupid decisions, he kept doing stupid shit, and the writers tried every fucking thing they could to make him a bad guy.
Around 2013 I grew to despise Cyclops, or at least the new Cyclops-monstrosity the writers had created from what was once a good character. And Tony will have the same fate.

I never understood why Cyclops became a worse Magneto with even less sense of his surroundings. But for odd reasons, even though Iron man is supposed to be written as the bad guy he makes the most sense. I can't exactly ignore Carols team fucked up royally and there will be heroes defending her side. Jesus, at the end of the day 2 heroes are lost and there is no one taking responsibility for it.

to be honest, I'm not sure.
He can build a Dyson sphere with an AI but not an iron man suit for everyone? kinda weird
Ok sure you could say some don't need it, but why not? Why is more powers and options a bad thing?

So he can make a new one, like he did with Peter.
To this day Bendis still tries to push Miles as THE spiderman, even though it's obvious no one gives a fuck or wants that.

Who's the blonde dyke, and why is she calling for someone to help her when the guy in her arms seems to be either dying or severely injured?


I've actually been reading a lot of old X-men lately, and he's been a frustrating asshole for at least 40+ years. I'm sure they've written him poorly this last decade, but I won't pretend I really liked him that much before. He was like a proto-Shinji at times. He certainly had some upswings though, and he did seem more interesting once Emma was a regular part of the team.

What you have to understand about the original X-Men was that aside from Jean Grey who was basically just The Invisible Woman again, each member was meant to be the opposite of a member of Fantastic Four because that's what was really popular at the time.

Ice Man was supposed to be the opposite of Human Torch.

Instead of a dumb tough guy, they made the guy with super strength also the genius scientist.

Then they made the leader of the team really insecure in his abilities, but it's okay that he is because a psychic has seen inside him and how his mind works and knows he has the potential to become a brilliant tactician, and he also has an extremely powerful ability to back it up.

See, the thing about Cyclops is he's the team's Batman but with laser eyes. That's always been his role. He's always ten steps ahead of everyone else. He doesn't care if you don't like his plan, because he knows he's right. This extends to the point that in the X-Men/Justice League crossover, Cyclops fought Batman -and he won too.

Most super heroes back then were about a very basic, obvious wish fullfillment. Hulk is a wimpy scientist who can become a giant rage monster. Captain America was a weak, sickly but patriotic soldier who gets transformed into a super soldier, even Thor at the time had a secret identity as a cripple. Spier-Man also was a nerd picked on at school before being bitten by that radioactive spider.

Cyclops is much the same, except he wasn't altered by chemicals or radiation, Cyclops was abused and picked on as a child, passed over for his brother, tortured by Mr. Sinister, used to commit crimes, he was the prototypical "four-eyes" then Xavier came along and saw something in him. And through wanting to live up to his adoptive fahter's expectations, he trained every day until he was the brilliant tactician and master martial artist he knew he could be. Cyclops is the stereotypical nerd who elevated himself to alpha not because of magic or super science, but through his own hard work and determination.

That's really well put, but that's why people tend to dislike him. When he mans the fuck up, as you point out, he can be pretty amazing. But a core part of his character is that he's insecure and sometimes selfish. He's interesting, but damn can he be frustrating sometimes.

Then keeping that in mind, let's recap a bit of what he's been through to account for changes in personality before going through some of his feats.

