'The Next Hungary:' New Croatian Government Rings Alarm Bells in Germany


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Source: m.sputniknews.com/europe/20160503/1039019268/croatia-nationalism-new-government.html

"Political path divergent from that prescribed by the EU"

First of all, fuck the EU. Second of all, why the fuck should the EU be "prescribing a political path" for sovereign nations. The idea that European nations have sovereignty under the EU is a joke

What makes it even more of a joke is that the current party in power in Croatia isn't even "right wing", they are slightly better than cuckservative at best

While a typical German paper probably considers any government that believes in border control and not displacing your own population as "radical right-wing Nazis", Orban has really distinguished himself with keeping the Hungarian people free from shitskins so any new government drawing comparisons to his is a reason for optimism and promise.

I'm a burger so I don't know shit about Croatian politics, but hopefully they will model themselves after Hungary and Poland and even construct a border wall too.

These days anyone who doesn't offer his wife to niggers is a neonazi, goy.
In regards to the OP, the Spiegel like all leftist newspapers is losing tons of money and recently led quite a big chunk of their employees go.

Source? That would make me very happy

As a crocuck I can only say those news are retarded and let me elaborate.
Our prime minister is a jewish puppet and our president is part of transatlantic agreement and worked for NATO for years. They are selling our crops to Monsanto as we speak, and our natural resources as water to saudis and turks. Our so called "nationalist" government is supporting Erdogan for some fucking reason and are forgetting our history of fighting the turks that changed the bosnian and serbian genetics entirely.
We burned all bridges with Russia so I can understand that sputnik or russian news are negative towards us, but we are far from being Hungary. HDZ or the self called nationalists are just pretending to be nationalists so they can sway the rightwing masses. The catholic church with them is also the ones controlling our useful idiots, which we have plenty, be it liberals or rightwingers who are retarded, nothing like you'd ever see.
Our government is falling apart cause the ruling majority was made in pact with smaller parties and they haven't hold their end of the bargain or paid them enough.
I assure you, no croat government is anything similar to hungary or nationalist


Is there any hope for our country? What's the deal with Hasanbegovic anyway, is he actually red pilled?

t. Croat in Canada (PM tier)

How and why? Can you elaborate on that?


Erdogan was in Croatia like 1.5 weeks ago, without consent of Croatian people or anybody inside our government/vote our president and few HDZ ("right wing party") which are from the ruling party supported Turkeys integration into EU and are to advise them how to enter. Also the cockroach squad brought hundreds of "investors" to buy our lands, waters under the guise of investment and cooperation, can't be assed to find the news and translate

No hope, everything is bipolar in our country, you either have left or right, when neither of them is left or right. Nobody is a nationalist, all they care about is money and stupid fucks here believe their lies. Every industry that was built during socialism has never been touched by civil war, but was destroyed entirely by neglect and theft after our "independence"
Hasanbegovic is an idiot, he gloats he's a nationalist but he's actually a uneducated retard who admires NDH or our quesling government during ww2. We are slavs, hitler would never accept us and the ndh officials sold the croatian people for their personal gain, it's nothing nationalist or to be proud of, that's why I get mad when somebody mentions ustase as a good example of nationalists
There are good nationalists, but nobody from our government is a good nationalist, only pretenders who steal, get a big pension, drive new cars every mandate and shit on people

Well thanks for destroying any semblance of hope I had for our county. Fuck me

Fuck the EU

well you have to thank the emmigration from canada, south america and australia coming here in the 80s for shitting the country, most of croatians who went to those places are connected to NDH soldiers, officials or supporters of said system

also to add to myself, our military, aviation to be precise bought from the so called "nationalist" Ukraine army few planes (can't recall which model, obviously russian made cause we have older aviation). Our retarded officials went out of their way to buy from them even tho the planes were untested, unchecked or visually confirmed. What arrived was bunch of pieces assembled from the ex ussr countries, not to mention not fit for nato standard. Planes were destroyed cause we couldn't do shit with them and nothing happened with our relationship with ukraine.

