50 faces of leftism

Appearantly Polish universities are now teaching about dangers of radical left


Celem kursu jest krytyczna analiza zagadnienia tak zwanego lewactwa, czyli radykalnej lewicy, zarówno w wymiarze międzynarodowym, jak i polskim: na płaszczyźnie społecznej, ekonomicznej, politycznej i kulturowej. Będzie ono rozpatrywane z dwóch punktów widzenia – radykalnie lewicowego oraz antagonistycznego wobec lewactwa (prawicowego).

Dzięki zajęciom studenci poszerzą wiedzę z zakresu teorii polityki i polityczności. Zdobędą umiejętności krytycznej analizy przekazów środków masowego komunikowania. Wykształcą się u nich postawy namysłu nad otaczającą ich rzeczywistości – z wykorzystaniem adekwatnego aparatu pojęciowego.

Fuck the left.

I smell blood in the water.

Based as fuck.

All hail polska

God that is so based, poland is truly at the forefront of the new right. Keep at it polaks. Resist the jew.

Holla Forumsand

the pope licks nigger feet


last time i checked poland werent norse pagans

you may as well be a leftist

The Cinema is still pozzed.
Went to see Mother's Day with my grandma in Poland. The most pozzed shit I have ever seen in my life.

I don't know if cinema city is an EU company where they're obligated to show pozzed films. I'm not happy that everyone didn't just got up and left, I hope they did after we did. I can't even find a good trailer to depict what I saw. All the trailers seem to be of mainly the white people while the movie is diversity armageddon.

I was also angry earlier in the day as I say too many shit skins that I could handle. I saw 10 African monkeys sitting outside at a restaurant where no one else was sitting and were laughing like complete monkeys. There was another monkey who was holding hands with this fat fat fat white ?Polish? woman. Then later I saw this beautiful blond with an Asian man.

The entire day after the film I just kept saying that I want to wake up.

Cinema and the fine arts have been the refuge of the most degenerate of the Left since the 20s. It'll take some time to root them out, especially since they've got the financial backing of international Jewry.

That's the old pope. John Paul II. The new pope Francis is the libcuck.

Let the grand experiment of uncucking begin. I pray for stellar results.


Also John Paul II would berate Polish people as they were becoming more and more secular and sinful. Good times. I seen a photo of him in beautiful cabinet at a Polish restaurant yesterday.

was this in a capital? Fug, that still seems pretty bad. Well at the very least you guys are the most advanced out of all of us, so please keep pushing the jew away.

You kikes sure are persistent

Not the capital, the city is Łódź pronounced as wooji and is based off łódż (wooj) which means boat.

I'll let this slide since you're saving Europe, but Jesus christ, Poland.

Based Poland

fuck off racist

Sounds like the redpill outside the "It's them Jews" part.

antisemitism is a misguided attempt to be smart by bigots who think "o I've discovered something" when they haven't

Holocaust survivor detected, get back to >>>/oven/


I'm half irish half mexican actually

and you're brainwashed by your own stupidity

Subhuman detected

Thanks, now I can just filter you.

fucking explain to me why bigotry is OK????

the fuck is wrong with u ppl

ITT, JIDF learns to shitpost.

That's like going to KFC and complain why most of what they serve is chicken.



Nie rzucim ziemi, skąd nasz ród.
Nie damy pogrześć mowy.
Polski my naród, polski lud,
Królewski szczep piastowy.
Nie damy, by nas gnębił wróg.


Also on this day I am proud of the country of half my ancestors beginning their process of decuckifcation. Now just waiting on Germany

Yes but since their form of Christianity isn't affiliated with (((pope's catholics))) , (((protestants))) and (((orthodox))), it's pretty more respectful to the national folklore than other subversive sects.

Compared to other christians countries (Ireland, Austria,ect…), Poland has a lot of respect to the national culture and it's the patriotic politics that influenced the national church, not the Vatican or Moscow that influences their politics. This explains why they are based.

Europe made Christianity great, not the other way around.

I'm not atheist, thanks.

4can was taken over from ppl from nationalist websites, why is that somehow ok?

it's cancer and it's depressing, I respect freedom of speech, I hate SJWs too

Because there's no international effort to breed out the Mexicans, halfling.

mexicans ok like i don't even care if any races exist tho

i hate all racists especially SJWs and I look White so sometimes ppl can be racist to me and try to blame for for slavery

but is that really making it ok to be like in favor of "pure race" and keeping one race alive?

no one cares if any races die out honestly imo

very subtle disinformation

Ehm? so being against genocide is racism now?

ok… i dont agree with that.
Just because you are mixed race, doesnt mean everybody has to be mixed race you genocidal bastard.

Step it up

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

that fucking comb-over. Alex is memeing the fuehrer like it or not.

Holla Forumsand is our (usa) greatest allies now. Down with Israel!