-Cyclops's parents were abducted by aliens. He was shoved out clutching his brother with one parachute between them. However the parachute catches fire and in order to save them he has to use his power, which gives him the head injury which prevents him from shutting it off.
-At the orphanage, Mr. Sinister turns out to be in charge. He separates him from Havok who is adopted out to another family because he's younger.
-Cyclops is then tortured, experimented on and brainwashed for years by Mr. Sinister.
-He's then passed from abusive foster home to abusive foster home until he's used by one Jack Winter to commit crimes. I got a theory about Winter, but I'll post it in another post.
-Xavier saves him, Winter is seemingly killed in the process.
-Cyclops later discovers his father wasn't killed, but was off having decades worth of adventures as a space pirate never bothering to come back for his sons. His mother was also being raped by some shi'ar whacko.
-His gilfriend becomes possessed by what is essentially an extremely powerful space demon. He fights the Imperial Guard to protect her, ends up having to kill her anyway.
-An evil clone of her is sent by Mr. Sinister. She plants psychic suggestions in his head and forces him to quit the X-Men.
-He wakes up one day and snaps out of the brainwashing. He's essentially a rape victim with a kid from the encounter. The evil clone now wants to sell the baby to demons to increase her power.
-He's later possessed by Apocalypse and his body slowly starts transforming into his. Removing him from his body leaves him with a darker personality.
-He lives through an alternate timeline manufactured by Legion as "Basilisk" in which he had to go through life without eyelids and was used to execute other mutants.
-When he starts dating Emma Frost, they get into a fight with Sentry and she attempts to imprison The Void in her mind. She turns out to be entirely too weak to hold it, and most of it escapes. Cyclops has to go into her mind and guide the remaining bit of The Void into his mind where he locks this being of pure evil in a box because his mind is much stronger than hers.
-Not to mention his entire relationship with Emma was manipulated into place by Emma entering his mind posing as his wife, and a future version of his wife reaching into the past and telling him to be with Emma.
-Finally the Phoenix Five happens. Cyclops gets 1/5th of the phoenix force, along with three former villains and Colossus who had recently become the Juggernaut. Magik, Colossus and Namor very quickly corrupt their shards, go Dark and misuse their powers, Then Emma goes dark and talks about destroying the whole world so she can be "a queen of ashes".
Meanwhile, Cyclops has been using his new powers to fix every problem on Earth. Curing sicknesses, revitalizing endangered species, ending earthquakes, etc. He doesn't go dark, but as his friends are defeated suddenly he's in control of a Phoenix Force which is already 4/5ths Dark Phoenix. Then he's blamed for everything -after Emma has just informed him that she was fucking Namor- and everyone he's ever considered a friend or ally on Earth attacks him at once. He fends them all off and then his adopted father figure, the guy who made him strong to begin with shows up and attacks him. Tells him "sit boy" like a dog and starts mocking him. Lashing out and trying to break free of the psychic control, he kills Xavier. This is finally enough to set him over the edge and make him go Dark Phoenix.

As for feats:

-Cyclops has single-handedly defeated the entire team of X-Men on multiple occasions. The very first issue actually opens with him taking out Ice Man, Angel and Beast at once in the Danger Room. On other occasions involving Proteus, he defeated teams consisting of Rogue, Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde. In particular he's kicked Wolverine's ass dozens of times.
-In one comic where his glasses were knocked off, he took out a gang of armed thugs with his eyes closed using martial arts training based off of Matt Murdock's style.
-When he first encountered the Sentinels he had the team switch costumes to confuse their sensors. The sentinels each programmed themselves for the wrong abilities and was defeated.
-He later tricked the Sentinels into flying face-first into the sun convincing them the only way to end mutants was to go to the source of mutation, solar radiation.
-When he crashed from Asteroid M with a group of Magneto's acolytes and they had no idea where they were, he whipped them into a team under his command, found them water and figured out where they were (the Australian outback) and then used his optic blasts to destroy a mountain and lead them to the safety of their abandoned base there.

etc. He's done other stuff, that's off the top of my head.

Being cyclops is suffering.

Let him die and rest away from that damn corrupted world.

I don't know what's worse Thanos being a 2 bit cosmic thug or Him purposely acting like a jobber and everyone being stupid enough to fall for it.

after reading jojo's bizarre adventure, I've noticed that a LOT of comic plots involve beating the villain not with a clever plan, his one secret weakness, or a massive gamble that pays off, but a massive asspull or random power up that appears because the writers wanted the story to end.

all inhumans have a level of superhuman strength and durability (part of what makes them different than mutants)

mostly cause they cost a Bill Gates level fortune to make one and Tony isn't made of money

I have no faith in either company these days but it's nice to dream


I seriously hope you muties don't think this

This. Fights in so many comics now are just a couple of pages cutting between random generic super hero posses until someone falls down and the winner makes a quip. Like you said in jojo there's a point to every move being made which is why so many fights are memorable. Writers like bendis don't see fights as a part of the story to be told but more as a break in between exposition where people get beat up. Even cape movies get this concept

But user. Thanos got suckered punched by a feminist strong independent woman. How can a super villain take a strong punch like that. Carol Danvors is just as strong if not stronger than hulk.

Then explain this tiny butt

So you have less useless meat in the way and get to savor more of her guts while your balls slap against her clam.

