If this shit crashes before the election, the narrative will be that Trump's rhetoric caused it. Prepare accordingly.

"Different this time? Trump candidacy could weigh on Fed thinking" -


Other urls found in this thread:;_ylt=AwrC1zHJxDRXeDgAWWXQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTBybGY3bmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--#

This is just going to come back to bite them in the ass.

We need to spread this.
Let Trump know.

Of Israel?

(First pic): well he's just another goy stooge we'll nip this right in the bud.

(Second pic) why's his facial profile changing?

(Third pic): goddamit, (((Bob))).

(Fourth pic): warm up the ovens…

We have the memes. We need to use them. They can not get away with this shit this time.

Maybe a new meme is in order. Maybe a goodgoy vision of a kike. An innocent looking hooknose with baby cheeks that always pulls (((coincidental))) schemes that backfire every time.



But yeah, being serious, it really does boil down to "no economy because no income". Surprise surprise, when the average american is in a dead-end job or on welfare, they don't have shit to spend. No spending, nothing gets bought. Nothing gets bought, jobs get lost. Rinse and repeat. On top of that we have beaners coming in, snatching up the remaining jobs, and sending all that money out of the country. As for skilled labor and services? Poo in loo H1-B's doing the exact same thing. After all this, the parasites wonder why their stream of shekels has slowed down considerably. Yet another case of kikes having zero long-term planning skills.


I always thought about this, crash the economy on trumps watch "look at what the crazy right winger did"

it always crashes before the next president. dot com crashed on bush in 2000, housing crashed on king nigger in 2008, and next is the big one for trump. its gonna be the worst ever and we need him to make us proud nationalists so that lady liberty can survive what the 'too big to fail' banks are doing. there is a video about it in another thread

check out derivatives bubble. something on the order of 500trillion is at stake.

so basically they are arguing that Trumps word is universal law?

There's $1.2 quadrillion ($1,200,000,000,000,000) in derivatives, I think.

Oy vey, goyim! It would be a shame if your demagogue caused us to make you suffer an economic disaster.

t. filthy kikel

I've read the $500 trillion figure before, but where did you see the $1.2 quads?

To the surprise of absolutely no one.

We all know the economy is going to shit the bed, the only question is when. If the kikes and their puppets can rig it long enough so the crash happens after Trump takes office then maybe, MAYBE they get away with making the public believe it was him. But there is no way they can keep the corpse of this economy going past the end of summer so its doubtful. King nigger is going to get the blame in the end but man oh man will they try to shift the blame to Trump. They will scream until they are red in the face.

And it was supposed to be Klington or Heb! in the White House.
Just take a second and imagine that. Any one of those two incompetents would have ended the USA.

This crash will need very strong leadership. And those two would bow down before the IMF/UN and sold the US on HDTV.
Trump IS a wild card but fuck it I see a Washington in that guy.
But if he's another Rothschild pawn then we all deserve nuclear holocaust.

I wonder how many people more will see the truth when they try to blame the crash on him. The only thing that they didn't try in they kikey arsenal.


That's why we need to get this info out there before the crash happens.

This is the line in the sand, we eradicate anyone stupid enough to believe this, their genetics are poison at this point.

On Marxists are dumb enough to believe Trump's rhetoric could cause an economic slowdown. After all, these are the morons that believe white men control every single aspect of their lives, down to their very thought processes.



Trump wrote about this in the 'Art of the Deal' He said rich people dont like to be made uncomfortable at all. He is obviously making them uncomfortable.

Yeah, well the next president will have to deal with a major depression. Previous presidents have been able to blame on past presidents. The exucitive is partially responsible, but the Fed, which has control over ~50% of the economy by manipulating the value of the dollar is most responsible for the business cycle aka the boom/bust cycle.

The worst part of the next bubble that bursts is there are a great many bubbles right now.. And they are all in and of themselves devestating. Any one of them going will result in a chain reaction. It will be more like boiling water than a bubble bursting. When all the problems and their vastness and how connected to each other they are is taken into account.. This isnt a bubble.. This isnt a difficult time… This is the death of a monetary system.

We need to make sure the world kbows (((who))) is responsible for this shit so that they arent allowed to have anything to do with what ever comes next.

So we will become Weimar and rise accordingly.

I bet it has more to do with Hilary then Trump

Please this. I was going to correct the lower case c, but then I remembered our fucking feminist SJW PM. We don't deserve a fucking capital letter any more. God I love the country, but it's going to hell.

It's like we're in the middle of a mine field. There's a small chance that we're going to make and that robots and automation, free energy etc. are going to prevent another recession, but the chances are not very high. The middle class is hurting, the manufacturing base is gone, the service sector is completely dependent on cheap imports. There are so many things that can go wrong. i agree that the dollar is on its last legs, but it should've died after 9/11, but central around the world intevened to prop it up. I have no idea why, but they did. If any any one of the major central banks stopped debauchering their currency, there'd be flight from the dollar, but it never happens. I think the people at the Fed are working towards a japan-style slide, rather than a crash, although i doubt that they can pull it off.

I know you're not serious, but traditionally presidents, kings and prime ministers have covered up depressions by going to war.

Would Quebec throw as big of a fit as I think they would?

They are plotting a NWO one world government type of shit and will replace cash with purely digital currency that can be read in microchips in which will be implanted in people.

I think weimar is a good baseline for what to expect. But I also believe that the world seems to run on some sort of cycle.. As civilization grows in stages each stage has similar occurances that increase in intensity as the stages progress. The jews made us global now baby. Things have never been so primed to go so wrong ever before in history. The biggest worry I have about it happening is that once it occurs it will be at most a matter of weeks before the internet goes completely dark. So the information… The meme has to already be out there in enough minds for it to continue without us being able to converse with each other. No saying when it will happen but we are approaching the final boss and we need to make sure we have enough mana in our inventory.


