If we meme it, it will come

Can we meme Prince Harry into seizing power in Britain?

Basically the only shot Britain has at surviving this century is for an authoritarian to take power and right the course for the nation.
You're probably thinking he's a degenerate, who's incapable of leadership, but I think he's got a lot of potential.
-Military experience
-Talks shit about Pakis
-Young and ambitious
-Technically is in the royal family and is within reach of the throne
-Well liked and popular with the people

You might be thinking that he can't be the new king because they're are a few people ahead of him on the list. Let's be honest, rules for succession are less rules and more like guidelines. European history is rife with royalty jumping ahead of the line, power comes to those who take it.

Britbongs, any reason why a King would be any worse than what's happening now?

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Harry is based. I don't know why he likes to dress as a nazi, but it can't be for bad reasons.

Still, memes aren't something you can force.

idk man


reminder the real king of England was a nazi



that's a really shitty looking armband. I've seen better replicas in the Bud K Catalog.

cool though, at least he's on the right side of history so to speak.

Fuck those welfare sucking parasites.

Has the guy ever given his opinion about the state of affairs in Britain?
I wish he would just give us a little something to work with

So long as he was a brutal dictator who removed all minorities it would be a-okay

We can aim our sights a bit higher.


What? Every other picture is him squatting among a bunch of mudchildren or playing ball with them.
The royals are pozzed as fuck.

I mean don't aim it at useless royalty with unknown views, who are probably sub-average iq anyhow.

Fucking meme someone TAKING power if you want something to happen.

Harry turns against the treacherous monarch and conspirators and strikes two deathly blows-
-One for his Kingdom
-One for his mother
He then musters a host and embarks at Dover. For the second time in eighty years, the British army marches on Germany.
This time, Europa will rise from the ashes.


He said he'd support the reintroduction of national service.

Any good stories of Harry being based? I remember reading a thread about the Queens husband which was great.

Would be great to see a true king come into power and remove all the shitskins.


I saw that movie a while back.


Only in a time of crisis is the monarchy allowed to take over control of the country.

So unless pakis start raining suicide bombers from zeplins I don't think it's going to happen lad.

Not merely crisis, but a crisis in which the entire government of the United Kingdom has been wiped out in one blow.

His mom is a mudshark.

That maybe soon upon them. England would be better off with their old rule.


burger here if he did become king I would sail over in my grandpas sunfish and promptly join the british grenadiers just so I could be a lobster back like my great great great great grandpappy was long ago. I would much rather die for aristocrat than some bureaucrat

you mean wait to be annexed by the north america WN superstate and administrated by Legate Garrison

What would that even accomplish though? The British monarchy is 99.999999% neutered. At best he'd make some rayciss twatter posts, upon which the britcucks would cry and dissolve the royal family. Brits don't want the royal family back in power; they're 100% "muh democracy!". So if he did manage to take some real power there'd be riots in the streets and international condemnation for not being in line with $CURRENT_YEAR.

But if we can meme it then we should meme it.

Eh. Maybe urban shits. But I've met plenty of rural people who openly state they'd rather the royal family be in control because politicians are that utterly shit.

It might be a small minority, but I think you're underestimating how many people absolutely despise the British government. The problem isn't support, it's getting past your average white Brit's antipathy to open politicking. Brits don't like to protest much, the ones who do are overwhelmingly lefties, usually students who have nothing better to do or else the brainwashed cunts who think they're "standing up to the evil system" which apparently involves supporting Labour who are by far the worst offender in said evil system.

England is far more right-wing than people realise, as usual it's just urban centres with brainwashed students and middle-class liberal cunts, alongside imported shitskin voters that make up the majority of the left's core support.

Best I've got lad.

The royal family are a powerless soap opera at present, your resources are better spent memeing brexit, which would fuck with the globalists.


The Royal Family isn't based.

What did this guy just fall out of a gutter?
why the fug does he have ripped up jeans?

That's not a rip, it's a cut. The faggot is making a retarded fashion statement.

All good memes are forced.

we would have said the same thing about Trump a few years ago

He wouldn't ask for permission first you mong. He would need to lead a coup.

some people think it's "cool" and "fashionable"

Probably meant he can afford to sport the latest Hugo Boss apparel.

There are pictures of me at the zoo as a kid too, but that doesn't mean I support the destruction of my culture.

Said the JIDF.

