Yob arrested over viral video of dog giving Nazi salutes to anti-Jewish slurs and raising its paw to 'Sieg Heil'

Yob arrested over viral video of dog giving Nazi salutes to anti-Jewish slurs and raising its paw to 'Sieg Heil'



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Put him into the oven.

His dog can stay.

We don't even need to Redpill anyone anymore. The Jews and their Establishment are going so overboard lately they're doing so themselves.

Joke's on the cops when the Muslims takeover.

No fun allowed right? Why are these fascist jews so intolerant towards our sense of humor?

It’s frustrating in some ways.

How after so many times throughout can they repeat the same mistakes again!

I mean, TRY just TRY not to get yourself exiled or worse. Why wont they think of their children.

Europe is at its most passive, its weakest state never in history has a race worked so hard against itself yet still they will find a way to get themselves kicked out.


Good. This will help people to wake up all the faster.

Holla Forums was right again

I should point out that whilst this man was arrested over a comical video the British system is fine with the following:


like in an oven?



Fucked by the system he supports.
This fag can eat shit in prison, but the massive witch hunt for anything nat soc is just too much.


Dogs are haram.


Don't jews have problems with long-term planning

Isn't this something we could make a hashtag of?

I heard they are a result of Congoids and proto mongols mixing. Makes sense, you get barbaric asiatic viciousness, and negroid lack of forethought or time-awareness.

I'm up for that

The nightmare that is airstrip one continues

The video is pretty funny despite being the conception of a Commie scumbag, still, I do worry about Scotland.


at this point we should just cleanse the UK and repopulate it

Dude looks like a degenerate.

Well there you have it.

Man's best friend.


Deserved it, the infidel.

because they need to keep up with the narrative are the best comedians




inb4 this video virals even further and causes a barbra streisand effect.

inb4 people start doing this simply because its considered a "thought crime".

BTW. Post more nazi-pets.

Makes me wonder why people aren't getting arrested over redpill videos.


That is a good question.


Wtf? Why is there such a thing in scotland? This opression agaisnt freedom of speech reminds me of the one the the Scientologists use when people criticize them or make fun of them. Gotta shut things down man.

I should've just made one big one of it before posting:

I'm guessing that the UK government considers this video to be promoting violence against a minority group.

What would happen if you were arrested over it but could prove whatever you said in court. Would it still be a hate crime?

The real reason is that the Jew is well aware of the streisand effect. If you get arrested for the actual video, and a news article is published about it, everyone will watch the video. As it is, normies are now scared of any level of "anti-semitism."

This is an intimidation tactic against normies so they're scared of any level of wrongthink. Actually arresting us serves no purpose, and in fact until they're allowed to execute us, it would be shooting themselves in the foot. If you're thrown in prison for 30 days, you come out harder and with less to lose. Imagine if Holla Forums en masse got sent to prison, then started networking with prison gangs and getting them politically involved. All of the sudden you have people who are intelligent and ideologically sympathetic getting mixed with active criminal organizations with access to funding and a hardened group of followers.

They want normies to be afraid that they'll get arrested for listening to us, while keeping us from ever getting genuinely radicalized.

Do cats become nazis too?

Can jews joke about the holocaust?
I know they have a monopoly on jew jokes but I don't know if they actually make fun of the shoah.




This is the new face of anti-semitism.

Yeah, you're right.

hitler says so


Haha stupid fucking commie mongrel just proved us right. But seriously the U.K. is fucking hardcore occupied Jesus Christ.


(two threads)

No free speech in Scotland. If somebody is offended, then "reasonable people" won't "tolerate" you staying free. Even if the prosecutor doesn't even charge you, you'll still be arrested as punishment., despite that being the job of the courts not the police.

This is what happens when the SNP run the police. Although England isn't much better.

Is the guy a leftist or what?

The fucker reminds me of Gimli

His mistake was naming the jew. He could have done and said absolutely anything else and no one would have cared.

You can tell he is just by his facial and ear piercings.

And see:

I think this has some memetic potential..

Anyone in the Memetic Beurau having any suggestions on this?

Not sure if we should make anything about it, except recording and archiving it.

I'm kinda glad this happened.

It's Scotland you stupid cuckold. England is bad enough, Scotland is wannabe Sweden.