>>>Holla Forums

Fuck off pol you worthless fucking shitbabby. No one here shares your autism. The silent majority of Holla Forums hates you but they are too polite to say anything. You aren't wanted. You aren't welcome. NO ONE CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. Fuck off back to your containment board. No one wants to see you getting triggered and crying everywhere about
You are triggered beyond all belief and everyone here can see it fuck off you are not welcome, and the Holla Forums mod is lazy as fuck for not banning you already. Since they won't do that and since you are so upset about everything why don't you cool your head by pouring a bucket of gasoline over it. I will be along shortly after you salty manchild.

And so on, jesus sex'd the indians.


That post made my balls tingle

Captain Marvel, formerly Ms.Marvel. It's more of a bad sentence structure thing, she's asking for help for Rhodey. Again bad sentence structure.

On a side note I am saddened that short hair has become so affiliated feminism and being gay. I also didn't know didn't know Carol and Rhodey were a thing until now.

Also they had 3 hours of preparation.

Okay, I don't dislike him as much now.


This dialog is painful.


Oh lord it's even worse than I thought. And Thanos came packing too. So even Thanos was ready!? What the flying fuck is with the lack of consistency and information. Each fucking issues seems to be giving info on how the battle went. There was no fucking information bounced between writers. Each fucking writer for an issue wrote their own story of the event. Jesus christ this is severe fuckery happening in real time.

All the pages about fighting Thanos were from the free comic. Everything else pre and post Thanos were in issue #1. Bendis' name is on both.



"It's like poetry…"

So it's worse than. One guy can't even be consistent with just one arc? God it's like that mocking bird comic but with an actual important event. Can't wait for a later issue thats states other heroes were supposed to come but more important matters kept them from fighting Thanos. Yeah, you heard me. More important than Thanos.

Why would anyone Follow Carol's orders after this? Everything that went wrong was caused by her own incompetence.

Or heck watch spectacular spiderman, or just about any of the Animated DCAU works. All utilize the environment in fantastic ways.

Go back to 4chan, Holla Forums boards aren't meant for containment

I think the main problem is that generations of writers have been making Cyclops a punching bag so they can jack off Wolverine, and so no one remembers what Cyclops was actually meant to be.

Because Bendis is a hack and Marvel is shit. I tolerated so much shit but i fucking hate comics right now.

Does anyone have suggestions about good comics from the Big 2 tried to not be terrible?
Any suggestions on good past and current comics from others companies whether they are American, European or Japanese companies to wash the bad taste?

Both character deserved better than being either a punching or jacked by writers

and all I see is pic related

Every time I think I'm sick of Holla Forums's shenanigans, someone with a rectum packed full of sodium has a break down and it all becomes worth while.

So what are the two sides fighting over in Civil War 2 and is it as hamfisted and stupid as the first one? Did Speedball accidentally kill some more kids?


Haven't gotten to use this in a long time.


I've never read a comic of the protojew X men. Can you post a comic of that or something?


He got all edgy about it even though he wasn't the direct cause.

This conflict however, was over a new inhuman being able to see the future. Carol wants to use it to try and prevent disasters from happening. Tony is skeptical about it and doesn't see it as something that would always end well.

I would say it was an exaggerated eye roll about how mushy it was but, whatever.

Tiny butts are sometimes made for sex if they're cute enough.

Man, for a guy that was for punishing Pre Crime in Civil war 1, He made a 180 really fast. Wasn't the whole civil war 1 about him wanting to register people so they are accountable, only that it would fuck with Superheroes only.
(Then make some kind of interdimensional Guantanamo bay)

I have to say, the penance comic was actually funny.

I stopped reading Spiderman when they did the "brand new day" and just bought some iron man.
When Whor happened, I decided to NEVER give money again to marvel. Fuck the comics, movies and whatever.

My Hero Academia.

It's the cape comic you've always wanted. It will actually piss you off with how good it is.

see pic
fuck off Bendis you salty git

Again Bendis

Their's a few from Vertigo, sure it's owned by DC but stuff like Alan Moore's Swamp Thing and Carey's Lucifer are great


Oh and here is a link for you.

Ot has it's up and downs. My own problem of manga is that it walks the line of Golden Age of comics(when heroes did their work for the sake of improving society) and modern comics (attention whoring). I can only hope it gives a moral view on why Golden Age is better and other students pick up the banner of this other than the MC. Cause there are only 3 characters in that manga with Golden Age attitudes: One is in jail/prison, the other may die and the last is so young that he can still be corrupted by modern capes.