Yes but you see the far more sellable narrative is 'I'm the one who can fix this'. Its better if they spring it now then wait for Trump to win and spring it then.

Your dreams of racial purity are a myth, faggot. You're a mongrel. We are all mongrels save perhaps the Judaean Priest Cohen family. Your Jewish rhetoric lowers us all to the level of the niggers, spics, towels, the Jews you pretend hate so vehemently. I say pretend because we all know that shitskins are your modern prefered tools for the miscegination destroying God's nations.

The thing is… the Bible doesn't say God's Will is that we can't have peaceful coexistence amongst His nations. In fact it sort of says the opposite: have peaceful coexistence amongst all His nations, just don't fuck each other.

The United States was never, and never inteded to be, your white utopia. In fact, all utopias are apocryphal.

The United States was started by Protestants as a bastion against European Jewry.

I'm pretty sure they would, but at the end of day what they want is to preserve their cultural history. They'll come to see that the brand of cultural Marxism that our left preaches will erode their culture with everything else. Let them speak French and leave them mostly alone and they'll be fine.

*central banks around the world have intervened to prop the dollar up

I doubt it, America has no manufacturing base left to go on. An attempt to "natsoc" America would turn out more like a "new deal" than nazi germany. The USA can abandon the petrodollar (a labour based currency) to escape their debt through hyper inflation but what are they going to do after? They don't have enough precious metals to mint real money and who is going to accept a new fiat?

That is their most likely end game. That is why before that time we need to utilize the memes as effectively as possible. Even one community saying fuck you we are removing ourselves from your economy and creating our own is a victory

Took you faggots long enough to find this thread.

Reminder, anons, filter these faggots dont aid them in their derail attempt… Also they get paid per reply, remember that.

Fed holding us hostage as per usual. How anyone gave a supposedly non-political entity enough power to sway elections and expected it to stay non-political is beyond me.

Do they really want people to believe this?

Haha, are you fucking crazy?
Your kosher ass will be deported straight to hell, and no amount of shilling and disinformation will save you or your satanic brothers.

USA were founded as a White state. Niggers and other subhumans(incl. jews) couldn't be citizens.

Now, go back to >>>/gaschamber/

True, but they are closer to their goals.
That's why we should hope that Trump has a plan.

NWO maybe an absolute scenario in the future, but we can at least try to delay it.

The US has the #1 military though, and they can bully a lot of key states into dancing to their tune. Notice the pressure that is currently being put on Saudi Arabia. They either sell their oil to the conditions of the US or face obliteration. I am not a foreign policlicy / international relations expert, but the military might gives the US an edge that offsets any economic shortcoming.

Should have known your response was going to be garbage considering I was responding to a trip cuck's reactionary speculation.

People like you turn conversations about economics and finance into wild childish and flamboyant speculation.

Filtered like the clueless tripcuck faggot you are.

We Lutherans are bigger anti-Semites than you Jews can deal with. It has been that way since Dr. Martin Luther.

Your typical kike tactic to label the defense as the opposition to delude the defense into abandoning hope was fucking kek'able, Rabbi.

Even some of the founding fathers hated Jews.

I was wondering why so few people realize how much power the Fed has. They can induce a depression and unseat the current president or delay a depression and keep the current president in power. It's ridiculous how much influence they have.

Considering a lot of the Pilgrims were Lutherans… yeah our founders were pretty anti-European Jewry.

Rabbi, take your anti-psychotic pills and fuck off.


"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." –Jesus Christ

Go back to Tel Aviv, faggit

Too bad they were all low ranked freemasons so they were just used as pawns in a large game of chess.

Prove you can never go from being a chess piece to a player.

Our first immigration criteria. Eat a dick, commie.

You miss the point. America may have always had some shitskins but the ratio of white to shitskin prior to the 1960s was so low that America was for all intents and purposes an homogenous society. Going full kill all nonwhites isnt being reasonable but when we have such population turbulence that many areas are less than 50% of one race the problem that you run into is that there is no sense of community and people with no sense of community tend to behave in more and more degenerate ways until you get to the point where most people dont even know their neighbors let alone spend time with them which only exacerates the problem. And this isnt even getting into the quantifiable fact that nonwhites tend to behave more violently. I have no problem with decent niggers and spics staying but if you were able to wean out the decent ones from the shit ones you would wind up with such a small amount of them that you would be back to a functional and homogenous society.


Such an obvious and disingenuous Jew.

The tech bubble is what worries me most. When 2008 hit I knew that we were still producing just fine so it'd be relatively easy to dig out of a paper hole. But tech is falling apart now and won't be carrying us out of anything. Companies are currently treading water and are bringing in low cost 'diversity' to show employment growth to investors even though they know they're useless. Even though they don't need more employees right now they've also tried to push absolutely everyone into "STEM" in a desperate attempt to crash wages to maintain something that looks like growth. That's borrowing against the future as those students have massive student loans and when they can't repay them due to high STEM unemployment they'll speed up the crash. I see a great depression coming.


America will never fight another war outside of the U.S. again.
There will never be a draft.

The entire empire of the US is held up by the Federal money as world currency which enables americans to sit on their ass in front of a computer screen and call that work.

American Empire enables these money nigger jews to claim that their impulses on a computer screen is worth something specail, like its a special feeling inside….

Seems like trump is going to have to downsize the empire, like a corporate reorginization, or these money nigger jews in jew york will lose everything, garunteed.

