South African judge sparks racism row for claiming 'rape is part of black culture'

South African judge sparks racism row for claiming 'rape is part of black culture'

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The judge is a white woman?

Yes, whites still hold many important jobs in South Africa.

Like facilitating white genocide?


Yesterday I cruised through my all-white suburban neighborhood blasting the Apartheid-era South African anthem in my car.
If you ever meet a white African, be sure to become good friends with them. They're Slav-levels of crazy and loyal Without the retardation
Any White South Africans in this thread?



What does it matter though? Anglos killed that country, now it's mostly a mass of legit future refugees that Merkel and J.C. Jewker will never let in.

By all accounts the MuhDik Tip Nogg Zone is hell on earth by now, I don't think anybody here doubts that.

That's funny, I was about to say I can't make friends with them since they're still full sturmer and I'm Eastern European before I read the spoiler.

I remember an old vhs distorted vid of them in a circle with Mandela singing that commie-inspired trash and seeing one greasy nosemeister with them, fist up, mumbling along. Every time.

this is so stupid. South Africa has a mere 52 million people and yet have an estimated 500,000 thousand rapes annually. The United States, with six times the population, EVEN IF YOU DOUBLE the number of reported rapes has less then 375,000. But god forbid if anyone say that they have a 'rape culture' by the way you fuck wits (who surely are visiting pol) wasting daddies money on women's study degrees, this is what a rape culture looks like.

People are so practiced at double think they just ignore that over 75% of the population is black. Are they claiming all the rapes are done by the 2.5% asian population? Exactly who is doing the raping?

How much rape do you have to have in a country for it to be considered part of their culture?

Nah m8, I was just pulling your leg. I talked to a guy who worked as a PMC there and as long as you're white (any nationality), they'll hire you. Things are so desperate that there's no time for us to bicker amongst ourselves. I mean hell, I'm 1/4 Potatonigger


well you can't blame the niggers for taking a white woman's claims about rape culture with a grain of salt

So if White Men rape, does that make it cultural appropriation?

Based woman gets bollocked for telling the truth.

Poor woman, she has to live among those animals.

I'm a white South African. Gonna get out soon though. The amount of white guilt here is retarded and the dindus continuously fuck the country up for themselves while blaming it on muh Apartheid.

I think most people know how Zimbabwe went…

back of the bus patty

I've heard of some good stuff going on there, such as Kommandokorps, and most people I've seen seem fairly redpilled. I guess I've been mistaken. Where are you headed? The Islamic caliphate of Europe?

There are a fair number of redpilled whites but they can't speak out because shit like this happens. I'm happy with going to Europe. Not terribly enthusiastic about sandniggers but at least they're not dindus, right?

I fail to see how it's out of context.


If Yurop, Poland might be a choice since they've been fairly based lately. Also, some of the sandniggers are actually mudslime dindus from Africa….

i feel for you man.

as retarded as this sounds, there's some vid floating around (was posted here i think) of south african parliament spiraling downward into chaos for hours on end, simply because all the nogs in the room thought one thing was racist, so the entire fucking day got derailed. I commented on the vid, stupid thing to do, but I got into an argument with two horrifyingly ignorant south african blacks. They know fucking nothing, and they counter anything i have to say about statistics and reality with "truths" that are simply whatever the fuck they wish was the case. Like blacks built south africa, that the land and all its developments were always theirs, that SOMEHOW blacks were enslaved by whites even though blacks were the creators of this great SA civilization, including modern weaponry, etc.

I'm not surprised at any of that, but it just further illustrates the point that they're barely fucking animals. Everything is based on emotion and wishful thinking, nothing is based on facts or objective research. I told them it doesn't matter what they think, once they get rid of all the whites, they'll be going the same way as Zimbabwe, or fucking Liberia.

Honestly, how the fuck can there be any at all other than celebrity bozos like Charlize Theron?

Nuke it. From Orbit, just to be sure.

Yeah it's just a misrepresentation. Rape is part of black biology, not culture.
although what's the difference when we're talking about space orks

She is a female judge, so what do you think?

Shieet, Burger here. Hopefully Trump will let you in once the wall is built. Well, they're gonna need you in Eurostan. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. In my personal opinion, niggers are mainly just a nuisance, and only dangerous when they're the majority and/or organize in a chimpout. They're like 40k Orks, they're stupid and predictable enough to be dealt with effectively. Sandniggers on the other hand are crafty, and somewhat intelligent. They know how to wage war, made even more effective by their batshit insane religion.

