Is it even possible to stop the wage gap lie?

Is it even possible to stop the wage gap lie?

And its a fucking outright lie at this point, not a myth, its been debunked countless times by economists.

Clearly facts and statistics don't work in proving this is not true, liberals think with emotions, how the fuck can we stop this lie from being repeated?

Other urls found in this thread:

You gotta use rope

Every time its brought up–and I mean every single time–point out that its a debunked myth, and cite some credible sources to back up your claim.

You cannot let these people get away with spreading lies and pretending its the truth. You have to combat it whenever and wherever you can.

It literally an argument with women. Why are you surprised that facts don't work?

My best argument I use is "Wouldn't companies hire more women if it was cheaper like they do with illegal aliens." If they mental gymnastic themselves out of that one I just mock them and make them feel stupid. If logic doesn't work emotionally humiliate them into submission.

This is the only way.

The real problem is all the thirsty beta fags who not only allow women to spout this nonsense - but stand next to them (in order to get even a whiff of pussy) and tell other men that this is a fact as well.

The 1 in 5 college rape stat pretty much triggers me. Especially when said by female college students.

If this was a fact, why would any woman want to attend college at all? Why would any parent allow their daughter to attend a rape factory?

I'm more concerned about the Thigh Gap.

What is the definitive source debunking this? I need to have it somewhere I can easily pull it up.

I recently saw a fucking commercial (merica) acting like it's common knowledge and that we need stronk wimminz to challenge it.
The best way would be a simple viral video or meme that instantly "triggers"/shuts these people down.
Probably something revolving around the fact that it's simply an earnings gap and down to women having free choice to pursue lower paying jobs and work fewer hours.
That there really isn't a problem unless you're against them having free will.

I think companies should make the gap real personally. If they're going to constantly bitch about a lie, make the lie true.

Trump has shown that he knows it is a lie. He even said men had it harder in a recent rally in passing. So maybe when he becomes President. Or in the debates. He could just call Hillary on it and say that as a lawyer she should know that it is already illegal to discriminate based on sex.

However I have noticed that even if you debunk the wagegap, they just attack the reasons why there is one. Like with pregnancy they want to get paid as if they were still working and they want to get paid the same despite less experience etc.

However I really think it is the very small minority that is like that and most women would be able to understand it when debunked. It is just that Presidents and Presidential candidates keeps perpetuating the lie.

You have to use the sort of rhetoric the left understands.

Things like:

"Oh wow. I can't believe you still think the wage gap actually exists. Do you think the Sun revolves around Earth as well?"

"Wait, you're serious? You literally think women are paid 60 cents per man-dollar? Have you actually sat down and think about if that were true then everyone would just hire women instead of men for the same amount of work being done?"

"Wow, how about no? Do you actually still think we're in the 30s? Women these days earn more than men on the same amount of work hours!"

Easy. You do it in two steps (and I've even seen some 'honest' feminists admit this, so things are changing.) You simply say:

1) You are mistaking earnings for wages. We all know economists and physicists get paid better than sociologists and artists
then you give them an 'out'
2) What is really happening is that women are choosing different professions. maybe this is early childhood conditioning; i don't know

Now, instead of fighting 'men,' they'll be fighting biology - but they won't know it bc muh social construction. They'll learn the hard way, then, that:

naturam expellas furca, usque recurret

infographics, facts, and laughter.

The current year has been pretty succesfully stomped out of the liberals' argumentative arsenal by sheer mocking. Maybe creating a snarky meme that makes the wage gap look ridicolous will do the trick. The masses can't be convinced by masses but literal memes. Should we engineer a meme mocking the wage gap in this thread?

You have your mission, user. Memeweave it into being

Something about hiring women only since you don't have to pay them as much.


Already done.

Sorry for the blogpost, but:

I'm not very good at this but I was thingking something that would equate the idea of a wage gap with poor/lazy statistical analysis. Gotta think it harder because that's not an easy path to start making something suitable for non autists.

The fuck is this?

