Why are the Jews so tied up in both socialism and capitalism? They run the banks and the big corporations...

Why are the Jews so tied up in both socialism and capitalism? They run the banks and the big corporations, but they simultaneously are promoting Cultural Marxism and Social Justice.

The great conspiracy has no ideology. They will use the Left, the Right, and the Moderates as tools to accomplish their goals, and this has the added benefit of turning their cattle against each other. The only thing they believe in is control. They want to control the entire world, and this transcends all political ideas. Stop seeing Holla Forums as the enemy. There are legitimate forms of socialism which have not been twisted by our enemies. "Cultural Marxism" is a useless word. Lefties recognize that same phenomenon, but they see it as the powers-that-be trying to control the population so that they can remain enslaved by capitalism. The Jews are only communists when it serves their greater goal. They flip-flop and become capitalists as soon as it becomes beneficial to do so. Any person who recognizes and fights the global evil that's overtaking our world is an ally.

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally doesn't exist.

Also, there are just as many whites/Aryans in banking and related industries as there are Jews.

I'm taking the bait.

Materialism is their tool. Communism and capitalism are both very materialistic. The Third Position is not.

lol they aren't the enemy, they are a bunch of redditors and SJWs who scream their dissociation with 'identity politics' only to prove that they are as anti-white and anti-tradition as any other libcuck. They are just a punching bag.

Your either new or Holla Forums

Why do people think that socialism and capitalism are some honest garbage.

Let's take socialism, do you think the jews REALLY want to make the world a better place, or it's just a means to more shekels and power.

Think of the context of socialism at the start of the 20th century, and even cultural marxism. How do they behave?

Can't you see socialism cultural marxism and capitalism are just D&C systems meant to destroy the white ingroup?

They aren't the final form of this demon.

Both are destructive, both are explorative, both are materialistic.
The difference in the end is that there is a taxation of 100% in Communism, so, their banking business can actually suck more from the society if it actually becomes a State.


Fuck off

That's it?

Eternal power struggle; eternal social revolution.

Capitalism without a privately-owned and Jew co-opted central bank is a kikes nightmare, since it restores economic franchise to the native populations which outnumber it and makes it impossible for them to thrive via usury and by manipulating core economic variables. Capitalism and socialism/communism are not an on off switch, there are varying degrees and the US has been quasi-socialized for almost a century, with disastrous results (runaway national debt, inflation, enslavement by central banks, "too big to fail", massive welfare state, etc.), having centralized control of all money and credit is one of the planks of the communist manifesto. Whenever a nations money supply is put in control of a people or an establishment they cannot control and actually used to ensure prosperity by removing it's interest burden the kikes and their globalist allies will go to any lengths to destroy that nation (Germany, Libya, Lincoln, etc.) Global communism is a central bankers wet dream, having absolute possession of everyone else's private property and having everyone on Earth except a few oligarchs reduced to serfs is their endgame, and this can just as easily be accomplished in the quasi-socialist crony capitalist economies of modern America and Europe as with full blown communism. Pic related.

'Fuck off, commie'

Funny that it doesn't exist, when there's a section on Marxist.org that talks about it.
That "critique" of orthodox Marxism was the teasing apart of the Marxian model of history (Materialist Dialectic) and switch of focus to social or cultural aspects as a reason for the continued existence of capitalism despite all the claims of socialists that it would collapse. It became a Marxist interpretation of culture, or Cultural Marxism as it's widely known.
I suspect the reason you deny it's existence is because in the context of Holla Forums it carries a negative connotation, and especially because evil "conspiracy theorist" right wingers are never allowed to discuss left wing political theory, only leftists and progressives are allowed that illuminating initiation,

Commies do this shit all the time. My question would be, do they think we don't know their theories or don't they know their own theories?

Because the one economic system they don't have power over, never have had power over, and never will have power over, is fascism (see: Mussolini and Hitler) which promotes the working class as a great member of the state yet doesn't shy away from corporatism that is solely for the benfit of the state - they eschew non-nationally run banks and it literally Jews the Jew.