Without red reserve currency, there is no us empire, there is no more international community becaus there is no us empire to enforce the international communty and the UN.

They kept the global economy from collapsing on the nigger’s watch to save his “legacy”. Trump himself has said this.

Oh wait, there isn't.
Try to find some that you don't have to take absurdly out of context. I'll wait.

No buddy, I think you miss the point:

This is exactly the same as mudslimes blaming their enemies for everything and no responsibility

These are the most ignorant posts I have seen on Holla Forums in a while. I swear Holla Forums sometimes has an understanding of economics and finance equal to that of a 5th grade liberal mongoloid transgendered child.

Seems it’s 1.6, as of April.

Moshe are you seriously trying to argue that Jesus Christ didn't personally curse you?

Jesus literally says that if you say you're a Jew, that you are actually a Satan worshipper. Literally you have reading comprehension if you don't understand what Jesus said and did.

However, I know you don't and you're just a Jew doing typical Jew things. Like denying you tried to murder God and worship Satan in your synagogues.

the truth hurts you jew

Blow your brains out, kike.

Fuck off shlomo

hey is that pic a trump wall model?

I'm very familiar with what's going on, I've been working in tech for 20 years.


You are though

I sometimes wish you kikes wouldnt try so hard to cause your own genocide.

Yet you find all this time to shit post. Wow, I bet some lucky dumb bitch gets to go home to your small limp dick that matches the size of your brain.

Teddy Roosevelt is more American and "white" then you'll ever be. My point was made and stands. The US was never founded as, nor inteded to be a bastion for hWhites only.

Well hello there, Rabbi Cohen!

Check'em nigger.

doubt it d00d.

money is a hoax.

if you do not work you will be put back to work.
its called gulags.
you must work with your hands, or else you will be forced to work with your hands.
america just got hoaxed by jews because jews want all white christians dead, faggot.
fuck you, go stared at your computer screen and pretend your money is real, because you cannot escape the fact that you will be phisically put back to work, and if not you will be liquidated.

Find me an earlier US statute on immigration if you take issue with the time frame.

The only change pertinent to the type of people that can get in by the Naturalization Act of 1795 was the "good character" clause was changed to specify "good moral character".

Rabbi I just defeated your Jew logic by:

A) Showing that Naturlization Act of 1790 came 14 years after the nation was founded.
B) Showing that it was repealed in favor of the Naturalization Act of 1795.

How fucking retarded do you think we Goyim are? You don't honestly believe I'm going to fall into your Jewish Trap do you? Are you seriously receiving shekels for shilling this poorly?

They will either crash the economy around election time.

A) It didn't. The US Constitution was ratified in 1788, meaning the Naturalization Act of 1790 came less than 2 years following the nation's founding.
B) Which had no alterations to the requirement that the migrants be free whites.

Just had a random thought -

How glorious would it be if this happens on Trumps watch, the worst possible scenarios happen with the economy, and Trump uses that as an excuse to establish "temporary" emergency dictatorial powers - giving him carte blanche to clean up.


Look it from another way.
They're basically admitting he's a god-emperor and that his name is a killing word.

Rabbi you seem to have a problem with chronology and comprehension of the word "founded."

Telling me about Acts that were enacted after the founding of the Nation, and eventually fully repealed means I'm correct and you're incorrect.

The United States was never, and was never intended to be your mythical white utopia bastion. That is not our actual history. That is your Jew revisionism grasping at straws.

Just as a side note,
prove that any of your history happened
history is faith based
that is why people should live in clans and tribes
in order to have a sharable history
not a faith inculcated myth indoctrinated into children through mandatory public education

Joking aside, I'm going to run some math on how thick a wall you could build on the mexican border with stacks of benjamins.

nigger we're discussing things that happened less than 250 years ago not fucking legendary sea monsters and dragons.

I'm not sure which is the bigger Jew here, the faggot revising our history, or you dictating we ignore it like it never happened…

>the economy is so weak one man shitlosting can bring the entire thing down
t. Fed
doesn't sound like they've been doing a good job at all does it, get that through normalfag skulls


good for you please share equation with the math community


Preceding the United States government in its current incarnation were two prior governments: the Continental Congress, which was temporary and governed only the forces that were rebelling against British colonial rule and the Articles of Confederation, which were a colossal failure because the central government lacked any significant executive power. For all intents and purposes, the ratification of the United States Constitution is the founding of our nation.

And? The first Naturalization Act (1790) still happened AFTERWARD.

well, american history is a hoax.

lets elaborate.

second 30 years war
world war I & world war II

How did america get people in a america to go fight that war. How did america get irish men in america to go fight to assist their most reviled enemey England? How did america get Italians to go fight against their own people in the second war? Or msot importantly how did america get Germans to fight their own people twice, as if the first time was not enough, but the second time?

Anyways, whatever you want to think about the muh founding fathers, don't give a fuck.
You better watch out because the englishmen, or british peoples that supposedly founded this country, are actually not the majority of white people in the country, The Germans and Irish out number them.

So you concede that I'm right about the founding of the nation being in 1788 and not 1776?

Immigration law is not defined in the constitution presumably because there was still a debate going on over what the policy should be and how it should be executed. To enshrine it in the Constitution would make further attempts to alter or clarify it needlessly complicated. Because it is not in the founding document, it necessitates that any policy on the subject would have to come afterward. Fortunately, I made no claim to the contrary. I did not say that it was there at our nation's inception, I said it was the first criteria, which it was.

I'm sure you're having fun shitposting about jews, but the fact that you're doing so in a thread that's actually about kikes trying to sabotage a candidate they don't like is a little suspicious, Schlomo.

So what? It's not up for debate whether or not this country was founded by and for white nationalists.