The Department of Labor published a report showing it doesn't exist, if that's not proof to lefties I don't know what is. Sargon of Akkad (and he might be a cuck, but he's pretty good at debunking the lefties more retarded than he is. Tell them he's a liberal when showing the video, it might disarm them) compiled this.

holy shit. sauce? wtf? at first I thought it was a domestic dispute, but then she starts going on a about the JQ, but then its not about that, and then…. wtf?

Not OP but pic related.

doubt it, but it will stop itself eventually. you can only deny the reality of economic forces so long before they come back full swing at you.


Also I should have added, this image is tailor made for women.

you have to bully the shit out of people that perpetuate it. facts, studies, and reality don't matter to them or to the left in general. arguing against it isn't about convincing them that there is empirical proof that they are wrong, because you will never win that argument. it's about making them look and feel like a retarded asshole for having that opinion.

Facts and numbers can't enter womans brain. Or brain of most retards tbh.

to which they'll reply with muh internalized soggy knees

Counseling Psychology under 10 least lucrative college majors has men listed at 74% and women at 26% but the bar for men is shorter than the one for women. Other than that it's a great picture full of facts which no women will chose to agree with because feels before reals.

So? Point out that muh soggy knees starts in childhood, so they should stop trying to rape single adult men for their money, and start telling mothers (and fathers) to encourage their little girls to play with Tonka Trucks.

The point is to shift the debate, not win it. Simply getting them to admit there isn't a direct conspiracy of men literally and consciously discriminating against adult women in the workplace is the most important step we can take.

"Da ebul wyte man is stealing your paycheck" is much more emotionally charged than "when you were playing with barbies, the boys were learning how to do useful shit that was going to pay them money" – See what I mean?

again, that doesn't "win" the whole "argument" but its seriously disarms women. Mention that what you are saying is "Foucaultian" and they'll melt right in front of you. Feminism hasn't been defeated - the war hasn't been won - but you, through fantastic tactics, won that particular battle. Believe me, if we do this en masse it will demoralize the whole movement over time.


please leave if you're going to be this retarded

What's funny is that the whole wage gap myth just reaffirms the notion that women suck at math.

Anyway, the best way to debunk the myth is to simply post statistics that point out the difference between the earnings of white men and that of Chinese men and Indian women. Ask them if white men earn less because of anti-white discrimination, or simply because of the choices that they make.

what in the fuck…

nigger i'm just pointing out that you presented something for a leftist to latch onto with your counter argument. when you say
all they're going to care about is
and it'll just circle into a never ending shitty argument about how society cripples women or something stupid.

After we kick out all the kikes and shitskins out of our countries, we should most definitely strip women of their right to vote and prohibit them from running for political office. Nothing ever good comes from women voting or engaging in politics as women have significantly contributed to the downfall of many civilizations throughout history.

You can't defend things like this with stats and studies, you have to attack. Ridicule them while pushing male issues. Exaggerate the fuck out of them and put them on the defensive.

And I pointed out that you are not reading my posts or you completely lack reading comprehension.

I have personally used this argument repeatedly on graduate student feminists and it totally disarms them. If they start doing what you said, then just tell them that they should go talk to parents and leave you alone. If that doesn't work, then you can either disengage or use further statistics, I suppose. If you don't believe me on how well this strategy works, then just watch any one of those Milo videos where he totally destroys feminists - he uses a similar strategy. The point is, get them to stop whining about adult women being mistreated and shift the debate to little girls and they really don't have anything to be mad about. If they start talking about "the patriarchy" just say that in your understanding "the patriarchy" means "the abrahamics" and that you're not one of them, so fuck off and go protest your local church or synagogue. Subtly shifting it to Jews is always a good strategy…

If you still don't believe me, then let's have a mock debate right now and you can be the feminist. I can show you all of the counter-arguments and rhetoric I've used that totally work. I don't know what else to tell you.

This is impressively terrible.

Kill all kikes. Put women back in the home.

Stop using greentext strawmen and actually make an argument or I'm not going to respond. I'm beginning to believe you're a D&C shill or a troll.

good you're a retard.

if it has worked, then it works i guess. it's just in my experience, offering even a little bit of their side in your argument starts a fucking trainwreck. then again most of the arguments i've encountered have been online, and the few i've had in reality end pretty quickly because of how hard it is to do mental gymnastics on the fly. have you used your argument as much online as in person?

