Understanding the SJW

One of the most frustrating realities of interacting with SJWry is tolerating their insistence that they are both well-informed and highly intelligent. The SJW is so certain of that which he believes that his assertions are self-evident. Some of you might remember Richard Dawkins refusing to debate with young earth creationists. He said that he didn't want to give them a platform, as doing such would imply that their religious ideas were on par with his scientific ideas. Now, we see the SJW invoking the same rationale against any who dare question their absurd ideas.

What is that makes the SJW so certain of the truth of concepts such as patriarchy and tabula rasa? To find out, it might be helpful to come the SJW with those espouse other unfalsifiable assertions. Consider your typical Catholic priest. To become a priest, one must undertake many years of study – learning everything from entire Church-specific Latin lexicons to the history of the 2000 year old tradition. The priest is an educated man. I don't know how many of you have engaged with or witnessed a Catholic priest defend his religion, but time and time again, I've noticed that a priest will fall back on their education as a source of strength for his faith. He is certain that the Bible must be true because he knows a great deal about, say, textual criticism of the Bible. He has answers for all of the assertions in books like Misquoting Jesus. Surely such an impressive arsenal of knowledge about Catholicism proves that it's true… right? Right?

So too it is with the SJW. The main difference between the two is that the priest usually had a better education. The SJWs go to colleges and learn about unproven ideas. Not unlike an image of Jesus on the cross, ideas like tabula rasa speak to their hearts. They would very much like for a world of perfect equality to exist. It certainly sound good on paper. So just like a good young Catholic man who cares about his faith to become a priest, the SJW has a moment where he says, “I believe this is 200% true.” They accept the core assertions of SJWism, and from this point, all of the various slanted SJW statistics strength their beliefs. As time progresses, the SJW develops a lexicon of profession-specific terms, all of which have unique SJW concepts associated with them. It's this faith, this lexicon, and these statistics which cause the SJW to mentally equate his absurd ideas with the theory of evolution.

I compare the SJW to a priest for a reason. Religion's downfall in our society is related to the rise of this new priesthood social justice. Educated people get ridiculed for believing in gods (that aren't named Allah). We (by which I mean those who exert large degrees of control over social norms) have created an atmosphere which is causing an identity crisis for large swaths of Western civilization. People need a base set of ideals as a source of strength, and they will find those ideals in one way or another. Since people can no longer turn to traditional religion, they put their faith in a new religion which is essentially immune to traditional forms of attack. Every SJW assertion is always mentally equated with the identity of those to whom it pertains. If you say that equal pay for women should not be legally mandated, the SJW interprets it as a personal attack against all women. So we are all admonished to step too closely upon the religion's doorstep, lest we end up as a racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe, or anti-airplane person. Consequently, the religion never gets questioned, and grows, grows, and grows.

Convincing an SJW that he is wrong is as difficult as convincing a Catholic priest, if not moreso! This is why GamerGate failed. The GamerGaters thought they could be reasonable and that cooler heads would eventually prevail. Little did they know that the common man does not and has never cared about that which is reasonable. Ironically, the GamerGater made the same error as his SJW adversary. He placed his faith in the supposed equal nature of men! … If GamerGate accomplished anything of value, it was probably alerting a great many netizens to the error of this belief!

Since we cannot debate, we must think more in terms of psychology. We have to give would-be SJWs something to believe in. Religion has traditionally performed this job, and perhaps it will again some day. However, I'm honestly not optimistic about a successful ideological defense of any Christian church at this point, and paganism is simply too deeply nested with the SJWs to do any good.

Honestly, I can't think of an effective plan. How can we reach some sort of final solution to this SJW Question, Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


SJWs follow the law of their own heart and are engaged in the frenzy of self-conceit. They cannot be changed rationally. In a few days, the SJW will be the topic of concern on my unified political treatise/universal narrative.

I will post a link then if this thread is still up, otherwise I'll make a new one. Until then, I suggest you ignore them. It is true that they are a nuisance, but they are a necessary evil. When the tides turn, they will be our fiercest allies. Otherwise, there is no moral repercussion for eliminating them. They are chaff, and do nothing to further the ends of nature, and its quest towards the good, i.e. the absolute knowing of self-consciousness.

I'm going to assume you really only mean to talk about white SJWs.

At some point all rhetoric and pretense of debate and objectivity is going to stop and everyone is going to have to make a choice. White people are going to have to choose which side they are on. SJWs will most likely choose the non-white side and they will either live under non-white supremacy or they will die when the white right wipes them and non-whites out. The good thing is though that most white people are still not SJWs.

Frankly whites as a species have a lot of pent up rage right now. They're intelligent enough to know on a subconscious level that they're being dicked over hard.

RWDS Isn't accurate enough, the entirety of the white race is going to wake up one day and remove all subraces/traitors in a matter of weeks.

Very insightful post OP. These people get a piece of paper from a college, and they think it gives them intellectual authority over everyone else.

Ain't that the truth. Gamergate more than anything showed me that negotiating and reasoning with SJWs is a huge waste of time. The only way to resist SJWs is to boldly operate counter to their demands, not fear their threats, and not be stung by their words. This shows other people that they don't have to be afraid. If we wake people up, and show them these people are nuts and that they should not be taken seriously, we win.