I just want to reiterate that I would tear her shitbox up and fuck her guts hard prolapsing her rectum and leaving her ruined for any faggot that came after me.

My main problem is that once it was pointed out to me it sort of killed half my fun:

Its just naruto. The superheroes do about as much superhero stuff as much Naruto did ninja things.

Its really just much more a regular shonnen (Good shonnen) with a Superhero flavor, then a Superhero story set in Japan. Tiger and Bunny did the latter much better.





Vauge Ballpark.

"Ninjas Kill people right?"

"Sueprheroes fight supervillains right?"

Well yes, but they do a crap ton more.

Like a basic example is that both have their schools require a tournament arc to graduate. Even for superheroes. One would expect like a hostage situation, or disarming a bomb in a sinking ship, or the like. Or a bank robbery.

But nope. Just flat tournament 1V1 fights.

BokuNoHeroAcademia has all these except for the robbery cliche.

No I mean the most "Superhero" like thing is the first training thing they have. With the Hero VS Villain Bomb situation.

Everything else is: "We want to kill the heroes because of an abstract notion of villainy!"

We START with getting into how they will be taught to rescue people but then never follow up on it as its interrupted by a fight scene.

The manga focuses on them getting STRONGER with their powers instead of teaching them to say, avoid civilians with their attacks. All the fights don't have much context outside of "Well as a villain I hate heroes, lets kill the heroes".

Like watch a DCAU story. The way its done, and focuses on powers is very different. Anime tends to not utilize environment in a quick way. If environment is to be used, a character will spend 30 seconds thinking about that environment, or their motivations. Its never quick, and tends to be final.

I would say a large part of Superheroes (At least in a DC sense) is worldbuilding, and quirks as powers means that there really isn't any.

When did MJ start working for Iron Man and when did he get the hologram AI thing.

So is MJ fucking Tony Marvel's final act in ruining the character?

I don't know how many years passed in the marvel universe but in the real world the first civil war ended nearly 10 years ago, wouldn't that be enough time for him to change his mind

Friday has been around a few years at least, not sure about MJ working there.

Holy shit, I thought it was Pepper.

Only 10 years so far has been said to pass in marvel universe. New Galactus explains away all this under fickle timeline of marvel

Which is why I said only 3 actually care about their surroundings. If you pay attention to MC his dialog falls a lot under casualty reduction to be a better hero. Everyone else in manga follows shonen trope of "the stronger you are the better hero you are". MC and the 2 others is the only reason I care about the manga. If they are corrupted (get modern cape moral standards) than I'm done reading it.

Only 10 years so far has been said to pass in marvel universe. New Galactus explains away all this under fickle timeline of marvel

Which is why I said only 3 actually care about their surroundings. If you pay attention to MC his dialog falls a lot under casualty reduction to be a better hero. Everyone else in manga follows shonen trope of "the stronger you are the better hero you are". MC and the 2 others is the only reason I care about the manga. If they are corrupted (get modern cape moral standards) than I'm done reading it.

P.s. hope this is not a double post.


Should have not used shorthand, oh well.

sounds bout right

Mary and Tony confirmed Gatekeeper and Keymaster of Marvel.


Well, depends.
Does shield still have any of the things Tony made them do?
If Yes, He shouldn't suddenly change his mind because its extremely hypocritical(But it wouldn't surprise me of Marvel)
If No, I guess he haves the right to change his mind.

I don't get why people hate mary jane.


Did they actually fuck? I know Tony is a man whore but, still did they?

I would have been fine with OMD if it meant Peter being with Felicia, but Slott can't let anything be enjoyable.

I don't get blaming characters for being badly written when it's the writers and/ or executives that are responsible for it but i have never too smart

I agree with both of you, and Jojo's is a damn good example of making fights more than just filler between plot points. I think Erik Larsen once commented on some writers just plotting in "they fight for 6 pages", normally meaning of course that no real thought was put into the fight. Look at the first three pages here
Page 1 has some direction, but if this is all Bendis asked the artist to put on this page, it could have been handled in 3 panels. Panel 1 and 2 could have been combined, as well as 3 and 4. Just another case of modern writing making action seem really slow.
Page 2, I get that it's a splash page moment, but it also could have been less or handled better. The general move away from though bubbles leaves you asking too often "why are they doing that" and when people make mistakes things are just another panel to skim over. Rhodey's thoughts could have explained away the plothole of how powerful the missile was, slowed the reader's attention to focus on the confusion of the moment, and highlighted that Rhodey is more concerned for his friend than his own safety (a good character builder for those who don't know Rhodey, meaning a lot of people on FCBD). But no, choosing to be mostly silent means the silent panel of the kill only stands out due to size, no sudden cutting off of Rhodey's thoughts to highlight that a hero has died.
And page 3… Fuck Bendis. "Just show everyone get serious and shoot Thanos, and he cries like a bitch"