Well, we could make like a nazi-pug vector logo or something. I bet it could viral as a response image. This is meme magic we are talking about.

aren't scotland and england the same country though?

Because most of people who make redpilling videos don't leave real information about themselves, their names, address or phones.


they are though.

does england have the same system of the governemt that the united states has?

Equally offensive to muslims and jews. Hate crime for sure.

and I mean with state/local governments.

only kikes get supreme legal power when they are being insulted

fuck them, even more reason to hate them

Scotland has its own Parliament and government that Scottish police report to.

It's funny because he looks like "The New Face Of Fear" Bray Wyatt

Huh, I had no idea they did it like that. I always assumed England had one parliament and a single law book sort of deal.

Honestly this guy is an obvious attention whore.

1. Did a piercing for attention
2. Makes dog videos for attention
3. Makes his dog do nazi stupid salutes for attention
4. Did USSR tattoo for attention

I must say he deserves gulag for everything. I bet he also a homo or shows high tolerance and adoration to faggots. Fucking disgusting.


Arrest this man now. You simply cannot make jokes about killing Jews.

How do i train my dog to salute ?

England has no parliament of its own, but Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland do, so those three get to make their own decisions while the national UK government, not elected solely by England, makes law for England. Yes it's not fair.

England is more cucked than I previously thought.

Wait for him to paw then say the command. Pretty soon it works the other way around. Use food or a toy to make him paw, then say it. Over and over and over.
My cat rolls over pretty much on command as long as its hungry. Same "training" method.

that's pretty fucked up.

Inb4 someone gets arrested for naming his dog Mohammed. Bcus its offensive.

A dog called mohammed that you take for walks in pig onesy, with a yellow star.

Yeah it's very cucked. Labour set up the system, and the Tories have only recently done a very slight move to limit (not stop altogether) non-English MPs voting on English laws.

And he's a fucking Communist? LOL! Britain sucks… And here I wanted to live there my whole life. American dogs are free to raise their hand in solute to whoever gives them treats!

Yeah, don't do that mate.

UK hasn't had free speech in years

not really surprising tbh

fucking why?

that's like saying you want to live in Sweden

There was a time when I wanted to visit Germany (I'm half German), as well as the countryside of England/Ireland/Scotland. Actually I did consider moving to Germany a few years ago. Then I found Holla Forums. Now I say fuck those countries… I'm not spending a dime or a second of my time on Western Europe, ever. Being American though, I'd probably get jumped in Russia, so fuck them too. There's still Australia I suppose, but their climate sucks ass. Australia is basically Texas on a bad day, and populated Canada is just like where I live. So I guess I just do the usual travel within the US borders.

good god that's hilarious

hes a commie, and if he isn't hes a troll

Right out in the open.


Try non Russian eastern Europe

Yeah, self-hating Jews, those communists.

He looks like an untermensch

there you have it. Gas the edgy tard, the dog can stay.

wow amazing point(?)

Okay, how about "Fuck back off to Holla Forums commie shill."

One day I'll meet a fash who isn't a tard or maybe I won't…

I don't have much of an interest.

He was arrested by Tommy Lee Jones younger cousin.

Also, it is hilarious to see a filthy commie get fucked by his super tolerant state.

Those people are part of a network the extent of which is not known. Cops always cuck out on that kind of thing.


Anglophilia is pretty common. Obviously it's based on a romantic idealised version of Britain that has long since been stabbed in the face.

In a way it would be better if the whole place was utterly ruined because the people who rebuilt it would have only those pervasive ideals to work from

Truly horrifying, im glad this man got arrested before he raised a dog army.


Britain's still better than 99% of the world despite its slide into shit.

Damn, Hitler was a good guy.


This is what delusional Britcucks actually believe. Your country is part of the caliphate.

They're going to leave the EU before any other country, they don't have a major feminist political party, they haven't banned prostitution, gay marriage is still illegal in part of the country, which even America can't say any more.

I really hope you are right about leaving the EU but to be fair it has two major feminist parties.
Labour and The Conservatives.


They are literally a cursed people. They are doomed to be hated by everyone and be the architects of their own demise and destruction for pissing in God's cornflakes.

When God said he transformed all their blessings into curses, he wasn't fucking around. You are watching the wrath and judgement of a living god in action.

