Brit/pol/ - #883 - Based Aelfredvs Magnvs Edition

Muh Diketty and a bunch of other tired socialist economists call to clampdown on the only decent thing left about this country

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Not even North Koreans want BBC's level of communism

The stench of Fabian blown-out pozzed rectum was probably too much for them.

Can we boot them out of the UK then?


Kike Cameron's speech today will be 'apocalyptic'

I wish. But it looks like they will convert to a sand peasant religion or be beheaded at their office desk.

Before that we will have to put up with Arabic written on public transport and homosexual negro comedians with cerebral palsy.

Lads, I've been at various stages of redpill for several years now, and yet I still can't help feeling a bit evil.

I know marxists are much nastier in reality, but it doesn't help ease the dark foreboding I get whenever I try to image making the world a better place. Is this just lingering programming from my childhood?

You're considered a heretic by the leftist establishment. This is normal.

yeah that doesn't leave

my favorite feeling is the lingering twinge of guilt i have when i say out loud "I don't think Britain should become a majority non white country"

Yes, plus the fact that Bad things™ will have to happen before things can get better.

The threat to Britain is immigration and islamification.
Not Scotland or fucking Labour politicians.
There is a far bigger picture here.
The survival of Britain - socially, financially and as a christian nation
Cameron has let in far more immigrants than Labour.
He is introducing sharia with out parliamentary authority.
He has just, and I believe deliberately, ensured an Islamic mayor of London.
He is on record numerous times as intending to turn London into the biggest Islamic financial centre on the planet.
Even to the extent of hocking our historic buildings off in Islamic bonds.
If anyone rates jew Miliband, cuck Balls and porridge wog Sturgeon a greater threat and went voting for Cameron as he betrays his country, its sovereignty, independence and christian basis - then they need to reassess their priorities and look again to the threat facing our country - not least from No 10.
That threat is immigration and Islamification and its a real and present danger.
Look at who just got elected in London.

What are the bookies favorite Holla Forums?


oh yeah good one man I'll vote labour next time? cool

That's not the fucking point is it. Can you understand English?

Keep calm and rule Brittannia lads

I don't understand what you're saying no one here votes conservative you dippy twat
pointless post
we all get it Cameron is a shitter very insightful

Couldn't have worded it better myself.

Same lad, I just harness it into being the Hollywood depiction of a Brit.

We waste far too much energy on talking about the left on Holla Forums instead of talking about a solution to ridding the country the incumbent establishment traitor class and the traitorous civil servants
ALL of the above have been offered gold plated jobs in the EU and vast increases in salary for selling the country out
So what is the plan to get Cameron out? No discussion about this. We're just waiting for yet ANOTHER politician to do this are we? Nothing changes. Bread and circuses. Fucking millennials think they're better than their baby boomer ancestors. Hilarious
I would say your post is pointless. Keep your weak insults for your Joe Daki naighbours


We know democracies a scam, but what do you want us to do? stage a coup? hold the monarchy hostage until they give us what we want?

Feel proud lads. Before SHTF, feel proud of all that you are and all your country is, has been and will be. Savour these moments. Savour the camaraderie we all have so when we meet on the frontlines, we've nothing to fear. We will be at home during battle, our enemy will not. Savour every last drop of tea, for the brew is the mighty elixir of the Anglo warrior.

I don't feel evil, I feel like a hero who's fighting against what these horrible cunts are doing. I will not apologize for it either.

In the end, I'll either be at the docks waving away pakis and nogs to their homelands as we managed to resolve a mega /comfy/ peaceful solution, or I will wearing a full set of armour, riding my steed into battle and running pakis and nogs both down and through with my bastard sword singing God Save The Queen and I will feel nothing but pride and happiness in either situation.

Proud to be an Englishman till the very last breath

I'll go to war with you side by side. My body is ready

Just let me finish my egg on toast first lad

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

We have to do something and we need to do it before Islam stages the coup and takes over as it inevitably will.
So we have a world Muslim population of fast approaching 2 billion nearly all living in unsatisfactory conditions, most of whom would come to the UK if we are mad enough to let them. This is not a disaster it is THE BIGGEST disaster in western history. THEY breed like files, and worse, have made almost no contribution to the modern World. ALL Islamic countries are failures and this will turn Britain into a failure which our children will have to live in. If the EU grant Turkey accession, an estimated half will be head for Britain, ALL for Muslim areas. Islamic areas like Bradford Birmingham Leicester Luton London are growing like cancers, councils are being taken over. Turkeys entry will spell the end for Britain if we are still in the EU. The British are too spineless to do anything about it, that's for sure. God help your children. I dont know how the cowardly people of Britain can look their kids in the face. You have to stand up and stand up now. We need to stop immigration from muslim countries. They are ruining and will continue to ruin this country if something isn't done. Immigration has only one effect and that's a negative one. Your kids will end up being pushed into the sea by them because we've become a nation of complacent cowards.
Muslims to make up quarter of world's projected population of 8.3billion
72 countries already have one million or more Muslims
Britain will have more Muslims than Kuwait by 2030
Don't forget by 2050 we could have approaching 26 million muslims living here
'''UK Muslim population of 26 million by 2051?
No-one but a fool engages in scaremongering. But using the statistics and analysis of the Muslim Council of Britain, there is a real prospect of a UK Muslim population of 26 million by mid-century. Whatever your politics, serious people need to debate this, sensibly and honestly. No problem there, right?'''


They got a suspect for that soldier murder lads, they keep exercising "NO LINKS TO EXTREMISM!" in all the articles.

Please be a paki.

Gotta love a bit of Kippling.


Last I checked, Manchester is paki town as well. They've got an Islamic college on the border by Bury.

Found the Somalian

man we've been over the stats hundreds of times we get it, you're the aristocrat of the soul here I take it so you tell me what's the plan of action, you don't get a license to talk shit just because you're the guy who was first in the thread to trot out the stats, tell everyone what they already know and then expect everyone to kneel down and say "holy smokes this guys kind of a genius or something"

Woah guys never thought of this before!!1!!111!!!

Godfrey Bloom backs EFTA

We have to get out lads while we still can. If we rejoin EFTA we can rival the EU, Sweden and other countries will join us.


Doesn't the EU still write legislation even when you're in EFTA?

Just say you want a violent revolution fam

Nothing will happen until the thin blue line is erased out.
This is currently happening in Sweden where the police are leaving in droves. The cuck media claims it's all about pay but the people know better.
If this carries over to the armed forces then all hell would break loose. Civil war

This is one of the reasons why Merkel is desperate to get an European army established to work along side NATO and the UN forces.

Another scenario would be a worldwide recession of unprecedented scale never seen before which sets the western world back 500 years.

Until that day, it'll be a slow decent into petty crime, riots, rape and degeneracy.

I can guarantee that the day of reckoning will happen

>>>/fuck/ (you)

will based NA start the civil war?


If they'll stop taking cocaine.

I'm not the aristocrat of the soul but this is supposed to be a place where we can discuss ideas and drop articles in furtherance of our goals to regain our country. We have had the last three threads totally fucking ruined by a bunch of tranny/NA/Ginnie/pepe obsessed shitposters from /politics/ no one does anything about and a bunch of uni age fantasists talking about our glorious past. Where's the glorious future then? On the internet I get a licence to talk about what the fuck I want to talk about you smarmy prick. If I'm telling you what you know why aren't you doing something instead of telling us - "my favorite feeling is the lingering twinge of guilt i have when i say out loud "I don't think Britain should become a majority non white country""
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Pick your spoon up and get on the frontlines. Organise something in your local area. Start speaking at local venues. Go to Hyde Park corner. Don't wait for someone like Farage to do it, he's as cucked as they come - totally compromised by those same feelings
Yoiu love your country or you don't. If you do you need to recognise you need to start doing something. Abdul is - he's taking over

And peeing on young boys.

Operation SJW:

We create fake SJW social media accounts.

We post random SJW stuff for a month or so.

Then we start doing stuff like the below:

1. Attack Islam for being sexist, Homophobic and generally problematic.

2. If a feminist doesn't support Transwomen, attack her as 'Trans-exclusionary' if she does, say that trans women aren't really women and don't have "our lived experiences".

3. Criticise the black-man white women imagery in the media from a SJW perspective, saying black women are using white women as accessories in a sexist way.

4. Divide and conquer guys.

pick one m8

It will have to be or Islam will violent revolution us

Yes. And nothing of value was done about this so a constant reminder to do something is

So funny. So edgy. They'll probably put you to the sword first for being a faggot

"Will we have any say over the rules?

Critics argue that if we leave and join EFTA we will still “have to obey EU rules”.

Let’s be clear – the EU has very little influence over EFTA states.

The EFTA states are exempt from most of the contentious EU policy areas[viii] such as:

Common Agriculture and Fisheries Policies
Customs Union
Common Trade Policy
Common Foreign and Security Policy
Justice and Home Affairs
Monetary Union (EMU)
The areas in which the EU does have control are largely those to do with the single market, product standards and regulations. In many cases these rules are simply European interpretations of standards agreed at regional or global standard-setting bodies.