So where'd you come from, reddit?

Ah, good point. No, not at all. All of my arguments have been in person and they have all been against people who were relatively educated. I would not suggest arguing with Tumblrinas at all. They're already lost. Reality will hit them in the face in a few years and they'll be good little submissive housewives, or end up cat ladies. Either way, don't waste your breath.

Shifting the debate to early childhood also allows you to talk about all those early childhood experiments where fucking toddlers independently go to this or that toy or whatever. The real point, here, is that it is not adult discrimination. If they say, "internalized muh soggy knees," then just ask them if they are so fucking enlightened why are they still working at a coffee shop instead of being a millionaire? Right? Like do the pic related argument

Tell them this: I have 10k+ in the bank. If I gave it to you would you go back to school and get a "STEM" degree? If you're still in college, tell them why haven't they fucking switched majors yet? If they say they're worried about discrimination tell them if they're such a fucking woman warrior, then they shouldn't be - likewise offer to pay their attorneys fees if it happens.

The point is to shift the debate away from direct adult discrimination and challenge them to put their proverbial money where their mouth is. Tumblrinas just want something to cry about and are horribly mentally ill. I wouldn't even bother with them.

(cont) also, always stay super, super, super calm. Don't be condescending, but act like you are trying to help them to understand a fuller picture. When they flip shit, tell them they're making you feel uncomfortable - change the subject for awhile; tell them that you're sorry if this is misogynistic or whatever but that you have to point out that they are kind of cute when they get angry like that. Ask them to do the lip bite thing again or whatever facial expression they just did, and comment on how nice their hair looks/smells. Then, go right back into the conversation.

Here's another one I used that always totally exposes their hypocrisy. Point out that alot of the wage problem is with women having children. Point out that women take off work and men keep working and therefore get promotions faster… they'll wholeheartedly agree bc most of them are very concerned about their biological clock.

Then, tell them a good solution would be to give fathers paternity leave as well. They'll flip shit bc all they want is gibsmedats. Then, tell them "I don't see what your problem is: Sweden has done just that, it works, and its basically run by feminists" – they never know what to say to that one.

Also, point out pic related. Say its not fair that many women can just get a paycheck with their tits, but men don't have that option (yet). This shifts the conversation to gender mores and stuff. I always point out that I'm severely depressed bc all I ever wanted to be was a house-husband but society oppressed me. This shifts the argument away from them, which will make them chill or disengage.

There are alot of strategies to use if you're creative. Milo goes straight at them, but I wouldn't suggest that unless you're a BBC-loving homokike

I somehow sometimes admire the way they illustrate their delusions. I really like this picture somehow.

Well, you're clearly not trying to have a productive conversation so I'm going to filter you now. have a nice day

Dunno about you but when i argue with one of those i dont stay calm depending on my opponent but i get the impression that if i go all out it is like someone hit their head with a sledge hammer, one of them even cried.

I remember once where a buddy and me found out some dingbat we had to train and babysit for like 2 years was making 20k more than us. I've seen dozens of other brown people/women making way more than much more deserving people too.

haha. care recapping this event where you made them cry?

sounds a bit like concern trolling, but pretending to do it for their sake. as much as i hate doing it because it feels disingenuous, i've found concern trolling in general to be fucking devastating for arguing, since they have to actually find ways to back up their own points.

I literally just had this happen to me last night. Their response was "because muh sexism they think men are more qualified"

I was in a lefty, alternative druggie club. So two girls and a friend of mine went outside. One of the girls was a friend of the girl my friend really liked.
She was antifa and was telling me about how they ruined a nazi parade and went on how fucking retarded nazis etc. were. So i told her that they are basically the same as them and she is selling out her values by doing exactly what the other side is doing and went into a rage. My friend noticed that and tapped me on the shoulder and said "hey user, hey user" "what?" and kept on talking in a frenzy (i had some beers at that time). She was already sobbing and my friend tapped me on the shoulder "hey user, stop", i kept on rambling for a minute, then looked at her and she was crying. I somehow felt bad :/.

