
Storytime of
Mockingbird #3

All-New, All-Different Marvel has made diversity a selling point, with the roles of foundation heroes being commandeered by all-new, all-different people. Now, some complaints of this movement is that Marvel is pandering to a casual fanbase brought on by the success of the movies, but don't actually read or care about comics. Another complaint is that the concept of a woman or a black person isn't a very all-new all-different concept at all, and Marvel is cheaply using this stuff as an advertising ploy instead of giving spotlight to the minority and female characters that already do exist.

A more legitimate complaint is that all of this just isn't subtle enough. Whileas a certain message gets across when white male characters like Thor and Wolverine are replaced by women, it's not as strong of a message as the reader's head being caved in with a cinderblock.

Luckily, thanks to Marvel, I've been able to find the comic book equivalent of a cinderblock assault, and that is Mockingbird #3!

When Mockingbird was a kid she loved superheroes, but never felt that she could be one since all the superheroes were men. There were no female superheroes around that time! At all!

This raises a good question like "Wait, just how old is Mockingbird is Captain America and famous X-man Biclops are around when she was just a kid?" The answer to that is a good twitter blocking if you bring it up again.

I kinda liked that second page.

I know is a weird thing to focus on, but… are comics still… kid friendly?
I just thing that since SJW's took place in the comic industry they have been loosing focus in comics being well, for children.

There seems to be some sort of a hostage situation going on here. A weak incompetent man tries to calm down the young girl responsible, but luckily Mockingbird is here to save him.

This is a bit of a hairy situation, and Mockingbird knows that police violence won't calm it. Using the power of 'math', Mockingbird figures out that the kids will fall if they're not being held up. Wow, is that some Star Trek lingo going on? I was wrong to underestimate women in STEM!

Mockingbird finds solace in the young girl's GIRL POWER shirt, and comes to the realization that she trapped her friends inside a cramped bubble 9 stories suspended in the air in order to keep them safe.

But a news helicopter comes within 6 feet of this action and the intense wind threatens to break the bubble! Oh no!

Forget what I said about page 2, thi is shit.

You can't start a conversation with a 12yo girl because she's been taught to only trust other women.

I can already tell this is going to be a shit-fest

There's some sort of action and then the writer of Mockingbird tries to sound profound.


Only piece of truth yet.

I'm out Holla Forums

ok that was funny.
In fact those three pages were good.

The young girls ends up murdering the helicopter pilot and possibly several others, and this tragic event enables the sexist, misogynistic media to make sweeping generalizations about women! No doubt heralded by the newsman, Dick Profit!

This is not a parody!

But… but… mockingbird just flatout say it herself.
In those 3 pages I said where good.
How can you just make your protagonist say something and then say its wrong but it was right… what?… what?

2:35:1 screen.

Dick Profit, a white man, claims to be oppressed at the hands of the murderous young girl. In response, she murders him.

You might say, "I don't think that was very justified", but let's think of it this way. She was being mocked by the media, and like the freedom fighters who stood for liberty by showing their displeasure at Charlie Hebdo, some sacrifices have to be made to ensure tolerance and equality.

Those are Olympic grade mental gimnastics right there.

It also took the hemoglobin from their clothes?
I'm actually licking this Mockingbird girls, she seems fairly balanced for the most part.
Is like that redskull speech.
I'm just waiting for them to turn into ISIS.

This comic exists to make the other examples look subtle.

Does anyone has that pic where Judge Dredd dialoguing with that Fatty that was going to commit suicide ?

Because that should be the only course of action with the little shit…

Mockingbird, who originally chastised the police commissioner for using violent force, uses sniper fire to just pop the thing keeping four young girls suspended 9 stories in the air.

Being a woman in STEM, she figures that the young girl's powers will now be useless now that it stopped raining and there's no moisture in the air. As we all now, once it stops raining, all the moisture in the air completely evaporates immediately. Humidity is a patriarchal myth.

Being an strong female character, Mocking bird then flies down and catches all four young girls at once! All these young girls have t-shirts of png logos of their favorite Marvel superheroes–who all happen to be women! See? Female heroes are inspiring to young girls!