We can channel their fanaticism into positive things if we as a people go through a period of tribulations. Things will have to get real bad to break their conditioning and make them re-moldable. You will never turn an SJW into a nationalist without them being exposed to some kind of danger or threat first. If their neighborhood is flooded with africans to the point where they will get instantly raped or killed if they go outside without a male escort, suddenly feminism melts away, because men capable of defending them aren't going to be risking their lives for bitchy feminists who hate them. Suddenly "muh one world one people" melts away, because that idea will get them killed. To remove the SJW fanaticism, it has to become a matter of survival. It's the only way to break such strong conditioning.

Other than that, or just killing them, I don't see a way of removing them. We will just have to realize that we don't have to submit to their tantrums, and soon they will become like the fringe preachers that nobody listens to and everyone thinks are nuts. I already see it moving this way. Even the MSM are starting to poke fun at these crazies.

I have a plan.

It's based in two different psychological operations. You need to destroy and replace. If we are to destroy SJW ideals we need to give something in return.

1) to critique with intellect and with meme-magic against SJW-liberal-leftists ideals of modernity. To destroy their beliefs you need to attack the very core of their beliefs, which are their moral memetic code, aka their moral psychology of egalitarism, liberalism, humanism, democratic idealism, antiracism, etc. These listed ideals need to critiqued intellectually and to be shown false, illogical, contradictory, and thus stupid. And once those ideals have been critiqued intellectually to analytical litteracy and debate, then it needs to be memed into fringe.

2) to make an alternative cultural movement for aestetics, tradition, racelism, nationalism, gender based masculinity and feminity, tribalism, intellectualism and fitness. We need cultural products like music, good food and drinks, sports, art, everyday life. This is a lot more complex. It need economical strategy and organizations to push cultural products.

Basically we need to attack, attack and attack! While at the same time we find ways to promote our ideals. We cannot promote our ideals through mass media, so how to do it? Well culture is a vessel for ideals and values. We need to build our counter culture.

The vapor wave/synth wave 80's retro ideals was wonderful ideal. Support it! Also support neofolk and other right wing cultural products. If possible make podcast and radio and even newspapers if possible. Blogs and website. The more counter cultural content the better!

See, I like the plan of replacement, but you make one mistake.

Unlike the Catholic priest ( or perhaps very like him) the sjw is always seeking to be more Marxist.

They will attempt to co-op and subvert any attempt to replace their moral code.

They can always be moar Marxist after all, and eventually they will be calling for our heads in mass to fuel their idea of equality.

No, only rope can stop them.

Even as the bullets slam home they will still be in a fantasy world.

I have a strategy for dealing with the SJWs what we need to do is amplify their message when they admit the end goal of white genocide. Meme them into a frenzy continually and capture it every time they slip and make The Slipup itself a new meme with which to torment. The simplicity and malleability of memetics lets us adapt faster than SJWs can and for all their attempts to understand how they will never know the reasons behind it. Archive and Make memes of their stupidity and insanity and unrepentantly inflame their tempers that's how we win

The best way to redpill the normies and make them loathe SJWs as violently as we do is to follow a PCDP protocol, Provoke, Capture, Document, Propogate. Show if you "innocuously" provoke them and do not repent they go ballistic, do it enough and be unrepentant enough and the truth of their ideals slips out. Capture that truth, in any way you can that is verifiable and reliable. Then you archive it so it cannot be deleted easily and then you propogate it like it's a holocaust story to the goyim.

I was watching Alex Jonestein and he says his kids and all their friends at school are all watching youtube parodies of AIDS skrillex and Carl the Cuck. The memes are working. We are turning them into laughingstocks.

Read this book, and all the others by the author. And before someone accuses me of shilling, his books are piratable at kat.cr.

post more qts in swastika gear

Seconding this

I've come to the conclusion that you really need to drive SJWs away by saying forbidden words and then arguing your points in the vacuum they've abandoned where the normalfags are milling about.

I dunno. I see a LOT of racemixing (then again, I live in a city, so maybe that's just a local thing). If we're cucking ourselves out of existence, we can't be all THAT mad about it.

Specifically, read the chapters: What to do when SJWs attack and The three laws of SJW.

You will see some of the same tactics used by trump.

SJWs are pussies. You don't need to debate them or compromise with them. Just get in their face and tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP or will give them a taste of reality.

SJWs only exist because they think society will protect them, they've never been confronted with someone willing to smash their little safe space bubbles without a single fuck.

Smashing a SJWs bubble is the only way to get some of them to realize what blue pilled faggots they are, and the rest will be purged by nature.

Case In Point: How the company that put up the Beach Body Ready ads handled attacks from SJWs VS Game Devs trying to get SJWs to not call them sexist.

One company has redpilled men who lift. The other has blue pilled manginas who cave in at conflict. Go figure one made bank out of SJW salt while the other drags down their vidya.


Got analysis, OP. I too arrived at a similar conclusion.

