'Hillary releases new anti-Trump ad that actually looks like a pro-Trump ad from the perspective of his supporters

'Hillary releases new anti-Trump ad that actually looks like a pro-Trump ad from the perspective of his supporters.

Amateur hour.
- Scot Adams

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Great Pro-Trump ad, Hillary. But you really need to spend more campaign funds for your own ads though, and spend more time forming original ideas than whining about someone elses.

Sage because this is week old stale bread.

The entire Hillary's campaign is gonna be "Trump is Hitler so vote for me since there's nobody else", right?

Hillary is such a shitty option that their only way out of this is using all the left brainwashing of these past years so people vote for the "not Hitler option".

Well yeah, she's just taking the Rato playbook and womenizing it. She said two days ago literally that you have to vote for me or else Trump wins.

lol what a cunt

The horror.

How is the majority of our populace brainwashed into political emotionalism, to vote for their global elite ruling class to keep them enslaved rather than be set free?

13 individuals of 7.4 billion humans on earth own 95% of all wealth and currency.
the 7.4 billion - 13 is squabbling over a measly 5%, working 12 hours a day so more wealth can be siphoned from the poor to make the rich richer. This corporatocracy bubble is going to burst, even if we let those 13 individuals turn their 95% into 99% and eventually (100%) global ownership. We are all slaves to the currency that empowers them.

Then came Trump, who made a new currency without gold standard, and saved the earth from economic recession.

I don't know if people believe her ads.

She's certainly better funded than the republican primary candidates.

so that's the whole campaign?

We will need more than just Holla Forums against her. Gonna need thousands of memes.

Lefties can hardly even cope if they find out you support Trump. I don't remember it being that way with Bush. People would get mad over the war, or think you were a redneck asshole or something. But I don't remember it being this unthinkable thing.

So yes, Hillary's campaign will be presenting Trump and saying "oh my god how could any one even, I mean look".

It's not meant for his supporters.

I mean…. it's 2016!


If Hillary successfully convinces most Americans that Trump is Hitler then Trump is screwed.

Who has enough agency to replace the clown music with something better and apply a barking Hillary at the end of it? Maybe splice Hillary barking footage with "I am Hillary Clinton and I approve this message" audio from an 2008 ad.

Funny how none of the stuff is actually bad. Just change the music and it becomes a Trump advert.

I can't thing of a single way that that would actually work

Take into perspective the fact that Romney was just "rich white snooty guy" and he received only 17% of non-whites. After his defeat the new meme (or old meme renewed) that went into overdrive was "Republicans need shitskins to win or else they will lose- amnesty now!" Cuckservatives bought into this with gusto and then Trump comes along and shits all over them and guess what? Somewhere between 25-30% of minorities support Trump- Hillary is way down compared to Obama despite everything Trump has said and how it has been spun.

Note that the media still claims "TRUMP RECORD VERY DISLIKED BY HISPANICS" but that's poll-jewry, it's a half-truth that obscures the fact that he does roughly as well among Hispanics as Romney did. The fact is the Hispanics who are kikey bastards and want amnesty hate Trump because he's explicitly told them "fuck you" whereas Romney just said "lol you should go home and stuff". They were never going to vote Romney or Trump, but they hate Trump while they were just not in favor of Romney. Neither was ever going to get their vote. So Trump has record unfavorable ratings among minorities, yet he polls more favorably than George W Bush did among minorities overall despite GWB getting 35% of Hispanics in 2000.

Trump's main problem is with stuffy white people afraid of being racist. Also I have a feeling the polls assume that 72% of the electorate will be white in 2016 down from 74% in 2012- a stupid idea given the lack of six million whites. Also there are the millions of whites who haven't voted in decades who intend to vote for Trump who are unaccounted for because the polls only call recent voters. Accounting for these problems I would expect in the general if the poll methodologies don't improve by then that Trump will do substantially better than the polls. If the methodologies do improve then Trump will see a major jump in support this summer as they start calling up those voters who haven't voted in a decade who are voting for Trump.