Yet we clearly see that Her Majesty stands wearily three feat from the hideous Jew rat as she can barely contain her disdain, and disgust at the vile creature behind an obviously forced smile.


Can't parry the harry is much better you idiot

wouldn't it be great if the queen was killed by some Arab "refugee" motherfuckers and Harry took over and lead Britain in a revenge war, the throne regaining power backed by the peoples outrage?
make great Britain great again

T-thanks lad

Better than the status qou lets get meeting!

Fugging auto correct *memeing*

Why the fuck would you want that guy as Prime Minister? He's just another aristocrat. Fuck him.

That's not how it works.

King, lad.

Remember this?

As a burger this is my dream for the UK


He wouldn't have to be a king, he could be take a different position. Any how the monarch is mostly a titular position which stands aside for other powerful politicians, which means the prince could be do something important while not taking over the kingship.

Great. Now we can FORCE"""British""" Muslims to join the British military… 'Jamal, you're in charge of the weapons stores'

And we can fight alongside our British Muslim brothers and die for isreal TOGETHER

That's integration


did he really say that?

Edward the king of england that was forced to surrender his throne was good buddies with Adolf and wanted peace with the nazis


wait…. what? holy fuck what they don't teach you in History… I didn't even realize they deposed their monarch recently.


how was he deposed? what happened to his line? who is the "real" king, then? wtf?

House Saxe-Coburg und Gotha are crypto-Krauts :^)

something like he was going to marry an American gold digger, and it was a disgrace so he gave up the throne to marry her

How are Americans this thick?

It's more likely for your pakis to seize power you toothless Britshits.
You deserve it, at any rate

thats how eurotrash dress user

i don't know what I said that was so "thick"

oh rite. that's happened more than once, I think. I mean, that's his fault, I guess. I thought you meant he was forced out bc he was too Nazi or something

he is a Holla Forumsack for sure

so is the whole royal family for that matter

The secret English fondness for Naziism is no myth.

Even pot-smoking hippie English singer/songwriter Kate Bush wrote a story song about the hotness of Hitler:

"they say that the devil is a charming man, and just like you, I bet he could dance"

There's a few missing steps in the succession chain. What's going to happen to his globalist daddy? Vid related.

God save Her Majesty the Queen.

thanks for clearing that up Henry

Charles is a faggot and maybe the anti-christ. Watch out for that old bastard.

he couldn't even keep his woman in line.

I was dreaming of this the other day, so kek has planted it in our minds so shall he become the king again and reign as true monarch.

doesn't he have to marry his cousin first?


Nigger we have a nation the size of Europe you think we have time to remember your history among all of our own?

This shitskin baked the cake for the Queen on her birthday, even though there were much better white bakers than her.


I'm not anti-monarchy but I do see why most people hate the idea of a royal family in their current form as merely a tourist attraction.
If they actually got power again, I could see people becoming more royalist. I would myself.

At the very least the Royal Family should replace the house of lords and act as a sort of umpire to keep the government in check.
Due to the Royal Family's success and wealth being dependent on the state of the country, I feel they would care more about Britain and it's people than career politicians selling the country out for money and power.
The monarchy is a human embodiment of the nation. It's why, although I'd prefer Jerusalem to be our anthem, I don't detest God Save the Queen, because as I said, I feel they're a human embodiment of the land, so when we sing God Save the Queen, we're singing God Save Britain

Britain will have to take some drastic measures to uncuck itself. this democracy shit aint working

He looks pretty good in that uniform, like an Emperor during wartime.

Alas, how could I forget that they lost their empire thanks to a fat drunkard dickhead.

Britain would thrive if they went back to being a legit monarchy tbh


If only Liz would have let this madman play a bigger role in politics.

If you say so.

To be honest, it's his choice too. Prince Albert, as consort of Queen Vicky, was equally (and sometimes even more) involved in running the country as his wife, whereas Prince Philip pretty much took a backseat. Lizzie has admitted that he heavily influences what she says and does, though; he's a true alpha.

You do know don't you that Harry has a particular fondness for colored prostitutes, and that this provides great amusement not to mention interesting audio and video evidence for the operatives at GCHQ Chelthenham and Scotland Yard? A Harry regime would resemble that of Emperor Bokasso of the Central African Republic.

Still, a coup followed by helicopter assault on the headquarters of those responsible for lifetime surveillance on him would certainly be something I would enjoy watching.

>Can we use meme magic to do ?
Why yes! Yes we can!