The Frankfurt School =/= "cultural Marxism"

If you bothered to read the Franks, you'd see that they were promoting nothing akin to what Holla Forums likes to claim.


GO BACK TO Holla Forums


It's a tactic employed by the Jews to control the narrative of the subject known as Hegelian Dialectic. Basically, control both sides or positions and create mindless/counterproductive bickering to distract what is really going on behind the scenes.

One of the best examples of this is Congress, which is why ain't jack shit has been gettin' done for the past 50 or so years. Divide the base, control both sides, and have them fight.

Demoshits and Cuckservatives have kikes in both of their secret clubs–but it so happens to be more prevalent in the democratic side because it appeals to their agenda more. This is also why people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney would rather support Hillary rather than Trump.

Enter the third option, the destruction of the Hegelian Dialect. A new option answering both the problems that push aside both sides to actually get shit done. This is why cuckservatives prefer Hillary. They're on the same side, just different facades to make it seem like they're different. When an alternative is promised, they will do everything in their power to make sure that the third option doesn't gain power because it rallies peoples' awakening to the false idea of two different sides, exposing the kikery. This is also why Hitler was so lividly hated by both Soviet and American kikes–it destroyed the lively debate within the small narrative by proposing a third option, rejecting both materialistic capitalism and corrupt communism, promoting the welfare of the people instead.

This is why jews are both capitalistic and communistic/marxist, both pretend to dislike each other but in reality work behind the shadows for an ulterior agenda.

GO BACK TO Holla Forums

Your interpretation of Hegelian Dialectics is weak.

It works as the following:

Thesis: An original proclamation or idea.

Antithesis: An idea born to directly oppose the original

Synthesis: An idea mixing the common, good elements of both and eliminating the flaws in each.

Weak or not, my point still stands. A Third option breaks the narrative, i.e. Hitler/Mussolini, that the kikes try so hard to create and control.

Yes, I agree. Highlighted in my post here:

anyone bumping this thread is a shill

Both Capitalism and Socialism are ways of organizing hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people into a single type of social and economic structure that is intelligible and controllable to the elites in charge. The Jews like this because any social structures which try to include such a large number of people must put a large emphasis on the "virtue" of diversity, and this allows room for the Jews to slip in and insist that it was 100% irrational bigotry that made people dislike them before.

I do have some sympathy for critics of capitalism, but I think they misidentify the true source of the problem in pointing to private ownership of the means of production rather than the increasing role in regulating human life by large bureaucratic organizations which place a huge emphasis on "diversity" and "acceptance" solely because appealing to such a large number of constituents requires suppressing any aspects of local culture that might alienate some people.

Adorno literally said Hegelian dialectics lead to fash but okay.

So you admit that jews are over represented by 20x in banking and by simple ingroup preference (which is drilled into them from birth) they can sieze majority control over any institution they are part of plus blacklist anyone who resists their influence.

You make this so easy. It's like you're already on our side.

says the guy who has contributed (5) replies all of which are accusing others of being shills without contributing anything

Adorno literally said the enlightenment lead to the holocaust.
Adorno literally said jazz music was a tool of the capitalists to prepare workers for life in the factories.
Adorno said a lot of things.

I agree with you that the problem is larger than capitalism, but I still am against capitalism. It's just one aspect of a much larger conspiracy, and those same conspirators use socialism for the same purpose. Capitalism and socialism are (by themselves) just ideas. Albeit bad ones, they're still just ideas. The Jews twist them both into tools for controlling people, and because of that I'm opposed to both "capitalism" and "communism" because both of those things are simply the two sides of an artificial dichotomy created to control people. There's a third option which I think its our job to propagate. But not only is there a third option, there's a whole world of options which can be explored if the world is freed from this false dichotomy that stifles all political change.

