What went wrong?

Enlighten me, Holla Forums: Where did Hitler go wrong in regards to ultimately costing him the war? l've been conditioned to think that it was mistakes made during Operation Barbarossa (not capturing Moscow, ill-planning, etc.) but was there another mistake he made along the way?

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he went to war for starters, just like a fucking jew, a true NatSoc would keep up isolationism.

Hitler and the German people fought three empires at the same time, no other peoples have been able to do such.

Hitler probably should have given every household one of each: rifle, shotgun, and pistol.

Not capturing and ransoming the 350K English soldiers that he let escape at Dunkirk was a big one.

invading russia. declaring war on the US in its prime. not even a winnable war. we didnt even have to bring out the biocidal warfare.

Where did Hitler go wrong? He extricated his country from the system of World Finance and thought that he would be allowed to part ways peacefully.

Unless you root it out in every single country it will always recur. If you only do so in your country, you will find yourself facing war against allied forces many times more powerful than your own. The greatest threat to this parasitic financial octopus is one state with the power to throw it off and slay it for good.

This is why, when General Patton arrived in Germany, he was ordered not to crush the Communist Bloc when it was ripe for the taking, and why he was assassinated when he began making waves about it.

This is why the Soviet Union found itself one of the two primary nuclear hyperpowers shortly thereafter.

This is why the NATO superstate, encompassing Europe and the United States, and militarily guaranteed by the U.S., is being deliberately and systematically gutted by trade deals and third-world immigration designed to strip us of our manufacturing base and flood is with races incapable of organization and resistance. If you look up deals like NAFTA and the onset of mass immigration, you'll find that they truly began shortly after the USSR spontaneously and entirely unexpectedly collapsed in on itself.

It's not about jews or nonjews, though the jewish people does play a very important role in this saga.

There was only supposed to be one Great War, but the rise of National Socialism made necessary a second.

This is the true red pill of the World Wars.

He didn't want to go to war, but reportedly the Germans who lived in Poland (The areas owned by the German empire before WW1) were being killed and persecuted. The Polish government refused to cooperate for a solution like Sudetenland so Hitler declared war to save them. Here's a good site to read up on it: wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/wrsynopsis.html

Though honestly I think the odds were stacked against him from the beginning, There was no way he could've avoided war with Stalin it was only a matter of time.

Can anyone explain to me why the Allies declared war on Germany in 1939 after the invasion of Poland but not Russia? I've heard some people mention the theory that the commie jews of the USSR and capitalist jews in the West were working together but I'd like to learn more about that and how it ties into the Cold War.

I'm admittedly ignorant on the subject, but it seems to me he didn't have intelligence on what he was really up against, or if he did, either assumed that citizens of other countries wouldn't be so easily duped into another World War, or did not infiltrate, expose, or weaken them beforehand sufficiently. Also Italy and Japan were fuckups. Also traitors.

Invading russia was a stupid move. Stalin had no intention of fighting Germany

He overestimated how unwilling the other European countries were to go to war.
So, back in the day WW1 was "the great war" because it was really horrifying and pretty much everyone agreed that we never wanted to go to war again. So they started this group called the League of Nations so that we could all just settle things diplomatically and never have to go to war again. Hitler abused the optimism of other European countries and payed a price.

Went to war with Russia.
Declared war on America.

Really the second one though; without America it wouldn't have been a two-front war (England was one bong from destruction).

Same thing that Napoleon did.
You don't chase Russians into Russia with a ground force. History has shown time and time again that that invading army freezes to death.

As far as you know. The omittance of history has all but erased Holodomor from the collective conscience of humanity, what makes you think there were other factors in play that we may never know about. Communist Russia and Nationalist Socialist German were indeed conflicting in ideologies and what Russia did to German after the war was especially malicious despite there being no apparent cause for such hostility

Your post sums it up.
If he allowed Poland to slaughter Germans, he might have gained the support of America, but that's unlikely due to the Jewish subversion of the media.
It would be cruel to gamble with the lives of your people on such uncertain odds.

Communism was funded by Jews living in England and New York.
Marxism/Communism/Bolshevism in every form is a tool of the Jew used to exploit and enslave their enemies.
The world would be a much better place had the Bolshevik revolution not happened.

NSDAP was doomed from the start, but they gave us a piece of history to guide us through our dark times.

I guess the only part that saddens me is that they really where a whole tech level above the Allies.

He did nothing wrong. He had a containment strategy for Stalin too (out spend and succeed them as they're economy was a scam) but fucking Generals went full Napoleonic retard when Hitler fell ill with Typhoid. Treason by German General = fall of Germany.

Also, they were only a small country taking on the world and the Japs/Italians were worthless liabilities


Hitler invaded Poland because of bloody Sunday, German citizens being slaughtered by the Polish government (inciting WWII, most of the Allies were in on out, pic related), said basically let them come to our country since you're not protecting them. Poland was like lolno. More Germans were killed, hitler threatened an invasion if they don't allow the German citizens to have safe crossing, Poland, once again, said shove it.

Hitler then creates a temporary truce with Russia to just storm the hell out of Poland full blitzkrieg, and kills all those dirty polish officials. But obviously, WWII began from that. They got the war they wanted for the price of Poland.