Saving the day, the nation's massive sexism problem finally breaks and we can all talk about tampons!

This is not a parody!

And that's the end! But hey, if you want more Mockingbird, why not entertain yourself with some fun activities! Make your own Mockingbird and dress her up! Complete with 1 alternative dress choice!

Also, did you know that Mockingbird suddenly has a lot of tattoos now? I don't recall her having any, but she suddenly does now! Strange, huh!

Wans't she unable to control her powers?
Wait, are turning her into a murderer so you can blame society… just wow.



And this is not a parody, fellas

Are we sure this isn't a parody?

This is not a parody!

How much longer will it take Marvel to realize how shitty this stuff is? Will it really take a comics crash for them to come to their senses?

Attempted murder, assaulting a police officer

First-degree murder, endangering bystanders with collateral damage

First-degree murder

Resisting arrest, maintaining hostage situation

The guilty should be punished.

Sentence is motherfucking death

And life-time in the Iso-cubes for the parents for being shit at parenting


Hemoglobin is red because it binds as a ferric oxide, Mizz Girl-In-STEM-comics-author. Maybe before advocating for smart science-ladies you should crack open 11th grade bio.

I just know if this is brought to her attention, however, she will call the complainant a Mansplaining Super-nerd or an internalized misogynist.

Our culture doesn't talk about tampons?
Since when?
I heard about them in 7th grade, I've never seen a news network being squimish about them, I see them on TV ads all the time.
What the fuck is this?

Probably making fun of how guys aren't as comfortable talking about tampons as girls are.

Some people would suspect it's because periods involve blood and bits of molted flesh seeping out from the vagina, like syrupy crimson vomit.

Or it could be because we all hate women.

One of those two.

why do you do this to us?

Yes. And his hair. That's what he's so suprised about. He was about to say
but he's killed before he has time to finish the sentence.

Why not shoot the mass-murdering bitch? Does a sniper really make the sound "CRACK"?

It's not only that. The water from her previous bubble is still there, which she could use. And if she couldn't it would be even worse: She has already demonstrated that she can drain the blood from humans with her power. If she could not find another source of water and she wanted to use her power (because her friends are falling or because she feels cornered and wants to defend herself) she might start draining the nearby police officers or mockingbird.

No. I refuse to belive this. I'm just inside of a silly nightmare and the comic industry will be fine when I wake up.

She might be referring to what feminists call the "tampon tax" in that most states have a sales tax on tampons like every other item you purchase.

It's about as retarded as it sounds.

We have the same in our country, but most products include the tax in the overall price of the product unmentioned.

I wonder if they found an article in which it says that tampons have tax… or the most likely she just believes that unlike all the products in the market tampons shouldn't have a tax because are special.

I actually like Mockingbird, but it was pretty weird, she wpuld said something with sense, like 12yo girls are hysteric, and then the comic would say that is wrong. I didn't understood.

Probably it meant to say that is only okay if girls aknowledge it.

The only thing I learned from that comic was that everyone involved was completely incompetent. Mockingbird nearly got the hostages (and herself) killed with the sniper trick rather than just asking the girl to hold the bubble until the police could move some stuff below the bubble and then have the girl try to lower it. The police fucked up by insisting everyone wears body armour against someone who has powers that the armour wouldn't stop rather than getting someone less threatening out to negotiate. The helicopter pilot fucked up by getting stupidly close to the girl for no reason, with the news reporter then deciding to taunt the girl he'd just seen casually take out a helicopter. And the girl fucked up by kidnapping her friends and suspending them a couple of stories off the ground rather than just telling her parents or whatever "Oh yeah and I think I have super powers".

Seriously, for all the comic seemed to be claiming Mockingbird had some sort of "I'm a girl I understand girls" thing she didn't even try to negotiate with the girl who'd shown herself to be completely willing and able to kill people at the slightest provocation. Instead going straight for plan "If I'm the slightest bit wrong more people are going to die".

She seems pretty clearly able to kill people with her powers given what she does to the helicopter and the news reporter, the bubble is more iffy and I'm willing to let that slide as uncontrolled but by that point she's firmly established as a killer.

