"Trump is the only one who could have 'leaked' WAPost Phonecall

Trump trolls the fuck out of the MSM by leaking his own phone call where he speaks under an assumed name to brag about himself only to deny it and confuse the shit out of the MSM.


Other urls found in this thread:


wait so what happened?


Trump looks like a genius in all of this and WaPo, who has been printing negative shit about him, looks petty as fuck since this whole thing is such a non-story and is such a minor blip to most voters.

Phone call gets leaked to WAPost thats supposedly Donald going under an assumed name in 1991 to brag to People mag about him having 3 girlfriends while being with Marla Maples and his extravagant lifestyle to generate a news cycle about him.

The irony is he does the exact same thing again 20 years later and they take the bait.

This is a big news story…

But it's an innocuous little tale of a billionaire that could've easily hired a PR guy, changed his voice (barely) on the phone and trolled the reporter a bit.

But almost 25 years later they ask him about this and he's forgotten by now and he says he doesn't remember and some pathetic members of the media are trying to suck a wet fart out of a dead hooker's asshole.

You don't seem to understand


Why would it be a wet fart if the hooker's dead?

Could have been recent.

Or it's raining outside.


And funny part is if the media hangs on to this thing or keeps harping about this, they look bad. And since it has nothing to do with the issues it is easy for people to forget and easy to downplay and easy to disregard. Trump knows everyone will forget about this shit in a week's time and anyone who is still hanging on to it will look silly. It also provides a nice distraction from his fight with the NeverTrump fags and cuckservatives.

10/10 Trump. The media is once again just along for the ride.

I keep hearing about this tape but I missed the main story.

What's happening?


it's breddy straight-forward

MSM (WaPo) has been bragging about having a story about Trump from years back bragging about being with many women and being a rich fuck essentially, but because it was under another name (ie, 'anonymously') they couldn't release it to the public with definitive proof about it, so it would go under 'bad journalism' without any concrete proof…well, the tape got leaked. The argument is now that TRUMP himself leaked it, because he is the only person to have been capable of doing so. (unless it wasn't him completely.)
This is my understanding of the events and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

I can't listen to the tape from that, and direct link has a paywall.

Trump is the master ruseman that we should aspire to be.

Here. There's no subtitles on this one though.

Adding onto this; this means that there is only these outcomes:

1. the tape is real, its really trump, he released it, and its fucking nothing, the media was using it to hype something up or try to get something stick
2. the tape is real, its really trump, trump didn't release it, and its fucking nothing
3. the tape is a fake trump, trump didn't/did release it, and it doesn't matter because its fake, or enough people believe its real that its 'fucking nothing' and the media looks like retards

Hi guys.
God here. I just wanna say, vote for Trump or you're going to hell.

I really want Trump to win this election, and my soon too! Go Trump!

This is me by the way.

I don't understand what this is supposed to mean? Why do I care that Trump prank called some reporter?

may God bless you.

So Trump lied on purpose when he said it wasn't him, and that he wanted it to be discovered that it was actually him who released the tape?

That's blasphemy user

Let's say for a moment that it's confirmed it wasn't him……

The story is still retarded and desperate.

But this further cements the fact that he's the sole Patrician among plebs and they'd be better off just accepting their fate and beg him to be merciful.

He does this to keep himself in the news cycle then he leaks his own call to remind people that he controls the news cycle making them think he didn't release it only for them to discover later that he indeed controls their news cycle whenever he wants.

He basically trolled the fuck out of them with the same shtick 24 years later



I want this memed so bad. It just sound so funny.

More than that, it shows how full of shit the media is. They won't dig into Hillary's personal life or the Clinton foundation, Bill's escapades on the Loli Air, or even the issues in general which they keep saying is important but they will go after Trump for this. Trump trolled the media softly and exposed them hard.


Dang, that actually does sound pretty similar.

Like he's trying to make himself sound deeper than he normally does, back in the day when his voice was naturally a higher pitch.

God here again guys. I just want to say that I wouldn't mind if you guys put me in a comic watching TV and cheering for Trump. My son is such a big fan of Trump and I'm starting to become one too. Generally, I don't really care about whats going on in this planet specifically, since there are other planets I'm supervising at the moment, but this election is very important for the stability of Tellus. Please vote Trump.