The SJW worldview, but primarily the greater leftist ideological school of thought, relies upon the core assumption that all men and women are inherently equal, interchangeable blank slates. This core ideological tenet - that all people are created equal - distinguishes all left wing thought from all genuine right wing thought.

Unlike us rightists, who work bottom-up and arrive at the conclusion that inequality and hierarchy in all things is natural, and even beneficial, leftists work top-down from the pre-conceived notion that all things are equal, and thus arrive at the conclusion that any differences between individuals MUST be the result of some external oppressive force imposing these differences on them. Leftists refuse to accept that differences exist between people, or at the very least assert that whatever differences exist are negligible and inconsequential. When you understand the leftist worldview from this angle, it's no surprise that they create boogeyman concepts like "white privilege" or "patriarchy" to explain away any perceived differences in capacity or potential in individuals as the result of external oppression.

This is why leftists automatically assume "racism" or "socioeconomic status" as the culprit when confronted with evidence that blacks commit more crime, make up a larger percentage of the prison population, and overwhelmingly live in poverty. They're simply incapable of entertaining the idea that maybe, just maybe, these differences are the result of some genetic inferiority inherent to African people.

Leftists hate the idea of racial or gender differences, because it attacks the very core of their worldview and inevitably leads to the realization that "superiors" and "inferiors" exist. Accepting the existence of superiority and inferiority inevitably leads to the realization that societal hierarchies are not arbitrary things externally imposed as a means of "oppressing" otherwise equal individuals, but rather an organic expression of a healthy society organizing itself in accordance with natural law.

In short the existence of inequality is the antithesis to the leftist worldview.

No thread on learning about SJWs is complete without a video explaining that Critical Theory is.

Critical theory (synonymous with cultural Marxism but without the ability to be dismissed as a 'myth'), is the intellectual framework for SJWs, and is the seed that spawns all the various SJW fields from gender studies to social anthropology. Understanding critical theory also provides insights on to why facts simply don't matter to SJWs.

Yes, the video is long, but you can't fight your enemy without knowing him/her.


Attack the root: the Hegelian dialect.


Nice digits, friendo.


Thanks, familia



that's not a very useful paradigm, tbh fam.

I think you all need to stop thinking in ideological terms and start thinking in terms of on-the-ground politics - actual material relations between individuals/groups. Obviously, its still good to know about critical theory, tho

Watched the entire video and what I got was a gay man talking over a presentation full of spelling errors in an effeminate voice, pointing out the dichotomy between relativism and objectivism, but calling it subjective reason and objective reason instead.

It than ends on Marcuse arguing that we are all the victims of meticulous thought processes but that his way of thinking can save us. Basically one philosopher arguing that all the other philosophers are idiots and all of them are succeeding all of the time.

I've learned nothing new from this.

Actually, it's a very good paradigm. The entire modern leftist worldview stems from enlightenment thinking - primarily the idea that all people are created equal. After accepting and institutionalizing many enlightenment values, it was only a matter of time until we arrived at the point we're at today.

SJW-s are really fucking simple beings.
They want to be really important and smart, but most importantly, they want to be better than most everybody else.

The way they achieve that goal is by buying into this ideology where everybody is a racist and generally just 'hitler' and they are the only enlightened ones who use big words and fight for justice.

This works, because any given sjw can find 10 other sjws who he/she/xir calls their friends and then they can circlejerk about who's the biggest fucking tool in the shed. Thus making them feel important, and good and valuable.

An interesting look at this is by Sargon of mossad in a video titled Social justice losers

Also this idea that SJW-s "believe" in patriarch is incorrect.

The SJW Plauge is spread by pavlovian conditioning trought ostricism.

With the advance of political correctness and cries of "I'm not a racist", the SJWs got a stick to beat with. So whenever somebody - unknowing of the cancer that is SJW - meets them, and talk about their own ideas SJWs do one of two things

1. Exclaim that he is a racist and is a very bad person , which the other person obviously is afraid of and will refrain in the future from wrongthink (and also will do the same to others because now he believes that it is wrong to think that idea)

2. Condescendingly tell you that they understand that you mean nothing wrong, but what you said was just literally hitler and you should kill yourself if you ever say that again. (the same follows)

Thus 'desciples of communism' called the SJWs are actually multiplying trought peer-to-peer pavlovian conditioning, without either of the peers knowing what the fuck they are talking about.

Breaking this conditioning can be done either trought shock (visit to migrant camp), or simply fixing these people's life giving them new friends.

Basically the reason this can spread is because the youth is narcissistic and lacks confidence.

That is kind of the point with an univershitty, as we used to learn from the professionals, outside the control of the government.


A good start would be to support the ones that do it already.

Cuck shaming will kill social constructivism as socialist gospel, as the cucked in the congregation share the same emotions as the uncucked, but the social constructivist dogmatists need to pretend everything is fine.

Pretending that you are so enlightened and intelligent that you don't find voluntary cucks disgusting, is however not something you get respect for outside the socialist church.

This guy is great. Haven't read the book yet, but I've followed his postings for over a year now.

This guy is very high energy. He updates these sometimes multiple times a day while also writing books:

Pretty good. Their unquestionable premise is equality of people regardless of category.