What the actual leap is the whole "Oh yeah she can't kill people when the sun is shining but can still hold the bubble unless it gets shot" twist. If the powers worked in the sun then Mockingbird was dead, if the sun popped the bubble before Mockingbird was ready the hostages were dead, if the bullet didn't penetrate or shatter the bubble then Mockingbird was dead unless the death ray shorted out still and even then the hostages might still die if the girl accidentally dropped them while freaking out. If the bullet penetrated the bubble and hit one or more of the girls in it then they could very well have died. Oh and if Mockingbird fucked up while catching the hostages they could have died anyway.

Basically Mockingbird made a massive gamble and somehow it worked out so well it even turned the patriarchal news channel into staunch feminists.

Did mockingbird showed any powers besides girls talk to me?

She's a SHIELD agent that specializes in espionage and infiltation.

While she was saving this middle schooler from SWAT snipers and let three people die, she let Captain America, Hydra sabateur, make his move unopposed.

Thanks feminism.

Is she and Clint still a thing or does she need no man?

Who wrote this, bizarro Frank Miller?

Sexist Patriarchy would be a more subtle name.

Five years in the cubes, creep!

That's pretty much it. The reason tampons are taxed is because it most states don't exempt any items classified as hygiene products from sales tax, but feminists only focus on fucking tampons.

As a comic for women by women, it succeeds."

It's things like this where I pray my kidney explodes in my sleep.

I'm sure this statement is backed up by the sales figures.

>tfw these are the fucktards speaking for you about what you like in comics

Here's a review from another site.

A young girl with GIRL POWER on her shirt murders Dick Profit it's treated as legitimate complex sociopolitical commentary.

Fuck yourself for showing these somewhere I was in a position to see them user.

Now either you or one of these diseased egomaniacal cunts you're posting is going to pay for the hole in my bathroom wall and my broken fingers.

It's okay to murder people if they are sexist! Get with the times, shitlord!

nigga don't do that now they'll remake Dredd as a womyns

"Judge Dread" is more of a title than a personal name. There's no reason why it couldn't be held by a woman, preferably one from a minority group like the Apes or Fats.

I'm impressed. They've managed to surpass the lack of subtlety displayed in the deliberately silly naming conventions of educational cartoons.

It's like watching people competing to make the worst possible thing they can, to thunderous applause from their hugbox every time. Like a long running experiment to make something with 0 value.

Fucking hell, every other day I come on here and it's more AIDS-ridden diarrhea from the fucking Mouse and it's print sub whore.

It's just going to get worse, isn't it?

don't worry too much, it'll burn out eventually.

I don't know user but, after reading the circus show that was Spider Woman's pregnancy I think you know my guess. It's only a matter of time before something equally as stupid comes along and we all know it will. Until then I'll be waiting.

Said 2010.

I don't think Wagner or 2000AD itself would let that happen, they're not as retarded as Marvel

I understand the whole thing of not being ashamed to be a single mother, but why the fuck would anyone be proud of not knowing who's the father of your own child?

It's a massive red flag for mental illness for someone to be THIS OBSESSED with their own vagina and their bodily functions.

No one talks about tampons because no one fucking cares about tampons. It's not a dirty secret, it's just that no one wants to hear about the blood and mucus pouring out of your rotten snatch anymore than they want to hear about the detailed texture and play-by-play of your last shit, you horrid, repulsive lunatic.

So.. How many people murdered is that? 3? Because what..? Because she's an angsty girl and girls are strong.. but also violently emotional and irrational and prone to suspending each other over deadly drops?

Several people are dead. The girl is still up there, killing random people.

Because apparently in the anti-patriarchy universe, a lock that is opened by any key is celebrated after a stranger in a ski-mask breaks in and dumps a smelly ogreload on the home owner's toothbrush and shits in the toilet tank.



Well, at least they gave her problem hair.


