Can we have a black pill thread?

can we have a black pill thread?
lets see how in touch Holla Forums is with reality


You suck at this.
also, the black pill is a joke to make fun of nihilistic retards.

OR you could accept the fact that they economy hasn't been doing this poorly since the depression

its a good joke though
you do better




Move to a rural area, hone your skills, await the decline. There's nothing that will turn the tide.

Isn't that the "I am a Cuck who gives up" Pill?

Back to shill again, boy?

nah thats not me

go back to cuckchan and never return here

i can't i got permabanned for saying i was 14 too many times

I prefer ザ・ブラック・ピル

The Black Pill is best when it's making fun of weebs in a way that actually isn't joking at all. Fuck those "people."

Is that Carlos after 1 year of Holla Forums ?

V A P O R W A V E ?


forget the black pill, take the new BLACKED pill whitey…

jew pill when


The only people that think Australia is a bastion of whiteness are people that have never been to Melbournistan or Southern China, aka Sydney