Russian Orthodox Patriarch Declares Holy War

DEUS VULT, user!!!

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are you guys retarded?

Old news

Спасибо деду за победу.

spasibo dedA

Слава РОА сука

Yes we should all celebrate :^)

Бог хочет, удалить кебаб

I understand that your grandparents had no choice in that war, but defeating "Nazi Germany" isn't something to be proud of.

No, they gladly fought for their Jewish commie masters.

yep, it was like picking on a disabled kid

from 1941 Germany spent the rest of the war loosing



To be perfectly fair here, Germany were the ones that tried to invade Russia, not the other way around.

As the old saying goes, don't write checks your ass can't cash.

Yes it is. Oridinary Russians were the ones who suffered and died during that war. Do you think it was Stalin ho was bombed in Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kiev, Kursk and 100 other cities? Do you think it was Stalin who was met with German gunfire when he woke up on the early morning of June 22nd in 1941? Do you think it was Stalin who was starved in the besieged cities of Leningrad and Sevastapol? Do you think it was Stalin who died charging against German tanks without a rifle because of the shortage and had to simply wait for his friend to die to get one? Of course every Russian has a right to be proud of that, it was ordinary Russians who died in that war. No matter how you might tell yourself it was a war against Bolshevism.

Russia had been hijacked by Bolshevik Jews and, after the Romanov royal family was executed - which was Jewish revenge for the Romanovs having stopped the Congress of Vienna, and also supporting Lincoln's fight against ((central bankers)) - the country did not belong to the actual Russian people anymore. The Bolsheviks used Russia as a base to destabilize the rest of Europe with their commie kikery for two decades before WWII, and what Adolf did was closer to a liberation than it was an invasion. It's a shame the Russian peasants were too stupid to realize that they got played by kikes and now, a hundred years later, all of Europe and white people in general are facing extinction. But never mind all that, let's continue bitching about our grandfathers slaughtering each other rather than the real enemy.


Don't be a fucking sperg and send your tank divisions into the east to swallowed up by the steppes, fucking bog down in Stalingrad, insist on Moscow and completely fucking ignore logistics in the winter.

You pick a fight you had best be ready to fight to win. germany picked that fight and lost hard.

Now go LARP harder, faggot.

There's no point in talking to him Russians are subhumans human mogoloids. They can't win wars without superior Americans help.

let's do this

Yes, the Germans had nothing to do with their defeat, every other country on earth but Japan is Jewish.

You guys have to stop with that.

The two major mistake Hitler did was mainly because of pettiness and pride.

The first one was occupy France while giving Petain/Laval what had been cut after Napoleon defeat (most of the French speaking part of the Rhine valley), would have ensure proper loyalty and 100 divisions. Hell they might even been happy to trade those with German speaking parts of France if it meant getting Belgium Congo (richest colony in Africa).

Instead he fixed dozens of germans Division occupying half a country that had a gigantic production basis and population which a good part was ok with Petainism, didn't likes commies and jews, but utterly despised invaders. Which led to the unholy alliance of Communists and Nationalists and France allied back to Britain despite two major backstab (first was the UK land army running away at Dunkirke, the second was the UK Navy sinking the French Fleet by surprise, despite insurance of neutrality in Mers-el-Kebir, both those events were more than enough to break away any idea of alliance with their traditional enemy).

The second was trying to invade Russia, which is impossible.

Even if it was a preventive attack, they never should have gone too far into Russia, defeat the Russian army like they did, but at the first of exhaustion of the German Army (Autumn 1941), sue for peace with something acceptable (the Bug River as the frontier between Soviet space and German space. Which is widely, even back then considered the frontier between Russians/slavs space and german/pole space. Maybe throw in the independence of the Balts and giving back the part they took from Finland for good measure and sign a "Treaty of Tordesillas" defining what could be Axis land and communist land (as in… in all the world) for making sure this doesn't happen again.

Sure you would have had a cold war, but it's dubious since the NKVD burned everything down the soviet would have managed to keep their country, war unite people, peace doesn't.

The third Reich defeat happened mostly because terrible strategic decisions of the leadership, that could have easily been avoided, same as Napoleon in his time, same as Alexander the Great in his time…


Try harder.


My family were partisans in kiev.

Actually if it wasn't for the invasion, my family would have been very high up un ukraine since my great great grandfather was the director of transportation for ukraine and was shot when he forgot his papers one day by germans. That's my only beef with them.

Otherwise I feel hitler tried to help his people before the world destroyed germany

Guys, I don't ask many favors from Holla Forums, but I must ask this…

We seen very succesful in using memes to help Trump's candidacy. We've all seen the effect memes can have on the manifestation of real lilfe. That being said…

Could you guys please meme the 2nd crusades into a reality?

A few more decades of muslim invaders and it should happen naturally

I don't know user. We aren't dealing with the Islam of the past. Use to they just invaded by force, now they're invaded with subversion like the kikes have become notorioius for. For fuck's sake, the term "islamaphobia" was invented by a Muslim scholar as a means to turn tide the public opinion of Islam in western nations. Tariqyya is one tenant that support this.

