Atheists and skepdicks, how does the cessation of consciousness upon death even make sense...

Atheists and skepdicks, how does the cessation of consciousness upon death even make sense? And how do you account for the near death experience phenomena?

How does it NOT make sense? Your corporeal material can no longer sustain itself, it ceases to be active, and your brain withers and decays, along with the rest of your body. You are the sum of your parts; from a molecular level, to the formal, conscious level, this is what YOU are (along with your memories). There is no evidence to suggest anything remotely transient about your Being or the "self".

As I'm sure you're aware, the brain is one of the most mysterious things in the universe, and we cannot say with objective clarity what goes on in the brain during these experiences; however, given the absence of any evidence to support a "soul" or anything that's beyond our material existence, it's safe to assume that these experiences occur because the brain is still functioning (obviously these people did not become brain-dead, otherwise they would not be able to recount ANYTHING, much less their experiences while "dead") – again, there is no evidence to support any half-cocked theory concerning the individual """leaving their body""", and so it's complete hokum (wishful thinking) until proven otherwise.

What about experience? How do you just stop experiencing everything upon death? What would that even be like?

How do you not experience before conception? What was that even like?

Cessation of conscioussness is simply your brain ceasing to perform activity, in particular once your brain is permanently rendered inoperable due to physical trauma or lack of oxygen. Near-death experiences basically are your brain going haywire as neurochemical processes are disturbed due to various causes (but chiefly the lack of oxygen). The light at the end of the tunnel scenario in particular has been traced back to malfunctions in the photosensitive cells within the eyes of the dying.


You didn't experience anything before you were conceived, but it's not anything that can be imagined. If there is nothing we could refer to as "experience" beyond our current state, then obviously one will not experience death either.

I'm not the least bit religious, but if the Big Crunch theory turns out to be true, then I'd imagine we'll have experiences beyond this life, but no recollection of our previous existence(s).

You know when you switch off a lightbulb?
Yeah, it's like that

But that was prior to existence

Now that is existence is here it doesn't make sense that it'd just poof and go away

This reeks of wishful thinking. You secretly hope that after you die, it's not over yet. So you desperately look to justify this idea. It's difficult to accept at first, but the sooner you stop kidding yourself the sooner you will realise how lucky you are to die some day. I'd hate to remain conscious after death, coz it would mean being conscious for all eternity. And that's terrifying.

Your corporeal material has always existed in different forms (probably not what you think I mean).

You do realize that you didn't just appear out of thin air, right? See: entropy/causality

How does the cessation of consciousness upon passing out make sense? How does the non-cessation of consciousness after death make sense?

If destroying parts of your brain destroys parts of your consciousness, then destroying all of your brain destroys all of your consciousness, destroying you.

Heh. This is one of those little nuggets that I haven't heard before – not bad.

You come back from passing out though. And it makes sense if consciousness is energy

Consciousness hasn't been mapped out by neurochemistry and it's hard to believe that consciousness came from stardust

Not user, but now you're either being dumb, or this is b8.

Is your heart still beating? I would assume that it is, in which case you're body is still functioning.
think, user

It's hard to believe a lot of things, but we must make the mosy of the optimal resources at hand (logic, empirical evidence etc). What you DON'T do is take the lazy route and full in the blanks with answers that you find palatable.

Ah, fuckin *your*!! Goddamnit, I hate it when I do that.

Dimethyltryptamine also known as DMT isa helluva ah drug.

Asking the living to explain a state of null is fruitless.
Consciousness is just perception and interpretation of perception. It's a result of having a brain. Our consciousness doesn't just inhabit the brain like a snail shell.

Also, this:


Just because you are to dumb to under stand how your brain turns off just like a light bulb or a computer. You cease to exist. Period. You can't imagine it just like you can't imagine what's it's like to be blind. Blind people do not "see" all black or all white. They cease to have that input to their brain at all. You having sight can never comprehend or imagine what that is like. Just like being dead. But don't worry because being stupid is like being dead, everyone knows it but you.

How does the continuation of consciousness after the end of brain activity make sense?

People are very bad at describing what they have seen to the point eye-witness accounts are the last resort in any legal prosecution.

what in kennedi's sage?

kennedi dubs


This happens every time you sleep.

Sleep tight.

Sounds dumb tbh fam smh.

get fucked you piece of shit

God is real. I believe.

It makes sense the same way it makes sense that you lose consciousness every night, or if you hyperventilate for long enough to pass out. Go on, try it.