PS: Bernie won't live through his entire mandate (he'll die out of natural causes 2020), and Bill is still cheating on poor Hillary. She's not that bad to be honest, she's just confused and wants to be better than Bill.

Don't believe this man, a GOD such as myself would have gotten doubles.

By the way, check them for me.

Hey God, you're a faggot. What's the name on my birth certificate?

Your memes are stale and twitter-tier.

Has a grander ruse ever been done?

ch-checked sir

rearranged your ID has 14, 88, and 22 (trump dubs). I think we know who the real god in this thread is.

maybe to make bringing up Hillary's old skeletons fair game without reporters going "nope, not going to happen".


My mistake, here, try now

Or for free publicity from the desperate media trying to find dirt on him. The more they try, the more free air time he gets. That's how he's advertised his campaign so far.

My memes are not twitter tier. Some of them have lived for thousands of years for my amusement, some people actually believe Lots daughter converted into a saltcan! Ha Ha!

God loves Trump and God loves may-mays! This election is Holy, and God is watching.
Bless you all my children.

We don't know for sure he really lied. Because its under another name there is STILL some level of plausibility and although all evidence points to it really being him…it is hard to prove 100%. He can continue saying it isn't him and due to the age of the tape, there isn't any hard proof, its his claim vs. the MSM.

In a way, this is a powerful tool Trump has, as all he has hammered into the populace is "MSM always lies" and even if it was true, it almost doesn't matter. (the tape doesn't have anything juicy on it anyway, but that isn't the point. The MSM was using it as a 'we have this but no one knows what we have soooo intriguing' token that is now no longer useful, even if the tape is fake.)

This as well, its literally free publicity

Wasn't there another tape of something Trump said off-the-record that the MSM were trying to get him to release? What happened with that?

Go away god-poster. Go to /christian/, they need you.

So is John Miller going to be Trump's VP pick?

This, basically. It makes the media look absolutely desperate to sling whatever mud they can scrounge up at him while also giving him free publicity. The media hates him, but they literally cannot help but report on every little Trump related thing because reporting on Trump brings them ratings, views and clicks. This tactic has been the cornerstone of his campaign strategy and it has yet to fail him.


Of corsh!


Read this on the Trump plebbit and it made sense:

"He did this so things that happened over 25 years ago will be fair game. This is what allowed the child rapist stuff to be fair game."

So now Trump can play commercials showing the recording of Hillary laughing about defending that child rapist in court, and he can say "Hey they started it", when someone points out it was decades ago.

Fucking genius.

Bane? Great guy, wonderful, he's pretty big too.

And honestly, the CIA? They're not sending their best, they're sending their worst. What we need to do is crash a plane, and I'll crash a plane. I'll crash it and it'll be great and we'll make Gotham great again!

Does this man's genius know no bounds?

He plays on a much higher level than 99.9999% of people. So yes.

I want to get off of this flight plan.

Holy shit, that actually makes sense.

bravo Nolan


Listen up men. Trump leaked the tapes. The other person with access has denied leaking them. Only 2 people has access.

Why did he do that? Because he knows how fast the kikes would take the bait. I assume he was also counting on Clinton and the mass media to take the bait.

Why? Because he wants them to open the door for him to drag up 20+ year old shit on Clinton. Particularly of a sexual nature, like those tapes.

He is setting a trap for the media to allow him to easily bring up H Clintons abuse of rape victims, and Bills raping of them. And it's working.

But Clinton is no novice. Notice her camp hasn't said SHIT?

Trump is light years ahead of the media kikes. They are so desperate for his blood they are abandoning all pretense of journalistic integrity. And he knows it. He knows how easy it will be to trick them. And if you listen to the tapes, he realizes how "bad" publicity is good for him. He knows his unique power.

I was skeptical of the IQ claims before, because he doesn't speak publicly that well. Obama is clearly a better orator. But now I am not.

He is playing the kikes like a finely tuned guitar.

gh3y, pure gh3y

How do they keep fighting?

Isn't it disheartening when your opponent is so clearly running circles around you?

Sounds believable. I guess Shillery would have to take the bait for it to work like that though. If she just uses her proxies (the press), he can't get personal on her without being viewed as being on the attack.