Businesses always hold off on making big decisions around election cycles. In this case, though, a good deal of them will be fucked if Trump does what he says he will.

What this article really translates to is "If Trump stops my business from evading taxes and hiring slave labor, my business might fail! We can't let this man be president"

No market crash before the election. Yellen and… I forget the other fucker, visited Obongo a couple weeks ago. Nothing was said publicly about the purpose of the meeting afterwards but that's what I took it for.

One thing that could happen, is the release of the '28 pages' concerning 9/11 and the Saudi's selling about a trillion in bonds.

These kikes are going to get their shimita dip one way or another.

there are no 28 pages, they do not exist.

Trump will make Fallout real

They can smell their death and the sound they make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.


I'm Beginning to think this is Eric.. It IS Eric isn't it?

Fuck Voting for Sanders, Trump's fuckin' magic.

only if the royal family tries to flee to canada and the canadians dont want it and call for american annexation instead

The political cartoon writes itself, we just need the drawfag.

Why this works beyond the obvious symbolism: You portray Trump as savior, which is a good symbol to put in people's minds, even when used as "savior to people looking for a scapegoat", and then the jews at the fed immediately calling for decide.
And nobody would EVER be able to call that last part out as "problematic" because that would mean admitting that the Fed is made up of Jews.

Somebody please draw this.

then he gets shot.
it's a pattern you know? letting America print their own money ends up in president getting shot.

Funny thing, I used to want to go to Canada and hate America, in just 6 months I hate Canada and want to go to trump's America legally

Trump isnt jfk. They either sit and kvetch while Trump undoes centuries of kikery in under 4 years or they kill him and bring about the day of the rope. Check and mate kikes.

jews cannot jew themselves out of this one.

If I were president I would definitely take the risk of assassination if it meant saving my country from the kikes, and ushering in a new age of nationalism/end of globalism

Ending the Fed and printing our own money is the biggest thing one could do if you really want to make America great again


I wonder why the jews let Brazil be, Casa da Moeda is owned by Brazil, afaik

Or rather, why did they let Brazil when it was actually relevant, thanks to Foro de São Paulo it is worth bananas, about as bad as Venezuela

I really hope this gets Trump to advocate auditing the Fed. Might get lolbertarian votes (and in doing so, cuck the cuckservatives again), would fight against one of the most corrupt institutions in the world, and serve as a massive redpill to the uninitiated public.

its at the point where jews cannablise other jews and start jewing anybody and everything, even their own jews. Jews jewing jews so that they can corner the jew market.

Or their shekels just die and there is nothing left to steal,

when there is nothing left to steal, they cry oppression

he already tweeted that like 6 months ago, faggot.

Wouldn't hurt to repeat it, then.


the holocaust still did not happen

He is the master tactician after all.. Hes been building things up for them to say just this. So now he has the high ground to say something like 'how can I be the cause when (((they))) have been at the helm, not II'

Shalom! Are you from Israel?

How do you know so much about us?


"I think she's done a serviceable job," Trump said of Yellen. "I don't want to comment on reappointment, but I would be more inclined to put other people in."

but I would be more inclined to put other people in."

more inclined to put other people in."

put other people in."

other people

other people;_ylt=AwrC1zHJxDRXeDgAWWXQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTBybGY3bmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--#

meme magic at work yet again

Yes you are wrong that the the United States was founded as a hWhites only Nation.

Reverse to you, Jew.

Exactly, they need to take responsibility for their own fuckups, the whole country has been paying for their fuckups the past 10 years at least already.

That's my point, and thanks for reinforcing that the United States was not founded as, and never inteded to be a hWhites only utopia bastion.

The Pilgrims were Protestants (a lot of them Lutherans). It would you well to learn about why exactly they came to the New World, and about Protestants in general as you seem to be under the false pretense that they are a hWhites only club.

This is correct. I'm not sure what context that has in the discussion of the United States NOT being founded as hWhites only utopia bastion.

thinking the jews will ever tell the truth, NOT EVEN in your dreams will jews tell the truth.

lets see…
nigger slaves are not white
and masons are niggers and hate white people.

Nigger, if only land owning whites were allowed to constitutionally vote, then an immigration law was passed where only white of good (edit: moral) character were allowed to immigrate: in what meaningful sense was the USA not a HWhite utopia?

Why do people say this, at all?
It's actually less effort to just say white, and saying hWhite serves no discernible purpose.

Also, the founding fathers had clearly intended for the nation to be shaped primarily for white land-owning men. What the fuck are you on about, at all?

Let's start with the fact it's been full of non-whites since the Pilgrims landed.

you argue like a filthy kike.

So what? Pilgrims did a great job at making America great.

Apologies, meant to respond to this asshole.

Are you saying the pilgrims aren't white? Because the native nations that existed prior to our arrival don't really count as a part of the United States. In fact, they are by definition not the United States, and were removed by conquest by the descendants of the pilgrims that first arrived.

What the fuck are you trying to argue here?

It highlights the idiocy of you hWhite supremacists.

I'm a white supreme meme-ist. A national socialist one at that. You faggots are as bad if not worse than the fucking D&C Jews. You're fucking trying to D&C Americans by hWhite-hWashing history.

Literally none of us would be here without SOME non-hWhite immigrants. You know this, right?


Irish are not brown.

Fine, you can go fuck Tyrone and make mud babies. Congratulations, you won.

And what would we be missing? An abundance of cotton and taco shells?

They are considered to be "white ethnic"

No I said the Pilgrims where Protestants and mostly Lutheran. That you should probably learn something about that before you spew your hWhites only Founding Fathers bullshit.

That you hWhites-only faggots aren't real Americans.

