Why aren't you part of the master race team?

Why aren't you part of the master race team?


Team Valor truly are shit tier.

Team Mystic is the only logical choice.


I almost chose Valor because I thought of Balor Club, however.

This is not something you should admit to.

Why was Team Rocket not an option?

Because this is not supposed to be based on the teams from the main series games/tv show. These are teams made specifically for Pokemon Go.


I choose the right house in the end, imo.

also is it pronounced


was tempted for team mystic cause frozen bird is my favorite but everyone i knew was going yellow

It's okay neckbeard. We know you don't know how to leave the house. It's not your fault that you weren't aborted.

That's how I have always pronounced the word mystic.

You are definitely not Team Mystic material.

what ever man
but from what im hearing yellow is pretty strong in my area but the blue ones had some good fight as well but i've not seen red gyms in my area

My area is somewhat unstable. Instinct has been winning more gyms lately, but Mystic is taking over. Valor has one gym and I think they lost it recently.



Sometimes I pity those Valor untermensch. They will never know the burden of knowledge and power as we do.

We of Team Mystic respect your action, but you have chosen the wrong team. Fear the ice.

good one fam

Found the butthurt Valorfag.

Go larp or whatever shit it is your kind does.

we're just waiting for team Valor/Mystic to finish off and let their guard down

in a few weeks every gym will belong to Team Piss





The only thing I consider Nintendo good for is porn.


It's nice to know that mystic is sitting around talking shit online while Valor is out actually catching pokemon and taking gyms.

I still jerk off to the furfag shit


I picked because Zapdos, but I'm in the same boat here or so I thought.

I live on a mountain with a single pokemon spawn a short walk from my house. 100 stardust every hour really doesn't cut it.

Fucking democrat commies

every state is very mixed actually

It's pronounced mɪˈsteɪk

you son of a motherfucker bitch

only reddit faggots

Team Instinct = Master Race

Because I play real games not fucking pay to win iphone bullshit. You people are no different to normies with your fucking freemium casual gaming fads.

lol you are all cringeworthy faggots.

Why aren't you?

Team Instinct is best tbh fam

Valor will destroy the subhumans


Knocked down an Instinct gym for the glory of Team Mystic. Post more of best team, please.

Where did you get that?
(its pretty cool)

why the hate?