I account for the near death experience phenomena with the brain frantically trying to boost its activity as a final effort to get the heart beating again, because death = absence of brain activity, and life = presence of brain activity, or specifically orderly brain activity that allows for memories to be created, stored and accessed, as well as keeping the heart beating. A similar experience can be achieved with DMT or similar fast-acting serotonergic drugs, because it's solely the trickery of brain chemistry.

What, are you retarded or something?

Maximum pleb philistine level reached!

Consider the fact that stardust is experience as well. All matter is experience. And matter = energy, so energy = experience. Everything that exists has an experience of being, even though it doesn't have an ego or a thought process, because those are illusions brought on by the orderly processing and moving around of matter.

Would we exist in a nudist state after we die?

That's what you call an argument from argument from incredulity.

It's not that hard to imagine nothing. Just nothing. You're just unconscious. It's not because it doesn't happen everyday (oh wait, at night) that it's impossible.

God talked to me and told me what heaven is like. I want everyone to know this so that you may all find peace in this slowly dying world.

Heaven Literally is God Literally is Heaven. the reality we currently occupy is fake, just like the matrix. when our lives are finished due to natural or other causes (as is human/animal life) God chooses to do different things with you. Maybe if God thinks you have done everything you must do and experienced everything you must experience, God decides to wake you up into what is real reality. This is heaven, your haven. jewish people know this as Isreal. (Is-rael, IS-REAL) (you will find that this translates uncannily into many different languages.) It is your one and only true real home that can really be called a home. You can only really call any place on earth a house or a forward base of operations for your mission to do and experience on earth.

as vast as we our told our so called universe is, our universe is absolutely nothing compared to the beyond infinite scale of true eternity. A common translation for the shema prayer is "God is eternal and the eternal is one" this is a hint that God literally IS heaven.

There is no hell other than earth itself. imperfect human beings are responsible for how life on earth is. people make their own hell. however, it is important to note that God created everything and also created the concept of creation and controls literally everything.

If and when God ever decides you are ready to embrace freedom and eternity (???????) happens and you basically find yourself to be the most beautiful and true representation of yourself that you couldn't have ever even imagined, and yet you feel perfect and good about yourself forever more. you find yourself at (metaphore) a giant endless hotel. there are many doors in its hallway's and only one belongs to you while the rest belong to infinite amounts of other conscious intelligent entities, some of which were people long ago.

your door contains a special area of the eternal beyond infinite universe where you find that everything is perfect in such a way that you are extremely happy in every way including ways that you could have never imagined. you are able to experience anything you want to and are always completely free from what you personally define as "suffering". you can experience (inadequate descriptory term):anything especially what is considered as impossible. it goes without saying that you also can experience things that you missed out on during your life on earth and you are able to also experience better versions of everything that has ever or ever will exist. a bad publisher corporation that makes terrible video games (I know already what you think of) and you play one of them and do not enjoy it. In heaven you can play the same game as if a perfect company who didn't exist made the game and all the content that was removed because of bad playtesters is restored and a perfect amount of special new added content is available.

it isn't a good way to describe it, but your "pocket universe" has a built in system that automatically generates an entire universe of people that are perfect for you for every situation or thing that could ever happen. similar how a game may autogenerate different ai characters depending on your actions, however instead the people generated are as conscious and real as you are, but their purpose is to populate your pocket universe and they feel just at home as you do.

your universe generates endless unique adventures and are just as endlessly enjoyable. you can play, or be in any video game or movie even if they never existed but will automatically be created as you go and they will always be "favorite tier" or greater. basically you are always safe no matter what. there can be specially generated types of conflict that make the adventures special and fun but you can turn this off when you want peace so there is never any real danger or problems or issues in the world/universe.

there are special trees of different sizes that grow all over the place in the universe and can survive in any environment or where there is no environment. they are alien and beautiful and are essentially "giving tree's" that are universally saved databases of every new food you have discovered. these tree's grow large coconut-like pods that the tree gives to you by moving its tentacle branches to hand you a fruit which then disconnects from the tree and lands in your hands. you can open the pod whenever you want, or save it for later. the pod opens automatically when you want it. the pod almost always contains exactly the food you were craving. sometimes the pod is a surprise and contains a food that you didn't know you were craving but is perfect. sometimes the surprise isn't food but something else special entirely that doesn't normally belong in a pod or a tree.

also since there are unlimited unique enjoyable experiences you also always find new "favorite or better" foods that you didn't know existed and all sorts of cool alien fruits and vegetables and plants and some of those fruits behave as if they were potions and some have some very fun temporary effects (or permanent if you like them) (can be toggled on and off whenever you want) some fruits even grow as alchoholic by nature.
the fruits have special abilities that you "know" when you hold them that will allow you to customize yourself.