And ultimately back to the original point as an user said a week ago- all Trump has to do is convince people he isn't Hitler and he wins but Hillary has to convince people she isn't Hillary in order to win.

People who hate Trump believe her ads, nothing he says will make them change their minds on him.

People who have heard from media that Trump is Hitler will just be hearing the same thing they've heard for months and then will listen to Trump's side of the story. If they realize the media has been lying to them they'll vote for Trump.

It's also faster to make a man out of a cuck than a cuck out of a man. Biologically it makes sense. Threats come on quickly and go away slowly. It takes time to grind someone down into a feminist nu-male. Whereas a single riot or refugee rape party can sometimes snap them out of it.

Okay I'm not that good at this but here is my attempt to fix the Hillary ad… I was not sure what to add at the end.

Looks good to me, maybe change "Let's make America great again" from plain text to MAGA / Trump logo

wow that's pretty good.
Send it to Trump.

good shit bro

Two things Hillary has over Trump: the experience of being in politics, even if it was a disaster and her legal mumbo jumbo. Those are the only two things she can use against him, compared to so much more Trump can use against her.

Also the entire elites support, loaded questions, biased coverage and planted crowds.

Ty, I don't have social media accounts… not sure how to send the video to Trump….

I can attest to this. I went to visit some people I used to work with, all of whom welcomed me warmly when I walked in and gave me scotch and good samples. As the conversation went on, Indiana came up- as it was tuesday- and I simply said "go Trump". One girl reacted as though I had told her that not only had I shot her dog, but then also proceeded to fuck the bullet hole while her grandmother watched. She had to clarify that she "still liked me as a person, but…"

"Have you seen Hillary's anti-Trump ads? They actually look like pro-Trump ads to be honest. People say Trump is a spoiler candidate for Hillary, but I think it's the other way around!"

I want this to become a line of attack against Hillary.

Little do they know that continuously hammering the "trump is hitler" button on the general populace will make them desensitized to such accusations. Then when Trump goes on ripping Hillary a new asshole, she won't even be able to recover without trying to burn everything, her own supporters, people who've backed her, and rat everyone else out to try and save herself. Only then to reveal just how colluded she really is.

These have become negatives for them, and positives for Trump. The more they attack Trump, the stronger he becomes. Thankfully they haven't figured this out yet.

Great stuff, user!

I believe they have. They just have nothing else as a tactic.

And those a part of it are going to be out for their own necks even when supporting hillary.



Recommend and also fading out the music at the end.

they really don't seem to get that people like trump because the things he said not despite them.
also those things were never a secret.

All this video needs is some terrible dubstep and talk of centipedes.


Looks like an ad for stroking her own base.

She is making the same mistakes as the Republicans did in the primaries.
Giving him free air time, focusing so massively on him that the voters will have no idea what she stands for.
Aside from spying for other countries, supporting his husband cheating and being a serial lyar.

Why the fuck doesn't anyone from the opposition read The Art of the Deal.
They are falling into a trap that a literate teenager wouldn't.
That's what happens when you brainwash people. They are loyal but fuck if they though for themselves for a second.

is this one ok?

Yep, that's what I think we had in mind.

right new one

Yep it's good, well done user.

this with a better soundtrack would be easy to get trending on yt
maybe even more than the original, with adequate twittering

some Lana del Rey song, maybe?

Shared, nice one user

Considering you just reminded me of his best points, I'm going to vote even harder, Hillary.

pretty awesome


I webm'd it for easier image board sharing.

I say we re-purpose all of Hillary's attack ads.
Feel free to make your own ,or edit mine, share whatever. Let's just make sure that bolshevik witch is never president.


the thing to do would be to send both the original and improved version jewtube links to everyone on tweat
to let them chose their energy level

Don't forget the "……also, I have a vagina!" angle that will be played ad nauseum as well.




Anyone have the you-tube link of the original ad?

