How to fuck with them?

So I'm meeting my normalfaggot "friends" today

I don't bait for pity here, bear with me for a sec

you'd think those faggots would give a fuck? well no. of course not. I'm not seeing them as "friends" any longer. it's ok. I'll stay become a mighty wizard some day

meeting them today though
can see how it'll go:

""So Holla Forums any idea how to fuck with them? something I could say or do to shock them?""

I could stop contact altogether and have 0% social life but before that I can use my chance and do something great? but what? I'm not gona kill myself in their living room but anything else is go!

Other urls found in this thread:

Just be yourself man I don't know what you're talking about.

tell them you caught Mewtwo in your backyard

guaranteed to drive them nuts

Give more context user why do you want to fuck with them? If just for shits and giggles completely clean a jug of bleach fill it with water whit white food coloring and drink it in a skype call i dunno

I want to shatter their little save world

not a bad idea but I'm meeting them irl

You seem to resent any advise from your friends – do you perceive this as patronizing?

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you're one of those mopey bastards who never shuts up about your personal problems, and then becomes obstinate when someone responds in a fashion that doesn't pander to you. If that is the case, I've known a few people like this (mostly female), and I make it a point to avoid them at all costs – this is due to the fact that on the rare occasion that I choose to go out, I wanna have fun and not feel like a fucking therapist who doesn't even get to have much input.

It's one thing to unload your misery on rare occasions with a close friend in a more intimate setting, but if you're one of those people who just can't shut off the compulsion to be miserable all the time, then people probably perceive you as a burden and perhaps you SHOULD follow through with ceasing all social contact.

That said, given what you've stated about your personal struggles, it would be wise to seek a therapist, that way you may feel a bit less inclined to seek help from friends who don't have the proper knowledge, nor the desire, to guide you.

I hope this didn't sound too harsh, because it does seem like you're facing some serious adversity, and I hope your situation improves.

^ i agree i just wanted to see it live if user did what i asked

on the contrary I rarely speak up and people complain I never say what I think

thx for the advise mate but that's not the point here. I do know I need therapy.

don't worry, youre nice user. I posted the same thing on 4chan and got nothing but insults. makes like this place a whole lot more.
I posted too much of my own shit thats why I guess. simply wanted to give some context on why I want to fuck with those people.

I dunno do something crazy and fucked up user

Why are you even meeting up with them? you're clearly longing for it. Wow, what a fag.

Well in that case, show up looking like pic-related.

Get their sisters pregnant

the need for social contact is strong in humans

Your friends are trying to be supportive and help, even if you don't recognize it - let me clarify:

Think about it for a second, would you actually like it if people said things like "Wow, your problems are huge, you are such a trooper for hanging in there". No. You'd probably think "what condescending assholes".
It's a no-win situation being around people like you, because regardless of what help they offer and what support they give, you would only focus on the negative. Change and motivation can only come from you.
Chances are it is too late for you to correct your personality problems, and much as you can and will blame your upbringing, abuse, friends, the fact is that people have done better under far worse circumstances.
You can be angry and harmful to the people around you as much as you want, but utimately your efforts would be better directed at making yourself happy. But you're too stubborn and scared to change to even make yourself happy.

Have a nice life but we both know you wont


only the weak ones

Don't kill yourself OP, just fuck society Shoot everyone!

Take a shitload of drugs and go on a rampage Kill yourself aferwards

>Tell him weird shit, make him believe ur fucked up inside, dunno just creepy shit too lazy to lurk for exemples anons may help u

Um, instead maybe focus on what you can do with your life to improve it through making a LONG TERM plan instead of just wallowing in your own pity and anger issues? Or not, your life.

yeah boh chans dont get that I wanted to hear stuff like "shit on xxx" or "put salt in their coffee" instead of trying to therapy me but if you compare the responds on 4chan and those here you know why you'd rather be here

hey you know I actually do that too
just reading this actually makes me believe that they are not.. WOW Thank you user!

tbh I dont see any difference between that statement and "aww poor little". both are just words. guess I'm the asshole in failing to see how this would help

yea I agree, especially the last one bit lmao

still, I just wanted to hear creative ideas on how to fuck with people

drugs aint a bad idea. might do that

GUESS WHAT thats what I tried to do with this thread but I was too self-centered
but hey not a bad idea overall

+drugs maybe

yup I got my plan
thx niggas

another idiot who can't read

You sound like a fucking faggot.

Shia fucking LaBeouf is that you ?

I get the gist


You do realize your sob story blogpost was unnecessary, right? All you needed to say is that you hate your friends and want to fuck with them for lulz. Now instead everybody knows what a piece of shit you are. Not to mention a 4cuck.
kys tbh fam

what user said.

no. the question was: How do I fuck with people? any ideas guys?
you chose to pity me. doesn't do anything for me so hf

yup. that was stupid of me.

anyways, I'm back and all I did was to be brutal honest with everybody which pissed them off but it wasnt I big deal. someone got injured and I didnt gave a fuck, no big deal again. just proves how little we all care about each other. never gonna see those idiots again.

Just act completely normal around them, discuss normal topics, give them normal eye contact, wear normal clothing. It will freak them the fuck out.

Found OP's friend, secret reddit browser and Big Bang Theory fan.

This fuckboy gives us a long ass OP but doesn't elaborate on this! Come on OP we're all you've got now!

and he will accidentally get laid

this interests me more than your fag friends


cant do atm have pink hair

I dont get that ref

just a bump but she whimpered 15min straight

op is rapist confirmed