Yeah I've literally advocated the Lutheran stance on this the entire thread, Moshe.

Way to promote miscegination you fucking Jew.

Simply put: life.

Pretty sure all of the Pilgrims would have died without some help from the Indians. At least that's what was taught in my anti-Semitic Lutheran schools 30 years ago.

I believe he's trying to argue that the presence of non-whites (as slaves) means that the United States was always designed to be a race-blind egalitarian society founded on shared ideological ground ("a proposition nation"). Of course the existence of a racially-hierarchical slave system and the fact that the 14th amendment had to be enshrined in quasi-law (it's technically speaking non-constitutional because it was never ratified by three quarters of states, but for (((some reason))) its constitutionality has not been challenged in the (((supreme court)))) 4 score and some years after the ratification of the constitution completely refutes his point. Of course, regardless of how thoroughly you refute his arguments, he won't acknowledge it and will continue to call you a jew in an attempt to derail the thread. He really doesn't want us talking about the (((Fed)))'s role in electoral politics for some reason.

Obama- It's bush's fault.

trump-It's trump 's fault

The niggers of Great of Britain… kek

Surely I jest. The Irish made a wonderfully corrupt police force here in St. Paul.

More likely it started with some pepe posting faggot here talking about his fantasy of removing non-hWhites then a bunch of mouth-breathing faggots jumping on the US for hWhites YEEE HAAWWWW bullshit.

You're dumb and your idea is dumb.

Media and Mahometans are both Democratic Party voting-blocks, of course.

It was started by racist slave owning Anglo saxons. How does it feel to know your precious founding fathers would take a whip and beat the shit out of his slave if he disobeyed.

More than you realize. A "crash" or more accurately a massive market correction just before Trump enters office will mean a faster recovery when he is in office. People will associate his presidency with repairing the economy. He can take advantage and have the fed set interest rates at 3%, audit, and get rid of the fed.

Let them try, just let him know what it means and how he cab turn the tables.

Which is why I suspect that OP's information is bogus.

Nice revisionism. No such word was ever used.

Holy shit this thread is full of cancer.

I've never read any accounts of slaves on the Pinta, Santa Maria, Nina, or Mayflower. Could please provide me some citations?

The term "white" was coined by Benjamin Franklin to describe the anglosaxons. They all still owned slaves, how many times do you think Washington and Jefferson had to roll of there sleeves call the people they owned a nigger and mercilessly beat the shit out them.

>He doesn't know or intentionally ignores that Jews started, ran, and by majority owned the slave trade.

nah man, the plantations were just corporations and the negroes lived there for free because they worked their for free, it was a fair deal all around.


what the fuck is this bullshittery?
go tell that to an englishman.

Here's something for you hWhite faggots to contemplate: the first casualty of the American Revolutionary War was a free black man.

How does that make you feel, faggots?

Casualty on the British side?

Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
-Benjamin Franklin on German migrants

if you cared so much you would at least be able to furnish his name, instead of claiming man with no name existed.

Niggers aren't humans, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Crispus Attucks was born in the colonies. He was shot by Redcoats in the Boston Massacre.

neither are jews

kinda easy to furnish that information after the fact instead of before hand faggot

Ran or didn't ran the founders participated. Are the founders jews?

George Washington was born like 200+ years after those ships I asked about arrived. So your answer is that you have no citations for the Pilgrims arriving with slaves… noice

Nigger was a proto dindu nuffin. He chucked a brick at a British soldier and got shot in turn. Good propaganda, but he was no revolutionary and he got what was coming to him.

It's even easier to sit on your ass and have other people do your research for you, faggot.

He would have been a second class citizen had he survived the revolution. He was not an american.

Numbers used and their sourcing:
6.6294cm width per bill
2.61in from upper edge to lower edge, converted to centimeters, x axis (wall thickness)
15.5956cm length per bill
6.14in from end to end, converted to centimeters, y axis (wall length)
0.010922cm height per bill
0.0043in thickness converted to centimeters, z axis (height) OR just look in your wallet

3201km of total border
1,989 total border length between U.S. and Mexico converted to kilometers. Not all of it actually needs covered but for the sake of simplicity, let's use all of it.

Estimates for the market size vary and I can't find a concise source to use, so I'll lowball it with an even one quadrillion dollars. Dividing that by 100 for the total of $100 bills gives us ten trillion Benjis.
1,000,000,000,000,000 / 100 = 10,000,000,000,000 = 10^13 = 1 followed by 13 zeros
To cover the border in a single line with one bill height would take a rounded 20,525,020 Benjamins.
3,201km = 320,100,000cm
320,100,000cm(border length) / 15.5956cm(length per bill) = 20,525,019.87740132 (bill lengths per border length = bills per border wall stack)
A single string of bills lined up can be stacked up 487,210 times if you have a total of ten trillion bills to use.
10,000,000,000,000(total bills) / 20,525,020(bills per wall stack) = 487210.2438877039 (wall stacks per gorillion derivative Benjamins)
A wall of Benjamins stacked 487,210 high comes out to 53.213 meters high
487210(total bills in height) x 0.010922cm (each bill's height) = 5321.30762cm = 53.2130762m (wall height)
A wall that's not even 3 inches thick is Jeb-tier though, let's try closer to a meter/yard. The closest amount of wall stacks to a meter thickness is 15 rows of wall stacks, which would be a little over 0.99m. Close enough.
1m = 100cm
100cm(trump-tier thickness) / 6.6294cm(thickness per row of bills) = 15.08432135638218(rows of bills for trump-tier thickness)
15(rows of bills) x 6.6294cm(thickness per row of bills) = 99.441cm = 0.99441m(wall thickness)
The Trump-tier wall would have 15 rows of 20,525,020 Benjamins. The total amount of wall stacks you can build with 15 rows of derivative shekels would be 32,480.
15(rows) x 20,525,020(per row) = 307,875,300(bills per wall stack)
10,000,000,000,000(imaginary Benjamins) / 307,875,300(bills per wall stack) = 32,480.68292584693(bills stacked vertically across the wall)
A Trump wall made of derivative ghost Benjamins would be a little over 3.54m/11.6ft tall.
32,480(bills in height) x 0.010922cm(height per bill) = 354.74656cm = 3.5474656m(total height)

A conservative estimate of $100 bills from the derivatives market could build a complete wall on the Mexican border 11.6 feet high 3.26 feet thick. In all likelihood, it could be even bigger.