Compare that to the X-men fighting among themselves here in issue 127. It's a comparatively less epic fight, but the action flows well, the motivations are clear (you'd think Cyke just went insane without his text bubbles) and you actually linger on actions more. A lot of modern fights, especially in events like this, are completely silent, or just silent splash pages, there is nothing to encourage the reader to soak in the moment. Maybe you think Claremont is way to wordy, but I personally would take this classic approach, or something closer to it, over how meaningless modern fights tend to feel.

For the user who asked about marvels time frame.

He wasn't pushing pre-crime, he was pushing "we should know who has the power to blow up the world". And he's right.
He was wrong the way they wrote it, but given the fact that Professor X can magic up a machine to show all the mutants in the world, I have a hard time believing you can't find out who does and doesnt have powers.

Translation: There are only two years, "This year" and "A few years ago"?

Translation: Things that happened maybe never happened, but they happened when we need them to have happened.

Also, Things can happen before other things retroactively

Like Sentry.

So do I call this guy Goldlactus or Gablacktus?

Well user. You did ask. I wonder if I should story time this issue.



Civil War II #2 preview



I don't get this shit.
Galactus needs energy to keep Abraxas at bay right?
He is also the equilibrium between life and death. Making sure one does not overtake the other.
But how can life overtaking be bad you ask?
See for yourself

fucking what

I want to be angry though

Abraxas just went *poof* one day. Also with multiverses being condensed it looks like Infinity went *poof* too. And that isn't even the most offensive thing from this galactus issue.

He punched master order in the face and defeated both Lord Chaos and Master Order cause he is lifebringer now

In a stealth suit, which is normally less combat ready than his regular suits. Unless this one isn't, or maybe he's using Friday to calculate a counter to all his punches, maybe he has enhanced mobility options that give him the edge… we don't know, because the comic doesn't bother to tell us anything that would help us justify what should probably be a bigger deal. Which ties in to what I said here about modern books taking a completely silent approach when you might need it most. I mean, unless the preview just doesn't add the word boxes, because words would do a LOT to help this feel genuine. The artist does a nice job helping the action flow, but the writers job is to enhance those visuals with things that help the fight feel like it fits the canon we all know, and builds off of that. Without that consideration for the reader, it does come off as an asspull.

He must be using the bad ass knock down Karnak armor suit.

Right. Need the image. Sorry fellow anons. Well anyways. This is all a interesting scene if you just wanna ignore the Universal repercussions of such an action. But you know, it's "just" comic books. No reason to take anything seriously…





Is that the base for the "muh Phoenix" parody by Nuzlocke?



So first (((Marvel))) dykes Ms. Marvel up, with her haircut, her clothes and a masculine title…

…and then (((Brian Bendis))) turns her into a coalburner.

Pure coincidence, I'm sure.

Where where you when Anime saved the capeshit genre?

Pay more fucking attention to the story.

6 out of 10 episodes have no actual fighting, only 3 episodes feature a true fight against villains, two of them very briefly.

That EXACTLY was the lesson the villain school shooting interrupted. I can easily assume this lesson was completed later off-screen.

Not really. Only the later chapters' training focuses on developing their superpowers and only the tournament chapters were purely combat oriented.

The fucking PROTAGONIST's highlighted skill is doing that shit ALL THE FUCKING time. The fact that you reverse the facts and try to shill over DCAU based on its inboard popularity and not actual virtues you are attributing to it makes you look desperate over trying to defend your genre.

I don't want to sound like a complete wee/a/boo or Holla Forumsack but you have to eventually accept that Japan does it better than your fully subverted industry because of pic related.

Wait… did people care about Carol before? I never got the impression she had actual fans.

Fair point. It's more the principle of the thing, though. You don't turn pic 1 into… whatever the hell pic 2 is supposed to be. And you don't turn her into a mudshark, period.