That whole situation was fucking retarded

Jebeš ovu govnarsku državu, Zvonimir je zajebal kad je rekel da hiljadu let nemo imali svog vladara, ovak kak smo nesposobni nemo imali svog vladara bar sledećih dvajsthiljad let.

a sovereign nation being sovereign?
they won't bow to the almighty EU?
oy vey! whatever will we do!?

cijela naša povijest se sastoji od toga da smo prodane guzice, meni je smiješno i licemjerno kako danas 70 godina poslije drugog svj. rata oni još uvijek seru po partizanima i ustašama, seru po domovinskom ratu i gdje si bio 91, te po svemu srpskom, ali nedo bog da se sjete reći nešto protiv turaka protiv kojih smo se stoljećima borili i prodali našu slobodu austro-ugarima.
Očigledno nitko nezna našu povijest što je tužno, a zvati se Hrvatom danas sa ovim moronima je tuga i sram jer moram dijeliti državnost kao i oni. Barem bi prokletstvo trebalo prestati vrijediti 2089

A kak ne bi neko odjebal z ove govnarske države kad se još navek dela zbrka s Ustašama i Partizanima? A jebiga, kraj prokletstva nem doživel, al bar se nadam da ga buju moja deca i unučad doživeli. Iste, ovde od kud sam ja pune ljudi se još uvek seća da je ćud Turčina ista ko ćud Židova - cvili v boli dok te vudri, al normalno da naše "elite" jedino zanima kak buju vkrali čim više od hrvatskog naroda.

neznam iskreno što učiniti po tom pitanju, svugdje je sranje i vladaju idioti koji rade po tuđem diktatu, s jedne strane dok si vani te ne diraju ti problemi jer nije tvoja zemlja, ali u Hrvatskoj to vidjeti, slušati te čudne naglaske na televiziji i od te samoprozvane elite, to boli, boli to u što se Hrvatska pretvorila s našom bogatom poviješću i potencijalom, u što smo se pretvorili i to što ljudi vjeruju u sranja i mlate iz šupljeg u prazno čekajući da dođe sljedeći dan, Sve je jasno, nema pretjeranog smisla diskutirati, već samo preživjeti i odgojiti djecu da ispadnu kak spada da odjebu iz ove banana države

Jedine se more ove kaj veliš da odgojiš svoju decu da buju kak spada. Il to il ustanak.
Ja osobno živim v nekom selu Bogu iza nogu, ne gledam TV, pokušavam bit čim više neovisen o društvu (većinu hrane koju jem sem sam uzgojil), izoliram se od bilo čeg većeg od mog sela, al i sam znam da to ne bu niš popravilo. Stvarne smo proklet narod, dokazali smo kolko već put v povesti, a i sad da moremo i bolše nek kaj se treba, al ak nam nema ko govoriti izvana kome nije v interesu nas baš potpuno razjebat kak nekaj postići onda ko da se znamo same valjami v vlastitim govnima.

That's what it reads like. What's the problem?

Wish we had redpilled news outlet here.

inb4 dnevno.hr

dnevno.hr sometimes has "ok" news, they were the one of the first to shit on our new prime minister, but most of the time it's just church propaganda and attacking the serbs which is just idiotic. Index has shitload of libturd columnists and translates daily mail sometimes, jutarnji and EPH related news outlets are all daily mail copiers

Good job, boys. 👍 from your old allies in Bulgaria.

Arrival of Giant Robo…

Do you know who owns our outlets? I've tried to figure out net.hr some time ago but it ended up in Czech republic.

I think our major ones are owned by Austrian Jews, don't know about the rest.

We should start our own news outlet bro.

First article: "(((Who))) owns Croatian newspapers?"

>over half of my family has mostly unmolested Croatian blood

at least the rest of my bloodline is Polish

Correction: Anybody who doesn't happily offer to prep his wife's "bull" without being asked is now a "Neo-Nazi".

Sadly, that's not the case. What Orbán says and what he does is two different things. He let these fuckers in, and we already have refugee camps in cities like Körmend or Békéscsaba. Körmend's mayor even dared to tell girls how to dress to do not "provoke" the "migrants". pic related, and no, they are not gypsies.

Why the fuck does Orban let in those cunts?

Forgot to mention that they can leave the camps and roam freely. Bonus picture of a poor "migrant" nigger with a nice baggage as he arrives the city.

He is just like any other politician, slimy, spineless puppet.