They do it for to signal their virtue to other cultists.

Interesting theory. There's probably something to it. It makes sense that people without conviction would be easy to bully into accepting social justice out of fear.

Can we have ONE fucking thread without that kosher fuck please?

Have a real swastika, none of that LARPagan shit.

I came here to post this.

Where is that 40k pic that says 'Let them argue with the barrel of a gun'? That would suit this thread like a glove.

Their bark is worse than their bite. SJWs memorise a few formulaic arguments and buzzwords which they then repeat like magical incantations to bestow a veneer of intellectualism.

They accuse their opponents of being racists or misogynists or privileged, and because most cuckservatives in civilised society object to these labels, they try to fervently deny them. The SJW then just has to repeat the accusation while the cuckservative has to spend the whole argument showing how she is not an evil racist and not criticising the SJW.

You see they base this tactic on assuming the veracity of social conventions whereby being racist, or fascist or any other opponent of egalitarianism; is inherently wrong. They never question this, they live in a bubble of PC media and middle-class sensibility. They base their intellectual validity on the view you are under the sway of an ebil subconscious ideology and they are enlightened.

So when someone bluntly replies 'Yes I am a fascist…and?' Their minds go blank. The magic spells have failed. Their magicka bar is out. NOW is when you pile on the kosher statistics and logical reasoning and other tools of rational argument. The normies will smell blood and like seeing people humiliated and will join your side.

If anyone's watching, requesting the spurdo version of Carl the cuck. Saw it yesterday right before going to bed, was pretty sweet

Don't downplay victories. #Gamergate only failed in the sense that it didn't become the end of SJWs in the games industry. It did give them a black eye and force them to regroup and fortify, but at least they aren't on their comfy pedestal anymore without having lots of people calling them out on their shit.

I mean by the scope of when things started out with Quinngate, all anyone wanted to do is smack Kotaku with their own slut and have some laughs.

I mean at this point anyone who associates themselves with #Gamergate may as well associate with Occupy as well, but GG blew up into something far bigger than ever expected. Calling it a failure is defeatist garbage.

Otherwise, great rant.

Tell that to the people who have lost jobs because SJWs decided to harass someone's employer.

Check'd, good sir.
The first time I pulled that one I was taken aback by the stunned silence, and more aback by the odd respect. that one's a winner.

Check'd as well, other good sir.
To this point, I would argue that the problem there lies with the pansy ass business owner kikes.

Good read OP, I like to inject some Nietzschian theory into this.

Christianity and Cultural Marxism are both what would be described as 'slave morality' as Nietzsche would describe them, charictarized by a belief of all being equal and seeing the world divided into what is good and evil.

Fascism is science applied to man, is what Rockwell said. This is true for the anti-thesis of slave morality; master morality. It is a morality that does not argue from the standpoint of all having been created equal but the opposite: that some men are creater greater than others and that we should not only rewere these men but strive towards being like them, on our journey of self-improvement to become the übermensch.

Here we see the SJW as the new priesthood of another slave morality, while christianity was not pro-white it was also not directly anti-white in its doctrine. This is not true for the cult of marxism that pushes for our mongrelization and destruction as a race, so christianity is the preferred slave morality of a white ethno state as I am not so idealistic as to believe we could convice all the normie bluepills to be master morality fascists, you will always have these normies with a need for slave morality. So giving them christianity is preferrable, because it works as a shield against other slave moralities.

Old school christendom, not 21st century christendom 2.0, but that which dominated europe before ww2 was such a strong institutional slave morality that it acted as a cultural shield that meant that cultural marxism could not get a grip over the normies in any country and could only sway the extremist lefties (who sought to become the new priesthood of SJW's). This is why the Soviet Union was so swift in trying to destroy christendom in its early years, why Mao sought to destroy all of chinese old tradition with the great leap forward, why our marxists after the 60's have been pushing anti-christian laws in government. They need to destroy the existing slave morality before they can implement their own new brand. This is why successful religions spread through crusades, jihads and conquest. In the olden days you didn't have cultural subversion, you just killed the priesthood of the counquered and smashed their religios symbols. Today we ban crosses and take children away from parents who are deemed "fundametalists" before they can teach their child the wrong brand of slave morality.

I urge you Holla Forumslacks to rise above and oppose this marxist priesthood and their lies wherever you meet them and encourage christendom amongst the lesser of our kind while holding master morality beliefs yourself.

literally what happened

10/10 would impregnate all 3

Whenever I use the "Ya, Im a bigot, and?", I get the typical "Youre sick user!"

Also, fuck the word racism. Seriously, all of us should refuse to acknowledge the word and use it. It is communist newspeak bullshit. Just use bigot instead.

Even better, the president of the company and the head of marketing got on twitter and relentlessly mocked SJWs for thinking their demands meant jack shit to them.

Which then gave other companies the guts to stand up to them, like Play-Asia.

Bigot means what it means. Racist, like all commie jew bullshit, can be redefined to suit the speaker's interests.

Good thread.

Great post

That whale doesn't belong in that picture

It's too skinny


Nice try, the foe is jews.


This by the way is the #1 reason SJWs have taken over the Canadian establishment.