Here's an idea for an ad how about taking existing footage of all the "enthusiastic" Bernie supporters and show him winning whatever states he won and then show a bar graph of the delegates going to Hillary despite this. Then cut to Hillary laughing. (see embed) There might be some incriminating audio of her to toss in some where as well. End with a subtitle do you trust a "cheater or something more negative" etc. as President

I can attest to it.

I wore my MAGA hat to class the other day and at the bus stop people were acting like I'd come in bedecked in full SS regalia, I got mutters and stares the whole time I was on the bus as well. When I walked into class my teacher quietly asked me to take my hat off because it was "distracting", there were bernouts wearing hats in the class who clearly didn't get the same order.

It pisses me off to no end but I realize that if I try to make something of it i'll accomplish nothing other than feeding their preconceived notions.



I was at a bar an someone else asked me who I was voting for in the upcoming caucus. I said the God Emperor of course and they were bernouts so they were like omg why? So I explained my support of his policies and how some of his economic plans aren't so different from bernie's and this girl at the end of the bar starts shaking like a leaf. Her friends - the ones who asked me in the first place - had to go into full support mode for this no doubt EQUAL AND EMPOWER WOMYN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN who was so triggered by the fact there was a Trump supporter IN THE VERY SAME ROOM as her that she needed to leave.

I even stopped talking politics and offered to buy her a drink if she stayed (I like the bar and didn't want them losing business on my account), but that wasn't enough for STRONK FEMINIST SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR WHO IS ALSO STRONK.

I swear we could win a civil war against these people just by declaring one and waiting for their surrender.

Has Trump ran any anti-Hillary ads yet?

none that I know of
it would be a strategic mistake, any ad would give Hillary's advisors something to fight against, instead of letting them shoot themselves in the foot over and over again

Ity's 2016 anom, how could yoou even think of fighting a civil war?

I don't think he needs to do any. Hillary can dig her own grave without Trump making any negative ad. Mentionning her shit record in rallies will be enough.

I don't even bother trying to talk down to these people anymore, if they give me that business I just tell them why and don't concede.

I had a similar experience when I went to papa murphys and I struck up conversation with the guy next to me and we discussed the election, in this case it was the cashier shaking like twig with a face that made me think she was picturing high impact sexual violence the whole time. The guy I was talking with was a bernout too but he didn't go ape shit and didn't act like I was telling a joke.

Funniest part was after my pizza was made I picked it up to take home and she muttered "you better go", so I sat down on the waiting bench and played around on my phone for 10 minutes before leaving. I'm pretty sure I reached maximum trigger at that point.

Well done.

They might fuck with your food…. Try to be reserved around people who do a service for you.


How it's NOT a Trump ad?

At this point, I'm beginning to think that her staff is full of Trumpkins.

He ran this a while ago

Woops, I ment he ran this a while ago

We'll meme her to death like we did to Ted Cuckz and disgusting slob Gaysick.

Uh… more please?

My dick

10/10 would elect

Is Hillary that fucking stupid? She probably just gave him the election!
"Watch out people, the mean man wants to keep innocent white people safe!"

NO! T-that was a degenerate mistake.

Also, I haven't got sauce for it.

those seashore dykes are inefficient, fluid seems to be seeping from them

The Banjo-Kazooie sounding music only serves to calm and excite any autist viewing that advertisement. Combined with the lack of understanding/care about how scary those policies sound to retarded normalfags, and that they are logically sound positions, it's hard to envision any autiste coming away from that as a Hillary voter. Well done.

At Papa Murphy's you watch them make it right in front of you. He picked an appropriate place to do that.

My man.
Thats exactly how I act toward Bernie wemminz. I just hit on them. Its usually fucking effective because their guards are already down, meaning they arent in "dont hit on me silly boys mode" to "i cannot even!" Mode. And since they are all flustered, they arent expecting to get hit on. So their "way out" of looking like a spastic retard is just to go along with you being a WHITE MALE paitriachal pig.
In fact, im dating two Bernie supporters right now. Had a first date with both of them, they didnt even bring up how im a Trump supporter/KKK member and now the sencond date is at my house. They want that nazi dick.

let this be the hour, when we draw memes together


Could anyone post the ad without music? Just the video and Trump speaking, so it's easier to make our own edits?




