Zimmermans pistol up for auction - currently at 65m!

You read it right. Sixty. Five. Million. Just thought you'd want to know.


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Isn't Zimmerman a Jewish name?

Not always. It's one of the names the hijacked, like Rosenberg.

IDK. He's the mexican who removed watermelon and made a bunch of kikes really mad, so he's all right in my book.


I gotta get off the caffeinated jew.

It's a German name, retard. Kikes hijack society's names to blend in. Zimmerman means woodworker. Ever know a kike to do manual labor?

I'd do the manual labor of removing the kike.

Arbeit Mact Frie

Up to 65m. Hopefully this is legit and it's not a raid.

I'm fucking glad I'm out of that shithole.

Wow. What literal retard is sitting on 65 mil and sees buying Zimmernan's handgun as a good investment?

Meanwhile the 20k we raised to get a working shitposting website gets wasted on coke and ladyboys.


It actually looks like it's being raided. The bid for 64m was from an account that was deleted.

There was this recent case too. Fucking hilarious.


The amount of salt this is going to produce will fuel our memes for the next 10 weeks!

My sides would leave this dimension if that happened.

Make it so

Fucking hell $6.5 gorillion dollarydoos would buy a shitload of Skittles, Iced-Tea and cough syrup.

Wait, shit, it's $65 gorillion.
I read it wrong because my imagination failed.
Top fucking kek.

He could buy mr wilson a very nice house

Oh man imagine the online chimpout that would cause.


Oh goodness, let's hope he gets it. Maybe he can fund a new home for Holla Forums. I am worried he'll run out of money and turn pathetic.

Did he ever use for defamation of character to the accusers as well as whatever newspapers spread lies? His treatment was completely unfair.

Oh he's definitely getting raided by lefties

This was one of the raiders btw - he should deifnitely get sued

Well Milosevic seems to have been beaten out by Donald Trump so we're in for a serious bidding war for the rest of the week.

Zimmy should sue them. And then auction it again. And then sue the new raiders. etc

Nigger wtf did I just click on?

no idea
the profile is probably fake, though

Is the bid verified?

Probably not. SJW's are trying to rack up an insane amount so that nobody actually buys it. If that happens then we'll all have a party of liberal asshurt.




No it fucking isn't.
"Cousin Rapist" is the current highest bidder, having outbid Donald Trump.

Yeah, too bad no ones ever gonna pay that. But value is usually made up anyways, so by fake bidding they are really just superficially raising it's value by giving it attention. If they keep giving it more attention and bid-blocking it, the actual value is just going to rise. Liberals are never really smart people

I still laugh every time I see that picture.

Nice trips, but …


Jew. You can't tell if someone is a jew just by the name, but that is a common cryptokike-name.

I don't know why they have a liking for names ending with -mann, -feld, -berg etc.

I'm pretty sure that his father is a Jew…

In this particular case, he is a patron saint of Holla Forums.

It's like how dorner might be a nigger, but he is still the uncornerable.

When it comes to Zimmerman who fucking cares?

Both are legit, and caused a lot of jews some serious asspain.

This is going to trigger the SJNiggers so hard.

He is a "murderera" yet not only gets free, he gets rich.

These protestors literally made him over half a billion dollars.

Post YFW OP was right!!



It's gotta be Trump



I have a feeling with names like Chris P Bacon and George Gobblesdick the winner in 4 days is just going to default on paying.

That's the thing, if you make a bid and fail to honor it, you are in breach of contract. The guy who made the person with the winner bid is gonna be sued for fraud and breach of contract. It is gonna be lulztastic.


Why? Anyone knows whats going on?

You really need to ask why?

Im surprised they let it get to such a high value.

Still we should raid that websites emails with complaints.

Thats clearly discriminating. George should sue them.

Obviously they realized nobody was actually going to pay $66 million, so they are probably going to reset the auction and verify bids.

The winner might be under contract but without anything more than the IP address it is going to be hard to stick anything to them.

I doubt the auction was pulled due to the nature of selling the gun that shot Trayvon because it was online for 3 days. I'm pretty sure they would have taken it down sooner.


Heres salon gloating about it being removed

Even if some SJW buys it and destroys the gun, they're making ZimZam a lot of money.

It's a win-win

Will any legit site let this auction actually finish?
Wonder who could be behind the removals?

When most auctions are compromised, the winner is the person who has the highest verifiable bid that was above the reserve. They can rack it up as high as they want, but there was most probably a healthy reserve and legitimate bids above it.

So many repeating digits here

Anybody know what caused his twooter account to be suspended?

check the link