Now the Russian invasion. Hitler was pushing hard into Russia destroying them with minimal losses. They weren't armed, they were scared, if they didn't kill the Germans, Stalin would kill them (poor Ruskie Bros) so they threw everything they had at the Germans with no avail. Hitler decided instead of going for a full invasion to Moscow, he would attack their oil source. No sweat, its still September, we'll be at Moscow in 2 weeks, they would have enough time to split their forces, 1/2 destroy their oil, 1/2 hold off the road to Moscow, no oil easy victory in Moscow, they're at Stalingrad, BAM, snow.

Fucking snow. In September. A lot of it. This stopped Hitler's incoming blitzkrieg to a halt. They lost a lot of their vehicles and tanks alone to the snow and them not being prepared for snow in September. I don't blame them. So since they couldn't blitzkrieg anymore, which was their main offensive strategy. It gave the Russians time to prepare themselves, and they were ready for that kind of winter. The Germans weren't. If a German soldier didn't freeze to death, die of malnutrition, he was killed by a Russian soldier. It was super unfortunate. Nature determined WWII.

It is questionable, if that snow didn't happen, and they successfully could have taken Russia and have so much more of their forces at Normandy to stop the Americans Canadians and British from storming the beach, but it was definitely possible. But once they lost the siege against Russia they were completely and utterly fucked sadly.

RIP Germany. They just wanted the least hardest ass fucking at that point.

Also; if any of you guys are going to go

The document for the invasion of Russia was created in the end of 1940, operation barbosa, the document for the invasion of Germany by the Soviet Union was created in the beginning of 1941. The invasion was imminent. Germany Took the sign of an imminent invasion, a war on both sides, and almost won. A damn shame. I'm not even a naziboo, but a damn shame.

Doomed to failure from the start, it's amazing they got as far as they did.

And if the 6th army had managed to not get surrounded or retreat, the Eastern Front may have been able to reach a stalemate and work from there.

He got some liver condition while the war with russia was going on, his plan was to flank the russians and take control of resources in the north, but was bed bound with his condition. Subordinate generals undid his plans.

Idk man it's really demoralizing to the troops fighting a war on two fronts. Especially if Russia had some time to receive more supplies from the US they'd be pretty boned. The deaths that the Russia took during the earlier part of the siege were shocking. At certain points the average amount of Russians that died per German climbed up to 7:1. 7 dead Russians per German. It constantly stayed above 5 though.

Well, it wasn't a mistake that he made, perhaps, but if King Edward hadn't abdicated, perhaps he would have been able to get the UK to ally with Germany, and with their assistance, Germany would likely have been able to take Moscow and end the Soviet Union, perhaps reinstalling a White Russian monarchy. Also, all the kikes would have been shipped off to British Palestine, preventing the Holohaux from happening.

Then it just becomes a war between Europe and the last remaining ZOG stronghold in America.

There are a couple of things that were mistakes or bad luck. But in the end the allies just had more production capacity and manpower and that wins wars.

A couple of the mistakes and bad luck you are looking for are:

Take a gander at the America First Committee.
I doubt the kikes at the top wanted America First to achieve what it did.

There was a minuscule chance that if the NSDAP were to run a strong propaganda campaign with the help of Ford and other great men, using the slaughter of Germans by the hands of the Polish and British, they could turn American citizens against the kikes.
But again:

There wasn't really any major mistakes, they just ran out of time. There plan was nearly 100%, if they had captured Moscow and Stalingrad as planned they came very close then the Russians would not have been able to recap them. A deal would probably have been made with the rest of the Russian government.

So it wasn't poorly planned, it was just ambitious and they rolled a 5 instead of a targetted 6

I see you're new here.

l've never heard this reasoning behind the war. This actually makes a lot of sense.

Though it seems a lot of people in this thread have made it clear that he was doomed from the start for going against 3 major countries at the time.

And if he had squashed out Britain when he had the chance it would have been easier on him.

Hitler had no choice not to attack Russia. Russia could be taken when he attacked but had he waited like Stalin wanted, Russia would have greatly outproduced Germany in terms of Tanks and Planes.

Stalin wanted Hitler to not attack him, fight with his fellow Europeans, and so Stalin could take Germany (and Europe) easily with the shit he had been producing in the meantime.

Watch this video for more information OP.

The America First movement was really gutted before the 40s
Their best chance to stop the kikes was the '36 election, but Long was assassinated by one (((Carl Weiss))) and not too long after that you had some unofficial crackdowns against people like Coughlin who had huge support.

The fascist/proto-fascist movement in the US got gutted in the mid 30s by FDR and company

he was fighting all the major powers of the world at once, the US, UK, France, and USSR opposed him
Those odds aren't good and there wasn't a real way to knock the UK out of the war beyond long term u-boat starvation

He could've let the panzers smash Dunkirk but he relented believing the British would negotiate a peace.
Then he got triggered by a handful of RAF bombs on Berlin and redirected the Luftwaffe to attack London instead of airfields, thus losing the battle of Britain.
Then he got bored and decided to attack Russia when Britain was still combatant, thus ensuring a war on two fronts. He fucked that up worse by getting distracted in securing the Balkans (in case of British flank attack) and delaying Barbarossa by three months. The Russian winter did the rest.

Hitler benefited 0% out of siding with the Japs. Japs brought America into the war. I'd say his biggest mistake was that.

The US was unofficially at war with Germany well before Pearl Harbor, we were hunting U-boats all over the Atlantic

Allying with Japan, instead of nationalist Chinese
Italy was feckless in N. Africa

and Double-cross spies in GB
German codes being cracked