Illma Gore: 'If anyone is going to be threatened by a small penis, it's Trump'

US Today is trying to turn this lying lesbian into some kind of American hero lol:


Tattooed short-haired slut with junkie eyes.

she's a faggot cunt

Yeah, okay.


Thread theme. Even the file name fits.



Where's her picture of Clinton and her old tits?

Some more facts on this "artist"

She is born Aussie, and put up for early adoption.

she has massive abandonment issues.

She held herself back from yelling.
mhhh sounds like she lacks total self-esteem

Sounds to me that she is literally starved for strong male attention and she identifies with "Trump' as a surrogate father figure to compensate for the father she never had.

Hell you don't "JUST" paint a picture of a man you hate.

This is a clearly a very hurt individual, She needs serious help and therapy

She needs to be gassed along with all the other traitors and race mixers.

"Empathy" isn't a weakness!

You can get people to agree with you and do the things you want by simply listening to them,

And by god people will happily tell you what they want(believe me)(they'll endlessly tell about the things they want)

You job is to help people by convincing them the best way to get the things they want is by listening to you and by helping you get the things that you want ,which can often be the same thing.

In the case of "Illma Gore" she clearly wants family and acceptance. Not to hard when you think about it. You simply have to convince her that Post-modernism is holding her back from getting thing she most wants "family" and that she should fall in with the "trump" crowd as she likely find family in that thinking/group.

War is waged on multiple fronts including the mind.~user




but also


This is exactly how it went down.

Since when does freedom of expression cover slander? Trump should whip out his cock with a legal filing tied around it.

This is fucking fanfiction, I cant find anything in it the resembles the reality I experience from day to day.

If this waifish bitch got cold cocked by any man, she would have to go to the hospital. She's never been hit, but she fantazies about it.

This is the female power fantasy. Im a strong independent woman who always stands up in the face of racism or mysiengoy or whatever the leftie buzzword of the day is.

and of course, a lesbo thats obsessed with dicks.

This story is more likely to be honest.

This, just look at her neck. Shit wouldve snapped like a twig

She looks like the artist version of Miley Cyrus, except she speaks about cocks and doesn't openly ride a nine meter dildo like Miley

she looks so heroic! in her mind
stay strong, vagina-american!

I'd still make love to her.

This story all amounts to a large wet dream fantasy.

She sees Trump as the strongest candidate, yet it trying to rebel against her impulsive emotional nature because "gotta stick up for other women. I'm a bernout and like free shit" without taking the time to think and wonder where all that "free shit" would come from, or the realization that the only reason to vote for that treasonous Clinton is because she has a vagina as a validated report in her records.

The small penis narrative that leftists are trying to push is easily countered. Even if we believe he has a small penis that just means he has legendary foreplay because there are a bunch of women that say the sex was amazing.

Reading the Guardian comments. No one is talking about her being punched. No one is condemning it. The entire conversation revolves around pointing out the hypocritical sexism of the Guardian celebrating the sexual mockery of Trump while having a ragefit if something similar were done to Hillary.

In other words, no one believes her story of being punched. The issue is ignored. The Guardian top pick is one of the only two comments which even mention the fake assault out of hundreds of comments.




Wow the flood filter is ultra sensitive now.


Liddle did Mexico know, the Wall was going to be half the length of Trump's member.

On the positive side, at least she won't have children or happiness.

As a seducer of lesbians I can confirm. They are dick crazy. It's usually that they're deeply sensitive (ie sexual since thats how womens sexuslity works) and burned out on chads who overplayed the tough guy act. If you show them a little kindness mixed with strength then you can enjoy being the object of their pent of dick craving.



What else is new

What is this? Michelle Fields 2.0? This dummy is crying wolf after everyone has already left the room.

Genuine kek at this series

Normal people who support Trump obviously don't care about what some heroin junkie says.

bitch is skin and bones. if some random dude went and punched her in the face, she'd be flat on her ass

In a history of things happening, this is one of the most likely things to have happened.

Every day it seems there are more threads on here talking about small penises. It's like Hillary shills only have dick on their mind, probably because Hillary herself is one of the best cock repellant known to men.

This is how you know it is faked.

Guys don't punch for eyes. They punch for jawlines. But a black-eye is held up as the archetype of a fight injury by the cuck-feminist elites who've never been in a real fight in their life and so wouldn't know any better. Hence a black eye is what they fake.

more likely slogans

In this thread
Things that never happend
Watch doin rabbi.jpeg

In this thread
Things that never happend
Watch doin rabbi.jpeg


Go on….

Has anyone done it yet?

I'll take, "Shit That Never Happened" for 500 Alex.

holy shit lol

I can understand the lying, these people are mentally ill after all. It's the fucking enabling that mystifies me though. Even when they're on the same side, you have to know their story is such bullshit that nobody in their right mind would actually believe it. She's telling a story like it was some kind of moment from a fucking movie or anime or whatever the fuck and JewSA Today is actually running it like that.

Time and again these nogs, dykes, trannies and nogdyketrannies make up bullshit stories. Time and again they're diseminated by the media. Time and again the stories turn out to be false fags. So why continue doing it?

Bold Strategery

Reminder that fat, tubby lard-o George "Being a cuckold is okay. I am one." Ouzounian listened-and-believed this dumb bitch, 'cause it's all a virgin Bernout like him has in the world in the way of female contact.

Nice analysis.

A good solid punch to her head from a male could easily put her in a body bag.

She's watched to much teevee.


It's been proven effective at filling up news cycles with the narrative. Less so these days but it still seems to be a reflexive action on their part.

fuck off grace

wew lads

I've never understood the symbol behind that in this picture. Everything else I get, but I don't understand what that's supposed to represent.

Its the modern culture that's obsessed.
Also its like calling people racist, you cant prove them wrong easily.

It doesn't matter to them, or their target audience if they are proven false/wrong. All that matters to them are the feelz.

Obvious non-white.

Obvious plant.

Obviously illiterate.

Having a big dick isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Is this another Literally Who in the making?

I can't find the information that she is adopted.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

It happened so fast!

But here is a step by step retelling of every single thing that happened over a 5 second period detailing complete special awareness of my surroundings and my body.

Anyone who has been cold clocked knows this is A grade bullshit