Do not post, request, or link to any content illegal in the United States of America

What does that mean exactly?
Would posting a story about about molesting children and torture them count as one?
Or is it left to SJW judgment?

not illegal

And now it's time for dicks!


Just like the posters

It basicly means "do not post or request CP". Non-explicit content, like prose, isn't CP.


It's based on a a law (18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(A)) that is completely irrelevant and does not pertain to the USA as a whole. It contains a massive grey area that has been exploited by virtually every medium since it was put into action back in 1986.


God hates people who don't deliver. Post some cocks bro.


Knock your tonsils out user

I just want porn, not a goddamned cavalcade of pity, self-loathing and narcissism.

Do you see that reflected in your monitor when it goes dark?

the law may be irrelevant but all you need is one judge with an attitude and you get 20 just for uploading Simpsons Porn.

That's why chans should only let old fags be janitors/mods.

I guess I knew this day would come.

I found out you can't post dead Russian babby anymoar…


So if I say that I rape little babies in their asshole until their anal cavities are sore, that would be ok?

What's that?

>>Top teen dump sites.

Not only is this NOT illegal in some states in the USA, this is actively encouraged!!