Damn, this guy's hilarious and the dog is an adorable little racists. Yes he is, yes he is.

Do not joke about that.

And let it be known messing with that dog ist not the best of ideas.

Even if not, the fact it had a referendum and no other country is likely to for years proves it's less cucked than they are.

All major parties are feminized a bit. But there's still no literal, single-issue feminist party like Sweden, or even compulsory gender quotas for parliament like France.

Every political party in the West that is not an explicitly radical right wing party of either fascist or paleoconserative persuasion is a feminist one.

Labour and Conservative are both feminist parties.

Any party that wants to keep giving women the ability to vote, supports no-fault divorce, and supports women taking the wealth of men when they divorce, is feminist by definition.

Every 2500 years or so, women are given rights equal to those of men by the great civilization of the age. They then use those rights to give themselves superior rights, and having done so, disenfranchise all men out of trying to work or form families. This collapses the civilization, compels the men who survive it to forcibly oppress women completely by taking away all of their rights, and restarts the cycle.

This is the truth. You don't have to like it, you don't have to approve of it, and you may rail against the nature of it as unfair and cruel if you like, but it is the truth.

When the laws of the Old Testament forbade women from ever teaching boys or holding authority over a man, it was proof that this cycle is older than even our own recorded memory of history, for this is the wisdom of hard men who have survived such civilizational destruction before.

There's a difference between feminist-controlled parties and fundamentally feminist parties.

What did we do Holla Forums?

I don't bloody think Sharia allows it!


That postcard is so offensive!

I would ask anyone who has had the misfortune to have viewed it to think about the pain and hurt the postcard has caused a minority of people in our community.

The postcard is deeply offensive and no reasonable person can possibly find the content acceptable in today’s society.

Arresting everyone involved in producing it should serve as a warning to anyone printing such material on postcards, or in any other capacity, that such views will not be tolerated.

It's still legal to be white in UK? How did it get like this? I thought whites have been banned since WW2 ?


ahhaha fucking cuck trying to be edgy and getting fucked for it. guess what, ironic shitposting is still shitposting and shitposting is a crime in the police state. now pick up that can

you jest, but…

He was arrested for joking about 'Hitler and jews' with his dog.

70 years ago in another country…. Let it sink in.
Or you'll be arrested next.

Do British papers not have to worry about being sued?

Inb4 people completely miss the point and call me a commie

I could do this. In fact I already kind of maybe started. Going to have to go back to the drawing board now.

The referendum could be trap without an actual anti-EU party. They can always pull an Ireland on it an re run the referendum and once they get the result they like they'll say "The matter is settled, no more discussion."

So if you vote to leave once, make sure to vote to leave the second time too.

Good point, it might be a psyop then.
Sub judice is taken very seriously in the UK.

Things really picked up over here after Farage made a legitimate case for nationalists, before that anyone even remotely conservative was pushed out via a barrage from the media. Since that we've had seemingly non-stop propaganda on our telavivisions and an arrest rate of ebul racists that you wouldn't believe. If you're not familiar with how bad it is here look up Tommy Robinson.

We all like to laugh at Sweden, but mate, we're worse.

Top Fucking Kek.

Top Kek.

Even if it is a trap, the fact that they're resorting to this, which could backfire so badly, is a very good sign.

And with a major eurosceptic party, UKIP, which Ireland didn't have, even a second referendum with an In vote would leave to UKIP solidifying its position. People who voted Leave the second time would never vote anything else.


Update: He's facing hate crime charges

>The 28-year-old, from Coatbridge in North Lanarkshire, faces hate crime charges over the video, Police Scotland said.


We Germany Now.

Was the dog arrested and taken to a re-education camp?


I've always said they would one day create a web so convoluted that they themselves get caught in it, that day is today. It's quite the sight.

I want to kill Jews

I feel that feel too brother.

Thanks for posting. I haven't seen these .gifs yet

Have a collage

They didn't arrest the dog though, the real hero of this story.


What the fuck?

Well. Looks like my dog and I have work to do.

chinese say hi

Fuck you

is that his poor mum in the background?

or, wait, most british women look old and ugly, right m8? his gf?

And while police forces are being downsized and have huge funding holes, no less.