I'm gonna be honest

I think Trump just likes fucking with people and finds this hilarious

I don't disbelieve it, but we really have no reason to think that the Washington Post bitch was telling the truth about really anything to do with how many copies of the tape there were or the status of their copy.

I wonder what is going to happen to Rachel Maddow when Trump wins… will she have a ragestroke live on air or ah-ha smug gasp and choke?

Might as well post this

Trump is literally the manifestation of Kek. He's been biding his time, but now is revealed in all his glory.

I think Buzzfeed lied about the tape existing because the people who they said had it said such a tape did not exist and if it did it had mundane shit and would not be released.

I just have to add that the moment that Megyn noticed that she got cuckqueaned was hilarious.

Trump is a worldclass troll. I love it.

kek, of course nothing of value came from them. Thanks for answering.



I had no idea Donald Trump was such a bad-ass until the last 12 months.

I just thought he was some rich asshole who put his name on everything.

I find myself thinking about how I can be more Trump-like in everyday life. Its amazing what positive male leaders can inspire you to do.

I have never looked up to anyone seeking public office and thought, "I want to emulate that person."

Did the emperor just samefag?!?



He will one day write a book titled "The Art of Trolling".

Holy shit. This is my first time in a while coming into a thread like this, This thread is full of absolute cancer. It reads like what a reddit thread would be like if it was easier to post pictures on there. Everyone involved with this thread should just flat out kill their selves. Myself included.


Man this is literally a no-risk endeavor, bravo trump.

Also keep in mind he kept this call recorded for fucking years and was able to utilize it just now.

How much foresight does he have?

she's lying. its written all over her face










Trump is all.

Trump knows how to keep his name in the media cycle, he knows in the end making a fake phone call pretending to be john smith isnt the end of the world and actually kind of lel.
Also the media falls for his bait all the time, like when he ate the taco.
The leftist media just cant help virtue signalling

it's also worth noting that during the repeat of 'The Kelly File' last night/this morning, the segment on the audio tape had been COMPLETELY cut. They repeated the same Krauthammer segment two times in a row as filler. Megyn Kelly is afraid and/or trying to make it look like she won't be pushed around.



Kek is truly a part of Trump.

Can you explain wtf is going on in this webm? Is it a dindoo song played backwards?

Truly no one can compare when it comes to leading the media on.

OP forgot the most important part.

Megyn Kelly turned into an airplane

Awaken my master

Jesus, how dense are you. It doesn't matter what the contents of the tape are. The deal here is that Trump himself is the only one who had the tape according to the female journalist who Megan Kelly was interviewing. So Trump is the one who leaked it anonymously, just so the media would give him tons more free publicity.

He played them again.

This has the tone of a reddit post

I saw this shit on CNN earlier. God damn, they talked about this for hours, like lying about impersonating a PR agent was the equivalent of lying under oath.

It seemed like it was just an excuse to let Trump's supporters get on and praise him, or compare this scandal to the Clinton emails. It was fun watching Blitzer squirm when those got brought up ("Yeah, but those don't matter, this is important!").

I'm glad to see the Don had everything under control, because overall this whole thing just seemed stupid.

Sorry? I don't go to that shit website. I was more marveling at the setup that he has laid for the media.

reddit definitely confirmed.

You know, r/The_Donald is actually very redpilled, they spread Holla Forums memes all around and it's the biggest political subreddit. Meaning, all the shittalk and memes that trigger leftists show up on the front page of Reddit because of all the thousands of upvotes from Trump supporters.

It's pretty hilarious how the entire Reddit is getting triggered by Trump supporters. Most of the time like 50% of /r/All threads are from The_Donald


It's curbed now though. They started autobanning anything with "muslim" in the title and swapped out the mod team. r/european is now banned as well.

Let … me … be … clear … Obama … knows … exactly … what … he's … doing … the … long … pauses … between … words … are … because … it's … for … dramatic … effect … it's … not … becase … he's … not … that … good … at … … reading … off … of … a … teleprompter … or … just … dumb

obama is a top tier celebrity. his "right side of history" is being quoted widely even today. the man is charismatic.

no offence but ur thick as shit



How did you feel about Glenn Beck telling people to vote for the Zionist Killer?