Leaving the EU means the UK would have greater influence on these global bodies, as our vote and voice would not be constrained by Article 34 of the EU treaties. A notable example of this is the World Trade Organisation or WTO – Norway and Switzerland speak for themselves there, while the EU trade commissioner speaks for the UK on this body.

This destroys the argument that leaving the EU would take away our voice at the “Top table” – in fact it would restore our place there."

so what have you done lad?

what can someone with a family and job or occupation do to start the "violent revolution"?

This. This will go some way to doing it but we need to attack politicians across the board as well

Do you think we will be drafted into the army or it will only groups of rebels

such a dead general

give it up, move back to 4chan

That's bretty bad photoshob

Starting an uprising this early isn't gonna work, but keep trying to rile up the troops where there are none.

Claim having POCs in the army is racist because it's the white man's wars, leaves our side with all the militaristic experience.

what about it?

I've always been a rabble rouser. Initially I lost a lot of friends and colleagues turned away but they've been drifting back. I don't put anything on an "it personally affects me" but most of them have children and the "don't be a selfish cunt your choices are ensuring your kids will have NO choices in the future" works.
Now I've taken to writing short paragraphs which I then print out at work using their paper and I drop them in various places
I would like to raise a citizen's army but no one would follow me - look at the responses I've had on this board for stating facts. This is the response I get here imagine the response from normies. Added to this, since whenever, the whole apparatus of the establishment has been geared against quashing any such attempts to raise opposition, first with ridicule and then eventually by more radical methods like swatting you and banging you up for however long under some pretext.
You need a 'figure' someone with charisma and easily recognisable to start and lead these things. Someone uncuckable. I believe if you stand there and refuse to budge on your opinion will respect you more. i.e. "I don't care if you call me racist I believe that homogeneity is something that has always been in the best interests of a nation. History has proved this and the current pace of change will threaten and undermine us and the future of our children" or whatever. Simply, there are many books on propaganda and there have been many greater men than I ever will be that have tried and failed
This place is more for discussing ideas

Probably militia rebels at the start lad, somewhere around 2020 if we don't leave EU, fully automatic assault spoons and all that.

But if Van Rensburg predictions are anything to go by, army drafts will start happening before the turn of the 22nd century because of the Turk and the Englishmen plotting in Germany (VR obviously on about quintessentially English pakis) and we'll get hit with plagues, hard and by the end of WW3, we'll have a massive amount of work to do rebuilding this home of ours.


would yer faether be proud of of you brit/pol/

Very elaborate. Tell me, are you of Ashkenazi origin?

just kidding

Yeah. We'll probably be fighting side by side against the saracen one day.



This is a brilliant plan.


Fuck off with this racist shit.


brit/pol/ is the most pro Israel part of Holla Forums.

It's a dead meme lad.



This is the one issue in which I and Islam are in concordance.

I'm doing this…getting people ready to accept and follow a colour revolution
I wonder how many people would drift down and stand with you if you were to take an old British standard, stand at the Cenotaph with a group of people to take turns holding it as a silent protest against the surrender of the country to foreign forces [ you don't have to specify if it's Islam or the EU ] with a drummer performing a roll as the standard changed hands?
Don't advertise it as anything. I wonder how many darkies would stand with you? The photos of an all white crowd would redpill people. It can't be advertised as anything like NA EDL as that has been programmed as negative in the heads of the people
You need to do it on a Sunday and the fact you'd have to get permission to raise the standard there would get attention enough especially if it was refused
Maybe beg a celebrity to start it off…

Very VERY noice…sabotage/10. Could do with more professional font but this is exactly the things that can be done. Let's undermine their attempts to force these society breaking things on us and our kids


Your double dubs command us to do so, user. Create a model account and we'll see if we can follow.

When we ban rooftops.

Will do user

Print the first pic off and start dropping them off surreptitiously in white areas bordering muslim ones. Libraries, civic centres, doctors surgeries etc. They won't be removed as that is racist

Moors murderer Ian Brady says he is GLAD suicide bombers are attacking the West and 'sincerely hopes' the next attack will be against the UK and 'the bigger the better'

'I'm glad I've lived to see an enemy prepared to die for something other than their bank balance'

Can we actually do this?

Possible hashtags




Black men you mean…Better still accuse the media of encouraging black men to use white women as accessories in a sexist way whereas women should be allowed freedom and not forced or encouraged to choose possibly incorrect partners just to promote a media stereotype

Happy first day of Anglo-saxon Summer, lads

Christ. I can only hope they've been misled. They don't know what they're advocating.

Surely none of these people fought to be controlled by a foreign power and flooded with migrants?

Alzheimer's probably, mate.

They fought to keep Britain independent. Now they're willingly sacrificing it for eternity and have the fucking nerve to reference muh war.

His comrades who died during WWll would kill him for this. Undoubtedly. NEVER in my life have I heard this from a WWll veteran

Judas was paid


Alright lad. Sorry. You're okay in my book, statueposter
t.Alberto Barbosa

t. Alberto Barbosa

t. Check 'em

literally end it lad

Most likely that they're living in all the less enriched rural greens of England.

This is probably a mix of alzheimers and misleading government rhetoric, if not these are traitorous dogs who are probably being paid.

Ancedotal I know, but my Grandfather was so incensed at the withdrawal from Empire and our joining the EU he went on long semi-autistic rants about it, even into my lifetime, my other grandfather was so anti-Europe he ripped up my Aunties' letters from a German pen pal.. Both fought in the war.

From the way they spoke about the war I find it difficult to believe that these sentiments were not shared by most, if not all, of their generation.

Very sad at how these men have been mislead, but they are old, and we should bear that in mind, they dont know what they are taliking about.

They're probably confined to their armchairs and haven't been outside in 42 years.


I concur. I'd wager that the majority of veterans will support Brexit. None of them fought for this.

I'm sure if this article were about them supporting Brexit though, we'd have a bunch of lefties talking about how these old farts need to pop their clogs and embrace #diversity or something.

Why bother persuading pozzed faggots with shit they don't care about and never will the same way we do when you can hold them to conviction and character assassinate the minute they decide to be foolish haram merchants and defend nonces?

No, they'd say

Here's a website that can push the Muslim gay thing for us

Grandpa was based.

Oh yeah that buzzword. God.

I wasn't ready for that

I like it.

Kind of happy that my grandfather will most likely die before being personally exposed to diversity.

Treat your grandparents well while you still have the chance, mate. If they're no longer with us, pay a visit to their graves at least one a year.

Yeah, at least grandpa didn't have to hear about London falling into Muslim hands or the impending wave of Pakis and Jews coming in.

Lad you made me miss grampy, he used to sit in the chair moaning about the niggers next door and talking to me about dinosaurs.


Do you people have an inferiority complex towards niggers/pakis or something?

Race mixing barely happens at all, yet reading your posts you'd think it was an issue putting our race at risk of extinction.

Is it because you're all virgins? I've always said virgins are a subversive element within our movement, you'd drop your principles for pussy and de-motivate everyone else with your blatant exaggerations.


You can bet your last quiddy that this is what happened.

Just think. Someone was tasked with going around TRYING to find some old war veterans that wanted to stay in the EU and then offering them money to read off a script to guilt-trip the people into voting to stay.

That's how fucking slimy this country is.

Salon do our dirty work

it is possible to be a homo and a muslim as long as your not on the recieving end

Then according to their definition, you're not a homo, rather a powerful, virile man who spreads his seed for the glory of Allah.

My Dad told me his father used to sit watching the telly and call out all the Jews in the credits of Hollywood films, top kek.

When they were visible he used to shout "Greasy Yellow skinned kikes" at the T.V, seems like pol tier autism has been long running in my family.

It's sad to think that the great British institution of based politically incorrect Grandparents has come to an end in this country, replaced by effete degenerate babyboomer Grandparents.


You're visiting London when this guy stops you and demands you take pot-shots at Pakis with him. What do you do?

Ask him whether I can film it and upload it to my YouTube Channel




A few days ago on May 3 I posted a job offer from the BBC to attend a comedy couse with a £20,000 bursary attached. I did some digging on it and discovered it was only available through Creative Access.
Later it was picked up by Virginia Hale and she wrote about it on Breitbart
Today it's been picked up by Katie Hopkins
This is the way we can help

I only wish they'd name the Jew and would pick up on "Rare" a company that does exactly the same thing in the financial sector.
Rare was started by Raphael Mokades, a Jew helped by his brothe. The board of Rare preaches it's message of diversity by having BOTH of them sitting on it's board…HOW DIVERSE! Glad to see they practice what they preach!

In charge of DIVERSITY

Remember ONLY Jews are capable of the biggest and best especially when it comes to telling whopping great lies

This doesn't mean he doesn't get paid many many shekels for this

Raphael loves niggers like himself. Remember : Jews are NOT white
WOW! Jews are wizards! Who knew?

Let's see if we can get them to cover this story as well…The magic Jew and his magic diversity company


From wanting a violent resolution quoting Kippling to thinking the white race will prosper and survive forever because "race mixing barely happens". Changed your tone quick there lad, did your 30 pieces of silver from Moshe Inc arrive?