It actually looks like Kate Middleton in 20 years.

I smell a false flag.

In Germany, the newspapers reprint a story every year, about how a local neo-nazi taught his dog a nazi salute, and the authorities confiscated the dog and had to put it to sleep.

If it was a true story, it wouldn't happen every year in exactly the same way.

This is just a little story of theirs to try to garner attention about "anti-semitism".

well he was a commie

Gas everyone involved with this case and spare the dog.

What is the Labour Party

Britbongs have no fucking room to talk shit about America.


So they admit to jailing people for saying, in jest, things that would offend some people.

Kek, that's Britain for you.

Britain, once the forefront of comedy, now the punchline of every political joke.

I guess that still makes them the front of something.

In my ideal world President Trump will put pressure on the U.K. government for this kind of bullshit. Just a few words from the bully pulpit.

It's okay, Sacha (((Cohen))) is exempt from those laws.

holy shit for a sec I thought this was in the US

daily reminder to gtfo of great cucktain

Can't be more cucked than that lol! MEIN SIDES!

I went on the dailymail to read the comments:
Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article

Stay classy England!

My sentiment exactly…


I'm guessing because the dog couldn't understand why it was better this way…

The irony is real but I still feel bad for the guy in a way. Maybe it'll red pill him.

Bonglish makes me giggle every time

How is it a false flag when the guy isn't even a nationalist, dipshit? See the fag's a commie getting what he deserves.

Can a britbong explain to me precisely why this man was arrested? Like, what exactly is the law that he broke?

I ask bc apparently he didn't think he'd be arrested for this vid, as far as I can tell.


This dog versus hitlers schäferhund blondi.
who wins ?

Probably this:

Yeah, well… I was hoping to get at least an approximation of the actual law. What pisses me off the most about these incidents is how the law is selectively enforced and/or how you can never really know where the line is. Clearly, he was joking, and no one would see that video and go commit violence.

but they might see that he was arrested for making that video and go commit violence, tbh fam



lmao, that's the very definition of false flag

goddamn some of you are retards

I'd say this was quite the successful false flag were it one.

Give it views, idiots. Streisand effect this bitch.

Also adorable pupper is adorable! Gas the juice, pup!


Have you talked to oma yet? They are.

But the ceaseless campaign of actual hatred against white men, orchestrated by your despicable race of foreign parasites is just fine, right?



Someone start a petition to get Frankie Boyle arrested saying this sets the precedent and he shouldn't be above the hurt feelings laws because he's famous. He's done much the same thing as this edgy Scotfag (they even look similar) on national television before.

Yes. The way hate speech bullshit works in the UK is what matters is how whoever complained perceived it, not even what was meant. What you say can be wildly misinterpreted and proven to be so and you'll still end up in court just over how it's viewed.

200 million whites compared to your 50 million

No taking sides in this retarded "my country can beat up ur country" but that is truly the most retarded argument I have read all week


Maybe I'm missing the point here but what are you fags laughing that this guy got put in jail? He made a joke video online and got put in jail for it. That sets a horrible standard. Now, I'm American so maybe I'm used to freedom of speech but Jesus fucking Christ britbongs. Get your shit together, this isn't funny.

It's satisfying to see Lefties suffer full the bullshit they created, and the more it happens, the closer we will hopefully be to waking people up.

Someday they will come for you and there will be noone left to help


You think these people will fight against hate speech laws unless they are made to see why they shouldn't exist?
We wont stop the dog pissing on our floor unless we rub his nose in it.




You've just made me want to murder fucking gooks.

Trump isn't going to do shit. He's already allowed himself to be bought off with Jew money. He brought a Jew Goldman-Sachs executive on to his financial team and now he's softening his stance on immigration.
All of you Trump shills got cucked hard.





I'm glad he's in jail



Jew supremacism is neither but then they have Germany give 12 points to Israel in the Eurovision song contest. Anti-goyimism, Jew crime against the rest of the world shouldn't be a laughing matter. When someone even tries to cynically laugh they throw them in jail as "anti-semetic". Jews can do anything to us but just for talking about it we'd be "anti-semetic". The word "anti-semetism" is just a broad term meaning anything remotely related to or critical of Jews. We may not oppose them no matter what they do.


even if this faggot is a leftist attention whore