In the case of this retarded comic (which we see more and more with each passing day), I like to do mental exercises to see just how low this entertainment medium has fallen.
Take for example the whole tampon obsession, why is the writer so obsessed with her genitalia and her bodily functions?
Now, imagine instead of tampons they talk about hemorroids, now read the whole meaningful conversation bit but think of hemorroids and how people dont talk about preparation H.
Well, do you have that mental picture? Yes, its disguating to talk abiut something private, that people that dont have it dont want to talk about because its not precisely a good ice breaker or topic of conversation.

One last thing, if these stupid retards want to listen to girls talking about tampond, they should read and watch Galko-chan.

Because apparently god loves stupid assholes.

What? Is she really choosing which people to help in order on what will be more fun?


I disagree. I'm an old smelly man and I just can't stop telling people about my urethra. I swear to god I must be some kind of camel because my urethra holds a half cup of urine AFTER I finish peeing, and if I don't shake my dick for ten minutes all of that piss is going to release in my pants. I wish someone would write a comic about MY problems.


I wonder if we could pinpoint a period, the date and book, where this shit started.

A period?

The way she talked about it it's most likely a sperm donor. This is within the first 4 pages of the comic. I'm not sure what the lesson was but, y'know women doing it on their own and shit. Oh yeah, the baby has no fucking name and will be a nameless fucking orphan if she dies. I guess it's all okay because it was all her decision and she's a "strong independent woman who don't need a man."

I'd like to know who coined up "sudden infant death syndrome" so I could punch the fucker in his mouth.
A syndrome is something you live with, death is a state of being. It's like it's purposefully worded to defuse the seriousness of the situation.
sounds better than



Fuck, what was the name of these parody comics again? I keep forgetting.


Just like Fury, Natasha and Cap taught her

Why is it always about 'having a dialogue'?

Because insecure art-college-based radical-progressives have literally nothing worth living for, so they cram their personal politics into every facet of their daily lives to plug the hole. This is barely an exaggeration, any professional SJW Twitter-bitcher will proudly declare the omnipresence of agenda-pushing in their every routine and action if asked. Combine that desperate idealogical slavishness with the crock of shit that is postmodernism; where every work of fiction now exists in a contextual vacuum with reader interpretation being the final arbiter of determining the books' intended message, and everyone of them thinks they can get away with turning beloved franchises and characters into personal political sock-puppets.

See also Tumblrina's rolling around making posts like "Every Looney Tunes character every created canonically has Down's Syndrome uwu sorry I don't make the rules teehee" or that one published literary analysis where some brain-dead personification of retardation unironically claimed that Animal Farm was meant to be an attack on capitalism.


Maybe she should have married before having a baby? How does she earn her living while taking care of a baby 27/7?


Mockingbird should also try to be a single mother while being a strong independent superhero scientist genious womyn who needs no man. For bonus points she should be extra progressive and get knocked up by tyrone. I know it will without a doubt shatter my preconceptions about what women can and can not do.

Hey wait a minute
Why the fuck does her hair color change


Lest we forget.


So, we should care about a murderous lunatic because she is a teenager.

Of course the only crime she did was killing multiple males.

If she doesn't get the chair I'm gonna get upset. But who am I kidding? no woman can be condemned for the crime of 'being a teenager'.

Because there is no god, and if there is one he hate us and want to see us suffer.

Proof that Marvel is pushing propaganda, because there is no fucking way this would have been greenlit otherwise, not even if the cunt writing this atrocity paid Marvel to let her.

SIDS is a coverstory for vaccine death in children.

I've come to hate some women more thanks to these comics, so I'm leaning towards the later.

I'm thinking it might be relevant to her unexplained Rainbow based powers, but I'm not sure why her hair would be a bright color when there's no moisture in the air meaning her powers won't work.

Or it might be a thing like where all the girls' shirts change logos in the very same panel. Sheer incompetence.

So, no word of the author about how her teenager girl snowflake is a damn murderer and deserves to be put down?

Noone will drawfag or edit this to at least save an alternative Marvel universe of looneys?

Is she an Inhuman or a mutant? are there still any mutants?

It says straight out she's a mutant, didn't you read it?

Not really, didn't want to get suicidal thoughts.

Never 4 Get

So let me get this straight… a girl uses her privilege (powers) to give her friends a safe space (bubble). All reporters are selfish and white on the inside, police can not discuss tampons. The only way to save the girls from their safe space is to trigger them (bullet). Please buy these other shitty books, also published by Marvel.

