Obama's Howard speech to black graduates

I have a master's degree.
I watch this video as I get ready to go into a thankless job that pays 50$ a day, literally cleaning shit.

At one point, he infers to the black students that becoming an author or a new Black Panther are equally respectable.

I don't even have the right words to express how this speech makes me feel.

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If white president would said "be confident in your whiteness", he would be already considered fascist.

hey man tell me something cool about the renaissance, you got a phd in renaissance poetry, right?

Whites fought a civil war, and around the globe fought countless political battles to end black slavery. Today the vast majority of whites still want more black rights and freedoms.

Practically all blacks think whites should be their slaves. In many of their own countries they still have other blacks as slaves.

So he is a socialist

not really. the kind of globalization he and mainstream leftist are pushing right now is the kind of stuff that benefits greatly huge firms at the detriment of the people.
unless of course they want to bring about wordsocialism by making everyone's life equally shitty.

like grampa marx said.


Says the two term President of the United States of America.

maybe he could ask one of his donors, one of these times.

Doubly hilarious coming from Obama, since he's half-and-half.
How many times in the last 8 years has this turd referenced his own whiteness compared to his nignog ancestry?

but its not his fault you see, he's only the guy in charge its everyone elses fault especially rich "white" men

That's fucking rich, since as a multi-millionaire he's also one of "society's wealthiest allowing this state of affairs to occur".
Which makes him a massive hypocrite(as if it weren't apparent).

We're almost rid of that fucker.

We're so close, but there's still so much he can fuck up before he leaves.

This nigger… I swear. You know, if I were the president my goal at this point(to Holla Forums's horror I'm sure) would be to bring people together again, to unite us. We have gotten to the point where everyone fucking hates each other and all king Obango is doing is throwing fuel on the flames. It's amazing how awful he was as a president and I don't even want to think how future generations will remember him.

This speech just rustled my jimmies into a fucking cyclone of fury

What, you don't agree that black people have a natural disposition to seeing injustice? Or that middle age white men have the most minor of problems and are referred to negatively by our fucking president?

Man, just referring to it makes me mad.

He's a nigger. It's in his nature to destroy.

Future generations will see his presidency as a colossal failed experiment that left lasting damage, just like multiculturalism.

Hopefully so and this extreme liberal cult mentality ends soon.

Liberals won't change their tune until their comfortable, self-satisfied, signalling little lives are disrupted by some truly horrible inconveniences. Like millions of brown savages turning every last white majority country into a mirror of South Africa or worse. Then they'll complain that this outcome was totally unforeseen and then they'll die.

With the ubiquity of archives and technology, it's a shame we can't practice "damnatio memoriae" on Obama's presidency and just forget it every happened. Maybe say we had a nasty civil war for 8 years or something. Even if we turn this shit around, we'll always have to remember that a nigger ruled the United States for nearly a decade.

So the melting pot has failed. Welcoming minorities has failed. Reset button. Now.

Wow, I guess American education really is that shit.

who has done nothing about the problem, and in fact whose regime has doubtless made many more homeless people out of the veterans it treats so shabbily

fuck Obama, seriously.

Did you notice his shout-out to SJWS, though? Funny. Telling them to stop trying to shut down discourse with people they don't like. Oh the irony. Obungle, you created these monsters. Your racial divisiveness and fucking identity politics created them. Fuck off.

exactly, all the rich white men in the House and Senate who wouldn't let him do anything he wanted during his presidency

nothing to do with his shit politics and tyrannical personality, of course fucking not

alllll racism, de ebil white men wouldn't let him fulfill his destiny

Jesus fucking Christ, they let him get away with far too much as it is!!! I even know liberal black people who can't stand him. That is the definition of abject failure for this asshole.

Yeah, how often has he publicly remembered, referenced or thanked his white mother and white grandparents who fucking raised him after his nigger father took a powder as they always do? Sure, he loves his Muslim stepdad. But all those white people who raised him? Not a single word after he got elected. Not one word.

Even though his mother was basically a coalburning single mother Commie bitch, I feel a tiny bit sorry for her. Clearly he gives not a single shit about HER memory. It's all about his endless line of heroic black/ethnic men, most of whom were shitheels.