It's a far better narrative if Harry is the new black prince, as that means he will be fated to win and die on the battlefield against the cuckolds, IIRC.


You know that might be because he is too fond of white women to use them as prostitutes?

Also: A non-white prostitute that get pregnant can be forced to take an abortion, but a random white women might try to get pregnant, and then be too connected to be forced to abort.

Fucking non-white prostitutes is anyway a far cry from genociding the British people, assuming it is true, and not just more dirt from leftist pigs.

Don't worry.

He will return to significance when he dies, and return as virus of biblical proportions.


Its generally non-whites that do bullying. Just as non-whites do other anti-social activities like murder, rape and robbery.

Yes yes, its very cool to kill your father! All great heroes of history killed their father, just like King Arthur did in this video. Trust me He He He, Its all true! (Only kill people who matters to you, that's the smartest thing to do!)

bong here.
is a benevolent but strong race loving leader not the most desirable method of governing?

also, if he would kick out all the muslim trash i be all for him.

I know, as it is how selfish and noisy non-white children are, that turned me racist.

After U.K, We should do France.

His granddad is certainly based

To female sea cadet last year: “Do you work in a strip club?”

To multi-ethnic Britain’s Got Talent 2009 winners Diversity: “Are you all one family?”
To President of Nigeria, who was in national dress, 2003: “You look like you’re ready for bed!”
To a British trekker in Papua New Guinea, 1998: “You managed not to get eaten then?”
To Atul Patel at reception for influential Indians, 2009: “There’s a lot of your family in tonight.”
Peering at a fuse box in a Scottish factory, he said: “It looks as though it was put in by an Indian.”
After Dunblane massacre, 1996: “If a cricketer suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, are you going to ban cricket bats?”
To then Paraguay dictator General Stroessner: “It’s a pleasure to be in a country that isn’t ruled by its people.”
To Scottish driving instructor, 1995: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”
On Ethiopian art, 1965: “It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from school art lessons.”
To Cayman Islanders: “Aren’t most of you descended from pirates?”
On Ethiopian art, 1965: “It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from school art lessons.”

To Aboriginal leader William Brin, Queensland, 2002: “Do you still throw spears at each other?”

"I don’t think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing.”

To a British student in China, 1986: “If you stay here much longer, you’ll go home with slitty eyes.”

In Cardiff he told children from the British Deaf Association, who were standing by a Caribbean steel band: "If you're near that music it's no wonder you're deaf".

Can we meme OP into becoming a decent human being?

King Harry 2k17

He looks like moot on that


that 4th pic

Simpsons memed this already

I never noticed it before, but Trudeau sure has a large and curved nose.



What are some kinds of glasses that aren't cucked? Can we get a Holla Forums approved eyewear thread some time?

Let the memes come to life.

There's literally nothing wrong with murder.

Gets me every time.


Wonder what he said to the paki baker.

I don't know, so let's make it that the uncucked can wear what they want?

Isn't there a common trope about children abandoning the values of their parents in favor of the values of their grandparents?

I hope this is true

If that's true it means my kids are going to be irritating as fuck?

It can happen, but the boomers did not follow theirs.

I don't know how true it is. Some bitch on tv was trying to explain the swelling numbers of Trump supports while implying that our grandparents tend to be more racist/sexist (traditional)

I pictured some kind of Rick and Morty relationship

All in the name of diversity. I'm fucking pissed.

He's married to a goldstein.

He looks just like Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP!

Also Harry is probably a bastard of Diana and so not even in line to the throne. Harry would have to kill The Queen, Prince Charles; Prince William, and his two kids: Prince George, and Princess Charlotte (never going to happen). Constitutional monarchy is the best form of government, though we need to massively change the electoral system.



Exactly, user. Being the son of two proud bakers, imagine how angry I was when I saw that the champion bake was that hat cake. Even the fucking runner-up of 2015 did something way more impressive than hers (he's technically more diverse: being a gay Indian doctor).

That looks like shite


I've been taking baking classes, just seeing the picture was enough to piss me off.

Its still shit but better skill.

It looks like he tried to make "deconstructed" croquembouche but lacked the skill. Also his lace is shit, but its still better then copping out with jewels and fondant. I can appreciate some of the creativity but if it was a real contest he wouldn't qualify at all.

Fucking hell, all of it is complete shit.

That has never happened before or since in British history.

Edward was very much gamed out by the "War party" of the Parliament: Eden, Churchill et al.