We've got social kike 'scientists' telling us having an in group preference is RACIST and you expect women not to cave to social pressure?

Did you mean to be this much of a kike or is it just the social conditioning kicking in?

Why the fuck do women destroy the nations, lads? Shouldn't muh feels be stronger for their own since they are their children and relatives?

We've always been anti-semitic. The Jews always say this about Britain. Don't even fucking know why they're here if we're that bad…
Oh yeah…to rape our kids like Greville Janner and Leon Brittan etc

I stopped at these words tbh


Because they don't understand conflict or struggle to defend what is yours. They want to feel compassionate to everyone and everything because they're biologically programmed to be nurturers and dependent on care from other people.

Read the Way of Men, the author lays it out pretty well.

I'm saying it's an issue, but not the biggest issue we're facing as it barely happens at all within the white race - most, if not all 'race mixing' will undoubtedly be various shades of brown fucking each-other. Quoting a BBC article with it's well known miscegenation agenda doesn't help your case.

And if you don't recall, there have been plenty of faux-predictions in the past which never bore fruit.

I'm saying a focus on sex is a focus on vice and likely to make outsiders looking in to see nothing more than a group of frustrated virgins as opposed to an educated movement which cares for all aspects of society.

They rarely see their own children's suffering, but TV and Facebook gives them a constant news feed of muds and dindus suffering in far off places.

They just haven't been taught to think about their own family's future. They think their current prosperity is permanent, so it's easy to manipulate them into thinking we should spread it around at great cost to ourselves.

You should apply then be turned down and take them to court

You could earn 5 figures from it and bring down the SJW BBC in the process

Sure. And I am sure a lot of them are also childless and loveless.

Crossposting from another thread. But this bitch is completely fucking insane and probably a kike, she's spreading the completely dysgenic social model of disability.

Her Twitter is just an endless litany of psychosis. The hate and desperation, and Jewish style mental illness is quite apparent once you have a scan through it.


So much this. A woman's maternal instinct is extremely powerful, and without a family of their own to direct it towards, they'll have to find some other outlet to do so. I've seen this crap way too much in court already.

fuck just semi-gave away my Twitter account there, fortunately no @

Jesus. And it's not like she's alone. Every year universities churn these fucks out.

The Basic formula is:

Woman's capacity for empathy


Lack of Critical faculties on par with men


Herd/follower mentatlity


Jewish anti-western quasi-genocidal media machine

Wew lads I really don't have words this time. This is too retarded.

Her disability is mental.

Nobody else got this feel? When 2066 comes around it'll be one of the most important anniversaries I reckon. A whole millenia since the Norman conquest.


Nah lad. We'll have restored England.

Women are doing everything thing that they can, to protest the destruction of whites. The use the power that they know how to wield best, which is the power of their own sexual attraction. This is why they many times forgo having children or staying in marriages with anti-whites, and they've correctly stereotyped white men as being anti-white, sick and treacherous.

What I'm talking about is the white women sex strike against White Genocide, and white marriage and white fertility are down and staying down until people can no longer point at white men as a group and say that, on the whole, white men are indeed anti-white.


For women, politics has never been anything but a bit of fun for them, and even if they're given the vote, they won't do anything with it except for having a laugh. Watch whom they have sex with, that's what women really care about, finding a good mate. They won't go after to have sex with those that they think are probably anti-white, they'd rather stay home with their cats.

What does that say?



Come on lad. Are you a fucking fascist nationalist are are you LE PERSUADER CRUSADER LE SAVIOUR OF NATION?

Nah mate, there's no such thing as prioritizing issues here. Any issue for the white race is an issue regardless of importance.

Still though lad, Jewtube. Good shout nontheless.


Not to mention how the kikepress makes paki and nogs look like REAL ALPHA MENZ and makes whites look like fat disgusting slobs, and when it does, nogs kick off with "WHY IS THE WHITE EUROPEAN THE STANDARD OF BEAUTY?!?!?!?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


the TL;DR is big black/brown cocks, isn't it?

I don't think the Pythons quite appreciated that they opened the floodgates to all kinds of middle-class "oh so enlightened" faggotry when they wrote their mediocre at best comedy.

I've never quite understood the reverence with which Python's material is treated by suburban bores who think they are sophisticated because they watch old comedy serials, their stuff was always so hit and miss.

"Five lay dead on the battle-field, young kings by swords put to sleep"

Wrong battle, but I love the poem and the picture. Makes me want to lift tbh.

She's a particularly bad case though. She's like some sort of cyclonic force. I bet she's an amazing ride tbh. Not that I'd fuck her. Fortunately she covers her eyes in her profile picture, I bet they're deranged and speaks like an annoying shrill hairy-armed Ashkenazi yenta.

She uses her disability as an identity, clinging to it desperately, constantly shouting about it, but expecting people to constantly see past it, because disability is societallly constructed due to notions of health and our inability to be inclusive to spastics. The weird notion about the social theory of disability is that society should essentially either lower its standards or provide a bridge for the defected issue with the person to be inclusive. It totally destroys sane notions of health and functionality. She's doing what every truly insane person is doing, infecting others with their degeneracy.


they said

they said

Mīn brōþor.

That's the Battle of Brunanburh, and the text is from a poem about it. The romanised text reads:
Fife lagon on tham camp-stede cyningas geonge, sweordum answefede

And the translation is roughly:
Five young kings lying dead on the battlefield, by swords put to sleep

I really hope it gets worse between now an June.

If it does the left especially will be spurred to leave by this.

Top lad. I really want to become semi-fluent in old English but i'm too lazy and people might think i'm just a LARPer.

Just market it as a gesture of solidarity with the country and the flag and with the idea of a sovereign nation
Jesus Christ lad, barely a month until we could be Britain no longer. What will you tell your kids. My spoons are already sharpened to blunt for the revolution that should and will happen after June 23.



Luckily I think Cameron's un-ironic repetition of Dan Hannan's sarcasm has shifted the scales even more.

People think I'm LARPing an aristocrat because I learnt Latin and own books. Ignore the philistines m8.

Nice work. Seems there's still some people on Brit/pol/ who don't just shitpost and masturbate like I do.

I quite liked some of their sketches (especially when they made fun of the Jews), but yeah, at other times it was just…stuffy. They made subversive irreverence and their leftist viewpoint on humour mainstream, and that I cannot forgive.

It helps a lot if you can read German, or even better, Danish/Norwegian.

'Tis wise to know the language of your rivals, lads.

The German translation of the Old English verse looks really similar; compare:
OE: Fife lagon on tham camp-stede cyningas geonge, sweordum answefede
German: Fünf lagen an dem Kampfstatt Könige junge, (dem) Schwert (zum Schlaf gebracht)

Only the plebs and faux-intellectuals. We had to do Latin as a mandatory subject in Law, and that was what introduced me to the richness of our Western cultural heritage.

>I figure he probably voted Labour so I say "Well, I can say the same for Labour then

I bet he would vote to remain too.

I'm actually semi-fluent at German. I usually go there every year until the refugees came. Also signed up for German lessons at Uni because my tutor was a qt.

Auf jeden Fall eine gute Entscheidung.

I personally wouldn't go to the Continent right about now, except maybe for Portugal where they have areas sanitized for British tourists. We've got our own problems to fix on Old Blighty anyway.



Wew. Does he not realise a Remain vote means that the EU will just force it on us anyway?

Then again, Labour voter.

when will these memes die?

God is an Earthquake
Sink into the Sea, demons


I'm going to rural Crete with a mate in September. I make an exception for that bit of Greece because the people are fucking poor but they're lovely people and not desperate annoying money-grabbers like the rest of the Med.

Pic related, a place we found down some dirty mountain track last year, all to ourselves with only one old local man who gave us one of the fish he'd caught then walked off.

I am the resident cripple of Brit/pol/ and this bitch is crazy. I'm well aware I would of been ovened on a Tuesday but fuck this victim bullshit. Get rid of the defective assholes in society like this cunt the sooner the better.

A good society will be good for most the people in it. If we bred a strong nation then that nation will have the resources to make better health care to make more disabled people functional, which will then make the nation stronger. Why do cunts like this completely ignore that being 2nd best in a great place is better than being top dog in a trash heap?

Looks like a great place to have a few beers and watch the sunset.

Can't wait for the summer recess to start and fly off westwards to drive across America from east to west. Might even hit up a Trump rally if I can get the tickets.

That's what's missing across the West these days: hospitality and community.


You know what to do, user.

Britain is dead

What's the point in brit/pol/ other than to be sad?

Summers here lads, it's time we manned up and got our shit together. What options do we have to become uber mensch?

Jogging, cycling, swimming or hip hop abs are all options but I want us faggots to get our shit in gear and create a Brit/pol/ slim fast club!

To organise leftie-rustling and to speak in a medium that's not possible in the real world without being a social outcast and having people not understand or care about a word youre saying

So, lads, what would you do with a body?

I am not GCHQ.

I really doubt there are many fat people here.

Personally I'm army fitness standard because probably about a year ago brit/pol/ had a 'get fit' epidemic and I've maintained that fitness since.

I'm 320 lbs, lad.