Canadians had bred into them, taught from birth, to be as polite as possible and apologize for any slight. Even when you've done nothing wrong, you're supposed to apologize if the other person feels slighted in any way.

The SJWs used this "weakness" to crush all opposition in the establishment, because the right wing just kept being polite and apologizing even when they did nothing wrong.

And the SJWs used the apologies as proof of oppression.

I understand the hate for the SJWs, indeed, i share the same sentiment, but help me to understand the adversity to terms like egalitarianism, tabula rasa, and especially Humanism.

Insofar as I understand it, egalitarianism is the belief that all Humans are equal, or at the very least deserve to be treated equally. I do not interpret this belief to be one in which everyone must be treated equally regardless of status, but rather one in which any person regardless of who they are or what culture or people they belong to, deserves to be given the chance to be great. Is this so at odds with what we believe here? That everyone should at least be given the chance to rise to the top? I take no issue with those who fail and are treated in a manner deserving of failure, but as I see it egalitarianism merely promotes the sentiment that no one should be barred from trying at least once.

Tabula Rasa crumbles in my opinion when one looks at it specifically, but I think taken in the most general sense possible it is understandable. It's claim that everyone is the same, and it is only our environment that changes and shapes us certainly seems asinine, given that we know both nature and nurture play a part in human development, but I think the important aspect of understanding the concept in how you define "environment". If we take environment to mean ALL aspects of one's character, including brain composition. DNA, your actual physical environment, your parents, your upbringing, everything. Essentially I suppose what i'm saying is that if you zoom all the way out here what we're really calling into question is Free Will. Would an exact duplicate of you, with all your memories and experiences placed in exactly the same situation you are right now do the exact same things you are now doing? Is it so far fetched to think that at the very instant of life, when you and your environment begin, if another soul was placed in the same circumstances it would perform the same way? Maybe I'm not the best at articulating this effectively, I don't know. I can understand dismissal of Tabula Rasa, but hatred? Why is Tabula Rasa owned by the SJWs? Their corrupted, perverted, simple version of it might be dogshit but the REAL theory is interesting, in my opinion. I'm not ready to give up philosophical ground because the SJWs feel entitled to pollute and simplify centuries old concepts for their own gain.

Finally, and most concerning in my opinion, are we truly against Humanism? If so, for what possible reason? I myself wouldn't consider myself a Humanist, but that's only because I don't consider the term to be radical enough. I've always thought Anthropocentrism was the superior ideal, but that doesn't mean I HATE Humanism, I don't think it goes far enough. Are you saying that Humanism should be hated because it claims all Humans are equal? That's more of an egalitarian position. Humanism just means looking out for Humans whenever we can, and helping out everything else if we happen to have the time. Putting humans first, but remembering everything has it's place. At least, that is my understanding of the term.

Look, I understand that Holla Forums is all about personal freedoms, individualism, and the rights of every man. I completely, utterly, and wholeheartedly agree with these sentiments. But that does not mean that we cannot band together as a people. No, not as the left see it, in some fantasy communist utopia where everyone works for the same salary and no one sees race. I mean if one day it comes to pass that all Humans unite under the same banner, as far off as that distant future is, would it be so terrible if it was a pure Meritocracy? The same sense of meritocracy that I see people here claim to support everyday. A society in which everything is based on merit, where separate cultures exist and people acknowledge each other's differences, but value their contributions to society more.

Maybe these words mean something different to you than they do to me. I don't know. If i'm wrong Holla Forums, if I misinterpreted something, show me. But from where i'm standing, a pure meritocracy requires that we treat our fellow man as equals, at least from the onset.

To put it shortly, egalitarianism is an Enlightenment ideas that sounds agreeable only in the abstract, yet contrary to nature. We know this because it cannot possibly be applied without massive coersion from a large state apparatus. Human beings are naturally heirarchical creatures. To claim equality is to raise the weak to the level of the strong, and lower the strong to the level of the weak. This is 1000% evil, because strength is always earned. Never given.

Tabula Rasa is, quite frankly, an idea that is just as plausible as reincarnation, and the idea of the transmigration of the soul, which many societies have entertained. The fact that people have instincts shows that TR is non-sense. The rosicrusians would argue that some of your personality traits transition from lifetime to lifetime.

A pure meritocracy assumes equality of opportunity. You see to be confusing it with equality of outcome. We do want meritocracies. We want the strong to be recognized for their strength. And strength does not amount to how many people you can screw over to get the maximum amount of shekels.

we own your board e-celeb spam forever

I think that sjws intentionally mix equality of opportunity with equality of result.


SJWs are nowhere near as properly educated as a real theologian, and Catholic priests at least discovered heredity, the Big Bang and other important scientific milestone while SJWs have produced nothing of value to anyone.


They can be. I apparently convinced some BLM-supporting white SJW girl into doing a 180 and going fashy, and I did it by hijacking the twisted rationale of leftists because I understand it from my days being aligned with leftists against neocons during the Bush era.

