Yo my long time GF just left me cause she was cheating with a guy, yadda yadda

yo my long time GF just left me cause she was cheating with a guy, yadda yadda

i have her SSN and all of her personal information

what would be the best thing to do, like a couple years from now, to completely fuck her life up?

Move on, become a better person and enjoy life. That should fuck her over real good.

This. Make sure that the next time she see's you is a few months from now and when you meet, let her know how much better you are without her.
This will kill her.

i onno she's pretty heartless….

then sell her ssn in 10 years.
do what you think is right

prob what ill do.

feels bad man

I doubt you'll still hate her enough to do that in 10 years.
Selling her SSN could still be traced back too you after so long unless she doesn't know that you know it.

is it safe/okay that whenever i apply to whatever places, they are asking for my SSN? usually its only last dgts but sometimes it is a full number

Open credit cards in her name.

Assume her identity for the lulz, use >>>/baphomet/ for ideas.

This, just make sure to kill her credit

It's NOT about being mad or some other emotion… It's about the principle.

Kennedi check em

I'm writing a book where the main character buys CP using a SSN :3

well is was talking about job applications and college stuff

I don't want to sound like Dysnomia… But nice Kennedi dubs

how will that EVEN affect her?

I'm writing a book where the protagonist gives a SSN to an illegal immigrant… win-win

I was talking about myself. I was curious if it is okay and safe that whenever i apply for a job or do some college stuff, they sometimes ask for my ssn #

it's NOT fucking safe, why do you think I brought up the illegal worker?

It's dead now.

It's more likely it was "stolen" through a hax rather than a boyfriend waiting a decade to sell a single SSN. I mean, don't you bulk buy/sell SSNs? What's up with the I have 1 SSN? And if anyone asks, depending upon jurisdiction either say
if lying when accused of a crime is legal or
if lying when accused of a crime is illegal, like in the USofA.

I know this isn't maybe the easiest advice: just get over her and forget her, don't waste any more time on that bitch. Be glad you are no longer in that relationship with her.

Sorry. meant ex-boyfriend.