That was the story, right?

And Mockingbird didn't even negotiate with the girl, the lesson is teenage girls are completely unreasonable, and should be avoided at all costs.

You see this shit right here. I'm as anti-feminist as they come, but what almost drives me crazier is that they are so lazy and sloppy in their own supposed area of expertise, that of framing and subverting "patriarchal" tropes or whatever.

How the fuck can powers be a metaphor for White, Male privilege in a universe with countless females and non-whites with all manner of power? Your first adversary is a god damn girl with powers and your repeatably hammer into the reader's head that 13 year old girls are powerful and since you've established that power = privilege, 13 year old girls are privileged,

I don't mind this, in principle. I've got a son, babies are a crazy experience. I didn't sleep properly for weeks after his birth, and you do have to be careful about all this shit. But… how is that a super hero comic? Why does every little idea have to be packaged into a cape book? There is a reason cape books tend to skip ALL OF THIS SHIT, because it's just mundane stuff.

If Marvel took another chance at different genres, I'd support it. Just don't have fucking Mark Millar write a "romance" book again, and don't feel the need to CONNECT IT TO EVERYTHING. If they were bringing back various genres to their publishing, I'd love to see how Single Mom the Comic works out… but she goes out and fights crime, but only fun crime according to ?

What the fuck retarded shit is this?


Isn't mockingbird OLDER than Peter?

…user, that's…that's an edit, user.

Yes, but that is only one of the things that make no sense in this book.

It isn't.

Sorry Dianne.

The new technique is to throw so much stuff that doesn't make sense or contradicts logic or itself into a comicbook that eventually the reader just becomes a numb husk.

It is mostly "who cares about continuity or reading past numbers? I want my soapbox superheroine!"

Fucking hell, man. I live with my brother, his wife and their child. Taking care of an infant is somewhat hard if you're not used to taking care of others (especially if you're some retarded socialite using a comic book hero as a mouthpiece), but it's not the fucking end of the world.
Boo fucking hoo, cry me a latte river. This fucking eon disgusts me, I fucking hate these people.

EY! how you dare talking shit against Spider girl for being a strong single mother woman who needs no man?

No seriously, who thought making her pregnant and get a child to traumatize was a good idea?

And even having the chutzpah to point out how great it is to have a child and how important it is, but she ain't gonna stay at home and take responsibility for her choices, because this one infant doesn't matter as much as those random people that could be saved by literally any one of the other hundreds of heroes in town.
Having a child was her own choice according to her, and dying in the face of duty and leaving her child alone would be as well.

Mockingbird is completely wrong. You see rainbows AFTER it rains because the fucking sun needs to be unobstructed for there to be enough light to refract. The existence of rainbows is evidence of there being moister in the air after it rains.

I should make an edit of this shit, but I need better ideas. I'm not too good with humor.

I don't know user.
I think thats were they were heading.

I guess she expect consequences from her choises. If her kid doesn't grow as a supervillain or a far right politician abocating for superhuman registration.

He should despite her like someone despiting his drug addict mother who allowed him to be raped by his pimp.

I'm trying to piece together the logic of her going with gwen and silk in another dimension to socialize and have no back up to get back


Did you not see the look in their lazy frog eyes? They were beyond logic by that point.

Please Dianne, don't get upset.

It isn't an edit. I saw a storyteling of that number and it made sense in the context of the story told.

It was a attempt of humor.

I'm sorry.

The fate awaiting this child is far crueler than any of you can imagine or comprehend.

Poor kid. I hope he gets his revenge when he gets old enouth and their mothers are too weak to defend themselves.

Who am I kidding? he will get women inside a hole in the basement and wear their skin as a suit.

Hormones are there to prevent that silly. Once they cut off his balls and pump him full of estrogen he'll be weak enough to be easily overpowered, the perfect fuckboi for them to pimp out.

Then again, Colt did make the great equalizer.

Things like this made me a fedora tipper. There is no hell where horrible people like this will suffer for eternity.