Everyone follows reason and logic, the problem is reason and logic are total whores that can be bent and twisted into "proving" any view so long as that's what you set out to prove. The human mind likes to see things in patterns and wholes and will stretch and make wholes and patterns even where none exist, this is why optical illusions and my all manner of ideologies which appear to those of us with a broader view to be utterly insane and irrational but make perfect sense to the people caught up in them.

Some of these people you can convert, or at least subvert enough to be useful, most you can hijack and shutdown into apathy and render inert if you really work at it. The main thing is to short circuit them publicly so neutrals and normies can see it and want to distance themselves from any association with SJWs.

Really, only whites are true believer SJWs, non-whites are pretty much all brazen opportunists who don't believe any of the ideology and are just using stupid leftist whites to get benefits and freebies and attention.


spot on post imo

Christianity was pretty much an evolution of Neo-Platonism, rendering all the Christian vs. pagan LARPguments irrelevant and oh so much more annoying. The Church Father were mostly pagan-educated philosophers.

u w0t m8

That's the day I learned that finding things to be offended by is how SJWs build relationships. My group of friends rag on each other and talk shit about fags. SJWs just don't talk that way, it's not how they operate. I feel bad for them because it's just a matter of time before they say something that isn't "acceptable" and start to lose friends

Yep, shortcircuit them publicly, catch it on film, make that shit go viral. That's the only real reason to ever debate with the most committed of these nutjobs, it makes bringing the neutrals and duped normalfags back to reality so much easier. The image of calm, smug, smiling fascists being verbally accosted by deranged leftists, that's the meme core we need to conjure up.

Modern Christianity, modern Paganism, and modern Atheism are all in the majority tied up with degenerate progressive bullshit, just like every thing else in our dystopian present. We've faggot bishop protestants, Marxist Popes, anti-nationalist Patriarchs, Zionist Evangelicals, Wiccan and Wicca-tier pagans whining about how Christianity is evil racist homophobic imperialist white supremacist blah blah blah, you have atheists who say the same shit. It's all bollocks m80s, utter bollocks.

True, but good luck finding an sjw odinist.

Swastika is still a pre-Christian symbol, thus the argument that "real" swastika is not pagan is wrong. All of what you stated in your post does not change the origin of European symbols.
Besides, I wasn't even the one starting Christian vs pagan arguments.

What percentage of pagans are Odinists, though?

Swastika is a primal Indo-Aryan symbol that predates the paganism that any latter day pagan practices.

As an odinist, yeah, hes got a point

Ive met far more many cringey Wiccan retards who think "black/white magic" is a racist construct than true traditional pagans, but I live in America

Ive also met far more many cucked, weak-willed and fat stomached middle aged Christians who would turn the other cheek for their wife prepping the bull

they still used the swastika up into the Christian period you fucking idiot, ITS ALWAYS BEEN A PAGAN SYMBOL, the norsemen used it as a symbol of Thor and its one of the most common runic inscriptions found on runestones and graves


not even gonna bother linking the 10,0000 fucking european artifacts that contain swastikas, so heres one

Depends on what you mean by the word 'pagan'. You do know that pre-Christian Europeans didn't call themselves pagan, right?
This was a word Christians used for people who still practiced their ancestral religions.

Why are you still trying to engage in an argument with me? My first post was a reply to an absurd claim that this "real" swastika is somehow not connected with pre-Christian ancestral religions.
If you want to ignite a religious debate out of this, you'll need to find someone else.

They didn't originate the symbol, and the Christians kept right on using the symbol, too. And Norse Paganism and the primal religiosity of the Indo-Aryan precursors are two separate systems, the former being a much later mutation of the latter, with Nicene Christianity being a later mutation of Hellenistic paganism which was also an offshoot of the primal Indo-Aryans.

yes, and this is stupid. People aren't equal and they shouldn't be treated equally. There is no rational reason to do this. All arguments for threating people equal are emotional arguments aka non-rational. Discrimination is rationality. It's the building block of intelligence and direct result of cognition.

So using that logic we should threat every non-white like equals like other whites in white countries? No! That kind of logic is especially the slippery slope west has gone through these past 200 years of enlighment. Stop that cucking logic and reject emotional eqalitarian worldview with its moralism. As white people there is no rational reason we should put non-whites to the same starting line.

Because its an identity that is destroying west. Firstly it's an identity that is making whites reject nationalism and our race. Secondly it's spreading multiculturalism and generally globalism. The only losers are whites. Humanism, egalitarism and liberalism are nihilistic secularized judeo-christian value code, and the value matrix that has destroyed west and whites and the main reason why white holocaust is even possible.

No! Holla Forums is not about "personal freedoms, individualism, and the rights of every man". Holla Forums is about 1488 gas the kikes race war now! ''gtfo kike

Now this is an excellent thread because it's right to the heart of the matter.

It always comes back to power, though. SJW's boo-hoo about oppression, but the oppressed never really want equality however they frame their position. The oppressed want to become the oppressors.

Maybe the word degenerate is as trite as the word cuck, doesn't make those words any less true about the way the left-wing and the right-wing get along. Certainly in America and elsewhere, no doubt about it. It's the meme where Trump is in the car and he's pointing the gun and he's saying, "Get in, Faggot. We're making America great again." That's a powerful image when the people have had enough.

