From what I've heard, Aztecs were very advanced when the Spanish came. In fact...

From what I've heard, Aztecs were very advanced when the Spanish came. In fact, some people have said they were able to perform Cataracts surgery? Is any of this true?


Let me let you in on a little secret: We Europeans didn't invade Africa and America for resources (LOL) - we did it to kidnap doctors, scientists and engineers. Hippocrates (real name Mbungo Bongo) was an African voodoo priest.

A lot of slideshit today


Aztecs were competent at masonry and metalworking, and had some irrigation. Their ship and military tech were thousands of years behind that found in Eurasia. They understood what wheels were, but apparently only used them on toys. Cataract surgery is one of the earliest forms of surgery - it was practiced hundreds of years BC in India and in early AD Rome.

They were definitely more advanced than Africans or the North American indians, but they were still centuries behind the Spanish when they arrived, which is why they got fucked over.

Imagine creating a civilization and then leaving it. Then animals come and live in the empty buildings.

That’s what the Indios did.

Those faggots knew how to make brain surgery.

It has proven evidence behind it. But so did the chinese.

Stop pedalling this "whites built the civilisation the indians used". It's complete bullshit.

I wonder if its possible for a nigger to build such architecture.


But the mesamerican people weren't niggers.

Not compared to the Spaniards. They did have aqueducts, monumental architecture, bronze working (though like the Egyptians, they preferred stone weapons), mirror making, and even had a limited understanding of optics (some very rich ones had monocles made from polished gemstones to correct nearsightedness, and many rich had lenses that they used to start fires).

That said, they were violent savages who deserved to be wiped from the face of the Earth. The Spaniards did God's work when they conquered them and finally broke them of their bloody religion.

Still salty over that bad knee eh?

ayy lmao gods make an outpost, then leave or breed into the population erasing themselves.


Then why were their best weapons made out of chips of volcanic glass and their body armor consisted of a leather thong and bodypaint?
I put it to you that they were totally shit at metalworking.


To make steel and bronze you need to mix metals such as zinc and tin. You can metal work, but they didn't hit a civilization changing discovery like the Hittites.

Yeah, gold necklaces are great - for the dago who chops your fucking head off with a steel sword to give to his concubine.
Of course; gold occurs natively unlike copper, tin and iron which have to be smelted to be actually useful for making shit out of.

I'm pretty sure that was widely known by the 1500's.
Isabella's father in law had a cataracts surgery, done by a Jew doctor.

This. They used metal as they used the wheel, not for very practical uses.

This too. Although Aztecs had an advanced culture, better than Incas and leages beyond Native-Americans, they were still far behind European's metrics.
Aztecs were amazingly bloodthirsty and they had thousand of human sacrifices.
Things are somewhat better now, mexicans limit the sacrifices only to narcos.

gold is a metal

. . . which can be formed and worked by banging it between two rocks even when it's cold.
That's not "competent metalworking". It's caveman-tier banging-gold-with-rocks.

Not sure about the body armor, but the volcanic glass was actually sharper than metal.
Shit must've been terrifying.

Holla Forums, I want to know something important.
Why were the Aztecs the most advanced people in the Americas at the time? Why is it that they had their civilization while their neighbors and the North Americans were tribes and city-states in comparison? And why weren't more of them like their Asian relatives that formed civilizations as well?

The Aztecs stole their land and tech from other, slightly less retarded barbarians.
The Inca were more advanced that the Aztec in many ways. But were filthy communists and quickly fell to Europeans too.


Great. Try banging shards of glass against a steel helmet or parrying a longsword strike with its wooden frame and you'll be wearing said glass as a suppository.

They didn't even have wheels

I was under the impression that we don't know much about who actually built the cities (olmec?) and the aztec/maya sorta just moved in when that civilization collapsed