Look volks its simple. They are a people without land. They will do literally anything to survive and dominate those who consider them outsiders. They are for whatever lets them blend in and thrive. It's an inbred slipperiness and opportunistic nature. Just go try to talk to one about open boarders for Israel.

They support whatever makes them feel safe or gives them advantage. It's pretty human but their identity as eternal outsiders exacerbates it.

If that is melting pot politics great. If that is destroying Christianity with marxism, great. If that is capitalism that lets them do whatever: great.

You keep looking for consistancy. There is none. They are not trying to be genuine. They're playing survival games. Also they're bitter fuckers about being outsiders while simultaneously being arrogant pricks about it.

This is no different psychologically from the weird kid that feel like an outsider who then grows up to be a disingenuous asshole.

I agree with you; the third option is the best option.

I tried to outline my ideal third option society to my girlfriend and she literally would have none of it, trying to convince me that it was either right-wing or left-wing.


I think it's because they see themselves as intellectuals who can't be wrong, so the only reason someone would disagree would be because they are ignorant or suffer from false consciousness.

Except that their Marxist rhetoric and meta narrative carried directly over to the student radicals of the 60's (and the 68ers in yurop) and was fused with petite bourgeois ideas, namely female, racial and sexual emancipation of the masses from capitalist (or Western, or whatever name commies have cooked up this current year) exploitation. It's a pretty straight forward descent of ideas, starting with the Frankfurt School, which creates Critical Theory, which spread through academia within sub disciplines (critical race theory, gender and queer theory, radical feminism, post colonialism, etc) and exists now as discourse about kyriarchy and intersectional power.

Could you outline your ideal third option society for us?

They finally got their land and nothing changed?

Cosmopolitans will be cosmopolitans. Stalin was right when he planned his programm for them. Shame he died before putting it into action.

Hardly. If you mean Herbert Marcuse, then yes he was a bit of a pop philosopher during that time. But if you're speaking about "the Frankfurt School" as some unified entity, then the answer is no.

Most of their works weren't even published in English until the late 60s, far too late to have been an influence on the youth movements. Oh hell, Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks weren't even translated into English until 1975.

Not to mention, Adorno died of a heart attack that was arguably brought on by dealing with student protesters. He called the pigs on unruly students more than a handful of times.

Name me a single Frankfurt School text which deals with feminism or tumblr-esque anti-racism.

Then your real enemy would be postmodernism (specifically deconstruction), not the Franks.

OP asks a question like that and has a red pill avatar? You need to read more there junior.

Why do Jews like money and enslaving people? Fucking really?

"They run"… sometimes, to some extend, if it is necessary to serve some purpose. Monitor this, make sure some decision is made. It's OWNERSHIP, that matters.

Just as soon as you stop swallowing semen from the dick that comes out of your bitch ass.

hahahahaha. That must be why you told us all about them. You're a fucking idiot. Legitimate according to… ?

hahahaha you poor, stupid, backwards bitch. Capitalism has liberated more people in human history than anything else.

And twice on Sundays.

Little nigger, you don't know fucking ANYTHING. You've been nowhere and you've done dick all.

I found a boyfriend for you.

When you write some shit like that… that's a witty contribution to you, is it? That fart in your head you're calling a thought was something to add? I'm sure further down in the posts someone tells you how you're like a fucking nigger with that. This faggot literally with; hey guize, last time I went in a bank there was a black teller and an Indian woman and only one guy I thought was Jewish.

Banking and related industries… hmm and what would those be? You spent more time finding your faggot Commie imagine than you did writing anything.

I'll speak to your mother about raising your allowance, poor fag.

Yeah this thread is trash. Maybe next time you dick sucks read a follow up book. Buying into some bullshit your grandparents and great grandparents burned. You faggots some seriously stupid nigger level trash.


Because they are ethno-nationalist with extreme in-group preference. Basically, they all want jews to be the top of the pecking order but they disagree amongst themselves about the best way to achieve this. It turns out that this is even more beneficial: as the left jews destroy society the bankers can profit from raping its corpse.