Well, it's part of both, but I wish we'd push this distinction more. Culture is a result, not a source. Biology is always the #1 culprit.

it comes from a lack of impulse control

Don't insult Space Orks! They're not rapists!

They are a fungal humanoid which grow from spores, they don't have sex

Sex takes away too much time from fighting or preparing for the next flight

Also, Space Orks made it into space, unlike niggers

The next fight, I mean

if we had orks we would have our glorious imperium already

Not just restricted to South Africa. Knew a girl from Nigeria once who spoke quite nonchalantly about her rape around age 9 at the hands of two men in their late teens. It was shocking how casually she brushed it off.

She's now got citizenship in two EU countries and has a little black baby boy. Look for his mugshot in news articles in the 30s!

Their dignity isn't undermined when they're raping and murdering everyone including themselves every single day, but when you point it out, THAT'S when it's undermined.

underrated post

She has to go back.

Was she white? She still has to go back

The US is worse off the europe it's only half white


user, for the record, they know that they are lying to you. Their game is to take it and say it was always theirs.




holy shit
like if you rape a child in China, you go to jail for life.

There you are all gang-banged by the CCP.
Also, fuck off shill.

For the time being user. Black South Africans love law, law in our country because it is not codified will always be at the discretion of a judge.

user, everybody I meet is racist girls, IT guys, engineers, lawyers, surgeons. A very small percentage is not. Is the rest of the country this fucked? PTA I know the media is pushing white guilt constantly and I know Cape Town is fucked beyond repair but Ek wens die beste vir jou met jou besluit, ek hoop jy kry goeie land en 'n goeie vrou. Ek hoop en bid dat almal saam sal opstaan soos wat ons al het, dit is nog nie heeltemal hopeloos nie maar dis amper. Staan sterk broer waar ookal jy mag gaan

A must watch.

wait that's actually a poster?


daily reminder that the apartheid regime did nothing wrong

Feltgreatman.jpg, I gotta start doing that more often

people can lie about the existence of a rape culture with one in five women being raped in american colleges… but if you say africa has a rape culture, it's racist? too vibratory.

Please come to the US at least when Trump is president
Talking about this?
Also, favorite part around the 4.40 mark:
proud nigress coalminer enters the fray

I'd beat her to death with a brick, but I'd gladly genocide the fucking apes that engage in this horrific activity.
I can find no better proof that the Black race is a subhuman offshoot of humanity, and has to be treated as such.
Blacks reading this…hang your fucking heads in sham, if you have enough whit in you to feel shame.

Reminder that Blacks and Hispanics do the bulk of rape and pedophilia in America when accounting for population.

She is only doing what the white, anti-white men around her tell her to do while on the job.

I mean anti-white white men.

(((White )))

Understandable, however there's also the fact that what we whites consider to be rape, and thus negative, to them is not rape. It's natural and normal. Attaching negative connotations to something they deem normal is insulting. Niggers never rape anyone. They have no concept of what rape is. They just cure AIDs, relieve stress, attain reparations etc.

Jews are no excuse for treason.

Good fucking lord.

That's just what you claim as reflex until it goes away.

What would you say if someone claimed that you said 'Hitler did nothing wrong', and you knew your life and job were on the line?

Not really. Whites in South Africa are more like the Captain on the Titanic.

The Captain of the Titanic had access to lifeboats but CHOSE to go down with the ship.

Both points on target.

Meanwhile if we managed to quarantine them outside our countries, we'd have enough time and resources to go colonize space.

We're too busy making sure none of them dies of starvation to do anything actually important.

That's only because their tech physically functions off of wishful thinking.

You can open their guns and find a few screws and a bit of wire, but it functions anyway.

If only our normal media would mention that at all.

Instead when you say it people tell you you're lying.

holy fuck


It feels great knowing there are other White brethren on these boards.

If rape wasn't part of black culture, then why do they rape so much?

Has anyone been able to prove her wrong?


Can we get a confirmation on the translation of this before I post it to social media and look like complete fucktartd.

They seem very peaceful and the song is very pretty sounding I literally can't believe that this is what they are singing…

The question is do they know what they are singing?







>President Jacob Zuma's singing of the refrain shoot the Boer at an ANC event was among the reasons for the Canadian Federal Court ruling that a white South African couple could continue with their bid for asylum.