T.B.H., most immigrants are less anti-white than most white men are. Those third-worlders have stars in their eyes for at least a few years. Wonder when white men will stop being so anti-white as a group?

Heavy-pack hiking is good. But probably not in summer if you don't want to collapse. I'm going to carry on gymming and walking.

Might do skinny dipping this summer too.

So that GCHQ can round us all up into the same camps.

They do? Don't we have parts of our country that "feels like home" to them, why shouldn't they be anti-white?



Katie NEARLY named the Jew but obviously can't

Are you going to shoah my shoahbusiness shoah? OY VEY!!

Tics on a dog. LOL Rats Fleas…oohh Katie…easy on the Nazi rhetoric, what are you, an anti-semite?

LOL. Mates rates. Fucking jews…**Katie's on to you, you fucking bandits

"It says Levy on it so it must belong to us Jews as they've appropriated the name! OY VEY!!"

"Katie! You're not some kind of white supremacist are you? OY Gewalt!"

It's this easy to see who's behind the diversity agenda and that people like Katie do see as well…I'll finish off by adding what Katie didn't [ please only read the following if you are ginger, a Jew, a member of ISIS, a wog of sorts, a midget, a tranny a black muslim jew midget tranny, have blue hair or are mentally ill in some other way or you might die…and that would be racist and intolerant ]

From The Guardian 2012

Richard (((Desmond)))

>Foster's hope is that after the initial three-year period, the greater representation of minority groups will become self-fulfilling, with those who secured jobs helping to bring others into the creative industries. "We cannot survive as a homogeneous business serving a world that is diversifying," he warns in the publicity that accompanies the Creative Access launch. "It is both wrong culturally and harmful economically"

Avoids the limelight. who's behind this post?


Why can't people just stay inside so I can go for a walk? fuckin hell, smh tbh

Stop being a fuckboy, nobody's about to care if they see you out on a walk.


If it sank Hollywood and San Francisco 50% of the world's problems and Jews would be shoahed…Go on God! DO IT!

Fuck of hitchens

There is so much greatness in this country

I am fat and look disgusting, lad. And kids are the worst tbh since they will call you out on it instead of silently judging you. And then I have to quip back at them which just makes them even more disgusted with me since they will hear the awkwardness in my voice.


Yes, eventually they become anti-white. Orientals, however, often don't become anti-white.

Reminds me of one of the most based East Asians.

Is Boris Johnson a snake Holla Forums

He flip flops his opinoin when it suits him.
Should we trust him to lead the Brexit campaign?

As with all snakes pic related

Degenerate piece of shit.

I feel sick lads

The people who did this need to pay lads, its not fair.

Teach me about that sculpture!

This is a prime example of Jews lying, we've been muh shoahed and gassed and we dindunuffin

I have been on aeroplanes where ultra orthodox jews did EXACTLY the same fucking thing. Refused to sit down during take off because they were preying and seat swapping because ''Oy vey Gewalt!! I can't sit next to the blonde shiksa with the big tits I might be tempted to shoah them and then my kosher knob would cease to function!!"

Always the fucking same…muh Jews….special…Notice how the Jewish Chronicle fails to mention this and by doing so reinforces the muh persecution angle to further indoctinate that idea into the community so they all fuck off to Israel…I bet Netanyahu funded the article personally

Easyjet rejects claim it removed passengers from flight because they were Jewish
It is understood the passenger was arrested by police.
JP Updates and other news sites had reported that a group of Jews on the flight had been singled out and “treated unfairly” by airline staff. EasyJet dismissed the reports as completely inaccurate.

Someone call these kikes out. Virginia you anti semite are you there?

Flight Ban

Haredi crowd aisle after refusing to sit next to women on flight (Photo: Amit Ben Natan)
Haredi crowd aisle after refusing to sit next to women on flight (Photo: Amit Ben Natan)

11-hour-nightmare Photo: Amit Ben Natan
11-hour-nightmare Photo: Amit Ben Natan

Haredim refuse to sit next to women on El Al flight, causing '11-hour-nightmare'''',7340,L-4574844,00.html

Delta Airlines flight from New York's JFK Airport delayed after ultra-Orthodox Jewish passengers refuse to sit next to women

Have you never read about the slaying of Medusa by Perseus?

Sadiq Khan invited to Israel by Tel Aviv mayor

My aim is to ensure no one forgets
Never forget!

Come on now lad, who do you think you're fooling?



yeah Mohammed rising from his crusty tomb to wank himself to climax with a slice of bacon while standing atop that black cube yelling 'I love Israel' is more likely

I really don't get the point of being religious and going against its teachings.

Example would be being a fag of course. If you're a follower of the Prophet David Galloway who wants to kill all homosexuals, and you yourself are a fag that does not feel bad about it. Wouldn't you then go off and do some soul searching to find a religion or belief that actually doesn't conflict with you as a person?

Tribal in-status and social signalling, generally.

Meant George (pbuh)


Any ideas, lads? And inb4 you say rooms for kids, already have enough of them. Also have already have cinema room, lifting room, library.


J-June 23?


June the twenty-never.

I wonder how many of them know the end result of staying in the EU is to have our soldiers commanded to die in some foreign shithole by a fucking german and for Queen and Country to become Chairman and Area State 03

I suppose they could be secular Muslims who are gay.

A fukken spa room mate



The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;

The dread and envy of them all.

can't my future wife just massage me in the bedroom, lad?

Daily reminder that Adam Wallace is a trap.


terrarium, hydroponic green house, laboratory facilities

Dubs confirm it, lad.

A study.
Desk, bookshelf, drinks cabinet a few ornaments, no telly.

Greek and Roman mythology inform much of the artistic and literary motifs in the Western world, lad; it's always a good idea to read up a little.

i pity them i really do

Name a brit/pol/ tripfag who isn't a trap.

What is the point of a terrarium, lad? Already have a greenhouse outside of the house. Not really smart so no lab.

forgot to mention I have a office/study also and I don't drink. As for telly, I don't really watch one but I am sure my kids would want to.

for exotic pets, snakes are good low energy pets as are tortoises

also a labs just hand to have around, clean surfaces, beakers, vials, medical equipment off ebay, petri dishes, agar, you can do alot with run of the mill shit like culture fungi/penicillin

not really interested in that tbh

Getting behind the upcoming #SchoolDiversityWeek. See more at & share your reasons! #iwill

Yeah, I'm just happy we still did the classics in late primary and early secondary school. I can't remember when they stopped teaching them, though. Must have been a Labour government.

Proof that Adam Wallace was/is a trap

Religion is dead, our society picks and chooses what parts of things it wants to keep based on how it makes them feel. Except this long enough and you get this tolerant muslim homosexual bullshit.

Trap would imply you could make someone think you aren't a man.

That image is just a cross dresser .

definitely, 1999 was the year the house of lords was irreparably changed i wouldnt be surprised if thats also the year Theseus and the Minotaur or the riddle of the Sphinx started becoming rare among childrens tales

I foresee a storm and a half of accusations of cultural appropriation and microaggressions. Remember this crap?

a crap one, call it what it is a man in a wig

Wasting a week when it could be devoted to classic studies.

But instead, using to discuss why someone would like to have a cock in their mouth and contemplate suicide because of 'muh feeling hurt'.

Weak, stupid, pathetic children of worms

No one cares. Take it back to >>>/politics/

I sent another email masquerading as a female indian teacher. Picked the school and name out of a website
This is NOT the kind of message we want promoted in our schools. This is shocking. Homogeneity is something that binds us together as a community and the reason we are here and have such a strong culture. This kind of project undermines this. Whilst we have no problems with pupils sexuality, at such tender ages they are often unaware of these things and are better left to study and play. I will be writing to the government and my local authority about this. This is not the way forward to a healthy society

its simple to get around
go as a Saxon warrior

Top thinking, lad. If you've ever poked your nose around Indian internet forums, you'll see that Indian females are the most annoying concern trolls ever. I'm impressed at how you've managed to capture that unique tone of "I'm going to lecture you from a position of pretend inferiority and be as passive-aggressive as possible".

Absolutely not

You need a sauna and shit

I don't like people looking at my tiny dick, lad.

not every sauna is clothing optional

Come across quite a few tbh. Really opinionated. I think the best course of attack on stuff like this is to pretend to be an ethnic

Why do you fight? Why do we fight? I was looking through my facebook account, first time in a long while, noticed there was this being linked to me;


The article, if you can call it that, is bad enough but the comments are what disgust me the most. People having no problem with London being "only" 12% Muslim.
Thinking Sadiq Khan is English, and anyone who critics him is somehow a xenophobic racist.

We need some positivity going in these threads to combat these utter retards.

Sign up a lot of Muslim schools to this.


Are saunas even good for anything, lads?


weight-loss, slightly
and bolstering your immune system

BBC aint touched pre-Christian England yet fam with their fairy wand of diversity

Good idea

signed up some random paki school

Don't go giving them ideas now.

Cameron at it again
Being part of TTIP could end up with a privatised NHS.
But with all things considered (immigration, spongers, etc) could this be a good thing?

Your doing the work of the elder gods user.