Their prime minister is some dipshit literally nobody voted for, they brought him in from abroad after the elections wore finished. They don't have the political or financial strength to stand up to the EU, if they get out of line they will get bitch slapped into submission

For fucks sake I thought Hungary atleast stood up against the bullshit.

This is depressing. Do people buy his bullshit? Surely it must be obvious he is full of shit if he is bringing in rapefugees while saying he won't?

why do croatians look like mexicans?

Croatia and the states were all strong under yugo, the only failing that Tito didnt account for dying before he had time to set up a peaceful partitioning of the bloc into its respective smaller states.

Whats it like, in Croatia? Do they really teach their young to spit on and act violently against serbs and bosniks? I want those days back when I could call you all my brothers .-.

Of course some are still going to come into the major cities. It's Hungarians job to keep pressure on Orban and get him to live up to his promises. Never give these fuckers any slack, because they're lazy shiftless good for nothings.

I don't want to open a new thread for this so I'll just ask here

Is it normal that some dalmatians are pretty swarthy? Like really swarthy?

Why do you D&C shill?


They should leave the EU together in a triplet and form an alliance. [nothing like the EU with overreaching power]

I dont get this either, how is it that this lie is repeated so commonly and not even looked into at all? Some of the spastics here vehemently ignore such genocides and the like. How can they glorify the croats, when a large portion of our partisans were croatian, who drove out the fucking nazis?

Could you elaborate a bit more on that?

Not before I get a serious answer

fuck off shill.

Not Holla Forums-related so get cancer in your testicles and fuck off.

You haven't seen dalmatian women.
Imagine a spanish but actually hot.

And what the hell am I shilling for?

How is this not Holla Forums related?

shilling for the destruction of quality on Holla Forums by shitposting with irrelevant shit that can be taken to Holla Forums
But I'm sure JIDF don't pay you for shitposting on that board

Yes, I look like I took a bath in shit. When summer comes i get a really nice tan.

T. Dalmatian

Nah, that isn't the thing anymore. You can still spot misbehaving degenerates here and there but I rarely ever hear such cases.

Life ain't good for the working people.
Pay is shit, taxes high, utilities cost more and more, over-regulation is everywhere (as it is casual with EU), unemployment and debt in constant growth.

The saddest thing is that we consider ourselves the west and thus tend to afford ourselves this lifestyle.

It wasn't meant for us.

is there a general outcry to reunite in some form with the rest of the Balkans? If not among the middle aged and older, at least in the young?


Quality on Holla Forums? Are you serious? I'm not that often here but even I can tell this place is a mess.

Pissbabies like you are a problem for example that immediately spout their buzzwords as soon as they see something they don't like.

Not sure if you're serious. My family is from dalmatia and I look also pretty swarthy, even among my fellow croats.

And there is also the turkrapebaby joke but if that were the case serbs and bosnians should be darker because the Ottomans were occupying them longer no?


You'll often hear "such things wouldn't happen in Yugoslavia" sentiment, but it doesn't go beyond that.

I do not talk with the youth a lot, but even if there was such an opinion it wouldn't go beyond that.

We might be similar, but anything except merely tolerating and trading with the other is out of the question. There is too much bad blood left by the former regime and the war so the situation is pretty good considering all of that.

With Catholic Croats, Orthodox Serbs and even more complex Bosnians you can't expect better. Not after the last century.

Looks that way.


Nice mental gymnastics friend

Kako? Zivim u nemacku, moj hrvatski je sranje.

Oy vey, remember the 700,000,000

I hope theres at least some knowledge of the western and EU backed prodding and shoving to the war at least.

Id figured that, in time, the youth would be the ones to move past the bad blood after looking in at the shitty situation and looking out for brothers but if your words are true then we are doomed.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions

I don't think anyone wants that.
The only way to unite the Balkans would be to conquer them.


Nuke everyone below 98.

Nice google translate.
I'll say this in English to save you the time of trying to translate it.
You're clearly not Croatian. No Croatian would make that mistake, not even if you were born in Germany. If you spoke the language at all, you'd know how to put it into the locative case correctly.
So you've ousted yourself as a liar. Keep going. This is fun. I want to watch you try hard to D&C

You're one paranoid retard. If I was using a translator I would have written njemacka with a j.