I'm gonna enjoy watching you line up for the gas chambers, shivering and cold.

Jews are not inherently communistic or capitalistic. They simply use the best methods they have in a given place.
Russia was ripe for a violent communist revolution. In developed places like the US such revolution was unnecessary (or even would've been far too destructive for its purposes) so they instead used mass media to slowly creep into peoples' minds peacefully.

Who were his fucking students! The part that maybe killed him, was that one of his favorite students tried to occupy his lecture hall at one point.
Are you telling me he had no influence on this shit at all? Seems to me they just took things a bit farther than he did and he lost control.
Yeah, on that part he probably was not guilty.
If I remember correctly there even was an essay in minimia moralia about how the modern husband has lost his authority/pride as a husband.

back to leftycuck pls

commies, not just "jews" are "up in" our only partially capitalist governments for the purpose of subverting them and making them more socialist.


There's literally nothing wrong with socialism.

Communism, on the other hand, is the ultimate culmination of what the jews want for society - an incredibly inefficient and cruel society that torments the goyim and allows an upper class of jews to live lives of luxury and indolence, free to inflict whatever they desire on their cattle.

Socialism, however, is something that any good nation should support. Certain aspects of life absolutely should be subsidized by the state - having white children should be something that the government encourages rather than punishes, and even the most unskilled labour deserves a shot at a decent education or work from the government (welfare should always be accompanied by either a requirement to actively look for work or accept a government job).

If you want to talk about how Hitler and the National Socialists were pussy left-wingers then go ahead, but there is a valid place for socialism in a white ethnostate (don't take anything I've said as an endorsement of the spic-nig cycle/paying for obese black women to have more babies).


That's not what communism is at all…

That's what communism has been in every nation that tried it and had jews in it. What the fuck do you think the USSR was? Or the Bavarian Socialist Republic (lol)? Ever notice the ridiculous over-representation of jews in the government of communist china?

I had no idea Mao Zedong and Pol Pot were Jews. Nor did I know the CNT-FAI was littered with Jews.

No, just because the kike Adorno criticized enlightenment like fascists or other reactionaries do doesn't mean he is off the hook. Deconstruction is in the same vein as Critical Theory- the point is to subject Western normative traditions to relentless scrutiny to prevent another shoah. This is the entire problem with kikes- they will try to game the goy from both sides.
Yes, Marcuse, the "Grandfather to the New Left". He WAS a pop philosopher, which is why useful idiots found their way to his ideas. And the "Frankfurt School" isn't a unified philosophy, that's the entire point of a school of thought or umbrella term like "Cultural Marxism". There's often dissident and even right wing voices within these circles, but their ideas lend themselves well to the Left on campus.
Which is what happens when you radicalize a group of useful idiots, they start shitting things up and then they turn on you. If you want a vanguard for the coming revolution don't be surprised when they start acting like revolutionaries.

Also forgot to point out
The Authoritarian Personality, it's like the bedrock for anti-racist tumblr bullshit.

The Authoritarian Personality is hardly a good representation of Adorno's thought. He only wrote three essays, and the bulk of the 900-page book was written by Levinson who had no connection to the FS.

Just how dumb are you?

Stalin wasn't jewish, but the upper echelons of the USSR government were almost exclusively jewish. Mao wasn't jewish, but look at some of the other important figures in China - does Robert Kuhn sound like a true descendant of the Middle Kingdom to you?

And I honestly don't know about the Khmer Rouge and what happened there, but notice that I also said "had jews in it".

There's no one single giant Jewish conspiracy. Jews just have a nature that makes them inherently against everything that White Christians are supposed to stand for. As a result, there are multiple smaller Jewish conspiracies that all work against the West independently of one another, in addition to some just plain psychopathic kikes in positions of power who aren't associated with any conspiracies but just fuck everyone over in the pursuit of their own personal desires. I mean, consider this: Janet Yellen probably doesn't have any connection to the Hasidic ghetto down the street. Yet even as this wealthy bankster is swindling goyim worldwide, those poor Hasids are harassing and spitting on any goyim who walk too close to their shitty neighborhood. There's no connection; it's just their nature to be that way regardless of their economic status or political views or anything else.

