Embarrass yourself

Holla Forums, why haven't you left your house in days?

error 404: there is nothing there for me

i went outside to day and i felt fantastic. but mainly i was stuck questioning why i felt fantastic

why should I embarrass myself?
In what universe is embarrassment given positive value by society?

I had no reason to.



I left my house twice today tho

I'm about to go for a long ass walk while listening to some tunes.

I'm gonna miss you guys

Alright mod… take it off

Well, that's fucking dumb.

Don't worry my niggahs, mods taking care of it ;)


You no like a tekkin walks?

I went outside yesterday for pokemonGo…
is that embarrassing enough?

No because everyone is playing it right now.

yeah.. ran into to other people about my age doing it too…

I haven't left because my house is next to two pokestops and a gym.

I lure the stops, which brings in Pokemon and other trainers who will also drop lures, and I have a never ending supply of balls to catch things with.

The trainers that come for the lures will fight my gym, and those that succeed just feed me xp when I take it back.

I have no reason to go outside.

Same, can't manage long trips though because my battery is kill.
Any day my couple spare should arrive in the post.

I think I saw someone doing the same.
I was on some abstract loop around the park that passes several pokestops at like 4-5am.
Saw the same guy twice on opposite ends, walking with his head in his phone.

Bit of a neckbeard.
Had that sheepish depressed look about him.
Exactly the type I try to avoid becoming.


Pokemon Go is not available yet in my country.

didnt wake up until noon, guild traders and PvP campaign reset today, gotta stay on them leaderboards. Passed out from hardly any sleep and hardly any food. Woke up an hour ago. Now to do it all over again!

Such a shame that you don't live on the greatest country on earth.


Time to move.

just kidding

How many of us have them?


or it could be a beautiful nerdy babe

Lucky me, I went out yesterday and found this big daddy.

I haven't left the house in a year because I'm an assburger.

Your pokemon is weak, and will not survive the winter.

Hey fuck you. Did you find him like that?

Catching dozens of growlithes yielded a few with high stats, and this one had the highest potential out of all of them.

The rest became food for my gym slaying monster.

is Sprint a good carrier?
ATT just cucked me recently and now I don't have unlimited data.
Looking to switch.

it hurts to live

The prices are a lot better than AT&T, but the connection sucks. You'll have no service and no internet connection a lot.

But I left today, butthole.

Im at work right now! WTF are you talking about!?

Custom ROMs?

Did you consider going to a flea market because Android 4.1 is over 4 years old now

people are all either boring or too hard to get to, in terms of relationships

i prefer lifting and tending to my hobbies all day