No, you do all that and more if she's not popular. Which is why they had her raped by her own baby just to get her out of the Avengers once, and why she spent DECADES as a voice in the back of Rogue's head. I don't care how much of an edgelord you want to be, but hooking her up with Rhodey is smart, people LIKE Rhodey (which is why they killed him for sympathy points). While the redesign could probably be better in a lot of ways, she needed it. Some old costume from the 70s, that didn't even work enough then for anyone to keep her around into the 80s and 90s. And after she came back didn't she go through several power and costume changes? This is a character that has failed time and time again to get an audience, and Marvel is putting all their bets on this version of her.

I have no doubt the movie people will figure out a way to make her interesting (like they did in Avengers EMH), but I don't know what the hell the comic writers are thinking. Starting an event off where the only logical assumption is "Carol is a poor leader who gets friends and lovers killed needlessly" doesn't exactly make people want to read her. Unless the Misadventures of Captain Marvel comedy book launches next year, and she gets someone killed every issue. This is the first time the majority of people will know or care about Carol, and she's portrayed as an idiot.

Nonsense. Making an unpopular character popular takes clever rebranding and decent writing. Problem is, that requires decent writers and not talentless, virtue-signalling hacks. A mannish makeover and miscegenation aren't good ideas anywhere outside of an SJW's deluded mind.

The writers have already demonstrated their incompetence by inadvertently presenting Ms. Marvel as an utter retard unfit for any sort of command.

Please. (((They))) put them together because Carol is a white woman and Rhodey is a nigger.

Holy shit son that United States of Smash shit All Might just layed out was fucking amazing. This entire battle was amazing. It sucks that he is going to loose all his powers but they are avoiding having him die just the the protagonist can magically get better and still keep him around to serve as a moral guide post for Deku.


The wrote didn't deserve an angle like this.


Maybe they did but, there is still one thing that a lot of people do wrong. They treat it like it's a big fucking deal. Sjw treats it as being progressive or some shit and Holla Forums labels it as a crime against nature. The first thing I always see is X and Y are shit because they are different races. I never see X and Y are shit because they have jack shit in common and have personalities that don't mesh.

Besides its not like they have any sort of military background, heroing experience, or some kind of hobby they could talk about.

Nope its all because a jew said so or its progressive or some other bullshit like that.

Is Steven Seagull's "acting talent" revolving around having a single facial expression?

That doesn't explain shit though.

how did she become the new captain marvel? this is exactly like the new captain america. like, they're called Captain because their actual title in their perspective militaries is Captain, so why is she a Captain? why is the nigger a captain? did they join and serve, or is captain suddenly a rank you can just give out

hell, from the looks of it she's crying more over she-hulk's boob-punch death than the bbc she's been getting

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

I swear, for a while after reading the comic I thought all the joking about Carol being a dyke was actually serious and even if she currently isn't in a gay relationship atm, that she had been. Especially with that line from Jennifer, "its about OUR future, not his". Just sounds like something out of a romantic soap opera.
I've mostly chalked up to Bendis making it ambiguously gay on purpose.

I assumed it was because Marvel needed to keep using the name to maintain it's copyright.

>Read More: DC’s Captain Marvel Officially Changing His Name to the Non-Trademark Infringing ‘Shazam’ | comicsalliance.com/dc-captain-marvel-name-change-shazam/?trackback=tsmclip.

I hope they replace her and every original Marvel character, then when the SJW media apocalypse happens, the posers and their phony confederated characters will be evacuated from the bowels of all media and every single SJW will be labeled as unfit for any profession other than barista. Then we can save the companies from themselves. The only thing I liked in the past few years was the Superior Six.

What ever happened to Drax's adopted Earth daughter after that series ended?

I don't see the problem in the new visual, looks good. Don't see why anyone should care about the changing of visual of this not-so-famous character. And, to me, she still looks sexy.

Neither do I see a problem with the new name. She is the most logical choice to inherit Captain Marvel's name.

And I don't see the problem in the romance with Rhodey. Could be good or bad, depending on the writer.

But, reading Civil War 2, my personal opinion is that she's being poorly written. It's just awful. I still have to read the solo comics of her, but this civil war 2 is pretty bad. It's doesn't matter if the comic has SJW or Holla Forums shilling, the writing being bad is the worst of all.
Fuck, I enjoy reading the new Ms. Marvel. It has a good writer and artist. It's comfy, although still having sjw shit.



I don't mind the costume either. It's a neat throwback to Mar-Vell's costume (and to an extent her original costume) with stuff like the hip sash to make it more distinctly Carol.