What do the pilgrims have to do with the founders? I'm sure the pilgrims were a regular anti racist multicultural utopia you showed me

what the fuck kind of cryptography name is this hoax.

Crispus Attucks? WTFFF




He would have been like 100 years old by the time Civil War happened faggot. People didn't tend to live that long back then…

Oh I dunno, perhaps being some of their ancestors. Yeah I'll start with that. The Pilgrims were undoubtedly some of Founding Father's ancestors.

Misgenation laws started before the American Revolution and continued until 1965. Had he looked at a white women he would have been hung from the nearest lamp post.

The founders still owned slaves and the pilgrims still killed the fuck out of natives to colonize this land

They weren't US Laws then, where they, Moshe?


Pay special attention to the price of gas. It usually drops during an election year. Of course, it also tends to drop in the fall and rise in the spring every year, but wait and see what they do later this year.

Agreed with prejudice… I honestly don't think it was the Pilgrims intent was to spread as much death as they did through inadvertant germ "warfare".

Anyway, see how easy the Jews do a derail? They drop a little hWhite D&C bullshit into the thread that gets rebutted then the JIDF / KKKIDF feels asspained.


still jewish fable, there were no poison blankets faggot. That is a jewish fable.

I have been saving up to prepare for the next crash. I plan to buy some cheap home when we bottom out again.

should put that in its own post.

What in the flying fuck is a poison blanket? Are you seriously trying to Flat Earth "germs don't exist" this?


Do you even know what IDs are you falafel chewing fuck?
You've effectively outed yourself as the D&C shill here, nobody else.
You have to go back to the chambers, Chaim.


Ok Rabbi. Dubs confirm you're the Jew that keeps trying to derail.


Well. You didn't get dubs.

Guess that makes you the shill.

Hello newfag, we don't self check here.

That other user's dubs confirmed he's a D&C Jew, but you're derail attempt here is just outing you as a Jew as well.



the federal reserve has always been jewish.

it is only recently that jews install jewish fed chairmen because of MUH HOLOCAUST so that anyone attacking their institution for being jewish their excuse is 666 trillion dead jews killed in pizza ovens designed by italian engineers.

before they just used gentile front men.

How can Trump be the result of a failed economy and be the cause at the same time?


Dang, you still didn't get dubs.

PIC RELATED is literally your argument.


Drown yourself in semen. Reported.

I wish I read further before my previous reply.

You are the cancer killing the west. I will enjoy burning bibles along with other Judeo-communist garbage on the day of the rope!

Kill yourself hebe.


But you sure did.

abraham lincoln should be considered the founding father of THE United States.

pretty much everything the original guys did with 1776 was destroyed by Abe Lincoln.

Lincoln destroyed the original establisment that the founding fathers created.

Well, the men who came after him did the same, so that logic will just take you down a rabbit hole of traitors.

yah, then you end up at the jews.

This is all Quebec needs.

Oh shut, I posted that one twice.

You're the D&C mang.

Trips confirm he is both a cuckservative and a shill

Fucking knew it. We all talked about this back as early as September/October that when shit hit the fan, the Fed would blame people like Ron Paul and Trump because "oy vey consumer confidence".

Can't let them get away with it. When they go after Trump, co-opt the message to be that TRUMP WAS RIGHT.


err they continued until 1965 they were US laws


The canadafrogs can have a relative degree of autonomy if they learn English as a second language and stay in Quebec. Likewise spics should go to New Mexico and Puerto Rico, stay there, and learn English as a second language.

If burning down the entire country just to give it back to the people, then, its still worth it. Everything for my people, even if we must start from square 1 all over again.

Fuck all the traitors. I see we hang them all, all these spies, infiltrators, degenerate pundits, freaks, destabilators, outsourcing marxists, false journalists, wall street kikes. All die. All NOW.

Isn't the gold market going to crash soon because reserves are just as imaginary as regular dollars?

That'd be nice if true. I don't own any gold currently (tfw young and poor), but if that shit went under $1K/Ounce I'd fucking pounce on the opportunity to buy some.

I've also been looking at Silver, kicking myself I didn't buy at least a couple hundred bucks worth back in January when it was $12. Now it's $17, and I'm debating whether I should wait or just buy before it gets any higher.

Capex slowing down, Jews are gonna get fired…or bailed out if the world leaders are gonna be cucks. Reason more not to elect cucks.

People with knowledge, skills, resourcefulness and shit are gonna do fine.
People who may not have all of those, but have knowledge and skills and shit are also gonna do fine. Honestly it's the leeches that are gonna suffer and as it is everyone suffers because of the leeches so the only logical conclusion is fuck the leeches. If they wanted to have a nice life maybe they should have offered something. Hard work, knowledge, skills, something of value beyond blind loyalty to a captain of Titanic steering the ship towards the iceberg?

I dunno at what point do they have to take accountability for their own failings?

