Why Europe and Asia Prospered Above The Americas and Africa

Greetings, Holla Forums

I'd like to take a look into the reasons why continents/regions like Europe and Asia have historically done much better at building and maintaining advanced civilizations than the Americas or Africa.

But actually look at it instead of going

I've only come to this conclusion after sitting down and really thinking about it, but here's a few of the reasons why I think this may have been the case.

Eurasia seems to have had many more crops and natural resources that could cultivated in a much larger amount than in places like Africa. I believe this abundance of food is what helped European settlers eventually form large villages and sub-states.

We know that when people live comfortably, they treat those around them comfortably as well. I believe having an abundance of supplies helped engineer more cooperative social behaviors that led to the formations of sub-states and actual states.

Africa seems to have had the trouble of sparse materials that had to be grown by individuals or family units. The scarcity of these materials in comparison to places in Europe or Asia is probably what led to the formation of smaller, tribal societies. It may have also contributed to making Africans more violent and competitive in order to secure land and resources, even if it means killing people that aren't very far away from you. This would probably help explain why Africa has such a wide history of tribes and clans overtaking other tribes and clans through violence, with very few of them being able to unify everyone with a comfortable lifestyle into a larger sub-state

Then, there's the winter. These conditions are exacerbated during the winter when there is no harvest. Along with longer storage times and sheer volume of crops, Eurasian societies had a better chance of surviving the harsh months of winter, at least where food was concerned.

When you aren't busy worrying what the fuck you're going to eat, you have more time to do things like make art, invent things, think about things, produce a language, make some friends, and all of that good stuff.

This may have been the root of the reason why such good art, music, tools, and philosophers came out of Eurasia. Chinese people were even able to sit around and develop an entire calligraphic writing system since they had fuck tons of rice and other crops.

When you can develop these things, you can start to form an identity and culture associated with your people and form a stronger societal unit. Africa was sort of able to do this in their own way, but so many people were still split into smaller tribes or kept going to war with each other. I supposed the Inca, Maya, and Aztecs could be considered exceptions to this, since those civilizations were still able to get pretty big for what they were.

With more natural resources, crops, and the development of tools and arts, Eurasians could trade with the people around them. The result of that is technology diffusion

I will give Africa in particular some credit here. Contact with Middle Eastern civilizations really helped them out. If anything, Africa has the guaranteed legacy of one of the most lucrative and long-running slave trades in the world. If you had slaves, you had free labor and a token for foreign goods.

This might be an interesting thing to consider, but I don't think Africa really had any access to coal fires that were hot enough to make proper forges. What the fuck are you supposed to do when you can't melt iron?

These were available in Eurasia however, and so people were able to make durable tools and weapons over the years.

What do you think? Why did Europe and Asia do so much better than the rest of the world?

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Fuck off with this Jared Diamond "Guns Germans and Steel" bullshitery. Pic related

lol beaners and niggers

Wrong. Subsaharan Africa is lush with edible, nutritious crops that grow all year long. Europe is hampered by frozen winters where nothing can grow. You have it backwards. Harsh winters forced early Europeans to plan ahead and cooperate in order to survive. Being hyper-aggressive and anti-social in this environment meant wasting limited calories and starving. Not having the intelligence to plan ahead meant starving. Furthermore it meant limited breeding opportunities, which meant greater investment in child rearing, leading to smarter children. This is the evolutionary basis that has separated Europeans from Africans. It is likely that you could apply this to Asia as well.

From this point onward, everything else is correct. However you need to understand that Africans aren't evolved to move past this point. Cities, metalworking, literature, we have evolved to these things. We are genetically predisposed to them. Until Africans are forcefully evolved on a genetic level to plan and think ahead, then are forced to live under the same conditions for several thousand years longer, causing a refinement of their evolution, they will never be able to adapt to western civilization.

Here's a picture that explains African linguistics. Notice the bit about the fact that African languages natively do not hold the concept of promises native to them. This is a symptom of not being required to evolve under conditions of establishing and following plans. If you aren't forced to make a plan and stick to it, then you never develop the concept.

or the one you are trying to pretend doesnt exist Jared Diamond…..Genetics

It's the other way around, actually. Africa had massive abundances of food and no real winters, so they had no evolutionary pressure to develop intelligence.