Heaven on earth is punishing these demons with the righteous fury of God, my Aryan brother.
And you ain't gotta be Christian for this wild ride, just white :^)

I'm a spaniard

You're pretty white, m8. Isabella was a Spaniard and she kicked the Moors out.

I'm sorry about your country, though.

Fuck you spic.
You live in a country that opened his asscheeks to EU and is poorer than beanerland.
Seriously hang yourself.

Thank you.

Who knows, maybe if the leftists win and change the electoral law next time Democracia Nacional will win.


You poor sweet fool. Thinking that a woman or a /cuteboy/ who wants to hurt you will come at you with a weapon in their hand.

If I met those two bitches in real life I'd fucking flatten their heads using the pavement. Goddamn monsters.

They deserve spending their last years in the earth being in a retirement home where they don't clean their diapers and get to be eaten by ants.

I might be a bit crude, but I'd say the kid deserves to have his revenge on these cunts, and if Stockholm Syndrome is keeping him from pulling the trigger, his fellow man should do the deed instead.

So what they're saying is that all young girls have the power to trap their friends and suck the life out of others, mostly men?

That's actually pretty accurate to real-life.

Why ending their lives with one bullet when you can keep them in a living hell for the many last years of their life? I would gladly pay taxes to maintain that kind of purgatories.

Eating cheap shitty food with spit, being robbed by the nurses, being alone surrounded by mad people while your mind splits away.

Keep them alive, keep them conscious, keep them plugged while their bodies rot in life.

I'm starting to think that people who give these shit comics good review scores are like high schoolers that try to beef up a book report by over explaining very mundane things.

Isn't that how Graydon Creed fell into Anti-Mutant views?

Even though his parents were Sabertooth and Mystique, regardless these were super-powered people who abandoned their child because they didn't want to raise him.

Actually, off the top of my head I can't think of any Marvel mothers that were there for their kids in the main timeline. Jean Grey didn't have Cable, and Mayday Parker was written off by Mephisto.

I guess pic related? Getting blown up by the Elders of the Universe is a pretty good excuse for not being there for your stupid tree son, but at least she left him with a manifestation of his father and tried to get another father figure as soon as she came back.

Sue is a pretty good mom.

That's a fucking stretch and you know it marvel. I also still enjoy him getting punched in face.

What about Jessica? As a mother not hero.

Namor's a good guy. He's probably solved more problems than he's directly caused. I think.

Yea, but he was on that Illuminati panel that fucked up bad during the world crisis.




Thats always so sad to see.
I mean they obviously haven't decided to be trans on their own and now their lives are all fucked up because of the parents issues

I think there's someone who needs to show this pint sized bitch the true power of rainbows.
And don't worry, he's already checked his privilege.

Vaccinedeath in children is a coverstory for government chemtrails coming out of my freezer when it's humid

Chemtrails is just a cover story for jewish media indoctrination causing self absorbed tantrum throwing children with no social skills.

This is just bad.

It's written like someone wanted to explain what a propaganda piece looks like so they made it as blatant and heavy handed as possible to illustrate the point.

The antagonist is so poorly developed or explained that there seems to be no more justification for her actions than 'she's a girl going through puberty' we don't even get an adequate explanation of her powers. So she can manipulate color and light, but that also can actually be a force-field, but is also fatal because it can remove 'red' from blood that isn't being exposed to light and therefore has no color. And apparently she was 'protecting her friends' by dangling them over the street rather than on top of the building.

The hero literally does nothing until the last page of the book aside from helping the officer who fell. She is completely without personality or motivation. For gods sake, she never even questions that the little psychopath that murdered a bunch of journalists for shits and giggles is in the wrong. She's just 'misunderstood'

Seriously, I feel embarrassed for the writer of this thing.

Autism is a cover story for feminist-indoctrinated 30+ year old women failing to understand having children with their expired 30+ year-old eggs may have "issues"

Feminist-indoctrination is the result of MK Ultra experiments that discovered they could create a population more complaint with subliminal suggestions that create risk taking behavior by forwarding the idea of cat ownership and then using the humane society to infest felines with Toxoplasmosis.

what are the true power of rainbows might i ask?

he has complete control over weather. He made rain from poisonus frogs and shit. or control humidity in the air to create badass ilusions.