There is problem of tan loving and gypsie/arabs that have been on croatian soil for a long time.
The composition of Croatian halprogroups is:

So basically last two give that lower IQ and darker skin color look. Which is a small minority. Which is why you added "some".

The Croatian youth will be globalist-oriented and westernized, they are all programmed to escape the country and work abroad.

I am not particularly worried about our allies because we as people have mixed values and no direction.

I think we are the most recent country to join EU (2013). Were EU to collapse just after we adapted to their standards at our great expense, it would be the perfect demonstration of our tragic nature.

*češe muda*

So I guess these are concentratd a bit more in dalmatia?

Well yes. Personally I only know maybe a dozen people who look like that.

Even if that was true, it would only further the point that you're not Croatian, seeming that Ekavian is spoken mostly in Serbia, with the exception of some small farming towns near the border.
So perhaps you're just Serb diaspora here trying to bring down a thread about Croats because your dad told you some war stories one time.

Thank fuck for filters.
Bok, nadam se da nikad neces postati ovdje

mi smo bili kraljevi i sranje

Are you dyslexic? I don't even fucking know what Ekavian is

*popije litru rakije*
*jebe njemačke turistkinje*
*pušta Thompsona na radiju*
*složi si Cedevitu*
*pita ljude na cesti gdje su bili '91.*

Ekavian is also a characteristic of Kajkavian.
t. Kajkavec

They literally were just put there last week about 30 of them.These are the ones that climb in and the police catch them.They will get deported like all the others but they must go to court case by case because some fucked up eu laws.
Anyway, the media is all over anything the migrants do is reported everywhere.




Orbán is not a new phenomenon, he's been around for decades and lost his credibility a long time ago. His studies was also funded by soros. From kikepedia:


what the fuck, why am i going to be 6-7 years with a PPE MA but this asshole gets daddy soros to give him money and get a free fucking ride


Very good. Slovenia joins too and we will make a V6

Dalmacija guy here. I'm not swarthy at all, but know guys who are (coal black hair and olive skin).

This has nothing to do with Turks. People who look like that have a lot of Illyrian blood in them, meaning that they were in these parts before the Migration Period. They belong to the same group as Albanians, but without the bullshit.

You fail to understand that the Turk admixture thing is meaningless or really, really tiny. In Dalmatia especially we're a mix of Roman (as in Roman Empire), Illyrian, Slav and who ever came down here from the north or sailed up from the south. Two of my friends for instance look 100% German or Scandinavian, but their surnames and families have been in these parts (my town and so on) for hundreds of years. This is neither strange nor exceptional. We don't fragment ourselves along those lines and nobody even notices these differences in appearance since they've existed since ancient times. Naturally older people usually can tell from which village or microregion you're from because of your look, but they can also recognize you come from this or that family even if they never saw you before because you have the family look.

It's really difficult to accurately explain these things. They're organic and come natural, but when you try to explain them they seem like a clusterfuck of rules and notions when the exact opposite is the case.

1) Hasanbegović doesn't admire NDH, he just doesn't admire the communists either, which basically makes him a neo-nazi in the eyes of the retarded partisan spawn that makes up a good chunk of the Croatian public. That and he's cutting government funding for their various NGO cancers, like that Italian newspaper that almost nobody reads, which exists solely to fill that pigeon eating faggot Radin's pockets and to shit on Croats in a minority language. Hasanbegović has literally done nothing wrong so far. If you are butthurt about him, you are simply an enemy of Croatia and you belong in a concentration camp/oven/ditch. There's no way around that.

2) Slavic unity is an idiotic concept, because it would inevitably lead to smaller Slavic groups being swallowed up by Serbia and Russia. Most people figured this out over a century ago. It only seems to be Croatian fifth columnists that still don't understand, or pretend to not understand, this obvious fact.

I was just wondering. No one ever said anything about it and all the other croats I've spoken to, in germany and croatia, regarded it as completely normal.

I've read about the migration and the original balkan population who got slavicized and such but I didn't really found a clear answer specifically for dalmatia.