I never understood this about antifa, and, no, you can never tell them that. I basically had my career ruined by pointing out stuff like this. What's worst is, I said "those just look like Christian families; do they claim to be fascists?"
"No, but they are"
"How do you know?"
"Because of their agenda"
"Okay, so what is fascism and how is what they are doing fascism"

That's when I realized antifa was full of shit. Just a bunch of druggy retards who want an excuse to throw rocks at people.

Women shouldn't even have to work. They should be at home, taking care of the home, and the children like every other previous generations that weren't slaves did.

This is just another case of "prisoners in a prison without bars". They have been tricked into this bullshit.

Not sure if it's just me, but it seems like they've really been pushing it harder lately. I think they noticed the pushback and are mobilizing to cut us off at the pass.
Or does someone have a better explanation for this?

No, to believe the wage gap you have to outright ignore facts and statistics. No use in arguing with such people. Make fun of them instead.

What did they do to ruin your career?
Dunno i do not feel much fear at all when engaging with extremists, the only thing i fear is that i have a lot more sympathy for them than i had before (both the right or left wing spectrum). I somehow think that if they would come for me i would fuck them up really bad.
Before i would love to have them put in a cage fighting each other where i could join at will but today it skewed my perception. I never saw them as a big problem just some people that want to throw as you put it (really generally speaking). I guess that poor boobcarrier was more of the ideological type.

I would be careful about this. I, more or less, believed the wage gap until I was well into graduate school simply bc of the division of labor - I didn't study feminism, and since I don't lie I assumed they didn't. Of course, that was some time ago before all this was politicized so maybe things are different now.

A lot of people believe it simply bc it kinda smacks as true. After all, we all know people that might discriminate against women, and no one has the time to look up every single statistic.

Everything. The whole nine yards. Got into my facebook, sent spies after me, agents provacateur, etc. They found vids of me shooting firearms and sent them to my Uni (where I was a student and employed). They sent out an email across the University basically saying I was a terrorist and SWATd my office. What really got me is that I just mentioned, quite off-hand, that Mayor Bloomberg was Jewish and that was enough to really get me hammered. That was 'proof' I was an ebul nazi. And, the worst part is, I don't even remember making that post on fb - I think my 'friend' raped my fb while I was in the bathroom. They brought it up like 8 months later (they went through 6 years of fb posts in order to find anything 'offensive'), so there wasn't much I could do or say. Ironically, at the time I was dating a Jewish girl (but they didn't know that). Probably paranoia, but I almost think she may have been a spy as well… it was really fucked up. I was also jumped outside of my house, and they used their connections in the police department and DA's office to get me hammered. etc


any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm not saying I'm requesting a personal army, but….

that's not how they operate, though. They isolate and surround you, and use gaslighting and zersetzung (look at the wiki articles). If you don't know what's going on, it can be extremely frightening and really break you down. You start questioning your own sanity and, of course, that's exactly what they want. It paralyzes you.

Na, zersetzung is using exploits in your brain. Did you read the article about zersetzung? They moved objects just a little bit so you recognize it. What is the purpose? The purpose is to send your brain into frying mode making up all kinds of possible scenarios, using human pattern recognition in a subtle form.
Ever heard the saying "never estimate your enemy" it is based on modern day jewjitsu. Using your on force against is nasty but really simply. Even the biggest retards can apply those tactics, because they use simply methods, no matter how smart you are they always work. And they work especially well if you are intelligent and creative. They use the perception bias. So now you analyize what people know about this, it is most likely extremists on the left and right wing spectrum because they use that lingo and they operate using this delusion. It is a moder day matrix making the enemy stronger than he is. Everyone can be your enemy etc. everyone coulod think you are the one that is wrong. But in reality most people are fucking retarded and never heard of that, and if they heard of that they would exibit the same symptoms because once they crossed that line they are in it to. It is like psychological black hole. They use yourself against you, most likely a jewish tactic. That is why ingroup outgroup works, if you have a group the group determines the goals and objectives. So this tactic is really effective if you have some other factors, forging ingroup outgroup and trust. Trust is a illogical construct it is based on intuition and intuition is a mechanical machine. So this is how the faggots are trying to win, it is to abuse your intuition which leads to left and right brain, it is basically a psychological lobotomy.