Now I suppose it doesn't necessarily have to be the kikes, or who am I kidding? Basically, if you're God's own chosen people, yet all the other people on God's earth hate your guts, it's because you're messing around with things you shouldn't instead of doing whatever it is God told you to, and whose fault is that?

I believe the one you are answering to was questioning whether whites, or citizens of a nation in general, should be given a chance to rise to the top.
Essentially an answer to the constant is x white, are Germans better than Italians etc.

I think there is a clear difference between affirmative action and meritocracy, and in order to have meritocracy you need a somewhat homogeneous nation. It is not the nigger's fault for being a chimp and he would be much happier in a jungle in Africa, he might even be able to make a somewhat functioning state (Nigeria), instead of fucking up our societies. I think that the above is a much more humanitarian solution than having them piled up in ghettos where they destroy both whatever potential they might have as well as the White's majority potential.

sure, whatever you tell yourself at night christcuck

you have a really shit understanding of religious comparison. Norse paganism was not a mutation of Aryan religion, IT WAS ARYAN RELIGION just the same as hellenic paganism is

"Nicene christianity" is a jew religion with the trappings of Hellenic paganism, a false religion

Not a single Jew had anything to do with the establishment of Nicene Christianity.

and how many Jews had anything to do with the establishment of regular Christianity then? You seem to misunderstand me. What part of Hellenic Paganism is unaryan? not a single part, because it was born from our aryan souls

what of Christianity is not aryan? anything and everything not nicene and stolen from paganism.

See the difference?

Meritoracy is as silly as equality. If I work my balls off making my company why shouldn't I be able to hire my little shit of a nephew? Nepotism is the way the world works, better to accept it.

What do you mean by "regular Christianity"?

You should be able to, but you shouldn't want to.

Because he will drive the company to the ground, better give him the money directly.
Also a company is not the same as a state. Selecting those in power by nepotism leads to the destruction of state and you sure as hell didn't build a nation yourself, nor you have any right to destroy it.

Pure Christianity, Christianity without the context and influence of European values

Flip through your Bible Christcuck, how much of it is about your ancestors and your people and your values? And how much is about the Jews?

But that's not realistic either. Because we know people WILL do this and there is no way to prevent it from happening.

Just read Vox Day's book about this shit. It outlines everything you need to know about SJW's and how to engage (or disengage) them.

So, some hypothetical ahistorical thing that never existed?

Not Christian, and the Bible was hardly the core of Christianity in its early development, as there was no agreed upon canon.

The bible was created by jews and its stories are about jews, it did exist because it is pretty much what christkikery is: another branch of judaism

Semantic games about the boundary between environment and subject are a real semitic thing to do.

Great stuff goys. Imma categorize some of these posts into theory and practice.



So this thread is pretty heavy on theory. I agree with OP that we need an effective plan. I think what would be useful is a set of concrete, practical steps, or HOWTO's, or whatever, that outline what each individual Holla Forumsack can do right now to stem the tide of POZ. So, does anyone have stories to share about effective ways of crushing SJWs? I have a couple:

1) There is another thread right now discussing the killing phrase "virtue signaling"

One poster described the thread as the manhattan project for blowing out SJWs, because accusing SJWs, or even blue pilled normies of virtue signaling when they change their goybook pictures to french/belgian flags makes them feel really ashamed. I have used accusations of "virtue signaling" on fagbook to great effect. It's our version of "racist" - totally shuts them down.

2) Weev has a method called R.A.C.E. that he uses to effectively convert normies, or at least put them on the path: mpcdot.com/forums/topic/8683-i-sing-a-song-of-racewar/

Anyone else? I figure once we have enough examples we can then produce some sort of manual.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to prevent it form happening

I like this Pavlovian Conditioning theory.

If it is true, it presents an angle of attack:

Pavlov's experiments showed (among other things) that animals respond better to reward than punishment. If you are right, then SJWism is spreading throw punishment oriented conditioning.

Reward oriented conditioning could overpower their punishment conditioning. The question is, what is the most effective sort of reward conditioning that we could spread virally throughout the public?

Humor might to it. The reward for thinking right wing thoughts could be laughter. Our hilarious right wing memes could be the answer all along. But our memes often rely on "in jokes" that normies won't get. Perhaps we need two classes of meme: one for us, and one for the others.

I think it is important that we recognize ourselves as a new order of priests. A new order of priests in the literal sense. We have obtained knowledge about the world, the nature of humans, and public control that by normie standards would be considered "esoteric".

When we speak of "redpilling" somebody, what we really mean is that we induct them into our priestly ranks.

That is necessary if we are to survive, but never has there been a society of priests. Priests are always an elite minority class. The message they give to the normies, the slave morality, does not make those normies into priests.

We need our own equivalent. A simpler message for the common man. We must preserve and advance our esoteric knowledge, but we must also develop our own slave morality for the masses. A slave morality that inoculates them against the incursion of foreign slave moralities, such as Marxism.


SJWism spread through free shit. It's entirely reward based. Thus: gibs.