We need to show the world the hypocrisy of Muslims and just how slimy and sneaky these fork-tongues shit-colored kikes are.

This will not be a war of swords, but a war of words.

We don’t have decades left, faggot.

Anyone Waffen SS Galizien in here?
Добровільна Дивізія СС "Галичина"?


You realize euros were as batshit as modern muslims were back in the day right?

As it stands, eastern europe will be the only one's to do anything worth a damn unless the faggot nu-male westerners get their shit together and execute meekel and expel the invaders

I should be more clear

Europeans were able to repel muslims before because we didn't have Marxism or femjnism poluuting the proles

Back then we brought the fight to them, nowadays we bring a piano to the sites they terrotism and invite them over to fuck our women after supper

I honestly think two world wars neutered western euros. East europe and USA are the only ones who can substantiallydo anything unless like ive said, those limo wrist ed faggots do something about it

Oh great.

Wait, I thought Russia invaded Poland just a little bit after Germany and if Hitler hadnt acted first the Soviets would have taken both Poland and Germany.

Same here, though the other way around with communists. Apparently my mother's side used to run a very successful brewery before the war.

And by other way around, I mean communist invasions. Not being high up with communists.

exactly, Germany would have defeated Russia in a cold war and they might have been able to secure trade with the eastern theatre and ensure Japan never got too desperate for resources(and attack pearl harbour).

Hence why Stalin would not have accepted. The US money and equipment were too good.

Wew lad there's some good history lessons in here but can't lose focus and get caught up in DnC.

How can we capitalize on this opportunity and meme it across the west?

Time for a new crusade boys that's how.

Great dubs

I dunno man

I was always shat on by my friends Irish for being a jew, and the irony was that it was only my father who was jewish (no one on my mother's side has kike in em), and they were catholics who no doubt had their foreskins taken and whatnot yet my father trying to hide his power level in soviet fucking ukraine never got circumcised. Luckily, the only reason I wasnt either was because I was born outside the states, and my mother had me baptized russian orthodox when I was 4

Actually my father was only half jewish too and when he died out of the fucking woodwork every kike deserving of the name crawled out to reach their condolences and OH BTW WHAT DO YOY MEAN YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T HAVE SEPERATE BANK ACCOUNTS WHAT A SHOAH yeah they actually loved each other and i cut ties with them all after that.

Hilarious too because that side of the family ran to Kazakhstan like kike rats all while the only people who actually fought against hitlers might were people who stood their ground, shed their blood, for their own fucking soil whose roots ran deep. Oh the irony, my great grandmother on my mothers side witnessed firsthand jews executed in kiev.

My great grandfather on my father's side was an SS officer, known to execute kikes (now mind you second instance i mention this and it kind of ties to the fact that the whole holocaust thing is overplayed. Here you have two sides of my family accounting for jews getting it bad but nowhere near the levels you'd expect would justify the horseshit the kikes have gotten away with the past few decades. Give me a fucking break.

Anywho, everyonefrom Normandy to the Urals is a brother

It's disgusting how far things have gotten but at the same time, as us norsemen, us happening fags, would we want it any other way


Ok enough of my LSD induced rant. Point


Eh, just talk…
When can I join an actual Crusade, damnit!?

and can I have a desk job i'm scared of loud noises

I get what you mean.

In all seriousness meming aside I was thinking more of a crusade/movement of europe for europeans and those who would stand to help bolster the countries rather than take advantage of it's generosity rather than a full on religious thing.

Many europeans are opposed to religion so I am not so sure it would take hold and I'm not even religious myself. realistically probably a little like the 'sons of odin' guys but less biker gang style and more organized.

And then those poor suffering russians brought communism and socialism to the whole of eastern europe and parts of germany, proving the point of the nazis.

Yet you couldn't even topple down the bolsheviks properly, just serve them relentlessly as you executed your own and others.

Gee thanks faggots. Wouldn't have been pushed back in time and development without you.

Could have kept the war to yourself and germany not bring it everywhere with you, but we know your higher ups didn't want that.




pic saved
& why not a little catharsis?




He could have done it, but definitely not the way they did it.

Germany should have come in as a liberator to states like the Ukraine, not as an oppressor. They should have turned the war in Russia itself into a civil war against Bolshevism. Rosenberg was almost alone in understanding this, but none of the other Third Reich leaders paid heed to him.

The part about France is interesting, I don't know enough about that, but the theme sounds similar to my points re the Eastern front. The Ukraine got hit particularly hard. They loved the Germans when they first came in, and soured on them almost immediately.

They worship a kike, so yes.

Oy vey Holla Forums you surely cannot appreciate that the those countries are doing some things here and there that you also support, because 70 years ago they fought against the Nazis who are apparently really popular on this website as I've been told.

If you haven't realized it yet, there's one guy doing all the Jewtin posting, and another guy doing all the anti-Polish shit. They use the same shit every time so you can tell.

They may be subhumans but they are the best subhumans.

I sence a butthurt Pole.