Europe was poor in natural resources, small, hard to survive in, and had brutally cold winters for most of its history (the Mediterranean used to be a fairly cold region and going further north it was extremely cold; Europe is much warmer now than it used to be).

Anyone who couldn't scratch out a living and survive in these awful conditions, died and was removed from the gene pool. Similar situation in northeast Asia, although the thousands-of-years-old Chinese bureaucracy and exam system has been selecting for non-creative conformists. Smart people, but unimaginative. Japan's warrior aristocracy has had different impact, thinking is a bit more similar to Europeans'.

Now that I think about it, I haven't met many niggers who could keep promises

Prior to Europeans arriving and accidentally killing 95% of the population through introduced diseases, the native Americans had a fairly advanced civilization. Hell, the Mississippi Valley had some of the largest cities on the planet at the time. They got most of their food by large-scale farming. The scenario that most of us are familiar with (savage nomads in a mostly empty country surviving via hunter-gatherer lifestyles) was essentially their version of Mad Max - society had collapsed, everyone had died, and they were the handful of survivors left over.

The real question should be 'why did every single place on Earth settled by humans prosper apart from Africa and Australia?'

The answer, of course, is niggers.

I don't know a damn thing about Australia aside from the "Criminal Island" thing since British jail cells were too full and their solution was to ship all of their excess criminals to an island at the bottom of the earth

Were there natives niggers too?

The native "sacred" niggers were a branch of niggers detached from nigger central more than 100,000 years ago apparently. When the whites found them about 300 years ago, there were even pockets of nigger that forgot how to make fire. They never advanced beyond hunter gatherer and virtually had no metalworking at all.

Whites then introduced these niggers to alcohol and you can imagine the rest.

Fucking this, i'm not even a beaner and lumping the native americans with african is disgraceful.
They had arguably some of the roughest terrain to live on and blew right past every achievement of the african continent despite being the youngest genetic branch of humanity and the last to settle their respective continent.
They DID invent the wheel, but it was fucking useless because they lived in either ultra dense jungle or a landscape of vertical cliffs.
They also cultivated corn, the absolutely most productive modern crop.
If there'd been easy access to iron deposits like in asia and europe who knows where they'd have gotten.

To my knowledge, the aboriginals didn't have music or art of their own before the British arrived. Most anthropologists consider those two things the bare minimum to even be considered human. Most score lower on IQ tests than any african and zoo gorillas.



Oh boy

They did if you consider babby tier finger painting and blowing into a hollow log without any rhythm (all while cucked whites compliment on the harmonious melody the log is now producing) to qualify as the arts.

Jesus fuck I need to read up about this

This looks so depressing and hilarious at the same time

Abstract thinking and balls to the wall attitude in life.

Reminder that Jewish anthropologists argued that baby-raping aboriginal savages were actually superior to Europeans because they were less "repressed".

Niggers are just fucking stupid.

fuck me for not rereading this sentence before posting.

My sides.

OP, that's a lot of "clever silly" rationalization to explain why africa is a fucking hellhole. The simple and unfortunate truth is that whites are far more intelligent and forward looking while being much less impulsive than africans.

The real question is, why are europeans so psychologically and temperamentally different from africans? This user gets it

In short, Europe selects for intelligence, forward planning and low impulsiveness: the winning reproductive strategy is monogamous couplings with high investment in a (relatively) small number of children. Africa selects for muh dik, have 20 children and hope a few of them survive. r/K selection theory is a nice (albeit imperfect) heuristic.

Think of species for whom food is abundant but are subject to predation, e.g. rabbits. Contrast with apex predators like wolves for whom food is scarce. I realize humans aren't rabbits/wolves (inb4 yiff in hell furfag), but the behavior of humans in analogous environments becomes strikingly similar.

Pic related, end of story.

Have another link to this based new website:

My grandfather's words on why niggers are stupid.


War and the development of the State. Heros make civilization

Northern farmers evolved larger brains because those who could not plan ahead were removed from the gene pool by natural selection. Standard evolutionary theory fully explains all existing population differences.

Are pinecones comparable to ripe around the year tropical fruits now?
And dont let me go on about how Asia "has abundant natural food".

See above. Nigger walks out hut, nigger eats, still violent.

Kek, vocalnic fertilized dirt and metal everywhere and the savages still dont do shit with them. Stop being nigger apologist.

Retard alert.

How do we tell the difference between the male and female?