But I do wish they'd just go back to giving her long hair. They keep giving her this stupid pompadour looking thing and no one can seem to agree on how to draw, and it always ends up looking retarded as a result. At the very least they could give her the kind of pixie cut that actually looks cute.

Oh yeah, i have to agree. The hair is shit.
They just fucked her shit up.

This is the worst fucking writing in existence. They are going to McGuffin all of the grand and terrible problems of the universe, so they can fight the real evil, The Wage Gap!!!!
Don't look back readers, the past is dead now, just make the future brighter.

Agreed all around. I haven't read much at all with Carol, so (with this being a big event) this is my first exposure to her as a lead character. And she comes off as weakly written, the same as EVERY OTHER CHARACTER IN IT, but for here and Tony it's the worst because they are supposed to be the protags of this story.

Also agreed, does Marvel not have a lead artist create a guide sheet for characters anymore? I know a decade or so ago I saw a guide sheet JRJ had drawn of Peter Parker, and people would draw Peter consistently. If Carol is going to be pushed this much, they at least could have her hair look the same from artist to artist. If she has a design that artists are doing different things with every issue AND she's being poorly written, then it's hard to get that attached to the character.

Infinity still exists, he was in that recent slightly trashy Starlin limited series, The Infinity Entity with the rest of the abstracts

I can see punching Master Order in the face, because this is what it is. He's attacking the natural fucking order of things but Lord Chaos, what

Like, Karnark very recently has been pulling out some major moves. Shit like noises that will fuck you up.
I'm not going to say Iron Man couldn't counter him, but it feels as retarded as if he got in a fist fight with Iron Fist or Shang Chi

fuck off

get the fuck out of my board

This ain't tumblr, little snowflake, not everyone is going to leave just cause you got a little triggered. You should welcome that there are people with different opinions than you, this board will be useless if it becomes your echo chamber.

Now, I never read Ms Marvel's older book. In recent years has she done anything to deserve all the attention Marvel throws at her, have they written her well enough to warrant all this push? Because Rhodey and She-Hulk are much more interesting characters, as far as I'm concerned, both of which got sidelined for a year or two just to give Carol an event. And the only reason I can see people being emotionally invested is because they liked Rhodey and She-Hulk… but now they're dead. What would make anyone buy issue two now? I mean, are they just going to throw better characters into the wood chipper until Carol is loved by everyone? Is this going to actually lead to some asspull ending where she just beats up Tony, after Tony has kicked the shit out of everyone from Karnak to the One Above All?

This, it wouldn't be with shulkie though.

Why are you upset? Is it because the nips manged to make capes not shit?

call me when they get some costume designs that aren't garbage

Indeed, my friend.
Having She-Hulk, a fucking lawyer, in the center of Civil War 2, being the protagonist of one of the sides, looks much more appealing than Carol being one of the protagonists.

They even managed to give more motivation to She-Hulk through that court scene. And the inhuman who could see the future could be better worked, like they beginning to take action during pre-crime moment. It would be so smooth and with NO killings.

But no, they have to kill somebody. This is so dumb.

If your implying what I think you are with that pic, they wouldn't fucking dare. That would literally blow the whole fucking pregnancy thing out of the water. And it would be the cherry on top to all of what has happened since then.

She has an upcoming movie to be hyped. We'll see how much longer the superhero bubble lasts….

She Hulk hasn't been interesting for years. Best solo run was under Byrne. Slott's run as ok at best. Soule's fiasco was nightmarish. She has no decent arch nemesis or rogue's gallery to speak of. No stand alone series. Jenn is stuffed into teams because Marvel can't think of anything better to do.

Also, Marvel has angered all the older fans into ditching their shitty current titles. Now Marvel trolls their current fanbase.

She was an overpowered Mary Sue. Unmeasurable strength. No real weaknesses. Life was total easy mode for La Walters. Capt. Dyke has one less God on her side now. Bendis created the illusion of suspense.

Yes, just like Marvel had Tony act like a jackass in Iron Man One, Carol will be a hateful bitch in her initial story arc.

It will be interesting to see what the house of Idea does after the current movie fad ends.

Forever. Seriously, the concept that people are not going to want superheroes movies at some point is the dumbest idea ever. If they go too far with the big ones, they'll start making smaller movies with street level characters again. Hollywood has no original ideas anyway, the worst that could happen to comic movies is that the studios start leeching off of anime and videogames more instead.