Trump is a genius. This election should have cleared any of doubt of that.


I had no idea either, but it's obvious if you look back on it. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

Getting caught was part of his master plan

This media manipulation sounds like something straight out of Dr. Pierce's books.

a dead body is going to evacuate its various cavities

Trump definitely knows what he's doing.

You guys notice this is released on a Friday, right? Last time some "big news" was released on Trump it was also on a Friday. and the time before that. Trump's been not only playing the media, he also has been timing when he fucks with them, too. Now everyone will be talking about Trump/how the media is treating him throughout the weekend, until primaries in CA on Tuesday.

There is literally no reason other than incompetence for the back-end to not be able to fucking post the already indexed file or embed across any number of boards/posts. In other words, the fucking retards have implemented a one to one relationship between the post number and file/embed. It should be a many to many relationship.

I shouldn't even have to fucking make that request on /operate/ and I won't because I don't believe CodemonkeyZ and Jim are competent.

Its for spam prevention you nigger

No its not. It actually incourages spam for the technologically literalte like myself who just re-encode the image and upload a fresh copy.

Good job faggots, now you have two of the same same thing in your nigger-rigged back-end when you really only need one.

Polite sage for off-topic.

The top mod of /r/The_donald, /u/ciswhitemaelstrom, was threatened by SJW doxxers and forced to give the sub up to SJW approved reddit users. Since then it's become a containment board.

Which is pretty retarded given that the admins of Reddit themselves are SJW's.


Keep in mind these are shiity phones from the 1980s-1990s, their sound fidelity was not the same as today. Also, those speech mannerisms are the exact same.

Are you jewish?

How new are you?

>Just now, playing BF4. I got for $20 few weeks ago


When I was in kindergarten, Donald J. Trump was setting up the long troll to become God Emperor of the United States.


If she moved and accidentally left the tape, that means anyone else could've moved in and found the tape.
Even Trump.


This is without a doubt, the most interested I have ever been in politics.


That's up to individual board owners, you fucking niggers. Tell the board owner of Holla Forums to enable it.

I was worried for a moment too but it was only for a few hours. People are now shitting on Islam again and nobody is getting banned for it.

I've been redpilling people on The_Donald about the Jews for a week now and none of my messages have been deleted nor have I been banned. The mods are probably redpilled enough to know that I speak the truth and just ignore it.

Exactly what I thought of.


Well, there is an interview on Oprah from like 30 years ago where he says he might run for president one day if things keep going worse.

Fucked up on the second pic.


Wouldn't it make more sense to make one where Trump is Kazuhira Miller, because of John Miller, the alias he used in the tape he leaked?

Dank. Do more.

Topkek He has a fucking Brilliant sense of humour

He tried to Jump the Gun in 2000, but must have realised it was Wrong Time, Wrong place.


Anyone that has living in NYC and paying any attention at all to local media in the past 25 years would know Trump did this shit all the time. He called in to all the radio shows constantly and used to call in Stern. Stern keeps every recording from his shows so that tape is out there.

When ever there was big deals happening in town he would be all over the media building hype or trying to push PR his way. The man does what some people pay big PR firms $100,000's all himself.

He scaled up that local SOP up to a national presidential campaign and its fucking working.

Doesn't Trump say in one of his books that he tests employees for loyalty and honesty?

A possibility is that Trump was trying to catch a mole in his campaign. Trump tells the suspected mole about the tape, mole leaks it to the media, mole caught.

Classic counterespionage tactic.

I don't think so,I think it's setting up a pre-emptive strike against the Clinton's Private History like other anons have said. A Master Tactician at his Best.

I don't understand why the media(or anyone thinks this matters. 15 years ago he made basically a prank call?



Because the media is pathetic and tries anything they can to stump the Trump. But Trump outplayed them and leaked the tape himself to generate more publicity for his campaign.

The content doesn't matter. Trump knows this. The content of the prank call is petty worthless information that nobody will remember in a week.
But the media wants any excuse to attack him, which keeps him in the headlines even when the story is bunk. This is why it's significant if Trump leaked the tape himself: it means he's playing the media like a fiddle and they still haven't caught on to his games yet.
I was skeptical of the nimble navigator title before, but if this really was a master ruse, 25 years in the making, then he really deserves more credit.

