What kind of drinks would you serve if you owned a cinema?

What kind of drinks would you serve if you owned a cinema?

Me, I'd serve pic related.

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Mr. Pibb

none, that would not be true communism


The only acceptable answers.


collective ownership of cinemas is closer to true communism.






ok restaurants go out of business all the time, that proves nothing. it's something like 15% of new restaurants make it past the two year mark so - marxism aside it's literally a fart in the wind.

let's talk about grocery co-ops. let's talk about farming collectives. show me socialism is a bad idea by you know - actually attacking its foundations in america - the farmers and grocers.

Why don't we talk about television and movies instead?

nigga where do you think we are?

Holla Forums - political ideology



every school child knows communism is bad. what they dont teach you in school is that 98% of americas food output is produced, harvested and distributed according to socialist models. go ahead. look up " cooperative" in the google. you will find that the enemy of capitalism, the socialist farmer, lives right around the corner from you AND YOU NEVER EVEN KNEW IT

that wasn't real communism


So you ironically support capitalism?

Why am I not surprised

absolutely not. our system is so woven through with socialism today that completely eliminating it would be suicidal. I'm for socialism in areas that are important to the group more than the individual… education and healthcare for instance. i'm for capitalism when you have a great idea and want to make a shitload of money selling coffee and donuts.

So are you saying America is true communism?

no, communism is fucking retarded. farm jobs are so easy to do anyone with four limbs and half a brain can do them, those proletariat do not deserve any special dispensation for doing literal retard jobs.

however the food they produce is more important to the society as a whole than to any individual, famine is devastating. so socialism in the food production realm is obviously going to stay… as it has since the dust bowl.

bump to combat forum sliding


None, food/drink in cinemas is cancer, too noisy.

Oh yeah, I know the feeling. Just the last time I was in a movie theater watching a flick while eating popcorn I said to myself "this snack is too fucking loud"

I feel like this joke may go over the heads of some of our regulars here so I thought I should explain it. You see, when you go to the cinema nowadays to watch any movie on the big screen the entire front wall is not only a projector screen but a speaker as well. So all movies today are way too goddamned loud to the point where your fillings vibrate during the bass and your ears bleed during the treble. So that was me making a joke about the popcorn being too loud when in actual fact it is the movies which are too loud.

bump stop sliding my shit

You disappoint me, Holla Forums

emma watson's piss

I'd just serve slurpees


I'd serve wine before its time. Call me a rebel.

that meme is old and not true communism

tar-flavored soda. Finland's number one soft drink making it the number 12,590 overall

You could just drink tar like a real man.

that's probably fatal or something

If it's tar from wood, it propably would be just extremely unpleasant. I think consuming petroleum tar could give you a full-body cancer, though.

Do you want people to get violent and get stomach cancer???


It's more entertaining to have a drunk guy yell at the movie/get in a fight then watch the actual movie these days.