OC thread?

Make sure her room is decorated with her Bernie signs, and while you're fucking her, put on your MAGA hat and have her yell "Can't Stump the Trump! Can't Stump the Trump!"

Then .webm that shit

checked for truth

Do her spider tits have names yet? Like Koolaid and Welfare?

And why are there only two? Doesn't she have as many as needed?

same shills fuckin up Holla Forums are fuckin up Holla Forums atm i think , get those fags in on it

Does anyone have an infograph or something that shows how to make good


Look, you don't have to be all up in their face about it like a stupid nigger. Just own it with quiet confidence and pride. Be alpha. Be better than them.

Naw, they both have plans to come over to MY house. They both live with their parents, lol

shit is gonna be so cash

Removed by user???

New link pls

This was brought up yesterday, but yeah this is just amazing.
It isn't just a failure as a negative ad against trump, it fundamentally fails at being an attack ad.

This is a fucking Jebbie sized faux-pa.

Fucking beautiful, We love you user.

This shit is the only reason I don't get a MAGA hat.
I live in beaverton, oregon AKA hippy capital of the US, so you can imagine what the political climate here is like.

That's a good point. Leftists hated Bush, but supporting him wasn't the social death knell among these people like supporting Trump is today. The funny thing is that Trump sounds like a fucking moderate compared to Dubya, the Bible-thumping war hawk. Remember his favorite saying, "you're either with us or against us"?

It's just amazing to me how out of touch with reality the left has become. I thought it was bad during the Bush years, but they've gone from being perpetually outraged to having legit mental illness.

Still liked me as a person, but…


Never ever man

I believe Scott Adams summed it up pretty well. "Trump just has to convince people he's not Hitler. Hillary has the much bigger challenge of convincing people she's not Hillary."

about 20 posts lower

yeah cuz whats going to happen is that hillary will let trump build up all the votes and such and then there'll be a scandal, trump is working for hillary. He'll get "caught" out as a pedophile or some shit and not get imprisoned due to lack of evidence but it'll still turn all the voters to hillary but you cucks had to vote trump in.

Get out of here.

Remove the goofy music and it will perfect

"Hitler" is a pretty powerful word


I think you underestimate the number of people who are pozzed into thinking this is abhorrent. This is bad for Trump, and it is why politicians have historically been so careful with their words, because they will be taken out of context and spliced together to make a shitshow.

Hillary doesn't have those soundbytes, and her crimes are harder to explain and more obfuscated. That is what speaks to the average American voter.

So this is leftist propaganda, eh? That bitch doesn't stand a chance.

They've found that 78% of reddit threads with more than 1000 comments mention "hitler" or "nazis" at least once.

The zeitgeist of "nazi" and "hitler" is powerful, so much so that it is a common rhetorical device. We've got work to do to counteract Hillary's 50-cent army. We need to get out of echo chambers and spread pro-Trump facts that would appeal to your standard pozzed pleb.

Excellent fact to un-poz:
Trump wanted to tax the 1% to get rid of the national debt when running for the reform party nomination in 2000. A one-time 13% tax on people worth more than $10 million that would erase federal debt.


not thinking at all

this is why a remake that can be subverted into the opposite of the original by merely switching the soundtrack will work just as well
presenting any kind of 30 seconds clip with patriotic music is what speaks to the average american voter

Trump was literally the only candidate besides Rand who a majority of Holla Forums would support

Was because of normies who left Holla Forums after the election

Free advertising for him.

well I guess you know what you need to do now


Reminder: 45% of Democrats want to ban Muslims from entering the country (which is what Obama did in 2011 and then set up the loop hole to allow fiances to enter into the country without being screened) but it drops 20% when it's said it's presented by Donald Trump. They have severe cognitive dissonance.

