Leftist indoctrination at college

Any Holla Forumsacks got any personal experience on this subject? How are you holding up against the brainwashing?

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At my uni I signed up for a history class called 'Islam in Africa', thinking based on the description that it would be a class about the different wars and things that surrounded the spread of Islam into africa. On the first day I walked in and was the only white person in the class. The """professor""" went on to explain that this class was not a history class, but more or less an Islamic conversion class. He said that it would be taught in exactly the fashion as classes in Islamic schools in Africa and the first assignment was to read a number of religious texts. He also spent a good 15 minutes of the first class talking about muh Islamophobia and raycism. Needless to say I fucked off and dropped after that first class.

There was also this class I took with with a kike professor who taught about authoritarianism the Frankfurt school ideology, and all the """research""" that was done following it. At the time I was a good goy libtard so I ate it up, even though all the research was complete nonsense. I just wanted things to fit my cushy worldview where ebil fascists ruined everything. God I'm glad I'm out of that Marxist shithole

Mandatory soundcloud remix

Ye for me to attend my University I had to go through a 3 day "Diversity Training" camp that required us to stay in the dorms on campus. It was led by an old lesbian Asian woman who tried to tell us about privilege and shit. Fortunately I live in the Great state of Oklahoma and hardly anyone I know bought that shit. It was mostly the rich kids from Plano Texas that fell to the Jewish tricks.

Anytime I hear the words 'oppression', 'problematic', or 'fluid', I know my teacher is a libcuck.




what the hell did this kids parrents riase?

a pterodactyl

Evidently. And that faggot will never notice the irony.

Yes, FAM. In first semester EE I had an anti-white lefty cuck professor. He would make passive-aggressive remarks against whites such as "this is the end of the old dead white male chapter" after teaching about the legendary founders of electricity.

Then in another semester for my GenEd I had some mega cuck who spent half of the first class ranting on about crazy conspiracy theorists who believe nein elven was done by the burger gubbment. The whole mass of cucks broke out laughing at every remake he made. Of course JFK was shut down by a lone nut with no agenda, if you think other wise you're crazy.

The demographics of the class were white nu-males(one of them wore a fedora), dindoos, neon haired feminists, and kebab women wearing head masks. I dropped out of that class right after it ended.

I had another gen ed about "critical thinking" that was pretty much like the first one above.

FYI don't give too many specific details in any thread like this, we're suppose to be Anons. Also datamining and shit.

Nigger just do it for shit and giggles.

You could always skip college all together & sidestep the whole thing. I hear trade schools are less prone to this sort of thing.

sage & report for faggotry

You're being excessively paranoid.


His mother (in all likelihood dad has been long gone) raised a literal autistic faggot.

Social Work degree from a 'top' Canadian university– one third of the course material is about First Nations getting fucked over, one third is about women getting fucked over, and the last third is about radical tactics to use against the very government that likely pays your salary. Anytime I disagreed with a theory or author, I lost marks– often citing that a white person with a visible deformity or plain attractiveness is less likely to be hired or to be privileged than say Denzel Washington or Vanessa Williams– or in other words class and beauty are more viable indicators of 'privilege' than gender or color/shade of skin.

In group assignments, males were given lower marks than the female etc.

If you regurgitated the course material and advocated for your future use of radical tactics– you got an A.

I quickly learned to game the system and went thru years 3 and 4 without spending more than a few hours of reading and searching for usage quotes to intertwine the pablum pasta I used for each paper– first two years I averaged a B, last two years– A without even doing much at all– even had an offer to get published but declined since I did not want my 'work' more closely examined or compared to the other extremely formulaic papers I wrote.

I was eventually redpilled on leftists by the unabombers manifesto and decided to end my ambitions to master's and doctor's level as I knew it was a waste of my time and life.

I took a humanities class at a community college taught by a fat negress. This was some years ago, before colleges were truely insane. I'd probably be disciplined for this shit now.

Was a very big liberal at the time, and went into that class with only a pretty vague idea of what "humanities" meant, so I really had no idea that her coursework completely ignored the title of the class.

Class was basically a workshop of reading through and studying Howard Zinn's "The People's History of the United States", writing essays for each chapter based on what we "learned".

I'm pretty fucking proud that I barely passed that class. I triggered the fuck out of the teacher with the fact that I was turning in longer and better essays than everyone else and she was giving me bad grades on all of them because, "You're supposed to review (regurgitate) the chapter, not critique it!" (Which I did even as a liberal), at which point my 19-year-old ass gave her a big ol' man-splanation about how she was undermining the purpose of the educational institution by punishing critical thinking (The cunt).

One line I remember: I asked in the review of chapter 1, "Is this whole book going to be, 'The victim's history of the united states'? Wouldn't that biased version of history be just as bad as pretending one's forefathers are saints?"

STEMfag here, had to take a Cultural Anthropology class to graduate. It was about as pozzed as you'd expect; might as well have called it Cultural Marxism 101. Gender fluidity, tribal communism, and everything in between. I only went to a handful of lectures before I realized just what i was dealing with. Luckily I was able to pass the tests by just saying exactly what you'd expect a tumblrina to say on any given question.


What did you do instead of going to college ?

Went to welding school for 8 months and now make 40k a year.

I know a guy who is in welding school, he's also a member of his local KKK chapter.

but otherwise, nothing

I know that feel. It would be funny if I am not reminded that I paid to be exposed to that marxist filth.

I'm fairly older than a good number of people here, but I saw the early stages indoctrination.

This was aggravating bullshit. I'm poor and white, working full time while going to school. I had no time to do this community service work at all, and I can be damn sure no fucking Laotian immigrants were ever going to do me any favors.

The LGBT crowd was very loud back then, too. I pretty much lost all respect for that community when this particularly active "lesbian" activist got pregnant. It was all a lie.

I later dropped out of college because I realized my degree was worthless. Graphic Design

I went to Community College before I transferred to a trade school.
I took a Sociology class and went full David Duke when the teacher said: "Race is a social construct"

My English 101 was leftist as hell, (of course this was the time I was growing in the far-right)

I now realized that my 4 years at CC was a waste and am in school for welding.

My first Writing class at SCU was literally just ecosocialist propaganda.