I don't know why dumb Euros seem to think beaners are deemed white in the census data, when in reality the only time they're deemed white is when they've committed a crime, so as to bolster the incredibly low crime rate of whites. They're separated as victims, but not perpetrators. They're also separated on the census.

It makes you wonder how many centuries of civilization it'll take to regress our people intellectually. The Left is filled with whites that, without a doubt, are on the intellectual level of a nigger. These are people that should have been removed from the gene pool, but won't be due to this damn civilization. We need eugenics, and abortion will be a big part of it. We need to start removing the inferior, worthless whites that are diluting our gene pool and regressing our race.

very insulting.
even the most nomadic and savage tribes were basically stuck in the copper age. niggers didn't even have new stone age technology.
genetics reveal their racial group is highest in Neanderthal DNA. They were no means superiorly advance, but no one is as lowly as abos or blacks.

Not true. That would be Europeans.

Which is unsurprising since humans are also animals. I know many people like to think otherwise by claiming humans are special because of our cognitive abilities, but we are bound to the eternal laws of nature all the same.

Those are the only reasons moron.

Europe has never been as prosperous as Asia in it's entire history. It was only during 1800's Western Europe maintained economic stability.

Asia will return to dominant the scene eventually, along side US. While, Europe will still be American lapdog.

But actually look instead of going

Europe has continually proven it's superiority over Asia, you dumb chink. That little bar-chart proves nothing.

That graphic isn't per capita is it? Which is what is relevant when determining the prosperity of a people.

Nice try, Chan.

Only region in Europe that was some-what prosperous through out history was Southern Europe.

EU is pretty much irrelevant and depends on US for everything, it's a sinking ship.

Bullshit. Americans never left the Bronze Age, hell North Americans didn't even reached the Bronze Age, they still lived in the Copper Age.

Meanwhile some West African Cultures managed to independently reach the Iron Age.

The whole "b-b-but, they didn't have metal!" excuse kinda falls apart when you realize that civilized nations warred with each other for the right to colonize Africa and obtain its resources.

1500 years ago my norse ancestors were straining iron particles from bog water. It was a so low yield process you'd have to have a team of people working together for days to have enough for a sword. But what are you gonna do? With a tiny bit of foresight you realize you need swords.

And if it's true that there is no metal in fucking whole of Africa (why did all the colonies start huge mining operations then, lol?) Couldn't they trade for it?

Nah, the truth is that whites are the only race that developed creativity, and that's why we've invented every idea, tool and concept that requires visualization to invent.

The asians are clever in their way too, but they only have "try and error" science, like chemistry and such. Niggers don't even have that.

Space colonization would again put humanity into a life-or-death environment that demands intelligence and morality, but unfortunately I fear we'll fall just sort of getting that far. Even if we do, almost certainly we'll be forced to bring diversity with us, forever handicapping humanity's true potential.


I remember when I first found out about the existence of these creatures, pretty sure this is the missing link. The fact that people in the west have to pretend niggers are human is already bad enough but this….I feel bad for Australians.

Btw is that picture an actual photo of crucified Armenians?

Reminds me, a thread went through Australian dating profiles once. Every single abo girl. All of them. Single with kids. Even the ones that could pass for attractive.

no, from a movie made 5-6 years later. Based on it, though.

you got it wrong
most of the americas was experiencing civilizational collapse and mad max tier conditions prior to europeans arrival, which is why spain managed to conquer that huge a terrority with ridiculous ease
for instance the aztecs, commonly lauded as the height of amerindian civ where actually mad max tier raiders who conquered the real civilization and their entire polity was crashing and burning at the moment cortez landed

saying europeans killed 95% of the indians with disease is jewish divide and conquer so you fill white guilt
the Mississippian culture you mentioned was already collapsed by 1400 well before european contact, the likely cause for all this chaos changing rain patterns creating droughts in already water stressed areas decimating crop yields, this when coupled with higher population densities leads to collapse while simpler hunter gatherer like cultures just migrate and survive

Fuck off back to Holla Forums nigger.

fun fact about the Ameri-natives civilization.

I don't know about Africa, but America had the disadvantage of having very little amounts of quality iron, I know Japan had this problem too but they weren't so isolated from the rest of the world.

Despite the self imposed isolation that lasted hundreds of years. Where trade was all but banned with outside powers and a war had to be fought before regular trade could be re-esstablished permenantly.