That being said, that means that 25% support Trump on that portion. Their support of him would go up with increased reportings of terrorist attacks abroad, like where they happen every day and tie it in with stories of what's occurring in Europe/American southern border towns.

We really cannot afford to become complacent. If Hillary wins, it's over. She's going to go full Merkel and rot this country and others out slowly and painfully to the point where it'll be irreparable. I honestly feel like the country and the planet are on the line with this election

But Holla Forums already knows that. All the people who know that liberal policies are shit know that. It will only be the cocksucking normies who can't understand why everything is going to shit that will be confused when things come tumbling down.

What's the song?

What's with the music choice? If you were to paint a picture of someone who is terrifying and disgusting, why would you use that music?

It's like they're trying to make him out to be a fool that's to be ignored and a ravenous, evil tyrant.

You fucked up. Where's the nationalistic, patriotic music?

For what purpose? I don't see much point in going to a pizza chain where you take the pizza home and cook it yourself over just getting a frozen pizza at a store.

She makes it sound like she's your boss coming to tell you what to do. Nobody wants that. Hillary is bad at this shit.

Anything more terrifying would trigger her base (sjws). This is one of the main issues Shillary will face. She is too far out of touch with the common person, that is, the very voting bloc she should be courting.

I've been trying for the last hour to figure out how to put this music on that mp4 with my merely functional computer skills

Nice support from hilldawg, btw The women at work would rather vote for trump then fucking shillery even tho they don't agree with most of his statements, they see how much of a cunt she really is.

Too generic.
Feels like music from a Bob Dole campaign ad tbh.
I think something a little more in line with Teump's panache and unconventionality might be better.
No, I don't have a specific suggestion, excuse my low energy


My first ever edit of any video.

What I did was I isolated the vocals ( Trump speaking) with audacity (free program ) which is not exactly 100% effective you can still somewhat hear part of the clown music then I applied random "heroic music" ( just did a you-tube search).

maybe suggest this music?


Dubs Demands it

It's the "I can't even, my gawd he's such a clown" attitude set to music.

I guess you're supposed to be horrified at the craziness of Don's evil plans.

Yeah but, when was the last time ISIS did anything?

I strongly suspect you'll see them go dead while this election is on.

Did all of those videos got taken down? Are the Hillary shills reporting all the jewtube links now?


MAGA hat*

Replace the goofy music with something else, and remove the "stop Donald Trump" bit at the end and we are good to go.

I'm sorry but the music is shit for a political ad. Try again.

Perfect. 10/10 would heil.

I almost can't believe it, is this really the best she's got? I was worried that she would be almost unbeatable with the full force of the establishment behind her but if this is her best it's going to be a bloodbath for months. Rato put up a much better fight than this.

for every video they take down, our resistance grows stronger.

this just made trump supporters prefer to support bern more..

haha dumb cunt she just alienated all the possible support from the other side to pick berns instead of her.

I don't know why you're getting that, could be regional copyright. I guess is bretty good.

you do realize that has the opposite effect of what you're trying to achieve?


I'm fucking mad, does Killary even look over her people's ads?

Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the RED DON

Of course not, and the funny thing is that she can't even manage her ad team, so what makes me think she can lead the most powerful nation on Earth

You're so close yet so far
It's going to be the other way around, that Pedo case is actually caused by Stone so then the Epstein thing can open up and Hillary and Bill will get exposed

i'm almost certain this will play badly for her. i'm actually wishing her and her feminist cronies cry "sexism" at every opportunity. it'll show them as being week and incapable to deal with criticism.

what feminists fail to remember is they make up only 17% of the population, a number that is falling rapidly

I'm fapping to both…

No they just shovel money in a furnace until there's a reaction. It's not always very high-quality based on the amount of money they burn.

Can Trump use this as his own ad, or would their immediately be some copyright bullshit because of Hillary's intellectual property?


Could anyone post a version without music? Just the video and Trump talking? That way we could all make our own edits.

The text at the end should be centered.
And it should have a period at the end to go with the rest of the text in the ad.