if you wish to do so, you may leave your door and visit other people's/friend's/family's "home universes" if they invite you or give you permission to enter and you may leave simply by willing it whenever you please. you can never be harmed and will never experience something you wouldn't want to even if you don't know it exists. time doesn't exist as it is just an illusion of our earthly fake matrix universe and so you always are able to automatically plan with everyone. if you meet a friend in their universe at "later- but not now" to them, it's as if you showed up when they wanted you too. same goes for everything. there is no way to be late to anything or miss out on anything that is meant to involve you and that is how infinite people are able to coordinate and meet up and never neglect each other's company. even if someone wants to hang out with you, you could wait for what seems like a million years and when you go to meet with them it will be as if you showed up instantly from their perspective. whenever you want to hang out with someone is when they will show up. (you are unable to become lost from your own door to your "home" as you will always find it next to you when you are looking for it) (your door only lets you in, not others, unless you give permission) (if others go inside your universe they can't do anything that you wouldn't want them to do even if you don't know they could do it) (others who are visiting can leave and nobody can trap anyone or make anyone experience anything they don't want to even in each others "home") (nobody is able to damage or ruin anyone's "home" because God doesn't allow it to happen, and even if it did it would just fix itself perfectly or revert to a previous untouched state instantly without any problems)

you can have basically anything you want whenever you want. oh and heaven has loads of sex. you can eat all the food you want without getting fat. you can even play as the first person in any of your videogames. even if you can't imagine all the beautiful limitless impossibilities and wonders you can experience, God automatically transforms and directs the environment around you so that you never ever become bored or depressed or feeling any lacking. you are finally able to experience the feeling of true ultimate freedom. you never have to worry if you will have a house or money or food tomorrow. God has written God on your heart and you just know God.

look up the double slit experiment.

a watched pot ????? boils.

Why do none of you faggots ever realize that DMT actually just plants enlightenment emotions associated with the memories of the vague shapes and a sense of there having been "something more" you now can't remember?

It's a psychoactive chemical, this is obvious.

no thanks, I don't like disinformation.




also keep in mind that there is only God, the one and only God.

anything and everything else is completely a total false idol and full of shit. don't ever let anyone convince you to believe in any image or representation or name other than simply God.

pro tips:

I threw away all religion, I mean yes the bible has some good hints, so do many religions but none of them get it 100% right.

I simply only believe in GOD now, or whatever you want to call "the effect" "the super intelligence" "the force"

there is literally only GOD, it doesn't matter if every bible turned into pudding, doesn't mean anything to the true real GOD.

the word of God comes straight from God.

Religion and "Religions" (they especially enjoy when it makes people conflict with each other over differences in belief) is/are actually a highly complex sinister conspiracy and plot to
overcomplicate the simple act of believing in and loving the one and only God. there is no father or any son, there is no jesus, or santa (satan) claus or any devil or satan or beezle boop or any stupid garbage like that, ALL OF IT.- is a distraction. It is designed to confuse you and distance you from God by making you beleive that you need to do all this complicated bullshit to make God love you or to be saved. Alot of these people believe they need to go to a stupid temple or church or synagog or mosk or any building to go pray with other people, because "God can't hear them anywhere else" or they are led to believe that it's the right thing to do. they are also lead to believe that God needs their money. ITS ALL A SCAM. WAKE UP. THE ONLY things you need to do are try your best to treat others the way you want to be treated, be honest with yourself, and MOST OF ALL, above ALL ELSE, believe in and love God the one and only. you just broke "the game" because you and God now have no dishonesty of the soul between you.

God is literally the only real thing about this universe, and every single other puppet or figurehead that people make up to describe some thing happening is 100% BS.

don't listen to the damage control shills who rushed to answer your thread and tell you "just accept it you are trapped" "deal with it" as they will try to discredit this one and only post I'm making in this thread before leaving and not returning. listen to your self. trust your instincts, your gut feelings. God gave you that power. search your feelings to know the truth and your "bullshit radar" will help you know the difference. I can't say that I know why God put us here but experiencing this the way it is, is probably a part of it. maybe we are supposed to know the true meaning of a universe that is flawed by design and know why that's bad. built in obsolescence is a pain in the ass, but God did it all for some reason that humans don't have the senses or the perception of reality to grasp the reasoning behind. God controls everything. if anyone tells you that God wouldn't or couldn't they are delusional because God, being the definition of the abscense of limitation is responsible for everything. there is no coincidence, there is no luck. there are no lords, no kings, only God. I would throw away a bible in the trash can without a single worry, because the will of God surrounds us and penetrates us all.