Yes, a lot of "gold" is actually just certificates

Trump already set himself up for the Jews pulling the plug on the economy way back when he first ran.


Happening imminent - Cold War 2

Russia Calls New U.S. Missile Defense System a ‘Direct Threat’

MOSCOW — As American and allied officials celebrated the opening of a long-awaited missile defense system in Europe with a ribbon cutting and a band, the reaction in Russia on Thursday suggested the system had raised the risks of a nuclear war.

Russian officials reiterated their position that the American-built system imperiled Russia’s security. But the public discussion in Russia was darker, including online commentary of how a nuclear confrontation might play out in Europe, and the prospect that Romania, the system’s host, might be reduced to “smoking ruins.”


Yes it was, just in a different context than we know now. Racism used to be synonymous with race realism/study.

You forgot


The biggest change was in Anthropology when a certain jew, Boas, and his students managed to take over the American Anthropological Association


I bet they do this just so they can say each new president has been so great for America, look how strong we are!
It's fixed for both republicans and democrats so no matter who wins they end up getting a lot of praise so they can use it as a talking point in the next election.

The economic system is really fucked up. I really hope Trump finally breaks the cycle.

Trump's campaign theme

How the hell do people listen to music in a foreign language? I have autistic urges to always pay attention to lyrics, so stuff like this is unconscionable.

Get that slanteye girl shit out of here

I like the strangeness and how they rhyme. I know I would get autistic urges to pay attention to lyrics if I was learning the foreign language in the song so I'm not a complete weeb who tries to learn moon runes.
I also listen to German music, which sounds more foreign to me then Japanese at this point. I think I like it even more, webm related.

Most of that is posturing. It's actually like how France should be now before those communists and their revolution and with the Church it has kept thing less pozzed. Even some of the ancien regime stuff like arrêt. There was none of this renaming months crap here.

I'm the opposite, not understanding what the fuck's going on in a song is like ignorant bliss to me

At 2:25 of my webm I have absolutely no idea what is said but the idea that what essentially sounds like complete gibberish is part of an actual language that tens of millions of people speak every day is astounding to me.

does scat singing trigger you?

No. Your post is ignorant.

learning that that song isn't a real language made me a little sad.

I want to go to a land where people speak in happy go lucky scatting sounds.

We are the new Alinskyites. We channel Alinsky better than Alinsky did.

I'm the opposite. The lyrics are just another instrument to me. Ask me what the lyrics were in a acapella song, and I wouldn't be able to tell you.

likewise, though it is fun to (try) to sing along to things like my embed

And so it begins.

It's their "long-term planning" skills, but also their greed. They can't let the Gravy Train coast along at a comfortable pace, filling their cups and leaving some for future generations. No, they have to milk it for every ounce of worth until it's dry. Then they get kicked out. Kike 101.

Obama came to office? Blame Bush.

Obama is quitting office? Blame Trump.

I used to sing along a lot in my early 20s.

At some point I just stopped…

Don't we have to pay the federal Reserve system something like $300 BILLION motherfucking dollars per year in interest payments?

And they are blaming literally ANYONE EXCEPT THEMSELVES?

wow, just wow.

Pic Related… it's a big one.

sure hope you guys know he has to choose between the best of goys handpicked by the Fed

All he has to do is put up Ron or Rand for Fed Chairman. That’s all he has to do. They can’t deny him, because he would question why (publicly), which opens the box.

Let's see this change when Trump gets elected. Greenbacks make a comeback and fed gets obliterated.

No departments of agriculture, transportation, housing, homeland security, or energy means a fair bit is saved.

Honestly, we need to start planning for the death of SS, too. Kill it, medicare, and medicaid. Transition to private plans.

Once the Fed is audited, that ends the bullshit there. The treasury comes back under congressional control and the income and property taxes can be repealed.

the problem wont be gold losing value.. The problem is that y>x where as x=physical gold available and y=certificates sold as claims to physical gold. And its not just by a little .. The vast majority of 'gold' that is 'owned' by people is owned in the form of said certificate which is 'redeemable for gold'. They tricked the fuck out of a lot of stupid people who have leveraged their wealth by buying this unholy combination of fiat and fractional reserve lending. They literally bought thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of coupons that are good for 1 of something that doesnt fucking exist. These are people that planned their entire retirements around having this imaginary gold. It is one of the greatest if not the greatest, in both size and scope, ponzi schemes ever devised.

So when the next bubble pops these people are going to say 'give me my gold'. and the jews are going to laugh. All of these good goys are going to see their net worth instantly evaporate.

even if you told them the truth would remove the noose from their neck they would continue to lie.

I can't wait to see the federal reserve finally get gassed.

more sinister than that, the banks are insured by the government which means when the banks don't have the gold the government will have to get it for them. They will use taxpayer money to buy the gold for them and to their customers. What will happen then? the price of gold will skyrocket as the government buys every ounce it can find. The banksters themselves have large amounts of gold in their personal accounts (but aren't obligated to give it to their customers) and will see their saving quadruple in value over night

only when it suits them

Joke's on them when he gets in and disbands the unconstitutional federal reserve.

Jews have a patsy now. This is what they were waiting all along.

Steal all your virtual non existent money backed by promises and virtual numbers.

Blame it all on Trump. The perfect fucking crime.

the federal reserve heebs are gonna collapse the economy as soon as Trump gets inaugurated (and the media will blame it on him)

hopefully he uses it as an excuse to audit and then end the fed

capped for posterity

system so flimsy 'rhetoric' can collapse it

I will be pointing this out to every person I know if they try this, they can't seriously think this shit will take can they?