The thing is Balkan history as a whole is extremely complicated. And more often than not utterly boring and without international significance. And in this case there are no rules - a village next to my town might have more darker people than lighter ones, and you will find yourself much further south in villages brimming with apparent Thors and Freyas. While geography certainly plays a role (and Dalmatia and Croatia as a whole are extremely diverse in this regard) the south = darker and north = lighter equation has no truth to it. And both the swarthier ones and the blondes have lived side by side since antiquity and both consider themselves as and are Croats.

They're just mad about their beloved Yugoslavia being shattered to pieces, never to be reassembled. I have neighbors like that. Old fart mixed marriage couple that throws temper tantrums at the mere sight of the Croatian flag.

tip top kek

Half the pictures in the video aren't even from Croatia.

This. And this is not even scrapping the top of the barrel full of shit.

I don't even want to start.

A single large European state is preferable to many small irredentist movements which are much easier to manipulate, also Tito told Stalin to fuck off, refused to join the USSR and i like Orthodox Christianity over either Catholicism or Islam. I support the concept of pan-slavism but the natural progression of a union/state composed of the Yugoslav republics will always gravitate towards Serbia due to it having the single largest population, economic and military section out of the Yugoslav states. Yugoslavia had a flawed constitution and political system but infighting and separatism would have been been inherent in any state with the same ethnic/religious issues, in order to be sustainable a single centralized government in Belgrade would have to be established with former states treated as federal districts of Serbia alongside a heavy Serbianisation program. Iraq faced similar ethnic, religious and separatism problems but solved them through forced religious secularism and a heavy handed Arabization program, even after 12 years of being completely embargoed with no oil exports following the Invasion of Kuwait and Desert storm, Iraq was still stable internally and a functional state until the 03 invasion. One of the main reasons that having additional unaligned states that are significant military powers is a good thing is arms sales and economic trade that isn't restricted by loyalty to either the US/EU/NATO or Russia. Yugoslavia sold arms anywhere there was someone willing to pay, either directly or by proxy and actually supplied arms to Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait at a time when they were all enemies to each other and that isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if you like surplus weapons.

Wrong. Greek city states are still the best structure.
You can't merge Catholic/Orthodox, Austrian/Russia, period. Yugoslavia was a mistake.

bullshit, Greece was a failure because of it and a weak central government

Not merging as Yugoslavia merged separate states but Serbia annexing all former Yugo territories is what I'm advocating as the only sustainable solution, there wont be a Catholic/Croat/Slovenian/Bosniak language or culture when its over.


Hello Jovan

But you must give Piran bay back

Jezdimir Dangić outlined this strategy much earlier pretty comprehensively.

And as usual, here comes the Smrdija D&C shill, again.

I don't like any form of Christcuckoldry or its semitic siblings, but if I had to choose, I'd take Islam. It's unfortunate that the Catholic church is so heavily involved in Croatian nationalism and vice-versa. If NDH had survived, we wouldn't have that problem, because we'd have (more) Muslims larping as Croats, making it impossible for Croatian nationalism to be explicitly Catholic, or any single denomination. Then we could focus purely on nation, instead of fucking religion, like dirty peasants from the Middle Ages.

Good luck with that.

balkan fags, listen up I will outline this for you.

This is like old times, when we removed kebab. We must unify to remove kebab (and Eu) possibly join the Visegrad 4 to form a strong alliance of Christian minded countries

after that we can return to jebanje (insert nation here) majke and killing eachother

i agree

fuck that, Islam in general is shit tier all around, especially Sunni Islam which unfortunately is most of the Balkans Muslims

Without NATO interference, Serbia could easily have kept the majority of Srpska, and FYROM which would give Serbia a much larger population and industrial capacity which is greatly needed now, Croatia and Slovenia would be more difficult to hold due to the terrain mainly nor is there as much industrial incentive to annex them.

basically just another EU puppet, tries to pressure Serbia to declare that Kosovo is independent

Visegrad 4

Are you serious or just uninformed?




The Visegrad 4 could not be more of a EU/NATO puppet if it tried

Croats wanted separation anyway. It was the serbs that refused to let go, started calling everyone ebil nazi's that want to kill 6gorrillion serbs and made the whole thing one big cluster fuck of a war.

Never trust a serb

That programming began with Tito's reign of terror. The media campaign was something Tuđman was trying to head off. Unfortunately he died before he could complete his work.