shills made up

"the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"
which pyschologically tempts your mind to consider that you are worried that you are being fooled, and thus tricking a non-devil believer (since the devil isn't real but idiots worship that) into worrying and then believing again.
"the path to hell is paved with good intentions"
so what may I ask Is the path to heaven paved with? bad intentions?

these are all tricks, there is a nasty cult that believes it controls this earth, banks, news, gmo agriculture, corporations and governments are these people. they are fools to believe they are in control for even a second.

humanity is foolish, and some people's urges to categorize everything away as something specific and black and white has led them to believe that God, who created the entire universe needs some hairy red guy with horns to be in charge of some oversized BBQ pit in the ground who is responsible for all the "bad" things that happens.

the devil isn't real, hell isn't real, not anymore real than this intentionally flawed matrix universe that we live in that we may be logical to give the name of hell to anyways for the obvious reasons. God giveth and God taketh, babies are born alive and many born still. people suffer. shit happens. it sucks, but its a part of this miserable experience and that's what God wants. why? I don't know. God is like the most powerful quantum supercomputer humans ever built, multiplied by a limitless value greater than infinity. think about how God created this entire universe, this matrix, this simulation, and constantly controls every single particle that makes up every single atom that makes up every single grain of sand on every single beach on the entire earth, think of how many FUUUUUCKING grains of sand there are, but it doesn't even matter because everything is made out of particles anyway, and God controls ALL OF IT. you don't even know how to not even fucking be decided to look more like. you just dont even. God is literally God. best explaination.

also look up the proof that we are living in a simulation. that one black science guy who isn't neil degrass black hole inside a black hole tyson. no offense to him but I can't forget that image someone posted here once. other black science guy says he found actual computer code in the fabric of the universe. even if you throw all that this guy says straight out of the fucking window, you can't deny that we are all not actually solid matter. the distance between the atoms inside us are massive, like planets in a solar system distance away from each other. we are literally made up out of more empty space than we are of particles, because if you look deeper, even the particles that make up atoms are extremely far away from each other. you go deeper looking for more answers and see more empty space. It's a miracle that any solid matter including ourselves can even touch another object without going straight through it.

If fucking anybody ever puts any doubt in you, or tries to convince you of a belief that doesn't fit in with God, you must know they are misguided or knowingly full of bullshit. always understand "there is only God" everything else is bullshit. if you know anything at all about this universe, this reality, this existance, know that you truly know nothing, except "there is only God" everything else is bullshit to the max. never forget that. May the Force be with you.

Keep in mind that your brain doesn't "shut-off" while sleeping, so it's not a great comparison to a null state of death or nonexistence.

Look, none of us have seen the other side or lack thereof. Shut the fuck up about it. Logical people don't say "Oh, I haven't seen it, that means I'm an EXPERT on this subject," they say "I haven't seen it so I don't fucking know." Shut the fuck up, there are more important things we could discuss on an anonymous image board than what comes after death. Let's talk about fixing what comes before for a change.

Let me ask you, because you seem to be oh so interested in this:

Is your brain currently under the influence of biochemical processes?
Your memories and values are attached to positive chemical responses that act as incentive for taking action and risk. If you were to exist outside your brain, how could you be yourself? If the you that you know to be you is under constant influence of being in a body, then a you outside of your body, could no longer be described as yourself as you know it to be.

So, you're right. The existence of an afterlife in this occasion is irrelevant. No matter what, you will cease to be.

You're not thinking outside the box. What if there is some kind of process you go through that transfers your consciousness to a new state of being that's different but not entirely dissimilar to your current state? Matter changes states all the time, why not your mind? The unknown doesn't necessarily have to apply to our current knowledge and understanding of how things work. Or, maybe it does. All of that is just a hypothesis of course. The point is none of us know for sure and guessing is all good and well, but we need to stop pretending we have all the facts about a possible afterlife simply because of what we know in this life. We find new things all the time that change what we thought we knew before. That's what science is, not coming to a conclusion and refusing to budge from it. It's keeping an open mind and preparing to be wrong. Thousands of years ago, we didn't know much about outer space or even a few miles away from whatever island you happened to be born on. I'm not gonna just completely discount the possibility of an afterlife.

You can count or discount its possibility all you want.
If we're talking about scientific theory, you also have to keep in mind that to come to more accurate hypotheses, you rule out (or set aside) the highly improbable ones. Like the transference of observable matter and energy across dimensions without any observable phenomena.

In addition, prescribed knowledge, not based on evidence, honestly has no real scientific worth other than studies on historical sociology and psychology. We've made strides from how we were "thousands of years ago" by scrutinizing information and judging its validity. Having an open mind is paramount when faced with evidence contrary to what you know, but in lieu of evidence, skepticism is a smarter reaction to baseless information.