Is cranial capacity dependent to cultural bias?

lol beaners and niggers

And despite all they couldn't completely supress Chinese influence, which is why there are still so many similarities. Hell, even during Sengoku Jidai the Shinto religion was all but replaced by Zen Buddhism, a Chinese religion.

Americans however had to develop in a much harsher land than Japan with very little flat/farmable land, and we still don't know what the fuck happened to the Mayans, it could be anyone's guess if the Aztecs were indeed the pinacle of American civilization or if they were just barbarian conquerors of a decadent empire similar to the ones that took over rome.

The romans built gigantic farms in the middle of the desert

As the Amazon is being hacked back they are discovering massive markings stretching for miles.

Can't you store rice and lots of foods dry?

OP does have a point about this. It's easy for Europeans to refrigerate for a big part of the year, and could continue to kill game and throw it into storage, even after growing season. In warmer countries there was no way to cool things down. In other words, Europeans had a natural refrigerator.

Ever heard of salted meat, preservation is not something unique to western cultures.

Further more towards the end of the winter most people in northern climates where eating offal (stomach kidneys shit like that) because all the regular meat had been eaten. You can't just slaughter stuff when it's not breeding in winter or it disappears while also being sparser due to winter in the first place. Even hunting and butchering and what you eat and when had to be planned around winter.

seems like a bait thread, but oh well, newfags have to learn somehow.

animals on this planet follow 2 methods to ensure success of the species (aka reproduction to the next generation).

They are known as "r" and "K" strategies. The entire theory on this is known as r/K selection theory. Its is well written about and has been studied for almost a century. It has been incorporated into "Life history" theory, which adds weight to the environment upon development.

Long story short, "r" aims for quantity while "K" goes for quality. Now humans tend to be K select animals. However, there are spectrum on this based on how hard the environment makes it on the organism. So finches with lots of food might be more r-select compared to their cousins in austere environments, even though both fit mostly on the K-select side. Some r-select things would be decreased time and energy invested in their young, decreased rates of monogamy etc.

Now since we can reasonably assume that the largest section of modern humans came from the Sahara area, once one of the largest and most fertile grasslands in the world, that we had some r-select attributes.

Once the Sahara starts turning into shit and food becomes scarce, the r-select types (averse to conflict and competition) flee. The "standard" human stays in Africa as best they can and only move when the environment simply cant support them.

Now the fleeing r-select are in hostile environments like the Greece, Persia, the Alps, Japanese islands etc. Due to the harsh conditions of this environment, r-select strategies are simply not as effective compared to the quality maximizing K-select strategy. So go a few thousand years were K-selection is the way to do business, and you breed entire societies of cooperative, intelligent, competition loving supermen.

TDLR; Europe and Asia left as bitches and returned as super-predators.

That link had some very interesting reads. Thanks user.

Sincerely, A visiting fa/tg/uy

lol beaners and niggers

Working copper makes them space travellers compared to most of africa and puts them on the same level as the Egyptians when they were building the pyramids. They began toying with copper alloys a few hundred years before the spanish arrived and fucked their shit up.
This considering they had fuck all for mineral deposits and no trade outside of their own cultures.
The western and northern african civilizations also benefited greatly from trade and knowledge from the middle east. They also used to be more caucasian in racial composition.

You are a fucking idiot that is all

What a bullshit chart.
The tanned sections in Europe produced far more than the others, or than the entire world to say the least.

What I'm saying is in Europe you could just put it outside in the winter, so they probably discovered it by mistake. salting is more involved and salt was highly valuable in those days.

Kill yourself, Jared.

OP, you're a dumbass.

Think again friend:

As far as I know the only Chinese religion was ancestor worship and materialistic superstition.

That old argument again?

Go home Jared, you're a cuck.

Jared please

Wrong, there are a several native Chinese religions, though the oldest and most important of Imperial China were ancestral worship and Heaven worship.

Also I think you missed >>5950063's point. Chen Buddhism did orignate from China, even if Bodhidharma was not Chinese does not change the fact that Chen Buddhism was formed around Chinese traditions and further infuenced Japanese monks who visited Tang Dynasty.

Listen to our fellow Iranian white supremicist Ali Alibada

Weasel words and straight up falsehoods right away. Sad thing is OP was probably sincere.

Jesus I just realized some shitposter bumped the thread after it had long died. My mistake