Trump = Miller confirmed


You're probably shadow banned, you retard.

Trump is playing them like a fiddle it seems.
I can't get enough.

No I'm not, because people respond to my messages all the time and my anti-Jewry posts get upvoted a LOT, you fucking retard.

You can easily get 20-100 upvotes on The_Donald for criticizing how Israel controls the US congress and this is why US politicians put the interests of Israel before the American citizens.

Or even for talking about their media and banking monopoly.


So Miller is gonna be trumps running mate right?

God you look so much like GOD'IN. Care to comment on these allegations?




requesting Trumps best and the mideast worse to use in a new trump video using video related as the sound track


HIS DAD DID IT TOO…. Anderson Cooper looks confused but wants to laugh and Trump supporter is laughing at them. Kike Reporters from the past laughing that he called them as a fake guy.

It's like that Buzzfeed douchebag who called Trump Tower Grill to catch Trump in a lie about that taco bowl. These fuckers are petty cunts.

OH fuck I'm laughing so hard. The reporter on the tape says "He's going to be running the country… is he still going to be punking us when he's President?" YES!

This needs to get stickied. This is the most madman shit I've ever seen.
Also, we were late again. Damn it.

I don't understand the bit about Trump 'denying' it, did he deny it or are the media saying he denied it like they said he accused Rafa Cruz of being involved in the Kennedy assassination.



Sp. do you guys really believe the shit your typing about in this thread, or are you guys just being ironic and funny?

Do any of you honestly believe he made this clip over twenty years ago just to troll the news in the event that he one day possibly runs for president? Do a single one of you honestly believe this nonsense?

Holy fuck this might be the most retarded post ever made on Holla Forums.

His dad did it too assholes. He's fucking with you

I was really just wondering. I cannot tell with you faggots anymore.

You really do honestly believe that then?


Yeah mate, we know, you can't read what people are saying.

Trump leaked it, he didn't plan it 25 years ago you loon, he did it to fuck with their heads, he made the story

>>>Holla Forums

holy fuck I'm laughing so hard

oh look, Milo's alt-right cancer is already here

maybe you should go back to twitter

Underrated keks.

Didn't mean to spoiler, fuck.

He made the tape 25yrs ago. He leaked it. You can't write and or understand the thread. The thread is saying he had it and leaked it…and has prepped for decades this strategy not the tape you fucking idiot.

So all of you believe it then. OK, I'm out. I have no desire to argue with mentally retarded people.

Wanna know how I know you're 13? Because you think anyone actually gives a fuck about gore on a place like Holla Forums.

He just recognized the perfect bait when it fell onto his lap and deployed it 25 years later.
By dropping hints that he's the one that leaked it he throws the media hounds into a dilemma as to whether they should even cover the story all the while distracting them from their other stories with petty shit that keeps his name in the headlines. Even beyond that it's of such a mundane worthless nature it makes the mainstream look like the glorified tabloids they are and makes every other story about him look like a gossip piece by association. It was the perfect bait and it's working marvelously.

Whether it was part of some masterplan is irrelevant, he still had the foresight to recognize this gold when it came to him and to save it for just the right opportunity.

Thanks for admitting you’re a paid shill.

Seriously, did all the funding for training dry up when Trump got the nomination? Shills have been doing NOTHING but outing themselves on their first post these days

Will it matter come November?

Holla Forums is all that remains. The biggest Trump site(on leddit) is dead, and supporting him IRL is a health hazard..


No, it's just that the gop shills gave up when they accepted their fate. Those guys were trained by people that had some primitive understanding of memetics. Hillary tries to throw money at her problems without doing the work to see things done right so instead you get low energy amateurs like .

/r/the_donald's new top mod hates the trigglypuff meme, hates memes in general, has kicked out good mods in favor of mods she can control, has autobanned the word Muslim from being posted, and is a social justice warrior.

The people that post in The_Donald are good people. The top mods aren't.

There are VERY credible rumors that the new top mod was the person who doxxed CWM so that she could control the subreddit.



Glorious, he has those retards running around at the end of their leash and there's nothing they can do about it.

God damn, this man truly is a genius.

I disagree, he speaks simply with words no more than 2 syllables, repeats words on purpose to make his audience remember them.