Endourment storyteller here.

It is with not a little regret (and I'm not going to lie, a smidgen of relief) that I will not be able to continue sharing progressive literature for a new era. For reasons that I don't want to go into, I'll be needing most of my time to deal with a health issue and won't be able to contribute around here until it's resolved.

You guys are sick in the head for watching this shit, but I love you, anyway. I'm afraid I won't be seeing your replies, but I know you guys well enough to know that you have good hearts and will only wish me the best while calling me a faggot. There may come a day where I can return where I left off, and, if I can, I'll try to catch up. If not, it's been an honor and a privilege showing you people how much I detest fucking Marvel comics.

Haha oh god.

Get well soon faggot!

This is the end of storyteller fag, also known as editfag.

Goodnight sweet prince, you will be missed.

should we try to meme magic you back to health?


and Storytellerfag


Is literally 90% of all OC on 8/co/ come from this single, albeit great, autist? How the fuck are we going to survive without this faggot?

We'll just have to step up.

Press F to pay respects.


Someone has to sacrifice their wallet for the sake of Holla Forums's existence.

Sorry, but if kids can choose their sexuality I must be able to fuck them, I mean right?

As a pedo that's not that delusional to do something against a kid, I've found that kids that are capable of understanding and endure sexual related stuff under the age of 13 are under the 2%, you think it'll be more but most of them are 10-13yo's that are bragging about what they can do… but can't.
So, let's be straight, that bitch.

Is more delusional than your average pedo.


Godspeed you glorious user, you.



If this doesn't work, it was supposed to be a giant "F" made out of smaller "F"s. The lone "F" below this is there just in case in doesn't work.


M8, it's high time that we don't let an old married dude with children with some random disease out-OC the rest of Holla Forums. He's been prancing around as King Nigger of Holla Forums for more than a fucking year.

THE AGE OF that faggot IS OVER

Protip: This sort of thing is exactly what the test board is for.

Don't get the idea that I don't like it. 'Cause I do.

No one likes a fibber.

Turning everyone into fucking snails as it turns out. Imagine if Storm had reality warping era Scarlet Witch level control over the weather. Seriously DO NOT fuck with Weather Report.

This is just like when R.O.B. left on Holla Forums and Fuchur stopped drawing. 2016 is the worst already.
I hope you get feeling better soon user.

I want to do a dump of the one about Jessica.

Should I do it in this thread or make a new one?

New this one's already pretty lengthy.

Why would you post the entirety of an unrelated comic in an already made thread? Make a new one, you big dummy.

Shit, get well man.

Woah, I haven't been on Holla Forums for a while, what happened?

Actually R.O.B said he would be back in September, he has his own board too.



Why is she wearing more makeup than a pornstar?

Nothing in this fucking story makes any sense whatsoever.

What is the girls power? Bubbles?
How does bubbles kill people or de-color them?

Colors absorbing molecular color? WHAT?

GW hould sue the shit out of them.

Because women wear too much makeup in general for the most mundane of events. Y'know like when women go to the gym be don't sweat because they're not trying to.

You got it wrong: that little bitch is the protagonist, all males in the story are antagonists, and the supposed main character is just a mouthpiece of the writer.

That's bullshit… but I believe it.

The whole comic is going to be about her trying to save that little girl from the consequences of her actions isn't it?


My is that Bubble-Slut ends up being able to "put the color back into them" thus being the only one capable of saving them.

She dindu nuffin

She a good girl

Need mo money fo dem mutant programs


Oh shit, I don't want to give Marvel ideas about it . . .

No… no. Think. Imagine an event where a bunch of non-mutants start protesting for dangerous mutants… while the X-Men have to be the ones to take care of the problems because no one else will act. So characters like Mockingbird could defend monsters like bubble teen here, but then the X-Men have to mercy kill her since she's out of control.

Remember, the X-Men originally were pretty much just policing their own. Prof. X took lethal action against the Shadow King when he first met him, despite later being adamant about the X-Men taking human lives.