Yeah, only three essays and took credit for the F-scale which was a pretty big part of it. Totally not that important tho!
And you asked for a Frankfurt School text, not just something from Adorno.

well said

To be fair, "Year Zero" seems pretty close to how Hasidic Jews envision the Messianic Era; there is no continuity between the new era and the rest of human history.

Jews will themselves to power. Like it or not, we got the faggot version of the Torah meant for slaves.

Hegelian dialectic attempts synthesis, but no synthesis has ever been the result of a natural, organic process. Whenever the dialectic is introduced, the so-called synthesis is the predetermined outcome, the thesis and antithesis are constructed for the purpose of (mis)leading others to a conclusion. If given the choice between Fascism or Communism, for example, what is the third option? So it's Fascism vs. Capitalism on the one side, Communism vs. Capitalism on the other side, what is the synthesis of both sides? Hegelian dialectics in politics always leads to errant circular reasoning.

Everything rests upon a sense of satisfaction, people want to believe that what they're doing is important, and so it is in the academic world; how great is this or that teacher, how inspiring is this or that book, and so forth. It's the promise of a better life. It's what every cult does in every religion, it's the great embarrassment of humanity, it's the sin of vanity.

Deconstruction and postmodernism come from an entirely different context than the Critical Theory of the Franks. The closest Deconstruction has to Frankfurt School CT would be early essays by Walter Benjamin on language which he wrote before he became a Marxist or affiliated with the FS.

lol. You have to be kidding me if you think PoMo is looking to promote any kind of moralism. In France, it was antihumanist and amoral. It was only when American academics took a hold of it when it became all about checking privilege.


Fuck off SJW, go back to your hugbox already

Jews are a tiny minority you dumb leftist. For them to have equal numbers to the majority means that they have a massively disproportionate share of the financial sector.


So why put the blame entirely on Jews?

Because capitalism and socialism are in truth the same worldview.


If materialism is their tool, why do they promote anti-materialism such as churches? Do you really think churches are immune or against them (in effect, not just word)?

Why is anti-objectivity, anti-rationality, and anti-science being promoted in modern forms of the "Archaic Revival" that started in the 60s/70s? Now it's subjectivism mixed with a bit of QM anti-determinism (to synthesize 100% pure freewill).

Why do the materialists keep pushing the woowoo? Because it fucking works in disarming you against them. If you believe a not only false but a warm & fuzzy model of reality which selectively adheres to reality and new information (depending on how far one's reading/interpretation can be stretched), you have a weakness relative to the man who understands the universe is wholly subordinate to the peculiarities temporal progression (laws of physics). The first man believes one can influence, but cannot come close to engineering the thoughts and reactions in human minds. The second man understands you can, and does it to you so you remain blind.

to the peculiarities of its temporal progression (laws of physics).


Look up postmodernism.

Reducto-ad-absurdum is classic to jew thinking. It's how they avoid the absurdities of their archaic and backwards torah. In short: go snip some baby dicks rabbi

There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Israel is the only National Socialist state in the world. Jews do whatever is most effective to getting their way.

Or just don’t post instead.


Jews are smarter than whiteys


Note that the only thing they don't promote is nationalism or traditionalism.

Because they're both Jewish.

It’s obviously your first day on the job.

The banking Jews promote Socialism and Communism because those systems make them stronger, not weaker. There always has to be someone to distribute the goods. When Stalin abolished the banks, those Jewish banking bureaucrats stood up, walked across the street, and sat down at their new desks in the Department of Who Gets Bread Today, and kept right on doing what they were doing before, but moreso. THIS WAS LITERALLY THE PLAN ALL ALONG.