Handsworth in Birmingham is a paki hive



Super list

I'm in on this as well
Slay the hydras

Thornton Junior School
Saltley High School
King Edward 6th Camphill Boys Grammar/
Highfield Junior and Infants, all Pakis not a single white kid in the school
Lozells Primary
Starbank Primary
Shorehill Primary, again 100% Pakis
Wardend Primary
and maybe Bromford Juniors
me mum worked as schoolteacher for 10 years she knows which ones are full of little paki shits and these are all sure bets

I don't bloody think shariah allows that.

This is what multiculturalism has brought us, literal shitting streets where Woolworths used to be.
this one is a islamist school

is that true?






I've seen it when I was in Birmingham some times. Then again, it might have been a dog. I can never tell between the mutts and the shitskin kids.


use tripcode or GTFO


hey Spengslag

Don't put all the applications in at once it will look a bit sus

what if the shariah court finds out what your doing and you loose your spoon license m8/

Stop impersonating me tbh

kek no it won't
it'll just prove 'how tolerant and open islam is to sexuality'
right up until some little paki kid thinks its ok to suck dick and his monobrowed pot bellied no teeth uncle beats him to death with a car battery for being a fag
cue negative media spotlight

U W0T M8?

It's creepy, you're obsessed.

Is that pic meant to be amusing? You know he's a flaming faggot.

40 requests from Islamic schools in one day not suspicious. We need this to work m8. Stick it on a list and do one a day for two weeks. That will work. It will tie them up, rile up the comminity and hit the headlines.Trust me. I've done it b4


Call centre worker is arrested after teaching dog to give Nazi salute on hearing the phrase 'Gas the Jews'
Markus Meechan, 28, taught girlfriend's dog to respond to racist remarks
He posted a video of pug doing a 'Nazi salute' and watching Hitler speech
Meechan has now been arrested by police on suspicion of a hate crime
Prankster insisted he is not racist and just wanted to annoy his girlfriend

This will be all of us one day

I have enough history to lock me away for hate crimes for ever.

well i dont have the patience, I gave the thread some dead ringers, bonafide paki colony larval pits so someone else can do the forms not even in the blessed homeland right now


It makes me laugh every time lad




Say about 10 per day/week

As I'd expect.

teaching a dog 'offensive' tricks leads to internment and the destruction of the 'offensive' dog
are they blind? do they not see what they have created?

Its more "everything other than English"

Is your brain literally sponge?



Ok thanks for your help with the list


Don't use social media. Please

scotland fighting for the cuck title YET AGAIN

Why can't this county just FUCK. OFF?

I took my grammar school entrance exams there
i was the only white kid in the crowd on that day

oh shit didn't realise this had already been posted

Yeah my wife went to the Grammar School in Handsworth GO K.E.

So non-Muslims then?

Jesus. I posted the video a while back. This is how far the cuck tweet police will go now?

I'm starting think that way. I was off it for a while, but came back to it thinking if I didn't directly insult someone it would be ok. Looks like things are getting dangerous.

The Jews are obviously scouring the internet for 'anti-semitic' content and calling the police on people. This is kind of like a trophy arrest to basically garner media attention and set an example. I thought it was a bit funny at first, but raged when the humour settled.

Lad, he views himself as a Muslim and as such fundamentally different from non-muslims. If his religion didn't matter he wouldn't have mentioned it.

I love gay porn and wank it to interracial cuckcold porn

ayo, u bee tellin me lies. muslims be pro- ellgeebeetee man

Please Lad, its just anyone who can't handle the banter.

u be immpersonatin me, i seeeyoo dare man

Yes, I know he sees himself as Muslim, but I doubt there are many muzzies that would agree with him.


Just look at that limp-wristed fag right there.

European Union Appoints Man To Solve All Global Religious Conflict

Nearly Half Of Europeans Want Vote On EU Membership

Chief Rabbi: ‘Zionist-Bashing’ Is Shaming UK Universities

Sure, but the Jews will be doing it in the most organised fashion. I guess this could be a random hit. To get everyone in the UK making the odd joke or stuff that is critical of the Jews or Israel would take a ridiculous amount of manpower.

Maybe. The only time I've seen outright homophobia in this country is when I saw a young gay couple hold hands in Birmingham, and a group of 4 Somali lads walked behind them shouting at them. PCSO told them to piss off and they did. Was pretty funny in the end.

That apostrophe is actually part of his name. Wut.

Jews are not white, he hates the white race

Gingers, too. Is there a link between red-hair and lack of testosterone?



There is political gain in collecting as many hate crimes as possible to present them to MPs to gain more funding/influence. This is what the ADL do in America.

But every interest group is probably in on it.

Not all Jews are bad, lad

I had no idea there was a Lincoln uni

I have a couple of friends there and by all accounts it's very middle-of-the-road/bordering on shithole

hol up

He's well qualified to be a an EU rep

>Controversy regarding Figeľ's apartment

>Legitimacy of his Ph.Dán_Figeľ

He's a good goy but he looks as kikey as fuck

What is it with Eurocrats and their PhD dissertations? There was that German guy who got stripped of his title of Doctor because of some plagiarism shit.

they didn't think this one through too well did they

They're all fucking puffed up self important crooks and communists. Schulz was a bookseller with no qualifications. Now look where he is


Trip fags should die in a fire like the vile cretins they are.

We'll have to think of another term…anti-bagelism maybe? help



McBoatface is right tbh


He identifies as a Roman Catholic but I agree he looks as Jewey as hell

I'm a zionist shill and my grandmother fucked niggers.


Top Kek
Kids mourn the death of 'European humanity' at Idomeni protest

Nigger dick, nigger dick, when I see one I just want to LICK LICK LICK


Cheeky cunts are burning German flags and chanting "CANADA! CANADA!" as if they even know where that is
Fucking Soros you are a cunt

why you doing this you autist?

What would you say if conclusive archaeological and genetic evidence proved that white europeans were descended from the lost tribes of Israel and that we were all Jews and Israel belonged to us?

Move to israel

Laugh because kikes are literally frantically trying to destroy their own people.


Pretty rude tbh.

slurp slurp slurp slurp, I swallowed all the cum and now I must burp.

fuck me thats a bit strong

Cilcot Report is going to be released on July 6th
They didn't say which year
It runs to 2.6 million words
They didn't say how many would get taken out
Whatever year it will be it is important to note that it will be the last week of Ramadan…


I would say "Jesus Christ Kike on a stick ahdonblivit!"

Are you on day release?

Find out who filtered you on Holla Forums! I have been filtered by 3 people.

Could be a boost for our Brexit campaign. Get this info out there lads


i agree with you but when it comes to the lesser of two evils i get the feeling it wont be faggots who are more likely to cause you physical harm if their numbers rapidly increase

just disregard those feelings as leftist programming fighting in your brain, even if we would purge mudslimes from europe that doesn't mean we would go full on edgyness, it could even work as half-way solution where we send sandnigs back without killing them (not the vicest decision but I can see it happening)

Is that Adam Wallace?

Is it true he was a trap?

even north korea knows whats up

Holla Forums

You know the drill

Jews created communism

We also created football
Doesn't me were any good.

Based Hopkins.

a faggot is less likely to abduct and rape your daughter for years before either her escape or him murdering her than a muslim


If I killed myself Brit/pol/ would be better.

im not a fan of faggots and their acts disgust me but if they just shut the fuck up about being gay and got on with their lives like everyone else they would have far less enemies

That's right, we don't like impersonators around these parts.

unfortunately not possible with these fuckers, they're like sociopathic children they will just keep pushing the boundaries until they're punished and the only punishment they view as a deterrent is death

Fuck Bojo and his last minute power grab. The last thing we needed was for this to be a Tory Vs Tory campaign.

Get off my name!

I like to think that is was us talking about it then through Virginia writing about it that got this madness talked about in the popular media.

im guessing thats the opinion of many
noone minds the faggot who wears a suit to work and keeps to himself
its the screaming 4ft rainbow mohawk naked greaseball in the street with dildos glued to his skin holding a sign touting ==POZLOADS== while screeching about oppression that makes the blood boil

Not seeing the resemblance tbh.

Send letters to London Jewish and Muslim schools from Sadiq saying they have to merge to promote interfaith respect

woah, there is so many copycats here

Bloody impostors, I swear.


We must remind them! Vote for diversity not division!

and the who coming out culture

hey guys im gay

tell me something i didnt know Tristan





lel I wish I lived in/near London

What the hell is a Josh?

this would normally be indecent exposure if it wasnt a real rager, no cop would touch that can you imagine the paperwork and the pr?


the more they push multiculti the easier it is to put weight on the cracks fam

They look like Korean symbols to me.


same, moonrunes on brit/pol/

Whats next? Lock up john cleese for doing that hitler impression on Fawlty Towers?

Arrest Alf Garnett for saying 'paki'?

The kikes overreach and the willingness of their shabbos goy to blindly enforce these 'tolerance' laws is beyond rustling but will be their undoing. They cant fucking help themselves.
Ffs this is turning into some kind of kafkaesque orwellian nightmare. Every day I pray for armed resistance.

Every day.

this is Josh, he used to develop the infinity next project


so many copycats

Typical scene/hipster looking faggot

What a fucking joke this country is.