Na, zersetzung is using exploits in your brain. Did you read the article about zersetzung? They moved objects just a little bit so you recognize it. What is the purpose? The purpose is to send your brain into frying mode making up all kinds of possible scenarios, using human pattern recognition in a subtle form.
Ever heard the saying "never estimate your enemy" it is based on modern day jewjitsu. Using your on force against is nasty but really simply. Even the biggest retards can apply those tactics, because they use simply methods, no matter how smart you are they always work. And they work especially well if you are intelligent and creative. They use the perception bias. So now you analyize what people know about this, it is most likely extremists on the left and right wing spectrum because they use that lingo and they operate using this delusion. It is a moder day matrix making the enemy stronger than he is. Everyone can be your enemy etc. everyone coulod think you are the one that is wrong. But in reality most people are fucking retarded and never heard of that, and if they heard of that they would exibit the same symptoms because once they crossed that line they are in it to. It is like psychological black hole. They use yourself against you, most likely a jewish tactic. That is why ingroup outgroup works, if you have a group the group determines the goals and objectives. So this tactic is really effective if you have some other factors, forging ingroup outgroup and trust. Trust is a illogical construct it is based on intuition and intuition is a mechanical machine. So this is how the faggots are trying to win, it is to abuse your intuition which leads to left and right brain, it is basically a psychological lobotomy.


I don't have time for a write-up, but I've debunked it before irl using these two papers, both studies by a feminist organization that purport to show the wage gap.
Basically, as they add more factors and categories in the paper, most of the wage gap disappears—it goes from 80% to 93% or thereabouts. The study then stops and says, "look, there's still a 7% wage gap!". However, the categories are very rough (something like all 'medical' jobs together, all 'business' jobs together, etc; educational area is also a rough categorization; hours worked is discrete, not continuous), so it's a valid argument to speculate that as the categories are refined, the gap will disappear.
Also, in one of the two studies, they use mean instead of the standardly used median, which inflates the gap by about 2% (is this deliberate or a mistake? i don't know).

But if you need one word to sum that up: they are untermenschen, subhumans if you will.

It's easy: beat them at their own game.

Mention that gender is a social construct, and that if women want to get paid more, they should become men. Similarly, act offended and inform people that despite your appearance and income, you actually identify to a female African American, thus you're simply well paid for a woman.

Don't forget to claim you should get additional gibsmedats for being physiologically unable to breed, thus being a disabled woman.

If everything fails, chimp out and call them racists, remember you're a nigger now.

That's why I said it is so important that they isolate you. idk if anyone ever broke into my house, but they used gaslighting tactics against me. And, since I was only talking to 2 or 3 people at the time, since I was working so hard, I was unable to break out from the spell.

You're right. Had I had a separate group of loyal friends, they never could have done it

typically i assume that the people that use these arguments are kinda dumb, so I just tell them that the people making these statistics are fudging the numbers. just ask them:

this usually plants enough seeds of doubt, either enough to silence them because they think they aren't invested enough in the issue to know if I'm right, or to shift the argument to something else, like prof athletes, or for them to look more into it themselves.

after that, it's easy to just brush them off if they continue to cry about it.

Dont overestimate them, they are just a bunch of retarded motherfuckers, and you ll probably find out who did this this and cut their throats and not much drama follows. Remember, choose an obejctive, deploy measures and operate. Those people are not really smart, find out who they are, take your time and then kill them.

That's what trump did.

We can settle this argument by bringing it into the general election debates.

What about when someone claims that there's a wage disparity between men and women IN THE EXACT SAME POSITIONS?
I once read a study that claimed that men make more in certain positions because they're better at haggling for higher raises whereas women won't even bother asking for a raise half the time.

I'd ask for specifics as to what these positions are, and in what jobs. if they don't have examples, I just call them a conspiracy theorist, because the wage gap is based on averages, not specifics.

men haggling for better raises implies that the wage gap does exist, and I can't allow that.