Capitalism doesn't currently exist.
Socialism only currently exists in a few rare cases like Best Korea.
Economically almost all countries on earth are various degrees of fascism with different political systems (democratic, monarchy, dictatorship, etc).

I am just talking in the economic sense, proper fascism usually has a dictator or similar omnipotent state.

The only proper form of socialism is Communism since socialism is the collective/state ownership and control of the means of production, the only proper form of capitalism the free market since capitalism is defined as the private ownership and control of the means of production. In the middle is varying degrees of private ownership with collective/state control (usually done through things like regulation) which is fascism.

I am of course greatly simplifying this but you get the idea.

Watch this documentary "The Money Masters" OP

You'll have to explain where I used reducto.

The Principle of Polarity

Let us take a radical and extreme example–that of "Love and Hate," two mental states apparently totally different. And yet there are degrees of Hate and degrees of Love, and a middle point in which we use the terms "Like or Dislike," which shade into each other so gradually that sometimes we are at a loss to know whether we "like" or "dislike" or "neither." And all are simply degrees of the same thing, as you will see if you will but think a moment. And, more than this (and considered of more importance by the Hermetists), it is possible to change the vibrations of Hate to the vibrations of Love, in one's own mind, and in the minds of others. Many of you, who read these lines, have had personal experiences of the involuntary rapid transition from Love to Hate, and the reverse, in your own case and that of others. And you will therefore realize the possibility of this being accomplished by the use of the Will, by means of the Hermetic formulas. "Good and Evil" are but the poles of the same thing, and the Hermetist understands the art of transmuting Evil into Good, by means of an application of the Principle of Polarity. In short, the "Art of Polarization" becomes a phase of "Mental Alchemy" known and practiced by the ancient and modern Hermetic Masters. An understanding of the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as that of others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art.

The Principle of Rhythm
hey have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. In this and similar methods, consist the Art of the Hermetists. The Master of Hermetics polarizes himself at the point at which he desires to rest, and then neutralizes the Rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would tend to carry him to the other pole. All individuals who have attained any degree of Self-Mastery do this to a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but the Master does this consciously, and by the use of his Will, and attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum. This Principle and that of Polarity have been closely studied by the Hermetists, and the methods of counteracting, neutralizing, and USING them form an important part of the Hermetic Mental Alchemy.

Jews are above the construct of duality, they know how to subvert it.


Marxism is a subset of liberalism. They are the same worldview. They differ on only very minor details.


Marxism is a response to the failures of liberalism and the bourgeois revolutions.

Communists and liberals have the same end goals. Global peace, end of suffering, social justice, etc. They have the exact same motivations and ends. They only disagree on the best way to get to the end goal. The worldviews, what they believe to be the purpose of life, are identical.

It is this worldview that is Jewish, and it is why Jews are the driving force in both. In essence, it is a feminine worldview, and Jews are a feminine people.

Care to explain this position more in-depth? What makes it a "Jew view"?

fucking 10/10 post user


Because they will make money either way

Your daddy fag rhetoric is plain embarassing

Now that's an oven worthy combination

He's an autistic shit, but the video (which he didn't write himself) is 100% accurate.

Source: have studied the Franks.

Marxism has contributed to oppression identity politics, the Frankfurt School is irrelevant – just a nifty label for something observable to anyone. You could even "prove" that the Frankfurt School, in fact, never existed. It would not change the fact that Marxist toolsets are behind what you claim to hate.

No. Postmodernism is behind IDpol.

It is hedonistic and feminine, which is Jewish. Aryan worldview is austere and masculine.

It's been a slow boil and your bearded NEET philosopher Marx lit the pot. Tear the posters off your wall.

I assumed you were going to answer by saying communism is just the concept of tikkun olam from the Lurianic kabbalah applied to politics/economics.

Actually, the philosopher to blame for postmodernism is not Marx but Heidegger, someone who, if alive today, would probably spend his time talking about Being right on this board.

Also PoMo is very anti-Marxist.

Capitalism is as well.