Video related.

Is that you?

✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵘᶰᵗ
Verified Holla Forums tripcode, trust no impersonators.

How far we have fallen.

yes (third pic is more recent)

This is an idea I like. I thought brit/pol/ was rid of all its clever people for a while.

Except it doesn't work because the victim politics will never put our ideas above theirs. These people self implode from in fighting constantly but will always rally back together after.

that's perfect and actually what I want to see the left to do

mp4 related if it fucking works


Pretty funny, even if the owner is a disgusting hipster tramp.

he should have been arrested for those ear plugs

i doubt he will be charged, just cautioned and released but then again

Hitchens is a moron tbh, even if McBoatface is a faggot.

If someone killed him, I wouldn't care in the slightest.


Literally the feels police.

Why are they asking her about a sausage in her bum in the comments?

If Sadiq became mayor Hopkins said she'd shove a sausage up her arse and run down some London street naked.

Well that was retarded.


unverified by Holla Forums tripcode association

Have some fun and just do it, ya queer.

Not if the shariah police stop her first.

She's made it a halal sausage for that purpose.


Well fuck me inside out.
They actually exist!


she really doesnt want to be sticking spicy stuff up her bum. It hurts enough eating it and shitting it out. Not that im experienced in matters of inserting things into ones anus but reason indicates sticking something spicy up there is a poor idea and is gonna cause some major ringsting.

shut up retard, brit/pol/ has always been shat on by tripfags and made to revolve around them. Blame Spergboob and his dumb fat arsed comments about the cheat meals he has every day and other banine crap he posts.

this. And every so often he has the audacity to say there's too much shitposting

That's really bad news for Woes and another other Youtube blogger then

Chilcot Inquiry to be published for 7th July

Consider the following

All these namefags make Brit/pol/ a vibrant and diverse community free of hate.

Thought it was the 6th?


Vienna a shit


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Verified Holla Forums tripcode, trust no impersonators.


Can't scare the Blair

Honest question lads, with police officers leaving Sweden and women unable to leave at night what's gonna pan out? The ultimate cuckening killing blow or the first of the happenings? Or will they go non-violent resolution with the SD?


a fuck up of epic proportions that horrifies the civilized world and one that no liberal/cuck can dismiss or quell
Then the people go full 1933 and we have widespread destruction and civil unrest bringing an end to this ochlocracy
we're moving towards war and nothing can stop it at this point

I think Sweden will end up under some form of martial law, though I don't know the demographics nor the size of their military.


vote leave

No we're

Rotherham and other dozen of towns paki rape gangs happened because of PC but the average person has no idea of them

Don't forget that the gangs are still operating

The policing thing is a non-issue, because the EU will simply send it's enforcers (that they're training right now with African "special forces") to replace them and prevent any happenings taking place.

The EU hopes to replace all local police forces with a federalized police answerable only to Brussels.

Can't find reliable demographic because of the immigration cuckening but their military currently stands at 40,000, 14k active, 26k in reserve, images show mostly whites with a few based Orientals but no nogs or pakis. Depends if they call a draft or not and I don't know if they count samis in those numbers.

This tbh, when can we nuke Rotherham?



If he can't beat an alt-kike cuck like Millennial Wews, he doesn't stand a chance.

We're done for tbh lads.

why does he keep making hour long videos, lads?


Beats crying over the fact he's raising a daughter that isn't his and she's gonna make him pay for her wedding with a nog.

He is a man of unwavering principle

Did he mention Brit/pol/ specifically?

You're referencing based neutral man?

Will he save us, lad?

"the far right"

I am lad.

So neutral and so based he'll make an hour long video about why his disapproval of interracial relationships doesn't make him a racist for having a preference.

Whilst his step-daughter gets railed by paki wang.


It begins officially lads.

Soon they will arrest us over memes.


Good job we aren't far right then. We're all civic nationalists, right?

We're based, lad.




I have watched exactly 2 minutes of sargon ever.

Such a whiny bitch

I used to feel bad for him

Then he kept making stupid videos that are 2 hours long

what else is that bedroom dwelling outcast going to do? He can't even clean his room. Disgraceful

They realised we don't care about people drowning anymore so they paid someone to shoot someone.

can you greentext it for me


they just TOLD us that we cared then did what they say we wanted them to do.

I smell a kike.

Hes doing lets plays of skyrim so I asked him if he thought skyrim was for the nords and he obfuscated about how he was an argonian so it was irrelevant (fucking kop out) Then I told him Dr Who is shit but he deleted my comment.

That's what I mean, lad. People grew desensitised to it.

Yet to meet a liberal who actually gave a shit when Shitskin Jr washed up on the beach.

And I don't mean Kikebook virtual signalling.

I mean genuine face to face empathy, they usually just go "oh yeah, sad that" and go right back to hardcore wanking over Marx.

One of the many kike hivemind HQs.

I just don't get how entitled he is, lad.


Why are Brits so fucking nihilistic? When did this country buy into the meme of 'live and let live '?

just keep buying stuff and masturbating, pleb



Having such a big empire caused the people to become to distracted by overseas things. You're a victim of your own success.


Fun Fact




How can anyone be pure when we came from Africa? I don't get it.

Nice photoshop.


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Verified Holla Forums tripcode, trust no impersonators.

race is just a social construct anyway lad





Glad i'm an Ulster Scot

Ireland was poz free past the Ulster plantation until 2000 when we got some gooks. We'll be the last pure Ulstermen though thanks to Sinn Fein


Brit/pol/ has the best name bloggers, we really do.

You're both a pair of fucking pakis tbh



Very relieved tbh lads. Will go some way to helping my existential crisis. Some other interesting results in the health reports:

Hit the jackpot on that one, if I ever bother getting that fit.


Who wants a ginger mutant child? Smh tbh.

Don't smoke though.

We won the lottery of life, lad; only to see the winnings rendered worthless by bourgeois bohemians, hedonistic libertines, Marxists, etc.


I don't dear have my DNA tested tbh. Don't really trust them either. Didn't someone try and get tested twice and got different results?

They look like SJW's 50 years into the future.

is it just me or does this website not work so well with firefox?






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Verified Holla Forums tripcode, trust no impersonators.


Sorry, lad. Off to the camps you go.

Holy shit, missed that 8.3%. We have one of the chosen among us.

What website did you use?

What happened here though?

8% Ashkenazi sounds like enough to be traceable.

And what haplogroup is "Ashkenazi" ?

I didn't know they had their own haplogroup.

Technically not. My great grandmother on my fathers side was a Jew.

Persian tbh lads. I have blue eyes so things can't be that bad.


Lads, did we become "great" Britain because of hybrid vigor?

Well, i just tried browsing it with chrome. And I get much less "502" errors and shit using chrome. The only difference in mods, is that im using NoScript on firefox. Perhaps its NoScript thats fucking things up?

The next time some shitlib uses Jew or Muslim as a race, show them

So lads…NA are in the news again -

t. 10% non European


Ashkenazis came from Turkey or something, right? That's pretty European tbh. Well, soon, anyway.

Just designed the new UKIP logo


looks a bit gay tbh

Why they getting a new logo?

how much does it cost to get your dna analysed by the google jews?

is that a severed hand holding some dead stick fam?

To who?

He looks like John Travolta.

Ashkenazis are Jewish "Europeans" lad. The most intelligent ethnic group in the world, by IQ.

A lot.

It's quite low energy, but good effort.

Ethnic Nationalists unite, lads.

We all know what fate awaits the Civic Nationalists tbh.

One of the comments

Need to utilize this strategy tbh. Bully commies into paki town and keep good towns white.

£125 I think

125 quid to get told you're 100% African.

Pakis and nogs to fuck off to the bottom of the sea voluntarily before the Race War begins

fuck that then

the spooky halloween colour pound is the only one for me

as much as I love ukip, their logo is absolute trash tbh, it always felt "cheap" imho

I don't think so. Farage was talking about rebranding at one point though

I tried to make a design that would appeal to a wide audience. I wanted the Britannia symbolism, but you know how cucked the nation is. Just having a Britannia symbol looks too "aggressive" or "Britain First" and would turn people away. So I used a subtler imagery of Britannia

I get that, lad. But didn't something come out recently that said Jews were from Turkey?

I still can't quite believe how shit that looks.

I agree, it's something you'd catch on a pound-shop in Manchester.

the logo should project power and strength, it should be nigel holding an rpg or some shit


That comment lad was tip top, but all the others were like omg its 2016 wew lad current year…but tbh I am disappointed in the NA members response, it was pretty lacklustre, he should of said "you look white, but if she's got mixed blood she's a mongrel and has no place in a free white Britain"

Anyone think that parts of UKIP's problem becoming more appealing is their logo?

Make the bottom half into a lightning bolt or something.

You're right lad, Jews act like roaches, Turks act like roaches, and they say ethnicity is a social fucking construct.

She even has the mixed race hairdo of spaghetti wog, can you get any more stereotypical?

Wonder if the mum is single now.

I think a lot of the traditionalist tories are put off by what looks like a typically 'BNP' tier logo.

Fair enough. It is nice.

No idea. Sorry.