What the fuck are you on about?>>5970046
You won't do shit, you LARP-ing faggot.
Seriously though, why is Holla Forums 90% pie in the sky roleplaying bullshit now, none of it has the slightest bit to do about politics

If it went that smooth, it will clinch that Berenstain universe is best universe.

The sheer concept of Trump's rhetoric causing the economy to collapse is so surreal nobody but die hard liberals would even consider to believe it.

In fact if they do this I guarantee the average man would perceive it as the fed yet again trying to shift the blame of an economic meltdown from themselves as they did back in 2008.

Trump's America has no place for people who put religion before their nation.




Literally the only people considered citizens were white, male, landowners up until the mid-late 1800s you faggot.

My freaking sides

Might be the best election spurdo yet

I stand corrected. Mid-late 1900s

Kill yourself, you fucking retard.

Canucks these days

Caliper measurement of a crisp new Benjamin yields .005" thick.

Length of dolan bill is 6.14in or 156mm. Length of US-Mexico border is 1,951 miles (3,141 km)

It should therefore take 20,134,615 Benjis end to end to cover the length of the US-Mexico border.

That's $2,013,461,540. So 1.6 quadrillion divided by ~2 billion is ~800,000.

800,000 *.005" is 4000 inches or 333 feet.

give or take 10 feet :^)

Why did nobody check these digits?

I've saved up £4000. Shall I sink it into gold and silver then move into shares when the market is bottoming?

The literal Commie running for office probably has a chilling effect on spending/investing ,aside from ammo.

I doubt a wildly successful businessman running for office has anything to do with it.

Houses crashed on bush. He left office after an unprecedented bailout, that obama continued. It got so bad they gave every tax payer like 200 bucks and bush was on tv begging people to go out and spend money. Thats why its been so hilarious for 8 years when one idiot says bush was bad then another idiot says nuh uh obama. They are both evil globalist terrorists

Do Kike even history? A shit economy is the biggest precursor to REAL fascism.

Implying foresight

Buy guns bro.
Gold is only worth something to those in established power.
Guns are always valuable.

Jews' jimmies are rustled.

The 2016 General Election for the POTUS will be the defining moment of this generation.

Oh it'll be something, realistically it's the only thing he could do.

Come next year, the only options open will be
1) Nationalize the banks, fuck the FED
2) Bow before the NWO

You might enjoy this.

Meant for

I think it is fair to say this shithead could do with some concerned citizens waving some guns in his face again

It won't exist in a few months time.




As someone that invests and knows a great deal about finance the Fed is pursuing poor intermediate and long term interest rate policy. The Fed should have begun raising interests rates late 2011. Instead they've kept interests rates low for an extremely prolonged period of time to keep this asset bubble going.

Why? I'm certain the motivation is political not economic. It's to protect the legacy of Obama so that he doesn't have two recessions during his presidency. Because of the destructive interest rate policy the Fed has been pursuing the next crash is likely to be worse than the previous ones. Think of it like the more a bubble gets inflated the bigger the explosion will be once it pops.

Thats canada. And soros is buying canadian gold stocks to prepare for a global economic collapse and he wants to out jew the chinese. Fuck I hate my country so much.

Everyone stopped working like shabbos goyim for their hebrew overlords because their Sheppard pointed out these 'employment oppritunities' are just slave labor.

Just because slips of paper with historical icons middle-man the operation doesn't mean we're all anything more than slaves. When people work 12 hours a day just to maintain a shelter, sustenance, water and resource, that's called slavery, even if it's on arbitrary choice of social contract. The economy won't get better if everyone keeps working, and everyone fighting for money (95% of which globally is owned by 13 of 8 billion individuals). If everyone keeps working, believing currency is value, it just empowers those that benefit from its exploit. The more everyone works for more money, the more is siphoned off from workers to corporations, and the less value the majority actually has. Inflation and devaluation are tools to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. We need to unlock the world from the chains of our overlords to truly be free.

I think it's hilarious how people think the federal government can be such a stagnant, wasteful, inefficient piece of shit because it's bankrupt and 'haz no munny'. These are the individuals that control currency and society in its entirety, they know what they're doing, they're just doing an awful job on purpose to ruin the world for everyone but themselves.

This is our Earth too. The 8 billion have a greater right to that wealth and well-being than those 13 individuals. land owning property is a male concept, where we hoard earth as a resource, instead of using it like the utility it is. Just because 95% of land is owned by 0.001% of humans on paper, doesn't mean we can't burn the documents and take back the land, of the Earth, which is rightfully ours.

(checked) Does it have to made of individual 100 dollar bills, or can we construct it from solid gold? Or diamonds mined from child slave labor?

My bad, haven't been on top of my shitposting lately.



I really didn't expect to see Record of Lodoss War on Holla Forums. That series has some great music.

This really isn't new in terms of politics though. Take a look at any election, especially elections where left-leaning parties are elected in the west. Generally markets tank hard, credit ratings are lowered and so on. Because these guys know that the left-government is going to turn around and go on a spending spree, and borrow money like it's going out of style.

On the other hand, when right-leaning and strong conservatives are elected, the opposite happens. The markets will react favorably, credit ratings go up in most cases. In the case of Trump, I strongly expect that wall street and the beltway are shitting themselves, but the lenders and credit agencies are happy. Especially after 8 years of team obama going hard with reckless spending, and hope that they're going to fix the $1T/yr deficit that the US is currently running.

Canada already sold all of it's gold, there's none to buy. On top of that we don't really mine the shit here either, there are a few but yeah. Most of the security behind the dollar in Canada comes from two things: Raw resources, and the largest stockpile(both free environment and processed and stored) of heavy water(H3o2) in the world.

come get some cumskin