People will not listen to a harsh truth when there is a comforting (and personally profitable) lie easily in reach.

This war of ideas is a failure because it happens in a consequence free vacuum. Everyone wants to try something because it sounds nice, but there isn't any immediate consequences to stop them. That is a product of a society that is built on some feel good/feel bad morality. No foresight, just they now and how it feels. It is how the west is going to be conquered.

Selfish generation after selfish generation that strips more and more resources until the last generation is left with nothing and succumbs to a stronger people.

The slippery slope is real. If our sense of impending doom wasn't dulled by distraction and bigger problems, then we would jump on this and smash it even if it meant dying.

Except that itis illegal. They are complaining about something that if it actually existed every woman would have legal grounds to sue over.

true this

Why did I listen to that

No, for several reasons.

First, it's an argument against women, and feminist women in particular. That should stop you right there. By the time you're arguing, you've already lost - you need to either lay the groundwork for a victory without fighting (i.e., get social consensus on your side and trust her herd instinct) or you need to refuse to grant her argument a hearing (generally impossible in the current year).

Second, you're talking about erasing an idea that has taken hold from the public mind. Not just any idea - an easily-digestible soundbyte. Do you know why we still use the example of horseback riding as a way women can lose their hymen without sex? Because it's the lie they used in the middle ages to cover for slutty noble girls. Stupid soundbytes never die. Like the "superbowl=domestic abuse" or "rule of thumb meant wife beating" or "women were property" myth, they will simply never die. Facts are harder to remember and to spread than stupid soundbytes.

Third, the idea is politically useful. We already have a law protecting equal wages and have since 1963. But new laws don't get passed when old ones work, and people want new laws, new ways to reach into your life. Advocacy groups need a reason to keep existing. No feminist organization or female politician will ever change their tune and declare victory because then they have no reason to exist.

Only way to win is a stronger counter-meme. A stupid soundbyte of our own. Even then we're at a disadvantage because no one cares what happens to men. "Men work 10 hours for every 7 a woman works." "93 men die in the workplace for every 7 women." No one cares. Need some snarky and snippish like suggests but with more punch. I'm at a loss for what exactly, but like I said above, by the time you're arguing with a woman you've already lost.

Facts and logic won't work with leftists—least of all with women. The wage gap myth was debunked 40 years ago and everyone who pays attention knows this. Just treat their statements about the wage gap with a sort of teasing amusement. They're bombarded with propaganda on daily basis but they know in their hearts that sex equality is lie and would make for a horrible, sterile existence if it were true.

If you really feel compelled use facts, just point out that they're comparing ALL jobs that men work to ALL jobs that women work, not the exact same jobs. Pic related. But don't expect to get very far with the brainwashed. You can point out the blatantly obvious and scientifically verifiable sex differences in risk taking, tolerance to unpleasant working conditions, willingness to travel, and every other wage related variable all day and get nowhere with these people. You have to hit them emotionally not logically.

The reality of the situation is the more vital a job is to society's functioning, the more men you will find in those positions, e.g. water treatment, operating heavy machinery, engineering, architecture, military, etc… There are some notable exceptions of course, but most women work in superfluous positions brought about by decades of decadence in "the service economy" for low pay.

Wage gap? Real.

Caused by misogyny? No.

Caused by women choosing lower-paying majors and jobs because they're women and only usually have social skills which are lower paying? Yes.

Fixable by women finally admitting that gender is not equal and that they are in most fields worse than men mentally? Uh huh.

Pic related.


Best way to argue it is point out that it is class war.

It is rich women trying to get an easy ride to the top at the expense of poor women.

Its easy to see. The conversations always revolve around women being CEOs and Execs. Which women get these jobs? Privileged ones. They never talk about raising the wages of nurses or care home assistants.

And the extra money men do get (from choosing to work in more valued jobs), this extra money men get is spent on their family. Husbands dont hoard cash and let their wives starve. The family doesn't exist for Cultural Marxists. To them, a family is just a microcosm of the battle of the sexes. Marxism refuses to acknowledge cooperation between groups, which is why it is so toxic.

what the fuck did I just listen to?