Now that you've explained it I like it a lot more.

lads honestly I'm heartbroken

What would her DNA test say, lads?

That's nice…

Just go throuh life being ready to beat the shit out of a paki, break a nigger's legs (or neck) and kick a lefty in his tiny balls/ You'll be a lot happier, guys
Quick thing I learnt on DAY 103 of NO FAP

101% Ashkenazi

50% head


“Tiwa Savage Slept With 2face Only Once and She Slept With this Nigerian Billionaire for Endorsement”.

Some days after Tunji ‘Teebillz’ Balogun broke the dam that held back the flood of issues in his marriage to singer, Tiwa Savage, investigations have revealed gross infidelity and domestic violence are the main reasons the marriage fell apart.

RADAR.NG has gathered that Tiwa Savage was aware of her husband’s vices way before marriage and she refused to heed the advice of friends and family before solemnizing their union.

A source in the know, exclusively revealed to RADAR.NG that Tiwa’s relationship with Don Jazzy ended before her marriage to Teebillz and her affair with 2Face was a one-time thing which also happened a long time ago so Tunji bringing it up was a desperate need for points.

Though Teebillz accused his wife of also sleeping with label mate Dr Sid, the source said it isn’t possible. In her own words: “Dr Sid ba wo? Maybe he was the one buying the condoms for Don Jazzy.”

Though reports of Tiwa allegedly sleeping with money bags in Nigeria in order to advance her career were prevalent years ago, the source insinuated that her manager and fiance at the time, knew about it and she opened up to him about all her previous relationships but he thought he could handle it.

REVEALED: The Truth Behind Tiwa Savage’s Confession Interview Scandal and the Lady who Did it
According to the source:

“Honestly, they are both lying and it’s okay so you demonic bloggers don’t take advantage of the situation. Fact is, they both knew what they were getting into. He beat her up many times and she took it because they both had dirt on each other.

I particularly was mad at Tiwa way before she even agreed to marry him. Heck, he was fraudulent way before his coming back to Nigeria. What ruined his relationship with Sauce Kid and co?

His other baby mama nko? Go and ask. Ask the big boys in LA about Tee Billions and you will hear his gist. Bi-polar oshi wo? He is toxic, leave his mental issues out of it. Bringing a baby into the toxic relationship pissed off most of us.”

It’s unclear why Tiwa decided to settle for a society wedding with her alleged pimp and abuser, but the source who is close to the couple claims age was probably the reason as it can’t be love.

The source further revealed their marriage almost ended months after they got married, adding that Tiwa discovered her husband was spending her money on things they don’t need.

Also Teebillz allegedly kept blackmailing her about her extra-marital affairs. He kept hanging her alleged relationship with oil magnate, Femi Otedola, over her head.

READ Tiwa Savage & Teebillz May Remain Legally Married For The Next 18-months
According to the source:

“He accused her of sleeping with Otedola in the early months of her pregnancy. He slapped and locked her out when she was pregnant due to stories of the affair.

She never told us if she indeed slept with the man but her husband kept hammering on it. Even if she did, why didn’t he just walk? Let me answer that, he’s broke and in debt and needs that Otedola money.”

RADAR.NG also gathered that the couple abused substances during the course of their relationship. It unclear if Tiwa was around drugs during her pregnancy, but another source claims they both abused illicit substances.

The source said:

“While Teebillz was blowing money on women, booze and coke, Tiwa was smoking fish. Abeg make she no lie. Yes, the guy get craze for head, but Tiwa sef mental.”

I wonder why they started all this Gist. marriage should be Private

100% kike

fight me irl ginnie

Isn't she part Japanese, lads? Also I am sure the DNA from all the black guys she has fucked must have altered hers a little as well.

Sound advice, lad; but in this day and age there's really no excuse for not knowing if you're a mongrel or not, or to what extent.

She's had 5 black boyfriends and girlfriends.

once you go BBC…

She wants to be a kawaii Jap I know that much, not sure if she actually is part chong

Someone tweet this to Khan and go "IS THIS WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOUR LONDON, MR MAYOR?"

10 altogether of each gender or five altogether?

Welcome back lads and ginnie

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Actor Kenneth Okonkwo & Wife Welcome First Child After 9 Years Of Marriage

It was celebration galore in the family of Nollywood first actor, Kenneth Okonkwo as his pretty wife Ifeoma delivered a baby boy at The University of Maryland, St. Joseph Medical Center, USA on the 6th of May, 2016, after almost 9 years of marriage.

According to Diamond Celebrities, the hardworking actor said in his own words, “God is a faithful God. He said we shall be fruitful and multiply, that there shall be none barren in our midst and He just fulfilled His words. To Him be all the glory in Jesus name”.

He thanked all those who stood by them and offered prayers to God on their behalf.

We join the family of Kenneth Okonkwo and other well wishers in welcoming the new baby and pray God’s blessings upon his life.

shes the daughter of a rabbi so 100% kike, all this nationalism stuff is just to get back at her father


Lads why am I sensing he got cucked by a chong or white fella here?

So that's why she got blacked as well.

ALL HAIL BIAFRA!!! IPOB Blasts Ojukwu’s Son – He Is An Imposter With Disarranged Brain

IPOB is not happy with one Sylvester Ude, also known as Debe Ojukwu, who is said to be the eldest son of late Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu Debe Ojukwu said Nnamdi Kanu was not the leader of IPOB and he did not take the advice of the elders so they cannot help secure his release from prison. Reacting to Debe’s statement, IPOB said he was an impostor with a disorganized brain The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has a reacted to a statement credited to Chief Sylvester Debe Ojukwu, who is said to be the eldest son of late Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, on Biafra struggle, Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB leadership. Speaking in a recent interview, Debe Ojukwu insinuatied that IPOB under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was a violent movement.

He added that Kanu was not the leader of IPOB, but one Chief Justice Eze Ozobu, a former chief judge of Enugu state and his deputy is Dr Dozie Ikedife. In a statement signed by its spokespersons Emma Nmezu and Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya, IPOB said Debe Ojukwu was an impostor and the the Ojukwu family of Umudim-Nnewi, Biafraland, have since dissociated themselves from him, Vanguard reports. The statement read in part: “Even though we do not want to go into what makes Sylvester Ude a.k.a. Debe Ojukwu to claim that he is a Biafran agitator when he is a card-carrying member of Nigeria’s APC party but we would like to request Sylvester Ude a.k.a. Debe Ojukwu to provide a single evidence to show that we are violent. “Is Sylvester Ude a.k.a. Debe Ojukwu aware that utterances such as these can land him in jail via a class-action lawsuit? Does this man, know that we have been mowed down by agents of the present government for simply gathering and praying in a school football field?”

According to the group, he (Debe Ojukwu) had a disorganized brain and contradicted himself when he said: “We own IPOB . IPOB belongs to us. We formed IPOB. IPOB is not a group. Our group has succeeded in being given observer status at the UN and AU.” IPOB queried who are the ‘we’ he was referring to and which of his last two sentences were correct; that IPOB is not a group or that IPOB is our group? “In addition, we challenge this Sylvester Ude to provide any document that supports the claim that IPOB have been given observer status at the UN and AU. It is one thing to make a claim but it is another thing to support or substantiate such claim with documents or evidence,” IPOB added. The issue of Biafra has been a resurgent issue in the South east region of Nigeria and the pro-Biafran activists have refused to give up the fight for the actualization of Biafra. There have been protests, demanding that the Igbos be allowed to secede from Nigeria. On Thursday, April 21, IPOB said its victory in the struggle for a Biafra nation was close, despite spirited antics of its adversaries.

Mr & Mrs Literally Who

please help, lads


tbf Adebowale probably thinks he's quintessentially British

Stop saying ", lads" every fucking post you nonce.

Autism is why

I like "lad" more than "mate", lad.

Sargon goes full cuck

wew lad, its like a brit/pol/ trigger finger, to say lad or m8 in every post, I catch myself doing it just not as much as

Tried a quick redesign, lads

UNBELIEVABLE!!! Fanni Kayode Turns Pastor After EFCC Invitation, You Can’t Believe What He Did (A MUST READ)

Chief Olufemi Fani-Kayode, Nigeria’s former minister of aviation, has reportedly gone spiritual over the allegations made against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC.

Reports surfaced earlier today that the spokesperson of the Goodluck Jonathan campaign organisation arrived at the office of the anti-graft agency in Abuja on Monday, May 9, after an invitation.

He was subsequently granted administrative bail following several hours at the office of the agency but he had appeared very spiritual before honouring the invitation today.

FFK as he is fondly called, took to his Facebook page to drop a comment which appeared like a popular song.

He wrote: “Who can battle with the Lord? Who can battle with the Lord? Who can battle with the Lord? I say nobody!”

Which one, LADS? Spoilered because of immorality.


Aren't those SS's runes?

Yes, for extra cheekiness

I don't think that's legal, lad.

Reminds me of the equals sign, and hard to read such a font tbh. Not trying to be a bully

I was just pissing about for 5 minutes

Niggers aren't illegal.