Brian "nigger lover" bendis does it again

kill yourself. you are tumblr incarnate.
you might have fucked up half Holla Forums but you wont go unchallenged here legbeard

individual examples of bad characters being shit is different to a medium or genre somehow being shit


You mean like Noir & Westerns? Companies don't stay in business forever. Audiences get tired of fads. Cultures move on.

I remember the days before cape flicks were a thing & I'll live to see them go out of style.

No, I mean forever like action movies. Even if it takes a downturn, it would be more like Disney animation or Godzilla movies, taking a break from time to time.

And if Noir and Westerns started to come back hard, you can bet there would be comic book based movies that capitalize on that.

Dem feels, my man…

All dat high-iodine SJWestern slat…

Iconic look completely changed for a new look that makes her look more and more like a dyke
same reason people hated superman's underwear disappearing. why fix what isn't broken. you have an iconic look, do you need to change it that badly?
I said earlier that it doesn't make sense. if this was like Shazam where it's just a name, then it would be okay. here, it's very much like Captain America. the original part, the Captain, isn't just some fancy superhero name they picked out, it's a goddamned title that they earned in the military from their higher ups

if i joined the military and went to war, i don't expect to be called general just because the general died and left me in charge of the forces, nor should they
the main problem here is that it HAS been badly written already. she cares more about She Hulk than someone she's apparently been in a relationship with long enough to french in public

okay, this is WAY broader than superhero movies

that's like saying buddy cop movies are going to last forever like comedies. it's just not going to happen

public opinion changes between the generations. look at music as a great example. it used to be you actually had to have the talent from picking up and using your instruments, whereas now you can completely synthesize everything on a computer (including the ability to sing)

as someone who absolutely loves the old westerns, I admit that those basically got their biggest push in the 60s and 70s, but now there's so few of them that it's fucking tragic. superhero movies will still exist in 20 years, but it's not going to be anything like now. disney will most likely have either shut marvel down like they did their animation dept, sell it to cut their losses, or they'll fade alongside the rest of the company


Well, I like the uniform, but I dislike the hair. It's not so bad. Just fix the hair and it's good.

Maybe to modernize the image a little? I don't see the problem, user. Why aren't you complaining about the new visual of Moon Knight (Not Mr. Knight)? The uniform never been a problem, but they have changed it. And I don't see the problem. There's a lot of other examples.

I see what the problem with the name is, the writers should have worked better in this. It's similar to the case of the new Ms Marvel. "I admire this hero, then I should use his name". Looks random. Of course, in the case of Carol, she had some militar background, but still is random.

I think he just wants to complain. But I think we all agree the hair needs work. Even if it's just someone at Marvel sayings "we draw it this ONE WAY" instead of changing it so much between artists.

This is Galactus narrating. Cause this story is found in any and every world that will ever or will ever exist in Marvel Universe. Even xeno worlds.

With every hero establishing their own heroic identity, this shit with names being passed as titles (Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk) is painfully transparent as an attempt to shift readers, old and new, towards these new characters.


Galactus coming to terms with his new role that goes against status quo

Ever hear of "friendly fire"?

What about worlds that don't subscribe to gender binary sexuality?

Checkmate Pol

Why are you assuming he is cool with Moon Knight's new uniform? And to answer your question, because we are talking about Ms Marvel, not Moon Knight. Why in the hell would he bring it up anyways? Whether he likes or dislikes Moon Knights suit would have no bearing on his opinion of Ms Marvel's.

But isn't he a nigger?

Nice dubdubs K K K .

Only mentioned Moonie uniform because it's a pointless change of visual only made to modernize the image of the character.
It's like superman underwear disappearing. Never been a problem, but they changed. For what? I don't know. It really makes a difference? I think not.

because, i don't read marvel comics out of spite for the pc shit they've been doing

On the bright side, that makes it piss easy to do Moon Man shoops.


The Caps Lock key is right there, you know.

I kind of wish Rule Hash-Dollar was a thing.

What would that look like?

What else is this worthless kike defiling working on?

Last I checked, Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man (Morales, not Parker)

I don't know how he made it, but Ewing fixed the holes Bendis made in the plot. And wrote a nice story too. All in one book.
The fight with Thanos makes more sense, Rhodes death it's better, more exposition to all the tactical context.

BUT, Rhodes missile still stays with no explanation. That would be too good.



Why anyone believed bendis bullshit