I don't like any form of Christcuckoldry or its semitic siblings,
Croats have their own version of the apostolic creed that specifically includes fighting for the faith and the Croatian Home.

Islam is Arabian Imperialism by Religion. To be a proper muslim you must ultimately adopt their language and customs. It's the cuck choice.

In old times many serbs collaborated with ottomans and some helped fight them.
Bosnians took the easy solution and cucked themselves.
Croats never stopped fighting for 500 years and didn't collaborate.
The herzegovnians have songs about that.
Here's one that references it:

I'm not even going to open that. Perhaps you shozld read the declaration of the Visegrad Czech presidency visegradgroup.eu/documents/presidency-programs/20152016-czech
or you know maybe follow the news.

Slovenians neither

And neither did the Poles.

For the time being let's put jebanje majke svima behind us and address the issue at hand

The issue at hand is that everyone has gone soft. The world didn't change. Europeans just got soft.
Fix that and you fix everything.

You can start by encouraging the development/growth of the amygdalae and healthy endocrine systems.
Then it's a matter of getting accurate information to everyone. If they're functioning correctly the conclusions are inescapable.


here, have a few excerpts then
the second link is the same site you posted, and has tons of information about how the V4 is a EU puppet

Only people who use epithets a lot are salesman and propaganda machines.
Truth comes only with hard evidence, numbers and formulas.
I gave you numbers of haplogroup composition of Croatia. Now shut up.

Kolinda wants some Šešelj cock I tell you

thanks for the indepth analysis and your effort, but again, follow the current news.

Whats that?

right now the V4 is just providing lip service about not importing refugees to its populous, its still a complete NATO/EU puppet and is required to be one by multiple declarations and treaties which are still in effect, even if the V4 was to leave the EU they would still be bound to the Euro and ECB but would have no EU member benefits and there is no clause at all for them to be able to leave NATO

Based Serb PM from the 90s who hilariously BTFO the UN multiple times in speeches, google it

here's just one example, whats better is that the trial is over now and hes back to making Kebabs, Croats and the UN butthurt as fuck after being found innocent of all charges

Not knowing who Šešelj is

Incorrect. If you would care to aomewhat educate yourself, V4 is stronger than ever. Whichever (((penalty))) may be cast upon one, others will veto it rendering it ineffective. As for nato…. Don't get me started on that joke.

lolno, they couldn't veto/leave the Euro or NATO without dissolving the V4 as per its own signed declaration without dissolving the Visegrad group itself, but all you have posted is baseless conjecture anyway while i already linked the actual terms of the declaration

when will this meme die?

fug, just noticed i butchered that sentence after looking through saved threads

Priest Defends Independent State of Croatia Live on National TV



It's time for a purge.

Croatia’s Far Right Weaponizes the Past


The “culture war” that Hasanbegovic is waging on behalf of Croat ultra-nationalists is steeped in the bloody history of the Balkans — but has disturbing implications today. The Ustashe movement that he champions came to power in the spring of 1941, declaring an independent Croatia just as the Nazis invaded and dismembered the multiethnic kingdom of Yugoslavia of which it had been a part. The Catholic fascists led a short-lived state that was essentially a puppet of the Third Reich, yet they went about the business of murdering Jews, Serbs, and Roma (Gypsies) so cruelly that they prompted objections from even the German SS. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the total number of those murdered by the regime was 377,000 to 397,000. Most were Serbs, though the figure also includes the majority of the 40,000 Jews on Croatian territory. More than a quarter of these victims perished in the notorious Jasenovac concentration camp in central Croatia. (The photo depicts soldiers of the Black Legion, an Ustase infantry unit active during World War II.)

“The HDZ was completely out of ideas and constructive policies, so it took in figures like Hasanbegovic as part of an ideological offensive,” Croatian philosopher Zarko Puhovski said. This offensive appears to have succeeded, with the HDZ winning the October 2015 election, though, lacking a majority, it had to form a coalition government with a small moderate party. “Hasanbegovic was chosen as culture minister by the HDZ,” Puhovski said, “to give the illusion that the party could make a difference in Croatia without having any real policies to, for example, fix the economy.”