OP this is a great subject. I have been thinking about this. Most of it is derived from peer pressure. When the media is SJW and the Teacher is SJW and most facebook posts are SJW you feel alone and are afraid to speak out.

We need to effectively publicly and unashamedly push OUR agenda bybtwo ways.

Positive reinforcement: You can observe this in SJW apps like Whisper. An echo chamber of teen girls "accepting" and praising each other for just existing or parroting the PC opinion. This is great for the dumb dumbs. This is how the masses work.

Negative reinforcement: Hillary's online trolls were paid to insult and reidiculd Bernie bros. Why? Not to convert them. This was to intimidate all who watch. No one wants to be ridiculed so no one publicly admits it. Think about it. Csn you tell people Bruce Jenner is delusional? No, and you KNOW most people agree. We need to ridicule enemies in private and provide praise tonour own people. Yes Religion does this as well.

Conversion: True conversion happens in an environment with the first two. I recall when it happened to me. Someone privately agreed with most of what I thought, and convinced me that a major disagreement I had was minor. Basically that I was always right, but on the wrong side. A woman talked me into being pro-life based on my existing beliefs. First however I had spent some time surrounded by Christians who shared her view and was away from my mother who hated these people and loved abortion. 15 years later I still am convinced.

It all plays to ego.

there are gibs.

There is also psychological approval in their echo chamber from facebook to TV.

Also there is negative reinforcement ridiculing anyone different from their view.

Christianity is a European creation that heavily plagiarized Jewish religion and used it as the foundation for a new religion. The europeans latched on to one of the MANY jews that departed from proper Judaism and was executed for this crime. They used him as an excuse to graft their values onto the Jewish religion.

Why they did this, we can only speculate. However it seems to have had some sort of "hybrid vigor" since it swept across the continent like wildfire.

Christianity, with the "Europeaness" removed, does not exist in any meaningful way.

Well, I'm not totally sold on his theory, but the user I was responding to made this assertion:

Specifically the pavlovian conditioning he is talking about is the punishment of receiving condescension and being called a racist.

The idea of peer-to-peer pavlovian conditioning is interesting.


Maybe we need to use their tactics? Intimidate with lawsuits like Scientology?

Very well put, thx.

Doing some research into early internet history(found the first 1000 get done back in either 1978 or 79) I've been looking into 'cyber-feminism' prior to the year 2000; the people, institutions that funded it and migration of communities. Back before 2005-7 they were all segregated in their own echo chambers, people like BitingBeaver and her now legendary checklist on why you're a rapist were around but had no impact at all on the internet asides as a joke. Feminism on the internet was seen as being no different than vegans, HAM radio operators or saltwater aquarium enthusiasts. You'd encounter their world once in blue moon if you were a well travelled cybernaut.

Real feminists, same with faggots whining about corporate 'pinkwashing', are watching their communities become ravaged by opportunistic charlatans that dilute their message for advertising purposes through 'empowertising'.

I can't offer any real solutions to this trend but from what I've seen it's falling apart on its own. At best it's going to be remembered as a fad that was 'in' during this decade just as global warming was 10 years ago.

People are addicted to novelty and the next major advertising campaign designed to grab your attention and tug at your heart strings is right around the corner.

I consider myself leftist (fuck leftfypol even they're too faggy for me) but my explanation for the differences isn't the fantasy of privilege or patriarchy, but rather the simple observation that the only external factor is the culture that surrounds you. E.g. the hood has a significantly higher chance of churning out niggers than a black person being raised anywhere else.

There must be something else to it that makes the SJW and hardcore leftist reach that unreasonable conclusion. "All people are created equal" alone isn't enough.

No, that isn't what we are dealing with here. What we are seeing with feminism is nothing short of what is known as group polarization. Fanaticism is being pushed on all envelopes in all groups in just about every social stratosphere from every angle, thanks to our corrupt elites.

There will come probably a lengthy crises situation eventually before we even come close to normalization.

Just laugh at their faces.

Be confident, funny and charming (think milo but with less dickage in your mouth). To everyone else it will appear exactly as it is, they are a feeble minded person having an emotional breakdown. No one wants to be associated with that.

Stefan Molyneux did a great interview with Vox recently

I meant to embed this one

please fuck off with this meme



I have officially switched where i buy protein from.

Group polarization occurs on it own as members try to prove themselves as holier than thou amongst peers for validation. The internet hastens it as it's going on 24/7 365 days a year and is a full time job to keep up with all the people involved.

Thankfully user boards don't have this problem.

Real in the sense that their ideology about feminism doesn't have a hidden motive behind it. They're not trying to sell cosmetics and clothing or hype up some shitty movie with a tacky feminist message.

Oh that's what you mean. I thought you acting like the kind of redditor who claims that SJWs and third-wave feminists are not "real" feminists or some shit. Glad you cleared that up

not a bad idea. Onlookers will see you as a victor and they will be demoralized . The less we go along with their pretend the better. Their Larping is interrupted by reality when we do not reinforce their delusions.

I saw something on Whisper. A trap asked if you would date someone who has fully transitioned and No ONE said yes even. SJWs. His dreams crashed and he realized all the "support" was politeness towards his game of pretend. it was epic.