This is all done on purpose, remember Trump is a master salesmen. He is smart, he is very careful about how he delivers his message.

Source: I'm a sales engineer, and I live in the NYC metro area.

Also, When I was about 10 years old, my mother took me to trump tower to shake the hand of the future God Emperor who will MAGA.

Let's dispel the rumor that Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing.

He knows exactly what he's doing.

Exactly Fucking This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see my post

She sounds like Roseanne Barr.


here have some dubs

Lotta loyalty for a hired shill.

you are all wrong. Heres why he leaked them

Because now HE gets to bring up stuff thats 25 years old against hillary where SHE lied (aka the Rapists)

If trump started attacking hillary on stuff thats 25 years old, the media would just say

But now, because the media is attacking trump on OLd Irrelevant things, it opens the door for trump to do the same against Hillary

Trump is literally a media Genius
this is one of the greatest calculated moves ive ever seen

Well done.

Someone suck a wet fart out of this man's asshole PROMPTLY.

Haven't they already made it clear that subreddits that become a hub for racism eventually get regime change or destroyed? Thought this was central to the voat exodus and "anti-harassment" policy.

So what's stopping the management from privately warning the top mods of politically incorrect subreddits that they need to reduce hate speech, and leave it the imagination what will happen to the community they've developed if they don't.





I heard that Trump has an IQ of 156 a while ago.
After seeing this, I'm convinced it has to be at least 1488.

The admins sent the mods a veiled threat that The_Donald is being watched and that /r/european was quarantined because of how the mods were behaving.

Without a doubt, this is the beginning of the end for the fun version of The_Donald and it'll become a mess of muh PR well before November.

But even before that, Trumpgal was a muh PR idiot who wanted to use The_Donald on her resume.

I'm all for a Solidius Trump/Liquid Trump ticket.

Hits close to home?

I had no idea "quarantining" subreddits was actually a feature.



Trump vs Bane: Battle of the Master Plans!

That's what we all think.

You can post duplicate files by attaching another file alongside what you want to upload.

Usually I upload literally one pixel next to the duplicate file I want.

And yes, it is for spam prevention.

That's fucking golden.

They've eaten the bait, hook, line, sinker, rod, and the tackle box. They've got multiple talking heads and other people all talking about this completely trivial thing, but it's all about Trump.

I agree 100%. I've been thinking how to apply Trump's lessons to my own work. Truly amazing!

You missed a parenthesis retard

Holyshit! Trump wears the same kind of socks I do…

Gold Toe crew checking in
They are truly the ubermensch of socks

That looks like a comfy private jet.

mfw I'm too poor and jobless to afford that.

Its not like its some kind of super luxurious sock though(I mean they are comfy as shit), but it shows hes based in reality. He doesn't blow $1,000 for a pair of socks.

Pretty sure the Holohoax stays #1, m8.

Visual depiction of God the Father is forbidden.

Go to bed, Mahmod.

I always thought the holocaust was the best ruse in history, and Hitler was just the master troll. then I found out he never took a single shekel or hurt a single Jewish hair and I was so sad.

No, honestly that's an Italian thing to do it. Believe it or not, user.

Uncle Adolf just wanted the jews to better themselves and help the Fatherland for once. How was he supposed to know that they are rats and spread diseases among themselves like wildfire.



oh oh do me next!

Definitely a Steve.

Trump is such a madman for going on the offensive like this, days after Washington Post publicly announced they would be assembling a team to pick through his past. He absolutely knew they would take this bait and run but only for a moment before they would learn he was the one who leaked it (and on air at that).

Not only are there absolutely no consequences to this situation, but he is, in good Trump fashion, making an example out of his enemies and putting his words into effect. Teaching them a lesson like a true sempai. Never tell your enemy what you're going to do.

I don't think he was lying when he said we were going to get sick of winning, I'm already thinking I'm underprepared for the amount of ass-blastedness that's about to come from the left. Heads WILL roll before he's even done with them.

Trump plays Chess while everybody else is playing Go Fish.

The ban for using "Muslim" only lasted for a couple hours, still don't know what it was about but it certainly does not still apply. Because yesterday evening I was shitposting about Islam again just fine without a ban.