He chose to abdicate in order to keep the throne in Windsor hands. Otherwise, there was a real chance of abolishing monarchy completely.

During the war, Ed was biding his time in Portugal, and thinking of claming the throne back with German support.
Alas, Salazar sold him out and Edward was exiled to the Bahamas by now Prime minister Churchill.

It was written by one of your best poets (Blake), it's your unofficial anthem at any rate

Bump for continued interest

He's…third or fourth in line to the throne. Or is he fifth now with a strong chance of regency candidate?

As I recall its Charles, Harrys brother whose name I forget, his firstborn, his second child then Harry.

Calling it now, Queen dies or abdocates this year.

Well if things get much worse she won't survive.
Either parliament will kill her or the military or her own family.

I used to think she was holding onto the throne to keep it away from charles.
But now I suspect its to try and end her reign on a positive note. To try and avoid being labelled an utter failure by history.


Restoring the British empire sounds kekworthy enough to catch on.


They're glasses mate, some of us have fucking shit eye-sight.
I have how glasses are associated with SJW fucks now, I'm legally blind without mine.


Not regular glasses, but the thick black frame and/or extra large & round glass ones.

Wut, that's Arthas from Warcraft 3, and he's a villain.

You could always just wait for the queen to die.
Big mistake Britain.


He lost his throne voluntarily so he could marry a used up whore from America.

He was a fucking king, he should have just dumped her and gotten a proper virgin wife and teamed up England + Deutschland for world domination.

No he couldn't.

There was more behind the scenes.

Any wire-rimmed glasses.

That swastika looks weird. It looks like a joke-swastika.

I've seen jews make that joke-swastika on other images before.

I bet that image isn't even real.

The more I read about that fat toad, the more convinced I am that he was garbage given human form.

Oh, you have no idea.


sexy af tbh fam

Looks like he went to Africa just to troll. Look at his face, hes crashing his sides laughing like a mad man the whole time.

Jesus Christ. Its a plain cake, its clear the only reason she "won" that is because she had the most oppression points.

he's the reincarnation of oswald mosley he is.


Ganbare Harry

I'm pretty sure Britain is fucked past the recovery stage.

Best bet is find a way to move to the Falklands and pray to God that the Argies don't get cheeky again.

Germany was fucked past the recovery stage in the early 30's. That didn't stop them from getting their shit together.

Harry's mum Diana Spencer, was a jew, which makes him a jew too.

That eating one is rather funny.

No they are legit krauts.

He does seem like the best option at this point. He can disband parliament at any point once he becomes king, as well. And also reincorporate the jewish city of london.

Alas no.

The monarch can no longer legally dissolve parliament.

Gay. So there's no way he could get in the driver's seat except for a coup?

Well the military is still extremely pro-monarchy.
Direct control of the airforce and navy.
The army is supposedly under the command of parliament but theres no loyalty to parliament and the army is overflowing with royalist traditions and imagery. Plus the old military families that actually run it are all in tight with the royal family. Many of the senior staff know the Queen personally and a few are on a first name basis with her.

It wouldn't take much to get them to ditch the "British Army" title and go back to "The Royal Army"

Also parliaments are still formed at the request of the monarch.
So just because you win the election doesn't mean you're in. That's how coalition governments and minority governments can happen. You have to be asked to form a parliament which means you have to convince the monarch you're the ones to do it.

He's so based.

Harry that wanker promotes fapping charity


Like all royals in Europe today they're either by law or extremely forcibly "suggested" to stay out of politics. If they open their mouths on any issue a media shit storm always follows.

Examples if such "non law" forced suggestive indirect laws is the Swedish: Torekov compromise (Torekovskompromissen) that was reached by all Swedish political parties except the then communist party in 1971. The discussion that lead to the compromise was initiated by the Social Democrats who want to abolish the Monarchy.

This "compromise" mandates that the monarch would become entirely ceremonial head of state, without any political powers and that the monarch would stay out of the political discourse.

This basically is a knife held on the throat of the whole royal family. If they start to speak their mind they'll be kicked out, and all money and perks removed from them. And considering that even in Sweden the monarch still has absolute immunity from criminal charges. They've got a lot to lose.

And the case is fairly similar in all remaining European monarchies.

You can't force the memery to happen, it must occur naturally, through the primordial consciousness of feels

Forced memery only upsets Kek

has anyone looked into retaking sweden with the monarchy?

May be a good angle. However, they're probably cucked.