Asians teach their kids multiplication at first grade.
Sub-Sahara Africans have an average IQ in the 70s.
Fuck you, either God or evolution were racist. We just tell you facts. Now the smartest races (besides Jews) are breeding below replacement while shit-tiers races breed beyond carrying capacity and invade our countries for gibs.

Why do you defend jews? What have you to gain from fighting for their rights to kill people in Palestine? If you defend Jews you are defending Israeli nationalism/Zionism.


lurk moar newfag

ask yourself this, do you really believe that africans are capable of going to the moon? do you really think that the reason there is no african space agency because of badluck? or maybe its because at least 95% are dumb niggers by default

why breed with these???

Is Filter King happy that Leftism is on its last leg?


The Polish Renaissance is going to be amazing. Once the EU collapses and you aren't facing a brain drain any more your nation is truly going to thrive.

Do your best!


Filter King's a fucking moron, the majority of Police and Military personnel in these United States support Trump and would never willingly harm a fellow American. Alex is doing his usual schtick merely because it draws in an audience, regardless of the accuracy of his statements provided.

that's real kawaii mah nigga.


Has it ever occurred to you we don't want you in our countries and we have a right to self determination and you can fuck off nigger

We care you fucking idiot


Reported, enjoy your ban.

Why is bigotry OK? Hmm.
Have you ever thought of it from the other perspective?
Why is bigotry wrong?
I'm sure your first answer is "because people are born with the same capability." But this isn't true. The genetic differences in human race is greater than breeds of dog.
So why is bigotry wrong?

You should care. Medical studies show that racemixing creates health issues; disease down the road, more likely for mental illness… the effects depend on the genes mixing.

Here's a fact for you: different races exist because of geographical conditions. For races to stop existing, we'd all have to live in the same environment.

So why mix races? It produces a child who will likely suffer both physically and socially, and has no worthwhile end goal – or even a permanent one.


since you don't care, you don't care that we care, right? which means you're not going to try to stop us from forming organizations dedicated to caring?

ale papieża to ty szanuj

Apparently according to Holla Forums anti-semitism is starting to rise in Poland, can any Pollack confirm?

It's a everyday thing around here, anti-semitism is natural for the most Polaks, there's nothing to start if it's already burning strong.

Just the other day on the tram had I witnessed a couple of ortodox jews strolling by. Every, and I mean every fucking person in my compartment was looking at them like at some kind of clowns or with visible disgust/mockery.

Imagine Poland becomes NatSoc and invades Germany.

Fuck you and your faggoty-ass faggotry-enabling, miscegenation-enabling terms. We're sick of that shit, sick of your shit, and sick of kikes.

You think the word "racist" is any better–you know, the word enabling my genocide. It'll be a great day when we start cutting out tongues of those who used them against our race.

Cheer up, user. That film actually fucking bombed in theaters and it received terrible ratings.


Based Holla Forumsand

Hitler dubs confirm. This is what chased me away from Libertarianism in the first place. The fact that hating police was practically required in my local party, despite police being bro-tier right wingers due to being in such a redpilling profession.

antihuman is actually a philosophical term. I wonder if he consciously means it in that way.


The majority, yes, but the enemy wins by infiltration and deception. The question is whether they'll be aware enough and whether they'll be able to act in a unified manner if shtf

You don't know what bigotry is. Hint: it doesn't mean being intolerant of subhumans.

Holla Forums is literally one of the least bigoted places on the internet. We're actually willing to consider differing opinions here.

english copy when

i remember back in my school days calling someone a jew was a pretty serious insult

Take some based polandball comics, you earned it.

we own your board e-celeb spam foreverwe own your board e-celeb spam foreverwe own your board e-celeb spam forever


That's not really how it works, user.
A long time ago, it was something more like "lod' ", with the final D being soft and the L being a hard one. Eventually, softened D, for example with an I or Y sound right after it, became a soft "j", not unlike the Japanese "ji" a if you're a weeb, spelled with a DŹ or DZI, while hard Ls became a W sound, which is really fucking common in all the world's languages - look up L vocalization. Soft L's meanwhile got flattened into hard L - for example, if a word in Russian has "lye" in it, that syllable will 90% of the time be a flat "le" in Polack.
If you're still curious, soft Ts became a soft "chi" sound, also present in moon speak. BTW, Dź is a different sound than Dz, the latter is just a Z quickly after a D.
T. Polack. If you're genuinely interested and not just bantering, look up Slavic palatalization, L vocalization and nasal vowels. These three are what makes Polish the most difficult Slavic language to pronounce, and also are why a Pole can understand spoken Serbian or Czech, but not the other way around.

Oh, and by the way, an Ó used to just be a long O, but it changed into a short U sound. While there is no difference in pronunciation, changing the spelling would make the grammar look even more broken.

NatSoc national socialist socialist
damn you must be paid well

Pope John Paul II was a libcuck aswell. Being a heretic, he assuredly went straight to hell.

Have there been any polandball comics covering what Poland has been like as of late? It'd be nice to see them.

Poland has literally become Holla Forums-land.


lol, Holla Forums didn't exist in 2008.