It's just a modern fairy tale like Jesus or Rumpelstiltskin.

Emotional abuse is really the only way to deal with women. Look up all the techniques, like gas lighting and etc.

Yeah it happens here in 'Straya thanks to GayNZ

No, that is not the case. The west is conquered because of a cascade of reasons. Remember the 10stages of civilization. It is more of description of the monkey brain in different scenarios.

For example: The pioneers had a lot to win, no judgement, trying something building something getting rewarded. In todays society most people do not get rewarded, they are merely functioning, there isnt much to do because everything is already owned by cooperations that hold all the power. Just like scientists cannot do shit on their own, you need droves of them to get shit done, just like cern. My friend is getting is phd in theoretical physics and he basically confirms my obersvation. On a side note i told him that american scientists steal shit, and then he told me that is what is prof said. Motherfucking cunts.

It is also what you see today, we got all those values and ideas which are a great thing per se but noone is willing to make harsh decisions or even perverting those ideas to achieve objectives. That is why you see the stratfor guy saying that they act in their own interest, they do not invoke morality because there is no morality anymore, only interests.
It might sound morally correct to let all the refugees into europe on a superficial level, but on a deeper level this is a mistake, even from a moral point of few. It is selling out, it is all about selling and buying.
Now what is the logical consequence as an individual here, most people do not get it, and if they get it they get it when everyone else gets it. So then there are two sides, the logical side and a emotional/logical side. The problem i feel is that i do not respect any of those people anymore, they are just a bunch of faggots that stand in my way. And if they choose to do so, i will take any measure that they wont. What results are men that want their shit, and if you stand in our way we ll crush them merciless because we do not respect the fucking faggots and we do not respect cowards. And you might say this is all part of the game, but this game you cannot win. You play games that enables you to win, not games where the only winning move is not to play.

The "Wage gap" is a feminist lie. Men tend to take on more dangerous uncomfortable jobs and therefore get paid more for the hazard and discomfort. Men account for somewhere around 90% of all work place deaths(I forget the actual number). Whereas women tend to gravitate to cozy, and safe jobs such as working in offices where there is air conditioning and everything.

And men tend to work for longer, take less time off, no maternity leave, etc.

I've read somewhere that if you factor out how much time each of the sexes worked, young women actually made more money than young men.

Wage gap explained:

How do you fix this?

How do you fix the baby issue for the ones who still want a baby?

How does it all end?

You now know why the economy is inherently self-destructive.

please, what is that?

i don't think you know what "the economy" is.
maybe you mean the economy we have.

at any rate, it will be a reflection of the values of the people. if the people have shit values (if they're retards who value shiny things above children) then yeah, such people are self destructive, and as such, an economy designed by such people will rip them apart.

The comeback to that is pointing out that HR workers are mostly women.

I mean the worldwide economy that is the same in every country, on every continent, that enables a thai, a chinese, a south african, an american and an aussie to order something made in Russia from (which servers are in Groenland)

People are not born with shitty values, otherwise these values wouldn't fluctuate over time.
In 1950, you had a wife, a son, a house with a tiny garden and only the father working. Now, you have both of them working for renting a shitty flat in a polluted area of a city. Why? Because the cost of work has been dragged down by women + immigration + international concurrence. So it's much harder for a woman to take care and even want to have a child.

All problems would be solved if women just quit working and raised kids like they're fucking supposed to. Men could easily find jobs because of so many openings, women would be happier, and shit would actually get done with men in charge instead of women.

Oh user, it's not a lie though.

The gap is only a few cents on the dollar though, but it's real.

And yes, it's real even if you account for differences in hours worked, experience and so on.

The problem is that it's not as big as it should be. You'll know this if you've been in the workplace for a while: Women are absolutely toxic to productivity.

The only more effective way to destroy productivity the productivity of a company than hiring a bunch of women is hiring a bunch of niggers.

Zoe Quinn getting caught harrassing people on twitter and Gamergate messaging her back

you inspired me.
Good enough to spread around?


Seriously? I need a YT link.