Nothing wrong with cheeky SS runes

I wasn't trying to be a racist monster, lad. She just looks underage


Based Galloway



Tracey Emmin on Newsnight talking about why she is an 'innie' and not an 'outie'.

I wish she would stop talking about her fanny.


I've always preferred a slightly less gaudy shade of purple for the UKIP logo. In fact, I'd drop the yellow altogether and use a colour palette like YI use on their website (

He must have a more deluded perception of reality than a serial killer in order to justify the hours he pours into that channel.

The attempt of brit/pol/ trying to get him to switch shirts more frequently than every two weeks (as well as into a clean one) and its eventual failure proved how unfixable he is.

Can't fucking help himself, can he?

Why do all black women have a man face?

This fucking Guardian cuck.


Best just kill yourself now, lad.

fucking hell, have you been outside yet?

Late night normie music

wew lad, not normie enough


Looks a lot better.

I like that we essentially have domain over the colour purple with all it's conscious associations with nobility.

on my property, yeah.


I smell it too when I enter my room. Not like anyone visits though tbh. And if my parents had a problem they should say so instead of passive aggressive implications.

Why are people like this who clearly have the intelligence and foresight of a sun dried pack of Skips allowed to consume oxygen?

It's a fucking travesty and any good person (and their kids) in this country trying to get by are going to suffer in the long run.
At least they will get enriched first.

These self righteous, holier than thou cunts seem incapable of even entertaining the thought of what this is going to lead to, that they'll be directly responsible for. And when all our countries are balkanised by various ethnic and cultural lines, they'll be scratching their heads wondering who's to blame.

The thing that rustles me is these people will never admit, will never even cross their minds, that they are the cause of all the coming miseries. A bullet seems like the only awakening they will ever have, and they'll probably escape that and move country before it reaches that stage. Traitors.

tbh fam


/politics/ niggers kill any other discussion with their shitposts.

People are asleep, lad.

The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory Scale was designed to understand levels of sexism among individuals. The more you agree, the more sexist you may be.
1. No matter how accomplished he is, a man is not truly complete as a person unless he has the love of a woman.
2. Many women are actually seeking special favors, such as hiring policies that favor them over men, under the guise of asking for "equality."
3. In a disaster, women ought not necessarily to be rescued before men.
4. Most women interpret innocent remarks or acts as being sexist.
5. Women are too easily offended.
6. People are often truly happy in life without being romantically involved with a member of the other sex.
7. Feminists are not seeking for women to have more power than men.
8. Many women have a quality of purity that few men possess.
9. Women should be cherished and protected by men.
10. Most women fail to appreciate fully all that men do for them.
11. Women seek to gain power by getting control over men.
12. Every man ought to have a woman whom he adores.
13. Men are complete without women.
14. Women exaggerate problems they have at work.
15. Once a woman gets a man to commit to her, she usually tries to put him on a tight leash.
16. When women lose to men in a fair competition, they typically complain about being discriminated against.
17. A good woman should be set on a pedestal by her man.
18. There are actually very few women who get a kick out of teasing men by seeming sexually available and then refusing male advances.
19. Women, compared to men, tend to have a superior moral sensibility.
20. Men should be willing to sacrifice their own well-being in order to provide financially for the women in their lives.
21. Feminists are making entirely reasonable demands of men.
22. Women, as compared to men, tend to have a more refined sense of culture and good taste.

I'd say everyone will "fail"


Yanis Varoufakis

These people invented democracy, and yet he has the political clarity of a beaten coalburner.

Their elders would've smited this spastic at the alter.

They're all traitors.
A nation of worms.
Only war can forge the hearts of men.

Just filter them, I did.

So it's basically a 'traditional values are bad goy' checklist?



"Did you just call "its the current year"

Fucking got to be, i recognize the first chap


On NAs side with this tbh


1. No
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. No (Nowadays, mostly)
10. Yes
11. Yes
12. No
13. Yes
14. Yes
15. Yes
16. Yes
17. Yes (Emphasis on 'Good')
18. No
19. No
20. No
21. No
22. No

I don't get it. I think I mostly disagreed, yet it still doesn't reflect well on women (or badly on men).

Impossible to not be sexist.

Really quite childish.

Can't you do any better?

Why are they brave exactly?



Bring back Thatchers law against this shite

Because the skinny neo nazi could obviously killed her

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True (though it's natural, so…)
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. True
13. False
14. True
15. True
16. True
17. True
18. False
19. False, they're naive.
20. True
21. False
22. False


Right. They should consider themselves lucky tbh. Why did they risk it?

Why does the UKIP logo look so cheap?

Because it's a quid.

pls laugh

plz rate


So they recognized where this NA guy is from.

But did they say where the mulatto is from?


plz laugh

You're a bloody racist, lad.

Russell pls go


Here's where you're wrong lad, she simply has twice the heritage as we do tbh

Can someone post the youtube video again?

Those comments gave me keks

Looks like the video has had comments disabled fam

>mfw, Heritage Fluid is the next social media craze


What were the comments on it?

I remember them being open yesterday but hadn't seen many beyond the "You go girl" comments.

There weren't any of those when I posted mine. Every single one was calling her a filthy race-mixing cunt.

Still can't tell what other race this girl is meant to be mixed with famalams

We really should just laugh at them tbh.

There were a good few comments calling her a race-mixing, nation destroying whore, some with scientific back-up and others just for keks.

Americans are too slow at humour.

What did he mean by this?

That he is cucked and winning. Or that he is being sarcastic that Ted Cruz's hometown went up in flames after he lost last week.


Gutted that I missed them

Don't suppose anybody got any screencaps?


No but I have this.

I don't know what the fuck it is.

Lets rape the comments


Lads, one dollar man is saying it is important to have a stay at home parent for the baby, but how are you supposed to afford that these days?


but we need someone to pay taxes and do the jobs, lad.

What the fuck is wrong with this old hag

The problem with our habit of extinguishing wildfires is that it allows layer after layer of refuse build up on the forest floor, actually increasing the intensity of the next fire.

woman looks like a walking bag of despair

Got fucked by a wog who then ran off.

Not hard to tell

Hello Satan, she's an ugly outcast from the white race. Now I've had some time to think her daughter looks part mestizo.

Naa the granda is the wog

Imagine being a single mother fucked by a nigger, having to defend the person that fucked your life over because your daughter is mixed.

what do I do, lads?

Reminds me of this.

What a waste too, she was cute.

But why do they do it?

Coalburners are universally seen as a fucking disgrace, so why do some women still go through with it?

If I had the choice between offering her sanctuary or letting her die during the race war, I'd choose the latter. Her mongrels too.

Get a smart mummy for the kids
When they grow up to think for themselves, feed smart mummy antifreeze in her dinner in small doses over a course of 10 years.
Turns smart mummy into blind retard mummy with kidney and breathing problems mummy.

Not universally tbh. Media does a good job of shilling it, same with schools, so there are a lot of people saying yes, and even immediate family might feel the same way. I don't get the attraction though, as I have never really been attracted to any other races(although I like a lot of different European people, slavs not so much), but I have been attracted to a lot of rather ugly white girls.

Women are fucking dumb and should be despised

wew, lad

It's the "fuck you Daddy" rebellion

This lad gets it.

When will we purge them?


That doesn't mean you shouldn't attain one and love her. But ever since I came to Uni i've been red-pilled pretty quickly on how fucking irrational and stupid the average female is, and the absolute absurdity of claiming we're "equal".

True lad, if you ever come across someone who even jests about race-mixing I implore you to use some variation of the line "On an unrelated note, how are things between you and your Dad?"

You'll see their faces melt with the added benefit of making the #LADS laugh.

Dear Sainsbury's Shoppers!!

As part of our marketing exercise we will be giving away £60 gift vouchers. Yes you read it right, Free gift vouchers, no catch.

All you have to do is forward this email on to 10 friends & a copy to [email protected] simple as that. Once everyone in your list has sent 10 emails you will be emailed your £60 voucher which you can exchange in all Sainsbury's stores.

Valid stores include;
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Thanks for taking part in our exciting new marketing method

Who Lidl master race here?

who /locallyproducedfarmfood/ here?



Me lad. Stop off every saturday at my local farm shop for some bacon. Fuck that supermarket Danish crap.

I feel to bad for the girl to laugh, its not her fault tbh

Jesus Christ

Don't pity the cucks fam.

Welcome their destruction by the hands of their pets.

What we do know about them is that they come from a barbaric land, have a barbaric religion, lived through barbaric war climate, likely will have done barbaric things to survive. All that we know about these people are that they are barbarians, and now we hear;

It's entirely their fault, this is child-level common sense.

The mother needs shooting, but you can hardly blame this on the bloody 10yo daughter.

Fun Fact: 100% of criminals were kids once

>"The Lund District Court finds this sort of calculation bizarre, but the judge has decided to move forward with the case under the assumption that he is, in fact, just 15. The judge sentenced Isaac on Friday based on the charge of juvenile sexual assault, which means he’ll be sent to counseling."

You are one gay nigger. Fuckoff back to /politics/ Stay there. Die there. You fucking autist. Reported. Filtered


Using German words… Ever…

I detect a National Autiste!

one quids enough for a handful of skittles down the pub m8